meet FORTALEZA A neighborhoodthat invites peopletowalk Three days,anewpublicspace Three Implementation Process who alreadyadoptedthenewpublicspace. painting of the squarewasmadewith help of locals, andurbanfurniture. crosswalks trees, publiclighting, The was created,withnew was andanew200smsquare the place the location.It was observedhowunderused opportunity whenlocalresidentsrequestedalightpolein The first project presented had its perfect implementation neighborhood willbecomelateralow-speedzone. the in somelocations, walking to encourage safety policy the of Fortaleza hasbegunto implement its road activities havealreadybegunto bring to the neighborhood, that these In viewoftheconstantattractionpeople and businessowners. for with its developed the residents, workers neighborhood and activityfrontsasaresultofstrategicplanning project the targetofseveral de Iracemahasbeen 2017, and anewpublicbroughtthelocalitybackto life. As of activities new a fewyearsago,when until was untapped that the cityofFortaleza,withdiverseusesandapotential in is amulti-characterneighborhood de ” “Praia 1 2 3 4 a newpublicspace. included intheprocessofmaking that allowedparticipantstobe a Tactical Urbanismworkshop This interventionwaspartof inviting andsaferforpedestrians. neighborhood, makingitmore intersection inPraiadeIracema was abletotransforman support fromNACTO GDCI, event, thecityteam,with During thethreedaysof impact withalimitedtimeframe. interventions andachievehigh can bepossibletomakelowcost the citydecidedtoshowhowit in theendofJune.Inevent, host oftheMobilizeSummit2019, Award 2019,andasaresultwas of ITDP’s Sustainable Transport Fortaleza wasthewinningcity [] 5 After Before Health Investment withPublicSpaces on thesameperiod. conflicts and large wasted asphalt space. In addition, while the studies were in develpoment, the team found out the street would also receive an Areninha traffic to due design urban new a receive to choosen roads safety,the road of promote one to was city’sactivities Street the Bandeira Following Antônio meet 1,6km ofciclyinglanes Areninha public Redesign focusedspeciallyonthe FORTALEZA Areninhas inFortaleza. There are23 Areninhas and05mini for living,leisureandcitizentraining. physical activity, haveasafespace the communitycanbesidespracticing experience withpublicplaces,where especially tobenefitthechildren’s equipment tothepopulation, The goalistodeliverqualitysports public ofallages. with children’s toys,attendingthe courts, gymequipmentandspaces Areninhas alsohavemulti-sport In additiontothesoccerfields, a highindexofsocialvulnerability. soccer fieldsinneighborhoodswith been urbanizingandrequalifying City Hall,the Areninhas Projecthas Started inJune2014bytheFortaleza Fortaleza CityHallOfficialWebsite, 3 Years Anniversary ofCampodo América Areninha, 2017. Construction ofislandsand Organization ofparkingspaces accessibility rampsforcrossing sidewalks 504m² ofasphalttransformedinto Expansion andrenovationofsidewalks [Brazil]