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KATASZTRÓFAVÉDELEM KKatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.inddatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.indd 1 22016. 113:25:153:25:15 Published by: Fire Service Major General Dr Tibor Tollár Director of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management

Compiled by: Department of Administration, National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior

In association with: The organisational units of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior, and county directorates, the Technical Supply Centre, the Disaster Management Training Centre and the National University of Public Service

Photos: Communication Centre, National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior Budapest and county disaster management directorates National Association of Radio Distress-Signalling and Infocommunications Hungarian News Agency - MTI

Website: www.katasztrofavedelem.hu

Graphic design, prepress: A&Z Cartography

Production: Crew Print Kft.

HU ISSN 1785-072X

KKatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.inddatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.indd 2 22016. 113:25:153:25:15 NATIONAL DIRECTORATE GENERAL FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT MINISTRY OF THE INTERIOR

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It was a quiet year for disaster management in relation to the previous year; however, this does not mean that there is nothing to summarise and pass on to future generations. This is precisely why the organisation has once again compiled its yearbook presenting an overview of the most relevant events, incidents unfolding in 2015. This edition helps readers gain insight into the work of the entire organisation by not only presenting the various fields of expertise, but also the county directorates and the challenges they faced last year and how they managed to overcome these. Similarly to the previous edition, we have endeavoured to graphically help guide readers by including as many photos and diagrams possible, since it is just as important for coming generations to get a clear picture of what disaster management means today at the beginning of the 21st century. This is because the organisation called disaster management assumes a complex range of tasks, about which only those that are explicitly involved in this field or research it have an overview beyond the staff working in the field. Fire protection, civil protection or even industrial safety alone covers a huge area; it is enough to mention how the number of volunteer fire brigades and rescue organisations has increased year by year or the higher workloads of critical infrastructure protection day after day. And we haven’t even mentioned how serious financial and human resources are required for performing all these activities. This is equally true at a national and county level; i.e., readers will by no means view the past year as an uneventful one by the time they get to the end of this edition.

All the more so, even though there was no prolonged flooding or inland water, there nevertheless was an incident (earthquake, flash flood or storm damages, major accidents) in each county that put both intervention experts and their managers overseeing their work to the test. Employees at various authorities also had a busy year,


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since changes to scopes of authority were once made in 2015. The lion’s share of the tasks of the water authority was allocated to the organisation in 2014, while preparing water investments mobilising huge amounts of funding was also undertaken last year; moreover, the way in which more volunteer fire service associations became capable of intervening independently also consumed a great deal of energy and various settlements are now literally competing to establish a local rescue team. The way in which more and more people show interest in the organisation and the career of fire fighters is by no means by pure chance. There is an extremely high number of applicants applying for the modular fire fighter course, similarly to the various departments of the Institute of Disaster Management of the National University of Public Service. Many people are obviously planning to build a career within the organisation, most probably because a career in law enforcement is now an attractive one. And we haven’t even mentioned international relations that are becoming stronger and stronger or that the HUNOR (Hungarian National Organisation for Rescue Services) rescue organisation is being invited to more and more exercises. Foreign delegations visited one after the next last year, which groups came to study instead of teaching. HUNOR is invited to exercises only mobilising teams from one or two countries, in which context this heavy weight rescue team does not simply represent the disaster management organisation, but the whole country. This in turn raises the prestige of the organisation, improves its reputation.

Why do we want readers to gain insight into this work? Because we still find it important for you, dear reader, to be provided with overview of the activity of the organisation, since public security is important for every single Hungarian citizen and disaster management is an integral part of this system. Whatever we do either directly or indirectly impacts the life


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of the Hungarian population, its security and how the country functions on a daily basis.

Nothing has changed even though a new management was appointed at the helm of the disas- ter management organisation in the middle of April last year. A strong organisation with a developing set of tools and equipment adapted to its fundamental mission, IT support and expertise is working hard day after day in all corners of the country.

Major General Dr. Tibor Tollár Director General


KKatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.inddatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.indd 7 22016. 113:25:173:25:17 Dr. Zoltán Góra Dr. Tibor Tollár Ibolya Tóth Fire Fighter Major General Fire Fighter Major General Fire Fighter Brigadier General Deputy Director General Director General Deputy Financial Director General

Dr. László Bérczi Dr. Ferenc Tóth Dr. Árpád Takács Fire Fighter Brigadier General Fire Fighter Brigadier General Fire Fighter Brigadier General National Inspector General Inspector General for National Inspector General for Fire Services National Civil Protection for Industrial Safety

KKatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.inddatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.indd 8 22016. 113:25:183:25:18 Tibor Bittmann Judit Mecsei Fire Fighter Brigadier General Fire Fighter Colonel Director for Human Services Audit Service Director

Mrs Gulyás, Dr Tímea Gyurka Katalin Újhegyi Fire Fighter Colonel Communication Services Director Head of Offi ce

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1: A 3.9 magnitude earthquake struck near the settlement of Iliny in Nógrád County, followed by another 4 magnitude earthquake. There were two aftershocks in the county on the same day, followed by an aftershock of 2.1 on 7 January. The operations emergency call centre of the Nógrád County Directorate for Disaster Management received a total of ninety emergency calls from settlements after the first earthquake struck from 1 January to 7 January.

29 January – 1 February: The snowfall mostly caused problems in the Transdanubian counties; the disaster management organisation was deployed approximately three hundred times around the country in connection with the snowfall and snow piling up after the blizzard during these four days.


6: Eighty-two warrant officers that completed the second module of the new type of vocational training for fire fighters swore an oath at the graduation ceremony held at the Disaster Management Training Centre. Seven new HEROS AQUADUX-X 3000 fire engines were also handed over at the event.

19 February – 4 March: launched a shipment of twenty-five tonnes of equipment comprised of a high-power purification device and one water purification and bagging device to Albania where the heavy rain that fell at the end of January and beginning of February caused an emergen- cy flooding situation. The Hungarian unit purified a total of one hundred thousand litres of drinking water during the ten workdays of the mission.


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3: A grants information day was held at the National Directorate Gen- eral for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior, during which experts from the European Commission’s Directorate General for Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection provided information on the specifications and special requirements of the EU CP Mechanism calls for proposals.

5: A delegation of the United States Army Corps of Engineers visited the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior. The visitors arriving from the United States of America gained insight into the Hungarian Disaster management system, more specifically, flood protection.

23-25: German and Austrian visitors arrived at the Directorate General; Berlin’s Senator for Internal Affairs and his delegation visited Budapest on 23 and 24 March, while the Director for Civil Protection and Disaster Management in Austria visited on 25 March.

24-26: The National Inspectorate General for Industrial Safety held its first annual nationwide DISASTER RID inspection action. Nearly two thousand and four hundred railway vehicles were inspected during the three-day long operation.

30: Water sector players exchanged information and ideas on water, the vulnerability of the sector, its importance, national security and strategic role at the meeting held at the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior.


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21: A disaster clean up cooperation exercise was held on Kőröshegy Valley Bridge. The Directorate for Disaster Management and the Veszprém County Directorate for Disaster Management, the police force, rescue service and the road authority took part in the exercise and simulated an accident involving a truck carrying a shipment of dangerous goods.

23 and 25: As always, the Ministry of Interior commemorated Saint Florian, the patron saint of fire fighters and Saint George, the patron saint of police at a joint ceremony. The minister, amongst others, handed over the Fire Fighter of the Year Award. Fire fighters and police officers celebrated May Day together on 25 April in City Park, Budapest.

24: The barracks of the Fire Fighter Association in Vál named after the heroic fire fighter, the late Károly Reppmann renewed and upgraded from EU funding was handed over. The lieutenant who lived in Vál and also played a role in the local volunteer association was killed in action in August 2006 when a fire broke out in the University of Technology and Economics.

27: The renewed building of the fire department headquarters in Baja and the two fire engines increasing the rescue fire protection security for approximately seventy thousand residents living in twenty settlements within the operating district of the fire brigade were ceremoniously handed over.

27-29: The inspection series DISASTER 2015 ADR I was underway for three days, during which over four thousand vehicles were inspected and some sort of action had to be taken in a total of three hundred cases.


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15-18: HUNOR (Hungarian National Organisation for Rescue Services) went to Denmark with a forty-eight member, medium category urban search and rescue team to take part in the EU MODEX exercise simulating the operations in the earthquake and tsunami devastated region of Langvang. The Hungarian team worked with the Austrian, Belgian and Lithuanian team.

19: The National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior published a call for applications to grant funding amounting to a total of five hundred million Hungarian Forints to volunteer fire brigade associations and volunteer rescue organisations.

19-22: The four-day international exercise called MURA 2015 was organised in the Croatian region of Mursko Središc’e and Varazdin at which the 36-member HUNOR water rescue team represented Hungary. The Hungarian team worked with rescue teams from Austria, and Slovenia. An international flood protection conference was also held concurrently to this exercise.

27-28: Experts of the disaster management organisation and partner authorities inspected a total of sixty-one water vehicles along the entire stretch of the Danube in Hungary within the framework of the two-day long operation DISASTER 2015 ADN I.

29: The Permanent HU-HR Joint Committee on Disaster Managment held its twelfth meeting in Zalakaros.


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9-10: A storm struck the country. The disaster management organisation carried out two hundred and thirty-eight operations in connection with the extreme weather, two-thirds of which took place in Budapest. Fire fighters pumped water out of inundated cellars, removed broken branches, extinguished fires caused by lightning, pulled out cars trapped in subways filled with water.

20: The top thirty-one national and three foreign teams put their skills to the test in Szekszárd at the 6th National Fire Fighters Competition. The team from Vértessomló won the women’s challenge-cup, while the team of Richter Gedeon Plc from Dorog won the men’s contest.

28: One hundred and fifty students graduating from the Faculty of Law Enforcement swore an oath in the presence of the duplicate of the Holy Crown, historical flags, the Minister of Interior, as well as generals in the Lion Courtyard of Buda Castle. Eleven became disaster management officers.


8: A cold snap arriving with torrential rain hit Hungary, which was accompanied by a hail storm, heavy rain and strong winds. The storm left a trail of uprooted trees, water flowing down streets, bringing down cables and causing outages. The fire department received some three thousand five hundred emergency calls within a few hours.

17: The National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior launched the operation of seven disaster management radiation detection units to decrease the illegal transportation of radioactive substances and the release of these into the environment.


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19-26: The 20th International Youth Fire Fighters Meeting and Compe- tition was staged in Poland with the Hungarian teams finishing in sixth and twentieth place respectively.

29: BM Heros presented its latest medium category fire engine HEROS-AQUADUX-X 1500 within the framework of an exercise.


8: The National Directorate General for Disaster Management held a commemoration at the Budapest University of Technology and Economic Sciences in memory of the three heroic fire fighters that were killed in a fire in 2006.

21-23: The International Rescue Dog Organisation held an international deployment exercise for rescue dogs with special training for the first time. Hungary hosted this event organised in Szentendre, Budapest and Zsámbék.

29: Orosháza once again hosted the TFA (Toughest Firefighter Alive) Competition, a competition organised for the strongest and most enduring fire fighters.


2: Experts met at the head office of waterworks authority in Budapest to discuss water aid for Macedonia and the technical details of the water purification module the Municipal Waterworks intends to offer to the European Union.


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4: The International Association of Fire Fighters met in Croatia. A three- member delegation represented the association’s Hungarian National Committee.

11: The sirens of Hungarian fire engines sounded in memory of those that were killed during the rescue operations after the terror attack of 11 September 2001 that shook New York. Over four hundred people that took part in the rescue were buried under the rubble, including three hundred and forty-three fire fighters.

14-18: A special DISASTER 2015 VÁSZ operation took place, within the framework of which road, railway and water routes used to transport dangerous goods were simultaneously inspected. Employees of the National Tax and Customs Administration and the National Police Headquarters also took part in this operation under the coordination of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior.


3: The National Stair Climbing Championship was once again held in Bu- dapest. Two hundred fire fighters entered the race, forty of them ran in pairs.

5-6: A conference was held on 5 October in the Research Centre for Natural Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the red sludge spill. An event organised by the Disaster Management Scientific Council on 6 October was held in Kolontár, Veszprém County, the settlement most devastated by the disaster, within the framework of which participants focused on the events that unfolded in October 2010.


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20-21: The European Voluntary Civil Protection Forum held a conference in Budapest. This international meeting focused on the refugee crisis, as well as the participation of volunteer organisations in this area.

23: Hungary offered and sent one thousand five hundred pieces of protective clothing and six thousand masks to Slovenia via its disaster management network. The neighbouring country requested assistance from member states via the EU’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre to handle the migration situation.

29-30: The director of the National Directorate General for Fire Services and Rescue of the Czech Ministry of Interior arrived in Hungary for a two-day visit.


2: Hungary rushed to help Slovenia for the second time. Ljubljana requested technical assistance from the member states of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism due to augmenting migration pressure. The Slovenian authorities amongst others requested tents, sleeping mats and personal protective gear and equipment from the member states.

7-8: The Budapest Directorate for Disaster Management held a complex rescue exercise at several sites. This exercise involving over four hundred participants was concurrently the annual exercise of the central volunteer rescue organisation, namely, the Hungarian National Organisation for Integrated Rescue Services (HUSZÁR), as well as the national accreditation exercise of the Budapest Volunteer Rescue Organisation.


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9: A one-week long strategic professional training was held at the NDGDM, which was supported by the International Development Cooperation Agency of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Besides , Moldavians and Ukrainians also took part in this training and had the opportunity to gain insight into the integrated Hungarian disaster management system during these five days.

9-10: The third Hungarian shipment of assistance was sent to Slovenia. The disaster management organisation sent an aid shipment to Ljubjana from Szentgotthárd on 9 November and from Körmend on 10 November due to the augmenting migration pressure.

10: A series of international delegations visited the national directorate: beyond the Croatian delegation, an Estonian delegation also arrived to Hungary within the framework of the European Union Exchange of Experts programme. The five-member delegation of the Estonian Rescue Office primarily gained insight into the Hungarian disaster management communication system from 9 to 13 November.

17: The Budapest Directorate for Disaster Management celebrated a double anniversary: Count Eugene Széchenyi founded the professional municipal fire department on this day 145 years ago and Budapest handed over the central barracks to the organisation 120 years ago.

17-25: Designated employees of HUNOR (Hungarian National Organisation for Rescue Services) professional rescue organisation took part in the methodological exercise held by two British instructors within the framework of the European Union Exchange of Experts programme. Fire fighters learned poling, as well a variety of propping, chocking and support techniques for six days.


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18: The Hungarian National Committee of the European Voluntary Civil Protection Forum held its annual meeting at where each committee presented an overview of what they did during the previous year.

20: Representatives of Ukrainian charity and civil society organisations arrived to Hungary, when day these visitors had the opportunity to gain insight into the details of cooperation between the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior and them Hungarian charity and volunteer organisations.


7: A memorial plaque was inaugurated in the Disaster Management Museum to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the institution

14: The National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior launched a shipment of fifty thousand masks to Serbia to assist the refugee crisis unfolding in the country.

15: Current issues of disaster management, activities for this year and the details of the Horizon 2020 calls for proposals were discussed at the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Inter-ministerial Committee for Disaster Management Coordination.

16: The Director General of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management symbolically handed over protective gear, special equipment and IT devices to volunteer rescue organisations and fire brigade associations. Volunteers have the opportunity to apply for state funding amounting to half a billion Hungarian Forints.


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During 2015 the activities of the disaster management organisation focused on further developing its quality professional work, coordinated implementation of activities, deepening the integrated approach, as well as efficient prevention by using means available for authorities and increasing the efficiency of responding to real social demands.

The importance of official and monitoring activities increased and prevention became more effective as an outcome of the work prioritising targeted training, the development of approaches taken and longsighted complex thinking.

The latest disaster management post set up and the integration of intervening Volunteer Fire Fighter Associations (VFFA) improved rescue fire protection in Hungary and increased the level of public security for its citizens. The services provided by the disaster management organisation improved and the system of official fire protection activities developed with the introduction of the new National Fire Protection Regulation (NFPR) and related Fire Protection Technical Directives.

The single industrial safety authority further strengthened through quality changes made to the technical management, by implementing water and water protection official and technical activities and exercising scopes of authority. The Seveso 3 EU Directive was adopted in Hungary, which new legislative and regulatory requirements have entered into force.

Establishing the opportunity to financially support nationally accredited volunteer rescue teams was one of the greatest achievements in 2015, alongside holding targeted trainings responding to real demands for the


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staff involved in the implementation of protective administrative duties. The country joined the ESR-112 single emergency call system and the relocation of county duty and operations management departments was prepared. The development of IT and technical equipment continued by mapping and through the targeted use of grants.


Fire fighting, technical rescue The post development programme continued to improve deployment, within the framework of which yet another new disaster management post began to operate in 2015, with a total of 41 disaster management posts now engaging in rescue, fire prevention activities. Besides these disaster management posts, an additional 12, a total of 24 intervening volunteer fire brigade associations were operating independently in 2015 significantly decreasing the start of interventions and improving fire protection coverage in Hungary. Professional fire service headquarters, local fire brigades, facility fire fighting units and volunteer fire brigade associations were deployed to total of 59,860 incidents. 99.22% of these incidents were classified as Level 1/High Emergency, which continues to justify the requirement of keeping half of the fleet of disaster management posts and intervening volunteer fire brigades on stand-by. There were 16,692 fire incidents requiring intervention, 3,006 under control before fire fighters arrived at the scene and 1,356 subsequent fire incidents in 2015. There were 24,846 technical rescues requiring intervention and 2,496 incidents resolved before the arrival of emergency staff. Local fire brigades were deployed to 6,097 incidents, facility fire fighting units to 742 incidents and volunteer fire brigade associations to 3,923 incidents.


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Fire prevention The National Fire Safety Regulation taking a new approach and based on new engineering techniques entered into force in March. The fire service division developed ten Fire Safety Technical Guidelines incorporating technical solutions and calculation methods aligned to requirements and conforming to desirable safety levels to facilitate the application of this regulation. Disaster management bodies proceeded in 16,938 official fire safety cases of first instance and 59,268 official cases, alongside conducting 32,354 inspections related to fire safety and 13,511 inspections related to chimney sweeping industrial public services. The National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior has been responsible for overseeing chimney sweeping industrial public services since 2013, as a result of the number of chimney fires has decreased. The National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior is competent in official fire safety and technical matters at key investments since 2014, on which areas 318 official procedures and 580 technical procedures were initiated. The total value of these investments amounts to over one hundred billion Hungarian Forints.

The National Fire Prevention Committee and county fire prevention committees also had an eventful year by making a total of 602 public appearances nationwide in 2015. The Fire Prevention Month held in September was a special period in between appearances, during which the population had the opportunity to meet disaster management representatives at 137 events. A call for applications bearing the title „From the spark to ashes” specif- ically targeting students was announced in 2015, in response to which a total of 1,394 applications were received in two age groups and four categories (drawing, film, audio recordings, web application).


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2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

False alarm Fire accident Technical rescue Total

Comparison of deployment data

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Deliberate Incident false Extinguished requiring alarm before arrival intervention 290 3006 16692

Distribution of fire incidents in 2015

Subsequently reported 12

False alarm 3665

Deliberate false alarm 62 Completed Incident before arrival requiring 2496 intervention 24846

Distribution of technical rescues in 2015

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After reviewing risk in settlements, processing experiences and assessing environmental changes, the disaster management classification of 14 settlements was changed in order to to increase the efficiency of prevention. As an integral part of this process the disaster management organisation conducted over 21,000 civil protection inspections to protect the public and property, as well as to prevent incidents and reduce risks. Prevention through interventions available to authorities and longsighted complex thinking fur- ther strengthened and solidified as an outcome of conscious planning and efficient cooperation with partner organisations and partner authorities. The number of incidents decreased and the organisation’s ability to respond became more flexible and effective as an outcome of this process.

Some 17,000 students decided to do their community service at the disaster management organisation in 2015. Professional disaster management bodies around the country have concluded 844 cooperation agreements with secondary education institutions for students to be able to do their community service.

Integrating volunteers in disaster management activities was also one of the goals set for the year in order to increase the efficiency of interventions and ability to respond. Municipal volunteer rescue organisations with around 6,000 members were set up and began to operate in 473 settlements, hence increasing the number of volunteers in the country to 13,000. Rescue organisations trained to intervene independently mostly took part in technical rescue activities in summer during heavy rain and storms and searches for missing persons in a total of 100 cases. The National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior


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2014 608 Number of force majeure claims

2013 2015 70 121

2014 118

Use of volunteer rescue organisations 32

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contributed funding to the operating costs and equipment upgrades of 129 volunteer rescue teams by granting funding amounting to 100 million HUF allocated from the state budget to successful applicants in order to highly trained rescue teams with special skills and abilities to perform their work as efficiently possible.

HUNOR (Hungarian National Organisation for Rescue Services) professional rescue organisation took part in two complex disaster management field exercises in Denmark with 48 professionals (alongside rescue teams from Austria, Belgium and Latvia) and with 38 professionals in Croatia (alongside Austria, Croatia and Slovenia). Urban search and rescue instructors from the United Kingdom held a training in October 2015, within the framework of which 17 members of the staff of the rescue organisation learnt techniques for propping up collapsed buildings.


Monitoring dangerous factories, plants The Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances (Seveso III Directive) was transposed into Hungarian law on 1 June 2015 in accordance with specifications set forth in the directive. Disaster management bodies monitored the activity of 660 dangerous plants and identified the factories of 1,300 business organisations.

Monitoring shipments of dangerous goods Over the past few years, the main task in this area involved maintaining the level of transport safety at the same standard without increasing


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environmental burdens in spite of the higher number of shipments of dan- gerous goods. By closely adhering to legal regulations major results were achieved in this area in regard to the potential occurrence of an accident, safety of life and property in the event of an incident causing damages, as well as in respect of reducing negative impacts on the environment. Official disaster management bodies conducted 4,652 road inspections in 2015, during which 31,347 vehicles were checked, including 5,430 ADR vehicles. 1,712 ADR site inspections were conducted. 1,204 RID railway inspections were conducted, during which 24,076 railway vehicles were inspected, including 14,107 RID trains. 227 site inspections were conducted. 2,335 vehicles were inspected during the course of the 643 water inspections, including 1,029 ADN vehicles. 22 site inspections were conducted. The decree on the control and sanctioning of danger- ous goods transported by air entered into force on 1 January 2015, on which grounds the disaster management organisation may also control the shipment of dangerous goods by air (ICAO) within its own scope of authority. 56 of the 60 shipments transported by air fell under the scope of competency of ICAO. Site inspections were conducted on 13 instances.

Disaster Management Mobile Laboratories (DSML) with comprehensive expertise carry out chemical, biological and radiological detection tests during transport and industrial accidents. DSMLs were used a total of 712 times in 2015: on 438 instances for emergency surveillance, to conduct inspections in 91 dangerous factories and check dangerous materials in 125 cases. Beyond these DSMLs, 7 Disaster Management Radiation Detection Units monitor the major commercial routes crossing Hungary in the counties in the border region, check the shipment of dangerous goods and carry out detection activities in connection radioactive substances.


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Official coordination and operation analysis The disaster management staff initiated 81,132 official cases, conducted 81,034 official inspections, 10,367 official and 1,214 on-site damages inspections and collaborated in 26,830 official technical procedures.

A temporary public service provider was designated nationwide within the framework of 276 procedures to be able to continuously ensure the public service of the shipment of waste for the public. 19 Procedures were conducted to designate the chimney sweeper industrial service provider.

Official disaster management bodies were involved in 17,607 water procedures, 694 official water protection procedures, 10,347 official technical procedures, as well as 114 court and out-of-court proceedings, in addition to conducting 3,378 inspections. Over 1,000 water permits were issued for key investments. Drinking water quality upgrading related investments affecting 629 facilities and over 2.5 million residents con- stitute the vast part of these procedures. Municipal waste management upgrading projects also qualify as key investments, which have so far affected over 200 investments.

Protecting critical systems and facilities The process of identifying and designating critical systems and facilities continued in 2015, in which regard sub-sector government decrees on defence systems and facilities entered into force in the second half of the year in the healthcare, financial and public security sector on the grounds of legal authorisation and the coordinated control by authorities of systems already designated got underway.

Act L of 2013 on the electronic information security of the state and local government bodies was amended, together with related government


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decrees, on the grounds of experiences gathered during the 2 years following its entry into force, as an outcome of which the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior was allocated an official information security scope of authority in respect of critical European and national systems and facilities and assumes incident management and network security duties from 1 January 2016.


The Department for Central Main Duty Service was continuously involved in the development of the single emergency call system and formulating its technical demands, in addition to forging closer contacts with the regional and local bodies of the police force. The chief of police of the National Police Headquarters and the director of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior signed a cooperation agreement to merge the operations units of directorates into police operations management centres. Emergency call centre staff received training on receiving 105 emergency calls. Major progress was made in the use of the electronic and standard protocols by establishing a contact between the call receipt system and the operation management software, as well as by integrating signals sent from fire detection centres. The Monitoring and Public Alert System (MPAS) is tested each month, signals received from measuring stations of the Marathon Terra system, the Telemetric Network of the National Radiation Monitoring, Alert and Control System (TN NRMACS) are checked on a monthly basis, while contacts between aircrafts in an emergency situation and rescue are checked each day. The notification exercise and live ordering in of the HUNOR (Hungarian National Organisation for Rescue Services) and HUSZÁR (Hungarian National Organisation for Integrated Rescue Services) rescue teams was also carried out.


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Beyond assuming national duty services for the disaster management organisation, the Department for Central Main Duty Service of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior also undertook tasks ensuing from international relations, namely, communicated with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the NATO Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre and the EU Disaster Response Coordination Centre, alongside assuming the role of national alert point for the International Atomic Energy Agency. Use of the PAJZS platform became rou tine as a result of the regular exercises introduced, which platform is used to receive and handle mass signals sent to the operations management unit, typically reporting outdoor fires and storms. Volunteer fire brigade associations regularly receive emergency text messages sent by the PAJZS system making is possible to execute operations more cost-efficiently. The PAJZS MINI mobile application installed in vehicles began to operate on 1 July 2015, which facilitates communication between operations management and the intervening units, hence improving the efficiency of interventions. The activity of the disaster management operations services was integrated into the disaster management rescue fire protection system, which efficiently manages the elimination of complex damages caused and implements measures to protect the public.


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The financial division of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of the Interior (NDGDM) particularly prioritised involvement in EU funded projects, the implementation of planned investments and renewal activities, the development of financial management, information and spatial information systems and improving allocation conditions in 2015. Increasing wages and supporting volunteer fire brigade associations and rescue organisations on the grounds of the new service act was also a key task.

In addition to this funding, major disaster management developments were also implemented from funding allocated by the state budget.

8 4x2 drive HEROS AQUADUX-X 3000, 1 HEROS AQUADUX-X 1500 and 1 RÁBA-HEROS AQUADUX 4000 fire engines were purchased and an additional 11 were renewed to develop the disaster manager vehicle fleet.

Supplying staff with protective gear and a uniform continued. The technical equipment and vehicle fleet required by NDGDM for its extended set of activities and carrying these out is ensured through the systematic, targeted development of these, as well as by setting up and operating an efficient central services system.

11 Skoda Octavia cars were purchased to technically upgrade the state of vehicles used by the staff of disaster management bodies, alongside which 35 second hand cars that became redundant at other budgetary bodies handed over free of charge were added to the vehicle fleet.

The staff of the County Directorate for Disaster Management moved into a new office building in Zalaegesrszeg.


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The development of the control system of the central alert system (e.g. opening the gate, voice call, automatic printing) began in October 2014 and its live operation commenced at every concerned post in Budapest at the beginning of January 2015.

The nationwide introduction of PAJZS MINI, the mobile application of the PAJZS (SHIELD) deployment management support system which can be run on a vehicle’s dashboard is one of the key developments of the decision-support system that needs to be highlighted. Data connection between the live systems HIR and PAJZS was achieved as a key task.

The spatial information applications operating in a standardised manner nationwide also represent a major achievement, which are accessible on the spatial information website launched in February 2015. The GIS website collects and presents an overview of information relevant for specific units and spatial information system administrators, in addition to providing support on the use of the complex spatial information system for end-users (TÉRKAPU - Térinformatikai Katasztrófavédelmi Publikációk/ SPACEGATEWAY - Spatial Information Disaster Management Publications).

The budget act for 2015 earmarked a total of 500 million HUF for financing organisations collaborating in disaster management (volunteer fire brigade associations and volunteer rescue organisations), which framework made it possible to provide funding to volunteer fire brigade associations engaging in rescue and fire protection activities in Hungary, as well as volunteer rescue organisations equipped with special technical equipment and working with a staff with special expertise. These volunteer organisations were granted funding to cover operating costs, carry out technical, technological and IT developments, organise and hold trainings and build and renew equipment storage units from this framework.


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BM HEROS Ltd. continued to provide technical maintenance services for fire engines and other vehicles owned by the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior, manufacture new fire engines and supply technical equipment during 2015 by continually raising the standard of its services.

It presented the Heros Aquadux X-1500 fire engine in 2015. The structure attached to the frame of the Renault D12 P4x2 model is equipped with a built-in 1,500 litre water tank and a foam tank accounting for 10% of the volume of the water tank.

The prototype of the Mahindra rapid intervention substance swap-body container developed through the cooperation of BM Heros Ltd. and Horoszcoop Ltd. was presented at the end of August. Thanks to the speed, manoeuvrability and excellent four-wheel drive parameters of the pick-up vehicle with a dismountable structure it is capable of arriving at the scene of the emergency significantly faster than a conventional fire engine. The way in which it can be deployed on harsh terrain, in areas with limited infrastructure is its greatest advantage.

Similarly to previous years, the renewal of fire engines continued this year as well, within the framework of which 10 pieces of equipment were handed over.

BM HEREOS LEK Ltd. was founded as a subsidiary under 100% ownership of the parent company. It is capable of carrying out technical activities outsourced to the subsidiary on new grounds; service, repair and maintenance activities that previously generated a loss are now profitable, while the standard and quality of services will perceivably improve.


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The office efficiency organised and coordinated the work of the technical areas with sound background support.

The legal counselling system was overhauled and reinforced in 2015 by organising targeted trainings to develop legal expertise. The more coordinated technical management coupled with the targeted organisation of trainings improved the quality of the legal activity based on experiences and practices, for which there is an ever greater need in light of the increasing official scopes of authority and set of tasks.

The organisation operates an explicitly customer-friendly customer service and places great emphasis on keeping in contact with customers, communications.

Its quality work and dedication is recognised by the re-accreditation of the quality management system.

The organisation satisfied government expectations put forth for increasing the efficiency of public administration, extending the scope of e-administration services and improving the quality of these, in addition to introducing and continuously ensuring the full-scope operation of the standardised government document management system supporting electronic administration. It paid special attention to managing documents in compliance with legal regulations, rationalising document traffic, managing the archive and reducing the volume of administration on paper. We particularly focused on rationalising document traffic, managing the archive and reducing the volume of administration on paper.

Our programmes, appearances guaranteed and further strengthened the prestige of the disaster management organisation.


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The professional disaster management body placed great emphasis on the importance of bilateral and multilateral relations with neighbouring countries at both a national and regional level, with special regard to further strengthening relations with the V4 countries. It played a major role in organising and coordinating international aid requested by and provided for neighbouring countries due to illegal migration.

Supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior held a training for high-ranking foreign disaster management executive officers on the Hungarian disaster management system presenting results achieved and good practices, which closed with a training exercise.

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The Audit Service particularly focused on the practicality of the auditing, monitoring system, its helpful, targeted and surprise character, as well as further raising the professional standard of audits and facilitating the development of the audited organisations.

Professional disaster management bodies conducted 8,815 audits in 2015. The audit division particularly focused on providing relevant information to the management of the organisation by analysing the full set of data and information collected during audits covering its entire area of operation and by processing experiences to establish the grounds for verbal decision preparation and taking remedial action.

Major progress was made in the standard of planning and carrying out the audit work. The quality of the professional activity of the reviewed bodies developed as an outcome of regular and consistent mobile audits.

A national summary report presenting an overview of the activities of the audit division was compiled on a monthly basis, which was sent to every organisational unit and directorate in order to excluding the possibility of repeating errors, shortcomings identified and process and publish good practices.


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The organisation’s communications were incident and prevention-oriented in 2015 as well. This is precisely why various interventions and messages targeted at the security of the public and property protection were at the heart of the organisation’s communication activity. The disaster management organisation informs the media and citizens on specific events, incidents day after day, in addition to initiating communication in regard to the conscious and structured prevention of emergency situations. The number of visitors clicking on the official website of the disaster management organisation remains high, with the highest number of page impressions recorded in April 2015 when nearly 35,000 visitors were registered. Fans of the official Facebook page of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior further increased last year with approximately 11,500 visiting this site by the end of the year. Visitors regularly follow news published on the site, comment and share these more frequently. Therefore, the site serves its aim via which citizens are able to communicate with the organisation. The number is users registered on the disaster management media server has increased with over 720 representatives of the media opting to regularly use the over 59,000 photos and 13.5 hours of video recordings uploaded on the site by the end of 2015. The Communication Service has been operating the Emergency Notification Service (VÉSZ) developed for smartphones and tablets for two years, via which the disaster management organisation informs application users around the clock about areas and routes affected in their neighbourhood or place of destination, or even the current situation of the entire country, as well as warning and alert signals issued. A total of 8,150 notifications were sent to users via the application over the course of one year. There is hardly an editorial in the country where this application is not used as a source of information, news source; consequently, the news published


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on this platform reaches a significantly higher number of people than its 46,000 users. The National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior has been electronically publishing its fire and civil protection, industrial safety journal bearing the title Disaster Management since March 2015. With its abundant visual material and exclusive reports, special features the magazine published on every one of the organisation’s websites endeavours to meet the expectations of its staff and website visitors. Information presented and statements issued by the spokesperson continue to play a pivotal role in the set of communication tools available to the disaster management organisation, with the organisation appearing on a total of 120,566 instances in the media.


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The new career path and wage scale was smoothly introduced at professional disaster management bodies as the first pillar of the introduction of the law enforcement career scheme. Rank commands incorporating employer measures specifying the new wage level, rank and service period for the professional staff and decisions determining allowances in the law enforcement sector for public servants were compiled before the set deadline.

The number of incidents breaching rules increased in relation to the previous year. Military crimes were predominant in the case criminal acts, in which regard service-related crimes are still the most common type of offence. Infringement proceedings were initiated for breach of traffic laws, while the vast majority of disciplinary breaches were linked to the neglect of internal rules, instructions.

Basic healthcare, psychological and dentistry services have continued to be provided for the staff at a high standard at the regional healthcare, psychological and occupational safety centres set up over the past few years. Trainings focusing on healthcare development, public healthcare and epidemiology and occupational safety were organised to prevent diseases and workplace accidents. The fact that not a single serious workplace accident occurred in 2015 justifies the efficacy of these trainings.

The national blood donor day is now regularly organised on the anniversary of the red sludge disaster by this division, within the framework of which a record number (1,010) of individuals from professional disaster management bodies gave blood.

The previously understaffed fire service is now fully staffed as an outcome of a series of modular fire fighter vocational trainings held recently. Major


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progress has been made in organising courses preparing participants for special law enforcement exams, assuming leadership and management positions, as an outcome of which almost every participant fulfilled requirements.

We particularly prioritised the school enrolment of staff that do not hold a baccalaureate by taking account of the requirements set forth in the service act. Nearly 700 staff members began their secondary educational studies as the first step of this initiative.


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The professional disaster management organisation ensures that experts with due expertise and practical knowledge are trained to control fires and eliminate damages, strengthen industrial safety and organise, coordinate action taken against disasters striking the country within the framework of the courses and trainings held at the Disaster Management Training Centre.

In academic year 2014–2015 thirty various trainings (Fire Fighter II, commander, law enforcement coordinator three specialisation trainings), fifty-four in-house trainings and a technical handler course were launched, within the framework of which a total of 5,269 individuals were successfully trained and passed the final exam. The training institution places great emphasis on learning foreign languages and has began putting together a trilingual (Hungarian-English-German) technical vocabulary to support this. Field trainings are held in a playhouse, the fire simulation container set up at the edge of the parade square, as well as the burning ditch and training building.

The training centre regularly collaborates in exercises organised by other law enforcement bodies. In spring 2015 it took part in an exercise simulating a police van accident organised for students taking part in basic penal training, during which students practices mass technical rescue activities in collaboration with paramedics form the National Ambulance Service and the fire and occupational safety delegates of the Penal Service. It collaborated in exercises organised for the Counter Terrorism Centre by operating the breathing apparatus practice course and applying special fire extinguishing fire engine techniques.

Three background institutions assist the work of the Disaster Management Training Centre: the Disaster Management Research Institute, the Disaster Management Museum and the Disaster Management Orchestra.

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DISASTER MANAGEMENT MUSEUM Alongside regular professional museum activities, celebrating the 60th anniversary of its foundation was the highlight of the year at the Disaster Management Museum in 2015, within the framework of the exhibition hall in the museum was renewed in April. A new wing was added to the institution to accommodate the library, research service, civil protection archive and museum educational workshop. Dr Annamária Vígh, Head of the Department for Public Collections at the Ministry of Human Capacities opened the photo exhibition organised to celebrate the anniversary and inaugurated the new wing. The photo exhibition presenting the history of the museum was also a great success at the exhibition organised at the Firefighting Museum in Vienna. The exhibition and international conference bearing the title „Current Law Enforcement and Technical Museology Issues” held in the Danube Palace was the highlight of the jubilee year, where the institution received a certificate of acknowledgement from the minister. The director donated a plaque to the museum to commemorate its 60th anniversary.

DISASTER MANAGEMENT ORCHESTRA The Disaster Management Orchestra plays in the spirit of Hungarian historical and Central European brass orchestras. Its core activity involves playing at public ceremonies and official events, in addition to represent- ing the disaster management organisation as a whole in Hungary and foreign countries. It attends events organised by law enforcement organisations, in addi- tion to being invited to play at the New Year’s concert organised in the Budapest Sports Arena, the Flower Carnival in , as well as the Budapest Spring Festival where it performed authentic folk music beyond various traditional pieces for brass.


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It entertained the audience by playing its wide repertoire, from historical marches to popular pop music, at the joint police-fire service May Day cele- bration organised in City Park. The orchestra’s quintet performed on several occasions at events organised by the Ministry of Interior; the international debut of the Big Band ensemble was also a huge success. Beyond its regular service activities, it promoted brass music, showed brass instruments to students by holding special music classes adapted to primary schools.

DISASTER MANAGEMENT RESEARCH INSTITUTE Supporting the activity of the technical organisational units of the disaster management organisation through its work and research outputs is the fundamental objective of the Disaster Management Research Institute, in which regard it carries out special research activities testing fire suppression technologies and conducts analytical tests aimed at determining burning rate accelerating catalysts, in addition to undertaking periodical quality control testing aimed at determining the ability to keep fire extinguishing agents on stand-by. Based on its testing capacity and as the designated certifying organisation, it conducts fire safety compliance attestation procedures for manufacturers and product distributors. Beyond its testing activity, it also undertakes the technical supervision of the Disaster Management Mobile Laboratories (DMML). The research institute also takes part in supporting disaster management education, within the framework of which it holds laboratory seminars for full-time students of the Disaster Management Institute of the National University of Public Service. A quality management system conforming to the requirements of the MSZ EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard has been operating at the research institute since 1999.


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The Institute of Disaster Management is the independent higher education institution of the National University of Public Service offering undergraduate and Master’s courses and engaging in academic research activities.

The accreditation of the new disaster management master’s course was a key achievement in 2015. A higher education portfolio ensuring future disaster management experts from the undergraduate degree through to a PhD degree was created by launching this new course. The professional expertise of the lecturers and compliance with accreditation criteria is outstanding, with eighteen lecturers holding academic degrees, seven habilitated doctors and 5 PhD candidates.

Two hundred and twenty-one students began their studies last year out of the over two thousand four hundred applicants. Thirty-two full-time students and one hundred and twenty-one distant education students enrolled in undergraduate disaster management courses, half of whom were eligible for state funding. Sixty-eight students began their studies in the latest security management master’s course launched by the Institute of Disaster Management, twenty-six of whom were eligible for state funding. A total of six hundred and thirty-two students were enrolled, two hundred and ninety-five of whom completed their studies, of which two hundred and fifty passed the final exam and 120 received their diploma.

Three national and one international research programme were organised in 2015, complemented by the National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference. The institute was involved in the development of the international relations of the University of Public Service, took part in university open days, the EDUCATIO fair and its lecturers engaged in the work of the scientific


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and consultancy bodies of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior. The joint public service exercise called “Végvár (Fortress) 2015” was one of the great achievements of the university, which was organised by integrating the Institute of Disaster Management.

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The financial management of the Technical Supply Centre of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior Technical Supply Centre was sound, punctual and efficient in 2015 as well.

It supported and ensured the logistics background of the professional disaster management organisation, within the framework of which it carried out human resource, procurement, technical repair, material and technical, vehicle operation and transport, team healthcare, central warehouse maintenance, communications and IT, as well as donation and aid management activities.

Constantly maintaining the stock of equipment on emergency standby used by HUNOR (Hungarian National Organisation for Rescue Services) professional rescue organisation and implementing its logistics activities is one of its key tasks. It manages National Protection Stocks and maintains and operates the Emergency Response Team Warehouse.

Undertaking accommodation, unit transport, special supply and technical activities (lighting construction areas) associated with migration, the supply activities of the national operations management staff, as well as transporting assistance and donations also surfaced as major logistics and coordination activities.


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Komárom- Esztergom Győr-Moson-Sopron Budapest

Pest Vas

Veszprém Fejér

Zala Bács- Somogy Tolna Kiskun


KKatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.inddatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.indd 6262 22016. 113:25:453:25:45 Borsod- Abaúj- Zemplén Szabolcs- Szatmár- rád Bereg

Heves t Hajdú- t Jász-Nagykun- Bihar


n Csongrád

KKatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.inddatasztrofavedelmi_kalendarium_angol.indd 6363 22016. 113:25:453:25:45 DIRECTORATES

National Directorate General Directorate for Disaster Management For Disaster Management, Ministry of Interior H-3300 , Klapka György u. 11. H-1149 Budapest, Mogyoródi út 43. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Jász–Nagykun–Szolnok County Directorate for Disaster Directorate for Disaster Management Management H-7627 Pécs, Engel J. u. 1., Pf. 10. H-5000 Szolnok, József Attila u. 14. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Bács–Kiskun County Directorate for Disaster Management Komárom– Directorate for Disaster H-6000 Kecskemét, Deák Ferenc tér 3. Management E-mail: [email protected] H-2800 Tatabánya, Ságvári E. u. 18. E-mail: [email protected] Békés County Directorate for Disaster Management Nógrád County Directorate for Disaster Management H-5600 Békéscsaba, Kazinczy F. u. 9. H-3100 Salgótarján, Szent Flórián tér 1. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Borsod–Abaúj–Zemplén County Directorate Directorate for Disaster Management for Disaster Management H-1149 Budapest, Mogyoródi út 43. H-3525 , Dózsa Gy. út 15., Pf. 18. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Somogy County Directorate for Disaster Management Csongrád County Directorate H-7400 Kaposvár, Somssich P. u. 7. for Disaster Management E-mail: [email protected] H-6721 , Berlini krt. 16-18. E-mail: [email protected] Szabolcs–Szatmár–Bereg County Directorate for Disaster Management Fejér County Directorate for Disaster Management H-4400 Nyíregyháza, Erdősor u. 5. H-8000 Székesfehérvár, Szent Flórián krt. 2. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: fejé[email protected] Directorate for Disaster Management Budapest Directorate for Disaster Management H-7102 Szekszárd, Mikes K. u. 16-22. H-1149 Budapest, Mogyoródi út 43. E-mail [email protected] H-1081 Budapest, Dologház u. 1. Directorate for Disaster Management E-mail: [email protected] H-9700 , Ady Endre tér 1. Győr–Moson– Directorate E-mail: [email protected] for Disaster Management Veszprém County Directorate H-9021 Győr, Munkácsi Mihály u. 4. for Disaster Management E-mail: [email protected] H-8200 Veszprém, Dózsa György út 31. Hajdú– Directorate E-mail: [email protected] for Disaster Management Directorate for Disaster Management H-4027 Debrecen, Böszörményi út 46-56. H-8900 , Széchényi tér 3-5. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]


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