arXiv:2007.01394v4 [stat.ML] 4 Dec 2020 h ainlSineFudto NF ne rn o CCF-1 No. Grant under (NSF) Foundation Science National the outLna ersin pia ae nPlnma Time Polynomial in Rates Optimal Regression: Linear Robust * Bwudlk otakteprilspotfo h fc fNa of Office the from support partial the thank to like would AB ute,we h odto sntstse,w banarate a obtain we satisfied, not is condition obtain the when we show Further, negatively-correlated, we are particular, covariates In and noise variables. random of independence of ques open main [COLT’18]. r the su The resolve we no computation. thus unbounded that and to optimal note theoretically access We with even covariates. work, the our to of independent is noise distribution the true the for minimizer least-squares optimal in.Cnrtl,w sueordt sdanfo a from drawn is data our assume un we rate Concretely, convergence optimal tions. statistically achieve that els an omltn ta h frmnindplnma inequalit polynomial aforementioned the th as in t it variables formulating central random of Our independence exploit bound. rithmically lower information-theoretic the match ǫ u e nih st dniya nltccniinta ser that condition analytic an identify to is insight key Our eoti outadcmuainlyefiin siaosf estimators efficient computationally and robust obtain We fato savrailycrutd ete eciea e an describe then We corrupted. adversarially is -fraction [email protected] iehBakshi Ainesh CMU * Abstract [email protected] 815840. drhPrasad Adarsh a eerh(N)gatN01-8126,and N00014-18-1-2562, grant (ONR) Research val tart rprinlto proportional rate a at k e iia itiuinlassump- distributional minimal der h aert sidpnetnoise. independent as rate same the y. hprotatv itiuinand distribution -hypercontractive smo-qae”faeokby framework ”sum-of-squares” e CMU ini lvn,KtaiadMeka and Kothari Klivans, in tion rprinlto proportional cnclcnrbto st algo- to is contribution echnical e saplnma relaxation polynomial a as ves rlann eea iermod- linear several learning or htwe h oet fthe of moments the when that hetmtrwskonprior known was estimator ch tmtrta ovre othe to converges that stimator t eaheei information- is achieve we ate ǫ 2 − 4/ ǫ k 2 n again and , − 2/ k when , Contents

1 Introduction 1 1.1 OurResults ...... 2 1.2 RelatedWork...... 5

2 Technical Overview 6 2.1 Total Variation Closeness implies Hyperplane Closeness ...... 7 2.2 Proofs to Inefficient Algorithms: Distilling Constraints ...... 9 2.3 EfficientAlgorithmsviaSum-of-Squares ...... 11 2.4 DistributionFamilies ...... 12

3 Preliminaries 13 3.1 SoSBackground...... 14

4 Robust Certifiability and Information Theoretic Estimators 17

5 in Polynomial Time 21 5.1 Analysis ...... 22

6 Lowerbounds 32 6.1 TrueLinearModel ...... 32 6.2 AgnosticModel ...... 33

7 Bounded Covariance Distributions 35

A Robust Identifiability for Arbitrary Noise 42

B Efficient Estimator for Arbitrary Noise 45

C Proofof Lemma 3.4 48 1 Introduction

While classical statistical theory has focused on designing statistical estimators assuming access to i.i.d. samples from a nice distribution, estimation in the presence of adversarial has been a challenging problem since it was formalized by Huber [Hub64]. A long and influential line of work in high-dimensional robust has since focused on studying the trade-off be- tween sample complexity, accuracy and more recently, computational complexity for basic tasks such as estimating mean, covariance [LRV16, DKK+16, CSV17, KS17b, SCV17, CDG19, DKK+17, DKK+18a, CDGW19], moment tensors of distributions [KS17b] and regression [DKS17, KKM18b, DKK+19, PSBR20, KKK19, RY20a]. Regression continues to be extensively studied under various models, including realizable re- gression (no noise), true linear models (independent noise), asymmetric noise, agnostic regression and generalized linear models (see [Wei05] and references therein). In each model, a variety of distributional assumptions are considered over the covariates and the noise. As a consequence, there exist innumerable estimators for regression achieving various trade-offs between sample complexity, running time and rate of convergence. The presence of adversarial outliers adds yet another dimension to design and compare estimators. Seminal works on robust regression focused on designing non-convex loss functions, includ- ing M-estimators [Hub11], Theil-Sen estimators[The92, Sen68], R-estimators[Jae72], Least-Median- Squares [Rou84] and S-estimators[RY84]. These estimators have desirable statistical properties un- der disparate assumptions, yet remain computationally intractable in high dimensions. Further, recent works show that it is information-theoretically impossible to design robust estimators for linear regression without distributional assumptions [KKM18b]. An influential recent line of work showed that when the data is drawn from the well studied and highly general class of hypercontractive distributions (see Definition 1.3), there exist robust and computationally efficient estimators for regression [KKM18b, PSBR20, DKS19]. Several families of natural distributions fall into this category, including Gaussians, strongly log-concave distri- butions and product distributions on the hypercube. However, both estimators converge to the the true hyperplane (in ℓ2-norm) at a sub-optimal rate, as a function of the fraction of corrupted points. Given the vast literature on ad-hoc and often incomparable estimators for high-dimensional robust regression, the central question we address in this work is as follows:

Does there exist a unified approach to design robust and computationally efficient estimators achieving optimal rates for all linear regression models under mild distributional assumptions?

We address the aforementioned question by introducing a framework to design robust estima- tors for linear regression when the input is drawn from a hypercontractive distribution. Our estima- tors converge to the true hyperplanes at the information-theoretically optimal rate (as a function of the fraction of corrupted data) under various well-studied noise models, including independent and agnostic noise. Further, we show that our estimators can be computed in polynomial time using the sum-of-squares convex hierarchy. We note that, despite decades of progress, prior to our work, estimators achieving optimal con- vergence rate in terms of the fraction of corrupted points were not known, even with independent noise and access to unbounded computation.

1 1.1 Our Results

We begin by formalizing the regression model we work with. In classical regression, we assume

d d D

Ê Ê is a distribution over Ê and for a vector Θ , the least-squares loss is given by err (Θ)= 2 × ∈ D Ex,y y x⊤Θ . The goal is to learn Θ∗ = arg minΘ err (Θ). We assume sample access to ∼D − D , andh given n i.i.d.i samples, we want to obtain a vector Θ that approximately achieves optimal D  error, err (Θ∗). D In contrast to the classical setting, we work in the strong contamination model. Here, an adver- sary has access to the input samples and is allowed to corrupt an ǫ-fraction arbitrarily. Note, the adversary has access to unbounded computation and has knowledge of the estimators we design. We note that this is the most stringent corrupt model and captures Huber contamination, additive corruption, label noise, agnostic learning etc (see [DK19]). Formally,

d Model 1.1 (Robust Regression Model). Let be a distribution over Ê R such that the marginal dis- d D × 2 tribution over Ê is centered and has covariance Σ∗ and let Θ∗ = arg minΘ Ex,y (y Θ, x ) be the ∼D − h i optimal hyperplane for . Let (x , y ), (x , y ),... (x , y ) be n i.i.d. random variablesh drawn fromi . D { 1∗ 1∗ 2∗ 2∗ n∗ n∗ } D Given ǫ > 0, the robust regression model (ǫ, Σ∗, Θ∗) outputs a set of n samples (x1, y1),... (xn, yn) RD { } such that for at least (1 ǫ)n points x = x and y = y . The remaining ǫn points are arbitrary, and − i i∗ i i∗ potentially adversarial w.r.t. the input and estimator.

A natural starting point is to assume that the marginal distribution over the covariates (the x’s above) is heavy-tailed and has bounded, finite covariance. However, we show that there is no robust estimator in this setting, even when the linear model has no noise and the uncorrupted points lie on a line.

Theorem 1.2 (Bounded Covariance does not suffice, Theorem 7.1 informal). For all ǫ > 0, there

d Ê exist two distributions , over Ê such that the marginal distribution over the covariates has D1 D2 × bounded covariance, denoted by Σ2 = Θ(1), yet Σ1/2 (Θ Θ ) = Ω(1), where Θ and Θ are the 1 − 2 2 1 2 optimal hyperplanes for 1 and 2. D D The aforementioned result precludes any statistical estimator that converges to the true hyper- plane as the fraction of corrupted points tends to 0. Therefore, we strengthen the distributional assumption and hypercontractive distributions instead.

Definition 1.3 ((C, k)-Hypercontractivity). A distribution over Rd is (C, k)-hypercontractive for D an even integer k > 4, if for all r [k/2], for all v Rd, ∈ ∈ 2r 2 r E v, x E [x] 6 E C v, x E [x] x − x − ∼D "  # ∼D "   # Remark 1.4. Hypercontractivity captures a broad class of distributions, including Gaussian distri- butions, uniform distributions over the hypercube and sphere, affine transformations of isotropic distributions satisfying Poincare inequalities [KS17a] and strongly log-concave distributions. Fur- ther, hypercontractivity is preserved under natural closure properties like affine transformations, products and weighted mixtures [KS17c]. Further, efficiently computable estimators appearing in this work require certifiable-hypercontractivity (Definition 3.5), a strengthening that continues to capture aforementioned distribution classes.

2 In this work we focus on the rate of convergence of our estimators to the true hyperplane, Θ∗, as a function of the fraction of corrupted points, denoted by ǫ. We measure convergence in both parameter distance (ℓ2-distance between the hyperplanes) and least-squares error on the true dis- tribution (err ). D We introduce a simple analytic condition on the relationship between the noise (marginal dis- tribution over y x Θ ) and covariates (marginal distribution over x) that can be considered as a − ⊤ ∗ proxy for independence of y x Θ and x : − ⊤ ∗

d Ê Definition 1.5 (Negatively Correlated Moments). Given a distribution over Ê , such that d D × the marginal distribution on Ê is (ck, k)-hypercontractive, the corresponding regression instance has negatively correlated moments if for all r 6 k, and for all v,

r r r r E v, x y x⊤Θ∗ 6 (1) E v, x E y x⊤Θ∗ x,y h i − O x h i x,y − ∼D ∼D ∼D h   i   h  i Informally, the negatively correlated moments condition can be viewed as a polynomial relaxation of independence of random variables. Note, it is easy to see that when the noise is independent of the covariates, the above definition is satisfied.

Remark 1.6. We show that when this condition is satisfied by the true distribution, , we obtain D rates that match the information theoretically optimal rate in a true linear model, where the noise (marginal distribution over y x Θ ) is independent of the covariates (marginal distribution over − ⊤ ∗ x). Further, when this condition is not satisfied, we show that there exist distributions for which obtaining rates matching the true linear model is impossible.

When the distribution over the input is hypercontractive and has negatively correlated mo- 1 1/k ments, we obtain an estimator achieving rate proportional to ǫ − for parameter recovery. Fur- ther, our estimator can be computed efficiently. Thus, our main algorithmic result is as follows:

Theorem 1.7 (Robust Regresssion with Negatively Correlated Noise, Theorem 5.1 informal). Given (k) ǫ > 0, k > 4, and n > (d log(d))O samples from (ǫ, Σ∗, Θ∗), such that is (c, k)-certifiably RD D (k) hypercontractive and has negatively correlated moments, there exists an algorithm that runs in nO time and outputs an estimator Θ˜ such that with high probability,

1/2 1 1/k 1/2 (Σ∗) Θ∗ Θ˜ 6 ǫ − err (Θ∗) − 2 O D      and, 2 2/k err (Θ˜ ) 6 1 + ǫ − err (Θ∗) D O D    Remark 1.8. We note that prior work does not draw a distinction between the independent and dependent noise models. In comparison (see Table 1), Klivans, Kothari and Meka [KKM18b] ob- 1 2/k tained a sub-optimal least-squares error scales proportional to ǫ − . For the special case of k = 4, Prasad et. al. [PSBR20] obtain least squares error proportional to O(ǫκ2(Σ)), where κ is the con- dition number. In very recent independent work Zhu, Jiao and Steinhardt [ZJS20] obtained a 2 4/k sub-optimal least-squares error scales proportional to ǫ − .

Further, we show that the rate we obtained in Theorem 1.7 is information-theoretically optimal, even when the noise and covariates are independent:

3 Estimator Independent Noise Arbitrary Noise Prasad et. al. [PSBR20], ǫκ2 (only k = 4) ǫκ2 (only k = 4) Diakonikolas et. al. [DKK+18b] Klivans, Kothari and Meka ǫ1 2/k ǫ1 2/k [KKM18b] − − Zhu, Jiao and Steinhardt ǫ2 4/k ǫ2 4/k [ZJS20] − − Our Work ǫ2 2/k ǫ2 4/k Thm 1.7, Cor 1.10 − − Lower Bounds ǫ2 2/k ǫ2 4/k Thm 1.9, Thm 1.11 − −

Table 1: Comparison of convergence rate (for least-squares error) achieved by various compu- tationally efficient estimators for Robust Regression, when the underlying distribution is (ck, k)- hypercontractive.

Theorem 1.9 (Lower Bound for Independent Noise, Theorem 6.1 informal ). For any ǫ > 0, there

2 2

Ê Ê exist two distributions , over Ê such that the marginal distribution over has covariance Σ D1 D2 × and is (c, k)-hypercontractive for both distributions, and yet Σ1/2(Θ Θ ) = Ω ǫ1 1/kσ , where 1 − 2 2 − Θ , Θ are the optimal hyperplanes for and respectively, σ = max(err (Θ ), err (Θ )) and the 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2  D D 2 2/kD 2 D noise is uniform over [ σ, σ]. Further, err (Θ2) err (Θ1 ) = Ω ǫ − σ . − | D1 − D1 | Next, we consider the setting where the noise is allowed to arbitrary, and need not have nega- tively correlated moments with the covariates. A simple modification to our algorithm and analy- 1 2/k sis yields an efficient estimator that obtains rate proportional to ǫ − for parameter recovery.

Corollary 1.10 (Robust Regresssion with Dependent Noise, Corollary 4.2 informal). Given ǫ > (k) 0, k > 4 and n > (d log(d))O samples from (ǫ, Σ∗, Θ∗), such that is (c, k)-certifiably hyper- RD(k) D contractive, there exists an algorithm that runs in nO time and outputs an estimator Θ˜ such that with probability 9/10, 1/2 1 2/k 1/2 (Σ∗) Θ∗ Θ˜ 6 ǫ − err (Θ∗) − 2 O D     and,  2 4/k err (Θ˜ ) 6 1 + ǫ − err (Θ∗) D O D    Further, we show that the dependence on ǫ is again information-theoretically optimal:

Theorem 1.11 (Lower Bound for Dependent Noise, Theorem 6.2 informal). For any ǫ > 0, there exist

2 2

Ê Ê two distributions , over Ê such that the marginal distribution over has covariance Σ and is D1 D2 × (c, k)-hypercontractive for both distributions, and yet Σ1/2(Θ Θ ) = Ω ǫ1 2/kσ , where Θ , Θ 1 − 2 2 − 1 2 be the optimal hyperplanes for and respectively and σ = max(err (Θ ), err (Θ )). Further, 1 2 1 1 2  2 D2 4/k D2 D D err (Θ2) err (Θ1) = Ω ǫ − σ . | D1 − D1 |  Applications for Gaussian Covariates. The special case where the marginal distribution over x is Gaussian has received considerable interest recently [DKS18, DKK+18b]. We note that our

4 estimators extend to the setting of Gaussian covariates, since the uniform distribution over sam- ples from (0, Σ) are ( (k) , (k))-certifiably hypercontractive for all k (see Section 5 in Kothari N O O and Steurer [KS17c]). As a consequence, instantiating Corollary 1.10 with k = log(1/ǫ) yields the following:

(log(1/ǫ)) Corollary 1.12 (Robust Regression with Gaussian Covariates). Given ǫ > 0 and n > (d log(d))O samples from (ǫ, Σ∗, Θ∗), such that the marginal distribution over the x’s is (0, Σ∗), there exists an RN (log(1/ǫ) N algorithm that runs in nO time and outputs an estimator Θ˜ such that with high probability,

1/2 1/2 (Σ∗) Θ∗ Θ˜ 6 (ǫ log(1/ǫ))(err (Θ∗)) − 2 O N

 and, 2 err (Θ˜ ) 6 1 + (ǫ log(1/ǫ)) err (Θ∗) N O N    We note that our estimators obtain the rate matching recent work for Gaussians, albeit in quasi- polynomial time. In comparison, Diakonikolas, Kong and Stewart [DKS18] obtain the same rate in polynomial time, when the noise is independent of the covariates. We note that obtaining the opti- mal rate for Gaussian covariates (shaving the additional log(1/ǫ) factor) remains an outstanding open question.

1.2 Related Work.

Robust Statistics. Computationally efficient estimators for in high dimension have been extensively studied, following the initial work on robust mean estimation [DKK+16, LRV16]. We focus on literature regarding robust regression and sum-of-squares. We refer the reader to recent surveys and theses for an extensive discussion of the literature on robust statistics [RSS18, Li18, Ste18, DK19].

Robust Regression. Computationally efficient estimators for robust linear regression were pro- posed by [PSBR20, KKM18b, DKK+19, DKS19]. While [PSBR20] and [DKK+19] obtained estima- tors for the more general case of distributions with bounded 4th moment. However, their estima- tors suffer an error of err (Θ )ǫκ2(Σ) , where κ(Σ) is the condition number of the covariance O D ∗ matrix of X. Hence, these estimators don’t obtain the optimal dependence on ǫ in the negatively  correlated noise setting, and also suffer an additional condition number dependence in the depen- dent noise setting. [DKS19] obtained improved bounds under the restrictive assumption that X is distributed according to a Gaussian. [KKM18b] obtained polynomial-time estimators for distribu- tions with certifiably bounded distributions, however, their estimators obtain a sub-optimal error of err (Θ )ǫ1 2/k . In very recent and independent work, Zhu, Jiao and Steinhardt [ZJS20] O D ∗ − obtained polynomial time estimators for the dependent noise setting, but their estimators are sub-  optimal for the negatively correlated setting. There has been significant work in more restrictive noise models as well. For instance, a series of works [BJK15, BJKK17, SBRJ19] consider a noise model where the adversary is only allowed to corrupt the labels and obtain consistent estimators in this regime (error goes to zero with more samples). In comparison, our estimators do not obtain For a comprehensive overview we refer the reader to references in the aforementioned papers.

5 Sum-of-Squares Algorithms. In recent years, there has been a significant progress in applying the Sum-of-Squares framework to design efficient algorithms for several fundamental computa- tional problems. Starting with the work of Barak, Kelner and Steurer [BKS15], sum-of-squares algorithms have the best known running time for dictionary learning and tensor decomposition [MSS16a, SS17, HSS19], optimizing random tensors over the sphere [BGL17] and refuting CSPs below the spectral threshold [RRS17]. In the context of high-dimensional estimation, sum-of-squares algorithms achieved state-of- the-art performance for robust moment estimation [KS17c], robust regression[KKM18b], robustly learning mixtures of spherical [KS17a, HL18] and arbitrary Gaussians [BK20b, DHKK20], heavy- tailed estimation [Hop18, CHK+20] and list-decodable variants of these problems [KKK19, RY20a, RY20b, BK20a, CMY20].

1 1/k Concurrent Work. We note that a statistical estimator achieving rate proportional to ǫ − can be obtained from combining ideas in [ZJS19] and [ZJS20]1. However, this approach remains com- putationally intractable. Finally, Cherapanamjeri et al. [CHK+20] consider the special case of k = 4 and obtain nearly linear sample complexity and running time. However, their running time and rate incurs a condition number dependence. Further, their rate scales proportional to ǫ1/2, even when the noise is indpendent of the covariates (as opposed to ǫ3/4). We emphasize that the bottleneck in all prior and concurrent work remains algorithmically exploiting the independence of the noise and covariates, which we achieve via the negatively corre- lated moments condition (Definition 1.5).

2 Technical Overview

In this section, we provide an overview of our approach, the new algorithmic ideas we introduce and the corresponding technical challenges. At a high level, we build on several recent works that study Sum-of-Squares relaxations for solving algorithmic problems arising in robust statistics Following the proofs-to-algorithms paradigm arising from the aforementioned works, we show that given two distributions over regression instances that are close in total variation distance (definition 3.1), any hyperplane minimizing the least-squares loss on one distribution must be close (in ℓ2 distance) to any other hyperplane minimizing the loss on the second distribution. This information-theoretic statement immediately yields a robust estimator achieving optimal rate, albeit given access to unbounded computation. To see this, let be the uniform distribu- D1 tion over n i.i.d samples from the true distribution, and be the uniform distribution over n D2 corrupted samples from (ǫ, Σ∗, Θ∗), denoted by 2. It is easy to check that the total variation RD D distance between and is at most ǫ. Therefore, the two hyperplanes must be close in ℓ norm. D1 D2 2 In order to make this strategy algorithmic, we show that we can distilled a set of polynomial constraints from the information theoretic proof and can efficiently optimize over them using the Sum-of-Squares framework. We note that we crucially require several new constraints, including the gradient condition and the negatively-correlated moments condition (see Section 2.1), which did not appear in any prior works. We describe each step in more detail subsequently.

1We thank Banghua Zhu, Jiantao Jiao, and Jacob Steinhardt for communicating their observation to us.

6 2.1 Total Variation Closeness implies Hyperplane Closeness

d Ê Consider two distributions 1 and 2 over Ê such that the total variation distance between D D × d and is ǫ and the marginals for both distributions over Ê are (c , k)-hypercontractive and D1 D2 k have covariance Σ. Ignoring computational and sample complexity concerns, we can obtain the optimal hyperplanes corresponding to each distribution. Note, these hyperplanes need not be unique and are simply charecterized as minimzers of the least-squares loss : for i 1, 2 , ∈ { } 2 Θi = arg min E y x⊤Θ Θ x,y i − ∼D    Our central contribution is to obtain an information theoretic proof that the optimal hyper- planes are indeed close in scaled ℓ2 norm, i.e.

2 1/2 2 1/2 1/2 1 1/k Σ (Θ1 Θ2) 6 ǫ − E y x⊤Θ1 + E y x⊤Θ2 − 2 O x,y 1 − x,y 2 − !   ∼D    ∼D   

1 1/k We refer the reader to Theorem 4.1 for a precise statement. Further, we show that the ǫ − dependence can be achieved even when the noise is not completely independent of the covariates but satisfies an analytic condition which we refer to as negatively correlated moments (see Definition 1.5). We provide an outline of the proof as it illustrates where the techniques we introduced in this work.

Coupling and Decoupling. We begin by considering a maximal coupling, , between distribu- G tions and such that they disagree on at most an ǫ-measure support (ǫ-fraction of the points D1 D2 for a discrete distribution). Let (x, y) and (x , y ) . Then, observe for any vector v, ∼ D1 ′ ′ ∼ D2

v, Σ(Θ Θ ) = v, E xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) h 1 − 2 i 1 − 2  G h i  (1) = E v, x x⊤Θ y + E v, x y x⊤Θ 1 − − 2 G hD  Ei G hD  Ei While the first term in Equation (1) depends completely on , the second term requires using the D1 properties of the maximal coupling. Since 1 = 1(x,y)=(x ,y ) + 1(x,y)=(x ,y ), we can rewrite the second ′ ′ 6 ′ ′ term in Equation (1) as follows:

E v, x y x⊤Θ = E v, x′ y′ (x′)⊤Θ 1 − 2 − 2 (x,y)=(x′,y′) G hD  Ei G hD  E i (2) + E v, x y x⊤Θ2 1(x,y)=(x ,y ) − 6 ′ ′ G hD  E i With a bit of effort, we can combine Equations (1) and (2), and upper bound them as follows (see Theorem 4.1 for details):

7 v, Σ(Θ1 Θ2) 6 (1) E v, x x⊤Θ1 y + E v, x′ (x′)⊤Θ2 y′ h − i O − − G hD  Ei G hD  Ei (i) (ii) (3) |+ E v, x{zy x⊤Θ1 } 1|(x,y)=(x ,y ) {z } − 6 ′ ′ G hD  E i

+ E v, x′ y′ (x′)⊤Θ2 1(x,y)=(x ,y ) − 6 ′ ′ ! G hD  E i Observe, since we have a maximal coupling, the last two terms appearing in Equation (3) are non- zero only on an ǫ-measure support. To bound them, we decouple the indicator using H¨older’s inequality,

1 k 1 k k −k k E v, x(y x⊤Θ1) 1(x,y)=(x ,y ) 6 E 1(x,y)=(x ,y ) E v, x y x⊤Θ1 − 6 ′ ′ 6 ′ ′ h i − G   hD E i h i  1  k k (4) 1 1/k k 6 ǫ − E v, x y x⊤Θ · h i − 1     (iii) | {z } where we used the maximality of the coupling to bound E 1(x,y)=(x ,y ) 6 ǫ. The above analysis G 6 ′ ′ can be repeated verbatim for the second term in (3) as well. Goingh forward,i we focus on bounding terms (i), (ii) and (iii).

Gradient Conditions. To bound terms (i) and (ii) in Equation (3), we crucially rely on gradient in- formation provided by the least-squares objective. Concretely, a key observation in our information- theoretic proof is that the candidate hyperplanes are locally optimal: given least-squares loss, for i 1, 2 for all vectors v, ∈ { } 2 E y x⊤Θi , v = E v, xx⊤Θi xy = 0 *∇ x,y i − + x,y i − ∼D    ∼D hD Ei where Θ and Θ are the optimal hyperplanes for and respectively. Therefore, both (i) and 1 2 D1 D2 (ii) are identically 0. It remains to bound (iii).

Independence and Negatively Correlated Moments. We observe that term (iii) can be inter- preted as the k-th order correlation between the distribution of the covariates projected along v and the distribution of the noise in the linear model. Here, we observe that if the linear model sat- isfies the negatively correlated moments condition (Definition 1.5), we can decouple the expectation and bound each term independently:

k 1/k 1/k k 1/k k k E v, x y x⊤Θ 6 E v, x E y x⊤Θ (5) h i − 1 h i − 1     h i   

8 Observe, when the underlying linear model has independent noise, Equation (5) follows for any k. We thus crucially exploit the structure of the noise and require a considerably weaker notion than independence. Further, if the negatively correlated moments property is not satisfied, we can use 1 2/k Cauchy-Schwarz to decouple the expectation in Equation (5) and incur a ǫ − dependence (see Corollary 4.2). Conceptually, we emphasize that the negatively correlated moments condition may be of independent interest to design estimators that exploit independence in various statistics problems.

Hypercontractivity. To bound the RHS in Equation (5), we use our central distributional assump- tion of hypercontractive k-th moments (Definition 1.3) of the covariates :

1/k 1/2 E v, x k 6 √c E v, x 2 = √c v, Σv 1/2 h i k h i k h i h i h i We can bound the noise similarly, by assuming that the noise is hypercontractive and this con- siderably simplifies our statements. However, hypercontractivity of the noise is not a necessary assumption and prior work indeed incurs a term proportional to the k-th moment of the noise. Assuming boundedness of the regression vectors, Klivans, Kothari and Meka [KKM18b] obtained a uniform upper bound on k-th moment of the noise by truncating large samples. We note that the same holds for our estimators and we refer the reader to Section 5.2.3 in their paper. Finally, substituting v = Θ Θ and rearranging, completes the information-theoretic proof. 1 − 2 We note that our approach already differs from prior work [KKM18b, PSBR20, ZJS19] and to our knowledge, we obtain the first information theoretic proof that being ǫ-close in TV distance implies that the optimal hyperplanes are ǫ1 1/k close in ℓ distance. Next, we use this proof O − 2 as motivation to construct a robust estimator. We do this by explicitly enforcing the gradient con-  dition, negatively correlated moments, and hypercontractivity as constraints in the description of the robust estimator. In contrast, prior work only uses hypercontractivity or the gradient informa- tion in the analysis of their robust estimators. We describe these details below.

2.2 Proofs to Inefficient Algorithms: Distilling Constraints

Given an ǫ-corrupted sample generated by Model 1.1, a natural approach to design a robust (al- beit inefficient) estimator is to search over all subsets of size (1 ǫ)n, minimize the least squares − objective on each one and output the hyperplane that achieves the minimal least-squares objective. Klivans, Kothari and Meka [KKM18b] implicitly analyze this estimator and show that it obtains rate ǫ1/2 1/k, which is sub-optimal. Instead, we search over all subsets of size (1 ǫ)n and in − − addition to minimizing the least-squares objective, we check if the uniform distribution over the samples is hypercontractive, the corresponding hyperplane satisfies the gradient condition and that the distribution over the covariates and noise satisfies the negatively correlated moments con- dition. Then, picking the hyperplane that achieves minimal least-squares cost and satisfies the aforementioned constraints obtains the optimal rate. Since we work in the strong contamination model, where the adversary is allowed to both add and delete samples, there may not be any i.i.d. subset of (1 ǫ)n samples and thus enforcing con- − straints directly on the samples does not suffice. Instead, we create variables 2n variables denoted by (x , y ),... (x , y ) that serve as a proxy for the uncorrupted samples. We can now enforce { 1′ 1′ n′ n′ } constraints on the variables with impunity since a there exists a feasible assignment, namely the

9 uncorrupted samples. With the goal of obtaining an efficiently computable estimator, we restrict to enforcing only polynomial constraints, instead of arbitrary ones.

Intersection Constraints. The discrete analogue of the coupling argument is to ensure high inter- section between the variables of our polynomial program and the uncorrupted samples. We know that at least a (1 ǫ)-fraction of the samples we observe agree with the uncorrupted samples. To − this end, we create indicator variables w , for i [n] such that : i ∈ ∑i [n] wi =(1 ǫ)n ∈ − 2  i [n]. wi = wi  ∀ ∈   i [n] w (x′ x )= 0  ∀ ∈ i i − i  i [n] wi(yi′ yi)= 0 ∀ ∈ −    The intersection constraints ensure that our polynomial system variables agree with the observed samples on (1 ǫ)n points. We note that such constraints are now standard in the literature, and − indeed are the only constraints explicitly enforced by [KKM18b].

Independence as a Polynomial Inequality. The central challenge in obtaining optimal rates for robust regression is to leverage the independence of the noise and covariates. Since independence is a property of the marginals of , it is not immediately clear how to leverage it while designing D a robust estimator. However, recall that we do not require independence in full generality and use negatively cor- related moments as a proxy for independence. Ideally, we would want to enforce the polynomial inequality corresponding to negatively correlated moments directly on the variables of our polyno- mial program as follows:

2r 2r 1 1 2r 1 r 6 k/2, ∑ v⊤xi′ yi′ (xi′)⊤Θ 6 (1) ∑ (v⊤xi′) ∑ yi′ (xi′)⊤Θ (∀ n i [n] − O n i [n] ! n i [n] − !) ∈    ∈ ∈   where Θ is a variable corresponding to the true hyperplane. To demonstrate feasibility of this constraint, we would require a finite sample analysis, showing that uncorrupted samples from a hypercontractive distribution satisfy the above inequality. Observe, when r = k/2, the LHS is a degree-k polynomial and our distribution may be too heavy-tailed to achieve any concentration. Instead, we observe that since hypercontractivity is preserved under sampling, we can relax our polynomial constraint by applying hypercontractivity to the terms in the RHS above : r r 2r 2 1 1 2 1 r 6 k/2, ∑ v⊤xi′ yi′ (xi′)⊤Θ 6 (1) ∑ (v⊤xi′) ∑ yi′ (xi′)⊤Θ (∀ n i [n] − O n i [n] ! n i [n] − ! ) ∈    ∈ ∈   In Lemma 5.4 we show that the above inequality is feasible for the uncorrupted samples. In particular, given at least, dΩ(k) i.i.d. samples from , the above inequality holds on the samples D with high probability. Perhaps surprisingly, the dependence on ǫ achieved when has negatively correlated moments D matches the information theoretically optimal rate for independent noise. We thus expect the notion of negatively correlated moments to lead to new estimators for problems where independence of random variables requires to be formulated as a polynomial inequality.

10 Hypercontractivity Constraints. Since hypercontractivity is a already a polynomial identity re- lating the k-th moment to the variance of a distribution, it can easily enforced as a constraint. Con- veniently, if the underlying distribution is hypercontractive, then the uniform distribution over D a sufficiently large sample is also sampling also hypercontractive (see Lemma 5.7 in [KKM18b]). Therefore, the following constraints are feasible: r 1 2r cr 2 r 6 k/2 ∑ xi′, v 6 ∑ xi′, v ∀ n i [n] h i n i [n]h i !  ∈ ∈  r    1 2r ηr 2  r 6 k/2 ∑ yi′ Θ, xi′ 6 ∑ yi′ Θ, xi′ ∀ n i [n] − n i [n] − !  ∈  ∈     We note that Klivans, Kothari and Meka [KKM18b] use hypercontractivity of the uncorrupted samples in their analysis but do not explicitly enforce this as a constraint. Enforcing hypercontrac- tivity explicitly on the samples was used by Kothari and Steurer [KS17c] in the context of robust moment estimation and Kothari and Steinhardt [KS17a] in the context of robustly clustering a mixture of spherical Gaussians.

Gradient Constraints. Finally, it is crucial in our analysis to enforce that the minimizer we are searching for, Θ, has gradient 0. For the least-squares loss, the gradient has a simple analytic form d : for all v Ê , ∈ k 1 v, x x , Θ y = 0  ∑ i′ i′ i′  * n i [n] − +  ∈   While such optimality conditions are often used in the analysis of estimators (as done in [PSBR20]),   we emphasize that we hardcode the gradient condition into the description of our robust estimator. To the best of our knowledge, no estimator for robust/high-dimensional statistics includes explicit optimality constraints as a part of a polynomial system. Solving the least-squares objective on the samples subject to the polynomial system described by the aforementioned constraints results in an estimator for robust regression that achieves opti- mal rate. Recall, this follows immidiately from our robust certifiability proof. However, optimiz- ing polynomial systems can be NP-Hard in the worse case, and thus we briefly describe how to avoid this computational intractability next.

2.3 Efficient Algorithms via Sum-of-Squares

We use the sum-of-squares method to make the aforementioned polynomial system efficiently computable and provide an outline of this approach (see Section 3 for a formal treatment of sum- of-squares proofs). Instead of directly solving the polynomial program, let us instead consider finding a distribution, µ, over feasible solutions w, x′, y′ and Θ that minimizes

1 2 E ∑ wiyi′ wixi′, Θ w,x ,y ,Θ µ n − ′ ′ ∼ " i [n] # ∈  and satisfies the constraints above. Then, it follows from our information-theoretic proof (Theo- rem 4.1) that 1/2 1 1/k 1/2 E Σ (Θ∗ Θ) 6 ǫ − err (Θ∗) (6) µ − 2 O D h i  

11 where Θ∗ is the optimal hyperplane. We now face two challenges: finding a distribution over solutions is at least as hard as the original problem and we no longer recover a unique hyperplane. The latter is easy to address by observing that the hyperplane obtained by averaging over the distribution, µ, suffices:

1/2 1/2 Σ Θ∗ E [Θ] 6 E Σ (Θ∗ Θ) − µ µ − 2   2 h i where the inequality follows from convexity of the loss. Following prior works, it is now natural to instead consider searching for a ”pseudo-distribution”, ζ, over feasible solutions. A pseudo-distribution is an object similar to a real distribution, but re- laxed to allow negative mass on its support (see Subsection 3.1 for a formal treatment). Crucially, a pseudo-distribution over the polynomial program can be computed efficiently by formulating it as a large SDP. To see why this helps, note any polynomial inequality that can be derived us- ing ”sum-of-squares” proofs from a set of polynomial constraints using a low-degree sum-of-squares proof remains valid if we replace distributions by ”pseudo-distribution”. For instance, if Equation 6 were a polynomial inequality in w, x′, y′ and Θ, obtained by apply- ing simple transformations that admit sum-of-squares proofs, we could replace µ by ζ, and obtain an efficient estimator. However, Equation 6 is not a polynomial inequality and the proof outlined in Subsection 2.1 is not a low-degree sum-of-squares proof. Therefore, a central technical contri- bution of our work is to formulate the right polynomial identity bounding the distance between Θ∗ and Θ in terms of the least-squares error incurred by by Θ∗, and deriving this bound from the polynomial constraints using a low-degree sum-of-squares proof. We do this in Section 5.

2.4 Distribution Families

We note that our statistical estimator applies to all distributions, , that are (c , k)-hypercontractive D k and the rate is completely determined by whether has negatively correlated moments. In partic- D ular, for the important special case of heavy-tailed regression with independent noise, we obtain 1 1/k rate proportional to ǫ − for parameter recovery. However, similar to prior work on hypercontractive distributions, our efficient estimators ap- ply to a more restrictive class, i.e. certifiably hypercontractive distributions (Definition 3.5). Intu- itively, this condition captures the criteria that information about degree-k moment upper bounds is ”algorithmically accessible”. Certifiably hypercontractive distributions are a broad class and include affine transformations of isotropic distributions satisfying Poincar´einequalities and all strongly log-concave distributions. For a detailed discussion of distributions satisfying Poincar´e inequalities and their closure properties, we refer the reader to [KS17a, KS17c]. Surprisingly, while we enforce a constraint corresponding to negatively correlated moments, we do not require a certifiable variant of this condition. Therefore, our efficient estimators hold for regression instances where the true distribution satisfies this condition, including the special case where the noise is independent from the covariates. Finally, our estimators unify various noise models and imply that even in the agnostic setting, the rate degrades only when the noise is positively correlated with the covariates.

12 3 Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, for a vector v, we use v to denote the Euclidean norm of v. For a k k2 n m matrix M, we use M 2 = max x =1 Mx 2 to denote the spectral norm of M and M F = × k k k k2 k k k k ∑ M2 to denote the Frobenius norm of M. For symmetric matrices we use to denote the i,j i,j  PSD/Loewnerq ordering over eigenvalues of M. Recall, the definition of total variation distance between probability measures:

Definition 3.1 (Total Variation Distance). The TV distance between distributions with PDFs p, q is 1 ∞ defined as 2 ∞ p(x) q(x) dx. − | − |

d Ê Given a distributionR over Ê , we consider the least squares error of a vector Θ w.r.t. D × 2 D to be err (Θ) = Ex,y (y x, Θ ) . The linear regression problem minimizes the error over D ∼D − h i all Θ. The minimizer, Θ hof the aformentionedi error satisfies the following ”gradient condition” : d D for all v Ê , ∈

E v, xx⊤Θ xy = 0 x,y D − ∼D hD Ei Fact 3.2 (Convergence of Empirical Moments, implicit in Lemma 5.5 [KS17c] ). Let be a (c , k)- D k hypercontractive distribution with covariance Σ and let = x ,... x be n = Ω((d log(d)/δ)k/2) X { 1 n} i.i.d. samples from . Then, with probability at least 1 δ, D − 1 n (1 0.1)Σ ∑ xixi⊤ (1 + 0.1)Σ −  n i 

Fact 3.3 (TV Closeness to Covariance Closeness, Lemma 2.2 [KS17c]). Let 1, 2 be (ck, k)-hypercontractive Dk D d k distributions over Ê such that TV 6 ǫ, where 0 < ǫ < (1/c ) 1 . Let Σ , Σ be the corre- kD − D′k O k − 1 2 sponding covariance matrices. Then, for δ 6 c ǫ1 1/k < 1,   O k − (1 δ)Σ Σ (1 + δ)Σ − 2  1  2 Lemma 3.4 (L¨owner Ordering for Hypercontractive Samples). Let be a (c , k)-hypercontractive D k distribution with covariance Σ and and let be the uniform distribution over n samples. Then, with U probability 1 δ, − 2 1/2 1/2 C4d Σ− ΣΣˆ − I 6 , − F √n√δ

Σˆ 1 where = n ∑i [n] xixi⊤. ∈ Next, we define the technical conditions required for efficient estimators. Formally,

d Definition 3.5 (Certifiable Hypercontractivity). A distribution on Ê is (c , k)-certifiably hyper- D k contractive if for all r 6 k/2, there exists a degree (k) sum-of-squares proof (defined below) of O the following inequality in the variable v

r 2r 2 E x, v 6 E cr x, v x h i x h i ∼D h i ∼D h i such that cr 6 ck.

13 Next, we note that if a distribution is certifiably hypercontractive, the uniform distribution D over n i.i.d. samples from is also certifiably hypercontractive. D

Fact 3.6 (Sampling Preserves Certifiable Hypercontractivity, Lemma 5.5 [KS17c] ). Let be a (ck, k)- d kD/2 2 certifiably hypercontractive distribution on Ê . Let be a set of n = Ω (d log(d/δ)) /γ i.i.d. X samples from . Then, with probability 1 δ, the uniform distribution over is (c + γ, k)-certifiably D − X k hypercontractive.

We also note that certifiably hypercontractivity is preserved under Affine transformations of the distribution.

Fact 3.7 (Certifiable Hypercontractivity under Affine Transformations, Lemma 5.1, 5.2 [KS17c]). d Let x Ê be a random variable drawn from a (c , k)-certifiably hypercontractive distribution. Then, ∈ k for matrix A and vector b, the distribution over the random variable Ax + b is also (ck, k)-certifiably hypercontractive.

Next, we formally define the condition on the moments and noise that we require to obtain efficient algorithms. We note that for technical reasons it is not simply a polynomial identity encoding Definition 1.5.

d Ê Definition 3.8 (Certifiable Negatively Correlated Moments). A distribution on Ê has (1)- D × O certifiable negatively correlated moments if for all r 6 k/2 there exists a degree (k) sum-of- O squares proof of the following inequality

2r r 2 r r 2 E v⊤x y x⊤Θ 6 (λr) E (v⊤x) E y x⊤Θ x,y − O − ∼D      h i      for a fixed vector Θ.

3.1 SoS Background.

In this subsection, we provide the necessary background for the sum-of-squares proof system. We follow the exposition as it appears in lecture notes by Barak [Bar], the Appendix of Ma, Shi and Steurer [MSS16b], and the preliminary sections of several recent works [KS17c, KKK19, KKM18a, BK20a, BK20b].

n Pseudo-Distributions. We can represent a discrete probability distribution over Ê by its prob-

n Ê ability mass function D : Ê such that D > 0 and ∑x supp(D) D(x) = 1. Similarly, we → ∈ can describe a pseudo-distribution by its mass function by relaxing the non-negativity constraint, while still passing certain low-degree non-negativity tests.

Definition 3.9 (Pseudo-distribution). A level-ℓ pseudo-distribution is a finitely-supported func-

n 2 Ê tion D : Ê such that ∑ D(x) = 1 and ∑ D(x) f (x) > 0 for every polynomial f of degree → x x at most ℓ/2, where the summation is over all x in the support of D.

Next, we define the notion of pseudo-expectation.

14 d Definition 3.10 (Pseudo-expectation). The pseudo-expectation of a function f on Ê with respect E˜ to a pseudo-distribution D, denoted by D(x)[ f (x)], is defined as E˜ D(x)[ f (x)] = ∑ D(x) f (x) (7) x E˜ ℓ ℓ We use the notation D(x)[(1, x1, x2,..., xn)⊗ ] to denote the degree- moment tensor of the pseudo-distribution D. In particular, each entry in the moment tensor corresponds to the pseudo- expectation of a monomial of degree at most ℓ in x. Crucially, there’s an efficient separation oracle for moment tensors of pseudo-distributions.

O(ℓ) Fact 3.11 ([Sho87, Par00, Nes00, Las01]). For any n, ℓ Æ, the following set has a n -time weak ∈ separation oracle (in the sense of [GLS81]):

ℓ n E˜ (1, x , x ,..., x )⊗ degree-ℓ pseudo-distribution D over Ê (8) D(x) 1 2 n | n o This fact, together with the equivalence of weak separation and optimization [GLS81] forms the basis of the sum-of-squares algorithm, as it allows us to efficiently approximately optimize over pseudo-distributions. Given a system of polynomial constraints, denoted by , we say that it is explicitly bounded if A it contains a constraint of the form x 2 6 M . Then, the following fact follows from Fact 3.11 {k k } and [GLS81]:

Fact 3.12 (Efficient Optimization over Pseudo-distributions). There exists an (n + m)O(ℓ)-time al- gorithm that, given any explicitly bounded and satisfiable system2 of m polynomial constraints in n A variables, outputs a level-ℓ pseudo-distribution that satisfies approximately. A We now define basic facts for pseudo-distributions, which extend facts that hold for standard probability distributions, which can be found in several prior works listed above.

Fact 3.13 (Cauchy-Schwarz for Pseudo-distributions). Let f , g be polynomials of degree at most d in d 2 2 indeterminate x Ê . Then, for any degree d pseudo-distribution ζ˜, E˜ [ f g] 6 E˜ [ f ] E˜ [g ]. ∈ ζ˜ ζ˜ ζ˜ q q Fact 3.14 (H¨older’s Inequality for Pseudo-Distributions). Let f , g be polynomials of degree at most

d t 1 Æ Ê ˜ E˜ d in indeterminate x . Fix t . Then, for any degree dt pseudo-distribution ζ, ζ˜[ f − g] 6 t 1 ∈ ∈ − 1/t E˜ t t E˜ t E˜ k E˜ k ζ˜[ f ] ζ˜[g ] . In particular, for all even integers k, ζ˜[ f ] 6 ζ˜[ f ].    

Sum-of-squares proofs. Let f1, f2,..., fr and g be multivariate polynomials in x.A sum-of-squares proof that the constraints f > 0,..., f > 0 imply the constraint g > 0 consists of polynomi- { 1 m } { } als (pS)S [m] such that ⊆ 2 g = ∑ pS Πi S fi (9) ∈ S [m] · ⊆ ℓ 2 Π We say that this proof has degree if for every set S [m], the polynomial pS i S fi has degree at ⊆ ∈ most ℓ. If there is a degree ℓ SoS proof that f > 0 i 6 r implies g > 0 , we write: { i | } { } f > 0 i 6 r g > 0 (10) { i | } ℓ { } 2Here, we assume that the bit complexity of the constraints in is (n + m)O(1). A


n n m n k p

Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê For all polynomials f , g : Ê and for all functions F : , G : , H : n → → → → Ê such that each of the coordinates of the outputs are polynomials of the inputs, we have the following inference rules. The first one derives new inequalities by addition/multiplication:

ℓ f > 0, g > 0 ℓ f > 0 , ℓ g > 0 A { } , A { } A ′ { } (Addition/Multiplication Rule) ℓ f + g > 0 ℓ ℓ f g > 0 A { } A + ′ { · } The next one derives new inequalities by transitivity:

ℓ , ℓ C A B B ′ (Transitivity Rule) ℓ ℓ C A · ′ Finally, the last rule derives new inequalities via substitution:

F > 0 ℓ G > 0 { } { } (Substitution Rule) > > F(H) 0 ℓ deg(H) G(H) 0 { } · { } Low-degree sum-of-squares proofs are sound and complete if we take low-level pseudo-distributions as models. Concretely, sum-of-squares proofs allow us to deduce properties of pseudo-distributions that satisfy some constraints.

Fact 3.15 (Soundness). If D for a level-ℓ pseudo-distribution D and there exists a sum-of-squares r A proof , then D . r′ r r +r A B · ′ ′ B If the pseudo-distribution D satisfies only approximately, soundness continues to hold if A we require an upper bound on the bit-complexity of the sum-of-squares B (number of bits A r′ required to write down the proof). In our applications, the bit complexity of all sum of squares proofs will be nO(ℓ) (assuming that all numbers in the input have bit complexity nO(1)). This bound suffices in order to argue about pseudo-distributions that satisfy polynomial constraints approximately. The following fact shows that every property of low-level pseudo-distributions can be derived by low-degree sum-of-squares proofs.

Fact 3.16 (Completeness). Suppose d > r > r and is a collection of polynomial constraints with degree ′ A at most r, and ∑n x2 6 B for some finite B. A ⊢ { i=1 i } Let g > 0 be a polynomial constraint. If every degree-d pseudo-distribution that satisfies D also { } r A > > > satisfies D g 0 , then for every ǫ 0, there is a sum-of-squares proof d g ǫ . r′ { } A { − }

Basic Sum-of-Squares Proofs. Next, we use the following basic facts regarding sum-of-squares proofs. For further details, we refer the reader to a recent monograph [FKP+19].

Fact 3.17 (Operator norm Bound). Let A be a symmetric d d matrix and v be a vector in Rd. Then, × v 2 v⊤ Av 6 A v . 2 k k2k k2 n o

16 Fact 3.18 (SoS Almost Triangle Inequality). Let f1, f2,..., fr be indeterminates. Then,

2t f , f ,..., f r 1 2 r 6 2t 1 2t 2t ∑ fi r − ∑ fi .  6 ! !  i r i=1 

Fact 3.19 (SoS H¨older’s Inequality). Let w1,... wn be indeterminates and let f1,... fn be polynomials of degree m in vector valued variable x. Let k be a power of 2. Then,

k k 1 n n − n 2 x,w 1 6 1 1 k wi = wi, i [n] 2km ∑ wi fi ∑ wi ∑ fi . ∀ ∈  n i=1 ! n i=1 ! n i=1 !    We also use the following fact that allows us to cancel powers of indeterminates within the sum-of-squares proof system.

Fact 3.20 (Cancellation Within SoS, Lemma 9.4 [BK20b] ). Let a, C be indeterminates. Then,

a,C a > 0 a2t 6 Cat a2t 6 C2 . { } ∪ 2t  

4 Robust Certifiability and Information Theoretic Estimators

In this section, we provide an estimator that obtains the information theoretically optimal rate for robust regression. We note that we consider the setting where both the covariates and the noise are hypercontractive and the are independent of each other. This setting displays all the key ideas of our estimator. Further, our estimator extends to the remaining settings, such as bounded dependent noise, by simple modifications to the subsequent analysis.

Theorem 4.1 (Robust Certifiability with Optimal Rate). Given ǫ > 0, let , ′ be distributions

d d D D

Ê Ê over Ê such that the respective marginal distributions over , denoted by , ′ , are (ck, k)- × DX DX hypercontractive and ′ TV 6 ǫ. Let (ǫ, Σ , Θ ) and (ǫ, Σ , Θ ) be the corresponding kD − D k RD D D RD′ D′ D′ instances of robust regression such that , ′ have negatively correlated moments. Further, for (x, y) D D 1 ∼ , , let the marginal distribution over y x, E xx − E [xy] be (η , k)-hypercontractive Then, D D′ − ⊤ k D   E Σ1/2 Θ Θ 6 1 1/k Θ 1/2 Θ 1/2 ( ′ ) √ck ηk ǫ − err ( ) + err ′ ( ′ ) D D − D 2 O D D D D    

Further, 2 2/k 2 2/k err (Θ ) 6 1 + ck ηk ǫ − err (Θ )+ ck ηk ǫ − err (Θ ) D D′ O D D O D′ D′      Proof. Consider a maximal coupling of , over (x, y) (x , y ), denoted by , such that the D D′ × ′ ′ G marginal of (x, y) is , the marginal on (x′, y′) is ′ and P [I (x, y)=(x′, y′) ]= 1 ǫ. Then, G D D G { } − for all v,

v, Σ (Θ Θ ) = E v, xx⊤(Θ Θ )+ xy xy h D D − D′ i D − D′ − G hD Ei (11) = E [ v, x ( x, Θ y) ] + E [ v, x (y x, Θ ) ] h h D i − i h − h D′ i i G G 17 Since Θ is the minimizer for the least squares loss, we have the following gradient condition D : for all v Rd, ∈ E [ v, ( x, Θ y)x ] = 0 (12) (x,y) h h D i − i ∼D Since is a coupling, using the gradient condition (12) and using that 1 = I (x, y)=(x , y ) G { ′ ′ } +I (x, y) =(x , y ) , we can rewrite equation (11) as { 6 ′ ′ }

v, Σ (Θ Θ ) = E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y)=(x′, y′) h D D − D′ i h − h D′ i i G    + E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) h − h D′ i i 6 G    (13) = E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ I (x, y)=(x′, y′) − D′ G     + E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) h − h D′ i i 6 G    Consider the first term in the last equality above. Using the gradient condition for Θ along with D′ H¨older’s Inequality, we have

E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ I (x, y)=(x′, y′) G − D′ h   i = E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ E v, x′ y ′ x′, Θ I (x, y) =(x′, y′) − D′ − − D′ 6 D′ G        (14) = E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ I (x, y) =(x′, y′) − D′ 6 G   k/(k 1) (k 1)/k  k 1/k 6 E I − − E Θ (x, y) =(x′, y′) v, x′ y′ x′, ′ 6 · − D G D′ h  i h  i (k 1)/k 1 1/k Observe, since is a maximal coupling E [I (x, y) =(x′, y′) ] − 6 ǫ − . Further, since ′ G G { 6 } D has negatively correlated moments,

k k k k E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ = E v, x′ E y′ x′, Θ · − D′ − D′ D′ D′ D′ h  i h i h  i By hypercontractivity of the covariates and the noise, we have

1/k 1/k 1/2 1/2 E k E Θ k 6 Σ E Θ 2 v, x′ y′ x′, ′ (√ck ηk) v⊤ ′ v y′ x′, ′ − D O D x ,y − D D′ D′ ′ ′∼D′ h i h  i   h  i Therefore, we can restate (14) as follows

1 k 1 2 I −k E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ (x, y)=(x′, y′) 6 √ck ηk ǫ v⊤Σ v − D′ O D′ G    1 (15)     2 E Θ 2 y′ x′, ′ x ,y − D ′ ′∼D′ h  i It remains to bound the secondterm in the last equality ofequation (13), and we proceed as follows :

18 E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) = E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) h − h D′ i i 6 D − D′ 6 G G    hD E  i + E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) h − h D i i 6 G   (16) We bound the two terms above separately. Observe, applying H¨older’s Inequality to the first term, we have 2 k k 2 k − 2 E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) 6 E I (x, y) =(x′, y′) k E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) D − D′ 6 6 D − D′ G G G   hD E i D 2 E     k k k 2 2 6 ǫ −k E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) D − D′ G   D E (17) To bound the second term in equation 16, we again use H¨older’s Inequality followed having D negatively correlated moments,

1 k 1 − k k E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) 6 E I (x, y) =(x′, y′) k E v, x (y x, Θ ) h − h Di i 6 6 h − h D i i G G G 1/k h 1/k i    k 1  k  k 6 ǫ −k E v, x E (y x, Θ ) x h i x,y − h Di ∼D h i ∼D h i k 1 1/2 − 2 1/2 6 ǫ k √ck ηk v⊤Σ v E (y x, Θ ) D x,y − h D i   ∼D   (18) where the last inequality follows from hypercontractivity of the covariates and noise. Substituting the upper bounds obtained in Equations (17) and (18) back in to (16),

2 k k k 2 2 E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) 6 ǫ −k E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) h − h D′ i i 6 D − D′ G G D E     k 1 1/2 − 2 1/2 + ǫ k √ck ηk v⊤Σ v E (y x, Θ ) D x,y − h D i ∼D     Therefore, we can now upper bound both terms in Equation (13) as follows:

k 1 1/2 2 1/2 Σ Θ Θ 6 −k Σ E Θ v, ( ′ ) ck ηk ǫ v⊤ ′ v y′ x′, ′ h D D − D i O D x ,y − D ′ ′∼D′     h 2/ k  i k 2 k/2 + ǫ −k E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) (19) O D − D′   G D E  k 1 1/2 − 2 1/2 + ǫ k √ck ηk v⊤Σ v E (y x, Θ ) O D x,y − h Di ∼D       d Recall, since the marginals of and on Ê are (c , k)-hypercontractive and TV 6 ǫ, it D D′ k kD − D′k follows from Fact 3.3 that (1 0.1) Σ Σ (1 + 0.1) Σ (20) − D′  D  D′

19 k/k 1 when ǫ 6 (1/ckk) − . Now, consider the substitution v = Θ Θ . Observe, O D − D′

 k/2 2/k 2/k k E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) = E x, (Θ Θ ) D − D′ h D − D′ i G   D (21) D E h i2 6 Σ1/2 Θ Θ ck ( ′ ) D D − D 2

Then, using the bounds in (20) and (21) along with v = Θ Θ in Equation 19, we have D − D′ 2 k 2 1/2 k 1 1/2 −k Σ Θ Θ 6 −k Σ Θ Θ 1 ǫ ck ( ′ ) √ck ηk ǫ ( ′ ) − O D D − D 2 O D D − D 2      1 1 2 2 2 2 E y′ x′, Θ + E (y x, Θ ) ′ D x′,y′ ′ − D x,y − h i ! ∼D h i ∼D   (22)

2 k 2 1/2 k 2 −k Σ Θ Θ −k Dividing out (22) by 1 ǫ ck ( ′ ) and observing that ǫ ck is upper − O D D − D 2 O bounded by a fixed constant  less than 1 yields the parameter recovery bound.  

Given the parameter recovery result above, we bound the least-squares loss between the two hyperplanes on as follows: D 2 2 err (Θ ) err (Θ ) = E y x⊤Θ y x⊤Θ + x⊤Θ x⊤Θ D D − D D′ − D − − D′ D − D (x,y)   ∼D     E Θ Θ 2 Θ Θ Θ = x, ( ′ ) + 2(y x⊤ )x⊤( ′ ) (x,y) h D − D i − D D − D ∼D h i

2 2/k 2 2 6 ck ηk ǫ − E y′ x′, Θ + E (y x, Θ ) ′ D O x′,y′ ′ − D x,y − h i !   ∼D h i ∼D   (23) where the last inequality follows from observing E Θ Θ , x(y x⊤Θ ) = 0 (gradient D − D′ − D condition) and squaring the parameter recovery bound.   Next, we consider the setting where the noise is allowed to dependent arbitrarily on the covari- ates, which captures the well-studied agnostic model. With a slightly modification in our certifi- ability proof above (using Cauchy-Schwarz instead of independence), we obtain the optimal rate in this setting. We defer the details to Appendix A.

d Ê Corollary 4.2 (Robust Regression with Dependent Noise). Let , be distributions over Ê and D D′ × let (ǫ, Σ , Θ ), (ǫ, Σ , Θ ) be robust regression instances satisfying the hypothesis in Theorem RD D D RD′ D′ D′ 4.1 such that the negatively correlated moments condition is not satisfied. Then,

Σ1/2 Θ Θ 6 1 2/k Θ 1/2 Θ 1/2 ( ′ ) √ck ηk ǫ − err ( ) + err ′ ( ′ ) D D − D 2 O D D D D    


2 4/k 2 4/k err (Θ ) 6 1 + ck ηk ǫ − err (Θ )+ ck ηk ǫ − err (Θ ) D D′ O D D O D′ D′     

20 5 Robust Regression in Polynomial Time

In this section, we describe an algorithm to compute our robust estimator for linear regression efficiently. We consider a polynomial system that encodes our robust estimator. We then consider a sum-of-squares relaxation of this program and compute an approximately optimal solution for our relaxation. To analyze our algorithm, we consider the dual of the sum-of-squares relaxation and show that the sum-of-squares proof system caputures a variant of our robust identifiability proof.

d Ê We begin by recalling notation: let be a distribution over Ê such that it is (λ , k)- D × k certifiably hypercontractive. Let = (x , y ), (x , y ) ... (x , y ) denote n uncorrupted i.i.d X { 1∗ 1∗ 2∗ 2∗ n∗ n∗ } samples from and let = . (x , y ), (x , y ) ... (x , y ) be an ǫ-corruption of the samples , D Xǫ { 1 1 2 2 n n } X drawn from a Robust Regression model, (ǫ, Σ∗, Θ∗) (Model 1.1). We consider a polynomial RD system in the variables = (x , y ), (x , y ) ... (x , y ) and w , w ,... w 0, 1 n as follows: X ′ { 1′ 1′ 2′ 2′ n′ n′ } 1 2 n ∈ { }

∑i [n] wi =(1 ǫ)n ∈ − 2  i [n]. wi = wi  ∀ ∈   i [n] w (x x )= 0   i i′ i  ∀ ∈ −   i [n] wi(yi′ yi)= 0  ∀ ∈ −   k   1   Θ   v, ∑ xi′ xi′, yi = 0   * n i [n] − +   ∈  ǫ,λk :    A  r   1 2r λr 2  r 6 k/2 ∑ x′, v 6 ∑ x′, v ∀ n h i i n h i i  i [n] i [n] !   ∈ ∈   r   1 2r λr 2   r 6 k/2 ∑ y′ Θ, x′ 6 ∑ y′ Θ, x′  ∀ n i − i n i − i   i [n] i [n] !   ∈  ∈    2r r r  2r 2 2   r 6 k/2 E v⊤xi′ yi′ (xi′)⊤Θ 6 λr E v, xi′ E yi′ xi′, Θ  ∀ − O −           h i h  i  We show that optimizing an appropriate convex function subject to the aforementioned con- straint system results in an efficiently computable robust estimator for regression, achieving the information-theoretically optimal rate. Formally,

Theorem 5.1 (Robust Regression with Negatively Correlated Moments, Theorem 1.7 restated). Given k N, ǫ > 0 and n > n0 samples ǫ = (x1, y1),... (xn, yn) from (ǫ, Σ∗, Θ∗), where

∈ X { d } RD Ê is a (λk, k)-certifiably hypercontractive distribution over Ê . Further, has certifiable negatively D (k) × D E˜ Θ correlated moments. Then, Algorithm 5.3 runs in nO time and outputs an estimator ζ˜[ ] such that when n = Ω (d log(d))Ω(k)/γ2 with probability 1 1/poly(d) (over the draw of the input), 0 −   Σ 1/2 Θ E˜ Θ 1 1/k Θ 1/2 ( ∗) ∗ ζ˜[ ] 6 λk ǫ − + λkγ err ( ∗) − 2 O D    

Further, E˜ Θ 2 2 2/k 2 2 Θ err ζ˜[ ] 6 1 + λk ǫ − + λk γ err ( ∗). D O D     

21 Efficient Estimator for Arbitrary Noise. We note that an argument similar to the one presented for Theorem 5.1 results in a polynomial time estimator when the regression instance does not have negatively correlated moments (definition 1.5), albeit at a slightly worse rate. Formally,

Corollary 5.2 (Robust Regression with Arbitrary Noise). Consider the hypothesis of Theorem 5.1, with- (k) out the negatively correlated moments assumption. Then, there exists an algorithm that runs in time nO outputs an estimator Θ˜ such that when n = (d log(d))Ω(k)/γ2, with probability 1 1/poly(d) (over 0 − the draw of the input),

1/2 1 2/k 1/2 (Σ∗) Θ∗ Θ˜ 6 λk ǫ − + c2 η2 γ err (Θ∗) − 2 O D    Further, ˜ 2 2 4/k 2 err Θ 6 1 + λk ǫ − + λ2 γ err (Θ∗) D O D    

Algorithm 5.3 (Optimal Robust Regression in Polynomial Time).

Input: n samples ǫ from the robust regression model (ǫ, Θ∗, Σ∗). X RD Operation:

1. Find a degree- (k) pseudo-distribution ζ˜ satisfying and minimizing O Aǫ,λk k 1 E˜ Θ 2 min ζ˜ ∑ wi yi′ , x′ w,x ,y ,Θ   ′ ′ n i [n] − ! ∈  .   E˜ Θ 2. Round the pseudo-distribution to obtain an estimator ζ˜[ ]. E˜ Θ Output: A vector ζ˜[ ] such that the recovery guarantee in Theorem 5.1 is satisfied.

At a high level, we simply do not enforce the negatively correlated moments constraint in our polynomial system and instead use the SoS Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in our key technical Aǫ,λk lemma (Lemma 5.5). For completeness, we provide the proof of the SoS lemma in Appendix B.

5.1 Analysis

We begin by observing that we can efficiently optimize the polynomial program above since it admits a compact representation. In particular, can be represented as a system of poly(nk) Aǫ,λk constraints in nO(k) variables. We refer the reader to [FKP+19] for a detailed overview on how to efficiently implement the aforementioned constraints.

Lemma 5.4 (Soundness of the Constraint System). Given n > n0 samples from (ǫ, Θ∗, Σ), with RD probability at least 1 1/poly(d) over the draw of the samples, there exists an assignment for w, x , y and − ′ ′ Θ such that is feasible when n = (d log(d))Ω(k) . Aǫ,λk 0  

22 Proof. Consider the following assignment: for all i [n] the w ’s indicate the set of uncorrupted ∈ i points in , i.e. w = 1 if (x , y )=(x , y ), x = x and y = y . Further, Θ = Θ , the true Xǫ i i i i∗ i∗ i′ i i′ i ∗ hyperplane. It is easy to see that the first four constraints (intersection constraints) are satisfied. We observe that the marginal distribution over the covariates and the noise are both (λk, k)- certifiably hypercontractive since they are Affine transformations of (Fact 3.7). Next, it follows D (k) from Fact 3.6, that for n0 = Ω d log(d)O , the uniform distribution over the samples xi, is (2 λ , k)-certifiably hypercontractive with probability at least 1 1/poly(d). Similarly, the uniform k − distribution on y x , Θ is (2 λ , k)-certifiably hypercontractive. i − h i ∗i k It remains to show that sampling preserves certifiable negatively correlated moments. Recall, since the joint distribution is hypercontractive, by Fact 3.6 we know that there’s a degree (k) O proof of k/2 1 k k k 1 2 2 ∑ v, xi (yi xi, Θ∗ ) 6 λ ∑ v, xi (yi xi, Θ∗ ) n k n i [n] h i − h i O i [n] h i − h i ! ∈   ∈ (24) k/2 k 1 2 = λ ∑ v⊤xi(xi)⊤ (yi xi, Θ∗ ) v k n O i [n] − h i !   ∈ 1 Θ 2 It thus suffices to bound the Operator norm of n ∑i [n] xixi⊤ (yi xi, ∗ ) . It follows from Lemma ∈ − h i 3.4 that with probability at least 1 1/poly(d), − 1 2 2 ∑ xi x⊤ (yi xi, Θ∗ ) (1) E xx⊤ (y x, Θ∗ ) (25) n i i [n] − h i  O x,y − h i ∈ ∼D h i when n > n . Using that has negatively correlated moments, 0 D 2 2 E xx⊤ (y x, Θ∗ ) E xx⊤ E (y x, Θ∗ ) (26) x,y − h i  x x,y − h i ∼D h i ∼D h i ∼D h i Using Lemma 3.4 on xx and (y x, Θ )2, we can bound (26) as follows: ⊤ − h ∗i 2 2 E xx⊤ E (y x, Θ∗ ) (1) E xi xi⊤ (yi xi, Θ∗ ) (27) x x,y − h i  O − h i ∼D h i ∼D h i h i Combining Equations (25), (26), and (27), and substituting in (24), we have

k k 2 2 1 k k k 1 2 1 2 ∑ v, xi (yi xi, Θ∗ ) 6 λk ∑ xi, v ∑ (yi xi, Θ∗ ) n i [n] h i − h i O n i [n] h i ! n i [n] − h i ! ∈   ∈ ∈ which concludes the proof.

Let Σˆ be the empirical covariance of the uncorrupted samples and let Θˆ be an optimizer X for the empirical loss. Applying Theorem 4.1 with being the uniform distribution on the uncor- D rupted samples and being the uniform distribution on x , we get X D′ i′ 1/2 1 1/k 1/2 Σˆ Θ Θˆ 6 λk ǫ − err (Θ∗) − 2 O D   Observe, the aforementioned bound is not a polynomial identity and thus cannot be expressed in the SoS framework. Therefore, we provide a low-degree SoS proof of a slightly modified ver- sion of the inequality above, that is inspired by our information theoretic identifiability proof in Theorem 4.1.

23 Lemma 5.5 (Robust Identifiability in SoS). Consider the hypothesis of Theorem 5.1. Letw, x′, y′ and Θ Θˆ 1 Θ 2 be feasible solutions for the polynomial constraint system . Let = arg minΘ n ∑i [n](yi∗ xi∗, ) A Σˆ E ∈ − h i be the empirical loss minimizer on the uncorrupted samples and let = xi∗(xi∗)⊤ be the covariance of the uncorrupted samples. Then,   k w,x ,y ,Θ 2k 1/2 ′ ′ Σˆ 1/2 Θˆ Θ 6 3k k 1 k k/2 E Θˆ Θ 4k 2 (2ǫ) − λk σ xi′(xi′)⊤ A ( − 2 − 2 h i  2k  3k k 2 2k ˆ 1/2 ˆ + 2 (2ǫ) − λk Σ Θ Θ − 2

 k/2 k 3k k 1 k E ˆ 2 ˆ 1/2 ˆ + 2 (2ǫ) − λk yi∗ xi∗, Θ Σ Θ Θ − − 2) h  i  Σˆ E Proof. Consider the empirical covariance of the uncorrupted set given by = xi∗(xi∗)⊤ . Then, using the Substitution Rule, along with SoS Almost Triangle Inequality (Fact 3.18),   k Θ Σˆ Θˆ Θ k E Θˆ Θ 2k v, = v, xi∗(xi∗)⊤ + xi∗yi∗ xi∗yi∗ ( − − −  h i   k = v, E x∗ x∗, Θˆ y∗ + E [x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ )] (28) i i − i i i − h i i     k k k k 6 2 v, E x∗ x∗, Θˆ y∗ + 2 v, E [x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ )] i i − i i i − h i i     )   Observe, the first term in (28) only consists of constants of the proof system. Since Θˆ is the min- imizer of E ( x , Θ y )2 , the gradient condition on the samples (appearing in Equation (12) h i∗ i − i∗ of the indentifiabilityh proof)i implies this term is 0. Therefore, applying the Substitution Rule it suffices to bound the second term.

To this end, we introduce the following auxiliary variables : for all i [n], let wi′ = wi iff the ∈ > i-th sample is uncorrupted in ǫ, i.e. xi = xi∗. Then, it is easyto seethat ∑i wi′ (1 2ǫ)n. Further, w X − since (1 w w )2 =(1 w w ) , A 2 − i′ i − i′ i  w 1 2 1 6 2 ∑ (1 wi′wi) = ∑ (1 wi′wi) 2ǫ (29) A ( n i [n] − n i [n] − ) ∈ ∈ The above equation bounds the uncorrupted points in that are not indicated by w. Then, using Xǫ the Substitution Rule, along with the SoS Almost Triangle Inequality (Fact 3.18), k k Θ,w′ v, E [x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ )] = v, E x∗ y∗ x∗, Θ (w′ + 1 w′) A 2k i i − h i i i i − h i i i − i (      k = v, E w′x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) + E (1 w′)x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) i i i − h i i − i i i − h i i     k  k 6 2 v, E w′x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) i i i − h i i     k k + 2 v, E (1 w′)x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) − i i i − h i i   )   (30)

24 Consider the first term of the last inequality in (30). Observe, since wi′xi∗ = wiwi′xi′ and similarly, wi′yi∗ = wiwi′yi′,

Θ,w′ E w′x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) = E w′w x′ y′ x′, Θ A 4 i i i − h i i i i i i − i       For the sake of brevity, the subsequent statements hold for relevant SoS variables and have degree O(k) proofs. Using the Substitution Rule,

k k v, E w′x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) = v, E w′w x′ y′ x′, Θ A i i i − h i i i i i i − i (        k = v, E x′ y′ x′, Θ + E (1 w′w )x′ y′ x′, Θ i i − i − i i i i − i     k  k 6 2 v, E x′ y′ x′, Θ i i − i     k k + 2 v, E (1 w′w )x′ y′ x′, Θ − i i i i − i   )   (31) Observe, the first term in the last inequality above is identically 0, since we enforce the gradient condition on the SoS variables x′, y′ and Θ. We can then rewrite the second term using linearity w of expectation, followed by applying SoS H¨older’s Inequality (Fact 3.19) combined with A 2 (1 w w )2 = 1 w w to get − i′ i − i′ i  k k v, E (1 w′w )x′ y′ x′, Θ = E v, (1 w′)w x′ y′ x′, Θ A − i i i i − i − i i i i − i (       k = E (1 w′w ) v, x′ y′ x′, Θ − i i i i − i  k 1 k  k 6 E (1 w′w ) − E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ − i i i i − i   h  i k 1 k k 6 (2ǫ) − E v, xi′ yi′ xi′, Θ − ) h i  (32) where the last inequality follows from Equation (29). Next, we use the certifiable negatively corre- lated moments constraint with the Substitution Rule,

k k k k k 2 2 2 2 E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ 6 λ E v, x′ E y′ x′, Θ (33) A i i − i O k i i − i   h  i   h i h  i For brevity, let σ = E (y x , Θ )2 . Using the Substitution Rule, plugging Equation (33) back i′ − h i′ i into (32), we get h i

k k/2 k 1 k k/2 v, E (1 w′)x′ y′ x′, Θ 6 (2ǫ) − λ σ v, E x′(x′)⊤ v (34) A − i i i − i k i i (    )   h i 25 Recall, we have now bounded the first term of the last inequality in (30). Therefore, it remains to bound the second term of the last inequality in (30). Using the Substitution Rule, we have

k k v, E (1 w′)x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) = v, E (1 w′)x∗ y∗ x∗, Θ Θˆ + Θˆ A − i i i − h i i − i i i − i − (       k  k 6 2 v, E (1 w′)x∗ y∗ x∗, Θˆ (35) − i i i − i     k k + 2 v, E (1 w′)x∗ x∗, Θ Θˆ − i i i −   )   We again handle each term separately. Observe, the first term when decoupled is a statement about the uncorrupted samples. Therefore, using the SoS H¨older’s Inequality (Fact 3.19),

k k v, E (1 w′)x∗ y∗ x∗, Θˆ = E (1 w′) v, x∗ y∗ x∗, Θˆ A − i i i − i − i i i − i (     k 1   k 6 E (1 w′) − E v, x∗ y∗ x∗, Θˆ (36) − i i i − i   h  i k 1 k ˆ k 6 (2ǫ) − E v, xi∗ yi∗ xi∗, Θ h i − ) h  i Observe, the uncorrupted samples have negatively correlated moments, and thus

k/2 k/2 k k k 2 2 E v, x∗ y∗ x∗, Θˆ 6 λ E v, x∗ E y∗ x∗, Θˆ h i i i − i O k h i i i − i h i   h i h i Then, by the Substitution Rule , we  can bound (36) as follows: 

k k/2 k 1 k 2 k/2 v, E (1 w′)x∗ y∗ x∗, Θˆ 6 (2ǫ) − λ E y∗ x∗, Θˆ v, Σˆ v (37) A − i i i − i k i − i (  )   h  i In order to bound the second term in (35), we use the SoS H¨older’s Inequality,

k k 2 v, E (1 w′)x∗ x∗, Θ Θˆ = E (1 w′) − v, x∗ x∗, Θ Θˆ A − i i i − − i i i − (    h  i k 2 k 2 2 6 E 1 w′ − E v⊤x∗(x∗)⊤(Θ Θˆ ) (38) − i i i −      k 2 k 2 ˆ 2 6 (2ǫ) − E v⊤xi∗(xi∗)⊤(Θ Θ) − )    Combining the bounds obtained in (37) and (38), we can restate Equation (35) as follows

k k/2 k k 1 k 2 k/2 v, E (1 w′)x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) 6 2 (2ǫ) − λ E y∗ x∗, Θˆ v, Σˆ v A − i i i − h i i k i − i (    h  i k/2 2 k k 2 ˆ + 2 (2ǫ) − E v⊤xi∗(xi∗)⊤(Θ Θ) − )    (39)

26 Combining (39) with (34), we obtain an upper bound for the last inequality in Equation (30). There- fore, using the Substitution Rule, we obtain

k k/2 E k k 1 k k/2 E v, [xi∗ (yi∗ xi∗, Θ )] 6 2 (2ǫ) − λk σ v, xi′(xi′)⊤ v A ( − h i    h i  k 2 2k k 2 2 + 2 (2ǫ) − E v⊤x∗(x∗)⊤(Θ Θˆ ) (40) i i −    k/2 2k k 1 k E ˆ 2 ˆ k/2 + 2 (2ǫ) − λk yi∗ xi∗, Θ v, Σv − ) h  i Recall, an upper bound on Equation (28) suffices to obtain an upper bound on v, Σˆ Θˆ Θ as − follows: 

k/2 k 2k k 1 k k/2 v, Σˆ Θˆ Θ 6 2 (2ǫ) − λ σ v, E x′(x′)⊤ v A − k i i (    h i k 2 3k k 2 2 + 2 (2ǫ) − E v⊤ x∗(x∗)⊤(Θ Θˆ ) (41) i i −    k/2 3k k 1 k E ˆ 2 ˆ k/2 + 2 (2ǫ) − λk yi∗ xi∗, Θ v, Σv − ) h  i Consider the substitution v Θˆ Θ . Then, 7→ − k 2k v, Σˆ Θˆ Θ = Σˆ 1/2 Θˆ Θ − − 2  k/2 1/2 k ˆ v, E xi′(xi′)⊤ v = E xi′(xi′)⊤ Θ Θ − 2  h i  h i k 2  2 2 2k E ˆ E ˆ k 2k ˆ 1/2 ˆ v⊤xi∗(xi∗)⊤(Θ Θ) = xi∗, Θ Θ 6 λk Σ Θ Θ − h − i − 2    h i k/2 k  v, Σˆ v = Σˆ 1/2 Θˆ Θ − 2

 Combining the above with (41), we conclude

2k 1/2 k ˆ 1/2 ˆ 3k k 1 k k/2 E ˆ Σ Θ Θ 6 2 (2ǫ) − λk σ xi′(xi′)⊤ Θ Θ A ( − 2 − 2 h i  2k  3k k 2 2k ˆ 1/2 ˆ + 2 (2ǫ) − λk Σ Θ Θ (42) − 2

 k/2 k 3k k 1 k E ˆ 2 ˆ 1/2 ˆ + 2 (2ǫ) − λk yi∗ xi∗, Θ Σ Θ Θ − − 2) h i  

Next, we relate the covariance of the samples indicated by w to the covariance on the uncor- rupted points. Observe, a real world proof of this follows simply from Fact 3.3.

27 Lemma 5.6 (Bounding Sample Covariance). Consider the hypothesis of Theorem 5.1. Letw, x′, y′ and Θ be feasible solutions for the polynomial constraint system . Then, for δ 6 λ ǫ1 1/k < 1, A O k − k/2  w,x′ k/2 k/2 v, E x′(x′)⊤ v 6 1 + δ v, Σˆ v A 2k i i O (  ) h i    Proof. Our proof closely follows Lemma 4.5 in [KS17c]. For i [n], let z be an indicator variable ∈ i such zi(xi∗ xi′)= 0. Observe, there exists an assignment to zi such that ∑i [n] zi =(1 ǫ)n, since − 2 1 ∈ − at most ǫn points were corrupted. Further, zi = zi and n zi = ǫ. Then, using the Substitution Rule,

k k w,x′ E Σˆ E 2k v, xi′(xi′)⊤ v = v, (1 + zi zi) xi′(xi′)⊤ xi∗(xi∗)⊤ v A ( − − −   h i    h  i  k = E (1 z ) v, x′(x′)⊤ x∗(x∗)⊤ , v − i i i − i i h D  k/2 2 Ei k 2 2 2 6 ǫ − E v, x′ v, x∗ · i − h i i     2 k 2 k/2 k k/2 k 6 ǫ − E 2 v, x′ + 2 v, x∗ i h i i h i k/2 k/2 2 k 2 k k E 2 k E 2 6 ǫ − 2 ck v, xi′ + λk v, xi∗ h i )  h i h i  (43) where the first inequality follows from applying the SoS H¨older’s Inequality, the second follows from the SoS Almost Triangle Inequality and the third inequality follows from certifiable hyper- contractivity of the SoS variables and the uncorrupted samples. Using the SoS Almost Triangle Inequality again, we have

k/2 k/2 2 k k E 2 k E 2 2k 2 E ˆ k ck v, xi′ + λk v, xi∗ 6 λk 2 v, xi′(xi′)⊤v + v, Σv A ( h i !)  h i h i   h i (44) Combining Equations 43, 44, we obtain

k k E ˆ k 2 2k k+2 E ˆ v, xi′(xi′)⊤ Σ v 6 ǫ − λk 2 v, xi′(xi′)⊤ + Σ v (45) A ( − )   h i     h i   Using Lemma A.4 from [KS17c], rearranging and setting k = k/2 yields the claim.

Θˆ 1 Lemma 5.7 (Rounding). Consider the hypothesis of Theorem 5.1. Let = arg minΘ n ∑i [n](yi∗ ∈ − x , Θ )2 be the empirical loss minimizer on the uncorrupted samples. Then, h i∗ i 1 2k 1 1 2 k 2 2 Σˆ 1/2 Θˆ E˜ Θ 1 k E˜ E Θ E Θˆ ζ˜[ ] 6 ǫ − λk ζ˜ yi′ xi′, + yi∗ xi∗, − 2 O − − !      h i  h i  

28 Proof. Observe, combining Lemma 5.5 and Lemma 5.6, we obtain

2k 23kǫk 1 λk k Σˆ 1/2 Θˆ Θ 6 − k Σˆ 1/2 Θˆ Θ 2 3k k 2 2k 2 A ( − O 1 + 2 (2ǫ) − λk ! −   (46) k k 2 2 2 2 E y′ x′, Θ + E y∗ x∗, Θˆ i − i i − i  ) h  i h  i Using Cancellation within SoS (Fact 3.20) along with the SoS Almost Triangle Inequality, we can conclude

2k 2 ˆ 1/2 ˆ 3k k 1 k Σ Θ Θ 6 2 ǫ − λk A ( − 2 O    (47) 2 k 2 k E y′ x′, Θ + E y∗ x∗, Θˆ i − i i − i  ) h  i h  i Recall, ζ˜ is a degree- (k) pseudo-expectation satisfying . Therefore, it follows from Fact 3.15 O A along with Equation 46,

2k 2 1 k k k E˜ Σˆ 2 Θˆ Θ 6 4 1 ζ˜ 2 ǫ − λk − 2 O     (48)  2 k 2 k E˜ E y′ x′, Θ + E y∗ x∗, Θˆ ζ˜ i − i i − i     h  i h  i 1 2k 1 2k Σˆ 2 Θˆ E˜ Θ E˜ Σˆ 2 Θˆ Θ Further, using Fact 3.14, wehave ζ˜ 6 ζ˜ . Substituting above − 2 − 2     and taking the (1/2k)-th root, 

1/2k 1 1 2 k 2 k Σˆ 2 Θˆ E˜ Θ 1 k E˜ E Θ E Θˆ ζ˜[ ] 6 ǫ − λk ζ˜ yi′ xi′, + yi∗ xi∗, − 2 O − −         h i 1 h i  2k  1 1 2 k 2 2 1 k E˜ E Θ E Θˆ 6 ǫ − λk ζ˜ yi′ xi′, + yi∗ xi∗, O − − !    h i  h i   (49) which concludes the proof.

Lemma 5.8 (Bounding Optimization and Generalization Error). Under the hypothesis of Theorem 5.1,

1 k 2k 1 2 2 2 1. E˜ ˜ E (y x , Θ ) 6 E y x , Θˆ , and ζ i′ − h i′ i i∗ − i∗   h i h i 2. For any ζ > 0, if n > n , such that n = Ω max c d/ζ2, d (k) , with probability at least 0 0 { 4 O } 1 1 2 2  2 2 1 1/poly(d), E y∗ x∗, Θˆ 6 (1 + ζ) Ex,y y x, Θ∗ . − i − i ∼D − h i h i h i Proof. We exhibit a degree- (k) pseudo-distribution ζˆ such that it is supported on a point mass O 1 2 2 and attains objective value at most E y x , Θˆ . Since our objective function minimizes i∗ − i∗ h i 29 over all degree- (k) pseudo-distributions, the resulting objective value w.r.t. ζ˜ can only be better. ˆ O Θˆ Let ζ be the pseudo-distribution supported on (w, x∗, y∗, ) such that wi = 1 if xi = xi∗ (i.e. the i-th sample is not corrupted.) It follows from n > n0 and Lemma 5.4 that this assignment satisfies the constraint system . Then, the objective value satisfies Aǫ,λk 2 k 2 k 2 k E˜ E y′ x′, Θ 6 E˜ E y′ x′, Θ = E y∗ x∗, Θˆ (50) ζ˜ i − i ζˆ i − i i − i     h  i h  i h  i Taking (1/2k)-th roots yields the first claim. To bound the second claim, let be the uniform distribution on the uncorrupted samples, Θˆ U Θˆ 6 Θ xi∗, yi∗. Observe, by optimality of on the uncorrupted samples, err ( ) err ( ∗). Consider U U 2 2 the random variable zi = (y∗ x∗, Θ∗ ) Ex,y (y x, Θ∗ ) . Since E [zi] = 0, we apply i − h i i − ∼D − h i Chebyschev’s inequality to obtain h i

4 E 2 E (y x, Θ ) 1 z1 − h i Pr ∑ zi > ζ = 6 n ζ2n h ζ2n i " i [n] #   ∈ 2 err (Θ∗) 6 c D 4 nζ2 Therefore, with probability at least 1 δ, −

c4 err (Θˆ ) 6 1 + err (Θ∗) U nδ D  r  Therefore, setting n = Ω(c d/ζ2), it follows that with probability 1 1/poly(d), for any ζ > 0, 4 −

err (Θˆ ) 6 (1 + ζ) err (Θ∗) U D Taking square-roots concludes the proof.

Proof of Theorem 5.1. Given n > n samples, it follows from Lemma 5.4, that with probability 1 0 − 1/poly(d), the constraint system is feasible. Let ξ be the event that the system is feasible and Aǫ,λk 1 condition on it. Then, it follows from Lemma 5.7 and Lemma 5.8, with probability 1 1/poly(d), − Σˆ 1/2 E˜ Θ Θˆ 6 1 1/k Θ 1/2 ζ˜[ ] λk ǫ − err ( ∗) (51) − 2 O D    

Let ξ2 be the event that (51) holds and condition on it. It then follows from Fact 3.2, with probabil- ity 1 1/poly(d), − Σ 1/2 E˜ Θ Θˆ 1 1/k Θ 1/2 ( ∗) ζ˜[ ] 6 λk ǫ − err ( ∗) (52) − 2 O D    

Let ξ2 be the event that (52) holds and condition on it. It remains to relate the hyperplanes Θˆ and Θ∗. By reverse triangle inequality,

Σ 1/2 E˜ Θ Θ Σ 1/2 Θ Θˆ 6 Σ 1/2 E˜ Θ Θˆ ( ∗) ζ˜[ ] ∗ ( ∗) ∗ ( ∗) ζ˜[ ] − 2 − − 2 − 2     Using normal equations, we have Θˆ = Σˆ 1 E[x y ] and Θ = (Σ ) 1 E [xy]. Since Σˆ (1 + − i i ∗ ∗ −  0.01)Σ∗,

30 1/2 1/2 1 1 (Σ∗) Θ∗ Θˆ = (Σ∗) Σˆ − ΣΘˆ ∗ Σˆ − E [xiyi] − 2 −   2  1/2 1 = (Σ∗) Σˆ − E x y x⊤Θ∗ (53) i i − i   2 h  i 1/2 6 1.01 E (Σ∗)− x y x⊤Θ∗ i i − i 2 h  i

By Jensen’s inequality

2 1 1/2 1 1/2 E ∑ (Σ∗)− xi yi x⊤Θ∗ 6 E ∑ (Σ )− xi yi x Θ  i  v  ∗ i⊤ ∗  n i [n] − u n i [n] − ∈   2 u ∈ 2 u    t   Σ 1/2 Θ Let zi = ∑i [n] ( ∗)− xi yi xi⊤ ∗ . Let (∑i [n] zi)1 denote the first coordinate of the vector. We ∈ − ∈ bound the expectation of this coordinate as follows: 

2 1 1 E ( ∑ zi)1 = E ∑ (Σ∗)− xi xi yi xi⊤Θ∗ yi xi⊤Θ∗ 2 ′ 1 ′ ′ " i [n] # n "i,i [n] − − # ∈ ′∈       2 1 1 2 (54) = E ∑ (Σ∗)− xi yi xi⊤Θ∗ n2 1 "i [n] − # ∈     1 1 2 = E (Σ∗)− (x) y x⊤Θ∗ n 1 − h  i where the second equality follows from independence of the samples. Using negatively correlated moments, we have

2 2 1 2 1 2 E (Σ∗)− (x) y x⊤Θ∗ 6 E (Σ∗)− (x) E y x⊤Θ∗ 1 − 1 −     h i    1/2 Setting v = (Σ∗) e1 and using Hypercontractivity of the covariates and the noise in the above equation, 2 1 2 2 2 E Σ− (x)1 E y x⊤Θ∗ 6 c2 η2 err (Θ∗) (55) − O D   h i    Summing over the coordinates, and combining (54), (55), we obtain

1 1/2 d err (Θ∗) E ∑ (Σ∗)− xi yi x⊤Θ∗ 6 (c2η2) D (56)  i  n i [n] − O r n ∈   2   Applying Chebyschev’s Inequality , with probability 1 δ − d Σ 1/2 Θ Θ 1 1/k Θ 1/2 ( ∗) ∗ Eζ˜[ ] 6 λk ǫ − + c2 η2 err ( ∗) − 2 O δn ! D   r

Since n > n0, we can simplify the above bound and obtain the claim.

31 The running time of our algorithm is clearly dominated by computing a degree- (k) pseudo- O distribution satisfying . Given that our constraint system consists of O(n) variables and Aǫ,λk poly(n) constraints, it follows from Fact 3.12 that the pseudo-distribution ζ˜ can be computed in (k) nO time.

6 Lower bounds

In this section, we present information-theoretic lower bounds on the rate of convergence of pa- rameter estimation and least-squares error for robust regression. Our constructions proceed by demonstrating two distributions over regression instances that are ǫ-close in total variation dis- tance and the marginal distribution over the covariates is hypercontractive, yet the true hyper- planes are f (ǫ)-far in scaled ℓ2 distance.

6.1 True Linear Model

Consider the setting where there exists an optimal hyperplane Θ∗ that is used to generate the data, with the addition of independent noise added to each sample, i.e.

y = x, Θ∗ + ω, h i where ω is independent of x. Further, we assume that covariates and noise are hypercontractive. In this setting, Theorem 4.1 implies that we can recover a hyperplane close to Θ∗ at a rate propor- 1 1/k tional to ǫ − . We show that this dependence is tight for k = 4. We note that independent noise is a special case of the distribution having negatively correlated moments. Theorem 6.1 (True Linear Model Lower Bound, Theorem 1.9 restated). For any ǫ > 0, there exist

2 2

Ê Ê two distributions 1, 2 over Ê such that the marginal distribution over has covariance Σ and is D D Σ1/2×Θ Θ Ω 1 1/k Θ Θ (ck, k)-hypercontractive yet ( 1 2) 2 = √ck σ ǫ − , where 1, 2 be the optimal hyper- − 1/k planes for 1 and 2 respectively, σ = max(err (Θ1), err (Θ2)) < 1/ǫ and the noise ω is uniform D D D1 D2  over [ σ, σ]. − Proof. We construct a 2-dimensional instance where the marginal distribution over covariates is identical for and . The pdf is given as follows: for q 1, 2 on the first coordinate, x , D1 D2 ∈ { } 1

1/2, if x1 [ 1, 1] q(x1)= ∈ − D (0 otherwise and on the second coordinate, x2,

ǫ/2, if x 1/ǫ1/k, 1/ǫ1/k 2 ∈ {− } 1 ǫ q(x2)=  − if x2 [ ǫσ, ǫσ] D  2ǫσ ∈ − 0 otherwise  Next, we set Θ1 =(1, 1), Θ2 =(1, 1) and ω to be uniform over [ σ, σ]. Therefore, − − 1(y (x1, x2)) = x1 + x2 + ω and D | (57) (y (x , x )) = x x + ω D2 | 1 2 1 − 2 32 E k 1 k E 2 1 2 Observe, x1 = 1 x /2 = 1/(k + 1) and x1 = 1 x /2 = 1/3. Further, − −   R (1 ǫ) (ǫσ)k+1   1 R k (1 ǫ) E[xk]= − + ǫ = 1 + − (ǫσ)k 2 ǫσ k + 1 · ǫ1/k (k + 1)   2 2 (1 ǫ) 3 1 1 2/k 1 ǫ 2 E[x ]= − (ǫσ) + ǫ = ǫ − + − (ǫσ) 2 3ǫσ · ǫ1/k 3   E k 6 k/2 1 E 2 k/2 Observe, [x2] (1/(cǫ − )) [x2] , for a fixed constant c. Then, for any unit vector v,

k/2 k/2 E x, v k 6 E (2x v )k +(2x v )k 6 ck/2 E (x v)2 + E (x v)2 h i 1 1 2 2 k 1 2   h i h i  k/2   6 ck/2 E x, v 2 k h i h i k/2 k k/2 1 2 where c = 2 /cǫ . Therefore, , are (c , k)-hypercontractive over Ê . Next, we com- k − D1 D2 k pute the TV distance between the two distributions. 1 dTV ( 1, 2) = 1(x1, x2, y) 2(x1, x2, y)

2 Ê D D 2 Ê |D − D | Z × (58) 1 = 1(x1, x2) 1(y (x1, x2)) 2(y (x1, x2))

2 Ê 2 Z Ê D Z |D | − D | | where the last equality follows from the definition of conditional probability. It follows from Equa- tion (57) that (y (x , x )) = (x + x σ, x + x + σ) and (y (x , x )) = (x x D1 | 1 2 U 1 2 − 1 2 D2 | 1 2 U 1 − 2 − σ, x x + σ). If x > σ the intervals are disjoint and (y (x , x )) (y (x , x )) = 2. 1 − 2 | 2| |D1 | 1 2 − D2 | 1 2 | If x < σ, then two symmetric non-intersecting regions have mass 2 x /2σ and the intersection | 2| | 2| region contributes 0. Therefore, (y (x , x )) (y (x , x )) = 2 x /σ and (58) can be |D1 | 1 2 − D2 | 1 2 | | 2| evaluated as

1 2 x2 dTV( 1, 2)= 2I x2 > σ + | |I x2 < σ

Ê σ D D 2 Z {| | } {| | } 1 = Pr [ x2 > σ] + E [ x2 I x2 < σ ] | | σ x | | {| | } 2∼D1 = 2ǫ

Finally, we lower bound the parameter distance. Since the coordinates are independent, Σ is Σ E 2 Σ E 2 1 2/k 2 a diagonal matrix with 1,1 = x1 = 1/3 and 2,2 = x2 = ǫ − +(ǫσ) /3. Further, Θ Θ =(0, 2). Thus, Σ1/2 (Θ Θ ) = 2Σ1/2 > 2ǫ1/2 1/k. For any σ < 1/ǫ1/k, 1 − 2 1 − 2 2 2,2 −   1/2 1/2 1/k 1/2 Σ (Θ1 Θ2) > 2 ǫ − > 2 σ ǫ − 2 1 1/k > 2 √ck σ ǫ − which concludes the proof.

6.2 Agnostic Model

Next, consider the setting where we simply observe samples from (x, y) , and our goal is to ∼ D 1 return is to return the minimizer of the squared error, given by Θ∗ = E xx⊤ − E [xy]. Here, the   33 distribution of the noise is allowed to depend on the covariates arbitrarily. We further assume 1 2/k the noise is hypercontractive and obtain a lower bound proportional to ǫ − for recovering an estimator close to Θ∗. This matches the upper boundd obtained in Corollary 4.2. Theorem 6.2 (Agnostic Model Lower Bound, Theorem 1.11 restated). For any ǫ > 0, there exist two

2 2

Ê Ê distributions , over Ê such that the marginal distribution over has covariance Σ and is D1 D2 × (c , k)-hypercontractive yet Σ1/2(Θ Θ ) = Ω √c σ ǫ1 2/k , where Θ , Θ be the optimal hyper- k 1 − 2 2 k − 1 2 planes for and respectively, σ = max(err (Θ ), err (Θ )) < 1/ǫ1/k and the noise is a function 1 2 1 1 2 2  D D 2 D D of the marginal distribution of Ê . Proof. We provide a proof for the special case of k = 4. The same proof extends to general k. We again construct a 2-dimensional instance where the marginal distribution over covariates is identical for and . The pdf is given as follows: for q 1, 2 on the first coordinate, x , D1 D2 ∈ { } 1

1/2, if x1 [ 1, 1] q(x1)= ∈ − D (0 otherwise and on the second coordinate, x2,

ǫ/2, if x 1/ǫ1/4, 1/ǫ1/4 2 ∈ {− } 1 ǫ q(x2)=  − if x2 [ 1, 1] D  2 ∈ − 0 otherwise

E 4 E 2  E 4 E 2 Observe, x1 = 1/5 and x1 = 1/3. Similarly, x2 = 1 +(1 ǫ)/5 and x2 = 2 − √ǫ +(1 ǫ)/3. Therefore, the marginal distribution over Ê is (c, 4)-hypercontractive for a fixed −         constant c. Next, let (y (x , x )) = x and D1 | 1 2 2 1/4 0 if x2 = 1/ǫ (59) 2(y (x1, x2)) = | | D | (x2 otherwise

Then, 1 dTV( 1, 2)= 1(x1, x2) 1(y (x1, x2)) 2(y (x1, x2))

2 Ê D D 2 Z Ê D Z |D | − D | | 1 1/4 = x2 I x2 = 1/ǫ

2 Ê | | | | Z n o = ǫ

2 Since the coordinates over Ê are independent the covariance matrix Σ is diagonal, such that Σ = E x2 = 1/3 and Σ = E x2 = √ǫ +(1 ǫ)/3. We can then compute the optimal 1,1 1 2,2 2 − hyperplanes using normal equations:     1 − 1 Θ1 = E xx⊤ E [xy] = Σ− E [xy] x 1 x,y 1 x,y 1 ∼D h i ∼D ∼D Observe, using (59),

E [x1y] = x1y 1(x1y)= x1y 1(x1) 1(y)= 0 Ê Z Ê D Z D D 34 since x1 and y are independent. Further,


E [x2y] = x2yD(x2, y)= x2D(x2)= √ǫ +(1 ǫ)/3 Ê Z Ê Z − Therefore, Θ1 =(0, 1). Similarly, 1 − 1 Θ2 = E xx⊤ E [xy] = Σ− E [xy] x 2 x,y 2 x,y 2 ∼D h i ∼D ∼D Further, E [x1y] = 0. However,


E [x2y] = x2y 2(x2, y)= x2 x2 6 1 2(x2)= 1 ǫ Ê Z Ê D Z {| | } D − Θ = 1 ǫ Therefore, 2 0, 1+−√ǫ . Then,   1/2 √ǫ + ǫ Σ (Θ1 Θ2) = √ǫ +(1 ǫ)/3 = Ω(√ǫ) − 2 − · 1 + √ǫ q which concludes the proof.

7 Bounded Covariance Distributions

In the heavy-tailed setting, the minimal assumption is to consider a distribution over the covari- ates with bounded covariance. In this setting, we show that robust estimators for linear regression do not exist, even when the underlying linear model has no noise, i.e. the uncorrupted samples are drawn as follows: y = Θ , x . i h ∗ ii

Theorem 7.1 (Lower Bound for Bounded Covariance Distributions). For all ǫ > 0, there exist two dis- Ê tributions , over Ê corresponding to the linear model y = Θ , x and y = Θ , x respectively, D1 D2 × h 1 i h 2 i such that the marginal distribution over Ê has variance σ and dTV ( , ) 6 ǫ, yet σ (Θ Θ ) = D1 D2 | 1 − 2 | Ω(σ). Our hard instance relies on the so called Student’s t-distribution, which has heavy tails when the degrees of freedom are close to 2. Definition 7.2 (Student’s t-distribution). Given ν > 1, Student’s t-distribution has the following probability density function:

ν+1 Γ ν+1 2 2 2 t − fν(t)= 1 + √νπ Γ ν ν 2   ∞ z 1 x where Γ(z)= x e dx, for z Ê, is the Gamma  function. 0 − ∈ We use theR following facts about Student’s t-distribution:

Fact 7.3 (Mean and Variance). The mean of Student’s t-distribution is Ex f [x] = 0 for ν > 1 and ∼ ν undefined otherwise. The variance of Student’s t-distribution is

∞ if 1 < ν 6 2 E 2 ν < x =  ν 2 if 2 ν x f ∼ ν  −   undefined otherwise   35 The intuition behind our lower bound is to construct a regression instance where the covariates are non-zero only on an ǫ-measure support and are heavy tailed when non-zero. As a consequence, the adversary can introduce a distinct valid regression instance by changing a different ǫ-measure of the support. It is then information-theoretically impossible to distinguish between the true and the planted models.

Proof of Theorem 7.1. We construct a 1-dimensional instance where the marginal distribution over covariates is identical for and . The pdf is given as follows: for q 1, 2 the marginal D1 D2 ∈ { } distribution on the covariates is given as follows:

1 ǫ, if x = 0 q(x)= − D (ǫ f2+ǫ(x) otherwise · The distribution of the labels is gives as follows:

(y x) = x and (y x) = x D1 | D2 | − Next, we compute the total variation distance between and . Recall, D1 D2 1

dTV( 1, 2)= 1(x, y) 2(x, y) Ê D D 2 Ê |D − D | Z × 1

= 1(x) 1(y x) 2(y x) Ê 2 Ê D |D | − D | | Z Z (60) 1 = 1(y x) 2(y x) (I x = 0 + I x = 0 ) 2 Z Ê |D | − D | | { } { 6 } 1 = 2x I x = 0 6 ǫ 2 Z Ê | | { 6 } Observe, since the regression instances have no noise, we can obtain a perfect fit by setting Θ = 1 and Θ = 1. Further, for q 1, 2 , 1 2 − ∈ { } E [x] = (1 ǫ) 0 + ǫ E [x] = 0 (61) x − · · x f ∼Dq ∼ 2+ǫ and 2 + ǫ E x2 = (1 ǫ) 0 + ǫ E x2 = ǫ (62) x − · · x f · ǫ ∼Dq ∼ 2+ǫ     Thus,

2 1/2 1/2 E x (Θ1 Θ2) = (2 + ǫ) 2 = 2σ (63) x q − · ∼D   which completes the proof. We note that the 4-th moment of f2+ǫ(t) is infinite and thus it is not hypercontractive, even for k = 4.


We thank Sivaraman Balakrishnan, Sam Hopkins, Pravesh Kothari, Jerry Li, Pradeep Ravikumar and David Wajc for illuminating discussions related to this project. In particular, we thank Pravesh Kothari for answering several technical questions regarding lower bounds appearing in a previous version of [KKM18b].

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41 A Robust Identifiability for Arbitrary Noise

Proof of Corollary 4.2. Consider a maximal coupling of , over (x, y) (x , y ), denoted by , D D′ × ′ ′ G such that the marginal of (x, y) is , the marginal on (x′, y′) is ′ and P [I (x, y)=(x′, y′) ]= G D D G { } 1 ǫ. Then, for all v, −

v, Σ (Θ Θ ) = E v, xx⊤(Θ Θ )+ xy xy h D D − D′ i D − D′ − G hD Ei (64) = E [ v, x ( x, Θ y) ] + E [ v, x (y x, Θ ) ] h h D i − i h − h D′ i i G G Since Θ is the minimizer for the least squares loss, we have the following gradient condition D : for all v Rd, ∈ E [ v, ( x, Θ y)x ] = 0 (65) (x,y) h h D i − i ∼D Since is a coupling, using the gradient condition (65) and using that 1 = I (x, y)=(x , y ) G { ′ ′ } +I (x, y) =(x , y ) , we can rewrite equation (64) as { 6 ′ ′ }

v, Σ (Θ Θ ) = E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y)=(x′, y′) h D D − D′ i h − h D′ i i G    + E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) h − h D′ i i 6 G    (66) = E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ I (x, y)=(x′, y′) − D′ G     + E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) h − h D′ i i 6 G    Consider the first term in the last equality above. Using the gradient condition for Θ along with D′ H¨older’s Inequality, we have

E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ I (x, y)=(x′, y′) G − D′ h   i = E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ E v, x′ y ′ x′, Θ I (x, y) =(x′, y′) − D′ − − D′ 6 D′ G        (67) = E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ I (x, y) =(x′, y′) − D′ 6 G   k/(k 2) (k 2)/k  k/2 2/k 6 E I − − E Θ (x, y) =(x′, y′) v, x′ y′ x′, ′ 6 · − D G D′ h  i h  i (k 2)/k 1 2/k Observe, since is a maximal coupling E [I ( x, y) =(x′, y′) ] − 6 ǫ − . Here, we no G G { 6 } longer have independence of the noise and the covariates, therefore using Cauchy-Schwarz

1/2 k/2 k/2 k k E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ 6 E v, x′ E y′ x′, Θ · − D′ − D′ D′ D′ D′  h  i h i h  i By hypercontractivity of the covariates and the noise, we have

1/k 1/k 1/2 1/2 E k E Θ k 6 Σ E Θ 2 v, x′ y′ x′, ′ (ck ηk) v⊤ ′ v y′ x′, ′ − D O D x ,y − D D′ D′ ′ ′∼D′ h i h  i   h  i 42 Therefore, we can restate (67) as follows

1 k 2 2 I −k E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ (x, y)=(x′, y′) 6 ck ηk ǫ v⊤Σ v − D′ O D′ G     1 (68)     2 E Θ 2 y′ x′, ′ x ,y − D ′ ′∼D′ h  i It remains to bound the secondterm in the last equality ofequation (66), and we proceed as follows :

E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) = E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) h − h D′ i i 6 D − D′ 6 G G    hD E  i + E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) h − h D i i 6 G   (69)

We bound the two terms above separately. Observe, applying H¨older’s Inequality to the first term, we have

2 k k 2 k − 2 E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) 6 E I (x, y) =(x′, y′) k E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) D − D′ 6 6 D − D′ G G G   hD E i D 2 E     k k k 2 2 6 ǫ −k E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) D − D′ G   D E (70)

To bound the second term in equation 69, we again use H¨older’s Inequality followed by Cauchy- Schwarz noise and covariates.

1 k 1 − k k E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) 6 E I (x, y) =(x′, y′) k E v, x (y x, Θ ) h − h Di i 6 6 h − h D i i G G G 2/k h 2/k i    k 2  k/2  k/2 6 ǫ −k E v, x E (y x, Θ ) x h i x,y − h D i ∼D h i ∼D h i k 2 1/2 − 2 1/2 6 ǫ k ck ηk v⊤Σ v E (y x, Θ ) D x,y − h D i   ∼D   (71) where the last inequality follows from hypercontractivity of the covariates and noise. Substituting the upper bounds obtained in Equations (70) and (71) back in to (69),

2 k k k 2 2 E v, x (y x, Θ ) I (x, y) =(x′, y′) 6 ǫ −k E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) h − h D′ i i 6 D − D′ G G D E     k 2 1/2 − 2 1/2 + ǫ k ck ηk v⊤Σ v E (y x, Θ ) D x,y − h D i ∼D     Therefore, we can now upper bound both terms in Equation (66) as follows:

43 k 2 1/2 2 1/2 Σ Θ Θ 6 −k Σ E Θ v, ( ′ ) ck ηk ǫ v⊤ ′ v y′ x′, ′ h D D − D i O D x ,y − D ′ ′∼D′     h 2/ k  i k 2 k/2 + ǫ −k E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) (72) O D − D′   G D E  k 2 1/2 − 2 1/2 + ǫ k ck ηk v⊤Σ v E (y x, Θ ) O D x,y − h D i ∼D       d Recall, since the marginals of and on Ê are (c , k)-hypercontractive and TV 6 ǫ, it D D′ k kD − D′k follows from Fact 3.3 that (1 0.1) Σ Σ (1 + 0.1) Σ (73) − D′  D  D′ k/(k 2) when ǫ 6 (1/ckk) − . Now, consider the substitution v = Θ Θ . Observe, O D − D′   k/2 2/k 2/k k E v, xx⊤ (Θ Θ ) = E x, (Θ Θ ) D − D′ h D − D′ i G   D (74) D E h i2 6 2 Σ1/2 Θ Θ ck ( ′ ) D D − D 2

Then, using the bounds in (73) and (74) along with v = Θ Θ in Equation 72, we have D − D′ 2 k 2 2 1/2 k 2 1/2 −k Σ Θ Θ 6 −k Σ Θ Θ 1 ǫ ck ( ′ ) ck ηk ǫ ( ′ ) − O D D − D 2 O D D − D 2      1 1 2 E Θ 2 E Θ 2 2 y′ x′, ′ + (y x, ) x′,y′ ′ − D x,y − h D i ! ∼D h i ∼D   (75)

2 k 2 1/2 k 2 −k 2 Σ Θ Θ −k 2 Dividing out (75) by 1 ǫ ck ( ′ ) and observing that ǫ ck is upper − O D D − D 2 O bounded by a fixed constant  less than 1 yields the parameter recovery bound.  

Given the parameter recovery result above, we bound the least-squares loss between the two hyperplanes on as follows: D 2 2 err (Θ ) err (Θ ) = E y x⊤Θ y x⊤Θ + x⊤Θ x⊤Θ D D − D D′ − D − − D′ D − D (x,y)   ∼D     E Θ Θ 2 Θ Θ Θ = x, ( ′ ) + 2(y x⊤ )x⊤( ′ ) (x,y) h D − D i − D D − D ∼D h i

2 2 2 4/k E 2 E 2 6 ck ηk ǫ − y′ x′, Θ + (y x, Θ ) ′ D O x′,y′ ′ − D x,y − h i !   ∼D h i ∼D   (76) where the last inequality follows from observing E Θ Θ , x(y x⊤Θ ) = 0 (gradient D − D′ − D condition) and squaring the parameter recovery bound.  

44 B Efficient Estimator for Arbitrary Noise

In this section, we provide a proof of the key SoS lemma required to obtain a polynomial time estimator. The remainder of the proof, including the feasibility of the constraints and rounding is identical to the one presented in Section 5.

Lemma B.1 (Robust Identifiability in SoS for Arbitrary Noise). Consider the hypothesis of Theo- rem 5.1. Let w, x′, y′ and Θ be feasible solutions for the polynomial constraint system . Let Θˆ = 1 Θ 2 A arg minΘ n ∑i [n](yi∗ xi∗, ) be the empirical loss minimizer on the uncorrupted samples and let Σˆ E ∈ − h i = xi∗(xi∗)⊤ be the covariance of the uncorrupted samples. Then,

  k w,x ,y ,Θ 2k 1/2 ′ ′ Σˆ 1/2 Θˆ Θ 6 3k k 2 k k k/2 E Θˆ Θ 4k 2 (2ǫ) − ck ηk σ xi′(xi′)⊤ A ( − 2 − 2 h i  2k  3k k 2 2k ˆ 1/2 ˆ + 2 (2ǫ) − ck Σ Θ Θ − 2

 k/2 k 3k k 2 k k E ˆ 2 ˆ 1/2 ˆ + 2 (2ǫ) − ck η k yi∗ xi∗, Θ Σ Θ Θ − − 2) h i   Σˆ E Proof. Consider the empirical covariance of the uncorrupted set given by = xi∗(xi∗)⊤ . Then, using the Substitution Rule, along with Fact 3.18   k Θ Σˆ Θˆ Θ k E Θˆ Θ 2k v, = v, xi∗(xi∗)⊤ + xi∗yi∗ xi∗yi∗ ( − − −  h i   k = v, E x∗ x∗, Θˆ y∗ + E [x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ )] (77) i i − i i i − h i i     k k k k 6 2 v, E x∗ x∗, Θˆ y∗ + 2 v, E [x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ )] i i − i i i − h i i     )   Since Θˆ is the minimizer of E ( x , Θ y )2 , the gradient condition (appearing in Equation (65) h i∗ i − i∗ of the indentifiability proof) impliesh this termi is 0. Therefore, it suffices to bound the second term.

For all i [n], let wi′ = wi iff the i-th sample is uncorrupted in ǫ, i.e. xi = xi∗. Then, it is easy ∈ w X to see that ∑ w > (1 2ǫ)n. Further, since (1 w w )2 =(1 w w ) , i i′ − A 2 − i′ i − i′ i  w 1 2 1 6 2 ∑ (1 wi′wi) = ∑ (1 wi′wi) 2ǫ (78) A ( n i [n] − n i [n] − ) ∈ ∈ The above equation bounds the uncorrupted points in that are not indicated by w. Then, using Xǫ the Substitution Rule, along with the SoS Almost Triangle Inequality (Fact 3.18),

45 k k Θ,w′ v, E [x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ )] = v, E x∗ y∗ x∗, Θ (w′ + 1 w′) A 2k i i − h i i i i − h i i i − i (      k = v, E w′x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) + E (1 w′)x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) i i i − h i i − i i i − h i i     k  k 6 2 v, E w′x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) i i i − h i i     k k + 2 v, E (1 w′)x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) − i i i − h i i   )   (79)

Consider the first term of the last inequality in (79). Observe, since wi′xi∗ = wiwi′xi′ and similarly, wi′yi∗ = wiwi′yi′,

Θ,w′ E w′x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) = E w′w x′ y′ x′, Θ A 4 i i i − h i i i i i i − i   For the sake of brevity, the subsequent statements hold for relevant SoS variables  and have degree O(k) proofs. Using the Substitution Rule,

k k v, E w′x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) = v, E w′w x′ y′ x′, Θ A i i i − h i i i i i i − i (        k = v, E x′ y′ x′, Θ + E (1 w′w )x′ y′ x′, Θ i i − i − i i i i − i     k  k 6 2 v, E x′ y′ x′, Θ i i − i     k k + 2 v, E (1 w′w )x′ y′ x′, Θ − i i i i − i   )   (80) Observe, the first term in the last inequality above is identically 0, since we enforce the gradient condition on the SoS variables x′, y′ and Θ. We can then rewrite the second term using linearity w of expectation, followed by applying SoS H¨older’s Inequality (Fact 3.19) combined with A 2 (1 w w )2 = 1 w w to get − i′ i − i′ i k  k v, E (1 w′w )x′ y′ x′, Θ = E v, (1 w′)w x′ y′ x′, Θ A − i i i i − i − i i i i − i (       k = E (1 w′w ) v, x′ y′ x′, Θ − i i i i − i  k 2 k/2  k/2 6 E (1 w′w ) − E v, x′ y′ x′, Θ − i i i i − i   h  i k 2 k k 6 (2ǫ) − E v, xi′ E yi′ xi′, Θ − ) h i h i  (81)

46 where the last inequality follows from (78) and the SoS Cauchy Schwarz Inequality. Using the certifiable-hypercontractivity of the covariates,

k/2 k/2 w,x′ k k 2 k E v, x′ 6 c E v, x′ = c v, E x′(x′)⊤ v (82) A 2k i k i k i i (   ) h i h i h i Further, using certifiable hypercontractivity of the noise,

k k 2 k/2 E y′ w x′, Θ 6 η E (y′ x′, Θ ) ) (83) A i − i i k i − i   h  i   Recall, σ = E (y x , Θ )2) Combining the upper bounds obtained in (82) and (83), and plug- i′ − h i′ i ging this back into (81), we get   k k/2 k 2 k k k/2 v, E (1 w′)x′ y′ x′, Θ 6 (2ǫ) − c η σ v, E x′(x′)⊤ v (84) A − i i i − i k k i i (    )   h i Recall, we have now bounded the first term of the last inequality in (79). Therefore, it remains to bound the second term of the last inequality in (79). Using the Substitution Rule, we have

k k v, E (1 w′)x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) = v, E (1 w′)x∗ y∗ x∗, Θ Θˆ + Θˆ A − i i i − h i i − i i i − i − (       k  k 6 2 v, E (1 w′)x∗ y∗ x∗, Θˆ (85) − i i i − i     k k + 2 v, E (1 w′)x∗ x∗, Θ Θˆ − i i i −   )   We again handle each term separately. Observe, the first term when decoupled is a statement about the uncorrupted samples. Therefore, using the SoS H¨older’s Inequality (Fact 3.19),

k k v, E (1 w′)x∗ y∗ x∗, Θˆ = E (1 w′) v, x∗ y∗ x∗, Θˆ A − i i i − i − i i i − i (     k 2   k/2 6 E (1 w′) − E v, x∗ y∗ x∗, Θˆ (86) − i i i − i   h  i k 2 k ˆ k 6 (2ǫ) − E v, xi∗ E yi∗ xi∗, Θ h i − ) h i h  i Using certifiable hypercontractivity of the xi∗s,

k/2 k k 2 k k/2 E v, x∗ 6 c E v, x∗ = c v, Σˆ v h i i k h i i k h i h i Σˆ E where = xi∗(xi∗)⊤ and similarly using hypercontractivity of the noise,

  k/2 k k 2 E y∗ x∗, Θˆ 6 η E y∗ x∗, Θˆ i − i k i − i h  i h  i Then, by the Substitution Rule, we can bound (86) as follows:

47 k k/2 E ˆ k 1 k k E ˆ 2 ˆ k/2 v, (1 wi′)xi∗ yi∗ xi∗, Θ 6 (2ǫ) − ck ηk yi∗ xi∗, Θ v, Σv A ( − − − )   h i    (87) In order to bound the second term in (85), we use the SoS H¨older’s Inequality,

k k 2 v, E (1 w′)x∗ x∗, Θ Θˆ = E (1 w′) − v, x∗ x∗, Θ Θˆ A − i i i − − i i i − (    h  i k 2 k 2 2 6 E 1 w′ − E v⊤x∗(x∗)⊤(Θ Θˆ ) (88) − i i i −      k 2 k 2 ˆ 2 6 (2ǫ) − E v⊤xi∗(xi∗)⊤(Θ Θ) − )    Combining the bounds obtained in (87) and (88), we can restate Equation (85) as follows

k k/2 k k 1 k k 2 k/2 v, E (1 w′)x∗ (y∗ x∗, Θ ) 6 2 (2ǫ) − c η E y∗ x∗, Θˆ v, Σˆ v A − i i i − h i i k k i − i (    h  i k 2 k k 2 ˆ 2 + 2 (2ǫ) − E v⊤xi∗(xi∗)⊤(Θ Θ) − )    (89)

Combining (89) with (84), we obtain an upper bound for the last inequality in Equation (79). There- fore, using the Substitution Rule, we obtain

k k/2 E k k 1 k k k/2 E v, [xi∗ (yi∗ xi∗, Θ )] 6 2 (2ǫ) − ck ηk σ v, xi′(xi′)⊤ v A ( − h i    h i  k 2 2k k 2 2 + 2 (2ǫ) − E v⊤ x∗(x∗)⊤(Θ Θˆ ) (90) i i −    k/2 2k k 1 k k E ˆ 2 ˆ k/2 + 2 (2ǫ) − ck ηk yi∗ xi∗, Θ v, Σv − ) h  i The remaining proof is identical to Lemma 5.5.

C Proof of Lemma 3.4

Lemma C.1 (L¨owner Ordering for Hypercontractive Samples (restated)). Let be a (c , k)-hypercontractive D k distribution with covariance Σ and and let be the uniform distribution over n samples. Then, with prob- U ability 1 δ, − 2 1/2 1/2 C4d Σ− ΣΣˆ − I 6 , − F √n√δ

Σˆ 1 where = n ∑i [n] xixi⊤. ∈

48 Σ 1/2 1 T Σ 1/2ΣΣˆ 1/2 Proof. Let x˜i = − xi and observe that n ∑i x˜i x˜i = − − . Moreover, we know that E[x˜x˜T]= I. Let z be the (j, k) entry of Σ 1/2ΣΣˆ 1/2 I given by, j,k − − − 1 E zj,k = ∑ x˜i(j)x˜i(k) [x˜(i)x˜(k)] n i [n] − ∈ Using Chebyshev’s inequality, we get that with probability at least 1 δ, − E[x˜(j)2x˜(k)2] (i) E[x˜(j)4]+ E[x˜(k)4] zjk 6 6 , | | √n√δ 2√n√δ where (i) follows from AM-GM inequality. To bound E[x˜(j)4], we use hypercontractivity.

4 T 4 T 2 2 E[x˜(j) ]= E[(v x) ] 6 C4E[(v x) ] ,

1/2 4 where v = Σ− ej. Plugging this above, we get that E[x˜(j) ] 6 C4. which in turn implies that with probability at least 1 δ, − C4 zjk 6 . | | √nδ Taking a union bound over d2 entries of Σ 1/2ΣΣˆ 1/2 I, we get that with probability at least − − − 1 δ, − 2 1/2 1/2 C4d Σ− ΣΣˆ − I 6 − F √n√δ