Yakut Medical Journal
ISSN 1813-1905 (print) ISSN 2312-1017 (online) 4(64) `2018 ЯКУТСКИЙ МЕДИЦИНСКИЙ ЖУРНАЛ The founder The Yakut Science Centre of Complex Medical Problems YAKUT Editor- in- chief Romanova A.N., MD Editorial Board: MEDICAL Deputy Chief Editor and Executive secretary Nikolaev V.P., MD Scientific editor Platonov F.A. MD JOURNAL Editorial Council: SCIENTIFIC - PRACTICAL JOURNAL Aftanas L.I., MD, Professor, OF THE YAKUT SCIENCE CENTRE OF COMPLEX acad. RAMS (Novosibirsk) MEDICAL PROBLEMS Voevoda M.I., MD, Professor, Corresponding Member RAMS (Novosibirsk) Ivanov P.M., MD, Professor (Yakutsk) Kryubezi Eric, MD, Professor (France) Quarterly Maksimova N.R., MD (Yakutsk) Mironova G.E., Doctor of Biology, Registered by the Office of the Federal Service on Professor (Yakutsk) supervision in the field of communications, information Mikhailova E.I., Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor (Yakutsk) technologies and mass communications in the Republic Nikitin Yu.P., MD, Professor, Sakha (Yakutia) December 13/2016 Acad. RAMS (Novosibirsk) Odland John, MD, Professor (Norway) Registration number PI No.ТU 14-00475 Puzyrev V.P., MD, Professor, Acad. RAMS (Tomsk) Subscription index: 78781 Reutio Arya, MD, PhD, Professor (Finland) Fedorova S.A., Doctor of Biology (Yakutsk) Free price Husebek Anne, MD, Professor (Norway) Khusnutdinova E.K., Doctor of Biology, Professor (Ufa) «Yakut Medical Journal» is included in the approved by Editors: the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Chuvashova I.I., Federation List of leading peer-reviewed scientific Kononova S.l. journals and publications, in which the main scientific Semenova T.F. (English) results of dissertations for the acquisition of scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of science on Computer design biological sciences and medicine should be published.
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