DOCUMENT RESUME ED 219 082 IR 050 065 AUTHOR Brandhorst, Ted, Ed.; And Others TITLE ERIC Processing Manual. Rules and Guidelines for the Acquisition, Selection, and TechnicalProcessing of Documents and Journal Articles by theVarious Components of the ERIC Network. INSTITUTION Educational Resources InformationCenter (ED/NIE), Washington, D.C.; ERIC Processingand Reference Facility, Bethesda, Md.; ORI,Inc., Bethesda, Md. Information Systems Div. SPONS AGENCY National Inst. of Education (ED),Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Sep 80 CONTRACT 400-81-0003 NOTE 885p.; Supersedes previousedition ED 092 164. Loose-leaf, updated continuously. All revised and additional pages issued throughJuly 1987 have been included in this copy. See related documents, IR 050 066-073. AVAILABLE FROMERIC Processing and ReferenceFacility, 4350 East-West Highway, Suite 1100,Bethesda, MD 20814 ($40.00). EDRS PRICE MF05/PC32 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Abstracting; *Cataloging; Databases;Documentation; *Indexing; *Information Processing;Information Storage; Information Systems;Lexicography; Library Science; *Library Technical Processes;*Thesauri IDENTIFIERS *ERIC ABSTRACT This loose-leaf manual provides thedetailed rules, guidelines, and examples to be used bythe components of the Educational Resources InformationCenter (ERIC) Network in acquiring and selecting documents and in processingthem (i.e., cataloging, indexing, abstracting) for inputto the ERIC computer system and subsequent announcement in "Resourcesin Education" and "Current Index to Journals in Education." It also covers the procedures to be followed in maintaining the indexingvocabularies (the "Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors" and the"Identifier Authority List"). The major sections of the manual are entitled:Acquisitions, Selection, Handling and Shipping, Cataloging,Abstracting/Annotating, Indexing, Vocabulary Development andMaintenance (Part 1- Descriptors, Part 2 - Identifiers), Database Changes (Post Publication).
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