Snake River 1157 Wildlife Habitat Information to Inform the Plan- Ton, and Northeast Oregon
Snake River 1157 wildlife habitat information to inform the plan- ton, and northeast Oregon. +roughout its long ning decisions for renewable energy. history, volcanoes, flooding, and glaciers have Climate change impacts may be felt in the arid shaped the river and its shores. region; nitrogen deposits, atmospheric carbon +e Snake River plain was created by a volca- dioxide, and other changes will impact the grass- nic hotspot beneath Yellowstone National Park, lands. Climate change may impact the size of the which holds the headwaters and origin of the river. sagebrush areas, for example, which in turn con- Flooding as the glaciers retreated after the ice age stricts grouse and other birds and mammals liv- created the current landscape, including eroded ing in these habitats. canyons and valleys. Mountains and plains are typical terrain along the river. +e Snake River has P J. C more than 20 major tributaries, most of them in the mountains; Hells Canyon is the deepest river Further Reading gorge in North America. Cutright, Paul Russell. Lewis and Clark: Pioneering +e Snake River is home to salmon and steel- Naturalists . Lincoln: University of Nebraska head, which were central to the lives of the Nez Press, 2003. Perce and Shoshone, the dominant tribal nations Petersen, Keith C. River of Life, Channel of Death: before the Europeans came. People have lived Fish and Dams on the Lower Snake . Corvallis: along the Snake River for over 15,000 years. +e Oregon State University Press, 2001. Snake River may have been given its name by the Waring, Gwendolyn. L. A Natural History of Shoshones, as a hand signal made by the Shosho- the Intermountain West: Its Ecological and nes representing fish was misinterpreted by Euro- Evolutionary Story.
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