News Bulletin
State and Region Parliaments News Bulletin Issue (42) _ Thursday, 2nd November 2017 Tanintharyi Region Parliament building is seen following its opening ceremony on November Photo 22, 2017. News (Photo: Tanintharyi Region Hluttaw/Facebook) Hluttaw Institution bill should not be enacted, say some MPs and Tatmadaw representatives October 26, 2017 upper and lower institution which is union based on a federal system. against the 2008 Constitution. It’s However, other MPs, who are Tatmadaw representatives and some necessary to consider whether such a members of the NLD, stated that in the Hluttaw representatives objected to the Constitution, the matters that are not proposal of the Hluttaw Institution bill it should be drafted or not, since it’s stated in the legislative list of the Since it would violate the [2008] nowbill can the be beneficialtime of orbuilding not and nationalwhether Pyidaungsu, Regions and Self-administered Constitution. reconciliation, federal union and peace, Zones, the residual power to pass the At the Amyotha Hluttaw Session according to U Soe Thein, an independent law is granted to Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. on October 26, in response to the representative from Kayah State. The MPs also pointed out that per the bill discussion, as stated above, 3 The bill, which will keep a check on Pyidaungsu Hluttaw law, in order for Rakhine representatives, 2 Tatmadaw the state and region Hluttaws, should the house speaker to be able to carry representatives, and 1 independent not be enacted if the country practices out Hluttaw matters more effectively, representative raised objections to it a federal system, said U Kyaw Kyaw, MP Hluttaw institution can be formed, with whereas 2 representatives of the (of Rakhine State constituency– 4) the agreement taken from the Hluttaw.
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