HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, August 2, 1972
26456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE August 2, 1972 ORDER FOR SENATE TO RETURN statements limited therein to 3 minutes, William H. Meckling, of New York, vice TO LEGISLATIVE BUSINESS TO- at the conclusion of which the Senate will Emanuel R. Piore, termed expired. William A. Nierenberg, of California, vice MORROW go into executive session and proceed to Richard H. Sullivan, term expired. the consideration of the SALT Treaty, Mr. ROBERT C. BYRD. Mr. President, Russell D. O'Neal. of Michigan, vice Robert I ask unanimous consent that it be in Executive L, 92d Congress, second session, S. Morison, term expired. on which there is a time limitation with Joseph M. Reynolds, of Louisiana; reap- order tomorrow, at any time prior to a pointment. on the adoption of the resolu- respect to debate on the treaty, debate final vote on the adoption of the resolution of U.S. Am FORCE tion of ratification, for the distinguished ratification, consideration of any reserva- The following officer to be placed on the majority leader or his designee to return retired list in the grade indicated under the consideration of legislative tion, understanding, or amendment to to the any reservation or understanding. It is provisions of section 8962, title 10 of the business. not anticipated that the Senate will reach United States Code: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without To be general objection, it is so ordered. a final vote on the treaty tomorrow. The final vote on the treaty will occur on Gen. Jack 0. Merrell, 224-52-6328FR Friday. However, there may be votes (major general, Regular Air Force) U.S.
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