GB0218 D.853

Gwent Record Office

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NRA 15969

The National Archives ( R.O.) Mj3cea.lar-.e0us papers relating^to the South Bafftis^Coj^ege etc.

Deposited "by Miss A. 0. Rees, Sluvad, 15969 &went Road, Pandy.

D853.1 1805 "Outlines of sermons preached by different ministers taken down by an hearer" including one by Christmas Evans. The sermons are thought to liave been taken down by John Conway.

D853.2 1807 - 1857 9\ y Copy (?) of a diary of Micah Thomas, who founded the Acaaeiiy y^/ (now the Baptist College, Cardiff) in ADargavenny.

D853.3 1838 May 22 Declaration of William Powell that Morgan Lewis, par. took the oaths and declarations in an act entitled "An act to repeal certain acts and amend certain other ucts relating to religious worship and assembles and persons teaching and preachiiig the:-.? Also photocopy.

D853.4 1858/9 Sermons preached by Mr. Bosworth,,

D853.5 1877 August 25 Letter to Mr. J. Rees from W. M. Lewis advising him to reject the call to Llanwenarth Church for the present.

D853.6 188% November 9 Letter from D. Thomas, classical tutor to the students of the Baptist College, Jaiforming them of his decision to go as a missionary to India.

D853.7 1889 The Jubilee Services of Siloam Baptist ^hurch Upper Cwmbran.

D853.8/9/10 1895 3 items relating to the closing of Llanddewy Rydderch British School.

D853.31 1823 - 1900 Copy of She Life of Rev. Thomas Lewis, Baptist Minister, Newport.

D853.12 1905 Letter of transfer of membership. J. James Watkins from Frogmore Street, , to Llanddewy Rydderch.

D853.13 1906 January 25 Letter from Rt. Hon. Reginald McKenna re election work.

D853.14 1910 January 19 As above.

D853.15 1910 December 17 As above.

D853.16 1907 A Souvenir of the Centenary Celebrations of The South Wales Baptist College, Cardiff.

D853.17 n.d. A photograph on glass of Micah Thomas. Additional deposit, 13 April 1978

D.833.18 "Short skeletons of sermons" by Micah Thomas 1833

D.853.19 "Llawlyfr Undeb Bedyddwyr Cymru". l888 (Welsh Baptist Union Handbook) (including notes by depositor on Micah Thomas and extracts from his diary).

D.853.20 Cutting from the Pontypool Free Press, being (jc. l88l) letters from the junior and senior students concerning expulsions from Pontypool College

D.853.21 Cutting from the (?) South Wales Argus being 1962 an article by depositor about Micah Thomas.

D.853.22 Engraving of the Rev. Frs. Hiley of Llanwenarth. n.d.

D.853.23 Programme of and District Baptist 1921 Musical Festival (2 copies).

D.853-24 Notes on Baptist history by depositor, including (post 1970) extracts from the diary of Thomas Lewis concern­ ing the death and funeral of Micah Thomas.

D.853*25 The Baptist Handbook 1908

D.853.26 Pamphlet: Centenary Celebration's Campaign of 1966 the Baptist Union of Wales.

D.853.27 Rules for the Government of the Monmouthshire 1905 Asylum, Abergavenny.

D.853-28 "Old Age Pensions and how to get them" (1908)

l D.853.29 Rota of civil defence duty by lady teachers, il9iO) Abertillery.


Depositor:­ Miss A.C. Rees. Sluvad, Gwent Road, Mardy, Abergavenny.