Dean Andrews, 3-16-67, Orleans Parish Grand Jury
_ . .. * :. ._ c 1 c. DZAX A. ANDKEG, Jr.‘: alter.being duly 6worn by the- Foreman .: of the Grleans Parish Grand-Jury, was questioned and answered as follows::,-. i. BY MESSRS. JAMES ALCOCK AHD ALVIN OSEX: 8. State your name piease and occupation? ;.- :i A. Dean A. Andrews, Jr. - lawyer .. .Q: I want to present this wai&r of immunity, have -you‘. -1.. , Y. .--.-- 1i :' . read and sign it. _'..I. r . *: cm- A. Before you do that I want you to tell me my status he;e.; .’ because I don't need anywaiver of immunity -amIa - . ' -. sUSFeCt, a witness, what am I? Q. t:e IL, if you say anything that would incriminate you . A. I don't need any waiver of immunity - I don't have to waive immunity. Why am I here, tell me my status, am . I a suspect, a witness. _ Q- We are questioning you in this matter in an area i& which you are familiar. If you make any statements, and you have been questioned in this area in the past - and if . _. y,ou make any statement that:are conflicting, we intend _- .. -_ to charge you with perjury. _ A 0. Be my guest. You don't need that - I won't take the a Q. Then 1 take it that you ha-;re no objection tc signing thz . * waiver of immunity? / / “\ ./ ', : -21 *- ..‘; - (_. _ .< _, _ .. - : i .: ;..; : -. '.._ :., ,.,.' . ._.,_ . ‘.:.Y:. ,-,.I -1 __- .-' * "..r'..~~$~. .. .. __ > . ..I _... il. :__ > ..!. ,. -.. ,-'., ._, . .' .+.y:.: _' .:. -.. : _ :_ . '. _. : .i -. - . '. +I..; ., _.'.I <: ‘- .;-.
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