Memorial Day-J948 The Weather Today Yal "WE liRE THE DEAD. hOlt da)'s ago, uoe lllldd, Mostly cloudy foday and tomorrow with (tit dawn, SlIW stlllse! glow, loved lind were loved-" intermittent light rain in north and north­ Wlott Lt. Col. 10/111 MeRtle in 1915. M~RlIt'J who died thl'rt )'cars later wlliie sCI1Jing i'l France, forgol to west Iowa today. No decided change in add tfrosc who lIave diedl ill serviet! will eOl1till1le fo owall temperature. High today 70-75. low to­ be lovrc/lIllct IClllcllliJertx/. night 50-55. Yesterday's high, 72; low, 49. 14 ~ti­ ...... ,.. Iowa City. Iowa. Sunday. May 30. 1948-Five Cents ~;al Of S;~~i;ditears UN Security Council ASRS Agreement On For 4-Weeks Cease-Fire T!~~!!I~n_Sen'" Order i'n°Palestine Battle Republican leaders were reported near agreement yesterday on a I LAKE SUCCESS (JP)-The 5e- one-y~r exlension of the recip­ curity councll caUed last nliht for rocal trade program with no con­ Speculation Follows a (-weeks cease-fire In Palestina gressional veto strings attached. Arabs Grab AI to make another United Nation But Senator McCrath (D R.I.) attempt at a peaceful settlement. on be- served noUce Democrats will fight it. Defeat of Jan Smuts pe~~ ;0S: 'a~e e~~un~'~e ~~w~ P. Me- McGrath told a reporter that PRETORIA, UNlo.N OF SOUTH All Jerusalem Arab conflict. anyone-year extension would be AFRlCA (JP}-Feverish &pecula- Earlier, the council refused for unsatisfactory to him. As Demo­ tion on their future swept the CAIRO (JP) - Arab troops be- the second time to accept Rus- cratic national chairman, the people of South Africa yesterday gan a battle lor aU of Jerusalem sian-American demands lor force Rhode Island senator presumably In the wake of the election upset yesterday and Jewish troops con- to stop the fighting. . speaks for the administratlon_ of veteran prime minister, Field Unued aUempu to break a block-I The deleaate! decided that it President Truman wants a three­ Marshall Jan Ohrl$tiaan Smuts. ade of the lour highways leading the Arabs or Jews do nol agree to year extension ot the program "as is.H The silence of both Smuts and to the Holy city. Its dec1.Jion by 5 p.m., CST, June McGrath's comments left the the victor, prime Il)inisler des~- A Tel Aviv dispatch said EaYP- 1. the council will reconSider the inference that President Truman nate Daniel F. Malan, Nationalist Uan frees made a sudden march whole ca e with a view tor action may veto a one-year extensIon party leader, heightened thc spe- of about 10 miles up coast from along the lines a ked by Rus ill bill, even If the senate Republican culation. Majdal to Isdud a village only 20 and the Unlted States. leaders cuI out the congressIonal Dr. Mahm, eX-Clergyman who miles south at JaUa, the Jewish By its decision last night, the veto provision that was wrilten slender majority of live in the as- capital's twin city. council: into It by lhe house. sembly mok control of the gov- A defen m.InIJtry eommun- 1. Called for the ~ovemment Undel' thc expiring trade agree­ emment and inauguration of ~ome IQue I \led here taat uld lind authoritles concerned to or- menls law, the President and stal.e at his poliCies diUlcult, discussed the Eppt1an troops l upPOl1ed del' a cessation ot aU acts or department can slash lariIls on hls coun;e with as ociates at by aIrcraft and ariUluy ruch- smeci force for 8 period ot tour foreign - good in exchange for Capetown. He is not expected to ed I. dud th is moml.,.. after W""J{S. similar concessions from other na­ come here to a sume the premier- overcomlll~ .tron~ Jewish reali- Z. Called on an sides not to In- tions. Such pacts are not subject ship until early this week. tane . troduce fighting personnel or mcn to congressional approval. Fjeld Marshall Smuts, who lost The communique saId one 01 of miLilary age into Pal tine, The house, In passIng a one-year hi own parliamentary seat in the two Jewi h planes which attacked Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Trans­ extcnslon bill, wrote in a provi­ liurprising Nationalist viclory Egyptian troops in Idud was shot Jordan, Iraq, Yemen and Saudi sion permitting the tarill commis. Tuesday, conferred with leaders down by anU-aircraft fire, The Arabia. sion to set limits on trade con­ 01 his united party. Stro!li er- . l'rond plane was and probably 3. Called on an eoneerned not; ces Ions. If the President exceed­ forts were being made to persuade dId not return to its base, the to train or mobilize men of mill­ (ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEl\IETERY .•. Photo by Jlm Showen) ed lhese limit!, then the senate him to stay In politics al leader communique added. tary uge if such men found their 01' house could kill the conce slon. of the opposition. Other Egyptian I nils clashed way into thc Middle East during Unless there is an overnight Early llredlctlolls thai Dr. with a Jewish armol'ed car column the four weeks. shllt in sentiment, the finance Malan would call ror anoiher In Beerot Yilzhak, four miles 4. Called for all embarro 01\ Decoration Day --Observed in City, State and over Most of Nati on labor -- committee will oIfer tile senate I'lmeral ele tlon this year In southwest of Gaza, Inflicting con- importing war matenal Into or only a one-year bill. the hope of Increaslu b ma- lilderable damage.on a number of out at Palestine and the seven Chairman Millikin (R-Colo.) Jorlty, were tempered ye terday the vehicles, the communique Arab Lcague countrics during tho Memorial Day Ouestion Surrounds said the aroup w111 get to worle on with lleeond th01ll'hts. &aid. cease fir . To Observe the matter next week. He pre­ Despite tne scat distribution, II added that the main Egyptian 5. lJrfed vC170n to tako Ie dicted a speedy agreement On the election results showed Smut still air lorce attack yesterday was every pollliible pr caution [or tho . • Rath SeHlement As measure. ho nearly 60 perceni ot the popu- made on coastal defenses In Tel protection at the holy places Ilnd Mi11lkin wouldn't go into de­ lation b hind him. This lact Av iv. the city of J rusolem. With Parades and ·_S_erv,ces Most Guards Stay tailS. but he is expeeted to line up councils \Varlne 5 on the par~ of The Jewish air torce sLruck 6. A ked tbe Jews aDd An . to with Senator Taft (R-Ohlo)_ Tart the Nationalists. Jemn, NabJus and Ramallah, three communicate their aceplance oj! Iowa City's two-day Memorial WATERLOO (Al) - A quesUon says he Is against retainin, the Then, too, som Nationalists Arab cilie which form a triangle this rebolution to the sccurity closed Lomorrow. Florida and MississippI. Their rea- congressional veto, but doesn't lhlnk their majority or live is in cen;r.. al Palestine, the Tel AviV council not later than 5 p.m, CST, Day observance, which begins The post ofIice will make no son lies in the htstory ot Memorial mark still surrounded the detaJls want lhe PresidenL to have lao this morning with the decoration at the Ralh Packing company workable. dispatch said. June J. carrier deliveries either in the city Day. much authority to put into eUect The chances or a econd lection Jewl It troopS are ndwich- '1. DecIded thai If th rt' 011lt\01~ agreements that might dama, ot veterans' graves, will pe con­ or rural areas. Back in 1866, a year aLler the strike settlement l~st niSht. It ap­ may der,end UpOII Smut.' de I ion d be~weell Tran-Jordan Ie ..- is rejected by eithl'r party or by \inuet\ \vi\h several services to­ Civil War ended, Mrs. Mary Ann peared most or the 1,000 Iowa American Itrduslry. whether to remain ill politic" or 10llalre. operatblr from the both or i( It 15 violated and repu~ Statewide CeremonIes Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich.) morrolV morning. Williams, widow of a Confederate national gual'dmen 011 duty at the not. 11 wly won old walled city and dlated, the council will l' consid r Also today and lomon'ow, lu­ has said it isn't of much moment lalall vl,orou ly ampalfu d other Arab wtlt rlnctnf all of lhe whole case wllh a view to Tomorrow's sel'V ices open in lhe wans throughout the state will pay officer, wrote a letter to her home­ plant sUll would be there through town newspaper, The Columbus how long the program u ex­ lor a weptloll of colored per- Jerusalem. acting under chapter ven, tho tribute to its more than 25,000 Tuesday when the strlking work­ tended. morning with a memorial mass at SOil much more strict than thd Fires swept th ancient Jewish sU'ongest ill til UN charter. dead of four wars. (Oa.) Times. LeL the South, she ers are scheduled to reLurn to their 5t. Joseph's cemetery scheduled urged, set aside April 26 each year jobs. • • • III the southern. United late. Ghetto in the old city which Is- ••• for 8 o'clock and exercises at 8:30 At Keokuk's "Liltle Arlington" as a Confederate Memorial day He prollosed that nallv be roell hmnnnts surrendered to the AY HOLY PLA E AI'S cemeterY-Iowa's only national Although national guard head­ at lhe lowa avenue bridge in hon­ "to wreathe the graves of our confined to reserves, like the Am- Arab legion Friday. Marc than LAKE SUCCESS (!PI-King Ab- cemetery--services will be held martyred dead with flowers." quarters announced in Des Moines ERP Nalions erican Indian reservations. 1,500 Jewish civillins were quick- duJLah IIdvis d the United Nations or of navy dead. for Civil war dead o[ many slatc-s. yesterday lhai there would be a Natives in the reserves would ly remov d from thc area and the yest rday that th holy places ot A parade, which will originate The cemetery is also being enlarg­ The idea took hold immediately gradual demobilization over the be represented by six white sena- tao k of transporting 293 Jewish Jerusal m are now safe. on Clinlon street facing north at ed to make room for 1,500 Iowan -and April 26 is still the legal next several days it did not appear lors, three elected and lhree ap- military prboners was begun. A telegram Irom lhe Trans­ Memorial day in these thl'ee states. that this process got under way to Market street, will proceed to the GI's who died during World War , 0 Lisl Needs pointed by the governor general. ' During the biller fightlng in the Jordan kinlt was read to thc SIl- cemetel'ies at 9:30. Ebenezer Mur­ II. Two years after Mrs. William any Important extent yesterday_ The 250,000 people at mixed old city a mortar shell struck ~c curlty council by Faris EI Khoury· ray, 103, Iowa City resident and 1 The American Legion has esti­ had written her letter, Gen. John And Sheriff H.T. Walmer, aL WASHINGTON (JP) - The 17 European, Bantu and Malay blood, Holy Sepulchre, the hollest shrllle of Syria. A ru. tic or derisive of Iowa's two'surviving Clvil war mated UlaL bodies of approximal(l­ Alexander Logan, Illinois states­ whose request the guard was call­ Marshall plan countries were most of whom live in the Cape, in Christendom, but did not ex- laughter was hcurd. Council chalr­ veterar.s, plans to participate in ly half of the Iowans killed in the man, war hero and unsuccessful ed out when a picket was slain in asked yesLerday to meet an early would bc separated both from lhe p10dc, a delayed dlspalch reveal- man Alexandre Parodi womed Lho lhe parade. The other Iowa Civil recent war will be eventually l'e­ candidate [or vice' president, esta­ a riot at the plant entrance on June deadline in liIing their full natives and the whites. cd. spectators aaDinst manifestations. war veteran is James P. Marlin, turned 10 Iowa fot- burial. blished May 30 as "Decoration May 19, said he would I'\ot seek firsl-year pro,rams for recovery. 100, of Sutherland. These two ser­ During the Civil war, Iowa lost Day." As commander-in-chief of immediate demobihzallon of the Paul G. Hoffman, head of the ved in the Union army with 76,- 13,001 men, and another 184 in the the northern veteran's organiza­ unlls. Economic Cooperation adtninislra- Anti-Communist Bill - Assailed by Socialist, Third Party Candidates tion, told reporters he is asking 240 other Iowans. Spanish-American war. Alter the tion, the Grand Army of the Re­ The 4,500 striking UPWA-CIO Services at the Grand Army of armistice of 1918, 8,578 Iowans public, he simply signed a decl'ee Rath workers voted at a mass Republic lot in Oakland cemetery were listed as dead. selling aside the day. meeting Friday nigh L to return ~;:~!~~:ctr:z£S~::h~~~ Wallace, Thomas Denounce Mundi-Nixon Bill are scheduled for 10 o'clock, to be The latest figures of the war re­ Thus, the United States has had to work but company and union cords office in. Des Moines list 8,- $5-bUllon in American ald. WASHINGTON (JP) _ Henry A. I ------'------followed by a 10:20 service at the two memorial days for the past officials had dlt!erent Versions SO far ECA has assigned gifts grave of Paul J. Prybil, World 340 'Iowan casualties in World war 80 years. 01 the back-te-work conditions. und loans totalling $1,326,000,000 Wallace denounced the Mundl- jccl!vcs." He said the biJl m~es saic, N.J ., appendn" 10!' the Ma­ War r serviceman. II. Approximately 300,000 Iowans • • • Court action seemed likely in or­ fOJ' lirsl-quartel' aId to 14 01 thc Nixon anll-communism bill yes- the Attorney Genel'1I1 "a dictator rine Corp leaguc, Inc., who said A plllttorm program is planned served in the recent war, while der to iron out settlement differ­ nations, Including western Ger- tel'day as "the most subversive over every organization ir~ the there is danger of mob vlolenco 114 ,223 • for 10:30 a. m. in Oakland ceme­ entered the service dur­ EXTINOVl K AUTO FIRE ences. many. Actual shipments of food, legislation ever to be erlously land.'" from both Communis~ aod Fascis~ lery. Prof. Hardson J . Thorniim ing lhe first world conIJicl. Union officials contend the re­ 1:uel, colton and other goods so lar sponsored in lhe United Slates Ali but one or y lerday's wit- elemenls in lhis country. Iowa City firemen put out an Thomas told tbe seuaton they will give the address. Three Not Observing 9:30 turn to work will be under terms authorized total $16'2,747,087, in- congress·" ncsses were against the Mundt- automobiJe Iire at p.m. yes­ ml&'hl better oncern themsel e5 Iowa City banks, post oUice According to a report, three terday in the 500 block E. College of its contract with the company cluding freight. "We can't have peace with Rus- Nixon bill, which among other which expires Aug. 11. The com­ HoUman saId one at the major sia it we approach Russia with things would require Communist with hou ' In~ and tbe lIational building olfices, city hall, court- states will not honor their war slreet. The car belonged to H. well-being renerally than with house and most stores will be dead tomorrow. They are Georgia, Fouchek, Route 5, Iowa City. pany, however, contends it can­ objectives ot ECA already has lhe atom bomb in one hand and and Communist-!ront organiza­ celled the contract May, 3 "be­ been achieved-the lilting of top lhe MundI bill in the other," the lions to register and would pro­ tbe curb-CommunJsm bU!. cause 01 breach by the union of a jobs in the agency with high-cali- third party presidential candidate vide fines and jail sentences for Another witness was Rockwell no-strike clause in the contract." bel' men. This, he said, wlLl help declared. persons engaged in foreign-di- Kenl, arti t and Wallace backer, Cedar Rapids PFrinting Firm Gutted in Blaze Yesterday IJ'he company said it would take In recruiting other leaders from Wallace and Norman Thomas, recled conspiracies. who said: "We liberals are des~ a week to get the plant l;>ack into among 40 or 50 names now under Sociallsl candidate [or president, The one witness favoring the pera(ely afraid of this bill. It de­ full operation. conslderation. . . were the day's star witnesses blll was John R. O'Brien of Pas- nies us the righL of !ree associa· A second achlevement in the before the senate judiciary com­ tion." agency's eight-week life, Hoffman mitlee. said, is the quashing of Soviet h Joln d I th blll 'Ii * * * ... * Municipal Income Tax propaganda attacks on the Mar- T e:v e n sa.ylof e , Shall plan in western Europe. aimed a\ forelfn-directed con- Adopted by 19 Cities "I've heard enough to convince spiracles to overthrow the U. • CH[CAGO (JP)-A new kind of me there is a growing confidence I'Overnment, Is a dan~erous one chain reaelion is jolting a last in Europe that we really aim at -but there the:v parted com­ growing number of taxpay~rs-the Uleir recovery," the ECA chief pany. local income tax. said. • The grey-haired Thomas told A little over six months ago Ihe senators 1hat Wallace's third only Lhree cities had local payroll • • party is "largely" can trolled by taxes. Now the number has swell­ 1 16,000 Thanksgiving \ Communists. He added: ed to at least 19, a survey showed. "Don't let me give the impres­ ~ Dinners Arrive in Ie • sion that Henry Wallace is a The Municipal Finance Officers Next November's Thanksgiving Communist. I suspect that the association said yesterday that Communists have secret sessions more cities are expected to seri­ dinners began taking shape in -Io­ wa City last week when United in which they rather deplore some ously consider this form of taxa­ of Mr. Wallace's gregariousness. tion, stating: airlines flew in 16,000 turkey eggs. Packed in cardboard boxes, the He is not a Communist. He hap­ "Mllior reasons are their mount­ eggs were loaded on planes In Mo­ pens to be very useful to them ing finanCIal burdens and the fact desto, Calif., and arrived in Iowa now." lhatthe local income tax is design­ City just 24 hours and 20 minutes Wallace, wearing a double­ ed to tap earnings at commuters latel·. breasted grey suit, while shirl and who wQrk in the city and live in The eggs were consigned to a red tie, attracted an overflow the suburbs." hatehery in Washington, Iowa. B. crowd. Some members of lhe aud­ Philadelphia was the lirst city D. McWilliams. local station man­ ience applauded loudly when he to tax incllmes, adopting the plan ager, said alr shipment eliminated appeared-eight minutes late - in 1939. A 1 '.1. percent tax is im­ jolts and bumps which redllce the and again when senators finished posed on income earnectin th e city. chances of eggs hatching. questioning him. It is yielding approximately $2- Insulated cargo compartments Walaee uld the ~Iundl-Nlxon million a month. protected the egllS from tempera­ bID was "a declaration of war Toledo, 0., has had a 1 percent ture changes. A temperature of 55 00 Ute r"hte of free speech and income tax since 1946. It is net­ degrees was maintained through­ free a.uembly." And he uld he ting about $4,000,000 a year. Last out the flight, McWilliams said. was fi&'btln~ It as a believer In mE-GUTTED OFFICE of Technical Publications compan1, Ceda~ Rapids, Is pictured above toUow­ November, Columbus, 0 ., imposed Can't you see these turkeys old-fubloDed Amerlc!lnUm." bIIan evenlnl blale yel&erday. Located 00 tbe secood floor of Ute old 8m_koft baUdJn~ 00 Ird a lax of one half of one percent on strutting around this summer and Warmly, Wallace said the bill aveaue, &be eompany los' paper stock and records estimated at leveral thouaaad doUan. Flames ate personal incomes and the net in­ asking their Iowa cousins, "How could be used to .outlaw his third UIrollfh eelllOl to tblnl floor wareboulI/l for SmuIekoff'l furniture. There was n'o eaUmallon of wisl comes of businesses. It is expected old were you when you made your party or any association fo~ "the Socialist Norman Thomas ...... e. (i.use of &he fire baa no& been de$ermlDed. (DaD, Iowan Pile''' b, lUeIl llmmens)_ lo yield $2.5-mlllioll aIlIlually• first ruahU" peaceful advocacy a! common ob- He and Wallace Then Parted COJDl)aDJ' ,


~ I Major L~ague ft~ Two:R~ords ' 'fill as Buckey. W ..~ .- , StandIngs S r Purdue H ( - Ouslillini as Track Champs Defeat AMERI AN LBAQUE NATIO/-IAI. LBAOUB MADISON, WIS., (JP)- America's top Olympic hopes in the Ihet. IV L PCT, OR w PCT. OB St. Loul...... - .. ~ u II .IH~ J'hll,delphla . .••.... ~4 10 put and ~isc~~ .be tered American college records and Ohio St~1f New York • .. .•• 1M I ~ .~8 1 2 Clevel.. nd ...... 21 9 1 dethr~ned 1J1mols as team champion in the 48th Big Nine outd~ 1'111 burrh .•... 17 l~ .031 8'~ New York 18 14 6 Phlladelphl. .. II 11 .GlI • St. Loal, ...... I~ I ~ 7 track Ilnd fieJd meet at Camp Randall stadium here yest~rday. n ..t6n ...... JG 16 ./ItO 4'~ Dolroll ...... 11 18 Minnesota's Fortune Gordlen whirled the discus 178 teet, II~ StraigHt- ,7-3 Brooklyn ...... IG 19 •4tt 6\lt Wuhlnrlon ...... 16 19 •I Ii '-lime; I~ ,400 7'~ BOlton ••...•...... •. 13 %1 inches and Michigan's Charley Foqville tossed the shot 56 lett, S 2nd Cblc.,o .... "' .. 1:1 11 CfntlnnaU ...... 1' 21 .400. jl Chi.". • ...... 1 :u 161' inches, to surpass accept.ed American and NCAA, as well as tht!r Ye.t~rdat·. Relulh: Yesterday', ReIU", . Hits But No Runs PIII.burCh T, RI. Louis H St. Louis G, Delroll I one-day old conference marks in both. OlntlnnaU 4, Cblearo !:I Philadelphia 6. New York ~ , 0 h loS tat e's well-balancel IOWA AR RIIIPT.lRD F. An R II Verban/s Gettin' Verbal New York 1. Phlladelpbl. I Cleveland 4, Cbl ...,. 0 Iowa Held '10 Smith, IS... " 1 I Stram. sa.... 5 2 I IJrooklyn M, BOlton I lV ••bln,lon ti, Borton ' Buckeyes needed only IhJ'!t lint. Erickson. cf. 3 0 0 Gor,al. It.... 5 I 2 Toda,', .. Today'. PUe h@n Racin& Nips Cards, 1-0, Tedore. 11.. 5 0 1 Martin. 3b ... " I I Brooklyn at Boston-Barney (I-It) Dr DORton. at 'V •• hln,toR-Oaleh.o ••e (O.!) in the 14 events to roll up Ihfir Ebner. c. ... ~ 0 I AdeMl. c. . .. . 5 0 1 P oll •• 12-:1) VI. nlckford (2-0) VI. Wynn (3-~) Goes Dittmer. 2b. 3 I 1 Chln.wkz. ct 2 1 0 Phlladelphl .. at New YOrk - He. In Delroll a' st. Laale-Newhou..,r (S-4) 2·1; 2nd Tilt 13 winning 53 % points. McCarty, 3b 3 0 I Adoms. rC .... 4 0 I (~-O) VI. lIartuor O-ll VI. Garver U -2) 4 Blows by PIMarco. II. 3 0 0 LonK. lb .... 4 2 I I. Lou(s .1 PIII,bur. (!) - Polloi Clevel .. nd at Chl •• ,o (!)-Feller (G-R) Rilcine bagged 1-0 and 2-1 trl- The meet had two double wit. E pe. Ib .... 4 0 I Berberian. 2b ~ 0 I VI. ( 1-81 and lIe',n (3-2) or"sr.. le (2-'!) vo. ..nd Kennedy (1-0) Moul'er (0-%) ... B' Demro. p .... 2 0 0 /01",,1, P ... . " 0 I • In,loIon (I-~) and Riddle (4-~) OIl1e.ple (U -O) um~hs over Iowa Clty'~ Cardln~ls Iners, Defending Champion Bruner. p .. 0 0 0 (Jllln,o a' (,Inclnnatl (~)-S mlt. (~-l) New }ro rk at. I'hlladelphla (!)-Lopat XSchultz .. 1 I I aud KUlh ~U-II) Vs, l-'fluRon 0·") Ilnd ('H) and It... hl (4-1) VI. Sav.C' (2-11) - the second game gomg 13 10- F INAL TEAM 8TANDOOS­ XXPrhnrose 1 0 11 Wehmeier (~-n) a nd .helb (3-2) nlngs, as the Cards made their ' Ohio Stat. M'''; pel ala; .11,.'", II; Evin Noel Illinoill 311; Minnesota 29; .DIII ... .; Toto...... SS 3 8 Total. . .. . M7 7 9 debut in ' the National Softball WI•• onlln 19 "1; Norlbw.stero 1I !-4; ,-, By· At SCHMAHL X-Doubled lor Bruner In 9th due 4 ~': ' 0"" I ~.Ih XX-Singled lor Erickson In 9th league SaturdaY night. IJl~rdu e ...... ~I OOO l '!~ 200--7 Assistant Sports Editor 1...... 000 100 oo~-a Elirl Flemme, lhrbwing an as­ Porier of Northwestern, iTl lit Errors-Srntth, Dlttnler 2. Espe. Runs high and low hurdles, and JIl4. Iowa's Hawkeyes fell belore Batted In-Ade... Espe. Oorgal 2. Long sortment of dipsy-do pitches, set 2. Martin. Prlmro e. TWo Base Hits - MADISON. WIS· (JP)-The Big Nine's scholarship laundry didn't iana's Charley Peters in the 111 Purdue's powerful team Espe, SChultz. Three Base Hits - Mar­ the Cardinals down on one hit In and 220-yard dasheS. for the second consecutive time lin, Gorgal. Home RUllo-Lone. Stolen get its expected airihg yest.erday as the athletic bigwigs of the con­ the opener while the Racine club Bases-Dittmer 2, Stram, OOTlal. Sacri­ ference adjourned their annual spring meeting. Neither d'kl the con- ltuss Merkel came til flftb It yest~day , 7-3. Again it was the [loco-DI Marco. Double Playo-Dillmer­ pecked at Don Dannen for four Smlth-Espe. Left on Boseo-Iowa 10; ference draft 1950-51 football schedules as planned. . • the 220-yard low hurtJfes ... BOilermaker power at t.he plate, Purdue e. Ba,es on Salls-Noel 7, Pi safties. plus some nifty twirling by Erv MaTco 2. -Noel 4, Demro 4. InsteAd, athletic directors and faculty representatives announced John Welk was In a th~-Wll Hlto-off Demro 7 In 7 Innlncs; Bruner they would return to their own campuses and study the matter at Racine, 1947 champion of the tie for firth place 111 the ldP Noel, that paid off for the visitors. 2 In 2 InnIngs. Htl by , b y - close range after hearing a joint comm!ttee of its own members re- jump for Iowa's point.. 1 The Boilermakers thumped Wes Btuner (Martin). Wild Pltcheo---Demro. league's' western. division, coun­ Passed Salis-Aden. Losing pitcher - Don Gehrmann, diminutive De-m ro. Umplre:s-Magerkarth and Beall. 110r on its fi i iJ1iS in relation t.o the NCAA "sanity code." tered Iowa City'S fourth inning Wls. Demro for seven hits, including consin jogger, retained bla milt two triples and a , and Time 2:W. Attendance 2,400 (estimated)' I The committee, headed by ' I k S nIh Ih the second game and went run title with a great t1nish \Vhi/h nicked Jack Bruner for two singles In d lans an ox Prof. Kenneth Little of Wiseon- in ptesented certain propos'l! on' to sweep the twin bill on a shaded Michigan's Herb Bar ~ in the two innings he worke\!. The disclosed only as containing IIlP-of hits in the th irteenth. by 7 yards in a creditable -4:IS.J. Hawkeyes, meanwhile, could mus­ Pirates Blast 4-0, Hoi d Second "more strlngen ~ tahdards" than ter only lour well scattered blows the NCAA sunested. oft Noel. CHICAGO (A') - Clevelanrl The recommendalion for strong­ In the early tnnlt/rs, wilclhess YELLING BLOODY MURD7R, Emil (left), Phlllies' second Back at Your Demand Ve~ba n kept pace with first place Phil­ er provisions than lhe code con­ k~pt Noel in trobule, but he Cardinals, baseman points to hi toe, but Umpirt! Babe pjnelli ignores the adelphia in lhe American League he Priz~ Film of the Year 7·3 expected, kept Noel In trouble, but he e - houtln,. Verban clailm he was hit on the foot by a pi tched ball tains was but the fali­ PITTSBURGH (JP)-The Pitts­ pennant race yesterday by scoring ure 01 the 18 faculty men and di­ In the New York-Phlladelpl1la game at the Polo Grounds yesterday. a second straight shutout against burgh Pirates scored their first 1948 Glanls' Wes Westrum rives Verban bored sympathy. After rectors to act wasn't. BIG NINE BASE UA LL S'l'ANDINGS I the Chicago White Sox wilh a 4- ,...... 5a~~YIOLENC~dPlAIIi triumph over the league-leading t",o more pitches, Verba" drew a walk_ (AP WIREPHOTO) The failure to act at this time W L PCT. St. Louis Oardinals by a 7-3 mar­ o decision. was const ued as meaning that pt'ojecl a feeling Ot dangerotls nllnols ...... 10 '2 .8:13 Hollywood seldom VCl~m:1t Mlchillan ...... 10 2 .833 gin yesterday - thanks to sharp Bob Lemon pitching his seventh perhaps one or more Big Nine Ohio State ...... 7 5 .583 pitching by Rookie Bob Chesnes. , stopped the White schools may be slightly negligent Purdue ...... 8 6 .571 Wisconsin ...... 5 4 .056 Chesnes scattered five hits and Sbx on louI/1singles to increase his in enforcing sanity code provi- Iowa ...... 5 8 ASS was never in serious trouble. Norl~weste;ri COPS Golf Title runless string to 23 consecuti ve sions. ,. Minnesota ...... 4 8 .333 Three types of scholarships IndIana ...... 3 9 .250 The Pirates grabbed three runs innings in his last three outs. Northwe3tem ...... I 11 ..083 EVANSTON, ILL. (JP) - Nort.h- final double round lor a 296 total. have been outlined as perlllls­ in the first inning, tallied again Cleveland posted two runs in (O'hle State I(!heduled at Wisconsin western captured the Big Nine Ohio State was third wit.h 1554 sible under the code. These June 4.s In Ilnal lIam.s) in the third and picked up three the 10urth inning and added their In:­ while Michigan faded to 1555 for clude scholarships on the basis more runs in the seventh. golf championshIp yesterday with final tWI) runs in the ninth. fourth place. ot need, but not exceedlnr caped without trouble eXcept In a 13 stroke margin over second lu­ Red SchoendHmst's first 110m. Wampler's teammate, John ltIon and Inciden tal fees, for the rourth inning, when walks place Purdue, whose Fred Wam­ Nats Edge By Red Sox, I er of the season also scored Del Cleary of Hartford, Conn" finish­ high rtades and on qualifica­ to Jack Dittmer and AI DiMar­ pler won the individual crOwn. Rice for St. Louis in the sixth. ed as runner-up in the individual Captur~ Twin Bill, 5·4, 7·6 tions of which a.thletlo ability co, coupled with a slnrle by Stan Musial's triple scored Led by Bill Sticklen, who fired race with 297 on 72-76 yesterdaY. is not one. Arnold Espe, gave Iowa one WASHINGTON (JP)-Washing­ Schoendienst in the eighth. 75-77 over the par 71 North­ He lost a chance to tie up for the ton shoved the Boston Red Sox The two official groups, for the run. western univerSity course in yes­ crown when he was trapped on deeper into seventh place here second straight year, rejected That run tied the game at one­ terday's final 36 holes, North­ the last hole and took a one-over. yes(erday by sweeping a double­ Michigan State college's request all· In the first of lhe fourth the Lee Scatters 1 Hits western's top five-man team Scor­ par 5. header. The Senators rallied for for membership in the conference. Boilermakers had counted on a ed an 1531 total. Stricklen's 72 Following Michigan in team three runs in the ninth inning to Reason given for rejection was triple by Olin Martin and Stan hole total was 299. scoring were Minnesota with 1565, defeat Jack Kramer, 5-4, then that "the conference's regulari­ Aders outfield fly. As Giants Blast Phils Purdue tallied 1544 strokes with Ulinois 1595, Iowa, 1614, Wiscon­ staggered to a 7-6 victory in the tons are being revised and the But from the fourth on it was Wampler shoo ling 76-72 in the sin1627 and Indiana 1631. second game. handbook is being prepared for all Purdue. The Boilermakers tal­ NEW YORK (JP) The veteran printing." lied twice in each of the next Thornton Lee pitched his first three innings to take a 7-1 lead complete game in the National West Waterloo Spanks going into 'the eighth. Two slnrleS and two Iowa er­ league yesterday holding the Pbil­ A's Grab Seventh Straight, 6-5 Little Hawks, 6 to 1 STARTS adelphia Phillies to seven hits in rors rave the Boilermakers their West Waterloo turned six hits twirling the New York Giants to . taJlles tn the fifth. After walk­ and two ;.valks into a 6-1 victory WEDNESDAY ing John Chlnewlcz in the sixth, a 7-1 victory. over Iowa City's Little Hawks Walter Dubiel was lhe losing 3 Brownies Allow 3 Hits Blackwell Hurls 2 Frames I Chapman's Run In Demro gave 8lJl Lonr a fat I here yesterday. pitch and the Purdue first base­ pitcher. The former New York As Team Grabs 4th Place City high got their only tun in • man belted it for a home run Yonkee rigpthander was clipped ST. LOUIS (JP)-The St. Louis A~I:~:~~~;~JP~ ubs/p~:~ers Eighfh Edges Yanks the last of the seventh when Ed TIIE~ In rlrht center. for nine hits 1n the seven innings Faimon came aCross from third on Iowa threatened in the fifth he worked, including a three­ Browns used three to Johnny Vander Meer and Ewell PHILADELPHIA (,IP)-The Phil­ an infield hit by Jim Cilek. when John Tedore singled and run homer by Sid Gordon. scatter three hits for the Detroit I Blackwell learned together behind adelphia Athletics won their sev~ Lyle Ebner walked, but the threat Richie Ashburn hit an' inside~ Tigers, defeating the visiting the home runs of Danny Litwhiler enlh straight yesterday, defeating the-park homer in the first inning "Doors Op~n 1;16·9;45" ended as Jack Dittmer forced Eb­ team, 6-1, yesterday. The victory and Virgil Stallcup yesterday to Hie New york Yankees again, 6-5, for the Phils. ner and Don McCarty slruck out. put the Btownies up in fourth give the Cincinnati Reds a 4-3 when Sam Chapman sprint.ed all GOLF SHOE The Hawks finally touched victory over the Chicago Cubs. lhe way home from first on a sin­ Stranahan Cops Meet place in the American league race, Noel for two more runs In the The crowd of 5,169 got an unex­ gle by Buddy Rosar. . just ahead Detroit. hUhd;omely detailed, sturdily built ninth, although the Purdue lefty ot pected surprise as ;Blackwell, the Bill st.opped lhe Yank­ -ENOS was not in too much trouble. SANDWICH, ENGLAND (JP) - Whitey Platt drove in three of Red ace who has been out for ees with some splendid spot pitCh­ and featuring Bob Schulz, batting for Bruner, Frank Stranahan, the. millionaire's Ithe St. Louis tallies one of them several weeks with an injured ing to receive credit for 'the win. NOW TUESDAY- doubled to start the inning. He son from Toledo, OhIO, waded to . '. the British amateur golf cham- when he opened the fourth inmng shoulder, appeared to hurl the Dietrich replaced Dic~ F'owler in Jarman's famous II fr;endliness 01 fit" scored on a pair of errors by last two innings. He gave up one the sixlh and held the Yankees pionship yesterday with 32 holes with a home run. Les Moss fol- Comedy of the PUrdue's shortstop, Stram. nj~, a single by Ed Waitkus. scoreless the rest of the way, Wide-Open Facesl Bob Smith added the linal tal­ of machine-like play. lowed him with a circuit blow. ly when he scored from third on J~e E. a passed ball. Two outfield flies ended the game. BROWN in The loss in the season's finale put the Hawks below the .500 MEN WA TaD ii i ,t') ~ T~::~ Shut My Big Mou'th mark in the conference with a re­ 0C1 cord oC five wins and' jix losses. A Columbia. He -Release . To Live At OKAY! --CO-HIT-­ Joe and Jane HAL ROACH Presents- , (als Retain 309 North Riverside Drive Stan LAUREL Oliver HARDY d~ring Summer Session IF . In Tennis Crown' EXAMS HAVE GOTTEN V,OU DOWN EVANSTON, ILL. (JP)-North­ western successfully defended its Single and Double Rooms AND YOU FEEL LIKE A WORN OUT SWISS MISS Western conference tennis cham­ pionship yesterday. ," SHOEt RUN DOWN TO Tne Wildcats scored 22 points 41e to 16 th for second place Michigan. PHONE 4811 The CAPITOL 'Til Other scores: Wisconsin 11 !h; lIJi· 2:00 nois 8; Minnesota 5!h , Ohio State And see what Dr. Bugs Bunny

• 2, Purdue 1, Io-wa I and IndiapQ O. cO Andy Patton of Michigan won Can Do! the conferehce singles champion­ The Piak ship, 1. defeating Ken Boyum of • Of Hits XTRAI XTRA! XTRA! MInnesota 6-3, 11 - 2. Patton beat /' DefeMing Champion Ted Peter­ NO YOUR FAVORITE son of Northwestern in Friday's Advance Jarman'~ mocca ~i n model wilh ~F~ semI-finals. 5 Patton teamed with Bill Mlku­ In COLOR CARTOONS. ~s:~ able spikes and wa,~rRroof r H~~r llch to take the No. 1 doubles Prices crown, beating Bill Landin and sQ le and heel wiU .~jq~~u Larry Daly of Northwestern. The ~say~he Wildcat pair took the first set 6-4 PLUS by buttfr(1 but dropped the next two 2-6, 0-6. killed 1000 ...~JWI~M"-VW, ' to a tee. Favort:d. "liar'{ , .1 Northwestern needed only two men! NOTHER GREAT ReQUEST HIT from Maine to Saliforn,i""x~'" vIctories over Michigan to clinch coc.UM81A PICTURES Plrwnlt the team Ii tie as yesterday's finals ~Iw.. G>'Ie I4IJO ~ 0/ Itw. •.• like especially their "frl ndH~~ opened. The two teams met in THE KIND THIS ,o-sjJuin, Barbara three singles matches and two BEL GEDDES of fit." Cflnf In tot your pair todlY. doubles. WOMAN' "AD ••• r. vWORTH k 'i Oscar HOMOLKA and every woman W< Ph ili p OORII $14,95 D~'" '.' wanisl Cedric HAROWItK~ RolM ~ Prices In Effect MONDAy.... MAY 31st ••• AM: PIAn .... au· INS 1lliD· _ m MlllIB· _ MMIMY . YIl.M fMft PLUS .._...... , .. c;...'..... DoI_ ._ ..... _ .. MJlIiII Good BoOs Tonlte DODn ou_ .. mMm l1li., A,111_ .. "Cartolln" Open -Late NewS-: , 1:00


IlIlh LATE RON RANDELL GLORIA HENRY WORLD NEWS • PLUS • South African Travelol1le Plu. s Walt Disney Cartoon Colortoon - Late News

_ ..___ _ . .. _ ___ '" :..r.~ .: ' .:::. -~-.? .. ~ . -. , THE DAILY IOWAN, sutmn, MAY 3', 111

Ex-GI Choral Group To App' ear Here To Hold Services Meetings, Speeches . . . For OHo Schenk Io'unel al rnccs for Otto S('h- &roup Tours U. S. nk. 67, 12 W. Harrison. treet, will Town 'n' be held Tu(' day at 2:30 p. m. at On the Gruut church in New Sharon Goodwill Trip township. Burial will be in Grout Two The American chorus, ex-GI cemetery .. Campus aIDIinr group acclaimed on two .fr. S<'henk died :uddenly at his continents, will presen t a free home at 7 a. m. Saturday. Students concert in the Community build· Born and ral. ed III Sharon town­ WELSH M1 10 'AKY - The !III at 8:30 p.m. June 3 and 4. ship, re was the son of Mary and Welsh Missionary society will 'the group is currently touring Ulrich Schenk. pioneer residents Engaged meet with Mrs. William Sass, the United states on a national of th3t community. route 3, at 2 p. m. Thur day. Mrs.. flOdwill trip to entertain music lTe was in the re5tauranl bu 'i­ Carl Davis will head the meeting n lor Shenandoah for many lovers and to prove that demo· on "Victorious Living Created yea . He retired about 20 years cracy works. Through Religious Lh'lIlg." OgO and moved to Iowa City. Mlde up of men of many racial ~ur vi\'ing are three sisters, Mrs. IIId religious backgrounds, the Jo eph Kline and Mrs. Luke Grout, IOWA DAME~The Stale Un­ cbOrus began in a little church in both cC River ·ide, Mrs. Anna iversity of Iowa D:lm club will tilt Phillppines in Decetnber, 1945. Hughc.. Port mith, Towa: two hold 0 regular bu inc. meeting Lt. Lewis Bullock of the Black urothcul, Frank and Clarence 1\18. A 0 I\IRS. WILLIAM EHLKE, Des anlmllDee the Tuesday at '7 :30 p. m. at the Wes­ Hawk division, a musician who S~henk. 01·0 oC River ide. tnJ'arement of OIeir daurltler. Betty-Lou, A3. Robert Beren , ey Foundation annex. Mrs. O. J. was a platoon leader during the AS. 80n of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Berens, Neola. Ehlke wu Gode will b in charge, l1li', originated lbe idea. lTaduated from Urbandale, Iowa, hl&'b scbool. Sbe III a mem.ber of S 0 m e F iIi II i nos, Aussies. DANCElAND BAllROOM Theta. lema PhJ, bonorary professional fratemJb for women in GOO D IARITA -The Chinese and Spaniards began hi!!:­ Journalism· Mr. Ikrens was ~duated from St. JOllepb' hJcb scbool. Good. Samaritan auxiliary will kII over the dusty Manila roads CEDAR RAPIDS Neola. He Is a member of Pbl EpsUon Kappa, profe lonal fn&emlt,. hold a regular bu~lne - mceting at to Join the chorus. In two months for ftH'1I In physical education, 8 p. m. Friday at the 100F hall. tile lillie group of war-weary Gl's Iftlled to an international chorus of 90 voices. SINGING Al\IBASSADOR OF GOOD WILL-Tbll ITOgp of ex-Gf choristers, made \lP Of ,ol."allst After several performances in with a mixture of raelal and rellrious backlTOuods wW ,Ine at the Community bulldlnc, June 3 and 4. - the Manila area, the U.S, army weeial services division had Bul­ Jock select 33 01 the singers to form a touring chorus. This tour­ Ine group included men from the Personal Notes U.s· army and navy and the Phil­ Please Ippioe and Australian armics. Visi ting ill the h orne of Mr. and The group became one of the Mrs. Thomas .Farrell, 7 J 0 Summit Our empty Handi-Squara rno&t popular overseas enterlain­ street, this weckend arc Mr. and JIltnt groups and sang. for over Mrs. Robert :t'arrcll and dilughter, milk boHles 300 thousand servicemen in camps Nancy, Cedar Rapids, and Ml·. und IIId hospitals throughou t lbe Pac­ Mrs. John L. Freeman and daugh­ Ific area. . ter, Deborah, Moline, 111. After many monlbs oC cnter­ To Be taining the Pacific GI's, the war MI'. and Mrs. R. L. Ballantyne, DON" departmenL ordered the American III Lusk avenue, are spending the IfCIlon of the chorus 1ransferred weekend ill Three Rivers, Mich. return them to your store for similar duty in the United Their son, Bob, will remain to Married States. Their U.S. tour bad scar­ work for the summer at Pleasant cely begun when surprise orders Lake lodge. or throw them away arrived calling for the discharge , Saturday or its members :from the service Mr. and MI·S. RoberL Svaboda It various separation centers. and son, Michael, Sl. Louis, Mo., PHONE 4175 Unlike most GI's the members are visiting Mrs. Svabodll's mo­ 01 the chorus greeted the news ther, Mrs. E. E. Blythe, 120th E. with long faces. They wanted to Mal'ket street, this week. remain tOiether. At Lhe last min­ and our drivers ute, new orders were issued per­ Isobel Glick, A2, hicago, is mitting them to be discharged as spcndlng the weekend at home. will pick them up. I unit, Determined to conlinue as Arch Maddcn, A4, Dcs Moincs and Neil A ' amsoll, LI, Des "singing ambassadors of good ANNOUNCEMENT IS BEING )IADE of the enral:ernent and ap­ will," the men financed their first Moincs, arc Visiting fricnds in Chicago Uli s weekend. proachJnr Olal'rlare of two university tuden ~, Claire c'loltl'llbrr/f, civilian concert wilb their mus­ AS, and Duane B. MoKinzle, C3. The weddllllt' will wkl." placo Thank You tering-out pay and personal sav­ I Katherine McNalllal'~I, Winter­ Ings. Now they exist on gifls from Saturday at the Alpba Xi Delta hou e in Iowa City. 11 Slollt-II­ set, and Rosemerl'Y Easllack, Om­ berr, daurhter of Mrs. Paul F. Campbell, Davenport, wa" rraduated patrons and volunlary contribu­ aha, Neb., both A4, are visiting tions {rom their audiences. this weekend with Mi~s McNama­ from. Davenport hlrh lohool. Shc is a member of Alpha XI Dc\t;l Pro f e s s ional concert people ra's parents in Winterset. social sorority, Mr, McKinzie, son of ~fr. and fl'. Barlon , t · (c- Adm. 98c piull la warned them that they would not -",... Kinzie, Rock Island, m., was rraduated from East ~lolln e, 111., hI 11 Wrlle for table co ervatlons be able to openite with such a Prof. and Mrs. Alexandre As­ sehool. He Is a. member of Sirma PhI EpSilon SOCial .::fr:.:a:t:er~n::l::ty~. __~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~!.-. ____-:- ______'-- ______financial arrangement. Since their pel, 105 Templin park, are SPend­ tirst civilian appearance in San ing thc weekend in Chicago. ents of a son, born Thursday at francisco they have toured the Mercy hospital. He weighed 6 United Statcs from coast to coast. Norma Thornton or Chicago pounds, 14 ounces, at blrth. 10 Boston they elltertained 118 will visiL her parents, Prof. and thousand persons in 12 days; in Mrs. Harrison J . Thornton. 4 A son. weighing 6 pounds, 8 Pittsburgh, 20 thousand in seven Woolf court, ovcr the weekcnd, ounces, was born Thursday at E days. Without exception, all the Mercy hospital to Mr. and Mrs. dUes in which they have appear­ Dinner guesh; aL Ih e Pi K appa Bud Cal'iton, 1026 Third street. ed have requested a return en­ Alpha chapter house today will be gagement. Mr. and Mrs. Albel'i Eawden, Mr. A son, weighing 8 pounds, 7 The group presenls a varicd and Mrs. Robert Cll'hCicld and ounces, was born Lo Mr. and Mrs. ampus nsu tants program includ ing the m usic of M!'s. Jenney BawdCll, all of Dav- Joseph CooneY, Marengo, Tuesday Palestrina, Bach, Handel, Cole enporlj Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tripp, at Mercy hospital. Prof. Harlal1 (Ichiev('(\ nolol'iely summc!' un (I bicyc'le is b yond us of finals. You can really celebrate ING CENTER are electric In both tbrown by thc pledgc class ot Porter, Vincent Yomans, Geoffry Mapleton, .and Mr. and Mrs. C. in giving onc of Lh e most unusulll ... bllt thaL':; just what Jim Mit­ In style when you take a. YEL­ kitchen lind bedroom models for Sigma Chi DOli c Illed to think O'Hara and olbers. Aiming to Long, Iowa C'iLy. A daughter was born to Mr. and finals on record lit sur last Thurs- l:hclJ rlan~ to do. He's going to LOW CAB. only $5.45 and up. It was fil1c •. , Jim Rock, an please all musical tastes, they sing Mrs. Robert Rogers, Route 2, day morning. or l:ourse there was rid 1I1'1111nd Europe on a new Eng­ Wherever You're Koln¥, YEL­ Sewing bags and ewing kits in innocent bystander, didn't seem everything from cowboy ballads Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Albcrhasky, Thursday at Mercy hospital She a test ... but the brutulity o{ thc Ii. h bic!'de during vacation. Hcre's lOW ('Aft wUI elve you Quick, to approve quite so lIluch. to classical selections. bright colored patterns and differ­ 320 E. Benton street, arc the par- weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces. affair was cased with fhe ';crving betting hc'll be loo-Ured or that J1e»endablo servlee. :Jou can de· ent sizes IIrc avaUable at SING­ ------.------. of "OLD JUDGE" l"OCCee through- two-tired deal to ride it lhis fall. Jlelld on .. YELLOW CAB to I'e~ ERS from $1.49 10 $4.50. WESTMOR LAND ,:\ULK GL out Ule entire two hour )Jcriod by YOU 'here on lime, Only 25 ceniS Stop by SINGER SEWING IDEAL OU"T .•• Prof. Harlan hims Jr. Amid photo­ LlBB Y GLA ' WARE a loJ) ror flve peoPle rohlC a CENTER tomorrow and let them AT WA N R' graphers and report!'r< till' "huck­ mile r.nd .. half. JUlIi d.I&l 3131 for solve your glet problem. Not Air Force Type - Not Air Force Style sters" calmly markcd their answer $3,00 ET OF EIGHT a YELLOW CAB, then aU batk sheets while catll1j:! rolls and A'r WAYNER'S and relax, NEW SIUPMENT ENGAGED •.•• drinking coUe ' . •. 1([ J licit.: cof UIPEIUAL CB.YSTAL 1 But Actual Air Force Surplus fec .•. that i~. LWBEY GLAS 'WARE Ro mar ( 'u rl'lIt, Iph" (,II IN ...... , •• Chi. to DID luJ'cJ', Grad $3.00 ET OF ElGIlT AT WAYNEB.'8 WESl'lUORELAND ULI G nUa D cker, G wa Phl, tu Jackie Luthrr, Theta, to BtU AT WAYNER'S date ~Iu: Lewi , Pltl Psi IDh L GUT .• Jim Knittel. Beta Mall a to .l lhe PLAMOB. BOWLING ALLEY! A Elaine II PW, tu ,lUll,.. UII ~can u, .unru AT '" YNER'S PI, to Hou ebo at the Alpha alld Jiru a'l y, 0 dw.lCe I ,ood lor evet')'ODe these Bob Hunt DG boWIe had a taste of the oUier daYIl 80 ro to the PLAMOR DOll't I t this woInn I\U1I1llI r sJde of ute lut week when the BOWLING ALLEY for .... fun wea.ther givo YOlLr cloUt 1------..-: 11 Ill. taotow Ult conc1vahe put. plt,1t4 our rlrls pulled a "turnabout" nllM and enjoyment. Aller lbe eame KadIak, the E. kimo, was siLting Atr rare .. 1n t.hl 91MlnC or th... ¥lotor1t •• wtltcd look. You rail tOJl worrylng about a ::'\he AnY forc .... IPPUCUt.I • .ort than an)' on them. It all started when tbe &he . PLAMOIt SNACK BAR. b on a cake of ice teUing a story, He one .he what you and yO\lr ..plo, .. ' han dOM to Let DAVIS (lLt:AN I!: It , Cre h. gj[~ to lh(' girl &TadU tc. Slop at 'r'O"'UI tbe IWl elu... wUh Which •• •• r .. Ibh \.0 rlrls lDvaded the kJtchen and ready to serv& you deUc10111J ham­ finished and got up. "My ,talc is "Glar. Prur' tho Sun Gla"o. en up your clothe alll1 give COUll­ 0,.,.'1. WIJETSTONE' co mellc dralred the surprised boys Inlo bura-ers, chUl, Potato ..1&4 ancl told," he said. the Army orelo"'" to holp "Iht them ihat moUess aJlpearanc yOW' ,lint ta ftochute.,. coopnllo" u."Hlctntl, ter • • • Ule can Jive you &in the dIJllnJ' room to seals of bODor. ..her &bon orden. MaJr.e a reaJ lft ... unc ... ry eM",1 or urtent. production .chtdul.~ a War are now ClVa.laW. for ~hat Is so lmportau' In warm sugg tions IUIY girl wilt love. n"hO\l\ your O\IhtAnGlnc u ... n., o\lr .tr plana ."lnn At w' c.ame the fellows chance eveninc or Ii and ,0 to Ute Websler said that t(luL means \hut two•• (0"4 D•• ,,. u .. t bun ,ccOIIpH,heft. weather. \vUE'!' ha,'e III ~ re- you to onloy. . ~ TONE' for revenre by steadUy rinrln&' Ute PLAMOB. BOWLING ALLEY 'or light. [ guess I got tauL a lot in Take a. ar rul rhrck of our clved a hJpltlent of la1\e'ttl.'.J~n buners for seconds on ev~r1lhlnr • ,004 came 01 bowlin&' and lop college alter aU. For sports, for street wear, wher· wardrobe now to be sure It' in atomlzcrs for dram perfumes. from IDa bed potatoes to lee water. lbe eve.nlq orr with a rnrui ever there's need to cut the glate ,ood shape. DAVI, CLEANER Tftey are available in a. variety of snack. Remembel' the PLAMOB. There's a meal in a Maid-Rile will clean and pr . you I' soiled 'hap and II for only $1.00. Or of the sun or harsh lights. \ "1 hltve a dining room tabll! that BOWLING ALLEY for real enler­ so why no~ help lhat studying clothes and have th m back to for a d«ol'"olthe lauch, she'll love tainment. CoMan4lnC/ ~ Ctntrll. • Ara, Atr tore •• Honorable Discharge of !'Glare­ goes back to Louis the Four­ along these rough days and go to you i.n record tim , lhe dram )Jcriume boUles 5e~ teenLh." the MAID-RITE CAFE for dinner Pru{" Sun Glasses from the tor only 25 ceuls. WESTMORELAND "That's nothing. My whole sit­ MILIt GLASS or a snack to pep you up inbe­ Army Air Forces has left SUR· Acoompany these with bel' fa­ mEAL GIFT ••• SCENE NOTICED DURING vorite Gucralin perfume. now ting room goes back to the Furni­ tween meals? The MAID-RITE PLUS STOCKS for civilian (on· AT WAYNEIL'S FINAL WEEK, . back 011 the market by thc dram ture Store the fiIleenth." has both meaJg and delicious col­ sumption. "Glare-Pruf' Sun Local lJubs crowded to capae­ and can'jed exclusively by WHET- .------., fee, pie and cake for fillers just Glasses are noc merely approved Hy TONE'S In Iowa Clly. WESTMORELAND MILK GLASS I before thal tough final. Stop by PINNED •••• the MAID-RITE CAFE todayancl by t~e Armed Forces, but .ped. I Long waiting' lin s for all iDEAL GIFl' . • • ' LlBBE~ GLAS WARE Kay KImmel, PI Phi, to BIll try some of that wonderful loodl 6caUy built (or them to their movies in laWII ATWAYNER'S EVeryone geUing SUlllolns like 3.00 "ET OF EIGUT Olin, PM Omeca own rigid speci6catioOJo. "Glare· furry AT WAYNER'S . ElUe Hoerner, 'Ibela, to .Jou Get her a Phil-Maid slip from Pruf" Sun Glasses exceeded all All "A's" (of J Inat gl".ul s! Allyoue wbo Is planrunr on Burress, Phi Gam H AND H HOSIERY for gradu­ others in the precision of their Ahem With tile end oC finals many a ",.hootlnJ' 'em up" wllh Donna Lort'a1ne Younc. Pi Phi, to ation. Phil-Maid slips from H Lou Stroy bet&er take heed of 1II~ AND H HOSIERY are straight cut soft green ground lenses, ItUrdy, happy student will be off for that Sam DIllUer, SIJ'ma. CILl long-awaited summer vacation .. . latest word aboul her accuracy and will not ride up... ideal for yet lightweight frames, for com· LmBEY GLA SWARE among tho e who are planning to wlUl the "5bootln,. 11'00." A reeent summer wear. Phil-Maid come in In fort and fit, 'fot .tyle and $3.00 SET OF ElGlIT really ~ ee the world are Barbara entl'Y Ole National Junior NEW SmPMENT white muUi-filiment crepe with durability...... AT WAYNEB.'S Zurn who plans to spend the sum­ Women', Trapshootln, contest al IMPERIAL CRYSTAL an embroidered itlsert lrim. Stop mcr in Honolulu, "Chris" Kresen­ Minneapolis, sbe ra&es as one or ATWAYNU'S by H AND H HOSIERY today and Take advantage now of tbe Bill Nicholas, Phi Gam plan~ 10 sky, 'rheta, who will be teaching in fInest lem.lnlne shoC. In the state. see these nationally advertised ARMY SURPLUS STOCKS of travel down the MissiSSippi in ~ is England, Jan Fisher, Kappa, who Read In a reeenl neWipaper lIIe Phil-Maid slips selling for only SINGER SOLVES THE PRO­ headUne, "YOIIDJ' Gil'l fa ColIIi $3.98. She'll love a Phil-Maid slip "Glare-Pruf" Sun Glasses. SEE new cabin boat. And then therc will be traveJjng in Europe, and BLEM! What to get for that show­ are the people who will be basking Kathy Ralhe, DG, who is going Swean She'll Never Been KIaed" from RAND H HOSIERY for THEM TODAY! er gilt or wedding present? Go to , . • Thal', eDOlII'h to make an,. ,raduation! in the sun on thc Iowa river bank to stud), in Europe. the SINGER SEWING CENTER while attending summer school Bud Holloway, Sig Chi, plans rirlswear! SS.9S and see their large display of at­ NEW SHIPMENT . .• no maUer how you look at to "play the ponies" at Arlington tractive fans, heaters and irons. it ... \'acaLion will bc too short. lhis summer, while brothers Bill 'Tis but a shon lipan (rolD IMPERIAL CB.YSTAL Merrill. Charlie McCarty, and SINGER lans are oscUlating, PUPPI love &0 .. dOl'" DIe. AT WAYNER'S Nt:W sm'pl\tENT J jm McKenzie are going to work safety guarded and durable. Pric­ Slipply IMPERIAL CRVSTAL on a survey throughout the U. S. ed moderately at SI5.5!)' A very vivid testimoniaJ WIS The absenl.-minded professor St.lldent brought about by Don Lea. Don look~ Al' WAYNER.'S Irons are priced at $8.10 and drove up to his garage door, It's not hard lo find I!IOmet.hInC $]0.95 in both light, heavy and demonstrated the new "Favorite ed inside, anC\. blinked. Then he Why anyone with a flashy Ford to celebrat.e now • • • wWher traveling models. foamy beverage sbam.POO" • , • leaped back into his car and drove convertible wltnls to spend the H's Ule end of claa8es or the eud Clocks from the SINGER SE:W- It all happened at a pleclle party 11ke fury to the police slatlon...... The Sma_~ L~ Are.·tbe, Real ~esl I'D RATHER 'BE RIGHT ~ . Crisis for the Non-Communist Left Big for Whai?

There's a feeling that~pl out in many little way and some By AMUEL GIlAFTON (New York Post Syndicate) big ones that the tide of reaction j sweeping in ovcr the country. It was a feeling we eneountered everywhere in WllIIhington­ The two men in the club car had I \ no matter to whom we talked. It'l a feeling expressed through­ finished their greetings and were we asked 7400 people, ~nd theY the true income level of tile out the land in speeches aDd intel'Viewl. It's a feeling that llas into the first drink. told us they prefer .c11romlum han- was, or what buying habib ""H' that dles to any other kmd. like. It was just a bia already expressed itself in countless legislation and IIttempt'! a.t One spollo.e: ow s new", . game in those days." legislation. line ~f yours going to do Phil?" That Ii busilless these ~ys, , Ned. No more fortune-teUlOg. "The world's dif(er~t rt's a feeling t.hat bursts out into the open with fear-inspi('ed "It'll do fine," said Phil. You look ahead Into the future, said Ned. "thought eontrol" actions-loyalty checks, the Mundt-Nixon "How can you tell?" and you find out what tastes are "You said it," said Phil, bill, denial of meeting plaoos for unpopular callscs, constant r(>f­ "Oh, we don't have to guess going to be like." know where you're golnt 11C: ,,-,\'1 " about these things any more," &a id "Where are you going to pro­ ference to "subvel'Sive" organizations, etc. - No more ot that wild and '\ ~" v. '" Phil. "It's all done with research duce it?" stuff. It's Sl question of The. WOJ'IIt part about it is the probability of the triumph of " ...... J- <0 and surveys. We put chromium • • • security for yourliltll throuth lwd, reaction.'s well-known violent IJwings of the pendn­ {) handles on this time, not because Phil sloshed his drink, enjoying organized knowledge." bUIl'1llay be enough in its,:rlf to ~nsure victory. The signs are well ----=~-- somebody around the plant l[kes the thin, high smell ot the Scotch. They stared at their drinkl, put. chormium handles, but because enongh pORted. An inept and faltering administration hilS ilonc "That's another thing," he said. ting oft the moment (If gettl/la rW pitifully little to halt the trend. "We uaed to put up a new plant of the drags, nnli starting frelb. Looks like we're in for it.• Po$Slbly eight years. How bod it on the nearest empty lot. This "What are you goina to be do. gets may depend on the ability of liberals to dig in and hold on 1948 Hawkeye T(, time we went out into the field, ing this summer, Phil?" alia to ,\[hat orgamz,.tions they.have. Maybe if the Mundt-Nixon bill we made studies, and we picked a Ned. passes, they WI;)II't have any organizations. place where we know the weather • • • Be Distributed in will be right for us, where there'll "Well," said Phil, "It's like Iii When the people get tired of depl'e!ll!ien and repression, what be the kind of labor we need, If they pass this draft thin&, yoq then' Nobody, of course, knows for sure. But if history has any lEast Hall June 4-5 where we won't run into traffic Phil might decide to enlist anelll lessons, tbe left'wilnm ilrll:l>osition to 'l'eeapture past losses. problems, and so on. in ahead of it, so he wouldn't '- The real battle of the next decade mw,y be the struggle for Distribution of the 1948 Hawk­ "We know exactly what condi- with us. That place 01 ours in~ power between the ComnJ.1mist and non-Communist left. eye yearbook will begin Friday, tions are going to be like in the hills is lonesome without lfIl June 4, at 1 p. m. from the south­ region for 10 years ahead. I tell young people around. We mich1 Thc extremists of both sides will be out to convince the popu­ west door of East hall, Iowa aVe­ you, Ned, you have to be able to stay there, we might not. lace tha 1h~l'e are only two choieet--fascism or eommunillm. The nue at Linn street. predict the future in business "The wife has been talkm, mjdcUe grounders--the moderate left-- will need to be well pre­ According to Editor Carolyn these days, and you can do it." about a trip to Europe, she's neY· pared if they are to show the terrible consequences of either Anderson, Friday's distributioI;l ''It's a lot different from when er been, and she feels with ths choice and jf they are not to be frozen out in the shuff'lc. wi! be limited to seniors. Both your father started up," said Ned. war talk and all we might nol b! seniors and undergraduates, how­ • • • able to go again if we don't ratdl That, it seems to us, is the lon.g-range goal ahead-to dig in ever, may call for their 'oooks Sa­ The man named Phil smiled. it this summer. I guess we Jill! during the period of reaetion, to fight with unremitting VigOI' but turday from 1 to 5 p. m. "He did fine, for his day," he don't know what we're going 10 cautioned reserve the battles of limited committmeut, and to be Yearbooks for August graduates said. "But I ilave to laugh, some- do, Ned." prepared for the major task. will not be distributed until early times, at the chances he took. The wide, substantial train in the summer session. He'd set up a new agency without lurched around a curve, and lIlty That task will involve the negative approach of warding off knowing anything, really, about steadied themselves agailllt th! the extremes. But it mnst also iuclude an affirmative way for­ Students must call for th eir how many poten tial customers arms of their chairs, waltin& fll' ward if victory is to be assured. books in person, Hawkeye re­ there were in the area, or what I the straightaway. ceipts are not necessary, but no books will be given out to students Congrafs to 'Frivol' for 'The Bit Fear' without identification cards. To speed up distribution, stu- -dents who will be here for the Frivol is usually considered and analyzing this commun­ summer session a re asked to wait DES MOINES (IP)-A strong a humor magazine. But the ity's StlCcesses and failures in until the first week of summer school to pick up their books. armed force must bolster Ameri- well-being. If we can do this, cron­ copy being distributed today living with Hsclf. can prestige at the conference munism will collapse of jts OTill contains a deadly serious arti- Congratulations to Frivol Students who prefer to have table to postpone anothep worI'd weigh t. It can feed only on POI/f!. cle about a tremendously seri- for this well-done job of in­ their yearbooks mailed to them war, Maj . Gen. John P. Lucas, ty, hunger and fear," he said. may leave 35 cents postage at The fifth army deputy commander, de- Col. C. M. Boyer, assistant dk. ons subject. And we say hats vestigation, doc u mentation Daily Iowan business office, base­ elaTed here yesterday. off to Ji'ritJ9Z for iinqinl time and reportin.g. It is probably The Marshall pran 'Is ment of East hall ector, Washington, D. C., head· Year The general addressed 150 dele- quarters of ROA, told Iowa offic. out from humor to tackle the unique to college magazines in The 1948 Hawkeye contains 460 gates to the convention of the Iowa Reserve Officers association. ers a nationwide plan of ''wartil!ll problem of .racial discrimina- its thoroughness aJld penetra- pages of pictures and copy reflec­ ting campus life, Miss Anderson "Thc United States and the rest assignment" is being studied tor tion. tion. said. This year's volume, has a of the worlo cannot stand anoth- reserve units. 'rhe artiele we refer to is We commend it to aU who Old; What Are Results? mulberry cover, with blue as the er conflict like the last one. We Colonel Boyer said the plan ad· must put ourselves back into the vanced by the reserve ofIicers IS­ entitled, "The Big F(>ar." It have a conscience- to read, to inside second color. By SIGRID ARNE position of powerful prestige sociation calls for "all otricers and is a top-notch job of rcporting ponder and to act npOJ1. Carolyn Anderson was editor 01 WASHINGTON (JP)- Just a year I the 1948 Hawkeye, and Leah wjlich we enjoyed at the end of men to be given war assignmenu. World War II," Gen. Lucas said. and placed on a part-time trainllll ago this coming week Secretary of I IMoo.,' 'n. bo.n,,, m'",''', "To speak with authority at the basis," State Marshall proposed a plan for conference table we need most of Other speakers were Maj. CeI1. I.f's Poppy Time Again aid to war-wrecked nations. the armed force we had at that Hanford MacNider, Commnntr, H's poppy time again. and brush away the ants. '1'00 The first shi ps carrying actual I time. [1 will cost money- about the 1031'd infantry reserve divislGQ; Marshall plan aid to Europe nosed '1,000 Hours io amount we spent on one week of Maj. Gen. Ray C. Fountain, com· T.he oo]ors will be hoisted bad Mrs. 0 al1d o. wouldn't active lighting in the lost war." mander, 34th national guard 41· bigh, and the high school band come along with th family. oUt of Galveston harbor only a Prepare Fi 'Idhouse Gen. Lucas described the two vision; Capt. W. D. Hoover, Sl will strut down main street. It's a shame she'll spend the lmonth ago. But in the past 12 best ,"eapons against communism Louis, Mo., naval reserve illSptCl. The little boys will tag along day in the house, alone, star­ months of congressional debate as "peace and prosperity." or-inst['uctor, and 001. R. T. Ni. with the band. American ing at a couple of pictures 011 and o[ negotiatiolls with the Eu- It will take "about 1,000 man­ "We need time in which to chols, Fort Crook, Neb., Teprerem· " hours" of labor to prepare the build and restore ourselves and ing the sec;ond ail'force commam· legionnaires and tlleir broad- the living "room piano. lIfom ropeans anCi Chinese the plan has oning middles will waddle will keep a harp watoll on fieldhouse for the June 5 gradua­ other countries to happiness and er. already forced hi story-making Li on. down the streets in an effort iTllnior to see that be doesn't After some 1,400 people walk off at smart close order formation. go out too far in the lake. changes on th e political face of the with their diplomas, it will take Behind them will march the .Junior is playing comman- globe· Stated at Harvard university about 500 man-hours LO tear down OFFI'IAL DAILY BULLETiN veterans of the second war do. Now he's swimming un­ the various decorations. June 5, 1947, it was frankly a slightly ]esa paunchy. And derwater like a. submarine. R. J . Phillips, head of the uni­ the Jittle boys wm l'un behind, Now 11e's storming a brach- plan to stem conununism and to versity's plant, made these esti­ wide-eyed and laughing. head. Grcat fun. aid the Cree peoples of ilie mates recently. world. Both the President a.nd Faces grim among the sun begin!) to set, the will be AB Marshall have said so_ Once a year, he said, the JOD of !he townspeople :tining the family will pile in the car preparing the fieldhouse for gra­ street to watch the parade. again and go home. The week­ lt is credited largely with de­ duation falls on the physical plant. feating the . Italian Communists. Gen. Marshall As He Prepared the Harvard Speech The men will doff their hats end will be over. Into the trash A Year of Action, a Generation of Consequences Five carpenters have been work­ wheR. the flag goes by. The call with the poppies. Because of Marshall's demand ing Cull time for over a week and that the Europeans get together to women will stand beside them The next day, the papers will continue through next week, UNIVERSITY CALENDAR help themselves, 16 nations of rect the plan, has detailed the fol­ mer secretary of commerce. In he said. silently 811d brush away a will be full of fiery speeches western Europe are laying plans China the plan will be directed In addition, the plant's moving Monday, May 31 men cement, Field House. strand of hair lIlown by the vibrating with the hope for lowing high spots: 12:30 p: m. First Annual SUVtl Cor economic cooperation such as by Roger D. Lapham, shipping crew of eight, 'Several electricians Memorial Day Observance­ mild breeze; or shed a tear or peace in the l\lture. But the the world has never seen. 1. Aid will be &hut off to any Classes s\Jspended. Jubilee Luncheon, (All classes 91 " executive and former mayor of and machinists have put in time. two. day after, we'll read of fltrife Mutual Defense nation which ships war machinery Preparations include the moving Wednesday, June 2 1923), River Room, Iowa Memor· Only the little boYI will lie in Palestine, the cold war with Lo the Russian·bloc. San Francisco. in 01 hundreds of seats, the con­ ial Union. Once started, the idea of co-op­ 7:30 p. m. Campus Band Con­ 3:00 p. m. All-Alumni Coffet gay, entranced by the pomp ~ussia, the fumbling of the eration snowballed so rapidly that 2. We will &hip only ,oods that By the plan's third week aUo­ struction of a large staae at the cert, Union campus. and color of the UN, struggle in China. west end, install'ltion of a new Hour, Iowa Memorial Un\Oo. oecaaion. the in March. five of the nations - can be "safely spared." cations worth $121,118,777 had ThursdaY, June S 6:00 p. m. &econd An'lual Gol. , Sritain, France, The Netherlands, ligh ting and public address sys­ 7:3Q p. m. Caplpus Band Con­ There will be speeches by Aod dad will grumble about 3. To get aid the Europeans will been made to Europe and $36 .5- den Jubilee D~nner, (Allc_sses 13elgium jlnd Luxembourg-met in tem, hanging of the black and cert, Union campus. strong 1 u n g e d officials. sttrpid politicians and plunge have to reduce trade barriers, de- million to China. There was an gold curtains and the placing of of 1898), River Room. Iowa Me­ They'll lay wreaths on the deepeJ! into his accounts. Mom Brussels to sign a 50-year I!rom­ Friday, Joe 4 ise to defend each other against velop their common resources to- additional bill o[ $6 ,666,286 for several ilags throughout the area. morial Union. 6:00 p. m. Se~ond Annual Din- 8:00 p. m. CommenlUl~t ,~ graves of the boys who died in will be too busy with house­ aggression. They left the gate open gether, turn out more goods and ocean freight charges. Preparations thh; year are "a- ner, S. U. I. Emeritus Club, play, University Theatre, action 8S t)Je Boy Elcouts work to worry about world af­ for other nations. export more, set up more stable The aid program wilt last bout the same," Phillips said. The sound taps on sour bufrles. (Classes of 1883, 1SSS, 1893), Iowa Monday, 1110e 7 fairs. In May the motion of a com­ riscal policies. through June, 1952. It will total same decorations are used year And the little boys will watch, : Thcy p?efer to worry about Memorial ·llnion, Private Dining 7:00 a. m. Opening of classes mon destiny for Europe went July S Deadline $17-billions with $5-billion voted r after year. room. in Coliege of Law. thrilled; ailent only IleMuse the d1reat to peace, or at ICllst farUJer. Six hundred delegates Each of the receiving lIaUons for the first 12 months. . ------7:30 p. m. Campus &nd Con- 1:00 p. m. Summer Session rl- ever.,ORe 'else is silent. hope for peace, on days spe- from 22 nations met at the must sign a wrmal agreement with The Purpose Mrs. Charles E. Lamb cert, Union Campus. gistration. Then the ceremonies will be cially set aside for such Bacue as clUHn_not all gov­ 9:00 p. m. University Senior Tuesday, June 8 ernment dele«ates - to hear the United States by July 3· The The over-all drive is to get Files Suit for Divorce over until ntlxt year. things-Memorial day, for in- nations which have agreed, in- Europe back to Jooting its own Party (for candidateJ for de-I' 8:00 a. m. Summer SesSiOD. re- The erowds · will ·seatter. stanee. You see, their living Winston Churchill's plea for a. Miriam V. Lamb, Iowa City, yes­ grees), Iowa Memorial Union. gist ration. European federation. Churchill's formally, to co-operate are Aus- bills without outside aid and to Families will .l~i1e into their schedule is too crowded for tria, Belgium, Denmark, France, preserve its free governments. terday filed suit for divorce against SaturdaY, June 5 Wednesday, JlIJJe i . C cars and ,go Qf'f the picnic extra-curricula worrying or Idea ,ot majority support. Charlcs E. Lamb in Johnson coun­ 9:45 a. m. University Com- 7:00 a. m. Opening of FJasses, w From the western viewpoint, the Greece, Iceland, Eire, Italy, Lux- None of the plan's advocates, from %nl groQnds. Dad will sprawl on partieipatiQn in world affairs. em bourg, The Netherlands, Nor- President Truman down, has pro­ ty district court. (For, JalormaUon relanUn, cia ....rond &hi, lCbelllll .. Marshall plan backfired in Czech­ tee In ihe C.p1~ the ­ land, Turkey and the United all feel as Senator Vnndenbera it and had been sentenced for one Pilrhaps b~ 'llremember a that QJlfJ of theie Memorial Hcan government in March. Re­ Kingdom. (R-Mich' 'put when he opened Aid will be made both u ,uta senate debate: year at the reformatory at Pendle­ GENERAL NOTICES friend with part IOf a body Iy- days, Junior might not be tag- ports credited the coup to· Com­ ton, Ind. , ing in a ~etm-an 's hOlpital. ging along in :joy behind pa­ munist anxiety over the swift and loaris. Eaeh sum will be "or "It is a plan for peace, stability ~VERSITY GOLF COURSE SUMMER SESSION DD~' a specUlc product. Amerlcal1 ex- and freedom. It can be the turn­ She charged cruel and inhuman 'rem be'lI wl11'111 the tltoqht Nding veterans, or even atep­ western · European march toward treatment and desertion. She asked Golfers wiihinl to avoid con­ Any statf member ¥,isbiqI II a common future. perts will be stationed In Eu- ing point in history for 100 years gestion on the fil'lit tee of the uni­ mllke a change or corr~tlon ill bil out of his mind, and close his pin~ proudly in the ranks of rope to OK planll and watch to come. If it fails we have done custody of a 6-year-old son familY Finland signed a treaty with the versity golf cotli-se shOUld arrange listing in the SijJUll)ef SI[ISioI eyes.. Too beautiful a day. World War III veterans; he progrellS. They will be directed lour final best. If it succeeds our prope(ty, and !ftIch other support ( So'Viets in April, although the Fln- ns the court may find just. fqr starting time evel7 afternoon directory, now beiqJ comPiled. Tbe sub is warm, tbe grass is might be in the town having by Averell BlU'rIman, former children, and our children's child­ II? 8 . nish government was left intact. Mrs. Lamb &aid the couple waG and also Saturday and Sunday shoul.d notify departmlllt of tPu~ cool He'll fall 8$l~ep, bis grave decorated as a dead ambassador to Rlllllta and lor- ren, will call us blessed." Again reports credited the Rus­ marrien June, 1941, and lived to­ mornings. The golf course will lications, W9 East ball belOIt Mom will fultS with the food, hero of another world conflict. sian diplomatic stroke to the ac­ gether until January, 1946, when open at 6 a.m. Saturday and Sun­ June 1. tivit¥ in the west. the defendant deserted her. day and a1 7 a.m. ot!1er days. Call - PERSaiNOi&1ZS ---.ICE. U· S. of Europe Editor Appoints New Daily Iowan Staff Will J. Hayek represents the extension 2311 for starlin, time. . Pershini Riflemen may p\4l up " plaintiff. . Bat Experts now"think that a United a copy of the mlmeograpbed~ter ... • New staff members for The LIBRARY HOURS States ot Europe is possible. Sec­ ty editor; Herb Nipson, G, Iowa ol summer ad~resaes of an arsIt- .! retary Marshall has said "It is cer­ Daily Iowan were announced yes­ City, photo editor; Erwin Gilmore, 2 Cars Collide; Cause, The university library reading jng Riflemen at the ROr.e,- ... terday by Gail Myers who was rooms will be open !rom 8 a.m. ts'J'ABLmHED 186& tainly our great hope." A4, Iowa City, wirephoto operator, $100 I)amage To One of~ce or at the Pershllll Jlillt The now et food, maehlnel, recently appointed editor by the and Bill McBride, A3 , Iowa City, to 6 p.m. on Monday, May 31. room in the armol7. board of publications. Smp>AY, MAY 3&, UI" 'ertUlsers, seeds, raw materials feature editor. An cutomobile accident at 1:30 l~~ which staried on May 1 with The new staff members include This list is subject to approval p. m. Friday at the intersection ~~ '= ~.:o PRESS Marshall plan lunds I. nothlnr James Wilt, Carlisle. managing oC the board of publications which of Burlington street and highway WHO Calendar A~, WMT ~s.d ~ II entitled ...clu1. new. Aid I. _rely beln, han­ editor; ])on Richardson, Sioux meets Tuesday. Unless the boat·d 8 caused an estimated $100 damage Cal~nd' (NBO Outlet) (CBS ~ to tile bU ... of died aew City, City editor; Neal 'Black, A3, Outlei) -- _~or ~on in a way. to a car driven by Mrs. Shirley an ..... _ In thk~_- makes any changes, all of th'e ap­ n Preston, assist;mt city editor; paper. u weD u AI' u_ dJapatelwe. Since 1944 American aid has pointees will begin with the nex.t Hauier" ~19\S S. LinD street. 1~:16 p.m. Na", IiSnd 12:30 p.m. Wa,.ni XhIJ 12 :811 p.m. Cbl..,o Rlmndlable 1:00 p.m. Gu)' Lom~ ~ ~ ~ . Q. lIe.uer, gone to and China, un­ George Hanrahan, G, Fort Dodge, issue of The Daily 10l"an. Accord{ng to driver'. reports news editor; Bob Hoove!:, A4, Wa­ 1:80 p.m. Melberl MerrlU Show IlOO p.m.'mPIIaII, ~!. A. . ~ -r.:- Paul Il- der UNRRA at first and th~ un­ Two 01 the appointments are flied witll police, ber car colHded 2:00 p.m. Uiiy Howard 4:00 p.m. RIl'l'" .• )t...... ~ ~.::.~~~~: der loans to individual nationa. terloo, news .editor. tempor,ary. .In" the faU 'Buck with a car driven by James H. 3:30 p.m: Symphonette .• 5:00 p.m. rlllNlf lIoar :t • . •·. &1 4:00 p.m. Play: IILaura" 5:. p.1II. P.Il~ .~\ IIIt!eIIIeI \~ ila.l:'I: M1IIer. Th~. new element is the way. in Malcolm Rodman, A2. Balti Turnbull will resume his duties as Quinn, 222V2 E. Fairchild street. 6:00 p.m. Jack Benny 7:00 P.III. &II1II ... No apparent damage was done 6:M p.m. Pat O·Brlen. 'VI ... lnl. Bruce 1:38 ]I.m. Man C'"'" 'It • . .• ...... -I ~ v .. IwhJch the- lender (the Umted mor!:, wire editor; AlaD Schmahl, sports editbr and Jean Ellis, A41 7:00 p.m. Charlie McCarthy "tI:M p.m. CIrtCh Me If YeN e. aWl Ift~ JiIWa =... 8uatne.' oftIee...... 41tl States) is tightening up the rules. ,:. p.III. J'Ioe;I "lien ffi A3 Alvord, sports editor; Jo Marengo, will take over duties 01 to the cal driven b1 Quinn. No one .:. ,.m. "r\Ile It aldI Barnes, A3, Council Blutfs, socie- the society editor. was injured. 8:00 p.m. Manhattan Merry 00 Round 8:00 p.m. Ronald Colman :::;ro:::-.. :::::::::::::::::::::: Paul G. Hoffman, who will di- .:30 p.m. Familiar AmerIcan Mull. ':30 p.m. BelwMn DllllP' MIl I11III l:- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IC Women To AHend • • MANAGER WANTED: We have State Club Convention Johnson CtMlnty Hits I an opening for a wide awake 1 39 Percent of Quota indiv.dual to own and operate a Sever-al 10\ 8 City women in­ local business. Honesty and re­ cluding State Historian Persis liability more important than past J ohnson county h as reached ? CLASSIFIED RATE CARD FOB BENT SEBVICES NOnCE WHEBE___ TO_ GO_ Sheldon and Prot. !: leila Boot 39.« percent of Its quota in the • I I_ __ experience. $1,000 ca h and ref­ CASH RATE SLEEPING quarters tor men. Cobl ___. ______..;... __. EVEN 12 year old Oswald can erences reqllired. Give telephone will attend the state convention first ~i x weekJ of the security clean dTY basement. Hot- soft ElP!BT RADIO -AIR clean rugs and uphoL tery with and address. Box 5Z-1, Daily of the Iowa Busine ' Bnd PrO­ loan drive. according to Boger F. I .. I D.y-ZOe per ,lbte per Wlirin. state director of the sav­ water shower. Phone 3611. ___ I AIOC. odorle F ina Fonm. Yetter's Iowan. fessional Women's clubs at Temp­ cIa7. All Makes 01 Iladlot Basemen! . lar park, Spirit Lake, from J une ings bonds division. • Cedleeu(ln cla,.-15e pel' DOtJtILE room for women. Phone Work Guaranteed 3 to 5. The a verag~ for all counties in u.e per day. 8-1166. 508 N. Dubuque. "ell .• , aft4 Deliver, SECURITY, Adv an~I, Hitb WARS fown ts 35 percent. • Conseeutlve clay.-llo "' pay. four weeta vacatJon a Prof. Boot is president Of the ROOMS for WOmen students dur- WOODJlURH SOUND Iowa City Feder-ated Bu Iness and J ohnson county's quota has been line per clay. year. Work III the job you like. Meet The Gang m$Smsm 100000ed on eameru, set at $34,737,307. Bond sales in per HaD ing summer sesSion. Chi Omega SERVICE ProCessional Women's club. rtrure 5-wor4 ave,..e These are tbe hJchilp41ta ill the cuns, clothJn" Jewell'J, ete. the count, have reached $568,965. MInimum Ad-2 LlDes. house. Dial 7251. • .. ()an~e DIal 8-1151 New U. S. AImy aad U. 8 . Air Bellable LoIUl. 101 .. BurltDftoD "Now 1s the Time" will be the theme of the convention which wlll Resident of J ohnson cdunty have BOOM for man sludent tor sum­ Force career. See M/Sgt. O. A. rr unHl J une 30 to purcha II bonds CLASSIFIED DfSPLA Y ;:.~~~~~===~==~ McClun g. Room 204 Post. Office. "Tea Time WBEBE 'to ioY IT feature luncheon~, a fun night, mer session. Dial 3216. banquet and Hawaiian party. In­ to help the county ach ieve its .50 per Column Inch C-.nClll Motor goal. LARGE front room and garage. ScooleN stallation of oCIicers will be held Or $8 for a Month Scott-Atwater Does At The , Outboard Sunday. West sIde. 2 men. Phone 3401. Motors • Cancellation DeadJJne 5 p. m. Your Speakers at the convention will IeQonsJble lor One Incorrect SINGLE and double rooms lor WhIaer BIb Motors Always Oven Fresh include Sally Butler, pre Ident of Beecher Pleads Guilty to men. Close in. Call 2037. insertion Only Motorola Home II Auto R&dlot Car the National and International F~ Drunk Driving Charge Brblr Aas to Dally Iowan SUMMER rooms. One minute to 8ALES .. SERVICE Ask lor Sw01IJt neD Nh derations of Business and Profes­ Bulne.. Office, East Hall, or campus. 115 E. Market. Call Act Up? Lower Lobby of the sIonal Women's clubs; Dr. Mary WUlIt.m Beecher, Iowa city, Bob', ron. or ~"Jta at your Jnor. pleaded guilty in Johnson county 6583. Druyor. It. restauraIlt c. lUDCb COUDI- Donlo'l, chairman, New York state DIAL 4191 Summerlze Your lefferson HoW workmen's compensation board, district cour t yesterdny to a charge R.dio & Appliance er. of 9peratlng a molor vehicle '======:::=-======' BOOM for three student boys. 111'7 MueaUae Dial 11184 Car At and Mrs. Nancy Robinson, na- Call 5907. tional director, women's edion, while IntoxIcated. He was fined FOB SALE George's Standard $300 by Judge Harold D. Evans. DOUBLE rooms. 128 N. Clinton. u. s. !lIVings bonds. ALMA house trailer. Used 7 Service Swank Bakery Beecher wall arraigned under a Call 2573. county attorney's Information 1il­ monthS. tn excellent condition. . NIGHT DELIVERY 102 E. Burllncton Dale Welt. 602 5th Ave. ROOMS for men for summer ses- S.ndwfcbee 80lt Drinks l------==~I Thornton To Spoo~ ed Mil)' 28 . He was arrested May 8 lee Cream Pastries Prof. H. J . Thornton of the his- on kith Wily «I west of Coralville. N-E-EL-""'S-C-H-W- r-,N-N-b-u-n-t-b-O-y-'S-b-i- slon. 230 ~. ?ubuque alter 5:30. Beecher's driver's license via! CI,are«te.s W ANTED TO RENT 10TY department will address EverythJnc In Photo upplle cycle. Very reasonable. Call Memorial Day community services suspe'lded tor 60 dayS aM his lI­ Ext. 3503. ltOOM .. BOARD COLLEGE INN STUDENT couple desire!! furnish- quor book was cancelled. Phone UIS ed apartment Sept. 1. Write At SCH "RF'S Iin Weql Liberty this morning at For next year In medical Irater· '" 11 o'clock. Will J . Jackson represented 1939 CHEVROLET with '41 mo­ nlty. ,------~ Box 6 B-1, Dally Iowan. Iowa City'S Lar"est Beecher. tor and all accessories. In good traveling condition. Dial 5717, Graduate and upper-class WANTED: Unfurnished apartment &mera tore APARTMENT WAJn'ED Pre-Meds Preferred WANTED BtTY with bedroom, living room, 9 S. Dubuque DIal 5145 Verna Sprout. TO ------can 315'7 balh & kitchen for morried law I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii STUDENT desires Apt. fot !lum- Two Building Permits • TWO dou ble bunk beds. Call L-::======' CAMERA wanted. 85 mm. or 828. student next fall. Phone 4186 or • mer Or longer. Write Box 6A-i, I _.-I 3448. AVAILABLE double room lor Ext. 3477. 4187 from 6-8 p.m. EnJoy a dellcloua piece 01 Typewriters Dally Iowan. .su.a. ln Iowa City 1936 OLDSMOBILE sedan. Re- boys. 5 .,inute walk to Univer- WANTED: Best used car-(sedan) GRADUATE student and wife will homemade pIe after a nour- and WANTED 2 build in, permits were Issued sJty Hospital. Call morning Dr available tor $200.00 sPOt cash. rent or sublease apt. Phone labln III A4dlnl' Machin. recently by the city engineer 's of- conditioned. 1225 Rochester. evenings. 9189. Phone 3960. 5961 after 6. Il me at both WANTED: Male iraduate student lice including one to C. A. Gi'b- Phone 2913. ' ____------Standara • Portable over 25 to ac as cha~ron for lin to place and remodel a $4,000 COMPLETE f urnishings for bar­ 906 E. COLLEGE is a good place WANTEDl Junk cars & Junk bat- HOUSE or apartment tor couple MYER'S DEPOT LUNCH now social fraternity during summer rcsid nce 011 the corner 01 to'irst racks apartment. 102 Newton to Jive if- you are a man not teries. Bob Goody Auto Parts. with 2 children on or before A~bIe session. Call 411 7. ond H str ets In east Iowa (fly. Park. allergiC: to walking or sobriety; Corner Dubuque & Kirkwood J une H. Write Dr. F. It. Ramp- Across trom Boek Island De,._ J'robweln Suppl, OIl. ------A p ~rm l t was al 0 i lied 1 Leo like high ceilings, a porch and a Avenue. ton, Manly, Iowa. "More for your money" Phone 14,. TRANSPORTATION WANTED W. Farrington, 1832 C street, to lounge room. Plenty of hoi: and r-""";:;:;'''':::;;'=;'=;'=;;':=====:;:;'-=-=-=-;:''''''';:;:;''''''';======::::' , ______, We ~palr All Mallei WANTED: Passenger to shore e)/- build n $300 garage. FIIIe, hUh quaUb, Imported, cold water and hotter dlscussions. , ===~~~!!~~~~~~~~~ pen cli. F1ying to Denver J une Both Giblin and Farrington Iwld nuule Unens and bankles. Band carved wooden bone. ROOMS for men students lor TRANSPORTATION TROUBLES? EmEI\TAlNMENT 4. Call 5710. ;Uei~~i~~~~d as contractors for their Uld 4Iop. For dJItInctive q.aUtT Summer Session. 115 N. Clln- RYDE lo- W- as-h-In- g-t-on-,- N-ew--Y-o-rk _~ ____ IIfta. • ton S1. Dill1 6336. Be Wise-Use the WANT ADS for or vicinity after June 2. Call Dome May Whitty, 82, MAltGARE'l'E'S GIFT 8BOP Can't Stop Bob Phlllips, 6-0826. 5111 S. Dubuque Dial 9'739 British Actresl, Dies PASSENGEBS WANTED - RIDES AND RIDERS - STUDENT desires ride to Louis­ WANTED: Relief driver to San Now,Doc- ville, K ntucky, on or about HOLLY"WOOD, (JP)-b ame NJay Francisco June 22. Phone 2682. June 1 t. Share L'xpen~e.. Call Whitty, 82, internationally known p~ Pens Tell all the 7239 evenings. Bri tlsh chatacter acire 's, died yes­ PASSENGERS Wanted: Tulsa, Don't dr Ive 0® ,:t1 On My Way terday at her home. FtUtllY CbJldapsable'toWOOd floors, set Oklahoma leaving J un e 6. atudents WANTED: Ride to RIchmond, Vir­ hOme in a halt he had been in tail ing heflt~ ~ (roun on cas rs. Phone 8-0822 evenings. where you are ginia or Washlngton, D. C., or empty car. cIo e by cities on June 1. Phone for evera l weeks. retn, ana ret ------At her Illde Was her daulhter, $11.95 5882. 1----­HELP WANTED a riae vIa Advertise tor TO M!¥,gnret Webster, Broadway pro­ stu4ertt riders RIDE to Chicago June 3rd or 4th. ducer-dlrector-ncire. . Play Pen Pads THE ANNEX Dame May's husband, Ben Web­ Daily Il lld Make you r Shar(! expenses. Call 4191 be­ Heavy, water proof, acid resistant, Immediate Opening tween 1 & 5 p.m. stet, died h re in February, 1947. corner lie cords. Iowan trIp eost less. $4.95 Fann Tire Salesman. Good Sa­ lary. Plus Expenses. Transpot­ Classified latlon Furnished. Paid TrailWI&' HELP THE Buggies ProlrTam. UnlimIted Opportuni­ Baby SAVE Nationally known Hedstrom union ty With Lar"e National Corp­ Quality. STUDENTS oration. TIMfi & $19.95 See Mgr. Firestone' StorM MONEY GET HOME THAYER HIGH CHAIRS I For Interview Now available. break down style. ~=====:=====~ - Only ;;;; ~======.==WH=O=DO=ES=IT======.:....:;;;;:==~ $13.95 Help Wanted . Wh y Taite Your Clothes Home! MORRIS FURNITURE CO. Zl7 S. Clinton Construction • See THO M.p SON'S for LOST AND FOUND $61 pet week SPECIAL SUMMER CLOTHING LOST: Pair clear Lucile glasses. CHIC YOUNQ Racines Trhusday afternoon. 5 ~ Day. Northwest la. Ext. 4256. STORAGE InquIre Mr. Ballantine BROWN purse at West Liberty Store you r clothes Baseball park. Keep money as Office of Student Affairs in a personal reward. Donna HOlland, 7666. wardrobe while LOST: Pair of Ray-Ban prescrip- PERSONAL SERVICES YOll va ca tion tion-ground sunglasses in leath­ er case. Sunday May 23. Call RADIOSL appUanc.w, ~ps, ~ Thompson Transfer & Storage Jim Claassen, 4203. Reward. lifts. Electrical W1rfDJ. ~a1t.. Ing. Radio repair. JackloD EJeetric LOST: Gold Bracelet. Nida Umali and Gift. Phone 6488. DIAL 2161 engraved. Call Ext. 4022. Re­ ward. WHOOOEBft' MOV'NG-SHIf'P'NG-PACKING·STORAGE INSTRUCTION HERB'S pick up. Bagrage, light ======:::::=:=:======:=:::::::======-I hauling, rubbish. Phone 5981 CLEANING & PRESSING or 77l15. ASlDB=--IIl-d:--llu~b-bJJb--"""'-It1-lftI­ NEW CLASSES Phone 6828. Let U. Commencinq In June IMp Your Clothe. COMPLETE COUBSES HENBY CAlf. AItDIIIOR or TYPEWRITERS Looking Like New INDIVIDUAL SUBJECTS Bouht-Bented-8el. Fully 'e sati~ried if employers rambling houses· which would be pages, according to Ful1,ersIJn. Thc Iow.a Crty 'unil's armored had no mallre!!Ses just two blan- covering the wholc tOWII Willl our would mcrely make up the differ­ expensive to paint under normal Next month the humor maga­ VS. equipment· will be kept at the W~- kets each. But even so, it was a vehicles." ence ilt lheir paychecks between c conditions. zine wiJ] appear under the editor­ terloo strike sWcend U~til at clea~tt lot bettel' than sleeping in a tent." "We tried 10 femain unbiased, what they normally would receive ship of Ken Eble, who was recent­ Tuesday 01' e nes"ay, ap. Cl.OSS is also a vcteran. b t th ' ld ' t . ond their guardsmen pay. "As I recall, the governor had Rep. Carl Mundt Harry W. Dick said yesterday u c U11ion wou 11 glVe us a only one bId on it, even at that ly appointed editor by the board of morning. Worked on Guard chance," 'Branson charged. "What The 34th mechanized cavalry price, and he had a difficult 'time publications. (Republican S.D.) / Back in Iowa City arc enlisted N a tJOna· I g uards men sp e nt most- made mc and lots of the other reconnaissance troop had 44 en­ getting that bid and practically listed men and 6 officers on duty men Tech. Sgt. E. H. Woode, 1212 of their time patrolling and on guardsmen mad was th at the un- had 'to scour the town t~ get one Name Williams Delegate ion made out that we were there at Waterloo. The unit totals 65 Kirkwood avenue; Sgt. Charles guard d u t y, th e men reported· . bidder at that price." Dick Williams, son of Mr. and Fulton, 504 Burlington street; Cpl. One guardsman told this story against them. We were there as men, but because the caU to report Robert E. Branson, r6ute 4, Iowa of their arrival on the scene of the a middle party to keep peace, not for duty came through so sudden­ But the committee ruled, no Mrs. E·R. Williams, 525 S. Lucas City; PEc. John Cross, Campus ho- violence which resulted crom the to take sides against Rath or the ly, not all of the men were able paint. Anyway, the committee I street, has been named by the tel; Pvt. Jerome Hanson, 225 Eli- shooting of a picltet by a non-stri- strikers." to go to Waterloo to serve. report said, a few years more, and Iowa City American Legion post Debate Monday Night then what? The place would need as a delegate to Hawkeye Boys zabeth street, and Pvt. Andy ker May 19: Only one scare' incident occurr- painting again. State, June 6 to 13. Wells, 1145 E. College street. "We got there at 5~30 in the ed during the past week, guards- Student· Return morning. There was quite a men reported. Thursday night - Gov. Gruening Is in town, so Williams, a senior at City hi~ f gave him a ring. school, was selecte~ on the baSIS A lew college and high school bUllch 0," strikers hanging around there was some excitement when Three Elected to I 'd th I d of honor, scholarshIp, loyalty and FlRIN students on duty with the local thc plant. We had to use half a rumor circulated that a mob W;}s Y es, h e sal, e p ace nee s . Day sc paint all right. serV1ce. May 31st time9:30P.M" ,unit at Waterloo returned to 10- tracks and our vehicles to run iorming outside one of the plant Graduate Council ------siers ( wa City earlier in the week to back the crowds irom the plant gates. . "It's peeling off, and it's crack- Rid take exams. Th~ students were ga t es. " I (A n lIllun. , ct' Ion Issue. d ' ''We go t our veh' IC 1es rea d y t a Thr~e~ new member·~ have been ing," he said. "Maybe I can hang • Mrs. Irwin ee ecte planning to return to Waterloo ruled that strikers must keep 500 go-ammunition racks, smoke electcd to thc graduate council, the out a sign, explaining why it's Mrs. P. Irvin Il'win, Twelve early next week However, t:ro- feet from the plant gates and also bombs and all-and when , we got grad\,ate college office reported in such run-down shape." Acres, was rec.ently reelected Thorl United Packinghouse workers vo- prohibited picketers assembling there, there was no mob at all. station KRNT· yesterday. He didn't say where he'd get president of St. Catherine's guild ted Friday night to relurn to groups of more than three. just six men and a woman," re- the money to pay for painting the auxiliary of the Trinity Episcopal To II work. Branson said, "There was no vi- ported one of the Iowa City men. They are Professors J. R. Por- sign. church· Guardsmen said they were olence after we got there. What Worried Financially tel', department of bacteriology; C. "glad to be back" and that lhe ex- few pickets were on duty sneered Most of the returned men re- AddisOil Hickman, college of com- Mel11 perience had been enjoyable. at us. Later they accused the na- ported that they were probably meree, and Harry M. Hines, physi­ Reactions to the Waterloo en- tional guard of digging holes and allowed to return home because ology department. They will re- "All campm~nt were varied: tearing UB the grass in front of of financial considerations. Said place Profesors W. R. Ingram, head one COl "We worked, I know that," said the union ofJice and at the plant." one: of the eclar which CII9 used to a large extent for national traffic the pres, where cities havEY already built one or more costly Ion urge bridges. kindS! it-even , and rem 3. Getling additional aid for construction of necessary forsak e ( roads and bridges where no definite action has' been Vester laken. C a c k t ail sets ill lervanee Chrome or Cl'ystal of Colun 4. Re-allocating some of the incotp.e tax for farm to market $11.50~35.00 Joseph's and secondary roads for grading, oiling and graveling. 8:30, th CQnduete 5. Needed education for soil conservation in all of its lVenue l phases, and proper disposition and use of stale resourc­ IOn coun es. A pari Gills for llim or Her---$1.95 up. Aud' reJnember, Jack- VarioUS! 6. Needed support of the educational syslem al large in· son's gilt wrap for you. IIlzalions cluding all personnel and students, so that our social Cllnton 1 economic system can be maintained. ' for the I \try, Your Support 'Wlll Be Appreciated at th. Jackson's Electric It Gifl !benet - hlr-old PRIMARY. ELECTION JUNE 7. 108 50. Dubuque Phone 5465 Ibe two ralla'tn I .. ~ ,