State and Region Parliaments News Bulletin Issue (17) _ Thursday, 27th October 2016 Short News The special session (1/2016) of the Second Magway Region Hluttaw will be held on 7th Novem- ber. The email address
[email protected] will be used so that MPs can submit questions and motions, and carry out committee activities time- ly in accord with 2013 Re- gion/State Hluttaw Law and Magway Region Hlut- Lawmaker to Request Return of Land aw by-laws. (Ref: Extracted from Bago Region Occupied by Mandalay USDP Office Hluttaw Facebook Page) nd 22 October 2016 the land at the regional hluttaw second ses- An emergency session will be held at the Rakhine Since the land occupied by the USDP the Development Affairs Minister’s response State Hluttaw to discuss Mandalay Region Head Office was trans- satisfactory.sion during lastThus September. he decided He todid submit not find it current issues in Maung- ferred illegally, return of land to public again to the Regional Hluttaw. daw, Rakhine State board- would be asked again at the coming parlia- The land was transferred in accord with er. MPs will have to arrive ment session, claimed regional MP U Aung rules and regulations and the ownership title in Sittwe by 21st October Shwe (Democratic Party Myanmar, Chan Aye was obtained. The authorities made permission and the session will com- Tharzan 1). only because conditions were compliant, said U mence on 24th October, In 2002, since Union of Myanmar Whole- Win Maung, the Chairman of Mandalay Region Monday. sale Cooperative Federation transferred the USDP.