Sail Boat Racing 2016 / 2017 Please Note: Class Portsmouth Handicap Numbers Are Quoted Below for an Upper Quartile Version Rather Than the Class Median Version
Software and Services Byron Sail Boat Racing 2016 / 2017 Please Note: Class portsmouth handicap Numbers are quoted below for an upper quartile version rather than the Class median version. In general terms that means, handicaps refer to the larger polyester type headsail and full sized spinnaker version rather than the often more popular vessels with cruising or builder supplied sails. Clubs may need to adjust a 'Byron Class Number' to suit local conditions, of course reasons should be declared (ie tidal/course skew factor). A vessel specific ByPN handicap/rating calculation can be provided. Class: OD :One Design, DD :Deep Drafted, SD :Shoal Drafted, TM :Tall Mast, GC :Gaff Cutter. Knots: light displacement hull speed. Keel: f :fin, ff :flared fin, fb :fin ballasted(lowCofG), b :bulb, w :wing, 2k :bilge, 3k :trikeel, d :drop keel, d. :drop keel fixed down when racing (also fbd. etc), s :swing keel, bb :bilge boards, L :long, 2h 3h :multihull (refer to Boat Keels for more detail). Engine/propeller: non :no engine, ob :outboard, obf :outboard within hull and fixed down, ibf :inboard +furling prop. ib2 :ib +2 fixed bladed prop. ib3 :ib +3 fixed bladed or more. Furl: rr :roller reefing/furling sail included. uSAD: indication of 'on the water' power to weight ratio upwind. dSAD: indication of 'on the water' power to weight ratio downwind. We do not have financial help from the RYA, so if you use our 'contribution to the sport' or just agree with our attempts to promote 'fair play' then please click on the PayPal Donate link/button to make a payment.
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