November 04, 2020 | To, To, The General Manaper, The Listing Department, | Depar (ment of Corporate Services, National Stock Exchange of India Limited, | Bombay Stock E xchange Limited, Exchange Plaza, _ Ist Floor, New Trading Ring, Bandra Kurla Complex, _ Rotunda Bldg, P.J. Tower, Bandra (E), | Dalal Street, Mumbai — 400051 | Mumbai— 400001 NSE Stock Code: CENTEXT EQ BSE Stock Code: 500083 Dear Sir/ Madam, Sub: Publication of the Board Meeting Notice in Newspapers. Further to our letter dated 024 November, 2020, Please find enclosed a copy of the newspapers publication of the Board Meeting Notice on Wednesday, 04" November, 2020 in "Financial Express" (English) and "Duranta Barta" (Bengali) newspapers in this regard. This is for your kind information and record. Thanking You. Yours faithfully, For Century,y PR ions Limited pA : Kw Feih Rohit Kumat —_ (Company Secretary & Compliance Officer) M. No. A37781 Century Extrusions Limited Regd. & Head Office : Ss SYSTEM O. Works : 113, Park Street x % WBIIDC Industrial Growth Centre “N” Block, 2nd Floor o Q Plot No. 7A, Sector ‘B’ NIMPURA Kolkata -700 016 (W.B.), India —_———— 5 P.O. : Rakhajungle, Kharagpur - 721 304 Ph. + 91 (033) 2229 1012/1291 DNV:‘GL 7 Dist. : Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India Fax : +91 (033) 2249 5656 \ Ph. : +91 (03222) 233 310/324 E.Mail :
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[email protected] CIN : L27203WB1988PLC043705 WWW.FINANCIALEXPRESS.COM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2020 FINANCIAL EXPRESS CARBO-CERAMICS LIMITED oO DCW LIMITED 6y Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited Registered Otice: 31, Chowringhee inne ere ie; Drnaaca S215 (Sat), 9D Regd.