Bhutan and Nepal Human Capital Forum Investing in People
Bhutan and Nepal Human Capital Forum Investing in People Public Disclosure Authorized 5-6 June, 2019 Kathmandu Venue: Hotel Radisson Welcome Remarks: Mr. Faris H. Hadad-Zervos, World Bank Group Country Manager, Nepal Public Disclosure Authorized Honorable Minister of Finance of Nepal Dr. Yuba Raj Khatiwada, His Excellency Secretary of Finance of Bhutan Dasho Nim Dorji. Their excellencies Ministers, secretaries, joint secretaries and ambassadors, colleagues, partners, friends. Good morning and welcome to the Bhutan-Nepal Human Capital Forum. This forum brings together in Kathmandu today policy makers from Nepal and Bhutan, as well as academics, international experts, civil society and development partners to chart out opportunities, constraints and hopefully a roadmap not only for a sustainable model for development, but one Public Disclosure Authorized that puts people back in the center of it. After all, our world today is very different. First the pace of technological is so vastly accelerated that we no longer talk of rates of change, but the neck breaking acceleration in those rates of change themselves. Indeed, evidence shows youth 7 years from now will need to manipulate technology that we cannot conceive of today. Similarly, the world today is also one that is a global race for investment, where funds can largely how to countries that offers safe ecosystems of policies, infrastructure and a talented workforce for these investors that thrive. Thirdly people’s own aspirations are converging towards a justifiable high norm. The advent of social and other media have shown youth in most distant corners of the world what their fellow woman and man more fortunate than they can hope to achieve because of greater Public Disclosure Authorized opportunities facing them.
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