2017 Free Summer Concerts, Fairs, & Festivals in and Around Portland
2017 Free Summer Concerts, Fairs, & Festivals in and around Portland Compliments of AMERISAL FINANCIAL, INC. Lucia Reynolds 9221 SW Barbur Blvd #310 Portland, OR 97219 Phone: 503-344-4422 lreynolds@scfinc.com amerisalfinancial.com SCF Securities did not assist in the preparation of this material. While Amerisal Financial believes the material to be from a reliable source, its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed and will not be held responsible for any errors that might occur. SCF Securities is not responsible for any information contained on or within website or literature referred to herein. Securities offered through SCF Securities, Inc. - Member FINRA / SIPC; Investment Advisory Services offered through SCF Investment Advisors, Inc: 155 E Shaw Ave, Suite 102, Fresno CA 93710, Ph: 800-955-2517, Fax: 559-456-6109. SCF Securities, Inc. and Amerisal Financial are not affiliated. Page 1 2017 Free Summer Concerts In and around Portland Friday, June 30th 6:30 p.m. Friday Night Groove - Check out our FREE Friday night music featuring DJ George at Director Park! DIR ECTOR PARK • 815 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR • Saturday, July 1s 2:00 p.m. Tim Downing. Portland based pianist and keyboardist played to the likes of Nate Botsford, Hyper Static Union, and Natalie Grant. BRIDGEPORT VILLAGE ● 7455 SW Bridgeport Road, Tigard ● 6:00 p.m. Tony Furtado – Tony is an evocative and soulful singer, a wide-ranging songwriter and a virtuoso multiinstrumentalist adept on banjo, cello- banjo, slide guitar and baritone ukulele who mixes and matches sounds and styles with the flair of a master chef. BRIDGEPORT VILLAGE ● 7455 SW Bridgeport Road, Tigard ● 7:00 p.m.
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