This is a repository copy of On ordinal utility, cardinal utility, and random utility . White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Article: Batley, R. (2007) On ordinal utility, cardinal utility, and random utility. Theory and Decision, Online. ISSN 1573-7187 Reuse See Attached Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing
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[email protected] White Rose Research Online Institute of Transport Studies University of Leeds This is an author produced version of a paper published in Theory and Decision Journal. It has been peer reviewed but does not include the final publishers formatting and pagination. White Rose Repository URL for this paper: Published paper Batley, Richard (2007) On ordinal utility, cardinal utility, and random utility. Theory and Decision, Online First, May 2007 White Rose Consortium ePrints Repository
[email protected] Onordinalutility,cardinalutility,andrandomutility RichardBatley InstituteforTransportStudies,UniversityofLeeds,UK
[email protected] ABSTRACT ThoughtheRandomUtilityModel(RUM)wasconceivedentirelyintermsof ordinal utility, the apparatus through which it is widely practised exhibits properties of cardinal utility.The adoption of cardinal utility as a working operation of ordinal is perfectly valid, provided interpretations drawnfrom thatoperationremainfaithfultoordinalutility.Thepaperconsiderswhether the latter requirement holds true for several measurements commonly derivedfromRUM.Inparticularitisfoundthatmeasurementsofconsumer surplus change may depart from ordinal utility, and exploit the cardinality inherentinthepracticalapparatus.