Migration: Educational, Political and Cultural Aspects Beit Berl College 18-19 March 2019

Lecturers’ Bio Notes

Steering Committee: Prof. Amos Hofman (Chairperson), Prof. Kussai Haj-Yehia, Dr. Orit Abuhav, Dr. Liat Yakhnich, Dr. Merav Nakar-Sadi, Dr. Adi Binhas, Dr. Ronit Web- man-Shafran, Dr. Saami Mahajna, Anat Benson

Note: Bio-notes are listed alphabetically. They are presented as provided by the authors, with only minor editing. Alter, Grit Innsbruck University [email protected]

Dr Grit Alter received her Ph.D. from the Münster University (Germany) in 2015. She currently holds a post-doc position at the School of Education/Department of Foreign Language Teacher Education at Innsbruck University (Austria).

Her research interests include literature for young readers in foreign language education, CEF-based lit- erary competences, and concepts of cultural learning, textbook analysis, critical media literacy and means of differentiation in ELT.

Arar, Khalid Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education [email protected]

Prof. Khalid Arar, specializes in research on educational administration, leadership and policy analysis in education and higher education. He conducted studies in the Middle-East, Europe and in North America and in many other cross-national con- texts.

His research focuses broadly in equity and diversity in educational leadership and higher education. He serves as associate editor for the International Journal of Leadership (Routledge). Dr. Arar is a board member of International Journal of Educational Management, Higher Education Policy, Journal of Educa- tion Administration & Applied Research in Higher Education. He authored Arab women in management and leadership (2013, Palgrave); Higher Education among the Palestinian Minority in (2016, Pal- grave, with Kussai Haj-Yehia); and edited six different books in Higher Education, Multicultural Educa- tion, and Educational Leadership. His forthcoming edited books include: Migrants, Refugees and Global Challenges in Higher Education (Peter Lang Publishing, with Kussai-Hej-Yehia; David Roose, & Yasar Kondakci) and Education, Immigration and Migration: Policy, Leadership and Praxis for a Changing World (Emerald Publishing, with Jeffrey Brooks & Ira Bogotch); and (contracted). Building Welcoming Educational Capacity for Immigrants. Routledge.

Balaban, Yael Beit Berl College [email protected]

Yael Balaban holds a Ph.D. in Hebrew literature, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Ad- vanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania. Balaban holds a B.F.A. from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, , and M.A. cum laude in Hebrew literature from Ben-Guri- on University.

Her research interests include modern Hebrew literature, sensory representations in literature, and musi- cal ekphrasis. Her first book, Many Voices: Reading the Prose of Shulamith Hareven, Jerusalem: Magnes Press [Hebrew] is forthcoming in 2019. Other recent publications include: “Tchaikovsky is Brahms’ Wife – Musical representations in Shulamith Hareven’s Prose” I’yunim Bitkumat Israel (Thematic issue: Music

-2- in Israel, [Hebrew]); “Musical Moments in Prose Fiction” (with N. Wagner) Dapim LeMechkar BeSi- frut, (2014); “Smell and Spirit in David Shahar’s ‘Palace of Shuttered Vessels’”, I’yunim Bitkumat Israel (2014) [Hebrew].

Ben-Aharon, Maya Beit Berl College [email protected] [email protected]

Dr. Maya Ben-Aharon, criminologist and organizational and strategic consultant. She holds a Ph.D. and M.A. in criminology from Bar-Ilan University, and M.A. in organizational sociology from Ben Gurion University. She is a graduate of the Social-Rehabilitation Criminology program at Bar-Ilan University. In the past, she taught criminology courses at “Nitzavim” program in Bar-Ilan University, in the “Eshkol” program in Haifa University, Ashkelon Academic College and today she is a lecturer at Beit Berl College.

As part of her academic research activities, she led and participated in qualitative research in various fields. In addition, she has extensive practical experience working with youth at risk and juvenile offend- ers, as a result of her work at the Youth Promotion Bureau, and as mediator of restorative justice process- es with Kedem Association.

As part of her work as organizational consultant, she accompanied organizational processes in the Min- istry of Public Security, the and the . Her work included organizational diagnosis and development, with an overall view of the organization’s needs and resources, the challenges facing it and its service recipients.

Ben Ner, Guy Beit Berl College [email protected]

Guy Ben-Ner received his Bachelor of Arts in Education in 1997 from Hamidrasha, Beit Berl, and a Master of Fine Arts from Columbia University, New York in 2003. Ben-Ner represented Israel in the 2005 Venice Biennale. He had solo exhibitions at the Center for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv (2006); Center for Contemporary Photog- raphy, Melbourne (2006); Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Montreal (2007); L’Espace Shawinigan of the National Gallery of Canada(2008); and the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (2009). He participated in the sculpture project 2017, Munster and manifesta 2016 in Saint Petersburg. His work appears at the collection of MoMa, NY, the Gugenheim and The Israel museum amongst others.

-3- Bielewska, Agnieszka SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Wrocław [email protected]

Agnieszka Bielewska received her Ph.D. in sociology from Manchester Metropol- itan University in 2010 and since then works as an Assistant Professor at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Psychology in Wrocław, .

Her primary academic interests include international migration, nationalism and identity. Her research fo- cuses on the impact of globalization on national identity and connection between identity and place. She published with “Ethnicities” and “Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power”.

Binhas, Adi Beit Berl College [email protected]

Adi Binhas is a lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences and the Department of Social Organizational Management at Beit Berl College. She served as chairperson of the Department of Public Administration and Policy, chairperson of the Organi- zational Development and Conflict Resolution Program, and chairperson of the De- partment of Social Sciences at Beit Berl College. She is a researcher of immigration and immigrant integration policy. Her research deals with the influence of non-governmental actors on public policy in the field of immigration in Israel. In 2017-2018, she was a postdoctoral student at the Mofet Institute in Tel-Aviv writing about the immigration policy in the educa- tion system. Her research has been presented at conferences and academic journals.

Cherkassky, Zoya [email protected]

Zoya Cherkassky was born in 1976 in Kiev and immigrated with her family to Israel in 1991. She studied at HaMidrasha School of Art (Beit Berl College) and the School of Visual Theater in Jerusalem. Her work has been exhibited at major muse- ums and institutions worldwide, including the Israel Museum, Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin, and MARS Center for Contemporary Arts, Moscow. Her awards include the Ingeborg Bachman Scholarship, established by renowned artist Anselm Kiefer, and the Israel Ministry of Education and Culture Prize for a Young Artist. Her work is represented in the collections of such insti- tution as the Israel Museum, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, the Jewish Museum, New York, and the Jewish Museum, Berlin.

-4- Dätsch, Christiane Ludwigsburg University of Education [email protected]

Studied German studies, journalism and romance studies at the universities of Bamberg and Lyon (1989-95). Ph.D. at the University of Hamburg (2000-2003). Voluntary work and activity as local and political editor (1995-2000) and in public relations (2003-2011), amongst others as press spokeswoman for the German Liter- ature Archive in Marbach, and as Head of the Communication Department of the Baden State Museum in Karlsruhe (including PR, marketing, museum pedagogics). Teaching assignments at the Institute of Journalism and the Office for Continuing Education at the University of Hamburg. Academic Councilor since 2011 and, since 2015, Senior Academic Councilor at the Institute for Cultural Management of the Ludwigsburg University of Education.

Däuble, Helmut Ludwigsburg University of Education [email protected]

Senior lecturer for political sciences and student counselor at Ludwigsburg Univer- sity of Education. He graduated middle-school-teacher in mathematics, history and civic education with more than 10 years of teaching-experience.

Dr. Däuble holds a master’s degree in Sociology from the New School for Social Research, New York, and a Ph.D. in political science on “Migration-Collective Identity-Civic Education”.

His research interests include political culture, relation between democracy and capitalism, migration and collective identity, didactics and methods of civic education.

Dressler, Tamar [email protected]

I am a journalist at Maariv (an Israeli newspaper and media outlet) and a special- ist in international humanitarian assistance, I have been involved in international humanitarian affairs since 2003. I worked and volunteered throughout the world. I worked for the UN News Agency, the News Group, the Jerusalem Post, Bridges and other media outlets, and covered humanitarian crises and refugees in Jordan/ Iraq, Haiti, Sinai/Israel, Ne- pal, Uganda, Chad, South Sudan, Greece and more. I have volunteered in several organizations in Israel, and for five consecutive years in a shelter for drug addicted sex workers (The Door to Hope), and volun- teered for five years in the Israeli Police force.

I am a graduate of philosophy studies at Bar-Ilan University and a graduate of the social leadership program at Beit Berl College. I am also a graduate of the first Gesher institute Fellows Program and a graduate of the Fellowship Program at the Heschel Center and board member of the Heschel center for environmental studies.

-5- Since 2017, I have been running a voluntary humanitarian organization called “Humans for Humans Rights”, which operates a unique project for refugees in Greece. The project is a community educational center for refugees over the age of 18, which allows them to acquire languages and​​ skills to integrate into society while providing medical, social and legal assistance to refugees from around the world. The prin- ciple behind the project and the organization is that refugees and displaced persons have the right not only to shelter, food and minimal medical assistance, but also to study, train and rehabilitate and build a new life even during transitional periods. The project is run by Israeli volunteers alongside Greeks and volun- teers from among the refugees in a collaborative work model.

Dybiec-Gajer, Joanna Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]

Joanna Dybiec-Gajer is a translation scholar, educator and practitioner, Associate Professor at the Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland, where she is Head of the Chair for Translator Education. Her main research interests concern translation for young audiences, translator training and translation as profession. She has recently published a monograph on the translation history of Heinrich Hoffmann’s controversial children’s classic Der Struwwelpeter in Poland (Złota Różdżka. Od książki dla dzieci po dreszczowiec raczej dla dorosłych [Polish Struwwelpeter. From a Children’s Book to an Adults’ Thriller, 2017]). She has been a member of European Society of Translation Studies since 2011.

Erez, Marlene Beit Berl College [email protected]

Marlene Erez currently teaches in the Honors program of the Arab Academic In- stitute of Education, Beit Berl College. She is interested in the creative venues that arise and can be utilized in cross cultural communication. She has previously taught in the USA, Japan and China.

Erdreich, Lauren Beit Berl College [email protected]

Lauren Erdreich is an anthropologist of education. She is a senior lecturer at Beit Berl College and research tutor for teacher educators at the MOFET Institute. She has published articles on Palestinian women, higher education, and social change and on motherhood and education.

-6- Fenn, Peter Ludwigsburg University of Education [email protected]

Born in Bromley, Kent, England in 1948. Educated at Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School (Kent) and the Universities of Manchester, Salzburg and Tübingen. Degree sub- jects: linguistics and foreign languages. Master’s Degree from Manchester University in modern German literature (1976); D.Phil. in English linguistics Universität Tübingen (1988). Since 1971 language lecturer in the English Department of Ludwigsburg University of Education. Since 1992, an active member of the university Israel group (with Beit Berl College).

Areas of specialization in university teaching: English and American cultural studies, English and Ameri- can literature, English applied linguistics and practical language studies.

Publications: numerous articles and books on English and German linguistics and teaching grammar. Lat- est book publications: Handbuch der englischen Grammatik, Stuttgart 2016 (Klett Verlag); Introducing English Syntax. A Basic Guide for Students of English, (with G. Schwab), London and New York 2018 (Routledge).

Fiń, Anna Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]; [email protected]

Sociologist, an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology in Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland. Graduate (Ph.D. and M.A.) of the Insti- tute of Sociology at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. She was formerly a fellow of the Kosciuszko Foundation; the Shevchenko Scientific Society inAmerica; Wurzburg University.

Main areas of research include the sociology of migration: the issue of Polish and Ukrainian migration in New York City; contemporary processes of overseas migration of Europeans; ethnic relations between immigrants-based groups; the sociology of culture and urban sociology. Between 2006-2009, she con- ducted research on the relationship between Polish and Ukrainian immigrants in the United States. Next she was involved in the international research project on the emigration from Central and Eastern Europe during the Cold War as well as in research on immigrant organizations. Currently she conducts research on contemporary migrations of Poles to the United States, with special emphasis on Polish community in New York City. Member of the European Sociological Association, Polish-American Historical Associa- tion, Polish Sociological Association, Jagiellonian Center for Studies on Migration.

Recent Publications: “Ukraine”, in: Anna Mazurkiewicz (ed.), The East Central European Migration During the Cold War. A Handbook. De Gruyter, Berlin 2018; “Between neighbors – between immigrants. Poles and Ukrainians in the United States during the time of Cold War: a few reflections”, Ad Americam 2017; “Ethnic Mobilization of Immigrants. Case Studies of Ukrainian Political Emigration in the United States”; in: Dorota Praszałowicz, Agnieszka Małek (eds.), The United States Immigration Policy and Immigrants. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2017; “The Newest Polish New Yorkers. Social and Demo- graphic Profile”; in: Migration Studies-Polish Diaspora Reviw/Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny, 2015.

-7- Frankel, Katharine Beit Berl College [email protected]

Katharine Frankel is a lecturer at the Special Education Department, The Arab Ac- ademic Institute for Education, Beit Berl College. She is a senior art therapist and certified supervisor in the Special Education, Ministry of Education, and also works privately with adolescents and adults. Katharine is an exhibiting artist in photography and sculpture. Her recent article “Topographical Spaces” based on her exhibition at the Architect’s House Gallery, Jaffa (2015), is currently in print.

Gingelmaier, Stephan Ludwigsburg University of Education [email protected]

Stephan Gingelmaier used to work as a teacher for special education (1. and 2. Staatsex- amen). He has a Master’s degree in General Science Education (Dipl.-Päd.) and a Ph.D. Degree in Psychology (Dr. sc.hum.). He has worked with emotional impaired children and adolescents and is also trained as a family therapist (BvPPF), supervisor (D3G) and group analyst (D3G). Since 2015 Stephan is a Junior Professor for Psychology and Diagnostics for Emo- tional and Social Development (Special Education of the Emotional Impaired) at Ludwigsburg University of Education. He is the speaker of the international DFG-Network mentalization based education (ment- ed.de).

His main scientific fields of interest are: mentalization, attachment theory and Personality Disorder in the field of education, informal/everyday diagnostics, supervision/counselling and mental health.

Golden, Deborah University of Haifa [email protected]

Deborah Golden is a social anthropologist with a special interest in the anthropology of education and anthropology of childhood. She is a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Education, University of Haifa. She is co-author, together with Lauren Erdreich and Sveta Roberman, of the recently published book Mothering, Education and Culture: Russian, Palestinian and Jewish Middle-Class Mothers in Israeli Society (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).

-8- Goldin, Ron [email protected]

Born 1990, Israel. Film Director Lives and works in Tel-Aviv. Graduated the Beit Berl College Faculty of Arts – Film Departmet. Films: Mishakim (2011), short film; Geshank (2014), short film; There is nothing wrong with the world (2016), short film; Line 881 (2018), short documentary

Guttenberger, Gudrun Ludwigsburg University of Education [email protected]

Ph.D. 1999 University of Heidelberg, New Testament (NT ethics); New Testament (Gospel of Mark), Habilitation University of Mainz (2003). Professor for Biblical Theology at Hochschule Hannover (2001-2013). Since 2013, Professor for Protestant Theology and Religious Education at Ludwigsburg University of Education.

Latest publications: Commentary on the Gospel of Mark, Zürich 2017; “Ist das Liebe? Liebe und Sexual- ität im Religionsunterricht”. In: Religion (2017).

Hachmeister, Silke Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg [email protected]

Silke Hachmeister is a research assistant at the Institute of Geography at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg fo- cussing Geographical Migration Studies. She is currently engaged in the joint project “Future for refugees in rural regions of Germany” in cooperation with Thuenen-Institute of rural areas Braunschweig, Chem- nitz University and University of Hildesheim. She finished her master’s degree in cultural geography at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in March 2018 with a thesis on the reciprocal influ- ence of gender and migration concentrating on the refugee women’s changing gender roles.

Haim, Orly Beit Berl College [email protected]

Dr. Orly Haim works as a course instructor and pedagogical advisor at Beit Berl Col- lege. She served as the head of the English Department at Beit- Berl College from the year 2008 through 2016. She also serves as a member of the advisory committee to the Chief Inspector for English Language Education in Israel. -9- Her specialties include: language and migration, bi/multilingual education, literacy development in EFL/ ESL contexts, task-based learning, innovation in language teaching in the digital era, and grammar learn- ing and teaching. Her main research interests are: bi/trilingualism, language acquisition, multilingual ed- ucation, language policy, critical issues in language teaching and teacher cognition in language teaching. Orly is the coordinator of the Israeli Association for the Study of Language and Society. She is currently involved in a number of initiatives in the fields of language policy and language teacher education in Israel (e.g., research to promote a new multilingual education policy for Israel, standardizing English language teaching in Israel).

Haj-Yehia, Kussai Beit Berl College [email protected]

Kussai Haj-Yehia (Ph.D.) is a senior lecturer and the Head of the Arab Academic Institute for Education at Beit Berl College, Israel. He has completed his post-doc- toral studies in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Guelph in Canada and the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Tel Aviv University in Israel. His research deals with internationalization of higher education, Arab student’s mobility and migration for studies abroad and Arab refugees. He has published many books and articles in Arabic, Hebrew and other languages on these topics. His books include The Internationalization of Higher Education: Student’s Mobility among in Israel (with Prof. Khalid Arar), published by Alayyam 2014, and Higher Edu- cation and the Palestinian Arab Minority in Israel, New York: Palgrave Macmillan (2016). In addition, he specializes in the fields of social and cultural change among theArab minority in Israel as well in the shared life between Arab and Jewish students in Israel.

Herzog-Punzenberger, Barbara University of Innsbruck [email protected]

Prof. Herzog-Punzenberger studied social and cultural anthropology at the University of Vienna and earned a postgraduate degree in political science at the Institute for Ad- vanced Studies in Vienna. Her doctorate was in sociology of education at the Universi- ty of Teacher Education in Freiburg, Germany. Since October 2018 she is professor of school research and general didactics at the University of Innsbruck. She is one of the leading researchers in migration studies in Austria since more than a decade and has focused on the second generation work- ing in the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Federal Institute of Education and Development of the Aus- trian School System and the University of Linz. She was guest researcher at the University of Calgary in Canada 2002/03, has also been teaching at the University of Vienna and the University of Hannover 2008 and drafted reports for the European Commission and the OECD.

-10- Hintermann, Christiane University of Vienna [email protected]

Assistant Professor of human geography and didactics of geography and economic education at the Department of Geography and Regional Research, University of Vi- enna. Head of working group Didactics of Geography and Economic Education. Ph.D. thesis on the topic of “Migration potential in Hungary, Poland, Czech and Slovak Republic”. Research projects on migration and identity issues since the 1990s, among others: Historical Consciousness and Identity Constructions among Migrant Youth in Vienna, Migration(s) in Austrian Text- books, Migration & Memory, Lieux de mémoire of Migration in Urban Spaces: the example of Vienna, MiDENTITY: Mediating migrant societies – Tracing the discursive construction of transnational identities between the poles of “selfing” and “othering” among young adults inVienna.

Main research fields: migration to Austria, migration and memory, geographical memory research, migra- tion and identity, civic education, teaching in multicultural classrooms.

Kaźmierczak, Małgorzata Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]

Małgorzata Kaźmierczak (born 1979) holds a Ph.D. in history. Since 2004 she is an independent curator of art projects in Poland and USA, especially performance art events, e.g., International Performance Art Meetings “Kesher” (2004, 2005, 2006, 2008) in Krakow and New York; Ephemeral fixed at the Wschodnia Gallery in Lodz, Poland (2012); Manuel Vason. RE: Performance – an exhibition at the BWA “Sokol” Gallery in Nowy Sacz, Poland; Performance Month at the City Art Gallery of Kalisz – 2014; “Imagine” during the Trien- nale of Drawing at the National Museum in Wroclaw, 2015). She is author of many essays and reviews. 2006–2012 she was president of the Foundation for the Promotion of Performance Art “Kesher” in Kra- kow; 2012–2014 – managing editor of the Art and Documentation journal; 2014–2016 – director of the City Art Gallery of Kalisz. Between 2016–2017 an editor-in-chief of the publishing house and an assistant professor at the Faculty of Painting and New Media of the Art Academy of Szczecin. Currently an assis- tant professor at the Faculty of Art of the Pedagogical University of Krakow.

Köttig, Michaela Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences [email protected]

Prof. Dr. Michaela Köttig, born 1965, is professor of communication, communication techniques, and conflict management at the University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt, Germany. She studied at the Uni- versity of Kassel and was employed at the Universities of Cologne and Goettingen. Here she taught par- ticularly qualitative interpretative research methods.

-11- Her research concerns female right-wing extremism, (forced) migration and radicalization in Germany. She also focuses on political socialization, family sociology, and family history as well as the influence of these factors on peer interactions. Furthermore, she is interested in young people’s transition from school to work and the construction of belongings in transnational families. Here, she focuses on the constella- tions of families with very different political opinions and patterns of actions. In her research, she em- ploys biographical, intergenerational, and ethnographical methods.

As of 2003, she has been secretary and between 2010 and 2014 vice president of the Research Committee on Biography and Society (RC 38) at the International Sociological Association (ISA). Since 2014 she is president of the Scientific Association of Social Work in Germany (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Arbeit).

Kühnlein, Philipp Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg [email protected]

Philip Kühnlein is a research assistant and a doctoral candidate at the Institute of Ge- ography, Friedrich Alexander University, Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. He studied Human Geography at the Friedrich Alexander University and the Yarmouk University in Irbid, Jordan. His research interests include migration processes, border regimes, iden- tity constructions and memory spaces. Currently he is working on his doctoral thesis, focussing on the effects of the EU-Jordan Compact on Syrian refugees in Jordan in the context of the externalisation of the EU migration management.

Langer, Beata Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]

Beata Langer (Ph.D.) is a graduate of Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach. Her research has focused on two main subjects: Polish language Jewish press in Krakow in the inter- war period and Stanisław Wasylewski’s life and activities. She is a co-author of Prasa, książka, biblioteka na łamach krakowskiego Nowego Dziennika (Press, book, library on the pages of the Cracovian Nowy Dziennik) (2016) The monograph presents issues of a broadly defined book culture in a Polish language Zionist newspaper published in Krakow (1918-1939).

In 2010 she obtained a doctoral degree for her thesis Inspiracje śląską kulturą ludową w twórczości Gustawa Morcinka. In June 2013 she finished the postgraduate studies in research-and-development managment in Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa in Poznań. She worked in Biblioteka Śląska in the years 2004- 2010. Since October 2010 she is an assistant professor in Katedra Kultury Informacyjnej, Instytut Nauk o Informacji, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. KEN in Krakow.

-12- Legut-Zemla, Agnieszka Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected] [email protected]

Agnieszka Legut is a social science researcher, specializing in migration studies. She received a Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University. Cur- rently, she is affiliated with the Pedagogical University of Krakow. She holds an M.A. degree in English Letters and in European Studies. Also, she has a PGCert in Foreign Service from Warsaw School of Economics and the same qualification in Global Development from the University of Warsaw. She has cooperated with a number of non-governmental organizations and acted as a teacher trainer in global education. She participated in courses held by the United Nations Development Program and the Council of Europe. Her academic interests involve especially immigration and integra- tion policies. In her work, she has focused, in particular, on the Italian and Polish cases, both seen within the transnational space of the European Union and its policies.

Livnat, Hana Beit Berl College [email protected]

Hanna Livnat, Ph.D., is a lecturer at Beit Berl College and Tel Aviv University, in the field of Children’s culture and Literature. She is the writer of the books (in Hebrew): The Press for Jewish Children and Youth in Germany, 1933-1938: Warning or Calm- ing?; Jewish and Proud - Shaping Identity for Jewish Children in Germany 1933-1938. She was the Editor of Small world [Olam Katan], a journal of youth and children’s literature Study. Untill 2018 Dr. Livnat was the Head of The Yemimah center for the Study and Teaching of Children’s Literature, Beit Berl College – the most comprehensive collection in Israel of children’s literature. Livnat also translates literature for adults, youth and children from German, English and French into Hebrew.

Mackova, Lucie Palacky University Olomouc [email protected]

Lucie Mackova holds a degree in International Relations from the University of St An- drews in Scotland and the Central European University in Hungary. Before she started to pursue her Ph.D. at Palacky University Olomouc, Czech Republic, she interned with UNHCR in Prague. Her dissertation deals with the issue of return migration to Armenia. Her other research interests include returnee entrepreneurship and diaspora engagement. She has carried out fieldwork in Lebanon and most recently, in Armenia and Georgia.

-13- Melzer-Geva, Maya Kinneret College [email protected]

Dr. Maya Melzer-Geva is an Anthropologist, senior lecturer in the departments of Behavioral Sciences and of Education and Community at Kinneret College. Head of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching. She holds a B.A. and M.A. degrees in sociology and anthropology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a Ph.D. in education from Haifa University. Her fields of study are intercultural learning, Georgian Jewry, multicul- turalism, construction of identity and Auto-ethnography. She is also engaged in evaluation research of communal and educational projects

Mirsky, Julia Ben-Gurion University of the Negev [email protected]

Dr. Mirsky is a professor at the Department of Social Work, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. She serves as the Head of this Department’s Ph.D. program and in the past served as the Head of the Department. She is a licensed clinical psychologist. Her scientific work focuses on psychological aspects of migration and she took part in a number of large-scale international research projects on this topic. She teaches cours- es on processes that take place in migration and in cultural transition on individual and family levels, in the normative as well as psychopathological range. She supervises a large number of Ph.D. students and had published over 60 papers, 17 chapters in books and 6 books.

Prof. Mirsky holds the Samuel and Miriam L. Hamburger Chair in the Integration of Immigrant Com- munities at BGU and is involved in two additional projects: She heads The BGU Project for Research and Education on Migrant’s Lives in Israel (MigLives.IL) that she had initiated with colleagues from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The project collects and documents narratives of migrants in Israel and aims to encourage research and educate students as well as the general public about the lives of migrants in Israel in order to advance tolerance and social cohesion. Prof. Mirsky also acts as a coordi- nator to DEMO, an international project funded by a EU Erasmus + which aims at developing and dis- seminating in the Israeli academic system innovative courses on migrant’s lives. The project comprises a consortium of eleven academic institutions in Israel and in Europe.

Nasrallah, Aida Beit Berl College [email protected] [email protected]

Born in Umm al-Fahm Sshe holds a Ph.D. fom Tel Aviv University. Nassralla is a se- nior lecturer at Beit Berl College, a writer, a playwright, a poet and a critic of literature and modern art history. She has been awarded as a participant in the IWP (International Writing Program) at Iowa University (2000-2001). She participated in many conferences in Israel and abroad about litera- ture, theatre and art. Her poems and plays have been translated into several languages. She has published

-14- three collections of short stories (in Arabic) and one novel was translated into German. She published a play in a GAG magazine, which represent the writers union in Israel, and in the international Magazine for literature Granada.

She has published two academic books: When Places Speak: Qassem Matrud is a different phenomenon in the Contemporary Arab Theater. And (with Iman Younis) a book, entitled: Artistic-Literary Interaction in Digital Poetry: The Bugaz Tree as a Sample of Demonstration. Since 2016 she is a number of the man- agement committee of the Association for women`s art and Gender research in Israel

Nathan, Gilad Ruppin Academic Center and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem [email protected]

I am the Israeli member of the expert group for Migration of the OECD (Sopemi Network). Also a research fellow in the Institute for Immigration and Social Integra- tion (Ruppin Academic Center) and the Richard Koebner Minerva center for German History (The Hebrew University).

Neeman, Rina Tel Aviv-Yafo Academic College [email protected]

Rina Neeman holds a B.A. degree in literature and philosophy, an M.A. in philosophy and a Ph.D. in the social sciences. She worked as a lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Tel Aviv University and in the Department of Government and Society at the Tel Aviv-Jaffa Academic College since its inception. Her relevant studies on immigration are a study of Romanian in Israel, and a study of Romanian migrant workers in Israel. In addition, she dealt with the following subjects: culture and ceremonies, space-city, design and fashion, Jewish religious variations in Israel. I am currently focus- ing on research on the interactions between human beings and other animals.

Nuttman-Shwartz, Orit Sapir College [email protected]

Orit Nuttman-Shwartz, is an associate professor at Sapir College in Israel. She is a cer- tified social worker (MSW) and a certified group analyst (GA). Founder and first chair, for the first decade, of the social work school at Sapir College. Since 2011 she is also serving as the Chairperson of the Israeli National Council for Social Work.

Nuttman-Shwartz research focuses on four fields: personal and social trauma, shared trauma and resil- ience; life transitions and occupational crises; group therapy and facilitation and social work education. These studies have made a theoretical and practical contribution, and have been applied to practical interventions in the social work profession as well as to the development and implementation of training programs for local and international students, including graduate students and professionals. These studies

-15- have yielded 70 academic publications in leading international and local journals and as in book chapters, which reflect her professional contribution.

In addition, Nuttman-Shwartz served as an editor or coeditor of special issues in different international journals and she is an editorial board member in several trauma and social work journals as Loss and Trauma and Clinical Journal of Social Work and received several competitive project grants by the IASSW; EASSW and EU-Tempus to develop new curricula and training programs for social work in various areas including one which focus on migration. In 2014, she was awarded the Katan Prize for Academic Scholarship in Social Work, and in 2016 she received the Israeli parliament, the IFCJ and the Israeli FSW an award of distinction for her groundbreaking efforts to integrate academic work and work with needy communities.

Ogonowska, Agnieszka Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected] [email protected]

Professor Agnieszka Ogonowska, graduated from the Institute of Psychology, Facul- ty of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University. Her specialization is clinical psychology of children and youth (1999) and film studies at the Institute ofAudiovisual Arts, Faculty of Management and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University (2001). She also graduated from the School of Management and Business Studies (Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Law, Jagiellonian University, 2001) and Post-Graduate Speech Therapy (Pedagog- ical University of Krakow, 2018). She obtained a Ph.D. degree at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication (Jagiellonian University) in the field of art sciences in 2001, a postdoctoral degree at the University of Silesia in 2009 in the field of literary science and the title of professor of humanities in 2015.

She is the Head of Department of Media and Cultural Research at the Institute of Polish Philology (Pe- dagogical University of Krakow), and the Head of the Center for Media Research of the UP and she conducts the Research Team on Media Psychology and Media Education as part of the Media Research Center.

She was an expert member of the parliamentary committee for counteracting violence in the media (Com- mission for Social Policy and Family - 4th term of the Seym). She works as an expert in Polish Commit- tee for UNESCO. She conducts scientific classes and workshops, mainly for employees of the education sector in the field of media education, social communication, clinical psychology of children and youth, and behavioral addictions in the field of media. She is an organizer of dozens conferences, congresses and scientific and training symposia dedicated to new media, media psychology and communication, social communication, addictions to new technologies, the influence of high technologies on the develop- ment of children and youth, media education and media literacy.

Currently, she is researching the neuropsychological and socio-cultural conditions and factors of beha- vioral addictions. Author of 11 scientific monographs devoted to these issues, including:Psychology of Media and Communication (2018), Communication and Agreement. The art of being together, creating bonds and solving conflicts (2015), Media addiction, or the pathological use of the media and their impact on our health and the lives of our children (2014), Contemporary media education. Theory and Reality (2013), Iconic violence (2004). She also writes articles for Remedium, Świat Problemów, Blue Line. She is the founder and editor-in-chief of two publishing series: Applied Psychology and Culture and Society. She is the editor-in-chief of the Studia de Cultura, scientific journal of Pedagogical University.

-16- Opršal, Zdeněk Palacký University Olomouc [email protected]

Zdeněk Opršal is a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Development and Envi- ronmental Studies at the Palacky University Olomouc, the Czech Republic. He earned his Ph.D. in Environmental Geography from the University of Ostrava, the Czech Republic. He has 14 years’ experience in research and teaching in the field of environ- mental and development studies, occasionally lecturing at other partner European and non-European uni- versities (including Costa Rica, Finland, Sweden, Israel, Bhutan, Morocco and others). He participated in many scientific, educational and awareness rising projects in the field of global development. His research interests include development and environmental policies of post-communist countries as well as issues related to land governance, nature conservation and sustainable management of natural resources. He uses geographical information technologies (GIT) in his research. As a proud geographer, he enjoys exploring new countries and cultures.

Padło, Tomasz Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]

Dr. Tomasz Padło works at the Institute of Geography, Pedagogical University of Krakow. In scientific work, he is interested in the perception of space, relic borders and human geography of Central Europe. Co-founder of the Bezgranica Founda- tion, dealing with the promotion of knowledge through visual arts. He is also a documentary photographer.

Pamuła-Behrens, Małgorzata Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]

Małgorzata Pamuła-Behrens is professor of applied linguistics at the Department of Didactics of Polish Literature and Language of the Pedagogical University of Krakow. She is director of Migrant Education and Integration Research Center. Her research fields are second language learning (especially language of schooling), migrant education and in- tegration, autonomy and e-learning. Her research and teaching is cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary. The results of her research were published in several journal articles and books.

She is co-designer, with Marta Szymańska, of the method of teaching language of schooling of students with migrant background – JES-PL Method. She is also the co-author of the materials for teachers and students with migrant background and the book Teaching the Language of Schooling for Mathematics Instruction. The JES-PL Method. She is a coordinator of international project Erasmus+ “Polish Online”. The team of the project build online learning platform for the Polish language.

-17- Piasecki, Andrzej Konrad The Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]

Professor of Political Science, historian, Head of the Department of Local Gov- ernment and Local Communities at the Institute of Political Science at the Peda- gogical University in Krakow. He supervised eight doctors (Ph.D.) and more than 300 masters (M.A.). Prof. Piasecki mainly deals with local government, public administration, regional policy, social com- munication, management and organization, electoral system and political marketing. He is the author of many scientific publications, including books:Manager and politician - voit, mayor, the president of a city (2006); Local government and local communities (2009); Elections in Poland 1989-2011 (2012). He also performs some important social functions including chief editor of the local weekly (1991-1998); the councilor (1990-2012); the adviser to the Minister of Labor (2006-2007), an expert of the National Center for Science (2011). He helps to improve the professional employees of public institutions, entrepreneurs, representatives of the NGO sector.

Piskorz, Artur Pedagogical University in Krakow [email protected]

Artur Piskorz is an adjunct Professor in the English Department, the Pedagogical Uni- versity in Krakow. Research interests include British and American culture and cinema, especially the cinema of Stanley Kubrick. Recently published Mike Leigh’s Organic Cinema.

Ratner, Evanna Gordon Academic College [email protected]

Evanna Ratner is involved in teaching and research in teacher preparation and media literacy. She is an expert in “Dialogue through Media”, Peace Education and teaching and learning studies. Coordinator of Media Studies at the Ministry of Education in Is- rael and a Teacher in Carmel Zvulun High School. She is involved in the ERASMUS+ project “Curriculum Development on Immigrants and Refugees Lives”

-18- Reichman, Roxana Gordon Academic College [email protected]

Roxana Reichman is an expert in comparative education and education, administra- tion, organization and leadership (Ph.D. from State University of New York at Buf- falo, 1996). During the last two decades, she worked for ten years in the Department of Educational Management at Haifa University and simultaneously for 20 years at Gordon Academic College, teaching undergraduate and graduate students and supervising theses of M.Ed. students. She held several administrative positions at Gordon Academic College programs in teacher ed- ucation, including Academic Head, Head of the M.Ed. program in Learning, Instruction and Mentoring, coordinator of the two-year Teacher education program for gifted students, and Erasmus institutional co- ordinator. She participated in several Erasmus + international programs (DOIT, LLAF, DARE) and today participates in two international programs: DEMO (Developing modernized curriculum on immigrants’ lives) and CURE (Civic education and democracy).

Rhein, Stefanie Ludwigsburg University of Education [email protected]

Lecturer of sociology and academic staff member of the Research Support Office at the University of Education Ludwigsburg. Holds a Ph.D. in management of the arts with a focus on sociology of culture.

Her research interests include youth and youth cultures, popular culture, socialization, life-style, gender, migration.

Roberman, Sveta Gordon Academic College [email protected]

Sveta Roberman is a social anthropologist. She is a senior lecturer at Gordon College of Education. She is the author of two books and a number of articles on Russian im- migrants in Israel and Germany.

-19- Rokita-Jaśkow, Joanna Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]

Joanna Rokita-Jaśkow is associate professor of applied linguistics at the Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland, where she is head of the ELT section and a Deputy Dean of Faculty of Languages. Her main research interests concern foreign and sec- ond language acquisition by children and foreign language teacher education. She is author of over 40 papers and 3 books, the most recent one titled: Foreign language learning at pre-primary level: parental aspirations and educational practice (2013). Another one (co-au- thored by Melanie Ellis) titled: Early instructed foreign language acquisition. Pathways to competence is about to be published with Multilingual Matters in January 2019. She also initiated and coordinates the postgraduate program for pre-primary and primary FL teachers.

Rupnow, Dirk University of Innsbruck [email protected]

Professor of contemporary history, Institute for Contemporary History, University of Innsbruck, Austria. 2010-2018 Head, Institute for Contemporary History. Since 2018 Dean, Faculty of Philosophy and History. Founding Coordinator, Research Center “Migration & Globalization” and Doctoral Program “Dynamics of Inequality and Dif- ference in the Age of Globalization”. 1999/2000 Project researcher, Historical Commis- sion of the Republic of Austria.

Visiting Scholar at the International Research Center for Cultural Studies IFK, Vienna, Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at the University of Leipzig, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C., and Institute for Human Sciences IWM, Vienna; 2007 Visiting Assistant Professor, Dartmouth College; 2009 Fraenkel Prize in Contempo- rary History, Wiener Library, London; 2015/16 Academic Advisor, Project “Collecting Migration”, Vien- na City Museum; since 2015 Member, International Advisory Board, House of Austrian History, Vienna; 2016-17 Distinguished Visiting Austrian Chair Professor, Stanford University.

His main research fields are modern European history, holocaust and Jewish studies, migration, history and memory, museology.

Schiffer, Varda Van Leer Jerusalem Institute [email protected]

Senior research fellow, Director of the program for developing models of collaborative governance in local authorities.

Fields of Practice: education policy, education in local authorities, education leadership, privatization in education and employment.

-20- Varda Schiffer worked at the Mandel Foundation-Israel between 1997 and 2012 and was the President of the foundation between 2010 and 2012. She is the founder of the Mandel Center for Leadership in the Negev and was its director (2004-2010), after serving as the director of the Mandel Leadership Institute in Jerusalem (1999-2003). She was the chief scientist of the civil service commission (1995-1996) and, in the State Comptroller’s Office, was in charge of oversight of the Ministry of Education. At the same time, she engaged in research and teaching at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in its Not-for-Profit Management Program (2004-2009) and edited its academic journal, Hevra Ezrahit Umigzar Shlishi Beyis- rael (Civil Society and the Third Sector in Israel).

Schiffer has a B.A. and an M.A. in international relations and a Ph.D. in political science, all from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2003–2004 she was a postdoctoral fellow at Saint Anthony’s Col- lege in Oxford, where she was also a senior associate member (SAM). In addition, she was an adjunct professor in the Department of Public Policy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has published studies on civil society in Israel, on the right to education in closed communities, and on education in the ultra-Orthodox community in Israel. Her voluntary work includes membership in the experts committee that advised the 2011 social protesters, the ethics committee in the public sector in the Jerusalem Center for Ethics, the committee for examining Israeli government policy regarding the third sector in Israel, and the international council of the New Israel Fund. She is a member of the Israeli branch of Amnesty Inter- national and in the past was the chairperson of that branch.

At the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute Dr. Schiffer directs the program for developing models of collabora- tive governance in local authorities. Her research focuses on the development of models of collaborative governance in the education, and on issues of privatization and regulation in the Israeli education system and local authorities.

Schwarz, Johanna F. University of Innsbruck [email protected]

I am currently holding a position as Senior Scientist at the Institute of Teacher Edu- cation and School Research at the Faculty of Teacher Education at the University of Innsbruck. My main research area is phenomenological and pedagogic research on phe- nomena of teaching and learning at school. In teaching, my expertise is in assessment, classroom management, inclusion and literature.

Shenhav, Shelly Beit Berl College [email protected]

Dr. Shelly Shenhav-Keller is an anthropologist, specializes in Israeli visual culture, heritage and museum research. Her main interests are informal education, collective memory, ethnic and national identity, material culture.

-21- Shmuel, Naomi The Hebrew University of Jerusalem [email protected]

Dr. Naomi Shmuel is an author and anthropologist specializing in families in transi- tion. Her research focusses on the process of continuance and change amongst Ethi- opian immigrant families in Israel. She is the coordinator for Nevet (a greenhouse of context informed research and training for children in need, situated in the School of Social Work at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem) special training program for professionals working in culturally diverse environments, and a lecturer at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her original prize winning children’s books are widely used throughout Israel in schools and pre-school programs to foster cross-cultural understanding and tolerance.

Ströhle, Claudius University of Innsbruck [email protected]

Ph.D. candidate and member of the doctoral program “Dynamics of Inequality and Difference in the Age of Globalization” at the University of Innsbruck. Ströhle stud- ied European ethnology at the University of Innsbruck and at the Yeditepe University in Istanbul. In his master’s thesis, he examined the construction and incorporation of differences in the everyday school life. His current research project “Remittances as Social Practice” deals with transnational practices of exchange and belonging between Austria and Tur- key. Claudius Ströhle’s research interests are migration and education, ethnographic methodology, trans- national theories and economic anthropology.

Świętek, Agnieszka Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]

Ph.D. in geography (Ph.D. thesis: Education as an element of the standard of liv- ing of the Roma ethnic minority). Born in 1986 in Krakow and graduated from the Faculty of Geography at the Pedagogical University of Krakow. She is a university lecturer employed in the Didactics of Geography Department, Institute of Geography at the Pedagogical University of Krakow.

Her major research interests are Roma ethnic minority, national and ethnic minority education, didactic of geography. Author of two scientific monographs on the Roma minority in southern Poland:The standard of living of Roma in the Lesser Poland voivodeship and Education of Roma students in the Lesser Poland voivodeship, based on her research carried out among the Roma community. Experienced at working in Erasmus+ Programs related to the Roma minority: Transfer of innovation, multilateral projects “Common Goals – Common Ways” (2012-2015); “Reaching the Lost Generation (2014-2017).

-22- Szymańska, Marta Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]

Marta Szymańska is on expert on didactics of Polish language, especially on prob- lematics connected with the role of grammar in language teaching and literacy de- velopment on different educational levels. She also deals with the development of the language of schooling (academic language), introduction of subject terminology and teacher training. She designed, with Małgorzata Pamuła-Behrens, the method of teaching language of schooling of students with migrant background – JES-PL Method – and materials for teachers and students to use in the class. Marta Szymańska and Małgorzata Pamuła-Behrens are the authors of the book Teaching the Language of Schooling for Mathematics Instruction. The JES-PL Meth- od (Metodyka nauczania języka edukacji szkolnej uczniów z doświadczeniem migracji. Metoda JES-PL – Matematyka); She works on postgraduate studies “Nauczanie języka polskiego jako obcego i drugiego” (Teaching Polish as Foreign and Second Language). She is one of the authors of the textbook and curric- ulum for gymnasium To lubię! (I like it!) and a monograph entitled Między nauką o języku a rozwijaniem języka. Koncepcje kształcenia językowego na przełomie XX i XXI wieku (Between knowledge about lan- guage and developing language. Concepts of language education at the turn of the century). She cooper- ates with Karl University in Prague – project Primus, relating to functional L1 teaching. She is a member of international team building online learning platform for Polish language.

Tamer-Uzun, Gökcen Sara Ludwigsburg University of Education [email protected]

Lecturer in theology and religious education (Islamic) at Ludwigsburg University of Education. Responsible for further education of religious teachers and further deve- lopment of Islamic religious education in the state of Baden-Württemberg.

Research interests: Islamic pedagogy, construction and stabilization, didactics and methodology of Islamic religious education, interreligious dialogue, Islamic ethics, motivation of study choice for students in Islamic religious education.

Tannenbaum, Michal Tel-Aviv University [email protected]

Dr. Michal Tannenbaum is a senior lecturer and the head of the Program for Multi- lingual Education, School of Education, Tel Aviv University. Her research interests and teaching areas include linguistic patterns of minority groups, psychological and emotional aspects of immigration, inter-group relations, and the exploration of meet- ing points between language issues and arts. She is currently leading a project (to- gether with Prof. Elana Shohamy), funded by the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Education, to promote a new multilingual educational policy for Israel.

-23- Tartakovsky, Eugene Tel Aviv University [email protected]

Eugene (Evgeny) Tartakovsky is a Senior Lecturer (tenured) at the Tel-Aviv Uni- versity School of Social Work. His research interests include the role of values as determinants of attitudes and behavior, psychology of immigration, and social work with immigrants and ethnic minorities. Dr. Tartakovsky consults governmental and non-governmental organizations on issues related to multiculturalism and integration of immigrants.

Tokarska, Urszula Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]

My name is Urszula Tokarska. I live in Poland and I have worked as an academic teacher of psychology for 30 years. I have created The Human Development Support Psychology Unit inside the formal structure of the Department of Psychology, Peda- gogical University in Krakow. My main field of interest in psychology is connected with psychological strategies of supporting human development on different stages of life and in special life circumstances suffered, especially via literacy means. My specialization are theoretical models and practical applications of narrative psychology in an educational, coaching and therapeutic processes.

My current field of interest is mental health in narrative perspective, the “complexity” of modern identity construction and inter-cultural identities mechanisms. Now I am working around the topic of supporting healthy identity construction in migrants (in counselling and therapy) or those who prepare to migrate (in deep education and preventive activity). I am interested in specific strategies for supporting individ- uals going through a long-term displacement process in their attempts to balance two essentially human psychological needs: seeking to “anchor” or “find a home” in a particular cultural and territorial reality and to remain cognitively and emotionally flexible and behaviourally mobile. Individuals, who have to be increasingly mobile these days, are often faced with a mental strain that is difficult to overcome and, as such, may be treated as a developmental challenge. One of my author`s tools of work: the narrative (auto) biographical game “Eighty Stories Around a Human Life” is intended to support this process of balancing contradictory human needs at a higher and universally cognitive-emotional-behavioral level.

I am simultaneously the scientist, the group coacher and narrative therapist believing that there is not good science without a close contact with the real human experience and not good enough practice with- out a strong theoretical base. I am an author of almost 50 scientific publications and 20 practical programs based on above assumptions. I have gained many good international experiences of teaching important psychological skills via narrative tools in the context of Erasmus Universities Bilateral Agreement (Spain, Portugal, Greece and Belgium) and in USA, Great Britain and Australia.

-24- Turri, Katharina University of Innsbruck [email protected]

At the moment I am working as a teacher for Italian, history and democratic citi- zenship at a grammar school in Schwaz in Tyrol. In my Ph.D. I am going to explore experiential dimensions of failure as a phenomenon at school, which deals not only with the fear of failure but both its impacts on students and teachers and the connection between failure and related phenomena such as fear or success.

Tzom Ayalon, Anat Beit Berl College [email protected]

Doctoral degree studies at the Steve Tisch School of Television and Cinema, Tel Aviv University, writing a dissertation on “The Gaping Abyss between Voice and Image- Trauma and Ethics in Documentary Essay-Film”. Tzom-Ayalon holds an M.A. degree (cum laude) from Tel Aviv University (thesis: “The Ethics of Close-Up Filming in Documentary Films”), as well as an M.Ed. degree in arts education, Bretton Hall College, and a B.A. degree in philosophy and English liter- ature from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is also graduate of the Beit Zvi School for the Per- forming Arts, a documentary film-editor and film maker and a teacher in the Film Department, Faculty of Arts – Hamidrasha, Beit Berl College.

Laura Volgger University of Innsbruck [email protected]

Laura Volgger is a student at the Department of Contemporary History, University of Innsbruck. She is a member of the editorial team to of the departmental journal. Worked as project assistant at the Institute for Regional Development, and with the migrant organization “Frauen aus Allen Ländern”, as well as other positions as re- search assistant on various organizations.

-25- Völkel, Bärbel Ludwigsburg University of Education [email protected]

Bärbel Völkel is a Professor of history and history didactics at the Ludwigsburg Uni- versity of Education. She is member of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Federal Archives, Branch Office Ludwigsburg (Zentrale Stelle zur Verfolgung nationalsozial- istischer Verbrechen – Central office for the prosecution of National Socialist violent ). Her current main research interests are thinking and teaching history in immigration societies; inclusive history didactics, and Holocaust education in a plural society

Walsh, Sophie D. Bar Ilan University [email protected]

Sophie D. Walsh is a Clinical Psychologist and an Associate Professor in the Depart- ment of Criminology, Bar Ilan University. Her research interests include youth at risk, immigrant adolescents and involvement in substance use and delinquency, the relation- ship between discrimination and delinquency, and attitudes to immigrants.

Wojniak, Justyna Pedagogical University of Krakow [email protected]

Justyna Wojniak is assistant professor at the Department of History of Education of the Pedagogical University of Krakow, member of the board and the spokesperson for the Foundation “Women Scientists”. She is the author of publications concerning comparative education, gender issues in the field of education, ICT in education, and responsible research and innovation.

-26- Yakhnich, Liat Beit Berl College [email protected]

Liat Yakhnich is a senior lecturer in the Department of Youth Care and the Depart- ment of Criminology at Beit Berl College. She currently serves as chairperson of the Department of Youth Care.

Her research interests include: parenting in cultural transition, immigrant families and youth (with a par- ticular emphasis on youth at risk), cultural identity and substance abuse and addiction. Beyond academic activity, she works with parents and families in areas of family relationships and prevention of youth risky behavior and is involved in professional training in the fields of cultural sensitivity, immigrant youth at risk, and substance abuse and addiction.

Yaniv, Iris Oranim Academic College of Education [email protected]

Iris Yaniv is a secular humanistic rabbi and Bible scholar. She has been studying and teaching Bible and other Jewish texts for about 30 years, and leads at Yahel – liberal humanistic congregation in Haifa. Among other places, Rabbi Dr. Iris Yaniv is teach- ing in Oranim College of Education.

Zemel, Ofer Haifa University [email protected]

Lecturer at the University of Haifa Eshkol Network, Police Officers Course (Introduction to Criminology, Organized , Youth Delinquency and Domestic Violence). Adjunct lecturer at Beit-Berl College, in criminology (research and theory, juvenile delinquency and crime in Israel). 2004-2010 she was Organizational Coordinator, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Department of Criminology, Yezreel Valley College, working with rehabilitative and correctional systems and populations at risk in the community and in the criminal justice system.
