Preclinical Candidate for the Treatment of Visceral Leishmaniasis That Acts Through Proteasome Inhibition
Preclinical candidate for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis that acts through proteasome inhibition Susan Wylliea,1, Stephen Branda,1, Michael Thomasa, Manu De Ryckera, Chun-wa Chungb, Imanol Penac, Ryan P. Binghamb, Juan A. Bueren-Calabuiga, Juan Cantizanic, David Cebrianc, Peter D. Craggsb, Liam Fergusona, Panchali Goswamib, Judith Hobratha, Jonathan Howed, Laura Jeacocka, Eun-Jung Koa, Justyna Korczynskab, Lorna MacLeana, Sujatha Manthria, Maria S. Martinezc, Lydia Mata-Canteroc, Sonia Moniza, Andrea Nühsa, Maria Osuna-Cabelloa, Erika Pintoa, Jennifer Rileya, Sharon Robinsond, Paul Rowlandb, Frederick R. C. Simeonsa, Yoko Shishikuraa, Daniel Spinksa, Laste Stojanovskia, John Thomasa, Stephen Thompsona, Elisabet Viayna Gazaa, Richard J. Walla, Fabio Zuccottoa, David Horna, Michael A. J. Fergusona, Alan H. Fairlamba, Jose M. Fiandorc, Julio Martinc, David W. Graya, Timothy J. Milesc, Ian H. Gilberta, Kevin D. Reada,2, Maria Marcoc,2, and Paul G. Wyatta,2 aDrug Discovery Unit, Wellcome Centre for Anti-Infectives Research, Division of Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery, School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 5EH, United Kingdom; bMedicines Research Centre, Stevenage, Hertfordshire SG1 2NY, United Kingdom; cGlobal Health R&D, GlaxoSmithKline, Tres Cantos, 28760, Spain; and dDavid Jack Centre for R&D, GlaxoSmithKline, Ware SG12 0DP, United Kingdom Edited by Carl F. Nathan, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, NY, and approved March 5, 2019 (received for review November 28, 2018) Visceral leishmaniasis (VL), caused by the protozoan parasites the only oral treatment available. These treatments have seri- Leishmania donovani and Leishmania infantum, is one of the ma- ous drawbacks, including prolonged treatment duration (20–30 jor parasitic diseases worldwide.
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