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News Bulletin State and Region Parliaments News Bulletin Issue (34) _ Thursday, 13th July 2017 Some Answers of Regional Ministers found Mismatched July 4, 2017 - - Thet Nwe said the report suggested su issue of mismatching between ques - pervision support of the Hluttaw tions and answers happened mainly- On July 4, at the first day of Mandalay Speaker on such kind of shortfalls in the due to lack of knowledge of some MPs- Region Parliament’s sixth Regular Ses answers from the government.” who do not know the financial manage sion, Hluttaw Representatives Vetting Replying to the issue, the Planning- ment system among government de Committee submitted the report of the and Finance Minister U Myat Thu, says partments.” He also stated that some- Regional Hluttaw Performance over to the press, “One MP asked the ques MPs are not clear between mandates of- one year period. The report stated that tion of how much revenue is making local government and union govern the answers of some regional ministers from the entrance fee of historical zone ment, and how government depart provided for the starred questions are- and how it is being spent? The region ments expend their budgets. found not relevant, and some answers- government only receives 2% of the At the meeting, the report received or commitment came with no indica revenue. So, how should I answer for Reference:no rejection The Irrawaddyand thus, recorded by the tion of time and plan for implementa such kind of issue, which is managed Hluttaw. tion. A committee member Daw Nyein mainly by the Union Government. The Stakeholder Meetings to be held to Discuss on the new Freshwater Fishery Law June 30, 2017 - Meeting with fishermen will be held in respective districts in order to dis cuss for drafting of freshwater fishery law, according to U Aung Kyaw Khine, the Speaker of Ayeyarwady Region- Parliament, in an interview with DVB. “The region government has submit ted the draft of new freshwater fishery- law to Hluttaw [Parliament]. This new law also includes matters of small fish- ers, which are not covered in previous law. Last year, 209 of community fish ing plots were allocated and this years, we are planning to allocate 600 fishing plots, including those currently are in controversial for making either farming- or fishing grounds,” said U Ba Hein, the- regional minister of Agriculture, Live - stock and Natural Resource and Envi ronmental Protection. address these issues, stakeholders comes from the meetings will be re Regarding with allocation of fishing- meetings with fisher groups, of both ferred in the discussion at the Hluttaw plots to small fishers, large fishers are small and large, will be first conducted- Reference:and then DVB proceed to have approval on currently opposing, and they are op in districts, before the new fishery law the law. posing the new fishery law. In order to is discussed at the Hluttaw. The out State and Region Parliaments News Bulletin Issue 34 Photo: Mandalay Region Hluttaw Facebook Mandalay Region Hluttaw Questioned Gov’t’s lack of transparency in Implementing Projects July 5, 2017 - raised because the region government- ed for the implementation with funding is currently implementing projects and international loan by the new gov On the first day of Mandalay Region- with less transparency, and lack of in- ernment in 4 year period from 2017- Parliament’s Sixth Regular Session, the- formation on who is implementing- 2018 fiscal-year to 2020-2021 fiscal year, representative Dr. Chit Ko Ko (Pyigyi Ta- what in which system, and to what ex according to U Myat Thu, minister of gon – 1), requested, on behalf of Manda tent, and how much they received ex Planning and Finance. It was informed at lay Hluttaw, about the projects imple ternal financial support and how much the meeting that the projects are being menting in the region with international loans they have taken. financed by two types - by loan and by by assistance, saying these information are Replying to the question by U Myat- Reference:grant, and The Voicetotal Dailyfinancial support is required for the regional hluttaw. Thu, the Minister of Planning and Finance 40,007.9 million Kyat. He stated that the question was stated that there are projects are allocat State and Region Parliaments A Tatmadaw Representative’s proposal News Bulletin of Declaring Section 144 for an action Collected and Presented by against Illegal Gem miners got Rejected Enlightened Myanmar Research Foundation (EMReF) June 28, 2017 - quested the members of Hluttaws for - Contact - their decisions on whether to proceed +95 9 261654045 The motion submitted by Tatmad on the motion, the MP U Maung Tay aw’s representative Colonel Naing Zin- (Khamti – 1) started with objection. Thet on the issue of mining in Nang Si Then, the decision was made through Pon area in Khamti Township, was re- voting and the motion was rejected by- jected on June 28, on the 2nd day of the the voting result. - Sagaing Region Parliament’s eighth reg “The Section (143) is currently ap- ular session. The proposal was rejected plied in the area and casualties are al by a voting result shows 67 against, 23 ready observed. If section 144 is ap in-favor and 3 neutral. - plied, the current situation even will get The motion submitted by Colonel worse and create undesired problems. Naing Zin Thet asked for practicing Sec So, we don’t think it is a necessary tion 144 of the Criminal Procedure action and rejected the motion,” said U Code in order to effectively eradicate all- Reference:Maung Tay. The Mirror Daily (KyeMon) illegal miners in Nang Si Pon area. When the Hluttaw speaker U Than re | 2 | State and Region Parliaments News Bulletin Issue 34 Photo News Opening ceremony of Mandalay Region Hluttaw’s new Building at 8 am on Reference: DVB July 1. Seven States and Regions Short News Ministers of Security and - Border Affairs are Replaced Members of the Sagaing Region Parlia ment Legislative Committee and the- Committee of Handling Government’s June 30, 2017 Commitment, Warranty and Accountabil ity had a meeting with their counterpart- of Yangon Region Parliament on July 6 at the Yangon Region Hluttaw. At the meet With the notification by the Commander in Chief of Tatmadaw, seven States and Reference:ing, both sidesSoe Win discussed Tun MP/Facebook over the matters Region Ministers of Security and Border Affairs are replaced with new ministers. of legislation and commitment. The following are the list of Tatmadaw representatives who are replaced and their substitutes. The list is issued by the Union Election Commission on June 29. - On July 3, at the 6th meeting of the fifth Army 18637: Army 22617: regular session of Magway Region hlut 1 Kayin State Hluttaw Substituted with Colonel Aung Lwin Colonel Myo Min Naung taw, the Bill of Systematic Utilization of the Chemical Fertilizer and Promoting- Organic Fertilizer was approved, and the Army 21123: Army 25995: - 2 Chin State Hluttaw Substituted with following day on July 4, the Bill of Domes Colonel Kyaw Kyaw Colonel Han Win Aung Reference:tic Manual Magway and Mechanized Region Hluttaw Industry Facebook De velopment was approved. Army 20595: Army 20825: 3 Magway Region Hluttaw Substituted with Colonel Naing Oo Colonel Min Oo - 4 On July 6, at the 4th meeting of Bago Army 21650: Army 26109: Region hluttaw’s Seventh Regular Ses Mandalay Region Hluttaw Substituted with Colonel Myo Min Aung Colonel Kyaw Kyaw Min sion, Hluttaw representative Daw Zin- Moe Htike ( Pan Taung- 1) submitted the motion asks for effective supervi Army 21658: Army 22666: 5 Rakhine State Hluttaw Substituted with sion and monitoring over companies Colonel Htein Linn Colonel Phone Tint implementing the projects with the BOT system for building roads and- Army 20682: Army 27189: bridges in Bago Region. Per the will and- 6 Yangon Region Hluttaw Substituted with Colonel Tin Aung Htun Colonel Aung Soe Moe request of Daw Zin Moe Htike, the se- cret voting was applied for the hlut taw’s decision over the motion. As a re Army 19729: Army 23911: - 7 Shan State Hluttaw Substituted with sult of voting by 62 representatives, the Colonel Soe Moe Aung Colonel Naing Win Aung Reference: UEC/The Irrawaddy Reference:motion was Bago approved Region Hluttaw/Facebook by 54 votes of fa vor, 4 against and 4 are neutral. | 3 | .
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