Merchants Ose Date of Memorial Day Parade
ONLY NEWSPAPER WITH COMPLETE SCOTCH PLAINS -FANWOOD NEWS VOLUME 12 NO. 20 SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD, N.J., THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1371 15 CENTS A Musical Chairs At Merchants ose Date Fanwood Borough Council Meeting Of Memorial Day Parade Fanwood's rwo Democratic Councilman have apparently been very busy of late, examining in close detail the by-laws, rules and regu- lations o£ that governing body. Their latest matter of debate involved chairs, but their Republican counterparts apparently had some Planning Board Submits knowledge of the chair game, too, so that the end result would well Free Rabies be likened to a game of musical chairs, At the April meeting, Mayor Clinic 5 Year Capita! improvement Roland Beeiham was vacationing be time for a study of moderni- The Scotch Plains Board of and Council President William zation of some of them, he said. Health is again sponsoring a Projects Totaling $3,390,000 Nelson was ill. Councilman Van He cited eleven in particular, Rabies Vaccination program for Dyke Pollitt presided. At last including the by-law which de- dogs and cats. There will be NO Memorial Day, which always brings out a goodly percentage of week's May meeting, Council- tails reading the minutes of for- CHARGE for this service. Scotch Plalns-Fanwood residents for a community parade, will be man John Swindlehursr, a Dem- mer meetings, a practice not in Will you kindly cooperate in celebrated this year on Saturday, May 29 - if one is talking about ocrat elected last year, wanted use today; the six standing com- this effort to eliminate the danger parades.
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