2 Planning Process 3 About the Strategic Plan 4 Board of Directors and Administration 4 Mission and Vision 5 College Goals 6 Enrollment 8 Retention 10 Academic Partnerships 12 Economic Development 14 Culture and Morale 15 Budget 16 Values

Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 1 STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS

The strategic planning process began with a cultural evaluation survey* that was a follow-up to the survey taken three years prior. The results of the current survey showed we have made huge strides in morale and communication; and at the same time, there is a need for more professional development and less top-down management. These results, combined with other data and stakeholder feedback, led to the identification of five areas of focus.

In January of 2019, we met in an open forum meeting where the five areas of focus were introduced, and all employees were invited to share ideas, solutions, concerns, and insights. This open forum was the first step in ensuring that every employee has a voice. After the open forum, workgroups were created and volunteers were recruited to identify specific objectives, strategies, and measurements that will be used to accomplish our strategic goals.

This plan represents our ongoing commitment to changing the lives of students, faculty, and staff.

*Survey conducted by InsightShift.

2 Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 THE STRATEGIC

Davis Technical College embraces technical education to promote student development and economic growth. We work collaboratively with industry, educational, and community partners to meet the needs of ’s employers by delivering exceptional technical training. The success of our students is our top priority.

This strategic plan identifies five broad goals: increase enrollment, increase retention, improve academic partnerships, boost contribution to regional job creation, and improve the college culture and morale. We believe these goals have the potential to transform the Davis Tech experience for students, faculty, and staff. We look forward to working collaboratively, thinking creatively, and striving for excellence as we train our students for employment in the 21st century workplace.

As we work together to accomplish these goals over the next three years, we will strengthen our sense of community and continue to change lives.

Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Stuart Eyring, Chair Business/Industry Representative Troy Wood, Vice Chair Business/Industry Representative Adam Toone Morgan School District Board Representative Brigit Gerrard Davis School District Board Representative Dr. David S. Hansen Hill Air Force Base Representative (Ex-Officio) Justin Atkinson Business/Industry Representative Karen Fairbanks Julie Blake, Darin Brush, Leslie Mock, and Russell Galt Board of Trustees Representative ADMINISTRATION Lindsay Bayuk Darin Brush Business/Industry Representative President Michael Henry Business/Industry Representative Leslie Mock, Vice President of Instruction Scot Merrihew Business/Industry Representative Russell S. Galt, Shawn Bucher Vice President of Administrative Services Business/Industry Representative Julie Blake, Tucker Morgan Vice President of Quality and Development Business/Industry Representative


Davis Tech will be an innovative We are a trusted learning leader in delivering exceptional community embracing technical technical training that supports education to promote student economic development. development and economic growth.

4 Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 COLLEGE GOALS


• Support and guide the Allied Health Building construction project, ensuring key milestones are met • Complete a campus-wide space utilization plan • Revise gainful employment web content to comply with new federal regulations • Add a grant writing position to support the foundation and monitor progress toward key milestones • Develop core curriculum and launch new Building Construction Technician program • Add an Electrical Apprentice program for high school students


• Develop and launch hybrid programs that incorporate distance education and allow students to continue academic progress away from campus

• Create a Davis Tech Alumni Association

• Evaluate the opportunity to expand the new student advisor program, adding program-specific advisors


• Assess the total compensation package to identify areas to improve, and educate employees about the benefits available to them

• Conduct an institution-wide employee satisfaction survey

Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 5 GOAL 1 ENROLLMENT


YEAR 1 • Streamline the enrollment process to (1) reduce the number of visits required to register, and (2) reduce student wait times on campus

• Expand opportunities to bring community members to campus and host 3-5 progam-specific events

• Invite parents of entering high school students to attend semi-annual open house to explore classrooms, labs, and curriculum

• Launch new college website with emphasis on student engagement (includes live chat)

• Create marketing collateral, web content and campus signage to promote the Utah System of Higher Education pathways from Davis Tech

• Align scholarship and other financial aid options for eligible students as a recruitment tool

• Create 8-10 program-specific videos and use them as recruiting tools

• Transition to a paperless recertification system in the Utah Nurse Assistant Registry (UNAR) to reduce need to certify on campus


• Design and implement a fully online enrollment and registration process for incoming students

• Create program-specific welcome kits for new students

• Identify an interest inventory survey and incorporate it in the college website

• Evalute exploratory courses to help students determine program fit/compatibility prior to enrollment

6 Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 ENROLLMENT


• Create an employer tuition assistance program

• Identify and install a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that integrates new student enrollment, alumni support, academic partnerships and the Davis Tech Foundation


• Increased new student inquiries and enrollment

• Increased student satisfaction

• Increased attendance at events

• More scholarships awarded

Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 7 RETENTION GOAL 2



• Develop a plan and implement monthly start dates and orientations in programs

• Hire support staff to allow faculty more time in the classroom with students (includes evening classes)

• Increase student engagement in curriculum, adding video content where appropriate

• Launch a Student Success Center to offer academic and financial support, and community connections


• Apply for the Veterans Student Support Center Grant (Second Year)

• Create a student ambassador program that allows student input on campus policies and processes, and increases faculty interaction with students

• Address financial aid barriers that decrease accessibility to hybrid courses


• Establish a detailed database that tracks the reasons students leave Davis Tech before graduation

• Expand services through Student Success Center; develop and refine services offered

8 Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 RETENTION


• Increased student retention and completion • Improved application to enrollment rate • Implementation of hybrid courses

Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 9 ACADEMIC PARTNERSHIPS GOAL 3



• Identify existing articulation agreements; and update the agreements to align with 2020 training plans

• Finalize articulation agreements between Davis Tech and Salt Lake Community College for the IT pathways

• Create an Academic Partners Guide that clarifies key information about academic partners

• Increase opportunities for Davis Tech faculty to collaborate with academic partners in order to enhance curriculum and maximize industry contacts


• Update existing articulation agreements with school districts and universities to align with 2021 training plans and explore new academic partnerships

• Complete a gap analysis for each program to identify possible opportunities to expand collaboration, increase course-to-course articulations, and create additional pathways with academic partners


• Update existing articulation agreements with academic partners to align with 2022 training plans

• Broaden articulation agreement with SLCC to include all 900 hour programs

• Improve tracking of high school students who take Davis Tech classes on campus and later attend the College

10 Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 ACADEMIC PARTNERSHIPS


• Seamless articulation with stackable credentials for students • Elimination of terminal degree dead-ends for graduates • Published Academic Partners Guide • Gap analysis for each program outlining areas for growth

Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 11 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GOAL 4



• Develop a model to recognize jobs created through increases in student wages

• Add student externship opportunities and improve data collection on offerings

• Increase and better track relatable employment of students

• Create a job upgrade/incumbent worker data model

• Pair Small Business Development Center (SBDC) client projects with Davis Tech students to cultivate freelance work and project-based learning


• Compare data model to recognize jobs created through increase in student wages

• Report and review data from Year 1, and continue to identify new externship opportunities

• Continue to track relatable employment

• Utilize job upgrade/incumbent worker data to increase training offerings

• Host Business Resource Center events that foster relationships between SBDC clients and students


• Report and review data collected in Years 1 and 2 on student wages and continue to identify new opportunities

• Continue to increase and evaluate student externship opportunities as needed

• Report and review data and activities collected in Years 1 and 2, and continue to identify new opportunities

• Create blended marketing campaigns between SBDC clients and Davis Tech students

12 Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT


• Increase number of technical skill, living-wage jobs filled by graduates

• Improved placement data in Northstar

• Expanded and improved completions, placement, and licensure data

• Jobs created by new and small businesses

• New capital invested in small business

• Increase revenue generated by new and small businesses

Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 13 CULTURE AND MORALE GOAL 5



• Create an employee evaluation workgroup to develop an improved performance management tool • Identify ways to show appreciation to part-time employees through inclusion, engagement, and recognition • Implement informal feedback sessions (roundtables) to allow the college president to receive feedback directly from a representative cross-section of employees on a regular basis • Define base-level training for each position that includes a professional development training plan and tracking process


• Apply for awards that recognize the college as a great place to work

• Develop an internal marketing campaign to aid employees in understanding the college mission, vision, departments, programs, and key personnel


• Review culture benchmarks to assess progress, modify the culture improvement plan, and plan for the next three years

• Formally assess the success of the internal marketing campaign

• Apply for awards that recognize the college as a great place to work


• Improved morale and job satisfaction • New performance management tool • Direct feedback to leadership

14 Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 CULTURE AND MORALE BUDGET SUMMARY | FY 2020

Davis Technical College General Operating Fund Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2020

Original Budget Amount % Revenues Student Tuition and Fees $ 2,155,000 10% State Appropriations 18,822,800 90%

Total Revenues $ 20,977,800 100%

Expenses by Function Instruction $ 10,489,815 50% Academic Support 2,043,018 10% Student Services 2,575,004 12% Institutional Support 3,654,766 17% Operation and Maintenance of Plant 2,075,197 10% Scholarships 140,000 1%

Total Expenses $ 20,977,800 100%

Expenses by Category Personnel Services $ 17,448,979 83% Travel - In State 52,070 <1% Travel - Out of State 114,337 1% Current Expense 2,118,316 10% Capital Outlay 1,244,098 6%

Total Expenses $ 20,977,800 100%

Budget for years two and three will be established by the Utah legislature and will be added at a later date.

Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022 15 OUR VALUES

OPPORTUNITY We provide cost-effective training, flexible scheduling, and support systems to foster student success.

PARTNERSHIP We engage industry, educational, and community partners to provide shared opportunities for all.

INNOVATION We cultivate an environment in which new ideas, creative thinking, and imagination can thrive.

EXCELLENCE We promote quality and high performance through our commitment to responsible and informed decisions.

COMMITMENT TO COMMUNITY We embrace a culture of inclusiveness, community involvement, and service.

“We Change Lives” is not only a slogan, it is also our purpose. My training at Davis Tech helped me get my career in the IT Department of this college and my mission is to help the college change the lives of other students, as it did for me.”

– Nathan Meyer, Desktop Support Specialist and 2019 Student of the Year Candidate

16 Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022


550 EAST 300 SOUTH, KAYSVILLE, UT 84037 | 801-593-2500 | DAVISTECH.EDU

2 Davis Technical College | Strategic Plan | 2020-2022