4-5-07 for Real.Indd

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4-5-07 for Real.Indd E H TT RANSCRIPT The Oldest Continuously Published Student Newspaper in the Nation OhioOhio WesleyanWesleyan UniversityUniversity Delaware, OH Thursday, April 5, 2007 Volume 145 No. 9 DiFranco/Yost take 80% By Phil Salisbury DiFranco said one of their we’ll create a greater sense of Editor-in-Chief main goals is to unite the campus understanding with the student more. body,” he said. Sophomore Tricia DiFranco “We want to foster a greater DiFranco said she and Yost and junior Joey Yost are the new sense of community, with Home- will start a transition process to WCSA President and Vice Presi- coming, the President’s Ball, and replace Rymut and senior Dale dent, respectively. have community days that sort of Stewart, WCSA Vice President. “We’re very proud that we thing,” DiFranco said. “The new Rymut said there will be elec- won,” Yost said. “We’re looking student center is a great way to do tions for class representatives and forward to getting to work this this. We want to continue to reno- for Senior Class President. There year and next as President and vate the student center so it’s fully will be a mandatory meeting for Vice President.” functional.” interested candidates tomorrow DiFranco and Yost received DiFranco said another goal is at noon in HamWill 210. 359 of the 451 votes cast, or 79.6 to improve campus life. Rymut said WCSA hopes to in- percent of the vote, said senior “We want to push campus crease voter turnout by adding a Marie Rymut, WCSA President. improvements like dorm reno- ballot question to these elections, Their opponents, juniors Nathan vations,” she said. “That’s a long which will take place on Wednes- Truman and Jonathan Distad, re- term process, so we want to start day, April 25. ceived 89 votes, or 19.7 percent. talking to trustees as soon as pos- “One ballot issue will be a vote Student turnout declined for sible.” to determine which businesses will the second year in a row, with Yost said another goal they join the off-campus food points only 25.5 percent of the student have is to increase the visibility of program,” Rymut said. “The Resi- body casting ballots. Last year, 29 WCSA. dential Life Committee is fi guring percent of students voted while 41 “Hopefully through the web- out full list of candidates.” percent voted in 2005, according site, more Town Hall meetings, to Rymut. and coverage in The Transcript, See related story on p. 2 Empowerment has a home House of Empowerment created after Habitat House disbands Photo by Emily Bigelow Ed Kahn, right, professor of theatre and dance, helps his By McCarton Ackerman the ramifi cations of a child with- ideas and were truly passionate son Sammy, 4, collect Easter Eggs during Kappa Kappa Staff Reporter out direction,” Paul said. “Ev- about what they were speaking Gamma’s Easter Egg Hunt. ery house member is passionate of.” Several Ohio Wesleyan stu- about helping children in any way Paul said the house already dents, whose backgrounds range possible.” had a list of programs which they from upper-class suburbia to the The E-House is comprised of intend to pursue next year. The African adventure projects, will work together next eight sophomores and two fresh- programs will tackle problems year to empower local youth. men, but was originally created that many children are currently The House of Empowerment by six male sophomores. The re- facing. (E-House), created by sophomore maining four members, two of “Some members will raise awaits students Amir Paul, is the newest Small whom are women, were selected money for foundations such as By Myra Blackburn mittee (APC). After series of dis- Living Unit (SLU) on campus. It through an interview process. the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation or Staff Reporter cussion, they approved it for the will be replacing Habitat for Hu- The house submitted their Leukemia Lymphoma Society,” next fall 2008.” manity (HFH) next year. proposal to Residental Life last Paul said. “Other members will The black world studies depart- Quaye said the program is “HFH decided not to renew month. Each member wore a t- help children who have had aca- ment has created an abroad pro- highly recommended for students their status as a house due to a shirt with a letter that collectively demic or legal problems.” gram, Ohio Wesleyan and Kenya, interested in medical systems, lack of interest,” said Julia Brook- spelled out E-M-P-O-W-E-R-M- Brooker was confi dent the E- for students who are interested in music, art, literature, religion, en- er, the Residential Life Coordina- E-N. The remaining “T” stood for House would be a positive addi- learning about social issues and vironment, and social policy and tor for Hayes Hall. “They served a “Time is now,” a statement made tion to the current SLU’s. African culture. The program will economic development. It offers great purpose for this community, by senior Marie Rymut, WCSA “It’s rare to have a chance to start fall 2008. an unique opportunity to learn but it’s time to move on.” President, at the trustee dinner. be involved with the youth of the “Students will appreciate a di- about these complex issues on Paul said his experiences grow- Brooker said she was im- Delaware community,” Brooker verse culture of Eastern African an academic setting through per- ing up in Washington, D.C. in- pressed by the presentation that said. “I’m sure they will benefi t and also stay with Kenyan fami- sonal, cultural, and ethnographic spired him to create a house that the E-House gave. the University in a positive way.” lies in Nairobi, Kenya,” Randolph research experiences. would work with children in the “It was clear they weren’t just Paul said the common beliefs Quaye, black world studies profes- “The program is equivalent to community. reading off a piece of paper,” and goals of the house members sor said. “Also, they will get fi rst Ohio Wesleyan tuition,” Quaye “As a foster child, I have seen Brooker said. “They had great See SLU, p. 2 hand internship. They will experi- said. “Students will complete an ence Kenya culture, and appreci- application form, and a one page ate the different ethnic groups of essay explaining their interest in Kenya.” this program, special interest and He said students will take a have taken a black world studies Scholarship to honor alumnus three week traveling seminar to course before. two Eastern African countries, By Matt Patrick ed teaching at OWU as a rookie in and played a major role here.” “After applications are in, 1970. Peter Chase said that since his Mombasa and Tanzania, Uganda three members will review the Correspondent “I don’t know anyone who father passed away 30 years ago, where they will have the opportu- application. We hope to select a A new scholarship has recently didn’t have respect and affection he and his mother both thought it nity to learn the Swahili language. maximum of 20 students from been endowed to honor John N. for John Chase,” Radabaugh said. would be nice to do something to He said those already taking this different departments such as Chase (‘49), a zoology professor “He had all of the right people commemorate his life. particular language course will sociology and anthropology, jour- who passed away at age 53 while skills, he was a terrifi c OWU grad- “My son, Andrew is graduating take Swahili 225. nalism, international studies pro- working at OWU. Chase was also uate and scholar.” this year and since he will be the Quaye said the program is gram, women and gender studies vice president of academic affairs Radabaugh said John Chase last Chase of the generation to go open to all sophomores, juniors, program, and pre-med.” and provost at the time of his was also an outstanding artist, to OWU for a while, this will be a and seniors. He said he plans to Other courses that are being death. which was demonstrated in his nice way to wrap things up,” Peter extend the program to GLCA col- offered for the fall semester 2008: Peter Chase (‘74), son of John biological illustrations and gifted Chase said. “All together, includ- leges such as Wooster, Oberlin, Eastern African culture: litera- Chase, said the endowment will woodcarvings of whales he com- ing my father and my mother, my Kenyon, and Denison. ture, economy and political devel- benefi t zoology students in high pleted while spending summers Aunt and my Uncle, my Brother The program is also a pertinent opment BWS 300.3, women, de- academic status who demonstrate on Martha’s Vineyard. and his wife, myself and my wife, continuation of the OWU attempt velopment and the environment fi nancial need. Radabaugh said John Chase’s my brother’s brother and sister to internationalize the college cur- BWS 300.4, African medical sys- “We’re hoping this scholarship death sent a big jolt through the in-law, Andrew will be the 11th riculum, Quaye said. tems BWS 300.5, and internship will give about $7,000 to a student OWU community and he is not Chase to graduate from Ohio “This program started about in Kenya BWS 400.2. each year,” Peter Chase said. surprised at the large response his Wesleyan.” two years ago when we revised our According to OWU’s catalog Zoology Professor Dennis fund has received. Peter Chase said he fi rst con- curriculum for BWS Program,” course description for black world Radabaugh worked with John “He was too young when he had tacted Mark Shipps (‘70), vice Quaye said.
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