Supplementary Guide to UEB Reference Materials V.8.31.16
Supplementary Guide to UEB Reference Materials v.8.31.16 Unless otherwise indicated, page numbers refer to The Rules of Unified English Braille, 2013 For referenced BANA Guidances visit: * indicates definition of entry word A @ sign, 25 Caret, 24, 42 Abbreviations, 106, 152 Cent Sign ¢, 26 Accented letters, 42, 190 Chemistry, 89, 178, see BANA Guidance capitals, 80 Code switching, 199-210 in fully capped words, 89 how to use, 202-203 Acronyms, 106, 152 indicators Addition foreign language, 191-192, 195 non-technical materials, 31 IPA, 199, 207-208 technical materials, 169 music, 199, 208-209 Alphabetic wordsign, *7, 9, 15, 103-106, Nemeth code, 199, 209-210 164 non-UEB, 199, 203-208 Ampersand &, 21 Coinage, 26, 64 Anglicized words, 45, 158, 186, 189 Colored type, 11, 97 Apostrophe, 18, 69, 105, 107 Comma, 69 Arrows, 21, 174 numeric mode, 59 line mode, 219 Comparison, signs of, 169,31 Asterisk, 21 Compound words, bridging, 146 At sign @, 25 Computer material contractions in, 155 B email addresses, 155 Blank to be filled in, 73, 160 grade 1 indicators, 52 Boldface indicators, 91 Computer notation, 178 Brackets, opening and closing, 69, 78 Contracted (grade 2) braille, *7, 14 Braille grouping indicators, 23, 45, 172 usage cross-referenced, 14 Braille order, list of symbols, 275 Contractions summary, 9 Bullet, 24, 34, 37 Contractions, *7, 9, 103-168 abbreviations, 152 C acronyms, 152 Capitalization, 79-90 alphabetic wordsigns, *7, 9, 15, 103-106, grade 1, 55 164 indicators bridging, 146-152 choice of, 87 aspirated
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