Frat Alumni Want Changes Cotter Brings 'Excitement' by BRAD FAY the Equity of the Fraternity the 20 Best ATO Chapters of the Houses." 153 That Exist
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Letter seeks support Report says Frat alumni want changes Cotter brings 'excitement' by BRAD FAY the equity of the fraternity the 20 best ATO chapters of the houses." 153 that exist. This is based by JOSH SHAPIRO A group of about 15 frater- primarily on scholastic achieve- , nity alumni have organized In addition to Simpson In- ment and service to the Three members of the Board terfratemity Council president themselves in protest of the col- community. of Trustees have recently con- John Anderson has attended the ducted an investigation of lege's decision . to eliminate He also felt that the sororities fraternities and sororities. meetings to keep .the student governance at Colby. fraternity members aware of the were not given a fair deal. The The governance committee's group s proceedings. national president of Sigma : The group has penned a let- ' report said "governance at Col- Kappa had no idea of what was by is sound. We make no ter to be sent to all Colby frater- going on, he said. nity alumni to find out how Most of the group's recommendations to the Board many others feel the way the grievances concern the way in Nearly all Colby fraternities for changes." local alumni do. The letter will which the decision was reached. and sororities have an alumni The governance review was representative in the local first planned five years ago, not be public until it is mailed, "The commission's report group, Hayward added. when President William Cotter probably sometime during the was not an accurate report of next few days. took office. The plan was what fraternities are and what The next meeting of the broadened to include all aspects "We hope to provide ac- they mean. In all fairness , ac- group is tonight when they will of Colby governance: the Presi- curate information [about the curate information should have finalize plans on the mailing of dent, trustees, overseers, faculty fraternity decision] to those been provided,'' Hayward said. their letter. The last meeting Over 100 Colby Students heard Carole King give a bodies, and other members of who haven't received it. And, if was devoted to rewording and youth oriented speach for Democratic Presidential the administration. no one cares, there's not very He continued , "The college approving the letter. Nominee Gary Hart According to committee much we can do," Bertrand has the right to remove frater- chairman and Colby trustee Hayward of Waterville said. nities, but whether the decision Robert Anthony, this sort of was fair and whether they gave review has become "increasing- Part of the group 's aim is to due consideration to the fact ly common at colleges and is decide what, if any, legal action that they were making a turn done all the time." This is the might be taken to soften the around" he doubted. Carole King endorses Hart first such review of the Colby trustee decision. Some issues administration. are, according to Peter Simpson Hayward, who is retired and by CAROL EISENBERG financial support of political ac- of young people don t have as The committee conducted ap- of Phi Delt who has attended of the on the board of trustees tion committees and corpora- much hope as they did when I proximately 100 interviews with many of the group's meetings, ATO corporation cited that Singer-songwriter Carole tions because, ''He wants to go was your age , board members, overseers, restoring recognition and the " she con- fraternity as an excellent exam- King is on tour this spring, but into the White House with no tinued , and this disturbs me faculty (both active and retired), financial settlements with the " ple of a good fraternity that was she's not performing. She's on strings attached. He wants to be because the minds of our youth administration, staff , students, school. Hayward is especially not treated well. The Colby the Hart campaign trail , sup- responsive to the people, not the are this country's single greatest alumni, and townspeople. concerned about "protecting , , ATO chapter he said is one of porting the man she feels is the highest bidder." resource. " Dr. Frederic W. Ness and Dr. "only real alternative to Ronald King 's message was more Asa remedy for what she sees Ronald S. Stead, consultants to Reagan." than touting the virtues of Hart , as a loss of hope among the committee, found Before her appearance on though. "I'm here at Colby American youth , King ad- healthy relationships exist Tuesday, in Roberts Union, College today," she explain- vises,"The only way to ac- among all aspects of the ad- King said,"l volunteered to ed, "to encourage young people complish your dreams is to try, ministration , faculty, and stu- lend my name and my visibility especially not to be afraid to to just go for it." Hart, she dent body. They also said "the to the campaign." She is im- speak out." feels, embodies this attitude,,is administrative and faculty pressed that Hart refuses the "I'm concerned because a lot a "can-do person." organization' structure is King went on to compare her satisfactory." own establishment in the record Some faculty members , industry to Hart's belief in though criticized certain facets Facility raises issues himself. She says she knocked of Colby governance. For in- on alot of doors before an ex- stance, there was a good deal of ecutive at Atlantic Records controversy about the pro- The first meetings of the RCAB new facility committee rais- finally listened to her songs out cedure used in evaluating facul- ed more . questions than they answered, according to Matt of exasperation. "Gary Hart is ty performance leading to deci- Hartley, student co-chairman of that committee. living his beliefs, "King claims, sions on salary and promotion. As a result, the issues raised have been documented by both Hartley and faculty co-chairman Cal Mackenzie. Their hope ,cont on p. 16 cont on p. 16 is to get a campus-wide response to their ideas before going ahead with the decision-making. To do this, they have placed a suggestion box in Roberts r Union and hope that students will also speak with any of the j n*.ide... 55 members of the committee. „ i Despite the size of the group, Hartley termed their two ^- Angel a Davis comes to Colby p. 3 meetings last week a "success." To deal with the size problem —Co lby Nursery School p. 5 the group is being furth er broken down into more - * — Zoo Story reviewed p, 8 subcommittees. —Baske tball success *- p, 11 The committee's paper follows: . » I SSUES AND OPTIONS FOR CAMPUS DISCUSSION "The ' Making a cup of tea Is just another one of this Purpose— The RCAB Subcommittee on ihc New Facility has - trouble with toddy s individuate is that young fellow's morning activities In Robert's Loft been meeting for several weeks to discuss the desired purposes they ' re getting harder and harder to tell opart. ** Story on page 5. ~~G»r J Antezak ' cont on p. 4 ' ' * > i ¦¦= '¦¦¦¦ - - i_ . i> *• M Foreclosure threatens 3 fr ats Off the Hill by BRAD FAY foreclose on March 2 if the bills This is despite their attorney, complications that would be are not paid. who advised them to pay the caused by the city automatical- Five of Colby's eight frater- ly becoming the owner of the The corporations of DU, bills, but in protest.^ nities have instructed the college KDR, and Zete have not made Augusta attorney Jed Davis houses. Nicaraguans will vote to pay back taxes for 1982 from any arrangements to make the said he wrote a letter to all the Should this happen, "it the fraternity accounts to the ci- payments, according to Colby fraternities recommending that would make negotiations [of the ty of Waterville which will treasurer Douglas Reinhardt. the money be paid to avoid the college's financial take-over of The Nicaraguan Government announced Tuesday that it the fraternity buildings -in the would hold national elections for a president and a constituent fall] more complicated ," assembly on Nov. 4. Reinhardt said. Earlier this year, the Government had said elections would "The college will have to get be held in 1985. The current schedule calls for the balloting to Amherst protests for frats legal advice and make a deci- take place two days before the Presidential election in the United, K sion" of whether or not to pay States. - the money itself, if DU , KDR The announcement came before a crowd of about 75,000 in An estimated 300 Amherst spokesman, it was "orderly and a media event. and Zete do nothing about it, he a speech marking the 50th anniversary of the death of August© students peacefully peaceful and there were no in- Reporters from the wire ser- said. Cesar Sandino, for whom the ruling Sandinista movement was demonstrated against a pending cidents, only business as usual." vices, the BOSTON GLOBE, Should the college decide to named - trustee decision at that college They even ended" the and the NEW YORK TIMES The New York Times pay the taxes, the money would which could be similar to the demonstration a half-hour covered the Amherst incident. be considered an advance to be Colby decision to abolish earlier than planned. The big decision will come offset in the coming negotia- fraternities. Although the spokesman said over the weekend as their tions for the college's purchase The students had a sit-in on the protest had considerable trustees mull over a report that Trouble for bubble boy of the fraternity houses.