
Tsuyoshi Kawasaki

Faculty of Agriculture Tohoku University 1–1 Amamiya-cho Tsutsumi-dori Sendai-shi 980, Japan


Los patrones de fluctuación en número de individuos varían de una especie (sub-población) a otra, los que han sido seleccionados a través del pro- ceso de evolución. En el caso de teleósteos marinos se presentan tres tipos extremos de patrones de fluctuación, IA, IB y II, representados respectiva- mente por y amodites, arenque y sardina, atunes y peces planos. Una relación entre estos tres tipos puede ser expresada por un triángulo con dimensiones de longevidad, fecundidad y tasa de crecimiento.

El tipo IA, muestra cambios espaciados de breve tiempo, es una especie de vida corta, tiene una fecundidad baja, y el producto de k (parámetro de crecimiento de la ecuación de Bertalanffy) y T (tiempo generación) es bajo, lo que hace que la tasa instantánea de incremento natural de la población (r) sea alta, mientras que el tipo IB, se caracteriza por mostrar variaciones fenomenales de largo tiempo, son especies de vida larga, menos fecundas y el producto de kT es alto, y además acumulan una gran cantidad de peces cuando se presenta una sucesión de clases anuales fuertes a pesar de una r baja. El tipo II tiene una biomasa estable, son de vida larga, son más fecundos y el producto de kT es bajo así como r. El patrón de fluctuación específico para esta especie depende mucho de las condiciones ambientales bióticas y abióticas en que se desarrolla la especie.

Las características de la ecología y el ambiente en que se desarrolla cada especie o su población tienen que ser tomadas en cuenta al momento de introducir medidas de ordenación de la pesquería. Se proponen medidas de ordenación para peces pelágicos y se hace una crítica de los modelos dependientes de la densidad en uso actualmente.

Los peces que se alimentan de plancton están situados mucho más cerca a la fuente de energía solar, y por lo tanto parecen ser afectados fuertemente por los cambios del clima a través de los cambios oceánicos. Esta observación puede ser válida en particular para sardinas, las que son casi exclusivamente herbívoras. El problema es que mientras en algunos años utilizan el fitoplancton en forma eficiente, lo que da por resultado stocks muy grandes, en otros años no utilizan el fitoplancton tan eficientemente y se producen reducciones en su biomasa.

Aparentemente el patrón de vida de las sardinas cambia. Si las condiciones ambientales son favorables, las sardinas aumentan en número adoptando un modo de vida que les permite mantener su población a un nivel máximo posible. Por el contrario, si las condiciones ambientales de la sardina son adversas y su nicho ecológico se contrae, estas se preparan para el siguiente 491 período de prosperidad asumiendo un estilo de vida en el cual se regula el crecimiento de la población.


It has been well known that clupeoid fishes, especially the and , have phenomenal fluctuations in catch, viz. stock size. From of old, a variety of controversies have been held around the cause of such fluctuations and above all a dispute about the Californian distributed off western North America is characteristic.

Stock size of the Californian sardine drastically declined after a peak in 1936 (Fig. 1). The dispute around the collapse of the sardine stock has been continuing between scientists of California State standing on the conservation of the sardine stock and those of the Federal Government of the U.S. standing on the promotion of the (Radovich, 1981). In a paper jointly prepared by Clark and Marr (1955) each scientist reached an opinion different from the other based on the same data. Clark contended an influence of the exploitation on recruitments, saying that there had been a density-dependent effect between the stock and recruitment because if the stock size of the adult had been small, the resultant level of the progeny tended to become low. On the other hand, Marr asserted an effect of the environment on the recruitment, viz. density-independent effect, suggesting that the relation between the stock and recruitment was obscure.

The same circumstances as above have been seen in the Far Eastern sardine, the catch of which dramatically decreased after a peak in 1937 (Fig. 1). Nakai (1962), a representative researcher on the sardine in Japan, tried to explain this event by the meandering of the Kuroshio. The stream axis of the Kuroshio, which flows eastward along the southern coast of Japan, often shifts, adding a semicircular southward movement. This in turn creates a counter clockwise cold eddy to the north and a clockwise warm eddy to the west. It is said that there are five types of pathway. One is normal or non-meandering (N), while the others meander in somewhat different patterns (types A- D in Fig.2). Although cold eddies associated with types B-D have occurred frequently, large-scale A-type fluctuations seldom have appeared.

Nakai (1962) presumed that the spawning of the sardine was concentrated on a region south of Kyushu, Japan, and their eggs and newly hatched larvae drifting eastward came across an A-type cold eddy, resulting in a mass mortality. On the contrary, Cushing (1971) regarded a disastrous decline in recruitment of the sardine resulting from the heavy fishing as a cause of the collapse of the stock.

While controversies between overfishing and natural cause around the decrease in stock of the sardines have been long held, similar disputes have also occurred about the herrings.

492 Fig. 1. Large-scale variations in catch of three species of sardine, Far Eastern, Californian and Chilean.

Fig.2. Types of meandering of the Kuroshio path south of Japan. 493 CHANGE IN NICHE SIZE

The number of organisms of a species varies from generation to generation. Let us consider the meaning of this variation. That a species continue to survive means that the maximal quantity of the matter and energy possible are taken over from a generation to the subsequent one. According to Simpson (1952), the number of species currently existing is 2 millions, while that which have been extinguished to date is one half billion. This implies that most species failed to achieve persistent replacement from generation by generation, eventually disappearing from the earth. This also means that a small number of species could remain surviving at present. The author considers that the success or failure of the persistence of organisms (viability) from one generation to the next is closely linked with the status and problems involved in the ecological-niche in the community concerned. “Niche” is defined as the status of a species in a community composed mainly of predator-prey relations. This is provided by the overall biotic and abiotic environment surrounding the species. To maximize the quantity of surviving biomass between generations means that a species regulates its biomass so that the size of its niche is filled completely by its organisms. To regulate the biomass means to regulate the number of organisms. If a population does not increase sufficiently to fill its niche once it has been extended, this niche would be “violated” by another population, the niche of which is close to the former. On the other hand, if a population does not decrease its biomass in response to the contraction of its niche, many organisms of that population would die or become weakened due to overpopulation. Only a species which had acquired the ability to regulate its number so that it fills the niche completely in response to fluctuations in niche size could have survived.

The response pattern to fluctuations in niche size depends on species. Therefore, the pattern of fluctuation in number differs from species to species and this is called species-specific pattern of fluctuation in number. The species-specific pattern of fluctuation in number is the pattern of resource utilization for a species, which is having been formed through evolution and history.


Patterns of fluctuation in the number of marine teleosts can be assigned to three broad types.

Type I: unstable and unpredictable Subtype IA: irregular and short-spaced e.g. and Pacific sandlance Subtype IB: large-scale and cyclical e.g. sardines and herrings Type II: stable and predictable e.g. and

In what environments did these three types have evolved? Cushing (1975) summarized the longitudinal features of production in the ocean. In the higher latitudes, while the large-scale primary production occurs in a short time and the productivity is very high, the delay period between the trophic levels is long, resulting in low ecological efficiency. In other words, productivity is high, efficiency is low, and variability is large. On this occasion, the abundance of a few species large in biomass largely varies corresponding to the fluctuation in niche size and they alternate with one another at shorter intervals, illustrating a phenomenon known as “alternation between species”. The structure of such a community is simple and the relation among species is lax.

On the other hand, while in the low latitudes the low and continuous primary production occurs, the delay period between the trophic levels is short, resulting in a high ecological efficiency. In this case, while the productivity is low, the efficiency is high. There are many species whose biomasses are small and remain stable. The structure of a community is complex and interspecific relations are keen.

494 Not only the high latitudes are productive in the ocean. The productivity is also high in the upwelling areas, coastal areas and vertically in the surface. Because the niche size varies greatly in these environments, the species that have the ability to change their numbers corresponding to the change in niche have taken hold in these environments. These species have to pour more substance and energy into reproduction rather than maintenance and growth of the body in order to secure their broods. This is Type I.

On the contrary, because the variation in niche size is small in a poor, efficient and stable environment, the species need not greatly change their numbers. In such species more substance and energy are used for the maintenance and growth and they have to cope with the severe interspecific competition. This is Type II.

Let us think about the features of environmental variation in the sea. The changes in the seas are considered to be a synthesis of the short-spaced variation, with intervals of one to a few years, occurring in a relatively small area and large-scale variations, with cycles of several decades to centuries, occurring in large ocean-wide areas. While Subtype IA which has evolved matching the former is sensitive to the local environmental variation and its niche size varies finely, the niche size of Subtype IB matching the latter fluctuates largely (Fig. 3).

Fig.3. Inter-annual variations in catches of Pacific saury (A), Far Eastern sardine (B), chub (C) and (D), caught in the Japanese fisheries.

Inter-relation among the three types

Subtypes IA and IB are not equivalent to each other and IA is the original pattern. of Subtype IA have small body with short life, early reproduction and high intrinsic rate of natural increase r. They pour more matter from outside into reproduction by the quick alternation of generations in 495 order to fully utilize their ecological niches, if they are extended by the betterment of environment or to cope with the contraction of their niches resulting from the deterioration of environment.

Whereas the life history type IA is optimal for a short-spaced environmental variation, it is not appropriate for a continuous long-period one, because in order to increase in step with the sustained extension of ecological niche, it is necessary to accumulate large year classes year by year, which in turn will produce larger year classes. Accordingly, this type of life history requires long life. However, to pour energy into reproduction, i.e. into the preservation of brood, is incompatible with long life.

A life history in which most growth is completed in an earlier period of life to begin reproduction as early as possible so that more energy is put into reproduction, has been selected as a way to overcome this contradiction. To reach the maximal size at a relatively young stage means that Bertalanffy's growth parameter k has a high value.

Since k has a dimension of reciprocal of time, k multiplied by cohort generation time, T, has to be used for comparison of growth patterns among species or subpopulations. As seen in Fig.4 values of kT are constant, on average, and a relation between the two parameters is hyperbolical (In Fig. 4 life span is used on behalf of T).

Fig. 4 also shows that all species and/or subpopulations of Genera Sardinops (sardines) and Clupea (herrings) close to Subtype IB, from 4 to 9 in the figure, have high kT's, being situated above an arbitrarily drawn hyperbola.

Fig. 4. Regression of growth parameter k on estimated life span, based on data from various sources. Numerals and a curve in the figure denote species number designated in Table 1 and arbitrarily adjusted hyperbola, respectively.

496 Table 1. Species numbers and names examined in Fig. 4 Order Family Species Number Name Clupeiformes Clupeidae 1 Sprattus sprattus(North Sea) 2 Sprattus sprattus(Brittany) 3 Sprattus sprattus(Spain) 4 Clupea pallasi(Hokkaido-Sakhalin) 5 Clupea pallasi(Okhotsk) 6 Clupea pallasi(British Columbia) 7 Clupea harengus(Atlanto-Scandian) 8 Sardinops melanosticta 9 Sardinops caerulea 10 Konosirus punctatus Engraulidae 11 Engraulis japonica 12 Engraulis mordax 13 Engraulis encrasicholus Anguilliformes Muraenesocidae 14 Muraenesox sinereus Atheriniformes Scombresocidae 15 saira Gadiformes Gadidae 16 Theragra chalcogramma 17 Sillago sihama Carangidae 18 Trachurus japonicus 19 Seriola quinqueradiata Sparidae 20 Pagrus major Sciaenidae 21 Argyrosomus argentatus Scombridae 22 Pneumatophorus japonicus Thunnidae 23 Thunnus alalungu 24 Thunnus thynnus 25 Thunnus maccoyi 26 Katsuwonus pelamis 27 thompsoni Pleuroncetiformes Pleuronectidae 28 Eopsetta grigorjewi 29 Cleisthenes pinetorum 30 Microstomus achne

Fishes of Type II have large size and long life, growing slowly and becoming mature late. Thus they allocate more energy to maintenance and growth of the body.

Here, let us examine a problem concerning r where r is expressed as:

where 1x is the probability of female at age 0 of surviving to age x, mx is the number of female eggs laid by the average female in the age interval (x - 0.5) to (x + 0.5). This equation indicates that r is positively proportional to the product of survivorship at ages producing eggs by fecundity and negatively proportional to the generation time, average ages of mothers, which is more influential on r than the former.

Subtype IA raises its r higher by shortening T as much as possible. Moreover, Subtype IA begins spawning as early as possible, effectively raising lx by producing demersal eggs (in case of Pacific saury) or by their fathers caring for eggs by (in case of snailfish), and allows smaller body size,

497 compensating any decrease in mx resulting from short life. Thus, Subtype IA have acquired large r values like that of the Pacific saury as seen in Table 2.

Since r's in Subtype IB and II tend to become low because of their long T's, some life historical selections had had to be developed. Subtype IB either develops high GSI, gonad weight as a percentage of body weight (Fig. 5), or raises 1x as high as possible by laying demersal eggs (herrings), lowering the first age at maturity (sardines), etc. On the other hand, Type II has selected a strategy for higher mx so that r does not become unnecessarily low. (Table 2).

Table 2. Some features of life history of four representative species

egg diameter age at mean age of species type r fecundity incubation time (mm) maturity mother 8.5days(24°C)– Pacific saury IA 0.921 103 1.31–2.08 1 1.5 33(10) Californian IB 0.347 104 1.2–1.4 2 4.0 34hrs(20)–85(15)* sardine 0.245- chub mackerel II 105–106 0.9–1.3 3 4.2–4.9 30hrs(25)–97(15) 0.285 albocore II 0.347 106 around 1 6 6.9 24hrs–38**

* Far Eastern sardine ** yellowfin

Fig. 5. Maximum-GSI- on-length curves for various marine teleosts. MBL denotes mean body length in mm of the data used, with number of fish in parentheses. F denotes fecundity.

498 Type II has selected two ways to produce a large number of eggs. One way is to obtain larger body size. Larger size has two advantages. One is to overcome competitors in severe interspecific struggles and the other is to increase available eggs. This is accomplished by keeping egg size small. As the present author (1978) pointed out, egg size of most marine teleosts falls within the range of 0.6 – 1.6mm in diameter. Whereas a number of species under 50 cm in length have eggs larger than 1.6 mm, there are few species over 50 cm with such large eggs.

This way of life historical selection is found in the series from the Far Eastern sardine (Sardinops melanosticta) to skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) by way of chub mackerel (Pneumatophorus (Scomber) japonicus) (Fig. 5). In this series, whereas the difference between the sexes is small in respect to body size and GSI, the larger the body size becomes the more the fecundity increases and the less the GSI decreases. Decrease in GSI means that more substance is poured into growth and maintenance, while absolute size of gonads increases.

The selection in this direction is seen in the migratory pelagic fishes. In these species sexual differences are small because fish of the same age must be of uniform swimming ability and the abundant male reproductive matter is necessary due to inefficiency of fertilization.

Another way to prevent reduction in r is to make the body size of female larger and its life longer as compared with those of male. This means that more matter and energy are allocated to female. Results of this type of selection are seen in Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) slime (Microstomus achne) and others in Fig. 6. In this series the male lessens its size as well as its GSI. Selection in this direction is found in the less migratory demersal fishes. In this case, a small amount of male reproductive substance is able to fertilize a large quantity of eggs, as evident from the quasi-mating behaviour of the slime flounder observed by Sato (1960).

The three types are the extremes and absolute examples may not exist in reality. A relationship among these three types is expressed in a life history triangle and a given species or subpopulation is to be situated somewhere in this triangle, as exemplified in this figure (Fig. 7).

In the life historical triangle (A) of Fig. 7, side IA-II represents a sexual dimorphism scale. In this figure an arrow toward Vertex II indicates that the females becomes larger than males. This is a direction taken by the heterosomes that live long and lay a large number of small eggs. There is another, oppositely directed arrow toward the snailfish and some gobies which are short - lived and produce a small number of large eggs cared for by their fathers.

Along side IA - II the nearshore and demersal fishes occupy their positions, while the domain from IA to II by way of IB is occupied by the pelagic fishes. Over side IA - II GSI is higher in the female than the male because the males of the nearshore or demersal fishes are able to fertilize the eggs more efficiently through various measures than are pelagic fishes that spawn in open surface or subsurface layers.

499 Fig. 6. Maximum-GSI-on-length curves for various marine teleosts. For explanations, see Fig.5.

Fig. 7. Life historical triangles of the marine teleosts, from the viewpoint of three dimensions (A), nature of eggs (B) and food habit (C) Number inside the figure (A) denotes locus of each taxon shown below. 1:saury, 2:sandlance, 3:, 4:sardine, 5:jack mackerel, 7:tunas, 8:heterosomes, 9:gadoids, 10:gobies, 11:snailfish

500 On the other hand, Pacific saury, a species close to IA, occupies a position along side IA - IB, because this fish is a pelagic “swimmer” and exhibits little sexual dimorphism.

A part from vertex IB halfway to II by way of IA in (B) is a domain occupied by species depositing demersal large eggs, while that from IB halfway to IA via II is one occupied by fishes laying pelagic small eggs. Therefore, the sardines (Sardinops) and herrings (Clupea), both occupying loci close to IB, are located along side IB - II in (B) and side IB - IA respectively (Fig.7).

Benthos eaters are located between IA and a point a little apart from II in (C). From the latter point to one close to II on the way from II toward IB the nekton eaters are located (Fig.7). Among the benthos and nekton eaters interspecific competition for food can be keen. This is a domain efficient in food utilization and relatively low in biological production. On the contrary, a part from IA to a point near II by way of IB in (C) is occupied by the feeders where interspecific interactions over food are lax. This is an inefficient and productive domain.

The correlates of three selected types of life history are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3. Correlates of three selected types of life history in marine teleosts Type I Type II Subtype IA Subtype IB Variable and Stable and Environment unpredictable predictable Irregular Lone-term variation variation Recruitment Variable Stable Irregular Long-term variation variation Resources put Growth and Reproduction into maintenance Reproduction Reproduction and maintenance Lifetime Short Long Long Growth KT Low High Low L’ Small Moderate Large Reproduction Age at Low High maturity Considerably Very low low Fecundity Low Moderate High r High Low Low Early survival Variable Stable Trophic level Low High Species close Saury, Sardines, Tunas, to each type snailfish herrings flatfishes

501 Patterns of fluctuation in the number of the three types

The variations of the three types are represented diagrammatically in Fig.8. The figure employs the assumption common in population biology that variation in stock size can be represented by a logistic model. Expressing the carrying capacity of the environment K under favourable environmental conditions as K2, and under adverse conditions as K1, the stock size is to increase when K goes from K1 to K2 and to decrease when K declines from K2 to K1.

More formally, dN/dt = rN (K2 - N) / (K2 - K1) representing the increasing phase (K1ĺ K2) dN/dt = rN (K1 - N) / (K2 - K1) representing the decreasing phase (K2 ĺ K1) K1 ” N ” K 2

Fig. 8. Three types of patterns of fluctuations in number of marine teleosts. K2: high K K1: low K D: Period when density-dependent factors work in the main. I: Period when density-independent factors work in the main.

502 As seen in Fig.8, the values r and K2 - K1 are inherent attributes of a species and vary from species to species, even if they inhabit a common area. In Fig.8. I denotes periods when the density- independent factors (environmental factors) are the main influence, while D denotes periods when the density-dependent factors (biological factors) are the main influence. Duration of I is long and D is short for Type I species, indicating that they are apt to be subject to environmental change. In contrast, duration of I is short and D is long for Type II species, indicating that they tend more to be influenced by overfishing.


Since the plankton-feeding fishes are situated close to the solar energy, they seem to be strongly affected by climate change through ocean change. In particular this is valid for sardines which are almost exclusively herbivorous. The problem is that whereas in some years they utilize phytoplankton as food efficiently, resulting in large stocks, in some years they do not and their biomass declines.

As background to this fact it seems that a change in the life pattern of the sardines occurs. If environmental conditions become favourable for sardines, their numbers increase by assuming a mode of life to keep their population as large as possible. On the contrary, if environmental conditions for sardines become adverse and their niche contracts, they prepare for the next prosperity period by assuming a life style in which population growth is regulated.

What oceanographical variation governs the above situation? Fig.1. displays the tremendous large- scale fluctuations in catch exhibited by three species of Sardinops, the Far Eastern sardine, Californian sardine and Chilean sardine. While these species are in the northwest, northeast and southeast parts, respectively, of the Pacific Ocean, their fluctuations are in phase with one another.

Nishimura (1980) said that the Far Eastern and Californian sardines are twins of a Japan-Oregon element and a species which had evolved off the west coast of North America and subsequently divided into two different species. I imagine that a part of the original species had further proceeded south and became the Chilean sardine. Three sardines are triplets, aren't they?

It would be impossible to explain the cause of a common fluctuation of the three sardine stocks without taking account of the Pacific-scale oceanic variations and related climatic changes.

While the links between ocean and atmosphere are easily recognized at a local and regional scale, there may also be identifiable interactions at a large scale. So-called “teleconnections” (Wyrtki, 1973), which shows significant relations of variations between very distant areas of the ocean and atmosphere, have been a subject of considerable study.

For example, originally it was believed that El Niño occurred when the local winds over the coastal upwelling zone became anomalously weak. According to Thompson (1981), however, there now is considerable evidence suggesting that basin-wide atmospheric and oceanographic anomalies are at least as important as the local winds in creating El Niño (Fig.9). Equatorial trades were unusually strong in 1970 and 1971, but were unusually weak in 1972. Furthermore, the eastward flowing North Equatorial Counter current intensified and the South Equatorial Current weakened during the 1972 El Niño. It appears that warm water accumulated in the eastern Pacific, deepening the usually shallow thermocline and covering the cooler upwelled waters. The local coastal winds along the Peru coast during the same period were normal or only slightly below normal.

Teramoto (1981) notes teleconnections between the following items: precipitation and cloudiness on Canton Island (3°S, 172°W) and Ocean Island (1°S, 169°E) in the central equatorial Pacific and the difference between water levels of northernmost and southernmost areas across the North Equatorial Counter current as an index of the current; the above difference between water levels and El Niño, using water temperature in the eastern equatorial Pacific as an indicator; the difference between water levels and longitudinal components of the velocity of geostrophic winds 503 on a 700 mb plane along 30°N latitude (Fig.10). Statistical analysis suggests that these indicators lag one another by three to eight months. This same series of teleconnections also seems to be associated with the variation of the Kuroshio.

If the above discussion on large-scale ocean changes is valid, it is understandable why the three sardine species have shown almost identical trends of variation in stock size.

A long-lived A-type cold water mass may be regarded as a local manifestation of large-scale variation (Teramoto, 1981), such as occurred in 1934–1943 and has been occurring since 1975 to the present, a period when sardine stocks have been most abundant (Fig.1).

Such large-scale fluctuation exhibited by sardines depends upon their ecological features. They are long-lived, fast growing, direct herbivores in the coastal area, and these features mean that they are especially subject to changes of oceanic conditions. To summarize, large-scale fluctuation of Sardinops is caused by global-scale environmental variation and depends on whether the sardines are able to utilize a large quantity of phytoplankton or not.

Fig. 9. The current pattern in the equatorial region of the Pacific is more complex than that of the Atlantic, although to north and south similar enclosed circulatory gyres are formed. Recent research designates three west-flowing equatorial currents separated by two east-flowing equatorial counter currents. (Courtesy Rand McNally Atlas of the Ocean.)

504 Fig. 10. (1) Anomaly of yearly mean water temperature on the coast of Central America. (2) Anomaly of yearly mean water temperature on the coast of Izu-Oshima Island south of Houshu, Japan, delayed by some 4.2 years. (3) Anomaly of yearly mean water temperature on the coast of Izu-Oshima Island south of Honshu, Japan. (4) Mean of surface current velocity in the profile of the Kuroshio south of Cape Omaezaki, Japan (solid line), and inversion of (3) (dotted line). (5) Stream axis of the Kuroshio south of Cape Omaezaki (solid line) and inversion of (3) (dotted line). (6) Annual mean of the strength of westerly wind on a 700 mb plane. (7) Variation in annual mean of differences between water levels across the Equatorial Counter current. (8) Monthly mean cloudiness above Ocean Island (solid line) and that above Canton Island (dotted line). (9) Monthly annual precipitation on Ocean Island (solid line) and that on Canton Island (dotted line).


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