Fare and Ticketing Systems in Europe 1 Fare and Ticketing Systems in Europe 2 YTV Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council, Opastinsilta 6 A 00520 Helsinki, Finland tel. exch. +3589 15 611 fax +3589 1561 369 http://www.ytv.fi Further information: Pirkko Lento, tel. +3589 1561 637
[email protected] Cover picture: WSP Finland Helsinki 2008 3 Introduction The Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council’s travel card system will be replaced by 2014. In conjunc- tion with this work the need to renew the fare and ticketing system will be evaluated. A preliminary study on renewing the fare and ticketing system was completed in October 2006. To complement the preliminary study, this follow-up study consists of an overview of the fare and ticketing systems used in other, mostly European, cities. The eleven European cities chosen for this study were Barcelona, Amsterdam, Zürich, Stuttgart, Vienna, Manchester and London as well as the Nordic cities of Stockholm, Malmö, Gothenburg, Oslo and Copenhagen. Of these cities Vienna, Barcelona, Stockholm, Oslo and Copenhagen are so called BEST cities, which monitor the quality of their respective public transport systems in co- operation. In addition to the European cities, Singapore was also included in the study as it uses a distance based fare system for both bus and rail transport. The structure and characteristics of the fare and ticketing system of each city was studied. The report is divided into chapters for each city. Every chapter begins with basic information con- cerning the city such as the number of inhabitants, surface area and population density. The cur- rently used fare and ticketing systems are described to the same extent as they are explained to ordinary passengers on the Internet pages of, for example, the parties responsible for providing transport services.