Grade 6 Learning from Home: Day 2 Here is your learning to complete whilst you are at home today. If you have any questions please feel free to send your teacher an email via Compass. Have a wonderful day of learning.


Learning Intention: To make a prediction before reading and give evidence from Focus ​ the text

Success Criteria: I am successful when I can:

Visit the website storybox online. The username and password are below: Activity ​ ​

Username: taylorshill Password: taylorshill

Search for the following text: When the Wind Changed by Colin Lane ​

Firstly, using information on the front cover, make a prediction. Don’t forget to activate your prior knowledge. ​ ​

Record your prediction in your Reading Slide on Drive. Remember to ​ ​ include the date, title of the text and your response.

Then, listen to the story and check if your prediction was correct. Record the ​ ​ reasons why or why not your prediction was correct or incorrect.

After this you are to complete 30mins of Independent Reading and complete a Track or work on your Reading Goal.

Access Reading Eggspress and complete your assigned activities

Writing / Writer’s Notebook / Spelling

Learning Intention: To research and develop a plan Focus ​

Success Criteria: I am successful when I can: - Use keywords to research my topic - Find useful and appropriate websites - Put findings into my own words - Develop a user friendly plan - Plan the structure of a persuasive text (Title, opening statement, arguments with evidence and concluding statement)

Activity Reflect on the topic you chose yesterday and begin to research, finding evidence to support your arguments . Remember to: - focus and define what it is that you would like to know - brainstorm questions and keywords - list quality search terms - list synonyms - consider which websites that you could use that would be most suitable for your research.

Here are some safe search sites to start you off: - visual for kids

KidRex - Kid Safe Search Engine - Now powered by

KidzSearch | Safe Search Engine for Kids

After researching and making notes, plan your persuasive text on your writing slide. Use the following headings to organise your plan: Opening statement/Introduction (introduces topic and author’s viewpoint) ​ Argument 1 (reasons for to support author’s viewpoint) ​ Argument 2 Argument 3 Concluding statement (sums up the topic and author’s viewpoint) ​

Remember that to persuade somebody, you MUST: 1. Think about WHO you are trying to convince. Imagine you are that person. How would they feel? 2. Chooses arguments that will convince THEM. What is important to them? What do they care about most? 3. WHY would you want them to agree with you?


Learning Intention: To identify homophones ​

Success Criteria: I am successful when I can: *understand what a homophone is and define it *recognise homophones in my reading, writing and real world

Can you list as many Homophones as possible in five minutes? if you get stuck please watch the following video After watching it record as many new homophones as you can remember from the video. Has the video helped you think of other homophones from the real world or from books that you have read? Record what a homophone is. In the coming days you’ll need the list of homophones you’ve created.

Access Reading Eggspress and complete the spelling activities that have been assigned to you.

Number / Measurement

Learning Intention: To use the algorithm strategy to solve an addition equation Focus ​

Success Criteria: I am successful when I can: - Round and estimate my answer to the nearest ten, hundred or thousand - Solve your addition problem using an algorithm - Show all my working out - Check my answer using a subtraction algorithm or a calculator

Activity On your Numeracy Slide:

Create two by two (eg: 35 + 24) three by three (eg: 352 + 535) or a four by four digit (eg: 4252 + 4353) using online dice or spinner.

Round and estimate your answer first. ​ Eg: 4252 + 4631 would be 4000+5000=9000

Solve your problem using an algorithm clearly showing all your working out. ​

Check your answer using a subtraction algorithm or a calculator. ​

Refer back your estimate and see how close you were.

Go onto Mathletics and complete assigned tasks and remember you’re aiming for 1000 points a week.

Also you have your Multiplication Facts that your teacher has told you that you can practice before your next oral test.

Personal and Social

Learning Intention: To understand the importance of being resilient Focus ​ Success Criteria: I am successful when I can:

- Describe a situation in my life that was challenging

- Unpack what occurred during this situation Activity Write about a time in your life that was particularly challenging or demanding, especially one that was emotionally draining or difficult emotionally. Think about how you handled that situation and eventually came through on the other side. Then: Answer these questions 1. What obstacles did you have to overcome? 2. What unpleasant feelings and thoughts do you remember having in the situation?

● Who, if anyone, did you receive external help and support from?