DEVINEHIL LIHET ATTORNEYS AT LAW February 14, 2013 THOMAS B. GETZ T 603.695.8542 F 603.669.8547
[email protected] VIA HAND DELIVERY NH Site Evaluation Committee do Jane Murray, Secretary NH Department of Environmental Services 29 Hazen Drive, P.O. Box 95 Concord, NH 03302-0095 Re: Petition for Jurisdiction - Timbertop Wind I, LLC SEC Docket No. 2012-04 Dear Ms. Murray: Enclosed please find an original and 18 copies of Timbertop Wind I, LLC's Response to Joint Petition to Intervene and Objection to Motion to Deny or Dismiss of the Boards of Selectmen of the Towns of New Ipswich and Temple. In addition, Timbertop wishes to point out an error in its Petition for Jurisdiction at p. 6, th. 2. The last sentence of the footnote makes a reference to Board Member Lowry, who is a member of the Temple Planning Board. The correct reference should be to New Ipswich Planning Board Member Liz Freeman. Very truly yours, Thomas B. Getz TBG:aec Enclosures cc: Service List (Electronically) DEVINE, MILLIMET Ill AMHERST STREET T 603.669.1000 MANCHESTER, NH & BRANCH MANCHESTER F 603.669.8547 CONCORD, NH PROFESSIONAL NEW HAMPSHIRE DEVIN EMI LLIMET.COM ASSOCIATION 03101 STATE OF NEW HAMSPHIRE SITE EVALUATION COMMITTEE Docket No. 2012-04 Timbertop Wind I, LLC Petition for Jurisdiction RESPONSE TO JOINT PETITION TO INTERVENE AND OBJECTION TO MOTION TO DENY OR DISMISS OF THE BOARDS OF SELECTMEN FOR THE TOWNS OF NEW IPSWICH AND TEMPLE On January 25, 2013, the Boards of Selectmen for the Towns of New Ipswich and Temple (Towns) filed a joint petition to intervene in the above-captioned proceeding.