SAINT ANDREW THE FIRST CALLED APOSTLE UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH OF BOSTON 24 ORCHARDHILL ROAD, JAMAICA PLAIN, MA 02130 Fr. Roman Tarnavsky, Pastor Parish House Phone 617-522-3323 Fr. Roman’s Cell Phone 617-780-4968 mailto:
[email protected] February 28, 2021 – Tone 5 – 38th Sunday after Pentecost Sunday of the Prodigal Son ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sunday, February 28, 2021 - 10:00 A.M. Divine Liturgy – Sunday of the Prodigal Son Sunday, March 7, 2021 - 10:00 A.M. Divine Liturgy followed by a Panahyda memorial service for George Musial on the 40th day of his falling asleep in the Lord. May his memory be eternal. Дорогі парафіяни свято- Андріївської Церкви в м. Бостон! Ми як парафія маємо можливість помістити 25 людей на час служби. Приходьте і спільними молитвами ми будемо просити нашого Господа про добробут і здоровя . Дотримуйтеся всіх написаних правил. Тому- що береженого Бог береже.( народна мудрість.) Dear Parishioners and Friends, We continue to safely hold Divine Liturgy through the deep commitment and kindness of our volunteers who enforce our Covid-19 guidelines. Last week there were 21 people in attendance. Please contact me if you would like to make a reservation as only 25 people can attend on any given Sunday. We thank Mike Muzyka and Oksana & Igor Oliynyk who are our volunteers again this week. If you are willing to be a greeter and/or to sanitize the church and bathrooms before the Divine Liturgy, please contact me via email or contact Fr. Roman on his cell phone. Most sincerely, Jane Yavarow, Parish President mailto:
[email protected] CELL 508-397-2779 UOL Virtual Retreat (using Zoom) Saturday February 27, 2021 9:30 - 12:30 Speaker Fr.