RUTLANDSHIRE. THlS is an inland county, and the smallest ir. , being only about eighteen miles in length, fit its greatest breadth not more than sixteen, an(1 its circumference fifty-eight; comprising 149 square miles, or 95,3fiO acre~. of which about 43,OOt) are uudet· tillage. It is bounded ou the north-west aud south-west by Leicestershire; on the south and south -eaRt by Nurthamptonshire, trom which it is separated by the I'ive:r WeJland; and the county of Lincoln is the boundary on ils east and north· eastern sidell.-This districc, at the time of the Roman invasion, formed a part of the territory of the Coritani: under the Romans it was included in the divhion called Flavia ClBsariensis: at was a Roman station, but antiquaries disagree concerning its llame. By the Saxons the district was comprised in the kingdom of Mercia. In Domesday­ book Roteltlnd is mtnlioned as being composed of the t\o\'O wapentakes of Alstoe and Martiosley; and the res~ of the county, lit Ihat periml, was included in Northamplonshi,'e. Rut18nd is first described as a dis­ tinct county ill the fifth year of King John, at Ihr coronation of whose queen, Isabel, it was, amongst other lands, assigned in parliament tor her dower. But few important historical events are connected with this county. In 1470, on the 27th of April, an army uf Lancaslt'I'ians was defeated by Edward IV, M Horn, witb a loss of thirteen thousand men, wht'n Sir Thomas Wells and Sir Thomas de Launde were taken pl'isoners, and shortly afterwards beheaded: this engagement has been jocularly styled' the Baule of Lose-coat Field,' (mm the disper-ed fugitives having ca,t off their coats in order to be le~ encumbered. confers the titles of duke and earl 011 the family of Manners. SOIL and CLIMATE, PRODUCE, &c.-The SOIL of Rutlandshire in general may be considered rich, and it is highly productive ill COI'II and pasture. tn many parts a sort of ruddle, of a red colour, prevails-and from this soil some say the county takes its name; but this is unsupported by the more learned etymologists. Rutland is beautifully "aried ill 8usfdce with gentle swells and depressions, the rising grounds, running east and "est. with valleys inlervelling; amollgst these is the luxuriant one of Catmose, leadin~ from the we!!tern side to the centre ot the coun!y, and eomprehending the county town, Odkham. The south-western part forolerly was entirely occupied by the forest of Leafield, pal t of which still remains in its original state, and affords pasturage to some few deer. The agricultural !\\'stem pursued in this county is good, being the same as that practised in Norfolk-the tllrnip and sheep hushandry general1y forming its basis; its flocks are healthy, and its COI'll, some of the finest in the united kingdolJl, is principally sold for seed. The crops commonly grown are wheat, barley, oats, peas, bealls, turnip~, cabbages, tal'es, and lentil~. The artificial grasses are clover, trefoil, raJ~grass, and saillfoill. Much of what is called Stilton cheese is mad~ in the dis­ trict of Leafield Forest, and the vale of Catmo-e. The woodlands were fortnt'rly much more extensive than they now are. The forest of Leafield once spread over the greater part of the soke of ; and Beaumont Chase, which formed part of the same fOl'est, extended over many acres of Martinsley hundl't'd; and in the~e districts are still some bt'autifol scenes of ",oodland and highly cultivated 81'0tS. Some of the finest views Dlay be obtained from l\lanton (which i& the highest land ill the county); BeauOlont Chase, Hurghley House (Bnrley.on-Ihe-Hill), Hakesborough Hill, Teigh village, the Whis~endine Hills, and Witchley Commou.­ The AIR of this shil'e is rOll~idered as pure as that of any other in England. Neither in MANUFACTURES, MINES ur l\HNERAL'I call Rutland lay any great claim to Ilotice; and the only quarries are those ot limestone, at l'\ettoD. There are maltings ill several of the towns and villages, and fluur mills are scattered throughout the county. RIVERli and MINERAL SP[UNGS, CANALS and RAILWAYS.-rhe principal RlvtRS which have their source in or pass through this county are, the EVE, the WELLANO, the GUASII and the CHATER. The Eye rises in Leicestershi, e, runs 8outh.east, forming the bounda,.y of the county on tbis side, and empties into the Wellan(l. The WeIIand has its origin in Sibbertoft, in Northamptonshire. alld, running north-east, becomes the boundary of Rut land on that border; neat it receives the water of the Chater, and a little north of Stamford those of the Guash ; continuing nearly the same course, i!. passes the towns of l\1al'ket Deepillg and Spalding, and ultimately flowl! into the sea at Fosdike Wash: this river is navigable to Stamford. The Gnash alld the Chaler both rise on the we,terll side of the county, and, runnillg nearly parallel to each other in an easterly dilection, unite with the WeJlilllc,-the formel' on the 1l00-th side, and the latter on the south side of Stamford.-CHALYBEATE SPRINGS are numerous ill various parts of the county; the ~trollgest, which has loug beell beld ill considerable estimatiou_ for its salubrious qualitie!l, and was moch rewrted to not many years sillce, rises between Teigh al\d Market Overton.-By means of the OAKHAM CANAL a commuuication has been opened with the I'iver Trent, which has given rise to an iuland trade of some consequence, particu­ larly in the neceS&lIry article of coal.-The RAILWAYS, which pass through Rotland, are those which run between Northamptonshire-and Leicestt'rshlre-commnuicating with the metropolis on the one hand, alld the midland and Ilorlhern districts ou the other. The Midland Rail\o\'ay, and the Rugby and Stamford, have joint stations at the Yilla~es of South Luffenham, and Thorpe by Water. The Midland Railway has stations also at Oakham, Ashwdl, Kettoll, and l\lanton; and the Leicester, Syston, and Peterborough line passes through the latter village-whkh is four miles north from Uppingharn. ECCLESIASTICAL and CIVIL DIVISlhNS, alld REPRESENTATION,-Rutlandshire is in the prm-ince of Can­ terbury and dioct'se of Pt'terborough; it is included in the l\lidland Circuit, and is divided iuto tbe five hundreds of Abtoe, East, :\Jartillsler, Uakham Stoke and Wralldike: these collectively contain fifty-two parishes, one county town (Oak ham), and two market towns (Oakham and l"ppingham). The shire is represented in parliament by two members, and their return is made from Oakham. Tnf present member!! are the Honourable Gerard Jamf's Noel, Exton Park. lIear Oakharu; and the Honourabie Gilbert Henry Heathcote, Esquire, Stocken Hall~ 8tretton, both in this county. POPULATION. &c_-By the returns made to Government, at the census of 1851, Rutlllnd,hire contained 1l,801 males, alld ll,182 females,-total 22,983; exhibiring an ilJcr~ase over the returns of 1841, of 1,681 illhabitallt~. The anllual value of real property in this connty, as assessed to the poor rates in 1850, awouuted to £128,679. ---0--- Distance Table of Towns and Principal Villages in the County of RUTLAND. The nalOe!; of the towns are on the top and side, and the square where both meet gives the distauce. Distancejrom Leicester. Distancefrom . 26 •••• •••••••••••••••• Barl'owden •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _. .... 91 28 •••• Empingham _... 10 Empingham...... 94 29 •••• Ketton.. •••••••• 5 5 Kt-tton.. •• .... •••••••• •••••• •••• •••• 9!i 24 •••• Langham ...... 12 8 13 Langbam ...... _.... ••• •••• 98 23 •••• Liddingtou.... •• 9 11 14 II ILiddington...... 88 25 •••• Oak ham. • ...... 10 6 11 2 9 J Oakham...... 96 20 •••• U~lpingham.... 6 8 9 8 2~ 6IuPpin~ham.. •••••• 9() 23 •••• Whisselldille.... 15 II 16 2~ 13 4 10 I Whisseudine .. If 100 1 -1 ~utlanlJsfltrt. ~lattt'S

BARRO'VDEN AND SOUTH LUFFENHAl\J • .BARRowDEN iR a parish in the hundred of Wran- cen~us taken in 1801. the number of inhabitants dike-the village is about 5! miles E. from Uppingham, amounted to 511; at that in 181 I, tu 481; in 1821,524; 10 s. E. from Oakham, and i s. w. from Stamford: in 1831, it had decrea~ed to 485; 111 1841, the Ilumber pleasantly situated near the northern bank of the river was 658; and it had increaser! in 1851. to 718. Well and. The chief trade is the manufacture Clf rugs, SOUTH LUFPENHAM i~ a parish ill the same hundred parchment, glue, and white leather, which is carried as BarrowdelJ-the ~'illa~e, a pleasant on ... , i~ bt'tween on opnn rather aD extenllive scale b~ !\1essrs. Richard Ithree and four miles north tberefl'Om, and rather more Gill and SOD, and gives employment to many hauds in than 5 E. by N. f.·om U pplngham, sitnakd 011 the road the village. to Stamford, 011 the south hank of the river Chater, The plaoes of worship are, the parish chut'ch of and on the line of the Rugby and Slamford railway. Saint Peter, and a chapel for Baptists: the living is a Here a station has heen t'rected-small, but handsome; rectory, in the patronage of the Marquess uf Exeter, together with convenient warehouses, for tht' carrying who is lord of the manor; the preseut incumbellt is department; and several coal merchants have their the Rev. C)larles Atlay. A Sunday school h supported offices here. The parish church of Saint Mary is by the Baptists, who here form a very respectable com- rather a handsome huilding, wilh a tower surmounted munity. A charity was left by Mr. Jobn Brown, of by a spire: the Hving is a rectory. iD the gift of the Hammersmith, Middlesex. consisting of an estate master and fellows uf BaUiol College, Oxford; the worth about .£3;, per annum, to be divided amongst Rev. Constantine Estlin Prichard is the pre"eut incum­ the most de~ervillg poor of Bcurowden and Hammer- bent. A nationallichool was established here in 1847; smith, ill blankets. every new years' day-the trufllees the premi~es were built by subscription, aided by the are John Johnson and Edward ~helton. The popula- NatiODl11 ~chool Society. Population ofthe parish in tion of Ihis parish (whicb bas nu dependant township), 1851,437. has fluctoated in ralher a singnla~ manner: at the POST OFFIVE, SOUTH LUFFENHAM, John Barfield, Post Master.-Lettel's from all parts anire (by foot post from UPPINGHAM) every morlling at half-past ten, and are despatched thert'to at a quarter to three in the afternoon. The nearest Money Order Olfice is Uppingltam. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Ball William, wood dealer, South Smith Hobert, s)lOe maker, South Atlay Rev. Charles (magistrate), Luffenhan: Luffellhflm [Lllffellham Rectory Bartield James, beer retailer, Sonth Springthorpe Thos. butchel, Soutb Prirharri Rev. Constantine Estlin, Luffellham Stubb~ John, wheelwright South Lutfenham Batt's Johu,carpenter,tim ber dealer, Swami Samuel, stolle mason Salisbury Rev. James, Barrowden and maitster Swanll Simon. stone mason Sapcote Mr. Abraham, South Luf- Craythorne Robel't, baker and beer SwamI Thomas, stoue Olllson fen ham rdai ler, Barrowden SwiftTholllas,draper and shopkeeper Wallb:mks l\liss Sarah, Barrowden Darlow Edward, tailor, draper and S"ift Thomas. jllll. fellmonger Win~field Col. Henry, South Luf- 8hopkeeper Tailby William, butcher aud ~hop- fenham Davis John, tailor,South Luffenham keeper, Soulh Lulfenham Willgfield the Misses Mat)' Ann Dexter Thomas, owner of thrul!hing Taylor John, boot and shoe maker and Emily, South Lulfenham machines for hire, B1rrowden Taylr r Thos. boot alld shoe maker Dobson J05eph, drill oWller for Tihb~ John, !>hopkeept'I",Rarrowden PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. hire, Barrowden Tipping John. whitesmith, &('. INCLUDING SCHOoLS. Edgsoll John, butcher, RarrO\lId£o TylerCharlesS.plllmber,Barrowden Horn Mal y, mistress of national Ellis & EVt'rard, coal merchants, WaddsJohn,shopkeeper, Barrowden school. South Luffellham South Luffenham station Wade Thos. R. Iladdla, Bal"rowden Swann Heury John, surgeon, Bar· Gill Richard & StIll, woolstaplers I'Vilson Wm. boot and shoe maker rowden [rowrlell and manufacturer!! of parchment, and shopkeeper Taylor John, schoolmaster, Bar­ vellum, glue, patent rugs and Woods Wm. boot and shoe maker rromlinson J oh n~ registrar of hirths, Spanish leather, Barrowden Wright Thomas, wheelwright and deaths and marriages. South Luf­ Gun Jonathan, hoot & !lhoe maker beer retailer fenham Horn Davirl Henry, shoe maker, FARMERS. Suuth LuiJenham Johnson John. carpenter, builder, Bates John, Barrowden and parish clerk Cliif Edward. Barrowden Kellnick John, cooper PLACES OF WORSHIP Cox Elizabeth, Barrowden King Thomas, tailor, Barrowden AND THEIR MINISTERS. Eady James, Bat rowdell Marl!h WiIliam. shoe waker, South Larrett Anlfrew N.SollthLulfenham LuiJenham ST. MARY'S CHURCH, South Lnffennam Pridmore Edward,South Lnffenham -Rev. Constaotine Estlin Prichardt Ma~on Henry, maltster rector Pridmore Thomas,South Luffenhalll Morris C. & W. R. coal anrl coIce St. PETBR'S CHUROH, Barrowden-ReT. Rowlett Thomas, Barrowden merchants, South Lutfenham Charles Atlay, rector SeweU John, Barrowden Railway station BAPTIST CHAPBL, Barrowden Sewell WilIiam, Barrowden Newbon Elizabeth, dress maker, Sheltun John, Barrow!leJl South Luffellham Shelton Richard, Barrowden Pepper AlItholly,hlltcher and draper Tailby Williarn, Soulh Lutf'ellham PepperJ ohn ,8mith,South Lulft'nham Taylor Elizabeth, Harrowrlen Pepper William,wheclwright,South CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY rrucker Charles, South Luffenham Luffenham On the MIDLAND Bod the RUGBY and Wood William, South Lulfenham Pepper William, smith, Barrowden STAMFORD linea. which latter joins Ill., Rice Thomas & Son, beer retailers, first named railway at SOUTH L.UFFHN­ POBLIC HOOSES. H ... M, where there is a Statim-Will iam bakers and shopkeepers, South Marriott, station master and manager Exeter Arms, John Bates Luffenham oJ goods deparllnmt Hereford Ox,Thnmas Springthorpe, Richmond Dalliel ,tailor ,Barrowden South Lnffenham Royce Henry William, millet,South Willdmill, Edward Taxker Luffenham [Lutfenham Shdton John, blacksmith, South SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Sheltoll Robert, shoe maker, South CARRIER Ball Gt'orge, sbopkeeper & butcher, LuffellhBOl To STAMFORD, JamesGoodli1fe, from South Lnfft'nham Shelton WiIIiam,millel', Barrowden his IIouse, Barrowden, on Friday, and Ball John, fellmonger SheltflD WIll.jun. balier,llarrowden to OAKHAM on Saturday, and UP- Ball Josiah, baker,SoQth Luffeoham Sismey John, sil.wyer PINGSAM,on Wednesday 2 mfrttio l p_ JatttlanbS f) ire.

COTTESl\10R~, BARROW, l\lARKET-OVERTON, THISTLETON, ASHWELL, TEIGH, AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. COTTESMORE is a pea'ish in the hundl'ed of AIstoe !\]ARKET-OVERTON is a pal'ish, in thesaml' hundred -the vill<1ge a considerable one and well built, is as Cottesmore-the village. which furmerly had ill about 4! miles N. N. E. fmm Oakham; situated on the mal'ket, is hetween 5 and 6 miles N. from Oakham, road 10 Grantham, I1bout 21 miles frolll the line of the and about 2 N. from Cottesmure; pleasal!tly situa­ Midhmd railway. alld about I! from the Melton and trd on an eminence r,ear the l\lelton and Uakham ca­ Oakham chnal. The Earl of Gainsborough is lord of nal. in the mid!l.t of well·wooded and Jiicturesque the manor, and owner of the land-which is rich and scenery. John Muxloe Wingfield, Esq., is lord of the fertile. The' Hall,' here, occupied by Sir John manor. and patron of the church living, which is a Trol/ope, Bart., M.P., is a fine mansion: this gentle- rectory, at pre5ellt enjoyed by the Rev. Edward Old­ man is Jlla~ter of the • Cottesmol'e hunt '-he keeps tit'ld Wingfield, M.A. The parish church of Saint Paul upwards of seventy couple of fox-hounds, and a is a ntat building, with a tower. Population of the valuable stud of hunteJ's. Richard Westbrook Baker, parish in 1851, 498. Esq., a firm p ~tron of the place, ha~ been a ~l'eat pro- moter of the small allotmeut ~ystelll-which here, as ASHWELL is a small parish and village-the latter in other districts, has proved so Lellt'ilcial to the in- 3 miles N. by w. from Oakham: situated rlose to dustrious labourt'r: this ~pirited and philanthropic the Midlalld Railway station-where there are sevel'at gentleman Dl;.ty also bp comidered as the founder of coal whal fs. Viscount DOWlle is lord of the manor, the' Hutland Genel al "~rjendly IlIstitution,' established Iaud patron of the church living, which is a rectory, of in 1832; and of the • Rutland Ploughing Meeting,' which the Rev. Thomas Yard, l!! the present il1cUIll­ held annudlly at this "ilIage. 1.\1r. Baker. in Jnne, 1841, bent. The church of Saint Mary, an ancient stru('ture~ was l}relSeuted with a service of plate, subsctibt'd for has recently undergone restoration, it posseses a lower, by the gentry, all.ricuhurists, and others of tlJi~ district, containing a peal of six bells; in tlIe clmrch are to the numher of olle thou~and and upwards, for his several ancie'lt altar tombs, and intere~ting memorials valuable senkes ill the ca.use of agriculture. flf the depalted. A lIew school and school-house has The parish church of Saint Nicholas is a fine gothic been erecled at the sole expense of Vi-couut Downe. structUJe with a tower surmounted by a spire-the A feast, (\1' revel, is held here 011 tbe finn Sunday aftel' formel' contaiuing five bell~, chime~, and a cluck. the 19th September. Population of the pal"ish, 223. 'fhe Jj"illg of Cotlesmore is a rectory. to which the Earl of Gainsborongh, presents; the Hon. and Rev. TEIGH is a still smaller pari~h and village-the latter Alldrt'W Godfrey Stuart, is the incumhent. National 5 miles N. from Oakham, and bel wee" t\Vo and aud Sunday schools are :supported here by suh~cription; three from l\Jarket-Overton and Asbwell; situated and there al'e ~everal charities by whid, the poor are close to the border of Leicestershire. and the line of beuefilted. The parish, including the hamlet of Barrow, the l\lidland railway. Tile Earl of Harborough is lord contained in ]841,670 inhabitrtnts, and ill IS51, 735. of the manor. ant! patlOn of th~ church, which is The hamlet of BARROW, in the parish of COl tes- dedicated to the Holy Trinity: tbe living is a rectory, of more, is situated about half a mile froIl) that village: which tile Rev. A. S. Atcht'son, i~ the incumbent. it cout"ins a !!mall neat chapd of l'ase, and about 130 Population uf the parish, in ISH, 235, but in 1851. it inhabitants. had decreailed to 147. POST OFFICE, COTTESMORE, i\lahala Cramp, Post Jllislress.-Letter:i frolD all parts arrive (from OAK HAM) every morning at nine and are despatched thereto at four in the afternoon. POST OFFICE, MARKET OVERTON, Mary Knott. Posl Mistress.-Letters from all parts arrive (from OAKHAM) at twenty minutes pa~t ten in the morning, aDd are despatched thereto at a quartel' to foor in the afternoon. TIle nearest Mone!! Order Office to both the above places is at Oakham NOBILITY· GENTRY AND BAKERS COAL MERCHANTS CLERGY Gamble Johu, Market-Overtoll Beunett Thumas & Sons (and COIn At('hesoll Rev, A.. S. 'reigh GambleWiUiam A1'l1old,Cottesmore merchants and maltsters), Mar- Baker Hichard Westbruok, Esq., Hibbett Frederick Cottesmore ket-Overton Cuttesmore rAshwdl Peake John l\Jarket-Overtoll Ellis & Ever

FARM E RS-Continmd. MILLERS PLACES OF WORSHIP. Laxton Thomas, Cottesmore Bennett Thomas & Sons, Market­ AND THEI R MINISTERS. Laxton William, Cottt'smore Overton ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH, Cottesmor8- Maddison William, Barrow Gamble Wm, Arnold, Cottesmore Honble. and Rev, Andrew Godfrey Stuart, rector I Rev. Charles White, Pel'kins Mark, Teigh STONE MASONS curate Roberts Edward, Teigh ST. MARY'S CHURCH, Ash well-Rev. Tidd Henry, Ashwell Clarke John, Market-Overton Thomas Yard, rector 'fidd John, Ashwell Clarke Rohert, Market-Overtou ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, l\:I:arket-Overton Tidd William. Ashwell Sher\\in James, Cottesmore -Rev. Edward 0, Winglield, rector; Turner James, Market-O,ertou Rev, CharleE A. Holmes, curate TAILORS HOLY TRINITY CHURCH, Teigh-Re'f. Wilson James, Market-Overton Anthony S. At::::: rector Wood John, Market-Overton Mundy Henry, Market-Ovel'ton Woods George, Teigh Peake John, Market-Overtou Pollard Thomas, Market·O,'ertoD CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. GROCERS AND DEALERS IN WHEELWRIGHTS. ION THE SISSON & PETKRBORO' BRANCIl SUNDRIES OP THE MIDLUiD LINE. Cooper John, Ashwell Beecroft WiIliam, Market-Overton Station at ASH WELL-John Brook, DIaper John, Market-Overtou statwn master ana manager DJ good/J Chambers William,l\larket-Overton Hums William, Cottesmore department Cunnington Edward, CoUesmore Mantle Robelt, ~Jarket-Ovel·ton Dickens Mar~', Teigh Hawkins John, A!)hweU CARRIERS Hollis Elizbt h.(&draper), Cotte!lmore Miscellaneous. To MELTON MOWBRAY, Joseph KnottMary(& dra~er),Market-Ovrtn Tyler, from Cottesmore. Mary Kettle Leaverland WiIliam, Barrow Brook John, station master, Ashwell Bullivant William Hose, land agent, and Joseph Faulkes, from Market­ Peake JOllO, l'larket·Overton AshweIl Overton, and William LeaverlaDd Pick Christophcr. Market-Overton CostaJl Rohert, cbiefeonstable for AIsloe from Barrow, Tuesday Thorpe WiIliam, CottesmOl'e bundred, Market·Overton To OA KHAM, Joseph T,ler, from Cot­ Falilkes Jobn, owner of thrashing ma.- tesmore; J oseph Faulkes, from Mar­ INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. chines for hire, Market-Overton ket.Overton, Saturday, and William Black Bull,SamueJ Barfoot,Market- Frisby Alfred, accountant, Cottesrrtore Leaverland, from Barrow, Saturday Overton [Cottei'lmore Hollis Elizabeth, brewer, Cottesmore To STAMFORD, Joseph Tyler, from Fox and Hounds,Benjamin Laxton, Smith PhiJip, saddler, Market.Overtoo Cottesmore, alld Jos'Vh Faulkes, (rom Stubbs Belsy, beer retailer, Barrow l\larket-Overton, Friday, and Mary Sun, Frances Boulton, Cottesmore Tomblin Jobn, land surveyor, Market Kettle, Monday and Friday, and Three Horse Shoes, John Abbey, Overton WilJiam Leaverland. from Barrow, l'Jarket-Overton Whittle William, grazier, Asbwell Frida.y

El\IPING HAl\f, HAl\IBLETON, AND WHITWELL. EMPINGHAM is a parish in the hundred of East- HAMBLETON (or Hambleton-on-the-HiIl), isa parish the village, which is one of the most considerable in in the hundred of l\Jarlinslq-the village ill 3 mile3 the county, is 8 miles N. E. from Uppingham, about 6 E. S. E. from Oakham, and somewhat le~s than that E. by s. from Oak ham, ar.d 5 E. from Stamford: situa- distance west from Empingham. The church is dedi­ ted on the road between the tw~last named towns, cated to Saint Andrew: the Jivin~ is a yicarage, in th~ and close to the river Guash. It I~ said to have been :rift of the Dean and Chapter of Lincoln; the Rev. formerly a. town of much greatel" exteut and note than Thoma!' Davidson, is the pl'esent iucumbent. Popula­ at present, and to have comprised several pari!lhes. tion of the parish ill 1851, 290. 'l'he mallistrates hold petty ~essions on the first MOn-] WHITWELL, is an inconsiderable parish, ill the hun­ day in every month, at llie White Horse Inn, here. dl'ed of Alstun-the slJIall village is 4~ miles E. from The parish church of Saint Peter, is an ancient and Oakham, and 2 w. N. w. from Empillgham, situated spacious edifice, consisting of a nave. two abIes, and on the ro&d between the two. A small mound, con· two tran~ept~, with a very fine towel'. The livillg is a tiguous to the village, is said to have heen once a cave, discharged vicarage, in the patrouage of the pl'eben- and given refuge to the celebrated Robin Hood. The dary of Empingham. in the cathedral church of Lin- church is dedicated to Saint l\lichael: the living is a coIn; the present incumbent isthe Rev. Thomas LO\'ick rectory, in the patronaue of ~il' Gerard Noel, Hat't; Cooper, 'fhere is a national school in the Tillage. the Rev. Charles S. Ellicott, is the rector. Popnlation The parish contained. in 1841, 914 inhabitants, and in of the pal'bh, in 1851, 129. 1851, 938. POST OFFICE. EMPINGHAM, Ricllard Cooper, Post 1IIaster.-Letter flom all parts arrive (from STAMFORD) every moruing at nine, and are despatched thereto every afternoon at half·pa~t four.

POST OFFICE6 HAMBLETON-ON-THE-HILL,'Mary Gregory, Post 1IIis/ress.-Letters from all parts arrive (from OAK HAM) fiy foot-post every morning at half-past eight, and are despatched thereto every after.. nOOn at a quarter to five. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Tyson agent,Empin~ham \BUnning Thnmas, (and IDaltslel') AlIhwell Mr. Henry, Empingham Ward Thomas, schoolmaster, Emp- Canner Wllliam Cooper Rev. Thomas Lovick, Vica- ingham Castertnn Zachariah rage, Empington INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES Cbapman Thomas, Whitwell Davidson Rev. Thomas, Hambleton CrOWD, Thos. Warren, Empingham Clalke Henry, Whitwell Vicarage Finch's Arms, Wm. Chamberlain, Clarke John, Whitwell Ellicott Rev Charles, Whitwell Hambleton Fancourc John Fryer 1\lrs. AnD. HambJeton-on- Noel's Arms, John Thompson, FallCQurt WilIiam 'he-Hill Lon-the-HiIl Whitwell [Empibgham Grant William Jackson Rev. Wm. H. Hambleton- White Horse Illn, Nalhanial Alien, Humphl'ey William PalmerWilliam,Esq. HambletonHall FARMERS. Keen Charles TySOD Mrs. Ann, EWl'ingham AT EMPINGTON, WHEN NOT OTHER- Nutt George WISE STATED. Porter Edwal'd PROFESSIONAL PERSONS Alexander John Pretty John INCLUDING SCHOOLS. Alexander William Rice Richard Bryant A llD, school mistress, Ham­ Bloodw(}lth Alln Ruyce Thomas bleton-on-the-Hill Bloodworth Cbarles Tew'lon F,ancis Cooper Elizabeth, scbo01 mistress, Bloodworth Thomas Tucker John, Whit well Empingham [Empingham Bl'yan John James Turner John ScotL Thomas Beasley, auurgeop, 6l1ckwo:rth Rowland Wbitehead Flancis 4 iJirtttol'!!. El\IPI N GHAl\f, &c.

SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Ogrlen Wil\iam, wheelwright PLACES OF WORSHIP The names without address are in Parker WiJliam. wheelwright and AND THEIR MINISTERS. AMPINGBA¥. bet!r retailer . ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, Hambleton.on. Alfin William, wheel\\'right Pateman Jonathan, baker the-Hill --Rev. Thomas Davidson, Bailey Robel t, blacksmith [ [clerk Potter Joseph, tailor vicar; Rev. WiIIismHJacu ... o,curate Bland John, stone masun and parish Price William, stone mason and ST.!\f ICHAE L'S CHURCH, Whitwell-Rev. Charles ElIicott, rector Buckworth John Thomas, butcher shopkeeper, Hambleton ST.PETE a'sCRuncH, Empingham-Rev. malt~ter BUllning Frallcis YarracJ, Red!\haw Wi!l:am, saddler Thomas Lavick Cooper, lIlA. rector Cannt!r Mark, grocer and draper , Rudkin Henry, carpenter, &c. ChappeJlJno. shopkeeper,Hambletn Srott Phrene, tailor and draper Cooper Tho:!. boot and shoe maker Smith John, blacksmith Cooper WiItiam, tailor Sneath Edward. boot & shoe maker RAILWAY Davis Williarn, boot aral shoe maker Stephenson Thomas, boot and shoe The nearest Station is at SUMPORD, 5 Gower Thos. boot and shoe maker maker miles distant-no regular communi­ Gower WillliaOl, beer retailer Taylor Wiliillm, farrier, Empingham cation Healev Robert, chief constahle for Thompson John,shopkpr, Whitwell Martinsley H1lndred, Harnbleton Tim-on Thomas, boot & shoe maker CARRIERS Islip John, owner of thrashmg ma- Tomblin Charles, bllOt and shoe To OAKRAM: Alice Pogmore, from ber ciJine and wheelwright maker, Hambleton rstatuary bouse, Empingilam, Saturday Islip Thomas, ~hopkeept'r Turner Thomas, stone mason and To STAMFORD, -Pogmore&-ElIiB, Jackson Richard, corn miller Walker Lewis, baker, Whitwell from their ilouses, Empingbllm, Mon­ Keen Daniel, bUlcher Walker Pete!", butcher day and Friday Love Thomas, shopkeeper Woodward John, boot&shoe maker, To UPPINGHAM, Alice Pogmore, from Ogden Henry, saddler WhitweU her house, Wedntsday

EXTON, GREETHA~J, STRETTON, THISTLETON HORN AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. EXTON is a pal·ish in the hundred of Alstoe- Exton-the village, or con!'iderable length, is about a the village large and pleasant, is about five miles E.N.E. mile ami a half, north, therefrom, aud 6 E.N.E. from from Oakham, seated in a waIley. The Earl of Gains. Oakham, lying on the road to Stretton. The Jlarish borough is lord of the manor, and owner of extensive church of Saint Mary, is an ancient building, with a propel·ty here, Exton Park, the seat of this noble- tower and spire: the living is a vicarage, in the gift of man, comprises at least thirteen hundred acres, well George Finch, Esquire, the lord of the manor; the wonded, and stocked with deer, and ornamented with R, and the late vicar was also a donor to ments and tablets of early date impart interest to the that purp()se. Population in 1851, 713. interior, and are worthy a stranger's inspection. There STRETTON is a $mall parish, in the same hundred as is a small sum paid annually, from Lady Hall ingtou's the above-noticed places-the village is about 3 miles K charity, for keeping these aucient memorials in repair: f!"Om Gree~ham, and 8~ N.E. by E. from Oakham~ the poor are benefitted also from the 8a'1le chal'ity. situated on the main road between Stamford and Tllere are schools for girls alld ilifallts. supported by Grantham. Lord Aveland i

IIHOPKEEPERSw &c.-Continued. Idle Edwd. carpenter, &c.Greetham Welborn Thomas, tailor, Greetham Bland William, grocer and mason, Jackson WiIliam, whet'lwri~ht and v,oung James, blacksmith. Stretton Greetham beer retailer, Greelham Brooks Edward William, butcher, King John, talior, Stretton PLACES OF WORSHIP. Greetham [t1eton Munton John, blachmith, Exton AND THEIR MINISTERS. Brown Robert, rattle dealer. This­ Muntoll John aud Robert, machine ST. PETER'S and ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Brown Rohert, baker, Greethalu ownt'rs for hirt', Exton Extoo-the Honble, and Rev, Leland (:hamberlaio Joo.grocer and draper, Newey Charles, tailor, Exton Noel, rector IRe". W illiam Gibaon, Exton Pollard WilIiam, miller, Thistleton curate Cooper Isaac, grocer, Greetham Pal kinsoD Matthew, shoe maker, ST. MARY'S CHURCH, Greetbam-ReT. Covt!rley Richrl.carpenter. Greetham Exton John Neale Dalton, vicar CrossJohn.grocer and draper, Extoll Royce Richard, blacksmith, Exton ST. NICHOLAS CHURCH, StreUon-ReT. DriDg Jame~,"hof' maker, Greetham Royce WiIliam, smith, GI eetham Mark Garfitt, rector EIston George.shopkeeper, Slretton Sene~call Wm. draper aDd grocer METHODIST (Weslt'yan) CH.!..PltLI, Fancourt Jaspt"r, cal'peuter, Exton and tailnr, Greetham Greetbam and Exton Fox John. laud surveYor, Grl'etham Sharman Matthew, miller, Horn GartootJ ohn,parish clerk,G reetham Mill Garfoot John jour., shoemaker, Shal'man Charles, millt'r, Greetham RAILWAY Greetham SharmanJohn,grocer,&c, Greetham The nearest Station is at OUtHAlII, on GutridgeJno. whedwright, Stretton Sharpe ehas. shoe maker,GI'eetham the LETCBflTlIR and PETBRBORO' Halladay Thomas, stone mason aud Smith Alfred, butcher, Exton BRANCH of the MIDLAND LI!'iIl.about builder, Greetham [ham Smitb Jllho, black~mith, Greetham 41 miles distant Hayes Robt.haker and miller, Greet­ Thorpt' !Scotney. butcher, Greetham Herman WmHellry,grocer,Greetham Tndd William, shoe make!', Stl'etton CARRIER. Hibbett Robert, stone l11a'lon, Exton Ward Geo. shopket'per, Thbtleton To OAKHAM,- Nnrris.fromGreetloam, Hibbett Jmiah, butcher, Exton Welborn John, tailor, Greetham Saturday, aDd to STAMFORD,i"riday

KETTON, 'fINWELL. TIXOVER, GEESTON, AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. KETTON is a parish, in the hundred of Ea"t-Ihe dependents and Wesleyans have places of worship, and \lilJage large and tolerably well built, is about eight and there is a ~chool cOllducted upon the national plan, a half miles E. by N. trom Uppit,gham, al1d three and a with which hi associated an endowment made by Miss hall s.w. by w. from !Stamtord, situated on the main Edwards, in 1791, for instroctillg p',lor girls. The road between the two places, in a valley on the nnrth parish COD1ailled in 1841, 951 inhabitauts, and in bank of the river Wellalld, and 011 the liue of the Mid- 1851, 1,138. land Railway-for which Ketton is a slation. About a 'fJNWELL is a parish, in the flame 'hundred as Ket~ mile hence are valuable frec;tone qual'ries, the produce ton-the village,small and ple~ant,is abont2rnilell of which is in great estimation for building pllrposes. E. from it. and the like distance w. by s. from 8tamford. Lord Northwick is the prlncipal land owner and lord The :\Jarqness of Exeter is lord of the manor, aud of of the manors of Greenham, Whit well, and Hutchiu. nearly all the land of the parish. The church of All The parhh church of St. Mar'y is of considerable an- ~aints' is ancient, with a small tower: the living is a tiquity, partlyill the style of English architecture, with rectory in the gift of the lord of the manor; the an intermixture of SaxOD and Norman-the latter pre- Rev. Charles Arnold is the pre~ent incumhent. Within vailing at the western end. The buildmg consiS18 of a the parish is the small hamlet of INGTHORPE, forming nave, ai~le~, and a chancd, with a central tuwer, sur- portion ot the manor of TinweJl. Population of the mounted by a lofly and beautiful spire. On the uorth parish 287. wall of the intprior is a tine specimen of painting in 'l'tXOVER parish-a small one, and the village very fresco-the subject St. Christopher ral'ryillg our Sa- inconsiderable, are in the same hundred as the plact's liour over a river; it was laid bare during the cJean- above noticed, and like them lie on the north bank of jog of the church in 1844. The living of Keuon is a the river. The villa~e is about 7~ miles E. by N. from discharged vicarage, with the curacy of Tixover ao· Uppin!l;ham, aDd nl'arl}' 3 s. from Ketton. The parish ne1!:ed, ill the peculiar jurisdiction and patronage of chllrch is dedicated to St. Luke; and the ill an­ the prebendary of Ketton, in Lincoln cathedral; the nexed to that of , as before stakd. The popu­ present incumbent is the Rev. J. H. Noyes. The In- lation is 115. POST OFFICE, KETTON, Maria O~bnrn, Post Mistres8.-Lettel's from all parts anh'e (by foot-post from STAMFORD) at half-past eight in the morning, and aTe despatched therelO at six in the evening. The lIearest 1I1oney Order Office is fit Stamford GEl'IlTRY & CLERGY. Thomson Miss Frances, Ketton BLACKSMITHS AlIen Mr. Henry. Ketton rrh()rnhill Mr. Samuel, Kt'tton PO! ler Challes, Ketton Arnold Rev. Charles, A.M. 'fin'well Tiptaft JauJes, Esq. Tinwell Redmile John. Tillwell Rtctorv Redmile WilIiam, Kettou ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS Boyal Miss Elizabeth, Ketton BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS Brad_haw Robert Lee, Esq. TinweIJ Applefal'cJ John William. Ketton Goodliff Jamt's, Ketton Hales Cathet'ine, Tinwell Cooch Thonlas~ Esq. Tinwdl Harrisoll William, Ketton De Rippe Miss Amelia, Ketton NATIO,'IAL SCHOOL (and MillS Ed- Kirby J ohn, ~ etton ward's), Kettou - Anthony Tac­ Eaton l\1 rs. Charlotte. Tixo\'er BUTCHERS. Eaton Charles Ormston, Tixover chi. master;AgnesTacchi.mistr ess Harrison Robert W. Ketton Fitzwilliams the Hon. Charles. NATIONAL SCHOOL, Tinwell-Lucy Pollald John, Ketton Harrisoo, mislre~s Ketton Hall CARPENTERS AND JOINERS Gamedge Rev. Timothv, Ketton BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS Alfin Henry (and wheelwright). Goodyer Mr. Richard, Tinwell Andrew John, Ketton Ketton Grantham Captain Charles, Ket- Bnckworth Mary, Ketton Half()rd Alfred, Ketton &on Lodg~ Burrows Henry, KetlOD Peach Charlell, 'J'inwell Green Mrs. Elizabeth, Ketton Gregory John, Ketton Sapcote William, Kettou Noel the Hon. Henry,AldgateLodge Picker James (and confectioner), Wright John, Kelton Noyes Rev. J. H. Vicarage, Kettou Tinwell O'Brien Henry Stafford, Esq., Tix- Wade Lucas, KettoD FARMERS AND GRAZIERS over Gran!1,e Betts l\1ary, Ketton BASKET MAKERS. OSbol'D Mrs. Sus~n, Ketton Bradshaw Robert Lee, Tinwell Pepper Mrs. -, Tinwell Loveday Joseph, Geeson Brocklehur!;1i Georg~2 Ketton Sa,ille George, Esq., Ingthorpe Mould John, Ketton Clayton BeaOIDont, AeltOQ 6 KETTON, &c. l\utlanbfJbirt. CloUl!h John Nohle, Tinwell hall BEER RETAILERS Miscellaneous. Hunt Samuel, Ketton Billiald It'rederick, K~tton Abbey Edward, gardener, Ketton Hutton John, Tixover Complon Chlhtopher, Ketton Andrews John, agent to Ems & Everard, Ketton Ingram -, Tixover Goodhff James, Kelton Close Thomas, slater, Ketton Nutt Thomas, Ketton Prrkins Thomas. Ketton Harrison James, bUlcher, Ketton Stallger John, Ketton ~harpe Peter, Ketton Hercock. William, flour dealer, Ketton Swingler Hohert Lenton, Ketton Walpole FIances, Ketton Hill John, rope maker, KettoD 'fhor"e Edward, Tinwell Joyce John, parish clerk, Kettoll SADDLERS Kisbey George, turner, Tinwell Tiptaft James, TinweIl Pateman John, parish clerk, Tixover Turner Elita, Ketton Wade Josiah, Ketton Richardson Thomas, cooper, Kettou Wade John, Kt,tton Wright Richardson, Ketton Sharpe Peter, Inspector of stone quarries, Whillcup Francis, Geeston lodge Ketton Willford William, Ald~;lte STONE MASONS Smedley Robert, parish clerk, Tinwell GBOCERS AND DEALERS IN Swingler R" coal merchant, Ketton Hibbins Robert (sculptor & marble Tibbs & Son, vellum and parchment SUNDRIES masun), Ketton makers, Kelton Buckworth t:atherine, Ketton Hibbins WilIiam, Ketton Gregory John. Kt'ttun [Ketton Perkills Thomas, Ketton PLACES OF WORSHIP Hibbins Fredel'ick (and draper), Smerllt'y Robert. Tinwe!l AND THEIR l\lINISTERS. Hibhins William (and ironmonger), Tnrner John, Tinwell Sr. MARY'S CIIURCH, Ketton-Rev.J. Kettun H. Noves, vicar Man'iott Jan!.', Ketton STONE MERCHANTS ALL S"iNTS' CHURCH, Tinwell-ReV'. Ma~oll Elizabt:&h, Tixover Charles Arnold, rector Clayron BraUOlont, Kettoll ST' LUKE's CHURCH, Tixover-Rev. POlter Thomas, Tinwell Hibbins Robert, K~tton Charles Arnold, rector MILLERS. Nutt Thoma~, Ketton METHODIST (Wesleyan)CHAPB L, Ketton Sardison Charle~. Ketton Mill Wade John, Ketton MBTHODlST(Retorm WesleJan) CHAPBL, Thorpe Edward, Tin" ell Mill Ketton MILLINERS&DRESS MAKERS SURGEONS. INDEPENDENT CHAPEL, Ketton-ReT. 'fimothy Gammage Andrews Auu, Ketton Bnrdett William, Tinwell DdY Lhari(Jlte, Ketton Barman Henry, Ketton CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY PUBLIC HOUSES TAILORS ON THE MIDLAND LJNE. Crown, John TUl'tler, Tinwell Station at KETToN--Jam .. s Prime. Pied Bull, Maria O~born, Ketton Shelton William, Ketton .Ialion master and manager of goods White Hart, John Edwards, Ketton Tumer Matthew, Kelton department

LANGHAl\l AND WHISSENDINE. LANGHAM is a parish, in the soke of Oakham-the m"ent to the entrance of the village. The parish con­ village being situatrd anout 2 miles N,W. from that tained. in 1841, 591 inhabitants, alld in 1851, 629. town, 011 the road to Melton l\1owhray (Leicestershire), WHISSENDINR is a parish, in the hundredof AIstoe­ from which latter it is dhtallt anout eight miles. Agri­ tht' viila~e is situate ahout 4 miles N.N.W. from Oakham, culture is tbe pl'evailiug occupation of the illhabitanl8. 2 N. by w. from LallghaOl, and 3 w. by N. from Ash­ The places of worship are the episcopal chapel of Saint well-where there is a station on the 1\'1 idland RailwaJ. Peter and Saint Paul aud oue each for Baptists alld This parish is likewise all agricultural one; amI there Mdhodists. The living of Laltgham is a perpetual exists, as does ill Langham, a little trade in malt. The curacy, annexed to the vicarage of Oak ham ; the pre­ place., of wor~hip are the parish ch ul'cb nf Saint All dl'ew, sent incumbent is the Rev. Heneage Finch, There and a chapel each for Wesleyan aud Primith'e Metho­ are two fl ee schools ill the villae;e-one of these was dists and Calvallists: the living ill a discharlled vicarage~ founded in 1841. by the I<:arl of Gainsborough, for boys ill the gift of the Earl of Harborough. The population and girls; the building. including a hlluse for che master, of the parbh in 1841, was 831; and in 1851, 795. was erected at an expense of £2,000, alld is an orna- POST OFFICE, LANonAM, Thomas Nettleship, Post Master.-Letters fmm all parts arl'ive (from OAK HAM) every morning at eight, anll are despatched theleto at five in the evening. poST OrrICE, WHISSENDIl\IE, William Peach, Post Master.-Letters from an parts anive (from OAK HAM ) t:very llIoming at half· past Dine, and are despalChed Ihereto at fifteen minutes pa::st four in the evening. The nearest Money Order Office to both the abovf places is at Oakham. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Hayes ErlwHrd, Whissendine ~ARPENTERS AND, JOl~EBS Applt'by Rev. Henry, Whissendine IIUlIOcent William. Langham ~awthore Charles, Whlssendme Baius Rev. Charles, Whis!lendine l\Jalllle Rice, Lanllham F,aulks Joseph, ~angham • . Bullimore Mr. John, Langhnm Rimmington Charles, Whissendine ~loal'S~ml,(&b~lldcr)"WJII!!S~ndlUe Bullock Mr. Thomas, Whissendine I BLACKSMITHS. Hemplt:!y Thomas, Whlssendllle Chapman MT. John, Langham . , FARMERS AND GRAZIERS. Freeri\]ajorDdnI.Gardnel',Lallgham Burton John & Wm. WIllsse?dlUe Alien Jonath:lIl, Whbst'udine Hayes Mrs. Amy, Whi~selJ(Jine ~hambrrs Humphrey. Langham Almond Charlotte, Laugham Hubbarcl Mrs. Margaret. Langham towlel' George, Langham Ahnonri Frances, Langham Mays Mr. William, Langham BOOT & SHOE MAKERS Aruold William, Whis~tndine Shel'ard ~lr. William, Langham Fardell William, Whissendine Boyer John, Whissendine SCHOOLS. Fowler James. Langham Bryan Thumas, Whissendine FREE SCHOOL, Wissendine-Edwd. Gale John, Whissendine Cox William, Lallgham 8lee, masler Gale Thoma~, I.amham Dorman Thomas, Langham FREE SCHOOL, Langham--John Hercock Henry, Whissendine Erlg~on John, Langham Smith, master Rodely Stt>phen, Whissendine Flnar John, WhhN'lIdille FREE SCHOOL (Earl of Gains- Thol'pe Edward, Langham I<'owler Samnel, Whissendine Towell William, Langham Fowler WllIiam, Whissendille borough's), Lan~ham - Donald Green Charles, Whisllel1dine Campbell, master; Mary Alln BUTCHERS. Hayes Mary Ann. Whissendine Nettleship, mistress Mondav Thomas, Langham Hill John, Lal1gham Sherwin [\)artha Rice, Lal1gham Rilev William, Langnam HlIldcn Harriet, Langham BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS Rudkin John H. Langllam Holmes John, Whissendine Adcock Joseph, Langham ThoOlpson Mary, Whi!!sendine Hubbard to'rancis. Lallllham AllenRicbard, Wbissendiue Ward John, Whissendine Hubbard James, Langham 7 1\utlanbsJ)irt. LANGHAM, &c.

FARMERS, &c.-Continutd. Hibbett Phrebe, LsnJ!ham White Charle!l, Whissendille Hubbard John, Langham Johnson John, Langham Hayes Henry (& agent to the Union Hnbbard William, Lan~ham Stafford Thomas, Whissendine Fire and Life Office), Langham Johnsou Charles, Langnam Ward John, Whissendine ldine Johnson Wllliarn, Whissendine WooJIey i\lark (& draper),Wbissen- Laxtlln Samuel, Langham Miscellaneous. Lockley Thoma.. , Whhst'ndine MALTSTERS. Allen Wm., manure agent, Whissendine Loseby 1\1 ary, Whissendine Hl1bbard John, Langham Bree Edw"rd, parish clerk, Whissendinc l\lantle Mathias, Langham Rudkin Henry John, Langham Hllbbard Elizabeth, milliner. Langbam Nash James, scripture reader, Lallgham Musson Tobias, Whlssendine MILLERS. Rodeley Geo., wheelwright, Whiueudine Pears Thomas, Whissendioe Innocent William, L'tllgliam Sewell John. weaver, Langham Pickard Joseph, Whissendine Webster John W. Whissendine Woolley l\Jark, manufacturer of fancy Porter John, Langham knitted gf)()ds, Whissendine Royce Elizaheth, LlIngham STONE MASONS. Budkin Henry J. Langham Sherwin William, Langham . PLACES OF WORSHIP Ryley Thomas, Lan~ham Stafford Thomas, Whisstudine AND THEIR MINISTERS. Sharpe PetH, Langham TAILORS. Shaw John, Langham Ashwell John, Wh;ssendine ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, Whinendine- Shddon John, Whisst"ndine Rev. Henry Aplf'bee, vicar Collins Th{)lDas, Whissendine ST. I'Ii:TER'S and S1'. PAUL'S CHURCH, Shuttlt'wllod Joel, Langhllm North Thomas, Whissendine Langham-Rev. Heneage !-'incb, vicar; Snowden William, WhissE'ndine Stafford Francis, Whissf'ndine Rev. Rooert Kin~. curate [dine Spreelt'Y Geol'ge, Langham I BAPTIST CHAPBLS, Langham&Whissen_ Stafford Gemge, Lan~ham TAVERNS& PUBLIC HOUSES. i l\hTtIODISI (PrilDitive) CHAPEL, Whill- Stanhope Frank, Langham Horse & Jockey Peter CUlluillgton I seudine Slauhope John, Whissendine Lang-ham' lhan; IMETHODIS'f'{W:esle~lI:n)CHAPBLS,Lang- Stevenson Samuel, Whis~elldine Noel's Arms,John Prideaux, Lang- ham a.nd Whlssendme Swinglar Thomas, Lallgham Rose & Cro,vlJ, Charles Rimlllill~- --- Toone John & William, Whissendine ton, Whissendine [ham I CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. Ward Robert, Whis~elldine Wheatsheaf, John Sharman, Lang-I ON THE MIDLAND LINE. Ward Wllliam, Whissendine White Lion, Wm.Allen, Whhsendine . Station at ASHWRLL, about 3 mil~s s. B. Williamson John, Langhall\ from Wbissendine--Jobn Brook, Williamson Mary Ann, Langham RETAILERS OF BEER. station master Woods Jost'ph. Lallgham Ailcock Joseph, Langham GROCERS AND DEALERS IN Lewill William, Whissendine CARRIERS SUNDRIES. Rose John, LSlIgham To MELTON MOWBRAY, WilIiam GiI!!On Jane S. WhisSt'Ddine Stafford Edwal'd, Whissendioe Ashwell and Charles White, from their HaIJam Isaac, Whis8endine Towell William, Langham houses, Whissendine, Tuesday

LIDDINGTON, THORPE, CALDECOTT, STOKE-DRY, AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. LIDDINGTON, sometimes written Lvddinglon, is a CALDECOTT is a clJaprlry,in the parish of Liddiogton parish in the hundred ot Wrandike-the village, which -the village small and cheerful, is aboul t.wo miles is situated about 2A miles s. from Uppingham, on the SOUl h thfl'efroJl', and somewhat more than twice that road to Weudle and Oundle (in Northamptonshire), distance from Uppingham; situated onthe north bank was formerly a market town: at the present time it is of the river Eye, lIt'ar to it~ confluence with the Wel­ only remarkable for its J.(reat length, its extreme points land, and at the south-western extremity of the county, being llearly a mile asunder. Numerous stone quarries abutting upon tho~e of Northampton and Leicester. are worked in this neighbourhood, independent of The Marquess of Exeter il' lord of the manor The wh!ch it is a place of very little trade. The places of episcopal chapel of Saint John is in the gothic worship are the parish church dedirated to Saint An- style, with a slender tower, crowned by a ~pil'e. 'fhe drew, and a Wfsle)an Methodist chapel. The living of liyingis united to the vicarage of Liddington. Popu­ Liddington is a discharged vicarage, in the patronage of lation of the chapt'll'Y in 1851, 113. Thomas Walker, El'Q.of Stockerstone; the Rev.Thomas STOKE-DRY is a very illcomiderable parish, chiefly Wheeler Gillham is the present incumbent 'fhe free in the hun,hed ofWrandike (Rutland), and extending school here was originally endowed by 1\1 ary into that of Gartree. county of Leicester-the small Parnham, in 1721; and tbe hospital was founded ill village lies equidi~tant from Caldecottand Uppingbam 1600, by Lord Hurghley, for It warden, twelve brethren, -about 2~ miles f. om either place. The Mdrquis and two nurses. It iHalled C Jesus Hospital' and the of Exeter is lord of the manor, and pHtroll of the building, which wasformf'rly a palace belonging to the church living, which is a rectory, at present enj,jY­ Bishops of Lincoln, must at one period have bc'en a ed by the Hel'. -- 'n.ompson. The church is very fine structure. Tile parish contained, in 1841, dedicated to Saint Anrlrew, contains se\'eral mo- 589 inhabitants, and in 1851,604. r;ulllentll of the Digby family, a member of wbom, About a mile tast from Liddington, in the parish of -Sir Everard Digby, was implicated in the C Gun­ Seaton, is the hamlet of THORPE BY WATER, through powder Plot' affair. The whole parish does not num­ which pas~es the Rugby and Stamforn Railway, and ber above 65 iDbabitant~. joins the Midland liue at Luffeuham. POST OFFICE, LIDDINGTON, Willi-tm Pretty, Post iJ'Jaster.-LeUers from all parts arrwe (from UPPINGHAM) every morning at nine, and are despatched thereto every evening at fonr. POST, CALDECOTT and STOKE-DRy-Letters connected with these places al'l'ive frorD, and are des­ patched to UPPINGHAM (by foot post) daily. The nearest ~lJ1onetl Order Office to I,be above places is at Uppillgham. GENTRY AND CLERGY IWatson tile Honourable Mrs. -- BAKERS. Bryan the Misses Marv & Ann, Rockingham Castle . Brown Thomas, Caluecott J.iddington • ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Cole Guy, Liddingtoll Bryan Thomas, Esq. Liddington Blackwell Soplria. Liddington Cross l\latthew, Liddington Botler Mr. Bellars, Caldecott FREE SfHOOL, LiddingtHn-Thos. BLACKSMITHS. Clarke Mr~. Elizabeth, Liddington Roberts,master; DorcasEliaabeth Clarke John (& white), Liddington Gillham Rey. Thomas Whetler, Roberts, mistress Stevenson Francis. Liddington Liddington NATIONAL SCHOOL, Litldington- BOOT AND SHOE MAK~RS Moore Mr. John H., Caldecott WilIiam Chandler, master ; EmlDa Barrow WiIliam, Caldecott Fl'hompson Rev. John H, Stoke-Dry Chandler, mbtress Bennett John, LiddillgtOIl 8 LIDDINGTON, &c. 1tutlant1~fJirt.

OJallman Henry, Liddington GRAZIERS AND CATTLE Clarke James. Lidrlington Pretty Roberl, Liddington DEALERS. Clarke Jost'ph, Lidd;n~ton Pretty Wllliam, Liddillgton (See also the preceding list.) Clarke Robert. Lid(lington TharupsoD John, Thorpe Brown John, Caldecott Clarke Seal on, Lirldillll.ton BUTCHERS. Brown Jnhn, JUDo Caldecott Clal'ke Wtlliam, Liddingtoll . Brighl William, Liddill'lton BI'own SusannClh, Liddingtoo TAILOR-='. Clarke Thomas, Liddington Bryau Thomas, Stoke-Dry Broughlon Thoma'l, LiddingtoD Godtrey Valentine, (& cattle sales- Stokes Thnmas, Caldt'cott Scrilll~haw Jeremiah, Caldl'cott Wadland Thomas, Liddington man), Caldecott Wil!'ton Williarn Henry, Liddington Young William, Licldington Green William, Liddillgt()n i\lallto I Robert Wife, Liddington fiUscellane ous CARPENTERS & WHEEL- AldwinkleJohn, road surveyor, Caldeeotl WRIGHTS Malltoll ThoOla;, Liddingtoo Col1ins Henry, station master, Caldecott Jeff'! Henry, Calderott Morris James, Cialdecott Colwel1 Johll,fellmonger, Liddington Jeffs Willidm, Liddington Morris ROhelt, Caldecott Crowson George, makr, Caldecott 1\1antoll Tin'ell, Lidrlillgtou Mugl\le1on William, Liddington Deacon John, miJIwright, Caldecott Smith Genrge, Lirldiogton Eagle J ames, agent to Ellis & Everard, FARMERS· coal mprchanls, Caldecott Almond l\lary, LiddiuglOn Stokes John, Lid(:iugton La mb Fred"rick,rail way porter, CaldecoU Barnett Chades, Thorpe Wadland John, Liddillgton Morris Rubert, maltster, Caldecott Brown Thomas, Callt'cott Wright Jo~eph, Liddingtoll Mugg-Ieton RUlh and Sarah, straw bonnet Clarke Thomas, Liddington Wright William, Caldecott makers !lnd drapers, Liddington Clarke William, Liddington Roberls Tbomas, warden of Jesus Ho.· GROCERS AND DEALERS IN pilal, Liddington Clemf'llts. James, Lil~din!\tun SUNDRIES. Wadds Georg-e, parish c1erk,Atoke.Dry Drake Joseph, Thorpe Alien Mary, CaltlecotL ~'illch Georlle, Thorpe Beadle Thomas, Lidllington PLACES OF WORSHIP Green William, Thorpe H 11!1i>issOIl Thomas, Thorpe AND THEIR MINIST~RS. Hill Thomas, Lidtllngton Keightley WiJliam, Caldecott 81'. ANDREWS CHURCH, Liddington-­ Illiff John Thomas, Liddington MantolJ TirreH, Liddington Rt:v Thomas Wheeler Gillbllm, vicar ~Jalving Ann, l.iddington Wadland l\]ary, Liddington ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, Stoke-[)ry­ M iddletoll Ann, Liddingt/)n Woodcock Mary, Caldecott Rev. John Henry Thompson, vicar ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL I HAPEL, Calde­ Mirldletun Thomas, Liddington MILLERS. coU-Rt!v. Thoma. Wheeler Gillham Morris James, Caldecott Finch George, Thorpe ME1HODlliT (WesleyaD) CHAPEL, Lid. Northam Willidm, Thorpe Vice Willialll, Caldecott nington Peach ClJnyers, Stoke-Dry Pretty Clement, Liddington PUBLIC HOUSES. Black Hor~e, Johu Peach, (;aldecott RAILWAY Pretty S)lmuel, Liddillgton Station at TUORPE by WATER, abollt ODe PretlY Thoma'i, Liddington Exetel' .'\rols, Thomas Hill, Lid­ dillgtou mile from Liddington, on Ihe RUGBY Raines Joseph, Caldecott ~TUII!ORD LINE, Plough, Hobert Mor is, Caldt'cott al.d which also com­ Rate B ralJ,· haw , Liddingtoll municatt's \~ith tbe'\1IDLANDRAILWA 1: Sharman William, Liddillgton White Hart, J no.Mahton,Liddingtoll The Station at ROCKINGHAlII on the Stokes Samuel, Caldt>clltt RETAILERS OF BEER. RYSTON & PbTERBORO'LIN!t-Henry Green Catherine, Liddillgton Coil ins, station master-is joiIliDI{ the Stokes Thomas, Caldecott parish of CALDICOTT, about half a Ward Bryan Edward, Caldecott Jeff Henry, Cdldecott mile from the village Ward Henry, Liddington STONE MASONS. CARRIER. Ward John. Calrlecott Baker Henry, Liddingtoll To OAKHAM, WillillID Henrne, from Wl'ightWilliaJII, Li Jdingtoll Clarke H ugh, Liddington LiddwgtOD, Saturday

l\IORCOTT, NORTH LUFFENHAM, WING, PILTON, LYNDO~, EDITH-WESTON, NOR:\IANTON, ANI> NEiGHBOURHOODS. DlIORCOTT, a village. is about 4 miles E. by N and a Sunday school, are in the parhh. The living of ffam LJppin~ham, aud 8 I:i. W. by w. fmm Stamfol'd, North Lulfenham is a I'l!ctOI'Y, in the gift of the Master seated on a stream of the river Chater, and on the and Fellows of Emalluel College, Camhridge. line of the Stamfonl and Rugby railway, which passes WING, is a pleasant village, about two miles NW. under a tunnel here. The burning of lime is carried from Morcott, and 3:f N. E. hy s. from Uppingh "', on in the parish to SOme extent. Samuel Richard seated on an acrlivity, near the river Cliater. ., e l<~yden, ~~qnire, is lord of the manor. but th~ land of Marquess of ~xeter is lord of the manor, and OWJl, r the parish belongs to several individuals. The parish of the greatel' pO! tion of the parish. The church of church of Srtint Mary. is an ancient building, with a Saint Peter and Saint Paul is a lIeat structure, with a tower, Ilurmuunted by a small spire ~ the living is a tOWI'r, supLOf;ed to h.tVe been built about the year rectory, ill the gift of 1\I rs. Mary Thorold. A Baptist 1300: the living is a rectory, ill the gift of the Crown. chapel, a national school, and a hospital fOl' six aged A Wesleyan chapel was built here in 184l. per~ons are in the village. The hospitClI was founded ill PJLTON, is a small plt'asant village Hnd parish, 4! 1M2, by Geol'ge Gilsoll, who mdowed it with houses miles from Uppingham. The chl1l'ch dedic(lted to Sain' and lacd, nuw pl'\!duciug about £270. pet· annum. NichlJlas, is a small Gothic buildill~; the living is a The population of this alld the following parishes will discharged vicarage, in the gift of Lord Aveland. be f .. uud lI,iven aitt'r NORMANTON. LYNDON, is a very small village, abouL li mile N.E. NORTU-LuFFENHAM villa~e, a neat one, and plea- from Wing, 5 s. E. from Oakham, and nearly the lat· santiy situatt'd OD the north bank of the Chater ter distance III.E. from Uppillgham-the houses chiefly stream, is 6 miles N.E. by E. from Uppingham, about 2 situated on an acclivity, while the rifer Chater bounds N.N.E. from MIJI'cott, and within a mile of the South the pari,h on the south. The church of ,saint ~lartin. Luffeuham statinn, 011 the ['11 idla!ld railway. Lord Ave- is a small edifice, with a tl)wer : the lh'ing is a rectory land is 101'11 of tht.! manor, but the land of th~ parish, of which the lord of the manor-the Rev. Edward which is fertile and admirably cultivated, is the plO· Brown, h(ls the presentation. pert! of different persons. The parish chur-ch of Saint EDITH-WESTON, is a cheerfully-situated village, John the Baptbt, is of considerable antiquity; it is about 3 miles N.N.E. from Wiug, 6 ~.E. from Uppiug­ surmounted by a tuwer, and that again by a !'pire~ In ham, and lIearly that di~tanceE. S.E. troln Oakham: the east window are some relllains of litait).ed glass.; and lying 011 the road from the lattrr town to that of in the chancel is a monument to Simon Digby, one of IStamford. Formerly an alien priory of Benedictine the gentlemen pensioners uf Henry VIII; there is also ~Jonl;!!, under the abbey ofSai· t Georgt', Ht Ball~uer­ a brass memorial to Archdeacon Joilnson, the fou'.der vill, Normandy, existed here: Richard II caused it fa ()of Uppingham and Oak ham schools. A free school, ue conveyed to the Carthusians of Coventry, whose 9 1\utlanlJ~bir£. l\'lORCOTT, ac. ~lat£t'g

possessions in the reign of Edward VI, were rranted tower, ill the Corinthian-the latter after one of toe to the ~Iarquess of Northamptou. The parish church tuwers of Saint John's Church, Westminster. Th/se of Saint Mary is very ancient-its style Gothic, with a additions and improvements, effected}lt an expens, of tower and spire: the living io! a rectory, in the gift of £6,000., defrayt>d solely by the late Sir Gilbert, were Richard Lucas, Esquirt", the lord of the manor. completed in 1829. NORMANTON a very inconsiderable village, is but a POPULATION, &c.-The ab;>ve-described parishes short distallce to the lIorth of Edith~ We~ton. Lord are eotirt'ly ofau agricllhural charactt:'r, lIor UH there Avdand, is lord of the manor, and of the entire parish any mauufactures, or prominent uade, iD either. MOR .. -he is also patron of the rectory living. His Lord­ COTT, NORTH Lun'ENHAM and PILTON, are in ~he ship has a fine seat hel'e-Normanloll House, and park, hundred of Wram!ice, and cOlltained rt'speclively in the latter IIccup~ing five hundred acres. The parish 1851,658,718 and 86 iuhabitants. WING, LVNDON, church ofSaiulMatl ht'w has been rendered, throul(h the EDITH-WESTON, and NORMANTON ar~ all iD Martimley means of the late SII' Gilbert Heatheote, an interesting hundred-their population, at the same period, was orllament to the prtrish-he having added all elegant 334, 106, 362, and 35. portico, in the Ionic order, and a large and handsome POST OFFICE, MORCOTT, Cnoner Coulson, Post lIIastf.r.-Letters from all parts anive (from UP?INGHAM, by foot post) at half-past eight in the morning, and are despatched thereto at fOllr ill the after- noon. .11oney Order Office-the neaTest is at Uppingham. NOBILITY. GENTRY. AND BLACKSMITHS. Hart George, Morcott CLERGY. Bradshaw John, l\lorcntt Rose Thomas, North Lutfenham Aveland the Right HOllblt'. Lord, Chapmall Thomas, Edi' h-We,toll SharpeWil1iam,(aud draper), North Normallton Home Chapman John, North Lutfcuham Luffenham Banks Miss. -, t\lorcott Rose William, Nurth Luffellham Shut~r Jaeoh, Edith-Weston Barfield !\Jr. Mrttlht'w, LYlldon Sheltoll John, Wing Tomblin William, .l\1orcott BOllney tht' Vt:uerahle and Rev. BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. LIME BURNERS. Thomas Kaye, A.M., Normanton Brown Sleptu'n, North Luffenham Clarke Thomas, Morcott Rectory Chapman John, I\lorcott Freeman Daniel, Morcott Boye'i Rt:'v. Charles, A.M., Wing Clarke Thomas, Edith-Weston Freeman Joseph, Morcott Brown Rey. Edward, A.M., Lyndoll East Belljamin, Morcott KirlJy Joseph, Mor("utt Hall ":d~sotl Jam!'s, North Luft'eflbam Brown John Davis, Esq., Lyndon Goodliff Phillip, Morcott MALTSTER. Price Ddlliel. North Luffenbam l\lorris William Rudkin (and gene­ Bryan Frt:dk. Esq" Edith-Westoll ral merchant), North Luffenhalll Chamberlaiu Mr. William. Lylldon ~o~e James, Pilton Clarkc Mr-. l\J;U'y, Morcott Woodcock John, Wing mILLERS. Banks -(theExecutors of),MorcoU Fyddl Samuel Rkhard, E~q" (ma- BUTCHERS. gistrate), the Hrlll Pick Frands Good, Wing Presgal've Charles, Wing Deeker Rev. Rohert, Lyndon Sleath Thomas Islip, Edith-WestoD PLUMBERS. PAINTERS AND ElIis Mr. Peter, Mnrcott Stokes Charles, North Lutfenham GLAZIERS. GilfOl'd Wm. E-q., North Lutfcnhanl 'f)ler William, Morcott Nutt William TbulIlas(& enginE-er), Gilson l\lis~ Sarah. Wing CARPENTERS_ Edith-We~toll Gilson William, Esq" Wing Bardsley Henry, Wing Kellam Robert, North Lulfenham Heathcote Htnry, E~q., North Rm!l;iu William, to.:dhb-Weston PUBLIC HOUSES. Luffellham LMOI'cott ~helton John, Wing Blue Bdl, Wm. Lambert, Mnrcott Hu,twick Rev. Robl, M.A. Rectory, Turner Thomas (and builder and Fox and Hounds, Thos.Cunninglon, Johnson Mrs. Elizabeth, Mor'colt stone merChant), Normanton North Luffeuham Lucas Richard, E'q., Edith- Weston Horse aud Panuiers,HannahWalker, Morriss Williarn Rudkin,Esq.,North FARMERS. Bnll Ann. Pilton North Lulfellham Lu/fenlJam Noel's Arms, Thos. Baglt'y, Wing Orme Rev. Frederick, Edilh· Weston Chamberlain William, Lyndon CJarke Thomas, l\Jorcott Wheatsheaf, John Crowden, Edith- Peochin Rev. Geol'g'e, BD., l\1arcott Westoll [Weston Sharpe Mr. John, Wing Cliff JoseJ1h, Piltoll Cl'Owdt'n Frank, l\Iorcott [ham White Hart, Joseph Naylor, Edith­ Sheild William, Esq., Wing Cunninl!ton Thomas, North Luffen­ White Horse, George Scott,Morcott Smith '\h'~. Ann, North Lutfenham RETAILERS OF BEER. TomblinM rs.Frances,Edith- Weston Goodlitf Mary Ann, Morcott Goodliff Matthew, Morcntt Coulsoll CooPt:I', Morcott Tomblin l\liss S,.rah. Edith-Weston Goodliff Samu!'l, t\] orcott Presgl'c\ve Charles, Wing Weller Rev. John, D. D., Rectory, lslip Tholl1a~, Eriith-We.5ton Price Thomas, North Luff<'nham North LlItfenham King Hannah, NOI th Luffenham Stone Henry, ~dilh·Westun Woods Mr. Thomas, Edith-Weston Lambert Waiter, l\lorcott SADDLERS. ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Lansdale William, Morcolt Fancourt John, North Luffenhalll Dayit's Dt'bol'ah, Edith-W l'stou Laxton William, Morcott Lambert WiIliam, l\lorcott FREE SCHOOL, NI/rlh Lutfellham- Partridge Henry. Lyndon STONE MASONS. Grel!ory Seal Tahberer, master; Pretty George, Pilton Joyce John, l\IOl'cott Elizahelh Nichols, mistress Pridmore John, l\Jorcott Joyce Willianl, Morrott FREE SCHOOL, Ellith-WestoD­ Rfltcliff Thumas, North Luffenham Price Thollla~, North Luffellhant William Baines, master Scott Adam, £V101 eott Stone Henry, Edith-Westoll INFANTS' SCHOOL,Nol'lhLuifenham Shelton Williarn, Pilton Tyers Charle", Wing -Elizabeth Broul!lltoll, mistr!t8s Stokes William, North LutfeDham TAILORS. M unton l'iusannah, Edith-Vi eston Stokes William, Pilton NATIONAL SCHOOL, Morcott- Sturges Geor'ge, N(Jrth Luffenham Bagl!'! Michael, Win~ John t\hrris, mastt'r; Lydia Stol'ges Johu, North Luffenham Strirkland Charle8, l\1orcott Evans, mistress Swan;on George, Moreott Walker Robert. Edith-Weston NATIONAL SCHOOL, Wing...... Fanny Swift Johu, l\Jorcott Wells Humphley, Edith-Weston Bagley, mistress Tewson J osh ua, l\J orcott WHEELWRIGHTS. Tew~on Mary, Edith-Weston Bagley Thomas, Willl{ BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Turner Thomas, Normanton Holland John, North Luffenham Adcork John, MOl'cutt Tylel' Thomrls, ~Iorcott hlip John, MOI'cott Barnett J'lhn, :\'lorcott Tyler William, Morcott Pepperday Wm. North Lutfenham Brad~haw John, Wing Woods Thomas, Witchley Warren Vt'azt·y Charies, Morcott Mee John, Edilh-We~ton GROCERS AND DEALERS IN Veaz~y Joseph, Edith-Wt:ston Pre~gra\'e Charle~, Wing SUNDRIES. Miscellaneou. Pridmore Hugh, l\1orcott Andrews Jawes Eyre (and draper), Baines William, land surveyor & pari.h Sharp WillialD, North Loffenham l\lurcott clerk, Edith-W eston Walker Haunah, North Luffenham Faulks John, Edith-We/!!on Bott Ro~rt, bailiff, N ormanton 10 iDtttttorp_ MORCOTTt &c. Itutlanb~f)tt£-

Clarke John, steward to W. R. MorrisB, ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH, Lyndon •• Rev. CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY' Esq. North Lotfenham Robert Ueeker, M.A. rector The Ilearest Railwoy Station to thes9 Coverley Ricbard,parishcler k,N ormanton villajtee is at SOUTH LUFFENHAM, on Hales John, carrier, Edith Weston ST. MARY'S CHURCH, Morcott...... Rev. the Midland Line and J unction Branch HllyesMattw.coal higgler,NorthLulfenhm Robert Hustwick, M.A. rector of the Rughyand Stamford Line. The Mould Benjamin, basket l: aker Morcotl ST MARY'fI CHURCH, Editb Weston ... station is about one mile from NOl'thLuf. Rose John,wood dealer,North Luff.. nham Rev. Frederick Orme, rector fenham, and two miles from Morcott RoseTho!l .• wood dealer,NorthLnffenbam Seaton Francis, cattle dealer, WinK ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH, ~ormanton ... Shelton John, parish clerk, Morcott The Venerable and Rev. Thomas Kaye Turner James, auctioneer, Edith Weston Bonney, M.A. rector CARRIERS ST. NICHOLAS' CHURCH, Pilton ... Rev. Tyers Charles, plasterer and slater,Wing To STAMFORD,' Jot,n Hales, from - Ca~ley, curate Edith. Weston, Monday and Friday; & PLACES OF WORSHIP ST. PETER'S AND ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, John Rose, from North Luffenham, AND THEIR MINI&TERS. ~~~;;;b~~~ev. Charles Boyes, ,M.A. Monday and Friday ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, Nortll Lufft'Jlham To UPPINGHAM, John Hales, from ... Rev. John Weller, D.D. rector; Re1'. B.\PTIST CHAPEL, Morc;ott Edith.Welltoll, and John ROBe, from John Syk.ea, curate METHODIST (Wesleyan) CHAPEL, Wing :North Luffeobam, Wednesday

OAKHAll, WITH THE VILLAGES OF 9ARLEYTHORPE. BRAUNSTON, BROOK, BURLEY, EGLETON, MANTON "ND NEIGHBOURHOODS. OAK H A l\] is a pari~h, and gives name to a soke; facturt' ('I' t'xtensive trade. The town is g-a'S.Jighted the mal'ket town is 96 miles N.W. from London, 6 N. and within lhese few yt'ars has bet'1l much improved: from Uppingham, 25 E. by N. from Leicestel',11 w. by many new houst's have been erected, and some of th ~ N. from Stamfurd, ilnd 10 S.E. from Mdton Mowbl'ay; old thatched olles rebuilt. The agricultural hall, situated on the line of the Midland R<1i1way, for whIch ert'ctcti by subscl'iptiou ill 1837, in the H igh-~treet. is a there i~ a ~tation here; there are likewise convenient commodi(ltls bnildin~; it is used for meetillgs and dis. wal ehou~es connected with the cdrrying department. cU!lsions fin practical agricnlture, and contains besides, This, the chief town in tht' COUllty, is seated in the a uews·room. In the same year wa'l instituted a luxuriant vale of Catmo~e (Coet-maes, signifying, in tal·mer;.' and Ffrazit'rs' club, which numbers OIany re­ the Briti-h language, a woody plain), w called fmm spectable membeJ's; there is also a bonk club. the woods with which it abounded; and it is ~upposcd The parh.h church of All "lain IS is a spacious stlllctu:e, to have derh'ed it., nalrc from the number of oaks chiefly in the latt-I' style of Enl/Ii·h architecture, with a which formerly I/t'ew in its vicinity. A crlstle, of which fine tower, surmonnted by a lofty tipire. The living is there are still remains, was erected here soon aftel' a vicara~e, with lhe perpetual curades of Brt)Oke and the Norman Conquest, by Walklio de J:o'eITIIS, in Lan!(baOl. in the patrona~e (If Gt'OI'ge Finch. Esq.; relation to which a singular custom still prevails; but the Rev. Heneage Finch, M.A., is the pre~enc incum­ whether illstilUted by the family of Ferrars, whose bent, There are places (lf worship for the Baptists, arms are three horse shoes, or of later origin, has not Independents, Cajviuist~, We!>leyan l\lethodists, alld the been ascertained. Every peer of this realm, on first Society of Friends. The Free nramlllar School was passing through the town, is compelled lo give a 8hoe founded ailout the year 1584, by the Rev. Rouert John .. from the foot of olle of his horst's, which, upon his son, with exhibitions; cOlllJected with thb estabJish­ refusal, the bailiff of the lordship may take by force, or, lllent is a hospital for the relief of poor persons. The in commutation, a sum of money for the purrha~e of other charities comprise a national school, a di~pensary, a hOI se-shoe, to be uailed upon the castle gatt', or several bequests for distribution among the poor, and placed ill some pal t of the building. Among nUIlY of an uuion workhouse for thIrty parishes. Oakharn was differt'ut sizes, ill proportion to tile sum paid for the the birth-place ol Geoffrey Hudson, a dwarf only purchase, some of which are gilt, and stamped wilh three feet nine inches in height; lIe wa~ of mean the donol"s Ilame, may be seen one given by Queen parentage, but became lage to Helll'ietta Maria, con· Elizabeth: a heautiful one presented hy the late Duke sort to Charles I,!l1l dutin~ the dvil wal', WdS a of York, in 1788, and anf)ther hy his late majesty, Geone captail1 of cavalry in the kill~'S service; after which IV., when Prince Rt'~ellt. Richard n. having advanced he went to France with his mistress, and there fought Edward, lion of Ihe Duke of Y9rk, to the earldom of a duel, and killt'd his antag,)nbt. In the reign of Rutlanc1, a~siglled to him the castle, which in th~ reign Charles H., Sir Geoffrey (as he was fare:iously called) of Henry VIn., was the baronial !teat ofThoma~ Lnrd sufff'red imprhonment as a Roman Catholic, Oll account Cromwell. Of this allcient building, the hall is the of the pretended pooish plot; he died about the year principal part remaining. where the a~sizes are held, 1682. The market da\'s art', l\lfllld-ly, for corn and and the public business of tile town and county tralls­ cattle; alld SatlJroay, for general commodities. Fairs" acted. Civil and criminal causes are tried here, without Jauuary 15th, February 5th March 15th, April 16th, allY division in the court; and over the jndges' st'at Ma'/ 7th, June 18th, July 16th, Augllst 20th, September are nailed some of the horse shoes already mentioned. 10th, October 22nd, Nuvember 19th, ar.d December The town is within the jllrhdiction of the county 10th, for beastfll, sheep, and horses; and tllt're is an magistratt's; alld courts-leet are held anllnally by tht' annual fedst on the SUlIllay next afta SeptelJJher 9th. lord of the manor (If Lordshold, Geoq~e Finch, E~q. ; The parish, which is de'crihed as Oakham-Dt all~htJld, and tl'iennally for the Iml!lor (lf Deanshold, of which with Barle\thorpe chapeIry, aud Oakham-Lol'rl~hold, the Dean and Chapler of Westminster are the lords. with Lt'ig;h.fielrls, cont"ined, ill 1841,2,726 illhabitallts; At these prriorl~ p'\rochial and other officers are anr! in 1851, 3,031. appointed. Oak ham is included in the eighteenth BARlEYTHORPE is a chapelry, in the parish of Oak­ circuit of County Cour t towns fur the recover y of ham·Dt'anshold-the \'iIla~e, a plea"ant one, is situated debt~ 1I0t exceeding £50.; the court is held ill the about a mi le flOr th·west from Oak ham, on the mad to castle h<1l1, on the Friday in the first full week of elery 1\lelton Mowbray. The grt'<1ter portion of the land of month. The return of members tn represent the county this parish bdongs to the Earl of Gain~borough, but in parliamrnt is made from Oakham. The prestnt the Dean and Chapter of Wt'l'tminslel' are the lords memhers are tht' Honf,urable Capt.Gerrard Jame~ Noel of the manor. Rdrleythorpe hall, the seat of the Hon. and the Honourable Gilbert H emy Heathcote. Colonel Lowtht'r, is the pr incipal ouject. of attraction The Common gaol and hOll~e of correctirm for the in the chapdry,-the populatiun of which is about county is a commodious ed:fict', ("olltaining !leveral 200. wards, work-roolll!" and airing yards; in which the BRAUNSTON is a parish, il] the soke of OaklnlJl-the clallsification of tht' prisoners is attended to. Oakham village hei"g siluatt'd two miles &.w. from that town. formerly enjoyed a considerable wo'l1 trade, and sub­ The places of worship are the parhh church of All eequenlly a manufactory for silk shag wall established; Saints aud a Wesleyall chapel. Population of the but now it i& undi5tinguished by any particular lUanu· parish in 1851, 411. 11 ltutlanilsJjfrt. OAK HAM, &c. ~Iater'~

BaOOKE is a small village and parish, about two living b a vicarage, in tbe gift of George Finch, Esq. miles and a half from Oakham. The c:hurch, all (hefore-mentioned); the Rev. John Appleworth Jones anrient stl'Ucture, is dedicated tu St. Peter: the living is the incumbent. Population of the parish in 1851, is in the gift of tile Earl of Gain~borouj.!h, who is also 832. the lord of tile manor. The populatioll of the pal'ish, EGLETON is a small chapelry, in the parbh of Oak- in 1851, was 102. ham, and about I! miles S,E. from that town. The HURLEY, 01' Burley-on-the.Hill-the adjunctive ap- church, or chapt'l of ea~e, is of very ancit·nt date. There plicabIe to ifS situation on an eminence, overlooking is a free school, supported by Lady Louisa FInch. the vale of Catmo~e. ill a small village, in the hundred George ~'inch, E8q" is the lord of the manor. Popu. of Alstoe, two miles N.E. by N. from Oakham. The lation in 1851, 136. manor of Hurley was at one period possessed by Vil- MANTON is a parish, in the hundred of Martillsley,­ liers, the first Dukt! of Buckingham, who greatly em- the village, ancient and small, is liituated neal' the bellished the mansion, aod here he successively enter- river Guash, three miles S,E, from Oakham, and 3! N. tained, with great pomp, JaOles I., and Charlt's I., and by E. from Uppingham. The i\lid!and line of Railway their respecth'e courts. In the bl'eaking out of the civil enters a tunnel at this place, about three-qmH'ters of a war, it wa:, garrisollt'd by a small body of parliament- mile in len~th. A college {,I' chantry was founded ary troops, who, unable to resist an attack of the here in the 25th of Edward Ill, by William and John royalist., St't fire to the house, which, with all its Wade, for a master, and two brethren; some remllin!l costly furniture. was btll'llt to the ground. Olle of the may still be traced of the building in the old manor great6!lt ornaments to the county, at this day, is the bouse. The parish church of St. ~Iary is a small old s~at of Georgt' Finch, Esq,. ill this parish; the ganlells, building, with a turret; the Ihing is a discharged lawns, and pleasure groundS are arrallged with ex- vicarage, to which Edward Wat;;oll Smvth, g~q., the qubile taste, while the scenery by which tlae whole is lord of the manor, presents; the Rev. Willialll Smyth ('nvironed, is rich and lively. The parish church of the is the present illcnmbent. Population of the parish in Holy Cross is an ancient building with a lower. The 185J,276. POST OFF 1 eE, High-street, OAKffAM, Alfred Turner, Post 1JIaster.-Letters from all parts arrive every morning at six, and from LONDON, !STA~fFORD, PETERBOROUGH, and LEEL>S evel y afternoon at half­ past one, and flOm the N (Irth and We-t evel y afternoon at fUllI'. Letters are despatched to LEJCEaTER. MELTON MOWBRAY, STAMFORD, and PETERBOROUGH every mornin'l at half-past seven. and to STAMFORD and PETERBOROUGH every afternoon at fifteen minutes pa~t three, and to LEICESTER and UPPINGHAM at six, and to LONDON and all parts every night at ten minutes before nine. 1I1onPY Orders grl1nted and paid here. POST OFFICE. BRAUNSTON.-John Beadmun, Post Master.-Ll'tters from OAKHAM' and all parts arrive at half-pa~t nine in the morning, and are de~palched thereto at half-past four in the afternoon. The nearest Money Order Office is Oakham. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Ades WilIiam (clerk of the peace), CLERGY. Not otherwise described are day schools. Catmos st Adcock Miss Ann, Market place Ch~I'!ty Eliza (boarding and day), Hough Henry (and clerk to the Alien 1\] r's. Ann, Hurley road Ml~l st , Poor-lawGual'dians,to the County Baines Mrs. V. Brook Hall CunlJlugtoll Elizabeth, John st Court, aud to the Association fur Beaver Mrs. Mary, Northgate st Denhy Mary, Market place the Prosecution of Felons, and Broomfield Rev. Robert William, Fri~by Darius, Dt'an'~ lane County coroner), Melton road Church fit GRAMMA~ ~CHOO~, Church yard- AUCTIONEERS&:APPRAISERS Bullivant Mrs. Mary Ann, High st Rev. Wlll1am Splrel: Wood, M. A. Cave James, Market place Byers Hev. Timothy,Jermyn tt'rrace head master; Rev.Tlnlothy Byers, Royce Da\ id ShentoD Church st Cunningtoll Mrs. Alln, Church st M. A. second ma~tt'r Shllttlewood Thomas' High st Davidson Rev. Thomas, Market st LAllY FINCH'S SCHO,OL, Egleton- BAKERS &: FLOU~ DEALERS Doris Capt. Alexander, Mantoll !\Jary ~eedham, Il11SI!eSS, [~t Allett Alfl'td, BraulIstou Ellis ~)r. John, CatnJOs st Layng 1\Jmes -(boal'dlllg), Church Almand Arlhur, Church st Finch GeorgeEsq,(magistrate),Bar- NATION~L S~HOOL, Braunston- Charity 1\1aso11, John ~t Iey on the Hill Alln fox, mIstress Clarke William, Deau's lane Finch Rl'v. Heneage, Catmos st NATIONAL SCHOOL, Chnrch, !\t-- Cutlllington George Egleton Fl'ewen Charles Henry, Esquire Clark Clea~er, master; ElIzabeth Drake Edwal'd High st (magistrate), Cold Overt'>u Cleaver', I!JlStress Falllks Robert: Burley road Gainsborough the Right Houourable Pogson l\Jatllda.. ~Ianton _ Hawley William, Mill st the Ead of, ExtOD Park Wood R~v. WIIlIam SPlcer, M. A. Mason Thomas, Simper st Haycock Mr. Thomas, Braunston (boardmg), 1\larket place Myers Henry, Dean's lane Hicks Mrs. Maria, Jermyn terrace, AGENTS. Pril'stman WilIiam, Bal'leythorpe High st (See a/so Fire, Src., Office Agents,) Pullin Villct'nt, Northgate st Hill 1\1rs. Sarah, High st Bruce John B. {to Morl'is C. & W. Ran Johtl, BraulIstoll Jackson !\Il rs• Ann, Northgate st R.}, Railway station, Uakham Sleath Edward, Braul1ston Jenki\l~on Rev. John, North st Dirkinson Gllid'o (to the Midland BANKERS Jones Rev,JohnApl)leworth,Hnl'ley Hailway Co. caraiers), High st Eaton, Cayley & Michell (Branch of Keal !\ Rebecea, High st Dumbleton Edwal'd (to CbIonel the Stamfol'd Bank). High st- Keal Miss Sarah, Hi~h st Lowther), Barleythol'pe (draw 011 Mastel'man, Peters&Co. King Rev.Robt.Turner,Jermyn terre Hall John Rudkin (to Morris & Co. Londoll) Lacey Mr, John. NOl'thgate tit b ) N tl t t STAMFORO, SPAID/NG and BO~TON Lowther HOll. Colonel Henry Ceril rewers. or 19a e s (ma~if>trate), Barleythorpe Hall Hayes HeDl'Y (to Roht. Hawley,coal BANKfNG COMPANY (Branch of). Il} M S N merchant), Railway station High st-(dJaw on Barclay,Be\'an .I.' as(jD iss arah, orthgate st Johnson Wm. (to ElIis & Everard's, & Co. Londou)-Alh'ed Turntr, Mould Miss Elizabeth, High st Needham Nicht.las, Esq. ~Iallton merchants), Railway station agent Palrnt'r Miss Elizabeth, i\lanton Law H.4Jhert(to Beadle & Son. tim- SAVJNGS' BANK (Branch of Stam- Panons Mrs. Sarah. Mt'lton road ber merchant~), Mdton road ford), Malket place-James B. PullinMrs. Marv,NOl'thgate st l\]ackleyJame~(to C. & W.K.l\Jor- Furley, agenL Rawlings 1'lrs. Martha, Hh:h s~ ris,coalmerchantll),Mclllto!l Rail- BERLINWOOL REPOSITORIES 8 t h M' 1\1 It d way station Paget Snsannah, Church st co oey t e Isses -. e on lOa Sam~oll Her.ry lto George FI'nch, 0 b S h ~J 'I D ' I Seatou Mr. John,Manton Esq. of Burley), High st s I)rne ara ., atl da, ean sane Shuttleworth ~lrs. Eliza, Church st Shardlow Wm.(totheMount Sonel BLACKSMITHS Smyth Rev. William, Manton Chambers Chas. Burley on the Hill Springthorpe John Thomas, Esq. granite I]uarrie~), Railway ~tation Fox Martha, Bl'aunston Manor House, Manton ATTORNEYS Pitts John, Barkythorpe Thomas l\1rs.Eliz~beth,Barlevthorpe Adam Belljamin (and clerk to the Sharpe John & SOli, High st 'l'hornton Miss Eliza, High st magistrates), Catrnos ~t Taylor Thorna~, High !It Whlston Mrs. Ann, Northgate st Adel! it Adam, Catmos st Tyler George, ~Iallton 12 mtrfttJ.lrn· OAKHAl\f. &c. lttttlanb~birt. BOOKSELLERS. STATIONERS CHINA, GLASS. &c. DEALERS GARDENERS & SEEDSMER AND PRINTERS Caunt Ht'llry, High st Aimey 'fboma.~, Dean's lane Barlow Freuerick John, High st Patson William, High st Atton Frances, Britunston Hawthorn & l\1atkin, High st COAL MERCHANTS AND Baines Thomas, Deall's lane :GOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. DEALERS Hildred James, Northgate st Atton Wiiliam, Braullston Ellis & EverardilJ Railway station GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Austin William, John 8t and 1\lanton (See also Shopkeepers, &,c.) Chapman HelllY, Braunston HawJey Robert, Railway station Adcork John, Melton road Chapman Thomas, Brauustoll Ingram WilIidm, Manton [station Cooke Davili, Northgate st. COllill5 Joseph, New st Joh:Json Phili~ (& stane), Railway Dawies & SOli, High st Dobllev James, Dean's lane 1\] orris & Co. Railwav station and Elliul(worth Jame~, Catmos st Ellingworth John, Market place Manton • Goodson James, Dean's lane Goodacre Edward, Dean's lane Reeve James, Manton Railway Mantle William, Bt'dehouse row Greeu William, Manton station l\Iyt'rs Henry, Dean's lane Hill William, Gas st CONFECTIONERS Philpott Richard Seaton, Market pI Hollin Da.\'id, High st Wright Edmund. High st Jackson George, Bedehouse row AdcocK John, Melton road HABERDASHERS. Parnell Samuel, Dean's lane Drake Edwal'd, High st Rawlings George, Dean's court Faulk::. Rob~rt, Burley road Atkins George, John st 'Rockley Geol'ge, ~lill st Hubbard Charles, Mdton road Haddoll Peter, Mill st Rodgers John, Simper st Myers Henry, Dran's lane Hawley Mary, l\)€lton road Sharp Edward, Finche;s court Perkins John (a.nd genelal dealer), Swindali Ambrose, High st COOPERS Market piace Swilluall Ambrose (and shoe ware· '.romblin Thomas, John st 8all Joseph, High st house), High at Towell Thoma~, High st Robinson Joseph, Melton road Warren Mark, ManlOn HAIR DRESSERS Wileman William, Dean's lane CORN DEALERS Goacher Josepb George, Mill st Wilkins William, Mill st Burns Thomas, High st Haddon Johu (aud trunk maker), BRAZIERS AND TINMEN Wright George (factur), Bl'aunstoll High street Buckley Joseph, ~larket place FARMERS AND GRAZIERS INNS. Evre Mary Grace, Market st (See also Taverns 4" Public Houses.) Plowright John, Deau's lane Adcock M1'8. -, Bl'aunston Crown Hotel (commercial, and Sewell J Ohll, M ill st Bains John, Brook postiug house), Juhn Cro"sont Beadman Dickson, 13tauDSton BREWERS High btreeli BradshawJames.Hurley on the Hill Crowson & SOli, PATENT STEAM George, John Brown, Market plCice Chdstian Mary, Braunstoll BREWERY. Cross st Nebon, John Jackson, 1\larket place Morris & Co. Norlhgate st Clalke Henry, Hurley on the Hill Cunnington Edward, 8arleythorpe IRONMONGERS 0 BRICK MAKERS Dickmlln William, Braumton Davies & Son, High st Darling J oseph, Manton Fablin William. Burley :on the Hill Eyre l\lary Gl'act', Market st .l'tlorris Clark, the Grange Hack John, Egleton Royce Dilvid S.&l\latthiaEl, Church Paintel' Johu, Ashweil road 5' Hack Richard, Brook LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRA" BUTCHERS HackeltJohn, Braunston PERS AND HATTERS. Adams Thomas, BnlUnston Harl'is Thollla~& Jo~eph,Brannston Barnett George, l\1ellull road Brnce John Buckberry, High st JOlles Thomas, Brook Cooke Davili, Northgate st Blasby William, Church st Killgton Joseph, Brook Buttress John. Brallllston road Fnrley James B., l\larket place l\iorton Wrlliam, High st Glazier George, l\hlr~et place Rottress William, Church st PaiIJter John, Burley on the Hill Turner Joseph, Market st Cl'owe WiHiam, Braullstou Sharpe John, HraulIstoll Healey James, Dean's lane Shuttlewood Eliza, Church st MALTSTERS. Lee Francis, NOl'lhgate st ,Simpjloll Ralph, Northgate st Crowson & Son, Market place, and Lllmby l\lmes B. High st Skirth Juhn,BraulIston PATENTSTEAMBREWERY ,Cross st Needham Charles, New st Sleath John. Braunstoll Rollings ~a.lDuel B., Higb street Pykett Chambers, Catmos st SmithChl'istoJlher~Bnrley on theHiIl MILLERS. StilllSOl1 Elizabeth, 1\1 ark et place Tnrner John., Barleythorpe Taylor Nathanit'l, 1\1anton Walden Joseph, Hl'auustun AlIet Jolrn, Mduton roall Jolinson Ashwell road CABINET MAKERS AND Whitwell Thomas, Brauu~ton Phirlip, UPHOLSTERERS Leicester Thomas, I\lanton Cave James, Market place .FIRE" &0. OFFICE AGENTS. MILLINERS&D RESSMAKERS. Hollin John, Northl(ate st [st LAW (lire), Belljamiu Adam, Cat· Berry l\1ary, MeltoD road Royce David S. & i\lattiJias, Church mns ~treet Brookhollse Sarah Alln &. l\lartha, Shuttle\\ol'tt. Thomas, High st LEGAL AND GENERAL (life), B.enja o Catmos st CARPENTERS. JOINERS AND min Adams, Catmos st Draper MalY Alln, Mill st BUILDERS BRITISii EMP.JR~, Joseph Goacher, Harris Hebecca.. Ashwell road Brown John (aud timber dealer), Mill l'otreE't Hawley Mary, i\lelton road Ashwell road COUNTY lhail storm), Robt. BUl'n8, PaRet SUflarrnah, Church st Cave James, Market place Market place Perkins Elizabeth, Market place Chadd William, Barleythol'pe EDINBURGH (life), Robert Burns, \Yiugett Sophia, Melton road ,coleman John, Simper St Mar ket p}clce PLASTERERS AND SLATERS. CoupeI' Edwald, l\lill &t EQUITABLE (fire}, Robert Burns, Coulman Richard, John st Market place Chappell Henry) Bedehouse J'ow CUlluillgton Williarn, Northgate st LANCASHIRE, Fredk. John Barlow, Sranger Frederick, John st Patson Wllliam, High st High !St PLUMB;eRS. PAINTERS" AND Rawlings John, Bl'aunston LONDON. John Adcock, High st GLAZIERS. Rawlill~s Peter, Bl'aunston l\hDLANDCOVNT!ES, Wm.Cl'owsonJ Barnett -Geolge, NOl'thgate st Seaton George. Edetoll Cross si; Dain GeOl'ge Robtrt, MiU5t -8harpe James, B~rleythorpe PHIENIX, David S. Roycl', Church st l\Iason William, Mill st [lane Smith Joseph, Bedehouse row HnCK,Alfrt'd Ellillgworth,Burley rd Peuni&ton Henry (painter), Finkey Taylor Henry, Manton ROYAL FARMERS' (fire, life a~ld hail Tyl~r Christopher, Mill st CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS stol'lD) , J aIDes 1\1 artin WeHi Ilgtull, Bulivallt James Asllby (and dentist), High st . SADDloERS AND COLLAR High st SCOTTlSH EQUITABLE (life), James MAKERS. Borlls Robert, Market place Martin Wellington, High st Dlake John, High ~t Parnell Thomas, Mdton road SUN, Henry Hough, Melton road Royce 1\1atthew, High st .wellin~ton James ,Mtlrtill, Higb s' WESTERN (life),Jas. 'Cookey William High st l 13 1\utlan])s;lJh t. OAKHA~'1, &c. ~lattt'~

SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERSI~ RETAILERS OF BEER CH.4.PEL OF EASE, Egleton-Rev.Rohert GROCERIES & SU~DRI.ES. Ball Samm·l, John st T. King, incumbent Adc()ck John, Melton road Harnett George, Northgate 5t BAP rUT CHAPEL, Meltoll road--Rev. John Jenkinson AlIett Mary, Blaumton Beadman John, Braullstoll CALVINIST CHAPEL, Bedehouse row Cunni ngton Frallces, Braullston BrowlI Thomas, Stamford road FRIENDS' MEETING HOUSR, Goal lane Oagley John, l\leltoJl road Chapmall William, Braunstoll INDEPENDENT CHAP~L, High 6t Ellillgworth Heury, .-1l'W st Chrbtian Charles J. Gas st METHODIST (Wesleyan)CH.4.1'RLS,Deans Faulkller William, Bedehouse row Copelaud Thomas, Ashwell road lane and Braunston l\Jeaduws S·mluel, Brdunston Craven John, Northgate st Prt'istman Willialll, Bal'leythorpe Crowsoll John, Cro~s lit POOR LAW UNION Sharpe Jallles, De,llI's lane Extoll Genrge, Mill st WORKHOUSE, Ashwell road. Taylor Henry, Manton Hawley Willit Relieving Officer-Thomss Swift Brown John (aud timl-er merchant), Paget SusallIJah, Church st Ashwell road VETERINARY SUllGEONS. COUNTY COURT Pamell George, High lit HELD IN THE CASTLE HALL-OFFICE. Corhctt George, Catmos st Melton road. Dickells JOSt'ph, Malltoll Pick Abraham Francis, Braunston JudJe-Sergeant Miller Haddoll Peter, l\jill st WATCH & CLOCK MAKERi. Clerk - Henry Hough, MeIton road STRAW BONNET MAKERS. Cooke Thomas, High st Bailiff-Samuel Draper, Mill 9t Brookhouse Sarah AlIn & Mal'tlJa, ~.odnev Srephen S., Market place Catmos st I SlInpson Step hen, l\larket st REGISTRARS Miles Ann, i\liJl st WHEELWRIGHTS OFBIRTHS,DEATH~ AND MARRIAGES Paget 'It Hill William, Susannah, Church Braun!>ton su,;~;~!~~;:: Rfgistrar-HenryHough. Perkins Elizaheth. l\iarket place Jacksoll John, Burley road Williams l\Jary, Simper lit Smith John, Northgate st Registrar of Births and Death, for the Wingett Sophia, Melton road Tavlor John, Manton Oakham District - Wm. Peake, Higb at SURGEONS. WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS Keal William Tornlin, Mdl"ket place Crowson Joh", Market place AGRICULTURAL HALL, High street­ John, p11ce John B. Bruce, secretary; James Kin~ Francis TUl'Iler W., Jel'myu Brow .. Mat'ket llartin Wellington, treasurer terraeE', High st Philpott Richard S., Market place DISPENSARY, High st-Francis Turner Turner Samuel CoIlins, Catmos st Miscellaneous W. King, Burgeo~ TAILORS. GAOL AN D HOUSE OF CORRECTION FOB lJi~b Marked thns 11 are also Drapers. Adcock John, sheriff's officer, 8t THE COUNTY, Deanshold-Thomall Beadle & SOD, tim ber me rehant, M el ton rcl tfBingham Elizabeth, Market st Garlon, governor; Harrit:t Garton, Headman Joseph, machines for hire, matron; Rev. Timothy Byers, chaplain "Bruce John B. (and outfitter), Uraunston [High st GAS WORKS, Beadhouse rw-Ed winHal~sJ High street Bul\ivant James Ashby, surgeon dentist, manager and engineer Chamberlain Thomas, Dean's lane Copeland Thomas, macbine man, Ash- [NLAND REVENUE OFFICE,attbeCrowQ Dt'au's lane well road rst Holel, HIgh st-Wm. Webber, officer CuulsfllI William, Crowson WiIliam, cigar dealer, Cross Day Willialll, Deau's court INSPECTOR OF W RIGHTS & MEASURES Deacon William, wood turner, Bede­ FOR THE COUNTy-Rohert .Francis Drake Hnebl'lI, Hi~h st house row Mitchell, North road Glenn William, Catmos st Dumbleton Edward, clerk. of the mar­ LIBIIABY AND NRWS ROOM, at the Agri­ Liquotish Edward, l\lelton road ket. Barleythorpe cultural Hall, High st-John B.Bruce, l\liles Samuel, B ....IUJlston ElliRgwortb Seth, town crier, Goal lane librarian Prt'lltice Henry, Victoria place Hack Richard, chief coustable (or Oak- RAILWAY 8T.4.TJON, Melton road-­ ham soke, Brooke LMeltoD Td Spreckley Woollertov, station master "Price John, I3raullsron Hawley Mary, baby linen repository, and m2nagl'1' of goods department ·Scolt Challes, l\lill st Hibbett John, sawyer, Back lane STAM l' 0 nolLE, High st-Alfred Turner, Shillaker William, Northgate st Lacey John, land surveyor, N orthl:ate st sub-distributrJ' "SIc:lth Johu, High st Mackinder John D. seed and oil· cake ml'rchant, Market place Spikitis Henry, Wellington place Mitchell RobeIt Travis, chief I:onstable CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. -Turner Joseph, Market st ofpolir.eforthe countyof Rutland, and I O~ THE MIDLAND LINE. TALLOW CHANDLERS. inspector of weigbts and mea~ures, Station, M.elron road,OAKHAM-Spreck. Cooke Da\·id, Northgate st North road ley Woollerton. station mast~r and Read John, basket !'Iaker, l'iew st manager of goods depaTtment Cl'ann Juhn, Northgate lit Royee George, currler, Northl(B:te st A ConVf1jance to the Station, from tho Davies & Son, High st Sanders Josepb, g~n makl'r, Ihgh. at Crown Hotel High street, awaits the TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Sharpe James, mad contractor, Hll(h 8t arrival and departure of the trains Sh~rt Ro~e.rt, fishmonger. Dea~'8 lane There is also a Station, at MANTON, Angel, Rohel't CIarke, Northgate st Smllb Wllham Thomas, dyer! New st on the same LIN B - WiIliam Ward, Hell, Chambers Pykett, Catmos st Toon George, rope maker, High st atation mflster Blue Ball, Jost'ph Dickens, Manton Wellington James Martin, chid constable Blue B311, Wm.Dickman, BraullstolJ for Oakham, High st CARRIERS EII~ine & Tender,Fl'aucis Robinson, To llARROWDEN, - Goodlitfe and­ Wing bridge Public Buildings. Hearne, fr m the George, Saturday Finch'sArms,Thos.Faulks,BJJJleyrd Offices J &C. To BURROUGH, - Maylield. from tbe Horse & Groom,Thos.Huut, Barley­ Crown, Saturday thorpe PLACES OF WORSHIP~ To COTTESMORE, .. Tyler, from the Horse & Jockey, Otho Wigginton, AND THEIR ~]JNISTERS. Red Lion, ::laturday l\1antoll ALL SUNTS' CHURCH, Churcb street­ To EMPI:"GHAM ••• Ellis, from the Rev. HenPlIgeFinch, incumbent; Rev, George, and " Pogmore, from the Midland Railway lUll, GeOl'ge Stiff, Timothy Byt'rs, curate Bell, Saturday RaiJ\\ay Statwtl ALL SUNTS' Cnu RCH, Braunston-Rev. To HAMBLETON-ON-THE-HILL, .. Old Red Lion, JIIO. Banll'tt, High st Thomas Davidson, incl\mbent Sco't, from the Red Lion, Saturday Plough, Alfred Al ett, I::Sraunstoll ST. MARY's CHURCH, Manlon-Rev. To LEICESTER, 'Rawson and Spring.. Roebuck,Wm.Cunningron,Churchst WilIiam Smyth, vicar thorpe. from Braunston, Saturday ST, PETER'S CHURCR, Brnok-Rev. To Lt DDI N GTON, •• Hearne, from the Royal Oak, JHmes Neal, High !it Rev. William Spicer Wood, vicar Geor~e, Saturday Wheatshel'f,Tho!!. Lewin, Nortligate HOLY CROSS CHURCH, 8urll'y-Rev. To UPPINGHAM, •• Springlhorpe, White Lion, Will Barnett, l\leltoll rd • John Appleworth Jones, vicar from BrauDslon, Wednesday

14 ltutlanbsbirt.


WITH BELMISTHORP, ESSENDINE, 'rICKENCOTE, PICKWORTHJ GREAT AND AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. RVALL is a parish in the hundred of East-the vil-\ headed at Lincoln, when the estates revelted to the Jage a con~iderable one, seated on tht! river Guash, is Crown. The manor is now the property of the l\1ar4 about 3 miles N. lIy E. from Stamford. The Marquess quess 01 Exeter, and tht' church livilJg, which is a of EXttt'I' is 10ld of the manor alld patwn of the. rectory, is in his gift. Before the rail spread far and church living-which is a di~charged vicarage, with I wide over the country, this was a little husy place in the curacy of ESl!enrlille Hnnexed. The church of postillg-, and a comiderable thoroughfare for ordrnary baillt John the EVdngelist, is a handsome structure, travelling. The I)ari~h church of Saint Peter and Saint cOllshtillg ot a navt', abies and thancel, with a tower IPaul is of cOIIsiderable antiquity, in the early style of anc! spire. The parish, including the iJamlet ot BEL- Engli~h architecture-having a nave, aisles, chancel. MISTH lRP, contained ill 1841,678 inhabitants, but in and square towel', Population of the parish, ill 1851, 1851 it ha(1 illcft'ased to 1,075, in consequence of the 369. employment uf a large number of labourers on the PICKWORTR is a small villagr, pleasantly situated OD Great Northern Railway. an eminence, 5J miles from MCllllfOld. The church ESSENDIr-.E a palbb {or more properly a chapelry (dedicated to All Saims) was erected in 1824, at the undtr RYHll). is ahout l~ miles N. by E. from that expense of the Rev. Richard Lueas; the livin\{ is a viLage, and about 4 N. by E. from Stamford. This rectory, consolidated with GREAT CASTERTON. Popu. )Jcality h recorded tu ha\ e been the scene of a belliit' lation, in 1851, 157. between the Saxons and Daot's-the former undet· the LITTLE CASTERT(lN parish belongs chiefly to the leadership of the parol) of Essl'ndilJt'. The Stamford HOII. Chat'les ComplOn Cavt'ndhh, who is lord of the and Essendine Railway joins the Great Northern at manor, The church of All Saints, here, is a small this lItation, The church (dedicated to Sait:t JOhll) b uuilding, partly of Norman architecture-the pillars a small building, but intere"ting, as exhibiting some and arches being in that style: the Jiving is a rectory, to rare specimens of Saxon architt-cture-parricularly in which the lord of the manor presents. Popnlation, 119. the fine al ch of the sonth door; the living is ill the pariSh is in t he same hundred as the gift ot rhe Marque!ls of Exeter, who is also lord of the places alJove noticed-the village is 3 miles N.W. by w. manor. Population of the chapt'lry in 1851,239. from Stamford, and about a mile W,N.W. f!Om Great; GREAT CASTERTON is a parish in the ~ame huudred Castertoll. According to Stukeley, the church here is as Ryall, about 3 miles s,w. from that pLtce. This wa.. of great antiquity, and was the eutire oratory of Peada, ancit'lItlya Roman station: and formerly it was called foullder of Peterborough abbey: it was ill the earliest Brig-Casterton, from a brid~e over the GuaslJ here; ~tyle of Norman architecture, but has been partially and its present prefix di~ti"gui8hes it from LITTLE rebuilt; it is dedicllted to Saint Per er; aud tire living CASTERTON, a small parish and village adjoillin~. III is a discharged rectory. About 100 inhabitants foran the time of Henry VIII. the manor bel, RyaH Hol1alld James, Belmbthorpe HUlcherson Robert,Gl'eat Casterton NATIONAL SCHOOL. Ryall-Phea- Chapmall Isaac, Little Caskrton Ingle Robert, Eessendine Park 8dutJohll Freeman,master; Salab Croft John. 'fickellcote Lowe Chal·le~, Essendine .'rt'eman, mistre .. s Gann Sarah, RlaU Lowe John, RyalI Mill Sht-Iton l\lary. Ryall Greaves John, Great Castertol1 Marriott WiIlialll, Ryall Smith MalY, Caslerton Hart Henry, jun, Great Casterton Millingtoll Edlyard, Tickencote BAKERS. Slater Williaru, Ryall North John Henry. Essendiue Fraucis Thomas, Belmisthorp Smith Charles, Esseudine Oswin William, Tickencote Gann Frances JalJe, RyaU CARPENTERS Parkinson P"lmel', Ryall Mitchell Joseph, Ryall Bird John, Great Castel'ton Pearsoll l\lary, Esselldine Ueddbh William Leasing, RyaU Lough WilliClm, Ryall Pt'al son William, E~st'lldine Pt';jt Jame~, Grea.t Castertnn Pindrr Thoma.:, Little Castertoll BLACKSMITHS. Smith William, L,ttle Casterton POI'ter George, Great Casterton Bailey Robert, Great Casterton Watt'rfiell1 Richard, Ryall Porter Williarn, Great Casterlon Bird John, Grt:at Castcrton Simp~on Fraucis, Little Casterton Downe!J Richar!\ (and agricultural FARMERS. Simpson Octavus N.LittleCasterton implement maker), Ryall Bamford Thomas, Little Casterton Spicer William, Ryall Leopard BeDJamil1~ HyaU Bland William L. RyaU Stanwell Thomas, Great Ca~tertoll 15 1lt~tlanlJ5bht. RYALL, &c. ~lattt's

FARME RS-Continued. STONE MASONS Lowe Edward, parish clerk, Tickencote Stapleton Henry, Great Castel·ton Bowder Mark, RyaU Peat Jas. parish clerk, Great Ca~'erton Stimson l\lary, I!:sseudine Sharp Richard, pal ish clerk. Ryall Hoberts John. RyalI Sht:lton John, corn fa.clor. Ryall Ullett William, Belmisthorp Simpson F. & O. N. (merchants), Sismore William, maltster. Ryall Wilders John, Great Castertoll Little Casterton Smith Robert Alien, painter and glazier, GROCERS AND DEALERS IN Spurr John, Helmisthorp breat Casterton Swan Thomas, Belmisthorp Smith Wm. parish clerk,LiUleCasterton SUNDRIES. Woods John, Great Casterton Vernum WiIliam, horse dealer, (tyall ~ousens Joseph, Essrndine Gllnn Frances Jane, H.YHll TAILORS Hubbard Thomas (tea dealer), Ryall GlazierJohn, Ryall Slater William, RYi-IU Love WilIiam, Ryall PLACES OF WORSHIP Smith Charles, E~st'udil1e Pal'kel' John, Ryall AND THEIR MINISTERS, Smith Rnbert AlIen,GreatCasterton WHEELWRIGHTS ALL SAINTS', Little Casterton ..... Rev Smith William, Pickworth Thomas Noel Twopeny, rector Bird John, Great eastel·ton Swan Thomas, Belmi~thorp ST. JOHI\'S, Ryall } Rev. Charles Locke John, Ryall ST. MARY'S, Essendine Potchett.vicar INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES Mitcbeson Robert, Great Casterton ST. PaTER'S, Tickencote ••• Rev.G. Wing- Bell Inl1, Charles Smith, Pick worth Potter Willialll, RyaU field, rector ST. PIiTER'S and ST. PAUL'S, Great Cas­ Crown, Susannah Knight, Great terton •• Rev. Henry Allay, rutor Casterton MSTHODlST lWesleyan} CHAPJ!:!., Ryall "'01'resters' Arms. ThoQ.Fenn, Ryall Miscellaneous Green Dragon, Sarah Galln, Ryall Blan,l Tbomas, beer retailer, RyalI Millstone, William Leasing, Red- Bolland James, beer retailer, Belmi,. dish, Rvall [Esselldine thorp Charity John. farrier, Ryall CONVEYANCE BY RAILWA"!t. Railway Hotel, WiIliam Lambert, f"enn Thomas, owner of macbine. for ON THE GREAT NORTHERN LINE. MILLERS hire, Ryal1 Station, EsSKNDrNs ..... William Un- Frances Cbarles, parish constable,8el- win, station master. A branch line from Bland Clement, Little Casterton misthorpe [RyalJ thi5 place to Stamford, is in progr~8B of Lowe John,Ryall & NewsteadMills Glazier John, registrar ofbirths&deaths construction

UPPINGHAl\I, WITH THE PARISHES AND VILLAGES OF AYSTON, BISBROOKE, PRESTON, GLASTON, SEATOS, RlDLlNGTON, WARDLEY, BELTON AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. V PPINGHAl\l is a parish. in the hundred of Mar- ward [, in 1280, at the solicitation of Peter de l\Iontford ti[Jsle~-the market town is 90 miles N. N. w. from Fairs !\larch 7th and July 7th, chiefly for horses and Londan 11 E. hy s. ftOm BiIlesdon (Leicestershire) 20 hornt.. d cattle. The parish of Uppillgham contained E. by s. from Leicestel', and 22 w. flom Peterborough ill 1841, 2)025 illhabitallt~, and in 1851,2,068. (Northampto/JlIhia·e). The l\lanton Station, 011 the AYSTIIN is a. very small vill-lge, one mile N.W. by N. Leicester, Systoll (lnd Peterbor()ugh lineof Railway, is from Uppinghalll. The only objt'ct possellsing any four milei! to tl+e north, and the Rugby and Stamford intere;.t ill the parish is its church ()f Saint1\]ary,which line pa8~es within thl'ee miled dbtallce. The town, has a halldsome window of sta.ined glass. The living which is pleasantly situatt'd on all emillenct! consisls ot Ay~ton is a rectory, in tbe gift of Majot· Gelleral chiefly CJf olle long strt"t't, Wilh a square art'a, forming William Fludycr,-whose seat here, Ayston Hall, is a the m1Jrket place, ill the ct-'lItre. The majOl ity of tile handsome mallsion. The population of this parish and houses are wt'll built, and the town, which is gas- the fOllllWilll!, will be given aftel' the notice of Belton. lighted, altogether presents a clean and lleat appear- BISBROOKE village, abo incon ... iderahle, i~ about a :Illl:e. The parish com prbes two manors-one al tach- mile aud a quarter E.fI'OIU U ppingham. The soil of this cd to the liviug, and the othtr pclnng'illl{ to the Right parish is remarkably rich, and there ale many acres Hon. the Earl of Gainsborollgh, whu holds a court- worked by market gardenel!!!. The Duke of Rutland is lret alJnually; and the County Court, under the acts lord of the manor and patron of the church living­ passed for the tecovery of dt·bts not exct'eding £50. is which is a discharged vlcal·age. The church of Saint held munthly Oil Sarurday,io an apartment of thc~'al('on John the Bapti~t hi a small building. The bu~ille~s of the place is principally of a PRESTON VILLAGE is nearly two Idles from Upping.. localllnd retail character; there are some maltings ham: it contains the pari~h clJulch of Saint Peter and and flour mills in the towD, and the neigbbourhood ISrtint Paul, and Wesleyan and Iudependent (hapels. abounds with st"lIe suitable, for building, and fOI' Tile living of Preston is a rectory, ill the presentation troughs, which are much prized, and ill guod demand of the families of Shield and Bel~ .. ave. in the adjoliuing coullties. I GLASTON village, smaH, but re~pectable and neat, is The parish church of Saillt Peter and' Saint Paul, situated 2 miles E.N.E. frolll Uppil1~ham,on the road to stands on the southern side of thl! square, atld is a Stamford. The church hi dedil'ated to Saint Andrew; spacious edifice, ill the ancient style of English archi- the living is a rectory, allnext~d Co the mastership of tecture, with a lofty spite: the livillg is a rectory, in Peter Hou,e, CaUlbridg~. A free ~cho(jl is benevolently the patrollilge of the Bishop of Loudon ; the Rev. J. G. supported by Mrs. Turner, of this parish. Dirnnck is the present infumbellt. The Indepelldents. SEATON is a stragelillg village, situated on the nortll Baptists, CalvallistsandWesleyalll\1ethodistshaveeach bank of the l'iver Wellalld, ahout 2~ miles E.S.E. from a chapel. The frt'e grammar sc\1(,ol, and a hOl, SPALDING AND BOSTON Kemp John, t'elton BRITISH SCHOOL, North st-John BANKING COMPANY (Branch), Kirk James, High st Drowley, master High st-(draw onBarclay,Bevan Needham John, RidliDgton FREE SCHOOL, Belton-Thomas & Co. London),-Williaom Arm- Robinson John, Preston Baines, master strong, manager Scotl; Williaw, Qoe~b st 2 17 )1utlanbsfJtrt. UPPINGHAM, &c.

B U TO HE RS - Continued. NORWICH UNION, Charles Healy, Hull Ann, Leamington terrace Spencer Rober&, High st Mat"ket place 1\1 organ F, allcell Ann, Cbapel st StaffiJrd WilliaOl, GlastoD PROPERTY PROTECTION, Willialll Thorpe l\Iary, Qneen st Stokes Charles, High st Armstrong, High 8t Thorpe Phrebt', High st Wl'ight EdwIlrrl, Belton PROVlDRNT (life). William Comp- TowlIsht'nd Mary, High st [ket. lOll, l\larket place Wade Mal'Y & Elizabeth,Beast mar- CABINET MAKERS, UPHOL­ ROCK, WllIiam Arlll~frong. High st STERERS & PAPER HANORS SUN, Tho'"as Law, Market place NURSERYMEN SEEDSMEK Baint's WiIliam, High st UNITY, Thom'l.s Pt'rkins, Market pI AND FLORISTS Joancnurt William, Preston YORKSH I RE, W m,Arm~tronK,H igh st (See alsQ Gardeners and also Halford GeOl"~t', High st GARDENERS-MARKET, Seedsmen,) Vmglq John, High st AT IIISBROOKE, Baine~ Williarn, Stockerstone road Schufield William, North st Dean Thomas, :'Ilarket place CARPENTERS & JOINERS Bl'own Richard Bu,.dett Francis PLASTERERS AND SLATERS Bailles Thomas, Ritllington Green Edward Chapman Geol'l!e, Glaston Monld Willialll,Lealllin~ton terrace Green Thomas Sellers Thomas. jun. Leicester road Cou~ell!! Jost'ph, Seaton lvldson John Crowden Thoma!!, RidIington Stt'venson Wm. PLUMBERS, PAINTERS AND Dea.n WiIliam, Chapel lane Tomhlin Edwal'd GLAZIERS. Fancolll t Will1am, Preston 'Williams Bates Freer Thoma~, North st Beardswotth William & Son, Beast Goodliff Charle~, Chapt"i lane GROCERS & TEA DEALER~ Mal ket BilIington William, Queen st Gregory .John, High st (See also Shopkeeper8, ~c,) Halfurd Geon:e, High st tJliff Gl'orgt>, Hog hill Langley John (and huildeJ'), High st Bl'yan Thomas & Son, Market place Pain Heury, High st Manton Adam, Ayston Clarke Samuel, Preston SatcheIl \Vi lialll, High st Pickerillg William, S..-atou Hart WiIliam Garner (and seeds- Tyler WiIlialll, Quetu st Scofidd W,lj:am, North st man), High!>t Stt"vt'nSOll WilJiam. Belton Irving Willlanl, High at SADDLERS AND COLLAR Tllll~ley John, Beast maJ'ket Peach Edward, Bt'ltoll MAKERS Tamley Joseph, Hil!;h st Pywt"il Richard, North st Curtis Henry. High st Wade J ames. Beltou Rudkill WiIliam (&draper), Belton Curtis William, Higb st Frishy EIi, High st CHAIR MAKERS & TURNERS HAIR DRESSERS AND PER' Illman Thoma~. High st Baint's William, High st FUMERS Cant Rohert James, High st Baioes William, Hi!fh st SEEDSMEN Jark!;on John, High st Ringham Henry, High ~t Bl'yan Thomas & SUlI,Market place CHEMISTS & DRUGGISTS. Townshend George, High st Dean Thos,( q- tlllrist),i\larket place Hart Wllliam Garller, High !It Bramle, Peter, High st HORSES AND GIGS ... Hope William, High st OWNERS OF-FOR HIRE. SHOPKEEPERS&DEALERSIK CONFECTIONERS Askew Jost'pb, Hi~h !oJt GROCERIES & SUNDRIES Nicholas l\laI"Y, School lane Franklio Thomas, High st Alderman Thomas, thapellallc Utter Elizabeth, Market place Loweth John Seaton, High 1St Clarke Samuel, Preslon Foster Elizl1beth, High st CORN MERCHANTS. INN Harhour John, Bisbrook Bryan Thomas & SOli, Market place (Seealso Taverns Br Public Houses) Knox I<'rederick, Seaton Ingram William, High ~t Mason JOlliah, Gla'iton Laxton Thomas, HIgh st Jo'alcon (cflmmt'rcial & posting, and inland revellue offict!) , Thomas Nicholl\ Thoma~. Schoollaue FARMERS & GRAZIERS. Frallklin, High st Ptach Edwal'd, BeltoD Baiues Jost'ph, Ay!litun Price Vincellt, GlalltOD Clarke Charles, SOUl hfield lodge IRONMONGERS Richard~on Wtlliam, High !It Cia! ke Nathauiel, J3ishrooke II'ving WilIiam, High at R"berts Catherille, Chapel lane Clarke Willi,lm, Ayston Law rrhOmas (alld bar iron and Sharpe WlllialT., Preston Fryer James, Ayston steel merchant), Market place Spillk Abigail, Beast market Green John, Aishrooke S,anger Thomas. Seaton Kirk John, Hog hill LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS Stevt'Dson Will!am, High st Ma!!otl JOilll, AystOD Dolby Thnma'!, nigh st Thorpe Phrebe, High ~, Mould John B. Hi~h st Hopkills Wm.& Be'jamin, High st Woodcock 1\'1ary, High st Mould WilIiam, High st Perkills Thomas (and haberdasher), Pain Henry, High st l\larket place STORE MASONS AND BRICK. Paleman John Thomas, High st SeatuD Elizabeth, High st LAYERS Sewell Christopher, Higb st Donnau Thomas, ChapellaDe Tyler Edwarrl, High st MALTSTERS Drake Juhu & SUII, High s' Wadd John, High aC Consins WilIiam. Seaton Pr'ce Vincent, Glaston Williams Bates. Bisbrooke Ingram WiIliam, High 8t Pnlford Edmulld. Belton FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS Mould William, Hi"h st St:tnger Fr~de, ick, Seaton Needham Frallcis, Preston Stanger John, St'aton ANCHOR, Willill.Ol Hope, Hi~h st Stallgt'r William, SeatOu ATLAS, William Shield Hud Tllomas St'wdl Chrbtopher, High st Wadd Johu, Higb Thorpe Heury. North st William Southam, High st li! 'fhorpe J olm, Leicester road CLEltlCAL AND MEDICAL, Thomas MILLERS Thorpe Thomas, High 8t Broughtoll, Market place Thorpe Wiiliam, the PiUs Com'TY (fi:e), William Compton, Goodwin Nathaniel, nidlingtoll l\larket place lngraw William, High st STRAW BONNET MAKERS COUN1Y HAIL STORM,Thomas Law, Laxton Thomas, High st Ho)'ce Josiah. Seatoll Bt'IlMary. North sI Market l)lace Tilorpe Phrebe, High st MIDLAND COUNTIES, Peter Bram· It'y, High st [laue MILLINERS & DRESS MARRS MINERVA, Fredck.M .Rnrton,School Bell Ma.-y, North st SURGEONS NORWICH EQUITABLE, I'rederick M. DallllUs Catherille, Schoollaue Bell John, High st Burt(,u, Schoullalle Fryer Mary Ann, High st Edwards John, High s. 18 mtr£ctorp. UPPINGHAl\f, &e. l\utlanlJ.lJtr,.

TAILORS Miscellaneous B EGISTBARS Marked thus • are also Drapers. Billings Josepb, pariab clerk, Belton OFBIRTHS,DEATHS AND MARRIAGES Bryan Thomas, chief constable of Mar- Supnintendtnt ...... Mr. William Sbeild. Bland William, Preston tinsley Hundred, Market place ·Oolhy Thomas, High st High .treet Butress George. bricklayer, 8elton R~istrar oJ Mllrriagt'l••• Thomas Reeve ElIiott .~dward, Belton Cort William, fisbmonger, Gamblel yard High IItreet • Hales William, Lealllington terrace Compton WiIliam, brewer, Market place Rtgistrar oJ BirtAst Dmth,jor UppinghGnt, Hill Jamell, Preston Crowder James. cattle dealer. QueeD at Oistrict ... Mr.Jobn Bell, Higll.t Freer George,veterinary Burgeon,High It "Hopkins Wm. & Benjamin,High st Hall Robert, brick maker, Oakbam road Knox lo'rederkk, Seatoll Ingram Sarab, fiour dealer;Market plact' Lucas Blot, Glaston lngram WiIliam, coal mercbant, HIgh at Pulfurd John, Belton Jackson Jamel, coacb builoler, Higb .t Richardsoll, High st Langley John, auctioneer aDd appraiser, COUNTY COURT, • Seaton Elizabeth, High st High !!Ireet [place HBLD MONTHLY 05 IlATURD8.T. 8.'1' "'S • PerkinsThomas, hardware dealer. Market PALCON HOTEL-OFFICB, High.t SheirlllJ John, Leamington terrace Sandford Jane,teacber of musio, HIJl:b st South well John, Queen st Spint WiIliam, basket maler, Beast Judge••• Robl'rt Miller. Esq. SouthweH Thomas, High st market [High st Clerk, ... WilJiam Sheild, Uppingbam and TownhseudGeorge,glass & c:bina de"ler, Henry Hou!;b, Oak.bam 'J'ownshend Mary. toy dealer, High .t High Baili,d••• WiIliam Stevenlon TALLOW CHANDLERS Tyen Henry, fllrniture, &c., broker, Bailiff••• George Wolf( High street Bryan Thomas & Son, Market pi Wade Thomas, cooper, and timber and Hart WiJliam G. High st .Iate merchaut, i'orth lit Watson & Son, tanners and curriers, BIBLE CHRISTIAN KNOWLBDQE SOCIE. TAVERNS &: PUBLIC HOUSES. Quel'n street Waugb Samuel, travelling tea deal~r, TY's DEPOT, Higb It-Jobn Hawtboru High street ar;ent Black Horse, Samuel Ellis, Belton Woodcock John, agent t., the London & GAl WORK.S, Hiih .treet •••••• Thomas Chequt'rs, MaryIrullman,Church la Nortb Western and Midland Railway Bronghton, secretar),; Matthew Pep­ Cross Keys. Wm. Ingram, High at Companies, High street perday, engineer Gatt', John Kirby, Hisbroke [ton Young Thomas, parish clerk, North It INL8.ND RKVINUB OFFICE, at tbe Fal. Georp;e & Dragon,Maria Killg, St'a· con Inn, High .t...... Mr. WiIliam Fow­ ler,olfiCl'r George & Dragoll,SamuelWorsdalt>, STAMP OFFICE, Hi~h st•••••• Mr. Thomas Mark!:t place BrougbtoD. sub-distributer Horse and Trumpet, John Seaton Loweth, High st Public Buildings, New Inn, Thomas Wyatt. Preston Noel's Arms, ...·rancis Davis, Rid. Offices. &c. lington [hill CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. ROl'e and Crown, George Cliff, Hog ON THE LEICE&TER, SYSTON, AND Royal Oak, Jame~ Sneath, Quet'n st CHURCHES OFTHE ESTABLISHMENT PETERBOBOUGH LINE. Sonrle's Arms, William Woodcock, ALL SAINTS', Seaton ...... Rev. William Station at MANTON, 4 mile. north oru.,. Gla-ton PurdoD, rector pingham ••• WiIliam Ward, station mas­ Sun, JaDles Wade, Belton [ton ST•. ANDBE:W'S, Glaston •• Re". Edward ter aDd mana.ger of goods department Three Horse Shoes, Robt.l.lip,Sea­ MilIeU, rector The RUGBY Dnd STA!IIIFORD LlNB paseea Three Horse Shoes, WilliamMusson, about 3 miles from Uppingham ST. JOBIII'I, 8isbrooke... Rev. - Manhy, An Omnibus, from the Falcon Hotel, tG Glaston curate the Manton Station, at a quarter before Vnic"ru, John H. Donaby, High st ST. MAa!"I, Ayston ••• Rev. WiIliam Jal. eight in the morning, twelvea. nOOD, & White Hart, Joseph Askt:w,High at Earll', M A., rector afternoon at half-pad three ST. MARY'S, Wardley ... ReT. Charles RETAILERS OF BEER. Henry Newmarcb, rector ST. MA RY'S and ST. AN DREW'S, Ridling. Davis Franci~, Ridlington FOR GOODS. Freeman Robert, High St ton •• ReT. F. J. Freeman, curate Grt:ell Robert, Preston ST. PETER'I, 8elton ••• Rev. Cbarles Ely. To all parts ot tbe Kin~dom, tbe Midland & tbe London andNorthWesternRail. Nutt J"mes, High Ho N ewmarcb, Ticar ST. PETBR'S and ST. PAUL'S, Market pI way Co.'. from their offices, the Falcon Smith Tibbs, Beast market Holel yard, daily ..... John Woodcock, Sneath Ann. High st •.• Rev. John Giles Dimock, rector; agent Stretton Rohert, North st ReT. Guerin Solbey, curate Suter Samuel. Ridliugtou ST. PETER'S and ST. PaUL'S, Preston ••• Thorpe Albert, Hi~h :,t Rev. WiIliam Belgrave, rector VAN WATCR .. CLOCK MAKERS. DISSENTING CHAPELS. To SEATON STATION, Louth's Yan, from his house, the Horse & Trumpet,Hi~h A ris Thoma!!, Hbh lit BAPTIST, Uppiogham. & Preston .treet, Friday morning at nine, return. Flint Mark (& sU"ersmith), High st hiDEPl!NDBNT, Chap.. l lane ...... Rn. from tbe Itation at ten minutes pallt tive Spal'kes Jamell, High ~t John Green INDEPENDENT, Preston WREl::LWRIGRTS CALTINUT. Orange lane, Uppingham METHODIST (Wesleyan), North street, CARRIERS Chapman Gporge, Glaston Uppingbam and at Prellton Thefollowing Ca.rrier•• tart on Wedne.d4, Freer Thoma~, North st when the day ill not "amed. Islip WilIiam, Se~ton To BARROWDEN,-Goodlifl;fromthe Pelike WilIiam, Pre~ton Royal Uak Stevenson William, BeltoD To BELTON, - Warner, from tbe POOR LAW UNION George & Dragon WRITESMITRS WORKHOUSE, Leicestt"r road. To BRAUNSTON,- Hllckett, from the Uuicom Geeson Samuel (and agricultural Clerk to the Boa.rd of GUGrd~", ••• Mr. To BUI.WICK, - Barratt, from tho machine maker), High ~t [race William Sheild George and DragoD Mallton Charles, Leamington (er. Matler••• Thomas Meallurel To CALDECOT, -- Welt. from tbe Matron •• Harriet Measures Chequers, W"doesdayand Saturday WINE &: SPIRIT MERCHANTS Schoolmist,·eSl ••• EmmaMealures To EDITH.WESTON, - Dales, from Chdplain ••• Rev. William Purdon tbe Unicorn Compton William, Market place Surgton ...John Bell To EMPINGAAM, - Pogmore, from Healy Charles, Market place Relieving Officer-John WiIford the Hor.e & Trumpet 19 UPPINGHAl\f, &c. mtrfttolp. CARRIBftV-C01Itinked. To MARKET.HARBOROU6H,­ "0 STAMFORD. Wm. Harbutt, from To ORE~T EASTON, - White. from White, from the(JbeQuer. his bouse, Church lane, :\Ion. & Fri. tbe Cheqae,. To MEDBORNE, -- Jefi's, from the To STANYON, - Bell, from the To HALLATON, - Plowright.from the Horst' & 1'rumpet Cross Keys Chequer. To OAKHAM. -- Hllam, from tbe To LAXTON, - Oraig, from the Georg6 Horse & 1 rump et To TUG BY, --AlIen, from the White and Oras:on Hart To LODDINGTON,-Broom,from tbe To RIDLlNGTON, - Suter, from the Horse lie Trumpet Unicorn To WELDON, -- Prentice, from tbe ToLUFFENHAM, John Rose, from the To ROCKINGUAM,- Vir-ker., from George lie Dragon, Bc - Speru:er, trom aOJa1~ the Ge orge& DragoD, Wed. aDd Sat. the Ro)'al Oa.k.