4.5 Cultural Resources
4.5 – Cultural Resources 4.5 Cultural Resources This section identifies cultural and paleontological resources along the IC Project Alignment, identifies applicable significance thresholds, assesses the IC Project’s impacts to these resources and their significance, and recommends measures to avoid or substantially reduce any effects found to be potentially significant. Cultural resources are defined as any object or specific location of past human activity, occupation, or use that is identifiable through historical documentation, inventory, or oral evidence. Cultural resources can be separated into three categories: archaeological, building/structural, and traditional resources. Archaeological resources include prehistoric and historic remains of human activity. Prehistoric resources can be composed of lithic scatters, ceramic scatters, quarries, habitation sites, temporary camps/rock rings, ceremonial sites, and trails. Historic-era resources are typically those that are 50 years or older. Historic archaeological resources can consist of structural remains (e.g., concrete foundations), historic objects (e.g., bottles and cans), features (e.g., refuse deposits or scatters), and sites (e.g., resources that contain one or more of the aforementioned categories). Built environment resources range from historic buildings to canals, historic roads and trails, bridges, ditches, cemeteries, and electrical infrastructure, such as transmission lines, substations, and generating facilities. A traditional cultural resource is a resource associated with the cultural practices, traditions, beliefs, lifeways, arts, crafts, or social institutions of a living community. They are rooted in a traditional community’s history and are important in maintaining the continuing cultural identity of the community. See Section 4.18, Tribal Cultural Resources, for a discussion on cultural resources of potential importance to California Native American tribes.
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