Research Article Vol. 28, No. 26 / 21 December 2020 / Optics Express 39750 Noise and distortion analysis of dual frequency comb photonic RF channelizers CALLUM DEAKIN1,2 AND ZHIXIN LIU1,3 1Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London, London, UK
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract: Dual frequency combs are emerging as highly effective channelizers for radio frequency (RF) signal processing, showing versatile capabilities in various applications including Fourier signal mapping, analog-to-digital conversion and sub-sampling of sparse wideband signals. Although previous research has considered the impact of comb power and harmonic distortions in individual systems, a rigorous and comprehensive performance analysis is lacking, particularly regarding the impact of phase noise. This is especially important considering that phase noise power increases quadratically with comb line number. In this paper, we develop a theoretical model of a dual frequency comb channelizer and evaluate the signal to noise ratio limits and design challenges when deploying such systems in a high bandwidth signal processing context. We show that the performance of these dual comb based signal processors is limited by the relative phase noise between the two optical frequency combs, which to our knowledge has not been considered in previous literature. Our simulations verify the theoretical model and examine the stochastic noise contributions and harmonic distortion, followed by a broader discussion of the performance limits of dual frequency comb channelizers, which demonstrate the importance of minimizing the relative phase noise between the two frequency combs to achieve high signal-to-noise ratio signal processing.