In Schuy of L. C. Bradley Farm 148, 40 Sheep, 2
town of oviD. 177 grandfather Henry Sortor settled in the woods on this place about ioo years ago. His father John Neal settled here in 182 1 Neal Jane, widow of Franklin, p o Ovid Center, r 40, fruit grower, 3 acres in strawberries, raspberries, and black berries, 400 apple trees, about 40 plum trees, and farm 83, Mrs. Neal has resided on this place 39 years Neely John, p o Lodi, offr 65, b 1814, w Sarah, farmer 44 Nicholson Edward, p o Ovid, r 4^, w Bridget, laborer Oaks Nathan Jr., p o Ovid Center, r 56, (Van Lew's station,) b i860, at Oaks Corners, Ontario Co.N. Y.,w Marguerita A., dealer in grain, coal, lumber, salt, plaster, water lime etc O'Hanlin Thomas, p o Ovid, r 28, b 1857, farmer with hi* father Felix O'Hanlin Elizabeth Miss, p o Ovid, r 28, dau of Felix, resides with her parents organist of Holy Cross Church, farmer O'Hanlin Felix, p o Ovid, r 28, b 1824 in Ireland, 77 O'Hare Owen, p o Ovid Center, r 19, b 1846, w Mary, stone farmer has cutter, employe at the capitol at Albany and 25, 1 cow, 1 horse OSBORNE CLINTON D.,po Sheldrake, b 1854 in Schuy ler Co.,w Ella, postmaster, justice of the peace, dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes and oriental merchandise Oughterson Nathan, p o Lodi, r 67, b 1849,w Mary> employe of E. Smith & Sons palmer J. Adelbert, p o Ovid Center, r 43, b 1846, w Alice, laborer, owns h and 1 acre r h and 1 Palmer Tamar, widow of Horatio, p o Sheldrake, 41, Parish Augustin S.,po Ovid, r 35, b 1841, w Susan, supervisor re-elected for 2 years in farmer in 1887 and 1893 and 1894, shares farm cows 66, and leases on 256, hay grower, 5 5 126th Y.
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