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Copyrighted Material Index Abraham, Spencer, 82 Anadarko Petroleum Corp., 74, 185 Accidents, industrial, 18 Anderson, Jason, 158 Acheson, Dean, 53 Anderson, Paul, 153 Alaska, 24, 46, 56 –57, 81, 89 Anglo-Persian (Iranian) Oil Co., 45, 49, BP’s maintenance problems, 135 50 –54 fi nes paid by BP for spills, 133, 143 Angola, 12, 38, 41, 70 oil spills, 114, 119–135 Apache Corp., 186 Al-Husseini, Sadad I., 124 Atlantic Richfi eld Co. (ARCO), 30 –31, Allen, Mark, 37–38 56, 57, 114, 125, 126 Allen, Thad, 176 Atlantis, 66, 72, 193 All the Shah’s Men (Kinzer), 51 Azerbaijan, 31, 37, 41, 47 Al-Megrahi, Abdel Basset, 38 Al-Naimi, Ali, 35 –36 Baker, James, 105, 112, 142 Alternative energyCOPYRIGHTED technology, 33 Balzer, MATERIAL Dick, 40 Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., Barbier, Carl, 185 120, 121 Barton, Joe, 151, 182 American Petroleum Institute (API), 82, Bauer, Robert, 182 87, 91 Bea, Bob, 125 –128, 131, 160, 173 Amoco, 28 –30, 36 –37, 106, 125, 126 Bertone, Stephen, 6 –9, 16 217 bbindex.inddindex.indd 221717 112/1/102/1/10 77:05:39:05:39 AAMM INDEX Big Kahuna, 78 establishes victims’ fund after Gulf spill, Blackbeard well, 129, 160 181, 182–183 Bledsoe, Paul, 34 events leading up to Gulf explosion, Blowout preventer (BOP), 92, 146, 155 –173 148, 156 –157, 161, 167, 168, exploration and production unit, 175, 192 10, 145 Bly, Mark, 165 –166, 169 fi nally caps Gulf well, 152 Bondy, Rupert, 145 fi nancial liability from Gulf oil spill, 152 Bowlin, Mike, 30 fi nes paid for safety violations, 133, 143 BP: industrial accidents in U.S., 18 begins developing Alaska, 56 –57 investigation into Gulf explosion, begins drilling Macondo well, 156 –158 165 –169 branding, 32–34 lack of disaster preparation, 70 and Britain’s fi nancial situation, as leader in deepwater drilling, 12 55 –56, 184 leases in Gulf of Mexico, 30, 35, 65, cleanup strategy fi led with MMS, 93 124, 180 and climate change, 32–34 liabilities from civil lawsuits, 169 company losses after Gulf spill, 153 litigation against, 104 –107, 184 –185 corporate culture, 124 –125, 130 –133, lobbying during 2008 campaign, 95 140 –141, 144 –145, 191–192 loses credibility with American cost cutting, 31, 105, 108, 122–123, public, 146 127, 131, 141, 142–143, 165 market value after blowout, 175 cost of spill, 185 mergers and acquisitions, 27, 29, 30 –31, costs per barrel discovered, 77 35 –36 damage to company from Gulf spill, and Michael Daly, 77–78 183 –186 in the Middle East, 46 early exploration in Gulf of Mexico, new culture of safety at, 191–192 61– 67 oil production, 14, 18, 54, 69–70 early history, 45 –54 oil reserves, 11, 41, 50 early response to Gulf explosion, relationship with Russia, 187–188 147–148, 177, 179–180 relationship with U.S. government after efforts to stop oil leaking into Gulf, spill, 180, 181, 183 175 –176 report of Chemical Safety Board, 111 emergency plan, 93 reports to MMS, 157–158 employee morale, 190 reputation, 155, 177 Energy Committee’s report to Hayward, and risk taking, 76 163 (see also Energy and Commerce rivals question Macondo well Committee, U.S. Congress) design, 165 218 bbindex.inddindex.indd 221818 112/1/102/1/10 77:05:39:05:39 AAMM Index and safety, 103, 105 –106, 112, and Shell, 114 –115 130 –133 Texas City refi nery explosion, safety violations, 133 –134, 173 103, 107 sells assets after Gulf spill, 186 –191 trouble grooming successors, 39– 41 setbacks before Gulf spill, 191 Bryant, Terry, 104 stock price, 109, 149, 178, 183 –184 Burgan fi eld, 45 struggles to survive after blowout, Burmah Oil, 35, 48, 49 175 –193 Bush, George H.W., 81 Texas City refi nery explosion, 101–114 Bush, George W., 81– 82, 84, 90 top kill effort, 148 trouble grooming Browne successors, Cao, Anh “Joseph,” 178 39– 41 Carbon emissions, 96 Brazil, 70, 71 Carbon trading, 32–33, 95 Bresland, John, 144 Cement problems, 158, 162, 163, Britain’s fi nances, 55 –56, 184 165, 166 British Petroleum, 49. See also BP Center for Catastrophic Risk Brown, Doug, 6 –9, 16, 158, 170 Management, 125 Browne, John, 10, 11, 21– 44 Centralizers, 163 –164 and Amoco, 28 –30 Chemical Safety Board, U.S., 105, 111, and BP’s safety problems, 112 127, 131, 144 and Bush’s energy policy, 82 Cheney, Dick, 81– 82 as CEO, 2–3, 18 Chevalier, Jeff, 24, 116 –117 early career, 23 –26 Chevron, 30, 119, 178, 192 end of career, 99–118 China, 31 and ExxonMobil, 41 China National Petroleum Corp., 13 and Exxon Valdez spill, 57 Chu, Steven, 148, 178 failure in understanding management of Churchill, Winston, 49 U.S. refi neries, 36 –37 Claussen, Eileen, 33 as head of exploration and Clean Water Act, 184 production, 63 Climate change, 32–34, 88, 95 and homosexuality, 24, 116 –117 Clinton, Bill, 32 legacy, 37 Congress, U.S.: pressure to retire, 100 –101 ban on new oil exploration, 81 relationship with Peter Sutherland, debate about offshore drilling ban, 87 115 –116 hearings about Gulf oil spill, 17 resignation, 118, 137 launches investigation of Gulf spill, 177 after resigning, 195 –196 relationship with BP after spill, 180, as risk taker, 26 181, 183 219 bbindex.inddindex.indd 221919 112/1/102/1/10 77:05:40:05:40 AAMM INDEX Conn, Iain, 137, 138 Drilling: ConocoPhillips, 119, 192 overhaul bill on, 188 Coon, Brent, 104 –107, 113, 184 –185 oversight of equipment, 146 Corporate culture, 37–39, 124 –125, rig’s safety equipment, 92 126 –128, 130 –133, 140 –141, technology, 64 144, 191–192 Drilling mud, 158, 159, 170 –172, 178 Corrosion, 114, 122 Dudley, Robert W., 139, 145 Corser, Kent, 163 announces BP will remain in Gulf of Cost cutting, 31, 105, 108, 122–123, 127, Mexico, 189 131, 141, 142–143, 163 becomes CEO, 1–2, 3, 153 –154, 188 Creaming curve, 63 considered as Browne’s replacement, Culture, corporate, 37–39, 124 –125, 137–138 126 –128, 130 –133, 140 –141, driven from Russia, 43 144, 191–192 needs to bring new perspective to BP, 190 Curry, John, 93 thinks about selling parts of BP, 187 Duncan-Jordan, Neil, 184 Daly, Michael, 13, 74, 77–78 D’Arcy, William Knox, 46 – 48, 49 Economy, U.S., 83 Davis, Michele, 180 Effi ciency, operational, 141 Deepwater drilling, 12 Egypt, 70 banned after explosion, 177 Eisenhower, Dwight, 53 –54 exploration in the Red Sea, 193 Election of 2008, 84 – 86 growth in future production, 193 “Elephants” (big oil fi elds), 61 technological challenges, 67– 68 Elf (oil company), 30 Deepwater Horizon, 64, 156, 171, 191 Energy and Commerce Committee, U.S. attempted fi xes before blowout, 158 Congress, 121, 122, 134 –135, discovery of Kaskida, 73 150 –151, 163, 177 night of explosion, 5 –19 Energy bill, 95 –96 reports that well was in trouble, 96 Energy Information Administration, 87 what went wrong, 162 Energy policy, U.S., 82, 94 –95 Desmarest, Thierry, 30 Energy security, 83 – 84, 94 Derivatives, 26 Environmental Defense Fund, 32 Devon Energy Corp., 95 Environmental impact review, 92 Diamond Offshore Drilling Co., 64, Environment America, 88 75, 173 Etgen, John, 78 Diana fi eld, 62 Exploration and production, 10, 78, 84, Disaster prevention, 192–193 90, 96, 145 Douglas, Scherie, 96 opinion of American voters, 87 220 bbindex.inddindex.indd 222020 112/1/102/1/10 77:05:40:05:40 AAMM Index Explosion, Deepwater Horizon: Gingrich, Newt, 85 cause at Macondo well, 161–162 (see also Global warming, 32, 33, 88 Macondo well) Gorelick, Jamie, 182 early BP response to, 147 Gould, Andrew, 144, 189 events immediately before, 167–168 Gowers, Andrew, 145 events on night of, 5 –19 Graham, Lindsey, 95 –96 reveals fl aws in BP culture and Grangemouth refi nery, 131 structure, 191 Gravitz, Michael, 88 Explosion, Texas City refi nery, 101–114 Green Book, 39 ExxonMobil, 12, 13, 30, 35, 41, 46, Grimsley, Sean, 166 50, 57, 119, 121, 141, 142, Groningen fi eld, 55 165 –166, 178, 191 Grote, Byron, 39, 183 abandons Blackbeard well, 160 Guide, John, 164 corporate culture, 191 Gulf Coast Restoration Organization, 60 early work in Gulf of Mexico, 62 Gulf of Mexico, 41, 59–78, 191 helps establish standby containment BP leases in, 30, 35, 65, 124, 180 system in Gulf of Mexico, 192 BP production in, 14 safety, 129 closed to fi shing after spill, 176 Exxon Valdez spill, 57, 81, 128 development of emergency standby containment system for, 192 Farnsworth, Jim, 77 differences in U.S. and British Federal Trade Commission, 31 perceptions about spill in, 150 Feinberg, Kenneth, 181 early exploration by BP, 61– 67 Fishing, 176 growing importance to oil industry, 10 Fitzgerald, Don, 161 oil slick moving across, 176 Fleytas, Andrea, 8 –9 total production, 69 Fold belt plays, 72 and U.S. oil output, 193 Forties Field, 46, 55, 124 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Trust, 183 Fraser, William, 51, 52 Fratto, Tony, 179–180 Hackett, James, 74, 185 Fridman, Mikhail, 42, 44, 187 Hall, Noah, 184 Frontier, 12 Halliburton, 31, 82, 129, 155 –156, 191 Fuller, Larry, 28 criticisms of conclusions about causes of explosion, 169–170 Gas, 161, 165, 166 –167 faulty cement, 162, 163, 165, 166 prices, 84, 86, 95 Harrell, Jimmy, 170 –172 Geology, petroleum, 63 – 64 Harriman, Averell, 53 Gheit, Fadel, 190 Harris, John, 120 –121 221 bbindex.inddindex.indd 222121 112/1/102/1/10 77:05:40:05:40 AAMM INDEX Hayward, Tony, 42 Iran, 23, 46, 51–54.
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    This is BP Interactive resources BP is one of the world’s leading international oil Visit to chart our key financial and gas companiesa. We operate or market our and operating information for the past five years, on an annual or quarterly basis, for the BP group as a whole or products in more than 80 countries, providing our by business segment. customers with fuel for transportation, energy for BP p.l.c. is the parent company of the BP group heat and light, retail services and petrochemicals of companies. Unless otherwise stated, the text does not distinguish between the activities and operations of the products for everyday items. parent company and those of its subsidiaries. As a global group, our interests and activities BP is a leader in our industry and that position is reflected in our standards of social responsibility, corporate are held or operated through subsidiaries, jointly governance and financial and sustainability reporting, of controlled entities or associates established in – which this document is part. For a complete view of BP’s and subject to the laws and regulations of – many performance, this document should be read in conjunction with BP Annual Report and Form 20-F 2010 and different jurisdictions. These interests and activities BP Sustainability Report 2010. Copies may be obtained covered two business segments in 2010: free of charge (see page 87). Exploration and Production and Refining and Marketing. BP’s activities in low-carbon energy are For more information managed through our Alternative Energy business. a On the basis of market capitalization, proved reserves and production.
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