REVIEW OPEN ACCESS Deciphering Neurodegenerative Diseases Using Long-Read Sequencing Yun Su, MD,* Liyuan Fan, MD,* Changhe Shi, MD, PhD,* Tai Wang, MD, Huimin Zheng, MD, Correspondence Haiyang Luo, MD, PhD, Shuo Zhang, MD, PhD, Zhengwei Hu, MD, PhD, Yu Fan, MD, PhD, Yali Dong, MD, Dr. Xu Jing Yang, MD, PhD, Chengyuan Mao, MD, PhD, and Yuming Xu, MD, PhD
[email protected] or Dr. Mao Neurology® 2021;97:423-433. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000012466 maochengyuan2015@ Abstract Neurodegenerative diseases exhibit chronic progressive lesions in the central and peripheral nervous systems with unclear causes. The search for pathogenic mutations in human neuro- degenerative diseases has benefited from massively parallel short-read sequencers. However, genomic regions, including repetitive elements, especially with high/low GC content, are far beyond the capability of conventional approaches. Recently, long-read single-molecule DNA sequencing technologies have emerged and enabled researchers to study genomes, tran- scriptomes, and metagenomes at unprecedented resolutions. The identification of novel mu- tations in unresolved neurodegenerative disorders, the characterization of causative repeat expansions, and the direct detection of epigenetic modifications on naive DNA by virtue of long-read sequencers will further expand our understanding of neurodegenerative diseases. In this article, we review and compare 2 prevailing long-read sequencing technologies, Pacific Biosciences and Oxford Nanopore Technologies, and discuss their applications in neurode- generative diseases. *These authors contributed equally to this work. From the Department of Neurology (Y.S., L.F., C.S., T.W., H.Z., H.L., S.Z., Z.H., Y.F., Y.D., J.Y., C.M., Y.X.), The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou University, Henan, P.