Analyzing the Impact of Spelling Errors on POS-Tagging and Chunking in Learner English Tomoya Mizumoto1 and Ryo Nagata2 1 1 RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project 2 Konan University
[email protected], nagata-ijcnlp Abstract The heavy dependence on POS-tagging and chunking suggests that failures could degrade the Part-of-speech (POS) tagging and chunk- performance of NLP systems and linguistic analy- ing have been used in tasks targeting ses (Han et al., 2006; Sukkarieh and Blackmore, learner English; however, to the best 2009). For example, failure to recognize noun our knowledge, few studies have eval- phrases in a sentence could lead to failure in cor- uated their performance and no stud- recting related errors in article use and noun num- ies have revealed the causes of POS- ber. More importantly, such failures make it more tagging/chunking errors in detail. There- difficult to simply count the number of POSs and fore, we investigate performance and an- chunks, thereby causing inaccurate estimates of alyze the causes of failure. We focus their distributions. Note that such estimates are of- on spelling errors that occur frequently ten employed in linguistic analysis, including the in learner English. We demonstrate that above-mentioned studies. spelling errors reduced POS-tagging per- Despite its importance in related tasks, we also formance by 0.23% owing to spelling er- note that few studies have focused on performance rors, and that a spell checker is not neces- evaluations of POS-tagging and chunking. Only a sary for POS-tagging/chunking of learner few studies, including Nagata et al.(2011), Berzak English.