Young Audiences, Inc.



Since 1952, Young Audiences has advanced the artistic and educational development of school students by bringing young people together with professional artists in all disciplines to learn, create and participate in the arts. YA Arts for Learning envisions a future in which the nation’s children and youth will have the opportunity to engage in quality arts learning experiences that nurture creativity, build cultural understanding and enhance the development of their learning and life skills.



The good news is, we remain the best at what we do. The better news is, we’re improving.

Certainly, we have accomplished a great deal this year. Young Audiences Arts for Learning inspired more than five million students in 6,846 schools and community sites with performance demonstra- tions and workshops in dance, music, theater and the visual arts. We are the leading provider of arts-in-education services in the country.

But America’s students are still losing ground in the inexorable competition with the rest of the world’s children in crucial skills like math and science. Too many of our kids are not living up to their potential. We won’t, we can’t accept that.

Last year, Young Audiences Arts for Learning completed and adopted its first-ever network-wide strategic plan. It identified the attributes our children will need in order to succeed as students, as adults, as members of a fast-changing 21st century world. Creativity. Adaptability. Cooperation. Curiosity. Productivity. Accordingly, we expanded our mission to include the inculcation of these critical learning and life skills.

This year we are leveraging our unique and considerable strengths to deliver on the promise of that mission.


Young Audiences Arts for Learning has 29 affiliates, each of which is a laboratory for innovative ideas. We have 58 years’ worth of contacts and partnerships with schools, teachers, artists and learning experts who lead their fields. Together we have established an ongoing Working Group that represents the thinking and real-world experiences of all these constituencies. It is charged with honing and implementing a signature approach to our programming, one that is resolutely child-centered, results-driven and demonstrably effective.

Under the guidance of the Working Group, we are weaving into the fabric of all our core, high-quality arts services four signature elements: experiencing art, understanding art, creating art and connecting art to other learning. These elements provide an organizing backdrop for all Young Audiences Arts for Learning performance demonstrations, workshops and residencies. Yet they still allow, indeed encourage, teaching artists to be responsive to the specific needs of a given audience. As such, the signature elements are touchstones that help guide students to artistic and educational experiences that are deeply personal, meaningful and measurable.



A reinvigorated spirit of teamwork between the national organiza- tion and the affiliates, both within and outside the Working Group, in combination with an ambitious strategic plan and a renewed mission, has already achieved tangible results.

The MetLife Foundation has granted Young Audiences $300,000 to fund a two-year residency entitled MetLife Learning for Life. In year one, six affiliates focused on the design and development of the program, specifically keying on the four signature elements. In year two, 11 affiliates were selected to receive a share of the grant. They, along with other affiliates that have won grants for the long-standing Young Audiences’ Classical Initiative, participated in a Professional Development and Artist Training session led by the Working Group in Atlanta, Georgia in August.

Also in August, the U.S. Department of Education awarded us a five-year, $4,000,000 Investing in Innovation (“i3”) grant to develop, implement and evaluate the Arts for Learning Lessons initiative. Arts for Learning Lessons is a supplemental literacy program that marries arts experiences and techniques with learning science’s most effective methodologies. The grant went to a partnership of the national office of Young Audiences Arts for Learning, Young Audiences of Oregon & SW Washington, the Beaverton School District, WestEd, and the University of Washington. The i3 grant was open to a broad range of educational disciplines. We were one of only three applicants with a dedicated arts focus to be chosen, out of a total field of nearly 1,700. As further evidence of the intense interest in Arts for Learning Lessons, the national office succeeded in raising an additional $800,000 in matching funds in a scant month’s time.

U.S Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has said, “i3 will support creative thinkers who test good ideas and take proven approaches


The i3 grant was open to a broad range of educational disciplines. We were one of only three applicants with a dedicated arts focus to be chosen, out of a total field of nearly 1,700. As further evidence of the intense interest in Arts for Learning Lessons, the national office succeeded in raising an additional $800,000 in matching funds in a scant month’s time.

U. S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has said, “i3 will support creative thinkers who test good ideas and take proven approaches to scale so more children can benefit.” We couldn’t agree more. We’re continually asking ourselves, “What do methodologies of good teaching look like? How can we be sure that our kids are getting what they’re supposed to be getting from our programs?” Precisely to get at the answers to questions like these, 20% of the funds from the i3 grant are allocated to WestEd for rigorous assessment and documentation of Arts for Learning Lessons’ effectiveness.

The i3 award belongs to the entire network, not to the national office or a single affiliate. Our plan is to take its most successful practices and serve them up to the nation through our existing affiliates, as well as through other arts-in-education organizations we hope will join us as new affiliates. The challenge of bringing out the potential in our children will require the best we all have to offer. The results so far show great promise. Young Audiences Arts for Learning will keep advocating for our kids until we make that promise good.



For Young Audiences Arts for Learning, 2010 was an eventful year. This spring, the board was pleased to welcome David A. Dik as Young Audiences’ new national executive director. David comes to YA from the Metropolitan Opera Guild in where he served for 22 years, most recently as the organization’s managing director. He has a rich background in music and education, as well as strong leadership and management skills. We are delighted to have David heading up the national organization, and look forward to working with him to help shape new strategies to nurture and expand the network, reach more young people with arts-in-education programs, and create a broader financial base for the organization.

We are pleased with the growth of our programs and services to young people and schools, especially in this time of economic strain. This growth is the result of three factors: first, the 29 affiliates in our network continue to attract the finest professionals to their staffs, volunteers to their boards, and artists to their rosters. The energy and imagination of these people have brought vitality, increased visibility and ultimately more support to Young Audiences. Second, increasing numbers of schools and educators are contributing to and participating in Young Audiences programs and services and ensuring that students have an opportunity to enhance their creativity and imagination through access to the arts. Third, last September the board approved a new network-wide Strategic Plan that is now in the first stages of its five-year implementation.

The accomplishments of the past year were made possible by the continued dedication and active participation of hundreds of supporters. Young Audiences depends on individuals, corporations and foundations that share our conviction that all the arts are an essential and important part of education. We are grateful to all of our loyal supporters for their active commitment that helps us fulfill our mission to young people, teachers, artists and schools throughout the United States.

Finally, it is with sadness that we mark the loss of our dear friend and chairman emeritus Brooks Thomas. Brooks served as Chairman of the Board from 1985 to January 2010. His tenure at Young Audiences was distinguished by an unwavering commitment to excellence. Brooks championed the importance of children being exposed to and engaged in the best of Western culture, especially

10 classical music. Under his leadership and guidance, the national organization and network grew in size and scope fivefold. He presided over Young Audiences’ evolution from an organiza- tion dedicated to the value and the role of the arts and artists as an end in themselves, to an educational organization that utilizes the arts and teaching artists to further learning and the quality of life among children and youth. Additionally, Brooks led Corinne Greenberg Nathan W. Pearson, Jr. Chairman President the largest and most successful capital campaign in our history, raising more than $2.8 million for the Young Audiences Endowment.

We also mourn the death of Sue B. Mercy, an ardent supporter of Young Audiences. Sue served as Chair of the National Conference committee for many years and more recently as Co-Chair of the Public Relations committee. She also served on the Network Policy and Executive committees. Sue’s passionate and irreverent spirit provided many memorable moments of humor and affection at countless conferences and meetings. Sue had a special spirit, which enriched the lives of all who knew her.

Brooks and Sue were treasured members of the Young Audiences family who gave us their unwavering commitment and provided wisdom, empathy and confidence in equal measure. The legacy of their work and dedication to Young Audiences Arts for Learning will endure and continue to inform our mission for many years to come.


It gives me great pleasure to begin my tenure as Young Audiences Arts for Learning’s national executive director. As I take on this new position, I am mindful of the significance of leadership transition for the YA network. It is also a privilege to be part of a transition that implies both a continuum of excellence and an opportunity to contribute to a new decade of growth and expansion of Young Audiences programs and services. The prospect of working with the outstanding national board is very exciting, and I am also eager to learn as much as I can from the many expert YA Arts for Learning affiliate staff members, trustees and artists.

Young Audiences has a prominent place in the field of arts in education. For 58 years, our affili- ates have provided generations of schoolchildren and youth an opportunity to engage in quality arts learning experiences that nurture creativity, build cultural understanding, and enhance the development of their learning and life skills. In the coming year, I look forward to visiting many Young Audiences communities. There is tremendous potential to better leverage the knowledge, expertise and reach of the Young Audiences network. As mandated by the new Strategic Plan approved last year, the national organization will work with all affiliates to build organizational capacity, develop new partnership programs, explore new funding opportunities from private and public sources and take advantage of new digital technologies.

The Young Audiences network is blazing with energy. In 2010, our 29 affiliates reached millions of children in 6,846 schools and community sites with 85,536 performances, workshops and teacher services. We are particularly proud of our signature core initiative, Arts for Learning Lessons and Residencies, a supplemental literacy curriculum designed to improve student reading, writing and learning skills in grades three to eight. Thanks to sustained funding from The Starr Foundation, 12,000 students across 30 school districts participated in the program sponsored by 14 affiliates. Additionally, 1,800 children in Louisiana, Virginia, Northeast Ohio, Oregon & SW Washington participated in BETWEEN THE LIONS® residencies, a supplemental literacy program for pre-K through second grade students.

12 In August, the Beaverton School District, in partnership with Young Audiences, Inc., Young Audiences of Oregon & SW Washington, the University of Washington, and our research partner WestEd, received an Investing in Innovation (i3) grant totaling approximately $4,000,000. Thanks to this award, Young Audiences will bring the Arts for Learning Lessons to an additional 13,000 third to fifth grade students in Beaverton over the next five years.

We are also grateful to the MetLife Foundation for funding the MetLife Learning for Life Residencies, which took place in 44 schools and reached over 4,400 students. This project is a model David A. Dik for using the arts to address problem-solving skills and habits National Executive Director of mind that are essential to young people’s success in school and life. The Met Life grant, with additional funding from The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, also supported the formation of the Young Audiences Working Group. This year, the Working Group conducted three professional development and artist training sessions to familiarize program staff and roster artists from 15 affiliates with the new Signature Core Services program model. I wish to thank Larry Capo, executive director of Young Audiences New Jersey, and all the members of the Working Group for spearheading this important network initiative.

I applaud the creativity and spirit of the Young Audiences Arts for Learning network. I look forward to an exciting year ahead.


Abilene • Arts Council of Kern • Arts for Learning/Miami • Arts Partners • Big Thought • COMPAS •

Connecticut • Eastern Pennsylvania • Houston •0 Indiana • Kansas City • Louisiana • Maryland •

Massachusetts • New Jersey • New York • Northeast Ohio • Northeast Texas • Northern California •

Oregon & SW Washington • Rochester • San Diego • Santa Cruz County, AZ • Southeast Texas •

Springboard • Think 360 Arts Complete Education • Virginia • Western New York • Woodruff Arts Center 2010 Young Audience Arts for Learning Program Numbers

Performance demonstrations 14,544 Schools and community sites 6,846 Workshops 66,924 Total number of artists 4,952 Teacher services 4,068 Total number of children reached Five million Total programs and services 85,536

Young Audiences of Orchestra of San Francisco oped and presented work- nesotans in all eight con- Abilene Symphony. shops, residencies and per- gressional districts with 165 Our artists presented five formances that encourage performances, 472 work- new programs this year, in- Arts for Learning/Miami engagement and learning in shops, five professional de- cluding an African dance Our collaboration with the STEM subjects using the velopment sessions and 153 residency designed for chil- Jonathan D. Lewis Founda- arts. Our Kansas Wolf Trap weeks of residencies. In dren of new refugee families tion, the City of Miami, teaching artists also were April, COMPAS illuminated who are being helped by the Design and Architecture trained to incorporate the life-changing role the International Rescue Com- Senior High, and the Dade math and movement into arts and teaching artists mittee. Also, we brought Community Foundation the residency programs play in healing at the na- programs to community opened the doors to the they presented in early tional Society for Arts in sites, including the National Lewis Arts Academy at lo- childhood centers. Healthcare conference in Center for Children’s Illus- cations in Little Haiti and Minneapolis. Together with trated Literature, the Grace Coconut Grove. The Acad- Big Thought our sister affiliates in Con- Museum and the Old Jail emy’s programs immerse We partnered with local or- necticut, Northeastern Ohio, Art Center in Albany, Texas. at-risk students who are ganizations Art for Darfur Massachusetts, Northeast And, for the 14th year, we passionate about the arts in and Today Marks the Begin- Texas, Rochester and Young provided programs at the artistic instruction, mentor- ning to create an education Audiences, Inc., we bought Abilene Public Library for ship, and inspiration. In and visual art program de- advertising in the its Summer Performance addition, we conducted a signed to teach elementary conference program. Series. county-wide campaign titled students about the humani- “The Arts in Your District” tarian crisis in Darfur. The Young Audiences of Arts Council of Kern to help restore vital county program was presented at Connecticut In March, 24 donors, staff funding for the arts, and we Charles Rice Learning Cen- We celebrated our 30th and board members of the completed the first year of ter, thanks to funding from anniversary in May at Ama- Arts Council of Kern partic- programming as Wolf JPMorgan Chase. Students rante’s Sea Cliff in New ipated in a two-day arts tour Trap South Florida. created shadow boxes re- Haven. We recognized com- of San Francisco, arranged flecting their ideas of how munity partners CREC by YA national board mem- Arts Partners they can help the people of Soundbridge and LEARN ber Gretchen Kimball. The We developed new STEAM Darfur, beginning with the for their contributions in group enjoyed special VIP (Science, Technology, Engi- inspirational sentence: bringing the arts to children tours of exhibits at the de neering, Arts, Math) pro- “If I were a peacemaker…” in Connecticut. In our third Young Museum, the Kimball grams for preK-12 students. year as a VSA Affiliate, Natural History Museum, Working with curriculum COMPAS Connecticut was recognized The Legion of Honor and specialists, our corporate One year after the merger in June at the VSA Interna- the Asian Art Museum. partner, Spirit AeroSystems, with Young Audiences of tional Festival in Washing- The members also attended and our program staff and Minnesota, COMPAS ton, DC. A Connecticut a concert by the Youth teaching artists, we devel- reached over 83,000 Min- teacher was named Teacher

15 of the Year, a young photog- Learning Lessons and Resi- residency services. At our Young Audiences rapher was a winner in the dencies. Partnering with fourth annual Teaching New York All Kids Can Create, and a Marian University, we pre- Artist Institute, we trained Our programs reached over young musician was honored sented artists’ workshops to 40 artists to partner with 300,000 children and parents as an International Soloist complement its math and teachers in the development in 180 public schools and of the Year. science summer camp. Slam of arts-integrated residen- community centers. Notable poetry, papermaking, dance, cies. We expanded our successes include: the Young Audiences of and clay workshops were professional development growth of our Target-spon- Eastern Pennsylvania adjusted to complement and programs for educators, sored FamilyLink program, Our after-school mural enhance learning in biology, partnering with Anne Arun- which bridges the gap be- residency Arts for Peace at chemistry, mathematics, del County and Harford tween home and school; the Germantown High School and physics. County public schools to Bright Light program, an was funded by PNC Bank train over 150 teachers in advanced residency model and the Rentschler Founda- Kansas City Young the use of the arts to fuel that builds the capacity of tion. Target Stores, in Audiences academic achievement and artists and teachers; the partnership with the We provided arts program- build 21st Century Skills. Music Unites Youth Choir, Montgomery County ming for 179,319 children a free after-school program Cultural Center, provided and started several new ini- Young Audiences of for teenagers; and the Ani- funding to adopt Gotwals tiatives. We partnered with Massachusetts mation Project, supported Elementary in Norristown. Synergy Services to provide We were one of ten recipi- by Sony. We have strong The Jazz for Kids project arts programming to more ents nationally to receive an partnerships with the Mu- was supported by The than 1,700 homeless, abused “Arts Connect All” grant seum of Arts and Design, Sherman Memorial Fund. and troubled youth. In col- from Very Special Arts and the Asia Society and the Grants from the Patricia laboration with Kansas City MetLife Foundation for our New York Transit Museum. Kind and Barra Foundations Public Television (KCPT), Healing Arts for Kids pro- and the Pennsylvania Coun- we launched the “Get Smart gram. Thanks to funding Young Audiences of cil on the Arts enabled with the Arts” campaign to from the Johnson Family Northeast Ohio YAEP and YA New Jersey educate the public about Foundation, we expanded We provided more than to merge our artist rosters, the impact of arts education. our arts integration pro- 7,100 arts experiences to marketing efforts and Our teaching artists and gram at the Salemwood Ele- 204,177 children and educa- shared services to reach students created six, mentary School in Malden, tors. Arts for Learning Resi- more children in both states. 30-second public service an Extended Learning Time dencies reached over 1,000 announcements that were school. YA artists helped students in three counties. Young Audiences of broadcast on KCPT. teachers incorporate the Art is Education, an innova- Houston arts into the literacy and tive, whole-school model This year we launched Young Audiences of social studies curriculums. initiative serving eight Houston Arts Partners: Louisiana We hope to bring this model Cleveland Metropolitan Arts 4 All (houstonartspart- We received our third 21st residency program into School District K-8 build- The goal of this Century Communities other Extended Learning ings, reached 3,700 students partnership, which includes Learning Centers grant and Time schools. and 350 teachers through 16 major arts organizations won an exemplary review partnerships with 40 local and eight of the largest from the Louisiana Depart- Young Audiences organizations. ArtWorks, Houston area ISDs, is the ment of Education. We New Jersey our summer job-training development, implementa- provided 12 schools in low- Our artists presented 4,000 program for teens, is now tion and management of a income neighborhoods with programs to 400,000 chil- in its sixth year. Over centralized arts program- full-service academic, arts, dren in 600 schools across 400 applications were ming and support services and physical education the state. Our Dance Initia- received for 120 apprentice website designed to match activities in after-school and tive, a comprehensive cur- positions to work with 12 the educational needs of summer programs that riculum for dance in New master teaching artists schools and school districts employed 258 artists and in- Jersey’s schools, reached all at two urban sites. with the resources and structors. Now that we have second and third grade stu- capabilities of Houston’s become an affiliate of the dents in 12 school districts. Young Audiences of artists and arts Wolf Trap Institute for As a recipient of a NEA Northeast Texas organizations. Early Learning through the stimulus grant and as a re- Amy Welch Baskin joined Arts, we were able to offer sult of a new major giving the staff as the new execu- Young Audiences of schools more early learning campaign, we increased gen- tive director. In collaboration Indiana programs. eral operating support by with Tyler ISD, we were Our artists reached 188,500 $150,000. We forged a part- accepted into the John F. students in 280 schools with Young Audiences of nership with YA of Eastern Kennedy Center’s Partners 2,920 performances, residen- Maryland Pennsylvania—combining in Education Program, a na- cies and workshops. We We reached 223,302 stu- artist rosters, marketing and tional initiative supporting collaborated with four dents and 393 schools and shared services—to expand partnerships between arts Lafayette, Indiana schools organizations through 3,699 YA programs in both states. organizations and schools to that participated in Arts for assemblies, workshops, and provide professional develop-

16 ment for teachers. We pre- tion and Care of Children. in grades preK-12 with over educators and artists. sented 390 programs and We partnered with Better 300 in-school and after- We successfully introduced served nearly 35,000 stu- Day Buddies to offer work- school programs that Arts for Learning Lessons dents. Our dance residency shops in storytelling, writ- integrate the arts into all and Residencies to 2,500 for economically disadvan- ing, music and caricature in areas of academic study. students in Hampton Roads taged youth completed its the Treatment Center at We provide professional and Richmond schools. We fourth year and was given in Golisano Children’s Hospital development workshops for continued other established an additional middle school. for children aged four to teachers and special events projects including: Dance for eighteen. and programs for museums, Life; Heart Tales; the West- Young Audiences of libraries and local haven Strings after-school Northern California Young Audiences of community events. program; and The Heart of We experienced an exciting San Diego the Arts project, which fo- year of metamorphosis. In In our 47th year, the efforts Springboard cused on the themes of love January, we welcomed Kris of our trustees, staff and In addition to offering and conflict in the works Murray as the new executive artists enabled us to serve schools successful continuing of Shakespeare. director. Working closely 57,249 children and adults projects such as the Interna- with the board of directors, with 6,464 programs at 167 tional Dance Festival and Young Audiences of her new staff orchestrated sites and finish the fiscal the WiseWrite playwriting Western New York an infrastructure overhaul year with a surplus. In Na- program, we involved St. We created two new pro- that will be the catalyst for tional City, CA, we provided Louis students in the Red grams to meet the social the re-emergence of YANC residencies for every K-6 Thread Project®, thanks to a needs of our region. Thanks as an arts education leader classroom in the ten-school grant from Kresge Arts in to support from the General in the San Francisco Bay elementary school district, St. Louis. Based on a Mills Foundation, we devel- area. The highlight of the reaching over 6,500 students. proverb that describes how oped Keep It Moving!, an year was Make Art Happen!, Our Military Arts Connec- an invisible red thread con- after-school program aimed a very successful benefit tion provided monthly arts nects us all, the Red Thread at fighting obesity. With held at the Walt Disney nights for military families. Project is a community art funding from the Commu- Family Museum. After 22 years, Hilliard endeavor that involves knit- nity Foundation of Greater Harper retired as executive ting hats. Our artists also Buffalo, we created the Un- Young Audiences of director to pursue a life provided 50 free programs derground Railroad, a multi- Oregon & SW of fiddling, writing and to various underserved disciplinary program that Washington learning Arabic. schools in the St. Louis area. focused on issues of racial We hosted the 2010 YA disparity. Five African- National Conference in Young Audiences of Santa Think 360 Arts Complete American artists and en- Portland. Our 200 artists Cruz County, AZ Education sembles presented programs reached 77,907 students in Artist Mike DeSchalit Our 93 artists presented that challenged students to 204 schools and 33 school presented his “Magically programs to 60,000 children examine the power of districts with 293 perform- Speaking” program to K-12 throughout Colorado. We cultural history and the ances and 217 residencies. students in seven schools as hosted the 21st annual Aes- impact of life decisions. We continued our work as part of our program ART… thetic Education Institute the Implementation Partner the Missing Link to Learn- of Colorado in collaboration Young Audiences, for The Right Brain Initia- ing! Mike’s program en- with the University of Den- Woodruff Arts Center tive. Twenty-one thousand couraged students to reach ver, providing over 40 teach- We launched two new liter- students in 86 schools par- for their goals using high ers and school leaders with acy-based programs. Arts ticipated in the annual Run energy, positive choices and hands-on experiences in for Learning Lessons was for the Arts jog-a-thon and thinking. The program’s the arts and a deeper piloted in seven DeKalb raised $672,031 to fund their diverse topics included: understanding of how arts County schools with great schools’ arts-in-education communication, goal setting, integration can achieve im- success. Standardized test programs. Our annual problem solving and charac- pressive standards-based scores and independent fundraiser Mad Hot ter-based leadership. Princi- results for all students. In evaluations indicated signifi- Anything Goes! raised pals and teachers praised February we co-hosted, with cant improvement in the $116,701. the effectiveness of the many community partners, performance of the majority program and requested the third annual Colorado of participating students. Young Audiences of that we offer it to schools Arts Advocacy Day and The Digital Storytelling Rochester again next year. Governor’s Arts Awards. program enabled high school Our 147 artists presented Over 250 arts supporters students to convey personal 2,174 workshops, 642 per- Young Audiences of attended the event. narratives using images, formances and 24 residen- Southeast Texas text, audio, interactive illus- cies to 191,700 students in Since 1973, we have been a Young Audiences of trations, video and music. 174 schools. We provided major arts-in-education re- Virginia We developed ten new after-school workshops with source for schools, educators Our 55th year was marked assembly programs using PUSH Physical Theatre at and parents in Southeast by program expansion to 290 YA’s new Signature Core school #12 in collaboration Texas. Annually, we reach sites and by extension of Services guidelines. with the Society for Protec- more than 50,000 children new services to students,


Young Audiences Inc.’s FY 2010 financial statements ments, significant expenses for the project will be reflect the organization’s sound financial health and incurred and recorded in FY 2011 and 2012. its long-standing commitment to provide the highest A review of Young Audiences, Inc. annual reports over quality programs and services to Young Audiences several years reveals that similar grants resulted in affiliates while maintaining low administrative and deficits in some years that were offset by surpluses in fund-raising costs. Expenses for Affiliate Program other years. In each of these instances, the organiza- Services were 86 percent of YAI’s budget overall; tion’s annual operating income and expenses on a administrative and fund-raising expenses were cash basis was balanced, with neither a significant eight percent and six percent respectively. operating surplus nor a substantial operating deficit Several items are worth noting. First, current occurring. accounting standards require that the full value of In addition, this year the performance in the mar- multiyear grants must be included as revenue in the ketable securities portion of the YAI Endowment fiscal year that grant notifications are made. How- Fund resulted in a gain in the end-of-year net ever, substantial expenses for carrying out these assets of the organization. grants may not be recorded in YAI’s financial state- ments until the year in which they are expended. If you would like additional information about YAI’s financial condition or the accounting rules that In FY 2010 YAI received a grant of $1.5 million from determine how multiyear revenues and expenses The Starr Foundation in support of Arts for Learning are recorded and verified, please contact the Young Lessons and Residencies. While the full value of the Audiences, Inc. national office in New York City. grant was recorded in the FY 2010 financial state-


June 30, 2010 (with comparative amounts for 2009) 1

Total Total % Total Total Total Combined Combined Rev/Exp Combined National Affiliates Entries FY 09-10 FY 09-10 FY 08-09


School Fees 11,373,347 11,373,347 28.8% 13,131,749 Corporations & Foundations 1,859,260 10,351,105 12,210,365 30.9% 12,220,930 Public Sector: Federal, State & Municipal Governments 10,000 9,620,819 9,630,819 24.4% 6,361,462 Individuals & Board Members 379,131 2,827,372 3,206,503 8.1% 3,022,107 Special Events net of costs 318,533 1,014,403 1,332,936 3.4% 1,162,651 Investment Income 619,056 197,000 816,056 2.1% (825,281) Miscellaneous 1,459 864,043 865,502 2.2% 736,257 Endowment & Capital Campaigns 49,977 49,977 0.1% 12,116 Affiliate Cooperative Funding fees-2 242,162 (242,162)

Total support and revenues $3,429,601 $36,298,066 $(242,162) $39,485,505 100.0% $35,821,991


Affiliate Program Services 1,863,880 $26,108,574 (242,162) 27,730,292 71.8% 28,498,730 Management & General 184,351 7,282,075 7,466,426 19.3% 6,915,631 Fund Raising & Promotion 142,148 3,294,006 3,436,154 8.9% 2,905,246

Total costs and expenses $2,190,379 $36,684,655 $(242,162) $38,632,872 100.0% $38,319,607 Excess of support and revenues $1,239,222 $(386,589) $852,633 $(2,497,616) over costs and expenses (under)

1 The total Affiliate Support & Revenues, Costs & Expenses are combined from reports submitted to National from the individual affiliates and have not been audited. 2 Elimination of Affiliate Cooperative Funding amount


Year ending June 30, 2010

Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total

Revenues and Support Affiliate cooperative funding fees $ 242,162 $ 242,162 Annual benefit 502,621 502,621 Less: Direct expenses (184,088) (184,088) Corporations and foundations 20,880 1,838,380 1,859,260 Individuals and Board members 306,971 10,000 316,971 Government 10,000 10,000 Conferences 62,160 62,160 Interest income 493 493 Miscellaneous income 1,459 1,459 962,658 1,838,380 10,000 2,811,038 Net assets released from restrictions Satisfaction of program restrictions 973,805 (973,805)

Total Revenues and Support 1,936,463 864,575 10,000 2,811,038

Expenses Affiliate Program Services 1,863,880 1,863,880 Supporting Services Management and general 184,351 184,351 Fundraising 142,148 142,148 Total Supporting Services 326,499 326,499

Total Expenses 2,190,379 2,190,379

Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Before Investment Income (253,916) 864,575 10,000 620,659

Investment Income Investment income, net of foreign taxes and management fees of $57,988 121,163 121,163 Net realized and unrealized gains 497,400 497,400 Total Investment Income 618,563 618,563 Increase in Net Assets 364,647 864,575 10,000 1,239,222 Net assets (deficit), beginning of year, as previously reported (189,703) 455,764 5,126,787 5,392,848 Prior period adjustment 546,830 (546,830)

Net assets, beginning of year, as adjusted 357,127 455,764 4,579,957 5,392,848

Net Assets, End of Year $ 721,774 $ 1,320,339 $ 4,589,957 $ 6,632,070

The complete annual audited financial statements and report of the N.Y. State Department of Charties are available upon request

19 ENDOWMENT FUND Robert Wood Johnson, Jr. John S. and Amelia Stillman $1,000 and over Charitable Trust Kent Stoltzman Ashley and Vincent Andrews Eugene and Bernice Kane Florence, Roger & Leslie Stone The Young Audiences Endowment Fund Paul Arnhold Kansas City Southern Industries Helen D’Olier Stowell James Benedict was created in 1981 to support Young Judge Bentley Kassal James and Cheryl Strain Bialkin Family Foundation Audiences’ work in establishing the arts Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kimball* Mr. and Mrs. John W. Straus Tina and Jeffrey Bolton as an integral part of every child’s Julie and Mike Kirk John S. Stuart Minette Cooper education. Young Audiences gratefully Roger C. and Susan F. Kline TW Services, Inc. The Victor Elmaleh Foundation acknowledges the following gifts and Keisuke Koshijima Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tanenbaum Dale and Robert Frehse grants since the establishment of the Alice Krall Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Taylor Barbara Freund The Kroon Foundation Brooks Thomas* Endowment Fund. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gellert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kuennen Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vance Marilyn Grounds Ruth and Sidney Lapidus Mr. and Mrs. William C. Vance Dr. and Mrs. Willie L. Hill, Jr. Benjamin and Elizabeth Abrams Dr. David Lasky George M. Van Cleave Family Carla and Roderick Hills Foundation, Inc. Paige Lawrence Foundation Jean Hodges Richard A. Anderson Mr. Jerry Lee Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Wall, Jr. David Houser B. J. Adler Candace Leeds Mrs. James P. Warburg* Linda E. Johnson American Business Press Mr. Kenneth J. Lehman Mr. and Mrs. John Weinberg* David Kiefer Bachmann Strauss Family Foundation Martha Leighton Mrs. Jesse Werner CLC Kramer Baker Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leir* Nola Lancaster Whiteman The Leonard and Evelyn Frances Bast Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Lerner Susan and Frank Whyman Lauder Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Beitz Leventritt Foundation Mrs. John Williams Arthur Loeb Foundation Dr. Thomas P. Bergin Marjorie Riche Lewis Daniel J. Windham Janine Luke Mrs. William J. Bernbach Mr. and Mrs. David Lewittes Jon and Abby Winkelried Foundation Frederick J. Morsches T. Roland Berner* Robert and Francis Low Anne Winslow Georgette Mosbacher Thomas R. Berner Janine Luke The Wolfensohn Family William S. Ohlemeyer Ms. Patricia A. Bevis Mrs. Frances Luquer Foundation* Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Pearson James and Mary Ellen Bigham Ms. Nancy M. Macaluso Tulgey Wood Foundation Elisabeth de Picciotto Mr. Andrew M. Blum Donald and Maureen MacNeal Helen Woodbridge Meridel J. Prideaux Mrs. Richard J. Blum Mr. Donald McAllister Wyatt & Saltzstein Lilo E. & Moeen A. Quershi Ms. Phyllis S. Bogdanoff Mr. and Mrs. Donald McAllister, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zuriff Barbara Robinson Stanley Bogen Donald McAllister Family in honor of Laurence and Beth Zuriff L. Jan Robertson Booth Ferris Foundation Betty M. McAllister Anonymous gifts in memory Ginger and Rod Sager Olive Bridge Fund Ms. Liane E. McAllister of Beatrice Duggan Edith and Martin E. Segal/ Brown Group, Inc. Charitable Fund Joanne M. McCoy The Segal Company Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Caffarone Mr. Stanley S. Madeja * Leadership Gifts Nancy K. Silverman Linda and Mark Camel Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason Elizabeth J. Sosland Carnation Company Charles E. Mather III Betty Lynn and Bernard Steinweg Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chiara CONTRIBUTORS TO Mrs. Deryck C. Maughan Mr. & Mrs. Pieter Taselaar Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark, Jr. NATIONAL YOUNG Ms. Luiza Meiszner Kenneth and Jean Telljohann Coles Family Foundation AUDIENCES Mrs. Adrian Melissinos Wenke Thoman Mr. and Mrs. H. Gray Colgrove Richard L. Menschel H. Guyon Townsend III Mrs. Charles N. Cooper Ms. Vera Mensher Young Audiences Arts for Learning Betsy E. Turner Mrs. Donald Copley Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mercy, Jr.* gratefully acknowledges the generous Robert Weinstein Mr. John W. Creamer Mr. and Mrs. James L. Montag support of individuals, corporations Nola Lancaster Whiteman Charles E. Culpeper Foundation Mrs. David J. Morrison Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. William Curran and foundations across the country. Claudia and Douglas Morse Alan and Wendy Dessy Henry and Lucy Moses Fund, Inc. Arnold Deutsch $100,000 and over $500 and over Mr. and Mrs. Irving Moskovitz The Estate of Eugenia D. Doll MetLife Foundation Eva and Tobias J. Bermant Mrs. Winthrop R. Munyan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Drapkin The Starr Foundation Kenneth J. Bialkin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen K. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Duffy The Estate of Brooks Thomas Carnegie Corp Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Naranjo Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Duggan Susanne B. Emmerich Ms. Louise Nathanson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ehinger Jim Gellert National Endowment for the Arts* $50,000 and over Mr. John Emery Hubert and Mireille Goldschmidt Roy R. and Marie S. Neuberger Boies, Schiller & Flexner, LLP Leonard Estrin Publications Robert D. and Carol H. Krinsky Foundation, Inc. Mary Ann Fribourg R. Thomas Fetters Liane E. McAllister Mrs. Rolf E. Noether The Ridgefield Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Sampson R. Field Mary P. Nass Sylvan and Ann Oestreicher Mr. and Mrs. Avery Fisher Pittman Family Foundation Foundation $25,000 and over Sue and Joe Frankel Stan Pottinger & Elyse Weiner David Oppenheim Thomas R. Berner Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Frehse, Jr. Eric Pripstein The Paskus Foundation The Dana Foundation Fribourg Foundation, Inc.* Mary Radcliffe Nathan W. Pearson, Jr. Paul J. Fribourg Mrs. Michel P. Fribourg Felice T. Ross Tien Pei and Josephine Lee Mr. and Mrs. Maurice R. Greenberg John G. Gantz, Jr. Richard Stoltzman Pender & Dunleavy Alyssa and Scott Greenberg David A. Gardner Cheryl Strain Edmund Pender Jill and Peter Kraus John T. Garrity TisBest Philanthropy Amy and Joe Perella Charitable Trust Sue Ann Weinberg Robert P. Goldberg Fund of Combined The Betty M. & Leone J. Peters Jewish Philanthropies Foundation in honor of CONTRIBUTORS TO YA The Harvey and Roberta Golub $10,000 and over Gail Peters Beitz AFFILIATES Charitable Fund of the Minneapolis Centennial Foundation The William Petschek Family Foundation Continental Grain Company Mrs. Stephen Potters Mrs. William W. Goodman The William and Gretchen We would like to thank the following Meridel Prideaux Jamie and Gary Gordon Kimball Fund Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Recanati foundations, corporations, state and Mrs. George A. Greenberg Elizabeth and Bertil Lundqvist David N. Redden local agencies for their support. The Maurice R. Greenberg and Vincent and Anne Mai Sylvia and Mordecai Rochlin Corinne Greenberg Foundation, Inc.* Sir Deryck and Lady Maughan Barbara and Larry Robinson ABC Domestic Television Mr. and Mrs. Norvin Greene Teresa Melhado and Robert Silver Francis F. Rosenbaum, Jr. ABC Family Jay Greenfield Sue B. Mercy Eleanor F. Rossbach ABC Sports Marilyn Walter Grounds Ambrose Monell Foundation Ernest Rubenstein ABC Television Networks Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Guckert Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Jeannette D. Sahlein Abilene Cultural Affairs Council Mrs. Agnus Gund Wharton & Garrison Robert A. Saltzstein Abilene Opera Association Hallmark Cards, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Morton I. Sosland Martin Sankey ACE Charitable Foundation Ms. Aline K. Halye Mrs. James P. Warburg Sax, Macy, Fromm & Co. Adams, Arapahoe, Jefferson Kenji Hara Alice Scoville and Stuyvesant Barry and Douglas County Councils The Hearst Foundation, Inc.* Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Segal $5,000 and over ADC Telecommunications Mrs. Joseph G. Hodges, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Selonick Arts Federation A-dec The Marion O. and Maximilian Whitney North Seymour, Jr. The Bydale Foundation A&E Television Network LLC E. Hoffman Foundation, Inc.* Mrs. H. Parker Sharp John W. Creamer The John W. Alden Trust Hoffman-LaRoche Inc. Nancy Shear Charles A. Fribourg ALLINES Staffing Professionals Mrs. Larry D. Horner Maida and Leon Sheinfield Effie and Robert Fribourg Alston & Bird LLP David Houser Dr. and Mrs. William Shieber Paul J. Fribourg ALSTROM Signaling Foundation, Inc. Marilyn C. Hoyt John A. Silberman Marjorie A. Hyman The Althans Foundation Renate Hunter Charles Simon Mortimer and Mimi Levitt Altman Foundation Marjorie Hyman on behalf of the Simpson Thacher & Bartlett The Liman Foundation Ameren Corporation Benjamin and Elizabeth Sherryvore Foundation Nadine and Jerrold Newman American Century Investments Abrams Foundation, Inc. The Skirball Foundation Dina Recanati American Century Investments James A. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. John M. Smythe Caroline and Jonathan Rosen Foundation The James Family Charitable Morton and Estelle Sosland Elizabeth Smith American Dance Exchange Foundation Susan and Joseph Stamler Diane K. Volk American Family Insurance Group Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Jericho The Starr Foundation* Wolfensohn Family Foundation American Public Media Group Mrs. Craig D. Johnson Carol Sterling Amerigroup Corporation Robert S. Johnson J. McLain Stewart Amity Club Worth Projects Foundation

20 Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen Chase The Minneapolis Foundation Georgia Council for the Arts Foundation Chesapeake Fine Arts Commission Christel DeHaan Family Foundation Georgia Power Company Hugh J. Andersen Foundation Chick-Fil-A Delaware River and Bay Authority R S German Trust Apsler Fund of The Oregon The Childrens Guild Dellwood Foundation Gethsemene New Testament Community Foundation Children International Delta Dental of Kansas Baptist Church Ariel Investments, LLC Children’s Foundation of Erie County The Denny Fund of The Giant Eagle Arizona Commission on the Arts Children’s Guild Foundation Minneapolis Foundation The Helen G. Gifford Foundation Arms, Shilling & Pye The Children’s Trust The Denver Foundation Gilbane Building Company Arts Council of Indianapolis Citadel Media DeVore Family Fund Price Gilbert, Jr. Charitable Fund Arts Council of Metropolitan Citi Cards Dial Global Frank and Cornelia Ginn Kansas City Citizens 1st Bank Director’s Mortgage Charitable Trust Arts Council of New Orleans City of Atlanta Office of Cultural Affairs DIRECTV, Inc. The Harry L. Gladding Foundation, Inc. The Arts & Cultural Council for City Center Parking Discovery Communications, LLC GlaxoSmithKline Greater Rochester City of Cleveland Disney Jerome S. Glazer Foundation Arts and Education Council City of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs The Walt Disney Family Museum The Glenmede Trust Company Arts Midwest City of Indianapolis, Office of Dizzy Feet Foundation Global Community Communications Ash Grove Charitable Foundation Metropolitan Development Docking Financial Team Alliance Associated Charities/Theodore City of New Haven Mayors Grant d.o.c.s. gallery Glover-Crask Charitable Trust Gebler Foundation City of San Diego, Commission The Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation The Goizueta Foundation Assurant Solutions for Arts & Culture Dollar General Rita and Herbert Z. Gold Atlanta Parent Magazine City University of New York Dominion Education Fund Atterbury Family Foundation City of Wichita Dominion Resources Goldman Sachs & Co. The Autzen Foundation The Cleveland Foundation Downtown Optimist Foundation Gold Mobile AVG Technologies Cleveland Institute of Music Steven Drake Associates, LLC Goldsmith Family Foundation, Inc. AV Solutions Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Drinker, Biddle & Reath Gordon, Feinblatt, Rothman, AXA Foundation Cleveland State University Rona & Erwin Drucker Hoffberger & Hollander, LLC Baker Hostetler, LLP The Clifford Foundation Charitable Trust Leotta Gordon Foundation Ball Janik LLP Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable DST Systems, Inc. William T. Grant Foundation Balloun Family Foundation Foundation, Inc. Dugan, Babji & Tolley, LLC E. J. Grassmann Trust Baltimore County Commission on Arts C.M. Distributors Inc. The Durant Family Foundation Graybar Foundation and Sciences CMX Community Foundation Ecolab Greater Houston Community Baltimore Office of Promotion CNN Harry Edison Foundation Foundation and The Arts Coale, Pripstein & Associates, PA Education Minnesota Greater Kansas City Community Bank of America Coca-Cola Company Educational Testing Service Foundation Bank of Texas, N.A. Codrington Foundation EHI Consultants Greater Lynchburg Community Trust The Barra Foundation Russell Colgate Fund Embrey Family Foundation Greathouse Foundation Cameron & Jane Baird Foundation The Collins Foundation EMC Insurance Companies Gregory & Appel Insurance Batten Fund of the Hampton James M. Collins Foundation Emerson W. C. Griffith Foundation Trust Roads Community Foundation Colorado Council on the Arts Emprise Bank George Gund Foundation BB&T of Virginia, Hampton Roads Comcast Corporation Enterprise Holdings Foundation The Walter & Elise Haas Fund Beals III Charitable Trust Comcast Networks Equity Concepts LLC Hall Family Foundation Richard Bennett Trust Communities Foundation of Texas Erie County Hallmark Cards, Incorporated Lillian Wright & C. Emil Berglund Community Foundation of Abilene Ernst & Young LLP Hampton Arts Commission Foundation The Community Foundation: Esping Family Foundation The Hankins Foundation The Gertrude and William A. Bernoudy Arts & Culture Fund ESPN Harbor Front Kiwanis Club Foundation The Community Foundation: Essman Family Charitable Foundation Hardenbergh Foundation Betterton College Planning Joan & Harold Feinbloom Euro USA Harkness Foundation for Dance F. R. Bigelow Foundation Supporting Organization Gordon W. Evans Charitable Trust John H. & Wilhelmina D. Harland Big Green Egg Community Foundation for Executive Caterer Foundation The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Greater Atlanta Exxon Mobil Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc. Foundation Community Foundation for Mary McKinney Ezell & Flay Ezell Harvard-Flickinger Governance Project Blitman & King, LLP Greater Buffalo Fund of the Wentworth Foundation The Pyle Harvey Charitable Trust Bloch Cancer Foundation Community Foundation for FANA Families Foundation HealthEast Care System H & R Block Foundation Greater New Haven The William Stamps Farish Fund The Hearst Foundations H & R Block Strength in Numbers Community Foundation of Far West Fibers, Inc. William Randolph Hearst Foundation Employee Campaign Lorain County The Ferber Family Foundation The Ed & Mary Heath Foundation Bloomberg LP Community Foundation of Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Hebert Foundation Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City Southeastern Connecticut Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Hedinger Family Foundation Blue Cross Blue Shield of The Community Foundation: Fine Arts Foundation Shirley and Barnett Helzberg Western New York Spring Hill Fund Fischer-Bauer-Knirps Foundation Foundation Blue Heron Foundation The Community Foundation: Wayne The Ray C. Fish Foundation Hennepin County BNY Mellon County Community Endowment Flamer Family Fund of the Baltimore The F. R. Hensel Fund for Fine Arts, Boly:Welch Recruiting Community Service Association of the Community Foundation Music & Education, Boss Foundation San Diego City Schools Florida Division of Cultural Affairs a Fund of the Indianapolis Break Media Computer Task Group Ford Foundation Foundation Breehl, Traynor and Zehe Con Edison Forest City Enterprises Herring Properties Bremer Financial The Edward T. Cone Foundation Sheila Fortune Foundation The Hertz Family Foundation, Inc. S. M. & Laura H. Brown The Connecticut Commission on Fossil The Herzstein Foundation Charitable Trust Culture and Tourism The Foulds Family Foundation The William and Flora Hewlett The Brown Foundation Constellation Energy Foundation Foundation for Roanoke Valley Foundation Eva L. & Joseph M. Bruening Cooper Realty, Inc. Four Seasons Hotel Atlanta The Hibbs Family Foundation Foundation Corbin Bronze, LTD Fox Broadcasting Ray Hickey Foundation Bryan Cave LLP Core Construction Fox Cable Networks Hillcrest Foundation Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC Cortland Associates Fox Performing Arts Hinkle Elkouri Law Firm, LLC Buffalo Teachers Resource Center Courts Foundation, Inc. Charitable Foundation Hoffberger Family Philanthropies Louise and Arde Bulova Fund, Inc. County Fair White Elephant Fox News The Hoglund Foundation Business Consortium for Arts Support County of Monroe Francis Family Foundation Holder Construction Company The C. Louis & Mary Cabe Foundation County of Roanoke Franco Restaurant Lillian Holofcener Charitable The Horace C. Cabe Foundation County of San Diego, Community Sidney E. Frank Foundation Foundation CACF Community Enhancement Program Fred Meyer Hook Drug Foundation, Inc. Foundation-BAMA Fund County of San Diego, Community Fred Meyer Fund of the Kroger Co. Hooper Family Foundation California Arts Council Projects Foundation Hoover Family Foundation N. T. Callaway Real Estate, L.L.C. County of York Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. Hopewell Valley Community Bank The Cameron Foundation Cowles & Thompson PC Friends of the Library The Horchow Family Charitable Trust The Campbell Foundation Creative Integration & Design Frisco Stadium, LLC Horizon Foundation Camps for Kids Crowell and Moring, LLP From the Top Hot Topic Foundation Cardinals Care The David M. Crowley Foundation Fulton County Arts Council Houston Arts Alliance Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Crystal Media Networks Fund for the Arts The Houston Endowment Cargill Meat Solutions The Cullen Trust for the Gallery Art Houston Young Lawyers Foundation Joseph L. Carley Foundation Performing Arts B. C. Gamble & P. W. Skogmo Fund Howard Energy, Inc. Carnegie Corporation of New York Cumberland Empowerment Zone – 21st of The Minneapolis Foundation HRK Foundation The W. W. Caruth, Jr. Foundation/ Century Grant Gannett Foundation and M. R. & Evelyn Hudson Foundation Communities Foundation of Texas Cuyahoga Arts and Culture Democrat & Chronicle The Huffington Foundation Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. CVS Caremark Foundation Garden View Care Centers The Humphreys Foundation Joseph, Inc. D’addario Music Foundation Gastroenterology Associates LLP Roy A. Hunt Foundation The Catholic Foundation Dallas Association of Young Lawyers Clifford Willard Gaylord Foundation The Swanee Hunt Family Foundation CBS Radio NY and CBS TV Channel 2 The Dallas Foundation Gelia Hurwitz Mintz CBS Television Network Dallas Stars Foundation General Mills Foundation The Hyde and Watson Foundation CenterPoint Energy D.A.M. Industries Inc. General Physics Corporation IBM CEO Foundation, Inc. The Dana Foundation Gensler Ice Miller The Charitable Foundation Deaconess Community Foundation Honorable Vincent J. Gentile, ICON International Charter One Cy and Paula DeCosse Fund at New York City Council ILF Properties, LLC 21 IMA Financial Group, Inc. Brigitte and Donald Manekin Foundation, Inc. Ross Printing Company Imation Corporation Philanthropic Fund NRG Energy Inc. Rotary Club of Columbia Patuxent, Inc. Indiana Arts Commission Marathon Ventures OCF Joseph E. Weston Rotary Foundation of Indianapolis Initiative Marco Sea Development Public Foundation The Rouse Company Foundation INTRUST Bank, N.A. Marcus Thomas LLC Ohio Arts Council RubinBrown LLP Investors Savings Bank Charitable David J. and Bobbie Marks Family John R. Oishei Foundation The Runnymede Corporation Foundation Foundation Old Dominion University Rush Philanthropic James Irvine Foundation Martin, Pringle, Oliver, Agnes Cluthe Oliver Foundation The Safe Place H. W. Irwin & D.C.H. Irwin Foundation Wallace & Bauer, LLP The Olshan Foundation The Saint Paul Foundation The Jackson Foundation Maryland State Arts Council On The Leesh Productions, Inc. Saint Paul Public Schools Martha Holden Jennings Foundation The Marzahi Charitable Trust OneSource Distributors Santa Cruz County Juvenile The Jewish Week The Massachusetts Cultural Council OppenheimerFunds Probation Center The Johnson Family Foundation Massachusetts 2020 Foundation, Inc. Oppenstein Brothers Foundation Santa Cruz County Project ACCE Johnson, Grossnickle and Associates Master Craftsmen Foundation The Orange Foundation Santa Cruz County Superintendent’s Johnson & Johnson Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. Order Productions Office Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies The Pierre and Tana Matisse Oregon Arts Commission School Specialty Early Childhood Robert Wood Johnson 1962 Foundation Oregon Cultural Trust Scientific and Cultural Facilities Charitable Trust The Katharine Matthies Foundation Orlando Bakery District Tier III Denver Robert Wood Johnson University The Budd & Nanette Mayer Support A.M. Ortega Construction Scripps Networks Hospital Foundation The Bernard Osher Foundation The Scurlock Foundation Jones Day McCormack Baron Salazar Outerbridge/Morgan Honorable Helen Sears, Dodge Jones Foundation The McCullough Foundation Ovation TV New York City Council Arthur Jordan Foundation The McKnight Foundation Dian Graves Owen Foundation The Sears-Swetland Family Foundation JP Morgan Chase McMaster-Carr-Supply Company Pacific Power Securian Financial Group JP Morgan Chase Foundation The Robert and Janice McNair The Guido & Ellen Palma Foundation Sempra Energy JP Morgan Funds Foundation The Frank Loomis Palmer Foundation Sentara Healthcare Junior League of Abilene Medtronic Foundation Parallel Edge Serling Rooks and Ferrara, LLP Junior League of Atlanta, Inc. The Harold and Marilyn Melcher Park Nicollet Foundation The Anne & Eli Shapira Charitable Junior League of Beaumont Foundation Parker & Lynch Foundation Junior League of Indianapolis Mercantile Trust Services Partners for Arts Education Shelton Family Foundation Trust Fund Meredith Corporation Foundation Paychex Sidus Group, LLC Junior League of Roanoke Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Pearl of the Orient Siegel & Bergman, LLC Junior League of Tyler MetLife Foundation The Maurice M. Pechet Foundation The Harold Simmons Foundation The Kahn Family Trust Metropolitan Council Pennsylvania Council on the Arts Sisters of Charity Foundation Kansas Arts Commission Metzler Bros. Insurance The Penrod Society The Siteman Family Foundation Kansas City Power & Light District Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family People’s Health William Wood Skinner Foundation The Karma Foundation Charitable Funds Perkins & Company, P.C. The Ted and Shannon Skokos Katz Media Group, Inc. Miami-Dade County Department The Peyback Foundation Foundation Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation of Cultural Affairs PGE Foundation Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation KCP&L Michaud Cooley Erickson Phileo Foundation Smith-McCarthy Funds for the Blind Keithley Instruments Microsoft Advertising Phillips Lytle LLP and Visually Impaired Keller & Owens, LLC Middleton Foundation Piper Sutton Foundation Smooth Sailing The William T. Kemper Foundation, Miele Pizza Hut The Snowman Foundation Commerce Bank Trustee James F. & Marion L. Miller Foundation Plantscaping and Blooms Sony Corporation of America KeyArts Miller Nichols Charitable Foundation PNC Bank Soros Fund Charitable Foundation KeyBank Miller Theater Advisory Board PNC Foundation Sosland Foundation Key Bank Foundation Minneapolis Public Schools Pohlad Family Companies South Dallas Fair Park Trust Fund The Kimball Foundation Minnesota Landmarks The Pollock Foundation Southeast Texas Arts Council The Patricia Kind Foundation Minnesota State Arts Board The William and Lia G. Poorvu Southside Bank Kinder Morgan Foundation Missouri Arts Council Family Foundation Spa Phoenix, LLC Carl B. & Florence E. King Foundation Edward S. Moore Family Foundation Portsmouth Community Foundation SpencerStuart King & Spalding LLP Marjorie Moore Foundation Portsmouth Museum and Fine Spirit AeroSystems The Kirk Foundation Morris, Laing, Evans, Brock Arts Commission Sprint Foundation Kirk Family Foundation & Kennedy Chartered Posnick Family Foundation Sprint Nextel Chester Kitchings Foundation Mpress Herman T. and Phenie R. Pott SS&G Financial Services Klingenstein, Fields & Co., LLC MTV Networks Foundation Staples Foundation for Learning, Inc. Koch Industries Public Sector, LLC John P. Murphy Foundation Arthur P. & Gladys Pratt Starr Charitable Foundation The Louis B II and Josephine L. Kohn Music Unites Memorial Fund The Starr Foundation Family Foundation Laura Jane Musser Fund T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc. Stasney Foundation KOTA Restaurant NAACP Metropolitan Council Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP State of Minnesota KPMG LLP Nathan Family Charitable Fund of Primus Capital Partners Steffens 21st Century Foundation II CLC Kramer Foundation The Oregon Community Foundation Project for Pride in Living Honorable Kendall Stewart, Kresge Foundation National Air Cargo The Provider Group Agency, LLC New York City Council Krieg DeVault, LLP National Arts Strategies Pruden Foundation Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP The Abraham and Ruth Krieger National Cable Communication The Prudential Foundation St. Louis Unitarian Foundation Family Foundation National Endowment for the Arts PSE&G for Children The Leonard Krieger Foundation National Guild for Community Arts Qualcomm, Inc. The Stocker Foundation Kulas Foundation Education Speaker Christine C. Quinn, Suffolk Fine Arts Commission Lathrop & Gage LLP National Safety Appeal New York City Council SunTrust Lawrence Ink NBC Local Media New York Rago Arts and Auction Center Surdna Foundation Layne Christensen Co. NBC Universal Rainbow Media-AMC/WETV Swinney Trust The John J. Leidy Foundation The Nehemias Gorin Foundation Ramsey County Sylvan/Laureate Foundation Leonard Street & Deinard Network for Good Judith Stern Randal Foundation Synergy Services Inc. Leupold & Stevens Foundation Neu-Ion, Inc. Jonathan and Meg Ratner Foundation TACA Jonathan D. Lewis Foundation New Alliance Foundation RBC Foundation – USA Target - Dallas The Lillian Kaiser Lewis Foundation New Jersey State Council on the Arts The Real Estate Council The Target Foundation Lifetime Fitness New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Rees-Jones Foundation Target Stores Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Foundation Regan Family Fund TD Commerce Bank Lilly Endowment Inc. New Orleans Police & Justice Regional Arts Commission Technology Integration Group Richard Coyle Lilly Foundation Foundation Regional Arts & Cultural Council Herbert A. Templeton Foundation Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation Newport News Arts Commission Regional Business Council Tension Envelope Foundation The Linbeck Foundation New York City Department of Regional School District 14 Education Terrace View Restaurant L’Nique Linens Cultural Affairs Foundation The Texas Commission on the Arts Honorable John C. Liu, New York City Department of Youth The Reinberger Foundation Texas Education Agency New York City Council and Community Development The Rentschler Foundation Third Federal Foundation Lockheed Martin Missile Systems New York Foundation for the Arts Cleaves and Mae Rhea Foundation Thompson Hine Long Foundation New York State Arts in Correctional The Rich Foundation, Inc. John M. & Sally Thornton Foundation Lorman Education Services Education Network Rickshaw Bagworks 3M Foundation Louisiana Lottery Corporation New York State Council on the Arts The Rider Pool Foundation Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Louis Vuitton The New York Times Company Margaret Rivers Fund Tidewater Children’s Foundation The Ludcke Foundation Foundation Roanoke Arts Commission Time, Inc. LuminArte Gallery The Nord Family Foundation The Jerome Robbins Foundation Time Warner Cable Lumina Foundation for Education The Nordson Corporation Foundation Roberts Kaplan, LLP Bess Spiva Timmons Foundation The Lupin Foundation Norfolk Commission on the Arts The Summerfield G. Roberts Foundation TowneBank M&T Bank Charitable Foundation & Humanities George K. & Marjorie McCarthy Townsend Communications Macalester College Norfolk Southern Corporation Robins Fund Trapp and Company Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund Norfolk Southern Foundation The Rogers Foundation Travelers The Morton and Sophia Macht Norris, Beggs & Simpson The Henry and Ruth Blaustein The Treu-Mart Fund Foundation, Inc. Northern Trust Bank Rosenberg Foundation Tribeca Film Institute Macy’s Foundation Northrop Grumman Newport News Michael L. Rosenberg Foundation Alison Rose Tunis Fund of the The Malkin Fund, Inc. Nicholas H. Noyes, Jr. Memorial Rosewood Crescent Hotel Baltimore Community Foundation

22 Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. YOUNG AUDIENCES MARYLAND PENNSYLVANIA Turrell Fund NATIONAL OFFICE Young Audiences of Maryland Young Audiences of Twin Chimney, Inc. 2601 North Howard St., Suite 320 Eastern Pennsylvania Ulrichsen Rosen & Freed, LLC Baltimore, MD 21218 208 DeKalb Street UMB Bank Young Audiences, Inc. 410-837-7577 Norristown, PA 19401 Umpqua Bank 115 East 92nd Street 410-837-7579 Fax 215-868-8456 Unigroup, Inc. New York, NY 10128 610-286-5576 Fax Union Foundation 212-831-8110 Union Pacific Foundation 212-289-1202 Fax MASSACHUSETTS Unisource Energy Services Young Audiences of Massachusetts TEXAS United Way Foundation 255 Elm Street, Suite 302 Young Audiences of Abilene United Way of Santa Cruz County Somerville, MA 02144 1101 N. 1st, T&P Depot University of Denver Morgridge ARIZONA 617-629-9262 Abilene, TX 79601 College of Education Young Audiences of 617-625-2781 Fax 325-677-1161 University of Minnesota Santa Cruz County 325-676-1630 Fax University of Missouri-Kansas City PO Box 1571 University of Missouri-St. Louis Nogales, AZ 85628 MINNESOTA University of St. Thomas 520-397-7914 COMPAS Young Audiences of Houston Univision 520-287-2814 Fax Young Audiences of Minnesota 4550 Post Oak Place, Suite 230 USA Funds 75 5th St. West Houston, TX 77027 USA Payroll, Inc. Suite 304 713-520-9267 U.S. Bank/U.S. Bancorp Foundation CALIFORNIA St. Paul, MN 55102-1414 713-552-0612 Fax U.S. Department of Education Arts Council of Kern 651-292-3249 Woodard Van Riper Family Foundation Arts for Learning 651-292-3258 Fax Vandervoet and Associates, Inc. 2000 K St., Suite #110 Young Audiences of North Texas Velmex, Inc. Bakersfield, CA 93301 A Division of Big Thought Veneco Foundation 661-324-9000 MISSOURI 2501 Oak Lawn Avenue Verizon Foundation 661-324-1136 Fax Kansas City Young Audiences Suite 550, LB 42 Verizon New Jersey 5601 Wyandotte Dallas, TX 75219 Vick Family Foundation, Inc. Kansas City, MO 64113 214-520-0023 Vinson and Elkins Young Audiences of Northern 816-531-4022 214-520-8322 Fax Virginia Beach Arts Commission California 816-960-1519 Fax Virginia Commission for the Arts 125A Stillman Street Honorable Melissa Mark-Viverito, San Francisco, CA 94107 Young Audiences of Northeast Texas New York City Council 415-974-5554 Springboard 200 East Amherst VML Foundation 415-974-5104 Fax 3547 Olive Street Tyler, TX 75701 Vornado Realty Trust Saint Louis, MO 63103 903-561-2787 VSA 314-289-4120 VSA Arts Young Audiences of San Diego 314-289-4139 Fax Louis Vuitton 4007 Camino del Rio South Young Audiences of Southeast Texas WABC and WPLJ Radio Suite #212 700 North St., Suite G W Atlanta Downtown Hotel San Diego, CA 92108 NEW JERSEY Beaumont, TX 77701 and Residences 619-282-7599 Young Audiences New Jersey 409-835-3884 The Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation 619-282-7598 Fax 200 Forrestal Road 409-835-5504 Fax Waddell & Reed Financial Services Princeton, NJ 08540 of Hamden 609-243-9000 Waffle House COLORADO 609-243-8999 Fax VIRGINIA Wallace Foundation Think 360 Arts Young Audiences of Virginia Wall, Einhrn, and Chernitzer, P.C. Complete Education 420 North Center Drive The Wallis Foundation 2250 South Oneida, Suite 301 NEW YORK Bldg.#11, Suite 239 Walton Family Foundation Denver, CO 80224 Young Audiences New York Norfolk, VA 23502 E. C. Wareheim Foundation 720-904-8890 One East 53rd Street 757-466-7555 The Weather Channel 720-904-8894 Fax New York, NY 10022 757-455-9859 Fax Vila B. Webber 1985 Charitable Trust 212-319-9269 The Weininger Foundation 212-319-9272 Fax Wells Fargo Foundation CONNECTICUT Honorable David Weprin, Young Audiences of Connecticut 3074 Whitney Ave., Bldg #2, 2nd Fl. New York City Council Young Audiences of Rochester Hamden, CT 06518 Western Bank 277 N. Goodman St., Suite H209 203-230-8101 Western New York Assembly Rochester, NY 14607 203-230-8131 Fax Majority Delegation 585-530-2060 Whitaker Foundation 585-530-2087 Fax The Linford & Mildred White Foundation FLORIDA Arts for Learning/Miami Thomas H. White Foundation Young Audiences of Western 1900 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 201 Honorable Thomas White, Jr. New York Miami, FL 33132 New York City Council 16 Linwood Avenue 305-576-1212 Williamsburg Area Arts Commission Buffalo, NY 14209 305-576-1193 Fax The Marie C. and Joseph C. Wilson 716-881-0917 Foundation 716-885-4483 Fax Susan A. and Paul C. Wolman Jr. Fund Women of St. Michael and All Angels GEORGIA Woodruff Arts Center Young Audiences, OHIO Woodruff Arts Center Work for Art Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio 1280 Peachtree St., NE The Wortham Foundation 13110 Shaker Square, Suite C203 Atlanta, GA WRG Foundation Cleveland, OH 44120 404-733-5293 Xerox Foundation 216-561-5005 404-733-5236 Fax Xpedex Paper & Graphics 216-561-3444 Fax YES Network York Children’s Foundation INDIANA Juan Young Trust OREGON & SW WASHINGTON Young Audiences of Indiana Young Men’s Business League Young Audiences of Oregon 3921 N. Meridian Street, Suite 210 Zeist Foundation, Inc. & SW Washington Indianapolis, IN 46208-4011 ZelTech 1220 SW Morrison, Suite 900 317-925-4043 Anonymous (4) Portland, OR 97205 317-925-0654 Fax 503-225-5900 503-225-0953 Fax KANSAS Arts Partners 201 N. Water, Suite 300 Wichita, KS 67202 316-262-4771 316-262-7628 Fax

LOUISIANA Young Audiences of Louisiana 615 Baronne St., Suite 201 New Orleans, LA 70113 504-523-3525 504-523-6476 Fax 23 24 Nola L.Whiteman Diane K.R.Volk H. Guyon Townsend III Richard Stoltzman Mrs. MortonI.Sosland Elizabeth W. Smith Martin E.Segal Ginger Sager L. Jan Robertson Meridel J. Prideaux Mary P. Nass Frederick J. Morsches Dr. Kathryn A.Martin Wynton Marsalis Vincent A.Mai Yo-Yo Ma Katie Lynn Elizabeth B.Lundqvist Peter S.Kraus Mrs. William R.Kimball Mrs. Marjorie Hyman David Houser Mrs. Joseph G.Hodges, Jr. Dr. Willie L.Hill,Jr. Mrs. Peter M.Grounds Scott Greenberg Mrs. RobertM.Frehse,Jr. Mrs. Charles N.Cooper Kevin J. Bradicich James Benedict Directors James H.Gellert Secretary John W. Creamer Treasurer Mrs. John L.Weinberg Maughan Lady Thomas R.Berner Vice Presidents Mrs. MichelP. Fribourg John W. Creamer Vice Chairmen Nathan W. Pearson, Jr. President Mrs. Maurice R.Greenberg Chairman Officers Rudolf Serkin Mrs. LionelloPerera Mrs. EdgarM.Leventritt Mrs. T. Roland Berner Founders DIRECTORS NATIONAL BOARD OF Andre Watts Susan Wadsworth Charles Wadsworth Deborah Voigt Michael TilsonThomas Dr. Billy Taylor Richard Stoltzman Leonard Slatkin Shirley Ririe Murray Perahia Arthur Mitchell Zubin Mehta Wynton Marsalis Yo-Yo Ma Celeste Holm Lorin Hollander Gary Graffman Richard Goode Claude Frank Leon Fleisher Garth Fagan Van Cliburn Emanuel Ax National Committee Advisory Mrs. James D.Wolfensohn Mrs. John W. Straus J. Stewart McLain Mrs. IrvingMoskovitz Mrs. HowardL.Clark Board MembersEmeriti Controller Leni Welte Programs/Design &Development Director, Network Stein Larry Developme Research &Professional Director of Education, Dr. Janis Norman Director, for Learning Arts Peter H.Gerber Executive Director Assistant tothe Barbara Davis Development Associate Stewart Burns Director of National Services Jane C.Bak National Executive Director David A.Dik NATIONAL OFFICE nt

Photographs on the inside front and back covers are courtesy of Young Audiences of Northeast Ohio and Springboard. Design: John Mulvaney Illustration: Serge Bloch Executive Committee Photography: Dave Moser Writer: Jeff Tucker Editor: Jane Bak Printing: Consolidated Drake Press

115 East 92nd Street Fax: (212) 289-1202 New York, New York 10128 Telephone: (212) 831-8110