The BG News April 5, 1988
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-5-1988 The BG News April 5, 1988 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News April 5, 1988" (1988). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4786. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. THE BG NEWS Vol.70 Issue 106 Bowling Green, Ohio Tuesday, April 5,1988 Olscamp says no to peace pole by Ron Fritz news editor "This should be unifying, not something Members of the Peace Coali- that causes conflict. It has been a good University controversy unique tion said Mondav a weight would thing everywhere else. That's how we saw be lifted from their shoulders if it here." by Ron Friu less than three years ago. She said the pole has University President Paul Ols- news editor not met much opposition. camp would approve the plant- -Diane Docis, Peace Coalition "We brought it to America because we ing of a "peace pole" on cam- Two of the originators of the Peace Pole thought the message is so important, especially pus. Project in the United States said Monday they in this country, because of all the political situa- Since Thursday, members member of the Peace Coalition, ted, it would have to agree to do were surprised the issue has raised controversy tions and issues," Johns said from San Fran- have carried the pole around said more than 300 students the same for any other group at the University. cisco. "It is something positive — why object? campus and into classrooms, have signed the petition. with a worthy cause. Carol Spaulding, co-partner of the Peace Pole "It is a good thing.' and circulated a petition to gain "We're going to send the peti- "It's pretty straight-forward Project, In Bast Jordan, Mich., said it is not Spaulding said there was a city council in Mi- student support. tion to Gov. (Richard) Celeste — we do not permit permanent meant to cause conflict. chigan that did not think the pole fit in with the Olscamp has refused to allow and hopefully he will endorse additions to the campus without "It has a universal message," she said in a outer decorum of its city hall — especially the the organization to permanently it," Docis said. "The governor going through the proper chan- phone Interview. "It is non-political and non- cannon in front of the building. plant a seven-foot pole, with the has been very supportive of nels — and if we do it for one denominational. It is a message most people words "May Peace Prevail On peace. I don't think the Univer- person or group, we'd have to do can understand. But after the residents of the city got behind Earth" printed in four lan- sity's argument is logical. It it for another, Olscamp said. the pole, according to Spaulding, the city relen- guages on its sides, at the Uni- (the peace pole) has never been "The pole should be planted "I do not know of anyone who has not wel- ted — and bought two peace poles. versity. a problem. where the movement originates comed the pole or agreed with its message." "They put one on each side of the cannon," "We're carrying the pole to "This should be unifying, not — the • Jnited Christian Fellow- Fumi Johns brought the idea from Japan, she said. "But I've never heard it become con- get student support and heighten something that causes conflict. ship." where there are 60,000 peace poles, to the U.S. troversial like at your university." the awareness of peace," said It has been a good thing every- Phil Mason, executive assis- Peace Coalition member Debbie where else. That's how we saw it tant to the president, said the Wiedwald, a University junior. here." administration believes the table and honorable," Mason According to Carol Spaulding, States. "We'll carry the pole however Olscamp said he would not al- peace pole is a worthy cause, but said. "But in the future, some co-partner of the Peace Pole In Japan, where the project long it takes. We still hope to do- low the peace pole to perma- would not want to deal with group with a less honorable Project, in East Jordan, Mich., originated, more than 60,000 nate it (to the University) and nently alter the architectural causes that are not as worthy in cause or project could refer to there are more than 1,000 peace peace poles are planted, Spauld- have it planted." appearance of the campus. the future. this issue. What do we do then? poles planted throughout the ing said. Diane Docis, a graduate stu- He said if the University al- "We support the cause 100 "We do not want to set a world, excluding Japan, but in- D See Pole, page 6. dent in political science and lowed the peace pole to be plan- percent. The purpose is respec- precedent." cluding about 600 in the United Festival Dukakis rips options Jackson plea needed by Barb Weadock (AP) — Jesse Jackson appealed Monday to Panamanian strong- staff reporter man Manuel Antonio Noriega again to give up power, but fellow Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Dukakis called Jackson's Springiest has not been held involvement there a "bad idea," as the two squared off in Monday's for two years, but the need for a Colorado caucuses and Tuesday's Wisconsin primary. City-University event is still an Sen. Albert Gore Jr. of Tennessee also criticized Jackson's corre- issue, according to the City- spondence with Noriega, but he blasted Dukakis for being "abso- University Relations Committee lutely timid" of Jackson. chairman. The Massachusetts governor dismissed Gore and his comments: "I do think Bowling Green "I don't know what he's serious about." should develop a true communi- Jackson, Dukakis and Gore were joined by Sen. Paul Simon of Il- ty festival," Michael Marsden linois campaigning across Wisconsin on Monday. Simon is trailing said. badly in his effort to win here and keep his campaign alive, while Marsden said a festival helps Gore needs a good showing in the state to boost his faltering effort. to define a community, but a fes- Jackson and Dukakis, the front-runners in both states, awaited the tival has to have a level of matu- slow dribble of results from the 2,784 precinct caucuses in Colorado rity that Springiest never de- that will divide 45 national convention delegates. veloped. The Republicans were holding caucuses Monday night in Colorado "It never got beyond the beer- as well as the Democrats. With Vice President George Bush already fest stage,"he said. "Unfortun- having locked up the nomination, Pat Robertson's effort to win some ately, it never matured." of the state's 36 GOP delegates was a symbolic gesture. The event was canceled when Only about 20,000 Colorado Democrats are expected to turn out for neither the city nor the Universi- the caucuses, a low turnout that could be good for Jackson, who drew ty would accept liability, Mars- huge crowds Saturday and Sunday in the state. Dukakis countered den said. The last Springfest with endorsements from Colorado Gov. Roy Romer and state Demo- was held in 1986. cratic chairman Buie Seawell and his organizational prowess, but "Anyone who holds a party is Dukakis aides said Jackson should win Colorado. liable for who is served (alco- hol)," he said. Marsden said a celebration is possible if it received University Chief permitted and city support, but it has to go beyond the Deer keg. Last year, Daze of Rock, a non-alcoholic concert, was held to look for truck in the Commons. Marsden said no problems arose from the event. by Julie Wallace operating its fire service without "If someone came up with the assistant wire editor a truck equipped with an aerial right concept the students and ladder since March 17. community would respond," he "Our old truck had a defective said. City Council voted Monday to ladder, so I took it out of ser- Marsden said the City- give Bowling Green's fire chief vice," he said. University Relations Committee permission to purchase a new Gonyer told Council members has indicated that as long as al- fire truck — or so it seems. he has examined two new cohol is a necessary point, it According to Jack Gonyer, trucks, available to the city im- wants nothing to do with a fes- city fire chief, the motion Coun- mediately. If the city delays tival. cil passed was confusing. purchasing one of the trucks, he _ . BG News/Rob Upton In the past, Bowling Green has "It is my understanding that I said, it may lose them to other Banner day held minor festivals such as The have the authority to put a hold cities. Black Swamp Folk Festival and on the trucks we have looked "It may take six months be- Rana Tamim, sophomore interior design major and Lebanese exchange student, carries the flags of the Festival of Brass. at," Gonyer said. "I cannot pur- fore another truck will be avail- Columbia and Sweden in yesterday's International Week flag parade. The event was sponsored by the "I think the town needs to get chase it, but I can give the com- able for us to purchase," he World Student Association as the kick-off to its annual International Week activities.