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[email protected] plus coverage of As +44 (0)20 7258 1943 One, Shadow Lounge, Staff writer Ku Bar and Lo-Profi le John O’Ceallaigh
[email protected] PAGE 69 Design Concept OUTREACH Boutique Marketing London Lesbian and www.boutiquemarketing.co.uk Gay Switchboard, Graphic Designer community listings Ryan Beal plus changes in the Sub Editor laws surrounding Kathryn Fox surrogacy Contributors Adrian Foster, Edward PAGE 72 Gamlin, David Hadley, Mark OUTNEWS Palmer-Edgecumbe, David All the gay news from Perks, Max Skjönsberg, home and abroad Richard Tonks Photographer CONTENTS PAGE 78 Chris Jepson CAREER Publishers Sarah Garrett//Linda Riley PAGE 04 ISDN: 1473-6039 LETTERS Head of Advertising Send your Rob Harkavy correspondence to
[email protected] [email protected] + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 Head of Business PAGE 06 Development MY LONDON Lyndsey Porter DJ and musician Larry
[email protected] HUDSON’S LETTER Tee gives us his capital + 44 (0)20-7258 1777 highlights PAGE 12 Senior Advertising Executive I was wondering whether choice but to roll with it DIARY: BRAZIL! BRAZIL! Dan Goodban to write my monthly letter and make the best of a PAGE 08
[email protected] about the General Election, challenging situation.