About TransWest Express LLC TransWest Express LLC is a wholly owned affiliate of The Anschutz Corporation, a privately held company based in Denver, . The Anschutz Corporation, through its affiliates, has been actively involved in the West for over 75 years in the fields of ranching, agriculture, and energy development. The Anschutz Corporation’s activity and investments The TransWest Express in the energy field reflect a strong Transmission Project is commitment to responsibly developing and managing natural resources. an extra-high-voltage direct current transmission system. The system will begin in south-central Project Area Map Wyoming near Rawlins, WY extend through northwestern Rock Rawlins Colorado and central , Springs Salt Lake • Cheyenne turn southwest into southern City Nevada, and end near Las Vernal Craig • Vegas. The TWE Project will Denver Price deliver renewable energy Carson City Delta produced in Wyoming to the Grand NV UT JunctionCO Desert Southwest, ultimately helping to contribute to Cedar City a cleaner world and a stronger electrical grid.

Las Vegas The dotted line indicates TRANSWEST the approximate route of the EXPRESS LLC TRANSWEST proposed transmission line project. 555 Seventeenth Street, Suite 2400, Denver, CO 80202 EXPRESS LLC The final route may vary. 303.298.1000 www.transwestexpress.net

July 2012 low-cost renewable resources in the form of wind wind of low-cost renewable resources in the form high-quality, Wyoming concentration of hasalarge Wyoming to Arizona,Nevada California. andsouthern clean and sustainable electric power in generated of cost-effectively deliver approximately 3,000megawatts to reliably and andcapacity necessary infrastructure TWEProject will provide The the transmission What benefitswilltheprojectbring? In October 2011, a new federal “RapidResponse Team for development andis proposingtojointly own the project. Energy, is jointly fundingproject of Department the U.S.Western AreaPower of Administration, part • • • • • • TWEProject will: The isthe greatest. demand forrenewable energy power Southwest region where the to the Desert energy. TWEProject will transmit this electric The What isthetimeline? highly reliable electricity service. living associated with Maintain the standard of tax base. jobsandenlarging the property creating hundreds of regional economicExpand development through transmission users. forthird-party grid Provide system flexibility andincreased access to the electrical system reliability. Meet increasing customer demand with improved reduction targets. gas standards and greenhouse renewable portfolio environmental policies, including state-mandated Contribute to meeting national, regional andstate sources.renewable energy Broaden consumers’ access to domestic, clean, Acquires TWEProject TransWest Files Amended ROW TransWest 2008 Application withBLM 2009


Scoping Meetings EIS Public Draft EISPreparation three years. the project isestimated to take two to of 2014. Construction Decision isexpected inearly issue aFinal EIS. ARecord of will and addressing comments onthat draft, the agencies alternatives to that route. After issuingaDraft EIS forreview proposed route the for transmission line andreasonable Based onthis input, the BLMandWestern analyze the public input onpotential issues to beaddressed inthe EIS. the BLMandWestern environment. The and seek agency EISanalyzes actions that mayThe affect the quality of cooperating agencies. coordinating with other federal, state andlocal government the EISandare responsible forpreparing lead agencies BLMandWesternThe AreaPower Administration are joint the National Environmental Policy Act. requirements of anEnvironmental Impact Statement to meet the of project isamajorfederal action requiring the preparation andthe U.S.Management Forest proposed The Service. land that ismainly administered by the U.S. Land Bureau of alternative routes forthe transmission line cross federal way over federal landsbecause the proposed route andthe In 2008,TransWest Express LLCapplied forrights-of- or parallelexisting transmission lines orpipelines. adjacent to federally designated utility orproposed corridors, which are located within or alternative routes, many of study to identify the proposed transmission line route and TransWest feasibility Express LLCconducted acorridor How willtheplanningproceed? interconnect with California. interconnect with California. projects selected inthe U.S. andthe only project that will seven process –one of accelerating the federal permitting Transmission” selected the TWEProject asapriority for 2011

2012 Released Draft EIS

2013 Final EISReleased

Record ofDecision • OtherRights-of-Way Acquisition • Engineering/DesignandConstruction Structures underconsideration spanandline crossings.terrain, type, uponstructure from 100feet to 180feet depending point. Transmission heights may vary terminating structure approximately at each 200acres insize, will be constructed 250feet. Two substation/converterof-way stations, width of transmission line is725miles inlength, with atypical right- proposed route forthe 600kilovolt The direct current What doestheprojectlooklike? 2014

120’-180’120'-180' V-String Structure Self-Supporting

120’-180’120'-180' 40’-50’ 40'-50' Renewable EnergyBeginstoFlow 110’-150’ 110'-150' 2015

100’-150’100'-150' 40’-50’ 40'-50' V-String Structure Tubular Pole Guyed V-String Structure 2016 40’-50’ 40'-50'