VOL XII, NO. 6 Largest Clrculotloa. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THUKSDAY, JULY 28, 1904 Official Newspaper. TEN PAGE PAPER THREE IN ONE DAY BIG TIME SURE YOU CAN POINT KAILK0AI) ACCIDENTS IN AT GOOD ROADS FESTIVAL' to the Savings with LOWELL YESTERDAY. AND FARMERS' AND pride, especially If you have an XACCABEE PICNIC account there.! A man with a Two on the Pore Marquette. No ' knows the One Ifljnred. In l.offoll on Wednesday, August great benefits he derives from The Pere .Marquette morulng train having money In the bank. 17, Early and Late. from Oraud Kapids to Saginaw ran The committees having in charge into and hiaashed a box car In the the Third Annual Good Boads Festi- The City Bank, train yards liere yesterday. The box val and Farmers" and Maccabees' car wa« iielng pulled to the west by Hill, Watts A Co,, I'ii nic are bestirring themselves to a freight engine and this prevented provide a day of enjoyment for Low- fatalities. The express flreman and ell's guests on Wednesday, August Is a safe place to keep your engineer jiim|)ed and the passengers money. It allows Interest at and crews escaped with a severe 17. The finance committee secured the rate of .'1 per cent |>er an- shaking up. The people In the cafe pledges of about $I(MI. which with num In Its Savings Department car had their breakfasts unceremon- fhe iponey left, on hand from hist and Is wisely and conservative- iously dumped into their laps and year's picnic makes about $150 ly managed. upon the door. The express engine available for this celobralion. As was badly disabled and after consid usual, everything will be free and THE SAVING HABIT Is n good quality to develop and means erable delay the train was hauled on , who gains distinction in the strenuous the hfli will start in morning and much for you In the future. You should begin now. It will In* easier Its way by the freight engine. world of business, accomplishes that re- as you go along. Better open that account now. You'll IK? Inter- The express crew claimed that < he last all day long. The committees sult becausc of superior energy and vitalitv. are planning for free entertaiments ested In our bank. Call and see us and we'll explain anything you freight was trespassing on their even: similar ih those which proved so may care to know. time, that if anything the express popular last year. 0=P=C suspensories was a little late: but the freighters man claimed that the box was a "wild" The Maccabees will IK? with us In force. Father Boynton's coming in- sustain vitality and save energy. There is no immediate car and they were chasing It to pre- suring the attendance of lodges, drill w difference between the energyyo off thille man who docs wear an vent a worse calamity. teams and bands from neighboring O-I'-C and the man who does not, just as there is not much differ- On the same afternoon another P. towns; and something striking In encc at first between the man who takes a thirty inch step and he M. express ran into a pile of sand the way of a morning parade Is ex- who slops a quarter inca .rore But there is a big difference in a that had been washed onto the track pected from them. ?«ry short lime. Wear an O-P-C suspensory thirty days and know. by the heavy rain and had to be dnjr Watch for program In our next Booklet Free upon request. out. The engineer's watchfulness issue and prepare to be with us Wed- was all that saved the train. This nesday, August 17. w worth of mon, "The Trail of the Sword." goods In ordl>r to sei-ure $:t.nophotos B. Y. P. U. at 6.:50. Topic, "The Clocks F YOU want good goods, for $1.75. Ask Mrs. Mo tilt. tf. Final Glory." IxMider, .1. B. Nichol- Mrs. P. J. Becker of Detroit Is son. All interested are urged to at- Jewelry the best that money can Bpendlng several weeks with her tend this meeting. A chorus of girl The Bargains mother, Mrs. Margaret Lewis. voices will lead in the singing. buy, goods that are of No evening service other than the Silver- T FOR SALK—One Gohl Coin coal In our line. Nobody else can Young People's meeting. superior workmanship stove, wood heater and other house- touch us for equal quality and ware hold goods. Miss 0. U Bosworth. CONGREGATION AL. ^ slmllur prices. and quality, goods that are F. W. Hinyon and family made an The pastor Is moving ids house- Fancy up-to-the-times, goods that automobile trip to Freeport, Carl- hold goods to Lowell this week.— Our Name ton Center and Hastings last week. Bcguhir services next Sunday. Morn China are sold under a guarantee Misses Mable and Mary Scott en- IUK; subject: "Character Building;" Is,always a sure guarantee of to be perfect, goods that will tertained fifteen young ladles Thurs- Evening subject: "Good News." exceptionally fine goods. If day afternoon in honor of their you are interested in getting a Kodaks Heard About Tows. please you in every partic- cousin. Miss Elvira Pengelly. lot for your money you should and Mrs. S. B. Hail returned yesterday Mrs. Melvin Chase Is vrye ill. visit yur store this week. ular, come to us—we can to Grand l>edge after a several days Melvln Chase and son are in Bat- supplies please you in every way. visit with Mrs. Orton Hill, accom- tle Creek this week. panied by Mrs. Boy and Miss Marion Miss Freda Ecker is spending two Hill. weeks with relatives at Luther. ALL " " WELDON SMITH, Tie Biker. John C. Loncks of Grand Baplds, For sale—one good l-horee wagon. Come in any time and see Bepnbl'can Candidate for Circuit tf D. P. ATWATEU. Court CommlsHloner, was In town You can save money If you buy the different lines we carry. last Friday getting acquainted with furniture at Hakes'. the faithful. Mrs. F. M. Gulllford of Detroit is You are always welcome, John A. Thompson of Grand Bap- visiting relatives and old friends here. whether you buy or not. lds and Ella F. Balch of Detroit When you need cow food, tryolir were united in marriage at the resi- Imperial Cow Food. Chas. McCarty on Tuesday afternoon Meyers & McKee. by Rev. G. L. Sprague. D. B. Johnson of Entrlcan has St. Mary's church of Lowell has lieen visiting Ids cousin, Mrs. J. H. been painted within and witlioiit, Cramer. and cement steps and walk added. Mrs Henry Ward of Ada spent Our Catholic friends feel that their spent Sunday and Monday with .Mrs. A. D. OLIVER house of worship is a credit ty the E. S. Adams. town. A. W. Weekes" cow was killed by Truman Rowley, fourteen year lightning yesterday. .las. Mci'lier- old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. D. H. Itowiy son lost a number of chickens the of Ada township died JuiySI. The same way. funeral was held St Mary's church In FOR SALK—Two bungles and har- this village July 26 and the remains ness, two office desks and farm tools. I were burled in the Fox cemetery. Inquire at residence. He leaves beside parents several tf Mrs. W. B. Blaisdell. brothers and sisters. Constipation, headclur. backache, Mrs. Alec Stahl,aged *(5 years, died feel mean, no appetite, all run down. Sunday at her home near Elmdale, HoIIIster's Bocky Mountain Tea will mm after along illness. Funeral services make you well and keep you well. SAVE YOUR FUEL for cold weat her and keep your were held at the Mennonite church, Monev back, if it fails. IITI cents. Tea house cool this hot weather by using our ready Rev. Jacob Miller of White Cloud o tabletform. 1). (!. LOOK. cooked and finely prepared meats. officiating. Deceased leaves a hus- Great reading matter bargain- band and eight chlldmi. IIK LOWKM. LKDQKU, Michigan Far- The Lowell Military Band will con- mer, American Poultry Advocate duct a party at Train's opera house and Woman's magazine—all five Veal Loaf, Beef Loaf on the night of the picnic. Wednes- months, only 70c. Come quick. Ev- day, August 17. It Is proposed to erybody can get in on tiiis. Partic- maintain the high standard for We the Coiled Corned Beef ulars at this ofilce and in next pa|ter. Closest character of attendance as was es- Pressed Corned Beef tablished last 3'ear. Friends oi the For Sale Cheap. hand are cordially invited. If An extra good lop buggy never Boiled Ham C. W. Parks has a good thing In run, time if you want it. his newly invented hand truck and is Scrutiny Mlnoed Ham, Batonga, Frankfurta, Dried BeeL W. F. Howk. receiving large orders faster than he Noaat Beef, Patted Tongue can fill them. He needs more room $3.50 Photos for$l.75 Without any for manufacturing purposes and Fuss. talks some of organi/.lni; a stock People wishing photographs are in- Besides a fine assortment of canned goods. company to engage In the business extensively. formed that they can secure f: J. 50 ones of me for $1.75 without buying $5 The right of way from Ionia to worth of goods or any other amount (irand Kapids for the luterurbati is or without any cards or fussing of all secuivd but four pelces. one of anv sort. Photos at half price that's whhh Is the Sanford place just west all. tf. Mrs. E. Mofllt. _ of the State Reformatory. This causes the delay In work of con- Mary had a little lad A. L. Weyriclc. struction, as bondscannot he utilized Whose face was fair to see. untill all the pai>ers pass scrutiny of Because each night he had a drink capltallats' attorney.—[Ionia Stand- Of BOCKV Mountain Tea. ard. 1). G. LOOK. O. C. McDANNELL, M. U. Uoed Philosophy In Fishing I LATEST CASH MARKET REPORTS PHYSICIAN Herbert Spencer once won a curious AND BURGEON Tager. He was staying for a fishing DOCTOR BECOMES MAD WHEAT. Lovrtf). Mlelii rhlcaco-No. J red. holdiay In tho house of Sir Francis I 41 Brldg* St. HIDDEN PUZZLE PICTURE. ElEfiBiWIIC N. w Yorl-.—No. 2 red. ll.OsVi. %owcll ledger. FROM COCAINE TESTS Powell, the president of the Scottish Choice Item* f rom rvor , BPEVTnE/' academy, and while angling for trout M. C. GREENE, M. D th* •tf' •peolally Physician Experiments on Himself he happened to drop his eye glasses F. M. JOHH«O5, Pnbliaher. iMimiii—i,„. . Physician MUwiad far our rvadera With the Deadly Drug and Makes There are but elsht cases of yellow Milwaukee—Xo. 1 iinrlhorn, J1.01. Into a deep pool of tho river. In the and Surgeon MICHIGAM MEWS CORN. evening he related his misadventure Notes of Its Effect. II SI fever In Me^.o. coni'ned to Vera Chlragf>-Nn. 2, 49»4c. Jfflce Over Boylan'a Store. Bride* 9*-. t/OweM, LOWELL. MICHIGAN. /1 Cruz and Merldn. Tho superior board Now York—No. 2. Boc. to his host and tho guests, and said C, riemington. N. J., spcelal: The re' of health believes It will stamp out •St. I/DUIS—No. 2. 4 .4C. that he was prepared to bet that ho Workmen Claim That Packers Knniwn City—No. 2 mlxod. B3c. \ ^w York-Mixed. 43^45c. feat, but Herbert Spencer still offered LOWELL, MICHIGAN. Store In Summer Time. Young Man Ran Awayr Honored with Shaft. of Agreement. St LOUIB-NO. 2. 3til2c. ti"»-ru«( nnd I.H reuOy to prow-cute olalnu for extreme cold weather that Ice was and bummed his way to Adrian. As- observe the physiological nffoct of the came into contact with their steel ihovi that may huentltlud to penilon Iwnnty. Some people rock boats, some be- In the historic battle known an the Employers to Abandon Position. Torpy as trustee of the United Sheet T'lttsburg—|2fM.25. present on the sidewalk. Mr. Good- sistant Postpiaster Clork received poison. An entry In his diary reads: IluffHlo—12.2505.75. rima. come Innocent bystanders and others "Massacre on the Raisin." have set and Tin Plate Company, bankrupts. HOGS'. year Is a druggist, with a soda foun- word from the boy's fother, W. A. "Half a grain token hypodermlcolly rhlcnKO-?5.2fl. frozen water and broke her arm. She in Adrian a week and has worked strikers were being subjected to dis- Hallucinations nt end of twenty min- Om n h a—$2.25fr 6.00. 000 bronchos fpom our western states the co-operation cf that body at the collection for $100,000. The money St. Louis—tl.75tf5.S0 Proved Beyond a Doubt. claims negligence and the trial will part of tho time. He was sent home. crimination while seeking to return utes, removed after on hour from In-. - DR. E. D. McQUEEN her real hoss tllitles can begin. ceremonies, following which final lho W f und St. Joseph—12.1005.35. Middlesex, N. Y., July 25.—(Spe- take placc In the circuit court in Oc- to work. Jectlon. Took bath at 5. Tempera- j «J # - New York—SWifi.50. VETERINARY meeting of the commission will be Differences between the employers PlttFhnnr—H.COflfi.W. cial.)—That Rheumatism can be cured tober. Matrimonial Bureau Fever. Should no adjustment of tho trouble ture of air about 90. No forced SUROEON.- Senator Clark's children evidently held for arrangements. and the marblo-v/orkers' unions in Buffalo—11.7506.75. has been proved beyond a doubt by Wiilianr Peck, a resident of Union be reached In the Joint meetings, a breathing, no convulsive movements think a sweet young mamma Is much Now York over a demand of the latter Mrs. Betsey A. Clawson, well known Dtntistry and Surgf- a Sptcial!} Mother Recovers Daughter. City, bears the distinction of receiv- •sympathetic strike of tho other trades of muscles." better than being cut off in the will for the employment of union foremen The Automatic Vice Tool Company, That Mrs. Clawson hod Rheu- Lniry. Fud and Silt Bar* - Lo/k-udion. Mrs. Patennude. who arrived In ing more personal and social letters Pensioner of 1812. employed In the packing Industry Another nate In hla diary In June here. .... threaten a general lockout. matlsm and had it bad, all her ac- Both Phones No. 35. LOWELL. than any other man In Branch county. Aunt Polly Sheldon quietly cele- proctlcally Is certain. It was ar- shows that experlmontc with antidotes iu« .— Akron, O.; the John Bergman Steel mlCH. Menominee from California some The Andrews-New York Central syn- quaintances know. They also know There are people who believe even William has the matrimonial agency brated her 96th birthday at the home ranged for before the agreement was dicate. which recently purchased tho I Company, Pittsburg; the Farnham time ago to make a contest for the were successful. she is now cured. Dodd's Kidney Pills now that some of the Russians may "STAND BACK, SIR.'" TO WHOM IS SHE SPEAKING? fever, and Is a subscriber to each of her only child, Mrs. H. Fisher of Mnhnwk Valley and tho Sy-1 GanWatlQg Shear Company^ . 1Chicago and St. custody cf her child, aged 16. years, .signed which terminated tho original Utlca and Mohawk Valley — '""nlnw tho cat their Christmas dinners in Port Adrian, July 20. Since the death of Louis, have combined, forming tho did it. Mrs. Clawson tells the story of against Mrs. Mathilda Bushey, with bureau of this character. He hoc on strike and the plans have not boon IOWA DEMOCRATS NAME TICKET ractpe Rapid Transit trolley line:!, re- For Fire Insurance Arthur. Mrs. Mario Hlxon at Tecumseh. Mrs. Peoria Steel and Tool Company. her cure as follows: whom the girl has been since /she file over 11,000 letters from tender- IS changed. organized the latter company with "I was an Invalid for most five hearted females who desire a life part- Sheldon is the only pensioner of the Convention Indorses Nominees and Andrews as prusmauu | Rev. ^heodore Braun, pastor of the was 5 months old, won when the girl Strike Is Renewed. Horace E. Andrews as president. years caused by Inflammatory Rheu- os... A Chicago couple lost $450 to a Bos ner, and the Inside of his residence war of 1812 In that section. A re- The strike began In the Chicago . Frlck of Pittsburg has German Evangelical church at Ham- RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR NEWS declared she did not care to remain Platform of St. Louis Convention. Henry C — • . matism. helpless two-thirds of the p. D. EDDV » CO. ton couple playing bridge. Is there is plastered with 6,000 photos-of his markable thing about her longevity is ! raon(ji has accepted a call to the with her foster mother. Habeas cor- yards when the men reported back to Secretary of Mate—Charles A. Dickson. sailed on the White Star liner Cedrlc time. The first year I could not do •till a conviction in the middle West correspondents. that her mother died quite young of work Friday morning. Two hours Auditor—Edgar F. Mcdary. pastorate of the Lutheran church In pus proceedings by Mrs. Bushey have for Liverpool. as much os a baby could do; then I that Boston Is slow? JULY 21, 1904. consumption. Although she is quite Treasurpr—Henry RU-gelman. Auburn, N. Y. Rev. C. J. Lebhart ot predicted In St. Petersburg that tho been dropped. later it had extended, by the order of Attorney general—Maurice O'Connnor. Edgar E. Dawes, secretary of thp rallied a little bit and then a relapse. Britain Flies a Pretest-The British feeble her mental faculties arc unim- Railroad commlasloner—J. P. Manatrey. Washington Heights, III., will succaod raiding fleet will be withdrawn from Manufacture of Cement. President Donnelly of the union, to Norfolk (Va.) Board of Trade, com- Then a year ago the gout set in my The British government is now^try minister in St. Petersburg has filed a the Red sea. The month of June was the banner paired and she can narrate many in- all the plants controlled by the big Judge Supreme court—J. V/. Sullivan. aim. Wheat Is High, But Crop Is Poor. Electors at large—AV. O. Schmidt, J. B. mitted suicide. bands and feet I suffered untold ing to decide how many of the bless teresting Incidents In connection with Assistant Secretary Adee Is acting Salt Rising Bread formal protest. England will not al- JULY 24, 19C4. Wheat Is being sold at Carleton for period for the manufacture of Port- companies. Romans. • , Fire destroyed the Edison theoter ngony and in August, 1903, when my jngs of civilization it will be wise to land cement In Branch county, where tho early history of Lenawee county. as secretary of state in the absence of low the Malacca to be taken to a Rus- Seize German Ships—Russian cruis- 11.05 per bushel, the highest price the When the 8.C00 men and women, at Port Huron, Mich. The Bennett husband died I could not ride to the fboot Into the Thibetans. Iowa City, lo.. 8pecll»l• The Iowa Assistant Secretary Loomia, who has sian port, and more warships have ers In the Red sea seized the steamer farmers have received for a number there are four Immense factories. who (expected to be put at the tasks Humpty Dumpty company lost $4,500 democratic state convention Tuesday I gone to New York. grave. a Specialty... left Malta for the east. Scandla of the Hamburg-American of years. The crop through this sec- This industry has been entirely de- Sues Saloonkeeper. they left In the earlier walkout, gath "I only took two boxea ot Dodd's nominated o state ticket and indorsed in scenery and properties•ed rro.m a ireigu. Henry G. Davis, democratic candi- . That woman with five husbands Crar Ic Displeased — The czar fleet and two British ships. The own- tion this year Is a failure and many veloped here within the past half- Mrs. Anna Krosney has commenced •ered about the establishments they A car door dropped from a frelghi the nominees ond platform of the St. Kidney Pills and In two weeks I behl's pught not to have much trouble in showed displeasure at the possibility ers of the Scandla says she has no farmers will not have enough for their dozen years and It Is now the lead- a suit for $10,000 damages against learned that few of them were want traln derailed a Southern railway j date for vice president, has decided to could wait on myself and saw my own ing manufacturing Industry In the ed at once. The superintendents Louis convention. A message of con- Engineer C., have the notification meeting ot White neeing herself from the charge of of complications with Great Britain contraband on board and have asked own use. The hay crop is also light, James Burke, a saloonkeeper at Whlt- train near Franklin, Va, wood. I dug my own potatoes and gratulation was sent to Judge Parker, Sulphur Springs. wh«re you will also find nil bigamy. She's a qulnqulgamist. In consultation with Count Ijimsdorff. the German government to protest to but the prospect looks good for an county. The grand aggregate of over more lake. She sets forth that on looked over the waiting lines and E. Hall, Fireman W. A. Milloway and gathered my own garden last fall. the products of k Ftpt who replied with his best wlsbes for W. H. SteadJ candidate for attorney the Russian foreign minister, and it is abundant oat crop. The corn crop Is 200 000 barrels of cement meaiiB an June 12 Burke sold her husband two pointed to some, who were Immedi Flagmon Edward McClannahan were ClaaaBBk^ry- Russia. German officials and tho I the democracy of this state. The con- I general of Illinois, on the republican Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me." CooWlet*. Donuahtl. Bun*, When it is announced that a new expected Jn Russian official circles press are wroth over the action. also backward, owing to the late Income to the factories of more than gallons of beer, and while In an in- atoly escorted into the buildings Rheumatism Is caused by uric acid all kind* o( Bread, etc servatives were In control at all killed. ' nnlon of Terre | ticket. Is seriously ill at the Medea golf club Is going into business, every that a speedy readjustment of the spring. a quarter of a million dollars. toxicated condition ho tried to board Murmurs of protest arose from the in the blood. Dodd's Kidney Pills pat Once fc cttitomer, alw»ya Will Release British Veoselo-Tho stages of the proceedings, and, having The Bartenders hotel at Mount Clemens, Mich. fee? knows that the people of that troubles arising over the seizure of a frclglit train. Ho was thfrown un- workers. They demanded that they Haute has adopted rejolutions de- the Kidneys in shape to tako all the * en'tomer. Russian minister has Informed the secured control of the state commit- Leslie Combs, the American minis- community are thirsty on Sunday. British ships In the Red sea by the Swedish Vice Consul. Secretary Smith Resigns. der the moving car and his right foot be selected as they came, without dis- nouncing the plumbers for putting British government that the latest tee, were disposed to be generous to ter to Gautemala and Honduras, who aric acid out of the blood. iW Russian cruisers will be reached. D. F. Pagelson of Grand Haven has Shirley W. Smith, general secretory crushed, necessitating an amputation crimination. as that was the Interpre- on the fair list eight saloons In which British ships to suffer will be released. the Hearst following for the saka of has been on leave of absence In this v •I'rcBldent Bchurman says "no man Vladivostok Fleet—The Vladivostok received his official appointment as of the University of Mlcnlgan Alumni of part of the foot tation put on the peace agreement. A Queer Question. Japs Defeat Russians—The Japa- nonunion plumbers had done work. country. Is returning to hia post. • has a right to lead a single life." Dr squadron has been sighted steaming vice-consul of Sweden and Norway for assbelatlon, who Is known cither by Butchers Refuse Work. harmony. A scholarship in the Columbia unl- Prof. Leopold Barlsen is in charge nese defeated the Russians, who at- Ensign Luke E. Wright, Jr., who has Jekylls who have been doing Hyde rapidly to the southenFt In the Pa- Michigan. His father held the office person or correspondence to every Give up Novel Trip. The cattle and sheep butchers had ot the great X-ray machine in the tacked their advance on Ylnkow. TICKET OF IOWA REPUBLICANS verslty school of mines has been es- recently completed his cruise on the Nothing has ever equalled it cific ocean, and it ia thought the until his death some months ago. On graduc.te of the university, has. re- The two young men from Jackson voted, at the close of the first strike, Educational building at the St. Louis •InnUfODithc sly may therefore cheer Many Japanese have been withdrawn ' tabllshed in memory of the late Mar- Detroit, has tendered his resignation Nothing can ever surpass it. cruisers may be headed for Saigon, account of the large number of Scan- signed to accept a position with the who started out recently to make a that if they were not reinstated In a cus Daly of Montana by his daughter. fair, and, naturally, in this position^ *P from tho position near Tntcheklao ^to Convention Indorses the National a>uo w- — to the secretary ot the navy. the capital of French Indo-Cblna, In dinavians In Michigan the office Is Fidelity Mutual Life insurance com- visit to the state capitals of the body none of them would go to work. Mrs. James W. Gerard of New York he Is called upon to answer innu* rclnforce Kuroki, who Is believed to . Nominees and the Platform. The name of Victor C. Lewis, sec- Every cloud has a silver lining. the hope of obtaining shelter In a quite an Important one. being as It It pany. of Philadelphia. His reslgns- United States, making the Journey on As scon, therefore, as the foreman It Is to be awarded on a competlllve meroble strange questions. have turned the flank of Keller's ond lieutenant of the Twenty-eighth No hard-hearted, tlgbt-flsted trust has neutral port. A Japanese merchant the oLly one of thrt kind In tho state. tlon takes effect Sept. 1, and the board wheels, have returned to that dbar at the Armour plant appeared to be Secretary of state W. B. Mnrtln basis. The recipient Is to receive Prof. Barlsen recounted the other army. Auditor B. F. Carroll company of coast artillery, has been Toingfi y«t b^en Inhuman enough to false the ship was sunk, but the crew escaped. of directors will have this responsible Jackson after deciding that tho trip •eboosing from the men before him Tr-uiiiror O. S. (illherUon afternoon the old queries about X News From Port Arthur—A Chinese $1,000 per annum.. droppe^ from the army register on ac- price ot rice at this season of the The islanders fear a raid on their Rubber Boots Disappear. position to fill before that time. was not such a "capital" one as they and only taking a few, the stewards Judge supreme court..Horace E. Deemer A statement Issued from the ofilce rays that some boys had put to him merchant, who was among the last Attorney xcnoral Charles \V. Mullan count of absence without leave for New Discovery - - ;• f eastern coast and shipping is hunting of the foreigners to moke his way The Grand Rapids city council Is expected. They got as far as Cleve- were instructed to investigate. They Rikllroml conunlsslonor N. 3. Ketchum of President Baer of tho Philadelphia in the momfng. cover. Breaks Into the Reformatory. Electors at laVge I three months. "I was rather In the position," he 10 from Port Arthur, arrived In Victoria, about to furnish another sensation. land, Ohio. were told tho foremen were acting ...Col. E. 8. Ormsby nnd J. H". Trewln &• Reading Railway company an-1 County Agent O. J. Avery took B. F. Keith, the New York theatri- said, "of a Harvard Instructor who For®" '*"-* ¥he girl w^io got engaged at col Fear Fall cf Llaoyang—The Jap- B. C. The troops levy on all stores, A locol firm there has presented a p according to the agreement, and tho nounces that the payment on Sept. 1 Fred Word, the 9-year-old ton of Sam col manager, announced in Cleveland was lecturing on oxygen. lege considers the correspondence anese army has advanced on Llao- he nays, and only five of the war- bill for $340 for rubber boots ordered Still Active at SO. men walked out. Des Moines, Iowa, July 21.—The* Re- lit of the dividend on the first pre- Ward of Addison, to tho Industrial that he had purchased a site In that "'Oxygon,' the Instructor said, "is A Perfect For All fhroat and course methods a good deal better yang. The Russians have retreated ship are seaworthy. during the flood last spring and the Mrs. Honnoh M. Morlett cf Farm- All through the yards tho appll- publican state convention Wednesday ferred stock will act as a dissolution home at Lansing until he Is 17 years city and would begin at once the erec- essential to ail animal existence; Cure; L«og Troubles. than nothing during the summer va thirteen miles. The armies face each entire detective force of the city haa Ington township. Oakland county, waa -cants for work found they were not nominated a ticket and indorsed har- of tho voting trust of the company JULY 25, 1904. old. Several of the boy's brothers tion of a new theater, to cost In the there could be no life without it; and Moneybscklfltfall*, trialBottUefr®*- cation. other twenty-four miles east of Llao- been unable to locate the boots. 90 years of age last February, and wanted. Not 5 per cent of those who mony os tho new Iowa idea. The fea- without further action. Evacuate Newchwang—Newchwang neighborhood of $1,000,000. yet, strange to say, it was discovered yang. It Is feared at St. Petersburg have.been at the home and came out reported, the police estimated, were ture was Gov. Cummins' plea for Application has been made to Judge la being evacuated by the Russians, despite this advanced age still does The new torpedo boot destroyer A Boston paper publishes a story that Llaoyang will be captured. Aged Man Performs Hard Work. so well that he wanted to go and engaged. The stream of workers peace within the party, his declara- Bradford In the United States circuit I only a century ago.' following two days' fighting In the tho wqrk for a family of four. She Blakely successfully made her one- j "'What did they do, then,' a stu- entitled "The Naked Soul." It Is Just to prove that he doesn't feel caused his folks so much trouble by turned backward and marched an- tion following a speech by Temporary court at Wilmington, Del., by the JULY 22, 19C4. came to Formlngton township In 1831. hour endurance test ot Newport, R. vicinity. In which the Japanese scored running away from home that he was grily from the places where they had Mercantile Trust company of New- , dent asked, 'before It was discovered. however, taking the precaution to do . Fortifying Vladivostok—Work on as old as the family Bible says he Is. and has resided on the farm where Chairman Hepburn that the party 1., and will be accepted by the gov- at least one victory, the Russian loss finally sent for truancy. believed they were to be reinstated. York and the Now York Security nnd sir? It when most of the Boston ladles are the fortifications at Vladivostok Is O. O. Walter of Sebewa. aped 81 she still lives for about 60 years. could not be trusted, to deal with the ernment. She covered 24% nautical being 700, according to a report. President Donnelly did not reach Trust company for an order of sale of out of town." being actively pushed. years, eultlvatcd a four-acre field of tariff. Tho Chicago nominees and miles, exceeding the required speed Rail Rate Oddity. Ylnkow Is Next—Tho presence of a Paying Beet Sucar Factory. tho property of the United States Cost of Wai^A Japanese report re- corn the other day. going over It twice Has a Lucky Escape. hla office until 7:30 o'clock. He had platform were Indorsed. It costs nearly $2 moro to go on an large number of Japanese transports The sugar beet crop of the township by half a knot. THE BEST Bandit Raisull has decided to get ceived by the Washington legation In the same day, and driving to town Charles Haldle, a respected farmer, thought, the night before, that the Shipbuilding company In that city. excursion train from Berlin to Basle, at the head of the Gulf of Llaotung never promised better than right now. JUIJIUJameBs ToblnAULMU,f alias Charles Pease married. There may be trouble In gives the cost of the war to date as after he had finished. living a mile south of Deerfield. fell ' trouble was over, and be allowed him- MAY YET SOLVE BEDFORD CASE M. S. Benedict Manufacturing com- aad nine gunboats In a near-by port according to reports. Unless some- Is a prisoner In the Jail In Springfield, V"" t „ THE MARKET the Raisull family the next time he 576,000.000 yen. from a lood of hay which was being self time to sleep and rest. pany of Chicago, H. Leonard & Sons ,r m Is held to Indicate that the plan is to 111., charged with swindling A. Had- i ^ ° ^ brings a strange man home to din- Millions for Railway—Eleven mill- Church Picnic Orator. thing unforeseen happens the crop unloaded In the barn. He fell through Claims Discrimination. Teachers Revive Movement to Raise of Grand Rapids, Conaban & Stoffey don Brown ol onl of $160 °' The dlttcrcic. 1. due o the take Ylnkow next. will be enormous, and the Sebewalng Reports of the incidents of the pre- n ml d ri! 101 ba as ner without notice. ion dollars has been allowed by the Rev. Fr. M. J. Chmmerford of a trap door Into the basement, land- a Fund for investigation. Enameling company of Canton, O., through a "get-rich-qnlck-- " scheme- . . In free, but no° t In "the ' other'J" ; whereforf ° " e AFFORDS Surround Keuropatkin—Kouropatkln sugar factory will have tho best run lUllSMOaa — c - Ruesian government for immediate Plnckney went to Detroit to arrange ing, In a horse's manger on his shoul- vious half hour began to come to IndlarapoIIs, Ind., dispatch: Indiana and Butler Bros, of Chicago have filed „ reduction Is made In the latter case seems to be nearly surrounded, for 30.- this fall It has had. The Sebewalng which alleged valuable mineral lands Charles G. StUlman, a New York Improvements on the Siberian rail- with Judge Phelan and John F. Ken- ders, and yet miraculously escaped him at once. The men declared they school teachers have revived the a petition in the federal court to have 000 Japanese are repcrtod advanclcg In Minnesota played a part. In the price of the ticket. la none too pood for multimillionaire, is working as a bag way. nedy to speak at his annual church factory Is the only one In the state without any very serious injury. had been discriminated against and njovement to contlnuo the investiga- C. J. Nuddleman, proprietor of the on Mukden. Archbishop Messmer denied at Mil- g^ge smasher in San Francisco. Prob- Did Net Scire V^sccl—The officers picnic. It Is to be held Aug. 11. Both that bos declared dividends the past that the companies were violating tion Into the murder of Sarah C. Scho- Variety store, a largo general mer- Lion and Unicorn. those who buy their Orders SoirureS to Stop—Orders two seasons. * waukee that the Modern Woodmen or ably needs the exercise, but wants to of the China Mutual Steam Naviga- gentlemen consented to attend on Bank With Uncle Sam. the agreement. When the action of fer, the I^otin teacher at Bedford. F. cantile establishment of La Porte, Tho lion Is the emblem of Eng- have been Issued to the Russian cruis- any other ofganizatlon would be ad- be paid for taking It. tion company's steamer Pak Ling deny that day. Tuesday was pay day for the circus the cattle butchers was made known schools, has written a letter of In- Ind . declared bankrupt. land and the unicorn of Scotland. ers St. Petersburg nnd Smolensk to mitted to membership In the Catholic GROCERIES the report that the vessel has been Decoy Duck. In Traverse City, and the poatoffice- to him Donnelly Issued the order for A Cotton, state superintendent of William Bell Wilson. a!las William On the union of Scotland and Eng- cease Interfering with foreign ship- A crowd of Lapeer young lodies Knights. Those knights who are Mark Twain's former school teach- seized by a Russian volunteer fleet Heat Causes Stranger's Death. there issued about $1,500 in money the now strike. qulry to Mayor Smith of Bedford ask- Anderson, arrested at Jonesville, Va., land In 1603, one of the Hons was re- here. Everything ping In the Red sea, and It Is expected lingered on the edge of a mud puddle members of any other order may re er Is dead. But he did not die until cruiser in the Red sea. A. B. Plhl, o traveling patent medi- orders. The employes have the money ing If such a plan would be satisfac- is believed to be the man who ahot moved from tho British coat ot arma, they will Join the Baltic squadron. In the middle of the street for two main members so long as the church in season, and prices he had lived a hundred years. Here Clamor for War—The press and cine vendor, was found dead In his orders made out to themselves and MICHIGAN STOCKMAN MISSING tory. President Parsons of the state and killed Sheriff Harry Harris June and tho unicorn substituted. Settles With Britain—As basis cf hours, trying to coox a duck to shore. ban Is not placed on the order. ' within reason. Is our sincere hope that he taught people of England are clamoring for room In a Hancock hotel. Death was then cash them at the end of the sea- manual school at Terre Haute, of 18 on a train near Falls Creek, Wis. settlement Is said to have been, They said. "Come duckle, duckle," till W. C. McMillan, son of the late Sen- An explosion in a detached build- RACE DONE? Mark Twain the trick. war to revenge the nation on Russia caused by heart failure brought on son, claiming that they can save their John Miller Thought to Have Been which Miss Schafer was a graduate, Orders by 'Phone for naval affronts. A British steamer reached with Great Britain, and tho by the excessive heat. His home Is they were hoarse, and then discovered money bettor In this way. Murdered and Robbed. has Indorsed the m5vement, as there ator McMillan of Michigan, has an- ing of the Phoenix powder mill on German liner Scnndia has been re- thm the duck was wooden, and had nounced himself a candidate to suc- the Southern railway, midway be- Not a Bit of ft promptly attended The St. Paul railroad traffic depart- is reported to have been torpedoed in supposed to be In Virginia City. Marshall, Mich., special: John Mil- are more than 16,000 teachers In the leased at Port Said under orders frczs been placed there by some cruel men ceed Gen. Russell A. Alger In the tween East St. I.ouis and Belleville, ment has Issued orders for the ex- the Gulf of Pechlll. Minn. Borrows a Souvenir. ler of Partello, a stock buyer, who state, nnd It Is thought that $20,000 A man who thought his rare was to. St. Petersburg. from the corner grocery store. Unltod States senate. resulted In the death of one man. termination of the festive English Force Russian Lines—The Japanese A Filipino student "borrowed" a lives on tho road running from Par- can bo collected. run made a food find that brought Defines Contraband-John Bonsott Blinded by clouds of dust, three The charge of grand larceny against hint back to perfect health. sparrow all along the line. Which forced the Russian lines near Tatche- Bull Chases Girl Bather. souvenir from an 'Ann Arbor billiard tello to Duck lake In Leo township, Moore, an authority on International Woman Is Seriously Burned. boys drove In front of an Alton pas- "One year ago I was unable to per McCarty & Co. reminds us that It's very easy to give klao nnd are on the way to Mukden, hall the other night, as he had seen is reported missing. He was last SENATOR BURTON GAINS POINT Robert Fitzsimmons, the pugilist, for A Davis lake girl was Indlscrcet The barn belonging to Mrs. Stewart, senger train at Kansas City and were Release the Malacca—Russia has or- low, In discussing the solzuro of mer- some of his American brothers do, and seen In this city under tho Influence carrying off a lion cub from one of form any labor and In fact I was told (irocers. orders. enough to stroll upon the beach In a on her farm two miles southeast of killed. They were Gerrgo Dunn, aged dered the Immediate release of the chant ships by Russian war vessels, found himself in tho clutches of the of liquor on Thursday, July 14. in United States Supreme Court Will tho Coney Island shows was dismissed by my physicians that they could do scarlet bathing suit, which attracted Wayne, was burned with a loss of 20; Charles Clark, 18, and Walter An astronomer at the Lick Ob- British steamer Malacca on assurance holds that food and cotton cannot bo law. He returned the souvenir with- company wltb two neighbors, it Is Hear Case on Writ of Error. in New York. nothing further for me. I was fast the eye of a wandering bull. The |600. There was n<> Insurance. While Rankin, 15. sinking uway. for an attack of grip aervatory has found 100 double Ftars. of the British government that war considered contraband, and defines tha out any legal action being taken. believed he baa about $80 In cash on Washington special: Justice Brew- Congressman James A. Hemenway dcinty bather took to the water and attempting to stop the progress of The torpedo boat destroyer Blokely, had left my stomach so weak it could Btit there aie many other gentlemen, stores on board were destined for Voslticn of the United States, as Indi- his person, Ou the night of July 14 er of tho United States supreme of Indiana won the Republican legis- several hours later was rescued on a the flames Mrs. Stewart was seriously which Is being given her official trial not digest any food sufilcient to keep not astronomers, who are prepared to British depots In the far east. cated during the Spanish war. New Building for High School. the barn on the Charles L. Hamilton court has granted a writ of error to lative convention at Indianapolis and raft. burned about the arms, hands and at Newport, R. I., exceeded her con- prove that this Isn't the record by Port Arthur News—News from Port The West Bay City Board of Educa- farm In Marengo township was con- the United States district court for tho ten senators and representatives me alive. face. tract speed of twenty-five knots, av- "There I was Just wasting away, leveral. 'Arthur shows almost dally attacks on DEATH JN A GEORGIA TORNADO tion Is planning to make its proposed sumed by flre. It is believed by some tl-e eastern district of Missouri In tho will support him for United States Expect Big Lumber Output. eraging 25.7 In eight times over the growing thinner every day and weak- the fortress by Japanese torpedo boats new ward school the high schcol and Ihat Miller was murdered and robbed cos? of Senator Joseph R. Burton, senator to succeed Senator Fairbanks. It Is generally believed that the com- Still Rock the Boat. measured mile. er, really being snuffed out simply bo- A clublady has discovered that on sea and besieging armies on land. Two Persons Are Killed and Others use the preicnt high school building, and 'placed In the barn, which was convicted .ot St. Louis of occeptlng a Supreme hive, Maccabees of the ing winter will witness groat activity Prom a glance at the death rec- Suit by summons has been started cause I could not get any nourishment woman has a keener sense of humor Hurt Near Augusta. then burned. Others believe that he lee for services before tho postofflce World, In convention In Detroit, JULY 23. 1904. In the lumber woods of tho upper ords In the papers It Is plainly evi- an old offolr, for a ward school. The In Muskegon, Mich., for $30,000 than man—and foes on to establish might have wandered Into tho barn deportment while a member of the Mich., passed a resolution asking the from food. Kuroki Wins Battle—The Japanese Augusta, Ga.. dispatch: A tornado peninsula. Preparations are already dent that tho rock-the-boat Imbeciles plans for the new school call for against the wealthy Stephens family "Then my sister got after me to the great fundamental truth that twelve large rooms. en route home and whilo smoking lay United States senate. Tho case will supreme hive to order an increased army under Gen. Kuroki captured the Fassed over the eastern part of the being made on a larger scalo than for are not all exterminated and they of Moline, 111., by the Harrison Granite try Grape-Nuts food which , had done nearly all man's failings are due to down on tho hay. be reviewed by tho United States su- rate for future members and a per town of Kiactung, after two days' city, doing serious damage to build- some years post. still have frequent attacks of Idiocy. company of Adrian, Mich much good for her and she finally per- his natural concclt. ings, trees and fences. Two negro Sauer Kraut and LImburger. preme court probably In the fall. capita tax of 10 cents a month from fighting, on July 19. The Japanese lost Nicholas Glazner was hanged at suaded be and although no other food churches were demolished and several Jackson is getting some additions .FLORENCE MAVBRICK IS FREE all members of the order. 424 killed and wounded, apd the Rus- Lighthouse is Removed. Falls From Ladder. OPERATES WHILE HOUSE BURNS pittaburg, Pa., for the murder of his had done me the least bit of good my Cieorge Ade may mean well enough buildings belongong to tho Central of to her list of industries. The latest Miss Ethel Willis, the Lake Forest sian loss Is estimated at 1,000. The The lifting of a lighthouse and James Townsend, of Ypsilanti. while ' sweetheart, Margaret Hall, Feb. 10. tomach handled the Grape-Nuts from in writing a farce about the college Georgia railroad were blown down. are a sauer kraut factory from Ohio •Leavss England for France, to Reside student who was injured by a fall Japanese were unable to bury all of moving it from one end of the break- at work on the Beyers farm, fell from Peoria, is reponuu | tho first and this food supplied tho widow, but Isn't It a little cruel to Injuring several workmen. One fatal- nnd a limburger cheese factory from With Her Mother. Physician Savea Patient From Certain 1903. from a horse at Peoria, Is reported the dead Russians and cremated the water to the other, a distance of over a thirty-foot ladder ond sustained In- ^ , , though her family i nourishment I had needed. In three arouse certain painful memories ly. About- two miles from the city Indiana. Death by Finishing Task. Philip Snyder of Richland, Ind., was bodies. The engagement took place a mile, was the engineering feat ac- juries from which ho died a few Truro, England, cable: Mrs. Flor- not out of danger, ' " that a man's accumulating gray eeveral boms wore blown down. In Oakland, Cil., dispatch: While Dr. crushed to death by a sack of wheat believes her chances for recovery are i months 1 was so strong 1 moved from In the hills near Llaoyang and the complished by Hugo & Tims at Hor- hours later. •enco Maybrlck is free. She left here brighter. i Albany to San Francisco and now on hairs had almost enabled him to for- one of which a negro was killed. An- Shoot a Mad Cow. Emerson was operating on Mrs. B. falling upon him from a threshing mo Japanese drove the enemy from a bor Beach. Wednesday on her way to France. 1 thrc0 nK a,s or get? other negro also was killed by a fall- Alva Townsend, a wealthy Meta- m Robinson at her homo two small chil- chlno. The cutter Manning, which ground- •••W/ —- - - ' Grape-Nuts and strong position In the hills across the At tho Gretna Green. .She Is not freed unconditionally, but cream every day I am strong and vig- Taltsu river. A Japanese array Is re- ing tree. The financial loss will be mora farmer, lost a valuable cow with is out on ticket of leave. To all In- dren set the premises on fire. To have A charter has boon Issued to the ed south of tho Golden Gate, will pro- Cut Large Hay Crop. Cupid Is having doings down at St. orous and do fifteen hours' work. By a series of careful experiments ported near Newchwang. heavy. hydrophobia. Tho animal had been tents, however,'she is as free as any deserted his patient would have re- St. Joseph, Albany & Des Moines ceed to Mare Island, where she will "I believe the sickest person in the Farmers In the vicinity of Iron Joseph. One hundred and seven knots and observations, the Department of Russia Relenta—The British steam- acting strangely for some time, and othor person, can go whore she will sulted In her death, so the plucky phy- Railway company of St. Joseph, Mo., world could do as I do, eat throe Mountain are engaged In cutting the in a single week is the record of tlje be docked and examined. Agriculture has learned that as insect er Malacca, seized by Russians in the Hill Brothers to Pay Creditors. finally had to be shot and will not have to make a report to sician complete;! his work, though lho with a capital of $800,000. Charles Ray liean has boon named meals of nothing but Grape-Nuts and largest and best hay crop in many splicers there. destroyers and weed-seed eaters, quail Red sea, has been stopped at Suda New York special: Hill Bros., one the authorities. Tho Baroness de smoke became so blinding that ho Frank Stockman, deputy sheriff of American delegate to the eighth ii- cream and soon bo on their feet again years. Jones' Livery are worth thousands of dollars a year Bay. Island of Crete, where she will of the oldest firms in the wholesale Start a Sheep Ranch. Roquea, Mrs. Moybrick's mother, bos scarcely could see. When tho opera- Wabash county, Illinois, was fatally tornationol geographical congress In in the flush of best health liko me. Hay Crop Is Burned. tion was completed he carried his shot while pursuing two men suspect- to fhe farmer. Still, when he Is a be examined In a perfunctory manner millinery trade In this city, has held N. C. Hartingh, of Tawas City, has prepared at Rouen for her daughter's Washington next September Not only am 1 In'perfect physical a meeting of creditors for the pui^ Pastor Resigns His Post. James Reed, of Twining, lost his 1 unconscious patient down a stairway ed of robbing a store at Allendale, III. little shy of pocket money he does by Russian and British consuls and leased 1,000 acres of grazing land ta^ reception at the baroness' qulot home Pobcrt Clayton, a driver, shot and i health again but my brain is stronger pose of arranging a settlement. This Because of falling health Rev. P. form born and season's crop of hay to a place of safety. not hesitate to take the old double- released. Russia. In replying to the parties from the southern pert tf the there. Fire In fhe candy department of the lied his wife and fatally wounded ; and clearer than it ever was on the Will gtre you flret-claaa was agreed upon at 40 cents on tho P. Parnum has resigned as pastor of by fire, caused by lightning. The loss killed barrel and cash In a few cf them at British protests, agrees that there state, who have placed 3,000. Mdntana IND Twitcholl-Champlln plant in Portland, « mnMior-ln-law at Princeton, N. J. j old diet. I hope you will write to the service at moderate prices. a much lower rate. shall be no more seizures and It Is dollar. tho First Baptist church at Gregory. was $1,000. sheep upon It. REFUSE TO WORK WITH NEGRO FIERCE STORM AT ENGLISH, his mother-in-law names 1 send you about Grape-Nuts > Me., caused $150,000 damage. Sidney Leseiur. who, with his fath- for 1 want to see my friends well and Good horses and modern Plant Is to Be Enlarged. Ethel Willis, daughter of W. H. Wil- er, Is wanted at St. l^ouls for fraudu- Carrie Nation 1r going abroad. And WILL COLONIZE THE CHINESE JHome Will Cet K850. Grado Crossing Denied, Washington Bricklayers Object to a Lightning Destroys Barn, With Crops carrlngea, both alngla and TO BOND AN INTERURBAN LINE Plans have been prepared ad- -s;!/ lis of Peoria, a student at Lake Forest, lent use of the malls, has been arrest- strong. Bhe may as well understand now that A settlement has been effected with Civil Service Appointee. of Wheat Machinery. "Just think that n year ago I was double. dition 400x72 feet, one and two stories Railroad Comnilssloner Atwood has was thrown from a horse, sustaining If anything happens the.c- will be no regard to the will of the late De- Washington dispatch: Twenty-eight English, Ind., dispatch: A severe ed at Provo. Utah. dying but to-day, although I am over South Bend and Chicago May Soon Concession Is Obtained on Southern high, to the plant of tho Bryant Pa- refused tho application of tho Lansing probable fatal Injuries. hustling round for ransom money or Coast of Mexico. Llsle P. Holmes, who. It Is claimed, bricklayers engaged in construction thunder, wind and rain storm struck The Interstate commerce commls- Have Trolley Connections. per company at Kalamazoo. Two new Street Railway company for permis- The blood-stained furniture and the 6 1 East Sid*. "Mrs. Nation alive or Raisull dead" El Paso, Tex., dispatch: Officials of left a large bequest to the Children's work at the Washington army bar- this place, lasting about one hour. slon" has" sued eight railroads at Cln-1 " I*™?*** ^ J ?* * me La Porte, Ind.. dispatch: A meeting sion to establish a temporary grade t0 bo 1 B8 1 a8 machines will be Installed, which home of Boy City, and the home will of water fell. Amos wardrobes of the late King Alexander cinnatl, charging continued violations v*" L J? Hnslness in her case.—Milwaukee the Chinese Commercial Steamship crossing with the Grand Trunk two racks are on strike because a non- Two Inches I Near Hotel of ihe board of directors of the Chi- will make this plant one of the larg- Brown's boru In the outskirts of town and Queen Draga were burned In a of its orders Issued more than a year ^ ^ by Pos- Lowell. Bentlnel. company -have received a concession receive the sum of $4,850. miles west of Lansing on the Waverly union colored bricklayer was given cago & Indiana Air Line Railroad com- est of Its kind In the country. bonfire In the palace grounds. King Mlch Lowell. for the establishment of a Chinese park line. work there. The local bricklayers' was struck by lightning and de- ago. The petition asks that each road a rea,on ' - pany has been cal'cd, to be held at stroyed. with the wheat crop and ma- Peter having refused to hand them A bfargiar sneaked Into the room oc- colony on the southern coast of Mex- Lightning Severs Cow's Tall. union, af^er a stormy session, decided be enjoined from further violations 1 • Cleveland Saturday. The directors over to the sisters of the murdered Ro d cupied by Mr. Wong Kal Kah, China's Maccabees at Ithaca. In a severe thunder storm In Soro- to give Its support to tho strikers until chinery It contained. The electric nnd lined «600 tor every day'! viola „ ' will authorize an Issue of bonds for ico. Lyman Mowry of San Francisco Wire Factory for the Soo. queen, fearing that they might be de t0 WellTlll commissioner to the world's fair, and Ithaca expects to have a great time nac county, one herd of cattle was the negro Is relieved of his position. light plant and the English handle the construction of an electric line has charge of the arrangementB, It Is announced that Soult Ste. tlon. Mole |2,000 worth of diamonds. It Is on Aug. 8 and 4, when the Maccabees damaged to the extent of two head The negro obtained his Job by means factory were flooded, but the loss Is voted to political uses. from South Bend to Chicago. The which contemplate bringing over Marie 1b to have another big Industry understood that Mr. Kah is more un- will hold a rally and picnic. Arrange- and one tall.' Two animals were killed small. Hanr.a estate Is Interested In this In- Chinese of all classes and establish- In tho shape of a wire factory, opera- of a civil service examination. alterably opposed than ever to the ments are being mode to care for o terurban project and the assurance Is ing a real "little China" on the west- by lightning and the tall of a third tions upon which will be started this large number of people. was burned off. «peD door given that the road will be built. ern hemisphere. summer. But Angle was not so ready to re- gress said, "I 'dare to gracious, dese spond. Her own early sorrow, the hti- i Berth Rate Reduced premises is gittin' banted, 'n' If It doan mlilation she had endured, the long- I —BY— stop, I'll (juit here, suab 's yo' horn." continued self-denials, tin- many limes , She was only restrained by an Increase she had met her uncle well wrapped Barry Muskegon Line THE HERMIT in her wages, painful to David, and a In a buffalo robe wh-n she had to step j temporary lull in the midnight visits. out Into the deep snow and lei him ; From $1 to 50 Cts. A Story of the Wilderness Special Sale! Special Prices! Nezor. in addition to his mlschlef- pass, the countless ilines she had , MiiUm: f ire mid lierth between Muskeiron watched his hypocriticul fan in tiiaiMl n iveil iiml Ohicugo i2 onu way fl.75 By CHARLES CLARK MUNN invenling faculties, also dearly loved roiinil irlp. juiai Author ot "Pocket Islind," " Uncle Terry •' and " Rockhayen." to masquerade. He had become the church, knowing he had been and was ...To close out our stock of... possessor of a few dime novels, one of rubbing her of her heritage, had sunk We make Bargains with a big B |3.00 which portrayed on the cover a real- deep into her heart, and her ilrst % X •! $2.29 biic pUtiuc of "Scar Face, the Aven- thought was, "l^-'t jiim die alone like LL the rtdlnblc Vatent to close out our stock of Summer Jap Silk Waists (Copj MKIII, IWI. bj Uu and Hlipptnl.) iiiedieliicH adverlised In ger," and to imitate tho raiment and a dog; he deserves'it!" ibis imper are Hold by Wash goods Shirt Waist Suitings, "I'm satlHfled to do that," returned Hut Aunt Comfort was a beacon light A |5.00 ion me return or tnar agreement. habits of this savage was keen enjoy- D. G. LOOK, tin- Lowell Drug Jap Silk Waists Mohair Skirts and Martin, smiling serenely, "hut I also the kind you want for immediate f Jap Silk Waists $3.89 Mis piiniHhment bad only Just begun. mont to Nezer. He had fashioned a of goodness and homely sense 10 her mid Dunk niiin. use., want a signed agreement from you to head-dress and crest of turkey feathers, ami she made no protest.and so it rame All Summer Wash Goods. deliver me a warranty deef if I dio pay obtained a hideous mask, and, having to puss that these two angels of mercy $3.00 the balance inside a year. CHAPTKIl XX. hidden these in Aunt Comfort's barn, took themselves to the cheerless home Tin; LMWIM.I, I.Kiuncit and Detroit 1 Lot of Blk. Mohair Skirls $2.29 And when these mutual distrust pa- "SCAR FACE, THE AVENGER." waited the right and proper occasion of Diivid Curtis for the first lime in Free Tress Fanner and Live Stock pers had been exchnngod, tho $2,000 Cotton Cts. Nezer was not a bad boy at heart; to exploit them In secret. To try their many years. .iMiinml. Imtli weeklies, one year for $*00 counted over three times, with frem - 10 1 n, effect on Hans was too tame; besides And Aunt Lorey—who never missed i n k« nn..i i i ». .. ' ' Aunt Comfort was a rotund Shirt Waists EJ. IR,. COLLA-R,. Blue Mohair Skirts I,ling flnecr., by David, and Martin , 0[ |h„ goo|| ^ Hans would give him away, and Nezer, attending i.ll the funerals occiiring in 19 $2.29 always secretive, had grown wary with Greenvale. and was said !.» enjoy lhem motherly in womankind. For her— THIS PAPER is on file with Murphy, if within call—he would run his legs age. There was no limit to the fun bo —also accompanied these two. ixissihly Quick & OD., Advertising Agents, off, and Angle was his idea of what planned to have vMth that blood-curd- expectIng a luneral in this case. lioiisenuiii Itidg.. tinind Uaplds, ling mask and head-gear, but his hero. "It's only good nursing that will with wlioni Mdvertising contracfH' angels were. He baled hiu best clothes may be made. tf and church-going equally, minded Scar Face, bad always swooped down save him." asserted Dr. Sol that night Angle at school with doglike humility, upon bis victims unawares, and Nezer to Aunt Comfort, "but it's an outrage felt be murit. He had some time pre- CdUioauii for you and Angle to stay here, lie Wlion you want learned his lessons with surprising WORLD'S FAIR KXCUR9I0MS ease, and perpetrated the worst tricks \ious purloined an old night-shirt with j Isn't worth It. better let me hire some Via with an innocent manner that disarmed Hie intention of playing ghost when one." (IRANI) TRUNK RMt.WW SVSTRM punishment He was the terror of Hallowe'en camoi He was also an ex- But Aunt Comfort persisted, ami all Kxciirslpii tickets on HJIIC dally, the village when fruits were ripe, pert in the use of stilts, and, nlnihic that long night and many otheps they eoiniiiciieing April 'Si. l!KM, and coil- 1 made the life of Hans a burden, and as a*squirrel, could stride off on them ministered to their patient, tossing, tinning during the period of tin Kx- when out of Aunt Comfort's sight, al- faster than a man could run. With groaning, and occasionally screaming ptiHition. ROCERIES ways up to some new mischief aimed at these accoutrements and a nature mucjt In feverish delirium. Fares from Lowell. Mich., to St. Louis and return, rute si? 10 season him. He had fed that phiegniatic im- akin to the dime-novel hero be wor- And what tragic revelations of guilty G shipped, it may be easily Inferred that conscience and supernatural fear It was excursion ticket: rate SlI.-llMiu day's migrant reil pepper deftly hid in pie, Nezer was a combination quite likely to them, for the sick man, in his de- excursion ticket; nite $1:1.0*1 lo (lay's coaxed him to take a noonday nap pil- PRODUCT excursion ticket. We have them. New wtork lowed on a red ant-hill, and then when to excite a quiet village like Greenvale. lirious niutterlngs. lived 6ver and re- Fordescriptiveiiterat ureand furth- and best quality. Also he was asleep, stirred up those viciouu And Nezer hated David Curtis with cited all the dread fears and the agony er information call on Local Agent or insects; bo hud caught an eel on a set Scar-Face ferocity. For weeks David of mind lie had endured for many write to Geo. \V. Vaux. A. (I. I'. AT. pole and lowered It writhing on the had lived a miserable existence, and weeks. A., Chicago, 111* A. O. Ileydlanff, Lo- Fruit and Vegetables in their Season hook down inside Hans' shirt when worried as to the outcome of Martin's Rut of David's sudden and myste- cal Agent. again napping, and finally put an active supposed enmity. He knew he was rious illness and Its outcome Dr. Sol's snapping turtle in his bed. guilty, and once dragged l^efore even remark to Martin will best reflect the Worlds Fair Kxciirslon Via the BUTTS COUNTED OVER THREE TIMES. village verdict, and jnust be quoted. Grand Trunk Railway System He did all these things out of pure the most petty tribunal would have no "1 never knew of such a complete hade him a curt good morning, and mischief, but against David Curtis be defense, but must make rctrlbiitbm to Fifteen and Sixty day Kxcursions case of heaping coals of fire," he said, We Pay Cash For Butter and Eggs. walked away on air, (he Ml/./.y falls bore a grudge. It dated from that un- bis brother's child and be disgraced as daft!" And having deftvered this tickets on sale daily, also seven day "and such an object lesson in forgiv- seemed filled with joyous laughter and happy epoch ending In a bread-and- ! well. So sure did he feel this outcome astonishing message, she sank Into a Special Conch tickets on sale Tues- ing as Aunt Comfort and Angle have the birds never sang so sweetly be- water diet, and Nezer missed no chance , was only a matter of lime, be thought chair, fanning herself with her apron. days ami Thursdays of each week at meted out to that old sklnfllht. But extremely low fares. Through coach- fore. His heart was opening anew to to get square with David. In fact get- of forestalling It by going to Aunt Com- "For tho lands' sake!" exclaimed what caused his illness Is a mystery es aiul sleeping cars to St. Louis the wondrous miracle of love, and tho ting square with those who injured him fort and offering her a lump sum for Aunt Comfort, dropping her paring- quite beyond me. By all reports, his daily, via the Chicago and Illinois divine light of a new life was within was a cardinal point in the boy's na- Angle's pasU keep, and as much for hei knife, and staring at the caller with premises have, been haunted by some Central U. It. Stop over not exceed- ture. Another thing, he was close own signature releasing him from all open mouth, while Angle turned in view. malicious night visitor, and David ing 10 days at Chicago on all tickets Bangs & Jessup. "I've saved you your heritage, littlo mouthed, and secretly not only plotted ! obligation. He would have much pre- mule astonishment, her hands full of except Coach tickets. Send four must have gone out and met him." woman," he said softly lo himself, and planned, but afterwards enjoyed j ferred negotiating with Martin, but wet pickles. No one observed that cents Ui postage for one of t he hand- his revenges, ilow much fruit be of tlyit voting man's relations with It was many days ere Aunt Com- somest pnidicalions yet'lssed on the when Angle's home came In sight, Nezer suddenly vanished. fort and her assistant nurse could leave "and maybe sometime you'll forgive stole from David's orchard, how often Angle he was not at all certain, and Worlds K'lirand cynsult local agent "And what was .the cause on 't," the sick man. and then he had to for further particularsorwritetoG. me the old score." he let tmrs down and cows Into corn- although more humiliating, it was safer continued Aunt Comfort, eagerly, "'n' to deal direct with the Injured ones. "persuade" Aunt 1 orey, by means of W. Vaux, A. G. P. & T. A.' LI") Adams fields, how much "garden sass" he ma- is he likely to die?" St., Chicago, HI. liciously destroyed in midnight raids, He was In this quandary when his di- liberal compensation, to remain and PRICE CHAPTER XIX. "Nobody seems to know," responded act as housekeeper, • for the colored no one but himself knew, and he never rect persecution began, and as that • "THOU SHALT NOT STEAL." Aunt Lorey, "he was just took, that woman would no more set foot In "dat told. For years he waged a guerilla continued, it became agony boiled was all. 'n' what he was doln" out o' R'l'P'A'N'S Tabules Old Cy Walker once said, "If the banted" house than in a den of lions. warfare alone on David, and then one down. To lose five cents was misery, the house that time o' night Is a mys- Doctors find devil should hang a fi'penny bit o'er day sharp and perhaps deserved pun- but when the sum swelled lo many dol- But the ghost manifestations ceased, the middle o' hell, Dave Curtis wouldn't t'ry. They found the grist-mill goin' for Nezer was too much scared by the A -rood prescription ishment overtook him. There was a lars and depredations were repeated an' the men say taint the fust time rest till he got it," and while a scarcely hubbub be had created, and having secluded pool In the upper Mlzzy night after night, it became a torment. that somebody's been prowlin' round For mankind quotable expression, it best illustrates meadow owned by bis enemy, and here Then his ghostly dread grew apace. hid his Scar-Face raiment, kept his Tin- II-cent packet Is emiu^ti for usual OCIMS- One Month, there nights for weeks back." secret to himself like a wise hoy. and slon. The fumtty bottle (OOceiits) contains a the man. Nezer and his mates were wont to oome With all his vigilance, and aided by his ; And this WHS a fair sample of the supply for a year. All dru««lstsvll tliem. He had deep-set. cold, gray eyes, many times each summer to enjoy a men taking turns watching, not once the mystery remained unsolved. never knowing a shade of tenderness; recital that spread like wild-fire over WATCH Joseph W. Folk of St. Louis. With a record swim. To reach it they had to cross had they seen or heard aught that be- Greenvale that August morn. It had (TO UK CONTINDKIO bis hawk nose betrayed the miser as David's best meadow, trampling the tokened a flesb-and-blood Visitor. All been knowa that strange happenings made as public prosecutor for corruption fighting he is now his retreMing forehead did the egotist, DISEASE GERMS IN CLAMS. grass and quite destroying it about be knew was that sometime In the , had occurred up at the Curtis placa, Pere Marquette running for governor of Missouri on an "anti-boodle," reform and his bloodless handclasp was as 1 the pool. It angered David, to whom nigln some one visited his mills, that some enemy had made nightly JnnoSfi 1904. chill rs a pump-handle In winter. He platform, having defeated in the Democratic party of his state loss of even grass was misery, and wrought malicious mischief, and van- j visits there, stealing and destroying Don't Stop Eating Your Shell-Fish, was so th'n tho wind could almost Trains leave Lowell HK follows: the corruptionists who sought to prevent his nomination, and July 30 to Saturday, August 21, '04 whenever he caught them there, retri- Ished. It was for revenge beyond ques- 1 with evident malice, but who. and for But See That They Are Thor- blow through him; bis self-conceit was bution with an ox-goad followed. They tlon, but by whom, and for what? Was j oughly Cooked. For Detroit and East says: "if I am elected, I will make Missouri the most un- what special reason, no one knew. 10 54 xni abnormal, and he was miserly mean. came under cover of night, however, it some one in the village, or was it a healthful place in the country for corruptionists." We need 1 Some said it was just compensation '•'or Toledo and Sonth On the back walFof the tall pulpit— stranger hiding in the woods'by day. r more of that sort of Folk-s. One of them would come handy and one boy would take turn as sen- for his many well-known acts of mean- The Infection of the few oysters that 10 . ,4 am fron which the Reverend Jones each tinel and David still .suffered. He grew and stealing onto his premises by j ness. a few ascribed it to supernatural are cultivated near the mouths of sew- For firand llapids. North and West Sunday explained God's plan of salva- in Michigan right now. Let him jail the bribers, boodlers and desperate, finally, and as a last resort, night like an Indian wreaking swift, | causes, and one or two hinted that ers. and their share In conveying ty- 10 54 am K fi5 pm tion, with occasional descriptions of thieves in Missouri and the Nation may yet call him still high- drove stakes along eadh bank of the unerring vengeance? Amzl, half demented, might have es- phoid fever, is now an old story. The For Saginaw and Bav City the who sought to buy his most valued A SIDEWALK four feet wide on residence streets is wide mill bad vanished, crowbars, cant- night scene it was, with fhe falls white | Women's $2.50 Oxfords $1.%. $2.00 Oxfords $1.48. $1.50 Oxfords $1.17 possession, the Mlzzy power—in fact, hooks, extra saws, hammers, chains, in the moonlight, not ten rods away, ' Wanted No Men with Ideas. enough for other towns and is wide enough for Lowell. An $1.25 Oxfords 89c. a sequence to that In spite of his con- were all missing in the morning. A their voice half concealing the rum- | Your Heart The late duke of Cambridge looked extra foot calls for a large unnecessary tax. That has been ceit, David realized he had but few new supply was obtained, and a few bling millstones' deeper sounds, while upon ail Innovations In army discipline the opinion of THE LEDGER all along and we have seen no friends, and now to turn his possessions days later David was awakened at all about the spectral shadows of tho May Be "Weak. One with great suspicion, and it was only This is a very few of the many reductions we have for you. into cold cash and establish himself midnight to hear the mill going, and trees reached out to meet him. Ono Person in Four Has with the utmost difficulty that he could reason to change it. elsewhere seemed wise. He had, in a shower of sparks flying from the saw moment only ho paused, and then, still be induced to make changvs. A story il- When will we see you? You will have to come quick. bis business dealings, visited Rlverton playing up and down against a crow- crouching, crept forward step by step a Weak Heart. lustrating this Is now afloat In London. THOSE who have read the "The Leopard's Spots" would often, and there received more or less bar wedged In the log cradle. I^ater down the little incline beyond the One of tlie surest siens of a weak An appointment' In the horse guards do well to read Booker T. Washington's "Up From Slavery," consideration as the wealthiest resident the grist-mill—never locked—was vis- bridge, across the mill sluice, now filled heart is shortness of breath after exercise. was vacant and a certain captan. was and thus insure a fairer frame of mind than the reading of of Greenvale—an homage very sweet ited by a ghostly miller, and hags of with rushing water, then turning to Your heart Is not aMo to pump the suggested as suitable. The duke said: to him. He would escape the sight of grain poured Into the raceway, belts the left up the driveway to the mill. blood fast enough to your lungs. "I know his name quite well, but Isn't, either alone can conduce. Both books are in the District library. Some of the other symptoms of Heart old Cy, Aunt Comfort, Angle, and other cut, and, as a final message, the gates Each step a little slower, as he drew there something against him? Didn't he MfiS. CECELIA STOWE, reproaches, and best of all, as be im- Trouble are: Pains In the Side, Back write a book on the army?" He was as- Orator, Entre Nous Olub. raised and millstones found rumbling near, and a loud thumping of pulse that and Shoulder; Fainting or Weak Spells; BRYAN is said to aspire to a seat in the United States Sen- agined, escape the haunting fear of at early dawn. It was no ghost, of beat upon his brain. And then, again,- Dry Cough; Swelling of Feet and Ankles; sured to the contrary. "I f(»l sure he 1 has written a book or something," In- 17(TXarren Avenue, , ate; and we hope it is true. He is a people's man, if there ever AmzL course, even to the superstitious mind pausing with a sense of deathly fear, Cold Feet or Hands. CIIICAOVJLL.,.Oct. 22,1902. • was one; and he would be useful in the American House of Then came Martin with his astonish- of David, but an enemy of the most his mouth and eyes wide open—slowly, No one can afford to allow a weak sisted the old man. '"Is he one of those For nearly lo^r years 1 suffered ing proposal to buy fhe Mlzzy falls malicious sort, and yet the property very slowly, from behind the mill, ad- heart to go without medicine, because fellows who have Ideas?" "Oh. no. your from ovarian hroi+Ldea. The doc- Lords. and, during that sharp bargain-driving loss produced almost as much suffering vanced a horrible something, with weak heart means poor circulation, and grace, absolutely none." answered th'i tor insisted on an opawtion as •hfl * to insinuate facts And dangers that as an actual spook. David locked and white ghostly body and hideous, leer- poor circulation means weak lungs, military secretary. "Very well." said only way Id pet well.' 1, tawever, PAPA'S boy McMillan wants to succeed Russell A. Alger gave David cold chills. It bad resulted stoinach. liver, kidneys, etc. barred the mill doors after this, only ing face, above which waved a crest of the duke, "he may be given the post." • strongly objected to an opit^tlon. in the United States Senate. Thus we see the necessity for in his securing $2,000, and also an ad- If. therefore, you suspect h«\H*t trouble, My husband felt disheartenet to find it useless, for about once a week feathers. dition to bis stock of worrlment al l>esin taking Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure. Consistency. well as I, for'home with a ^ the election of Senators by direct vote of the people. the mill was visited by this unrighteous One moment only David stared trans- The Heart Cure will do you good, as it Is most unbearable. It was a proposal Harold—There's that handsome Miss woman ia a disconsolate place at enemy, and damage Inflicted. Then a splendid tonic for the blood and nerves, and payment, also, that David, shrewd fixed with horror at the awful appari- Smltherton going around with that beflt., A friendly druggist advised WHILE the people hive little sympathy with the he rigged a cordon of fine wire around tion. twice as fall as a man. and then, and will revitalize your entire system. him to get a bottle of Wine of BUTTS. villain that ho was. could not fathom Finally, remember. Dr. Miles' New little bit of a man again. Cardui for me to try, and ho did BO. the grist-mill, attached lo doors and trust on the one hand or with the strikers on the other He had heard on all sides that Martin as it strode toward him with giant Gerald—Yes. and they say women -fttE connecting wltb his house, so that any Heart Cure is sold under a guarantee I began to improve irvafow days and had returned to Greenvale wealthy. He steps, he sank to the ground uncon- that the lirst bottle will do you good. hate mice.—Cleveland Leader. must pay the bills in the end. disturbance would communieaie and scious. my recovery was verjrrapid. AVith- knew of bis youthful attadiment to If it d-xssn't—your money back. | in eighteen w&ks 'l was another ring a bell. It worked to the extent "I was aniletcd with heart trouble for Perfectly Sirfe. Angle, and his now open and pointed Nezer was avenged! 1 being. ALTO. Edison O'Harrow lias been build- thi e >• : s. I would be apparently all Tenaweek-It is a secret, sir. but I ing a barn on the lot north of his attentions which undoubtedly meant of causing David and his men 1<> rush CHAPTER XXI. riglii. :iiid wlCiOUt a moment's warning Miss Carol Remington of Grand marriage; and as If this combination to the mill wiih lanterns lo find the W"'.ild f ill as though shot. The attacks im engaged to your daughter, and— Rapids has been spending her vaca- home. A SHOCK TO GREENVALE. w o fr«M'i ui, and a terrible dread pos- Miss Lena Sterling of Lansing is of danger was not. sufilcient, this bold belts again cut. and the stones grind- . • in,', as I nev«>r knew when or Old Gotrox—Have no uneasiness, sir; tion with Mr. and Mrs. Ldnuu young man who carried a big roll of ing away, but no sight or sound of an Aunt Comfort was paring apples, when-, n-r under what conditions I It will go no further, -Town Topics. O'Harrow and other relatives; the ffuest of Mrs. Louis Velter. v. :.l l)i- . 11 i n'd. and whether I would Mrs. Jas. Delaney of Traverse City Mrs. Wm. Miller and son Norman, money aK If it. were a handkerchief intruder. Then other depredations fol- Hannah putting away the breakfanl survive ilu-m. 1 consulted and was Mrs. Stowe's letter shows every i of Grand Rapids visited Mrs. A. had hinted of Angle's legal rights lowed. A dog that had been secured j dishes. Angle, with sleeves up. disdos- l>.vi.d In M>mo of the most eminent A Fiduciary Arrangement. Is visiting Alto relatives. KBBNfi CBHTER. Mrs. Nellie Smith oflunla is sew- l !• v: rirois of the stale. Not tinding re- "These trained .bloodhounds often I woman how a home is saddened by i Mrs. Goo. OberJy and little daugh- Denlse last week. Mrs. Samuel Strong and Mrs. Mary against his, that could most likely be as guard was found dead the next ing rounded arms, was washing a pau- !; f from th'^f source. I began taking female weaknes and how completely Miss Vera Blakeslee Is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moon who Smoke were guests of Mrs. Ed ing for LenaBowen who is getting sustained by law! And now. the more Inorning and swollen double from IHU- ful of green pickles Nezer had just IT Mili'.s" N• w Heart Cure, and began render great public service," asserted Wine of Cardui cures thai tick- ter returned to their home in Grand ready to attend Big Rapids school Mortgages, 11. ii q iii on • I used ten bottles, Rapids Tuesday accompannfd by Hastings. have been spending a number of Kennedy, Saturday. David pondered . over this business BOU; a small raft of logs above 'he brought in, when Aunt Lorey burst the man with the wispy whiskers. ness and brinm health and * Miss Maude Underhill of Grand weeks visiting their children harve re- Mrs. Lottie Ickes and two little in September. Lund OcHitTaclh, Tel^pliono aod Hank Sloe which entinlv cu-vd me. as I have not Mrs. O. J. Reyburg who will spend a • transaction, the more suhs he was that falls were cut loose and allowed to into the kitchen. "David Curtis was 1 id an all !: l"r live years."—MRS. "Oh, I don't know," carped the man ness again. Do no*: on , Ll Rapids spent Sunday at the home of turned home. daughters from Sandusky, Ohio, Iluught. .Ii •UN DHK-T.ACK. I • Ips'e. (t. Day <1 It meant a lawsuit later on. He bad took with a fit last night," she gasped, with the gimlet eyes. "Public service ing. Go to your irnggist today 8 J. Konkle. Mrs. ifoseph Kuhn, started last rm ." drift 'over and land In inextricable ^ Misses Hazel Yelter and Let ha come Saturday to visit her brother, The busiest and mightiest little xnT) tmP Write to us for Fr-e Trial and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wing 1 A new store buidlng is to be erect- Friday to visit her brother in Charlie Latupklns. and other friends. JOHN B. MARTIN the $2,000 fast enough, he bad signed confusion below; stones took ou a •"n" he's gone ravin' crazy. Some on X itlilli l-.i. Ua^e of Dr. Miles' Anti- don't go very far with them; it's all a Bush visited in Grand Rapids last thing that was ever made is Dr. 1 of Cardm. . ed on the business street by Mr. Per- Indiana. Dr. Cora Moon from Kansas is 60 Monroe St. Omand Rapidi an agreement which In law was almost habit of entering the house unbidden 'em heered him hollerin' like a loon Pain Pitts, t':- N • w Sch-ntillc Uem<*dy matter of money.'" King's New Life Pills. Those pills for fain. Also fvMiiplom Plank. Our "Why, look at the—" • W kins of Freeport. Lewis Daller, captured a live crane here visiting her parents, Mr. and change weakness into strength, list- as good as a warranty deed; and yet through windows, and at odd intervals 'bout midnight, 'n' the next, he rushed fiiM-i-ialisi will di;'i;nos<- your case, t.-ll Chas. Davis is erecting a building Mrs. Wilbur Moon. Into the house screamln,' 'O Lord. Lord, voii what is wroiii:. and how lo right It, "Look at nothing! Doesn't the dog Sunday, by shooting It disabliug it lessness into energy, brain-fag Into Before buying Watches compan before 24 hours had passed, so sure was other night mischief was perpetrated. to be used for residence and store so it could not fly. Mr. and Mrs. George Robson visit- he that he bad walked into a trap, that save me!' They had to tie him hand Kne. DR. Mll.KS MKDK'AL CO.. pick up the scents while his owner cor- ou site of old barber shop. When bilious take Chamberlain's mental power. They're wonderful in my prices with others. Specla Then the two men who boarded with LAUOIIATOIULS, ELKHART, IND. m Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Myrtle Golds is visiting her grand- ed her mother, Mrs. Tubbs, at Geo. building up the health. Only 25 c per prices quoted on cut glass and higl he would have gadly paid twice $2,000 David grew nervous, and HIA old ne- and fool 'n' Dr. Sol savs tie.'H rone clean rals the dollars?"—Judge. MissLina Barcora visited in Grand ma Wilkinson. White's Sunday. Rapids the first of the week. Sale by A. D. STDBGIS. box. Sold by D. (i.'Look. grade silverware. R. D. Stocking I To Delinqiieal Snscribers Tl>e Amusement Center of Michigan If you owe The Lkouer one, two Grand Rapids or more dollnrn you are cordially OticiinE ricatute Scekm Mnir HmiK ol Rcil but earnestly requested to pay the Enjoymcm iluii ur l Itr In the Suie same now. We are not much on tho JRISCUIT In AMiiinn la Our Country Cousins dun; but we need thin money right The Michigan Soldiers* Home away now. Those who appreciate The Shred (fed \ The Michigan Masonic Home the acconiniodatlons they nave hail i r- Raraorta Park, Reed's Lake have now an opportunity to show It Whole Wheat by a prompt renpoiiHe to this notice. (The Cun y Ulanil ol the Wctt) Do not wait for a Htatement by I Cracker John Ball Park KAST LOU'KI.I.. MIhh Belle Klnyon Ih (UiHlHtlng Mrs. mall. The date on your addrenH 1 • North Park Kev. ll.CoIeMainl wift- arc vIhUIiik Levi Fletcher tide week. laliel shown when your paper Ih I Succeeds - Aud dh't wr'l known plicrt of ininr'l. Mpm. Will CoieH and Him' ilaiiKlil*'' " Crank UolliiiH of Lowell called at paid to. If It HiiyH "1 Jan 00 send /!• Ruben & Co MANY BI.AUTIiri. RIMDINCK bIKIKTS of McUrlilo. A. M. Andrews' and L. Fletcher's iih $:> and we will make It read "1 Bread, Toast\ Shoes all ieiilir.1 liy Prioe Mm. ('. (,'onklln oiiti'italiH'il the snnday. Jan 06." Grand Rapids Railway Co. Cars LadieH Alii Hock'ty of Simili HoMton, This notice Ih not intended for , and I rtveiilly. Loyal Taylor Ih entertalnlg his thoftc trusty stibscrllierH who pay S. nd Ic mm? in father of Sparta. ^rackprs \ Mr. rh'tvlMT WINI lian IMI-II III at every year, who have already paid, BF.NI. 5. IIANCIII Tl . t.. n. Wv- andTira»ui« Ih Your Credit Is Good. (•ram) Kai'Mis Railway Co. tin* lioiiu* of IiIh ijanitliter, Mi'h. In regard to the item we" saw In whose time has JiiHt expired or in I Your Money Not Wanted. (or bciulilul lioollrl. "What Ml. Surti Mivamotl lli'l'tlia CkIch, Im Ik'I Iit. hist weekn paper ainint neigiibor- soon to expire or for those with 1 Saw in (•i.ind Rjpi Mi. Mhttaui . hood gosnlp, we think the Editor whom we have a running account. every , bcine a I .i a n. .c dltinilr i idcni n. w IIoiiiim'llubliH Ikih Ihvii Iioiih' fur The dollar or two the Individual if.lJiiiS tn ihe I'niitd Malrt. a few ila.VH rwovi'iiiiK from a HIIII- oniiiT to be called down if hin socie- ty newh Ih any more flimsy than the owh for IiIh paper Ih hiiiiiII matter to I form We have a few bargains in Children's and Women's SHOES which we do Great Annual Htrokv. tninhy Items of the city papern. We him, but If he Ih honeHt enough to Ih> not want to carry over until Fall. We will sell every pair of Ladies' Oxfords and TlicH* wan no Sahhatli wliool heard a good many nay they took willing to know what It means to Sandals in the store (Queen Quality excepted) for Siimlay on an'iiinii of ipiartcrlt the local paper for (he home newn. to uh, let him multiply that dollar niM'tliiK at I lie Went Lowell rhaw- - — or two by 1.000. EXCURSldNS Mrr.. McKMrKililii'iiIIiImmiHk milnmll Hoh n of IhiKl- One Lady'* WccnmeBdallon Sold Fifty All the good people on HiIh lint will VIA TMB ch anil Itev. WeHhroo k of Lowell BJXCB of ChanberlalH'N Stomach respond now to (IiIh call or give PERE MARQUETTE were gneHln of .loini Cary and fam- and Liver Tableta cause why not. The rogues. If there One Dollar Per Pair ily ThnrKilny. I have, 1 believe. Hold flf(y boxes of are any, will continue to play dead % K. U'wiHand wife viHited in Mow- I'haniberlain'H Stomach and Liver In'at, until we catch them at It. iih Also 34 pairs of To (Irnml UapiilH.Siitulii.v. .Inly :tl. we are bound to do In near future. Uatv r»U cviitH. Trniinvlll li'iivc liow- ley ThniHilay. Tablets on the recomendation of one Tim Lkdger. ull at 11:01.' a in. Sw puKtera, or ask Itoy llnldu'l and Ora . Harry D. Jewell, Judge of On motion by Trustee iiciks coun- SFKCIALTV, bottles of It completely relieved and cil adjourned. blacks we will include in this j with their mother, Mrs. (ieo. Llnd. Probate. ^laughter Sale at per yard OL' cured me." JiiHt as good for Liver In the matter of the estate of Moseley, | street and was referred to the L, T. A. Murphy, Clerk. One lot of Hnrmali dial lies 4 G. G TOWSLEY. M. D. The i J range will have an icecream and Kidney troiiblen and general EDWARD GREKN deceased, Jamrs & P. committee. Per yard ttC' Hoclal at Hie Hall Saturday evening, debility. Only Wk'. Satlnfactlon guar- Office in U. B. William and Mrs, P, J, Cos(ello s|MMit Nlnht Was Her Terror. Ollio-t Urnhiini Blk Lonell, Midi K. Green haying filed in said court his at Reed's Lake, Grand Rap- j The street committee submitted a Ameriean Indigo Blue Prints /| AngiiKt 0. Hill IIV. 10very one In- anteed by I). G. Look Druggist. Jewelry Store. report recommending tho building of "I would cough nearly all night 0() piceces os Hue Naicola Dimities K ^ peiition, praying that a certain instrument Oilz. Phone 127 Per yard vited. « in writing, purportiiiK to be the last will certain sidewalks within the village long" writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, Per yard llv/ House aad Lot For Sale. Nelson Lewis died at her j of Alexandria, ind., "and could hard- Mr. and Mrn. Zeno I'ohI, Mr. ICdd. and testament of said deceased, now on file Wood .j In Moseley Supday noon after I among which are the sidewalks of 25 pieces Eagle Brand Shirting Ql/p ly get any sleep. I had consnmptlon CHICAGO AND MUSKEGON TRANS. CO. MarHhall and MIhh Stella (iraham Good house with well, cistern, city in said court be admitted to probate, and igerlng Illness, and was burled Mrs, M. Kiugsley estate. Mrs. Julia All of our 10c Wash Goods drove troin (Jrand Uapidn and Hpent water, cellar, electric lightHaLd near- White, R. D. Stocking, Jns. Covert, so bad that if 1 walked a block I Prints, per yard that the administration of said estate be aad Alton Tuesday at 2 P. M, would cough frightfully and spit Per yard— * Barry Muskegon Steamers Saturday and Snnday with the lat- ly an acre of lient garrlen ground in granted to himself or some other suitable uased was a kind and loving wife Mrs. H, A. Harris, Mrs. Lois Eggles- trtr'n parentH, Mr. and Mrn. Segel town. Flnelocatlon. Inquire of W ton, Jno. Flogaus, E. B. Hunter blood, but, when ail other medicines American Brand Shirting Plints, person. .'•and mother and an excellent neigh- 15 pieces of 15c Dimities Qo Leave Muskegon 7:20 p. m. (Jrahain. C. Denlck, telephone IW. It Ii ordered that the ISth day of Aii{;uht estate, Jane Edmonds, and Lucy failed.three$1.00bottles of Dr. King's Per yard bor aud will be greatly missed by all A, Stone. • New Discovery wholly cured me and Per yard " Gd. Haven 9:50 " A. D., 1904, at ten o'clock in the forenoon who knew her. I gaineir Aililrcss •lam HatlHllefl," Hald tho doctor, to take and never falls to giveprompt Habby D. Jewell, Jud^e of Probate, J. Houllhen. Mr. Mansor came out Black and Brown. Former price $4.75. relief. Why not buy It now? 11 may (a true copy) Alvin E. Ewing. from Owosso Sunday and Is also Winegar, absent Nicholson. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, S. L. Vaughn, Q. P. A., Chlcaoo. •'that the Judge Iiiih made an excel- On motion by Trustee Wihegar For this Mid-Summer Slaughter Sale, each lent ollicerand han adinlnlstered hin save life. For sale by A. D. Sturgls. Register of Probate. 111 wltb rheumatism. ^The Probate Court for the County $3.48 the following bills were allowed: of Kent. InlieH impartially. 1 ilo not consid- Miss Eva Andrews spent Saturday Yeas, Collar, Hicks, Smith and er a judicial poHitlon in Hie Hiime They Have ••Hit The Nail On The and Sunday atO. Byrnes in G rattan. At a seasion ofsaid court, held at the Winegar, absent Nicholson. probate office in the city of Uraud RnpiiL. liuht an other public olliceH and enpe- Byron J. Frost of Graml Rapids We have one small lot of Ladles' Walking Bi'Uliinlii» \l iy :ir # with that complaint. One cannot Mrs. J. Tschauner 20.84 [Corrected July 28. 1004.] ' TobaccoH. Carty. Mrn. J. D. Vslter, Mrs. Anna Grand Trunk^Lehlgh Valley Route. say too much in favor of that won- Jno. D. Kelly &Sou 1.50 y Dawson. Mrs. M. J. Painter. derful medicine." This remedy is for 0 RAIN. Extremely low fares to Atlantic F. Pickard - -'-'hi Wheat OSc per biishe ^vfv'v in I he time for lliat hair cut. Commit tee on church music: Henri- sale by A. D. Sturgls. R. Mack 2.IMI city, Ca|)e Mav, Ocean City, and Sea • | ^ ()a(s aflc " " Come in ami Mr iih. etta Weekes, Mrs. .1. II. Velter, Harv- ey .I. Coons, Mrs. D. F. Klltts, Isle City on all trains Aug. 4th. Re- "The Silent Shore" 180.WI Corn 55c " The Most Complete Line of Carpets, Curtains turn limit Aug. 15th, 11)04. Stopovers COUNCIL PUOClilEDlNtiH. AN ORDINANCE relative to side- Rye 50c •• " ' Hoard..f Stewards: E. It. Collar, • itarties Bros. Treas., Harvey J. Coons Dist. Stew- at Philadelphia, Glen Summit and —OR— walks aud crosswalks, (Passed Fob. KKKU Ningara Falls on the return trip. Special meeting ot tho Common 23,1901) Corn aud Oats |23(N) per (on and Draperies to select from ever ard J. D. Velter, Hecording Steward Council of the Village of Lowell held Mrs. Phlla Clark, Mrs. Henrietta For furtlier Information coiiHult local Moved by Trustee Hicks that the Bran 20 00 " " agent or write to Geo. W. Vaux, A. In the Council Rooms on Monday ordinance relative to sidewalks and Middlings 22 (Ml " " Weekes. Mrs. EllxalsMh Lasby, Mrs. "The Mystery evening, July 25th 1004. Mooting call- shown in Lowell. Alinira Morse. Mrs.('has.Quick. Miss G. 1'. & T. A., 1:15 A dams.St. Chicago. crosswalks lie amended to read as Corn Meal 22 00 " " eil to order by trustees, Collar, follows: Ida A. Ilalpln, Arthur A. Ilusted, To Grand Raphls .Vic aad to Grand OF I'ltonuoK Hleks, I/ee, Smith ami Winegar, ab- The Village of Lowell ordains: Flour $2 Ml per cwt Chas. E. IDickett. Chas. O, Lawrence. Haven #1.00 for the round trip train sent Nicholson. CommlltdH'on church records: Freil Section f. That whenever any Eggs 14c per dozen We are agents for the Banner Patterns, seams allowed—10c and 15C. Come in The leaves Lowell a m return train Meeting called for the purpose of sidewalk or crosswalk Is hereafler Butter 10 to 12c per pound < W. Hinyan. Jacob Meyers. arrives Lowell 7:52 p m. Also one St. James' Park" hearing objections and suggestions and get a fashion sheet FREE. WV carry the patterns in stock. Conimit t4*e on Sunday schools: built or constructed In the Village of bard 8 to 10c " " fare for the round trip to all stations ' " regard to proposed sewer In Lowell that the same shall be built Wool 17 to 22c " " Calia Noble, Llbble Kolfe, Carrie where regular tralnsstop and return -15 v- ashinglon street. Several intrest- Avery, Mrs. D. G. Mange, Mrs. Jacob or reconstructed of cemont.llagstone Beans 75 to 1 25|K'r biishel can be made same day. partles were present find address- or tar of five feet In width, except Potatoes GO" " Meyers. A. O. Ileydlanff, Agent. the Coumjl and the matter was Joo. Blouodeile Burton 1 such sidewalks as shall be built or Clover (i oo to 7 I 'oinmll lee on Parsonage and over for one week. Furniture:Henrietta Weekes.Mrs. I-'. M tf reconstructed on Bridge find Main Alsyke i; oo to 7 HOTEL Band concert next Wednesday petition was received ask- streets, between Washington and W. Hinyan, Mrs. It.(julck, Mrs. F. II. which will appear soon Timothy 2 00 to 2 00 I evening, weather permltlng. tf. that an Ordinance be passed Broadway streets, which said side- MIC ATS Crand Rapids, Vlich. Oliver. In the columns of THIS Ing the speed of autoiuobiles to PAPER, You will Ik? as walks shall be built or reconstructed Beef, live, weight,,.$325 to4 25per cwt M. Ruben & Co. Conimltlei' on Estimating Preach- Box Statements $1.50 per lOCO, If Yoj Do Not Advertise in The Ledger "lies per hour and compelling of cement or fiagstohe and shall be ! Beef dressed f5 00 to 15 00 " er's Salary: the board of Stewards. greatly In ten's led us of lighted lumps on all anto- $2.00 and$2.50t>tr day. printed. The Ledger. she was. at least eight feet In width. And ex- 1 Veal dressed $0 00 to 7 (Ml " Tlie f?*-m does as ll advertises. Meals 50c. Hi'«i|iiuaru>n> for Sunday school supl. J. 11. Velter. ' at night, and was referred Ixnvoliluiii. ()iir (>,000 readers may not cepting farther all cross streets North ' Sheep live weight,..$3 50to 4 00 " EAST SIDE. Pres. of the Ejiworth League: Ar- We can do thai job of printing for Itreet committee, of and Including Elizabeth street on 1 Lnmbsllve welght|5 2.") to t! 00 " OWELL, MICH. thur Avery. yon NOW at Thk Lkuuer office. know sou arc in Imsincss. iition was received asking Richard & Wlckham'a plat on West Calves live $4 (Ml to 4 2') " candescent lamp be placed side of Flat river. Also all cross Pork alive ft 35 4 75 " Jrner of Elm and Amity streets North of and inciuding North Pork dressed |(l50to 7 00 " Xx>000<^0P<^ vnM •Vit: WsM J Ax.fife.".kwt . I servatory, with whom he waw DARKEST uatod two years ago, one and the RUSSIA I same? I have ho doubt of It So iti Csnada'o Attractions. j The Rock Island System has aono BT H. OBATTAN DONNBLLT. The Dominion Exhibition Is one • end Is doing notably good work In was the appearance of this girl that i en- Copyright, 1898, by Street 4 Smltb, All rights Mtcnrcd. has caused Alexis Nazlm'off to thus' - OJ3d that attracts hundrods of thousands couragln' g immigration to the South- cach year. This year It will bo hold HAS SEEN MANY LANDS. wantonly outrage my feelings—yours j west. The agricultural and Industrial Invention. in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada), and —to Insult us all. There Is but one' opportunities of that section of coun- with the material assistanco given It Henry Savage Lander Always an Int>*- CHAPTER XII—Continued thing fb be done. This girl must be j Novel Umbrella Support. try have been persistently end sys- by tho Dominion Government, It will fatigable Traveler. The conspirators found in ehoot him like a dog—you must—" The man who braves nil the sar tematically set forth, as a result of this remo^'-frmn my ^th-trom hl« lb0„. ini bo one of tho most successful over A. Henry Savage Landor, author of place, the hurried report which Tho violence of her feeling was too which the number of people who havo WITH t,e l t held. Besides tho number ot special c=^r7f7« many books of travel. Is a grandson reodici hitn said, were evidently the much for her, and she sank Into TlSrZThis doner, h* e wil„l havh,™e n^ o motivJZ e to « ... .«. «». - cmmti. r. tom. e. cettled in Oklahoma, Indian Territory —- uuv bbbk into a attractions that Will be offered, there of Walter Savage Landor, tho English haul and front of the whole consplr chair, vainly trying to find words to „ ...... j -ii scon finds that tho pleasure to bo nod and Arkansas this spring has been A Beautiful Young Society will bo brought together an oxhlolt man of letters. Landor was born at acj, and he had given orders to have express the rage that was choking In greater than in years. On three days her. U l 1 . "P"" "l--. *'"• P°rc water, .nd of the Agricultural and Industrial re- Florence, nnd received his education Woman's Letter. tMm brought before him, so as to 1 In February and March, over six thou- l'™' r0pa y h,ln f0r froth0 mrld hiC . bafcowkn angard - sources of Canada such as is rarely there and nt Julian's In Paris as an Superintending the Farm. aaakc a terrible example of them all Karslcheff, now that his wife had ..n'I .. VDT,,MWW, tn e.11«rA.t ^ sand homeaeekers tbok advantage of VETEft4INS attempted by any country. Visitors art student. His carecr as a traveUr The farmer that succeeds is the one ST. PAt't.. Ml**. I bciore proceeding to dispose of the ceased speaking, sat regarding her Che# 'v1..6 fdoe . not love Olg*. « b. . 4'" h „ «o his work In th(eew cltwhomj y the low rates to the Southwest and r.21 Wabasha St. I will be there In largo numbers from began with a tour through Japan, thnt thinks and thinks to some end. with mingled anger and apprehension. wonM never written th« let-: tlie ^ >re t0 ,ettl0 removed themselves and their belong- Dr. Hartman, Columbus. O. •auk and file. With such damning the United States, owing to lho low China, Korea, South Mongolia, Tibet, The superintendence of the farm Is evMcnec of their guilt there would He felt, as has been said, the Insult, ! Ings to tho "Land of Opportunity." In Camp. men are: Maine, New Hampshire, Ver- Dear Sir; n Mt ,ove ,,lm S , rates offered by railways, connecting etc., and America, Australia, and the thing of most Importanco to a but he doubted the wisdom of resent- O'" «' - "" -| down to city lit. . in, e.pecl.ll. In 1 lay me down when the day Is done Iks do meed for delay, and he would n with tho Canadian road a It Is ex- With pipe nnd tobacco, a dot and a Rim. mont, Massachusetts. Rhode Island, North Africa. With tho true gift of man that has a farm large enough to "J took Pcruna last nummrr ing It there and then. Before he ..•l. care i^t. whethe... r h. e ,love . Olg, I the summer time.^ In th ^e winter ^an d "Why do you think sht Is so anxious met «t once. Those guilty of the cap- the pected that Hon. Clifford Sefton, Min- to Ret mnrrlcd?" The World forsakon and l-lfo begun. Connecticut, New York, New Jersey. the explorer, Mr. Landor soon turned require the work of a number of men. when I loos nil Jim dotru, ond could decide what to do, the door or .not, or what her feelings are. ... Ah. this Is a KlnR's doslrc! ital crime he would commit to prison av-ot ister of the Interior, will be there "Why. she's attending^ tho cooking 1 lay mo down In a leafy lalr. Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, hia steps toward unknown lands. He The man with the little farm can think had a hcndnrhc (ind barkncfit, opened and Nicholas entered. have announced this marriage to the dent finds life not so enjoyable, and cchool "—Chicago Post. tor trial that would surely end In on tho openTng day to declare the ex- All lost to Care—wan there ever Care? West Virginia. Virginia, North Caro- was the flrst white man to reach both as he goes along, but not so the man itnd t»o mnl Vhyn for nni/ihinv- Katherine, with her face turned court, to society throughout Russia. many a Jest mado at his expense And dream In the balmy forest air their conviction and Ignominious hibition open. A splendid opportunity I How's This ? By the smoke of a fir-cone flre. lina. South Carolina. Tennersec. Geor- sources of the Brahmaputra river and that has a large area ot expensive away, rose and without a word left My mind has been fixed on this match comes home to his mind as he grudges I now feel as well as 1 ever did death; the others he would summarily Will be afforded by this exhibition to I We offer One Hundred DoIUn Kcwtrd for or? gie, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and his thrilling experiences of imprison- land to control. This was lorcibly In nil tny Itjr, ami all tli'tn.\* i* eeatence to Siberia. the room. She would not betray her for years. I have sworn that Olga Urrh c,nBo1 curwl bjr m Smoke that Is black o'er the factory meet friends. Hotel accoxmodations |cMca?e ^ "'' Texas. The District of Columbia has ment and torture in Tioet are narrat- brought to our attention recently In bitter disappointment even to her will become the wife of Alexis Nazl- town. due in your excellent I'eruna." He fairly gloated over tho prospect, will be quite nmple. Gray on the sea from a tramp, hull- also been invited to send troops. ed In his book, "In the Forbidden a visit to one of the most successful own son. moff, and I will move heaven and F J. CiIRNEV & CO.. Toledn, <). down. —Bets F. Ileal j/. mad cast eager glances at the clock We, tho undenlKncd. h*vo known K. .1. Cheney But here, as It canopies over my crown. Land." He marched with tho allied farmers In Illinois. He said that one Nicholas watched his mother with earth to that end. Ilda Barosky Is f.iMtio iii»t is year*, end bcllere him perfectly lion anvaiUng the news that the daring Tells Profession by Profile. ornlilo In Ml fiUHlncK* irwiwtlnn* nml fln»ncl»lly Blue as mv palaco roof- Limit Line for Modesty. troops to Pekin in 1900 and was the of tho greatest faults he had noticed The symptom* of summer ca- painful anxiety. He could not fall to able to carry ou' «">' oMIgttlone mnde hy hlsflnii. Gray from my lips and blue from tho tarrh aroquitounlikelndifferant ••tl desperate leaders would soon This is what nn old civil war vet. flrst Anglo-Saxon to enter the "forbid- with unsuccessful farmers was their notice that she was deeply agitated. Little Tommy was paying a visit to WjaDixnn w-t—, Kinnax & —M*nrr; . bowl rases, but tho most, commnn ones otaiid before him. "By Heaven!", he . . w - — — I WholOMle DraitKliiRi Tol€NlA. 0. And oeruloan blue the wreaths that roll. eran, who has won medals for bravery, den city." lack of ability to plan. He himself arc general lassitude, playitl- \lr ivml Mrn Trunklin old frionds of Htil'l C*tirrh Cnre I* nkcn tntem*lly, eeiin^ Each but a llamo'n departing soul. csclalined. "after this there can b( "What has happened?" he said to Mr. ana .Mrs. i ranuin. oio inonas ct I dir.^njr upon Die Mood nnd macoun Mirr«ce« of ib« says of his lirat deed in gallantry: always made It a point to think out out. tlml-out, used-tip, run-down his father; "surely she has not heard his paronts. The young man required I •r"®'". TeMimotiuu nont free. Price ts cenu pr? Or my Idle Fancy's woof. feelings, combined with more or ns barrier to my successful advance It yet?" "I havo always felt that I never He Saw Her Father, but— the work days ahead, aad to tell the less heavy, stupid, iistloita. men- a ',ood deal of amusing, and his host! VJco iuii'« family Tnu for conitipttioa. But, ah! the color my Kingdom crlo.e; men the night before what they were nest The czar oannot afford to pass "Hoard ."•.id hostoss were somewhat at a loss ' And the color Is all for my Kingly eyes: earned that flrst medal. We were or- "I saw your father this morning," tal condition, liclish for food what?" asked Karslcheff. And all for my cars the songs and sighs each to do on a certain day. He and tho ability to digest fo,Hl vithoat signal recognition this evl till the latter bethought her of the por- 1. A mnrrlod woman is always susplc- dered to charge, but the enemy's fire he said, ns she led the way to the Something In the tones of Nicholas' That surge through tho softened soul— cited the Instance of one farmer that seems to bo lost. deuce of my zeal and ability, and to . v .t i .. . I Ious when her husband nrlve.t her an The sky's lout blue—the green o' the sent us galloping back with a dozen parlor. Skin eruptions, callow com- voice struck him with a feeling of trait album, which they went through oxpcnslvo present. lacked this power. He would not try reward It as It deserves. together with m"ch Industry ar.d at-1 trees- saddles emptied. Then we were or- "Did you?" she exclaimed. plexion, hiilionsnoss. eoatal apprehension. "Heard of what?" he The arguing £tream-the reproving to think what to do till the day came tongue, fitful, Irregular shv.p, He was In this delightful frame of repeated. tentlon to detail as to tho pa^t, pros-' Important to Mothora. breeze. dered to try again, and once more tho He had been calling regularly for Ah, dream by tho fire with a King's own enemy's fire stampeded our horses. when the work was to be done and help to complete tho pietnro Mind when suddenly the door lead- Nicholas turned. ent and probable future lives of the | Exmntno ctrefnlly creiy bottle of CASTORTA. six months and once ho had held her which Is so common nt ease My mount rose on his haunches and then he never succeeded In arrang- •eat-on. fcg to bis private apartments#opened persons represented. Toward the ond j a wfo nnd rare remedy for tn'ints and children, And color the pipe's sweet bowl hand after they had said good night. "The—the rumop—that—" CIld 800 ,hnt !t ing his work so as to save time. Ho Pcruna so exactly meets all 9mA the countess entered the room. of the book wore two of those astound-' Till the light dies down and the pipe struggled In terror. I never felt so He was very shy, and sho loved him. "Go on! Good God, don't mutter bnrns deep; ! would say to one man, "Well, you go these conditions that tho deinaiul Ing profiles, cut out of black paper. In weak as I did then. Her heart was a flutter with expect- He turned. "Congratulate me, and stammer like a child. What Is Then the King turns over nnd goes to over and repair toat fence," ann ho is so great for this remedy at this which our forefathers-strange people Bear* tho sleep. "M? horse trembled with fear and ancy. season of tho year that it is near- Kathcrlne!" he exclaimed, and then It?" asked Karslcheff, In a fever of Signature of While, overhead, twinkling pickets keop would go perhaps a mile to make a •uldonly stopped. -delighted. darted forward with a scream. I haul- "Yes," ho'resumed, "I thought per- ly impossible to supply It. Impatience. Watch as the night-hours roll. little repair on a fence, which could His wife's face "Those," said Mrs. Franklin, "are la Use For Over 30 Years. —Stephen Chalmers. ed on the reins to turn him back, but haps he might have mentioned It to Pemi-na Contains No Narcotics. fairly frightened "The rumor (hat yon have already jiave been repaired when the men my father and mother." lho Kind Tea Have Always Bought, ho dashed right on toward the enemy's you." One reason why Pcruna has been deposed, and that Nazlmoff has Designed for the Suburbanite, To Fight Bull Run Again. were In that vicinity engaged on found permanent iiso in so many "Oh!" said Tommy. Then he Ijesl- lines and I Instinctively held on to the "No," sho answered as she took a Katherine Karslcheff as she entered been appointed your successor." along through the rain or snow, with Fortunately we seldom hoar what Every veteran of the civil war, to j some other work. This msant a loss homes is that it contains no nar- tated, and scrutinized them more thor- pommel of the saddle. I closed my seat by his side, "papa has not yet cotics of any kind. Peruna is the room was deathly pale. Her eyes, his arms full of purchases he has other people say about us. say nothing of the studious, up-to-date j of tJme tnat was a very conslderaole "My God!" Constantino Karslcheff ouRhly. "I s'pose," he said,, "they was eyes and tried to pray, but It seemed returned from the city. He evidently perfectly harmless. It can bo •eath the contracted brows, shone pressed his hand to his heart as if made In town. ! 1 actor when It was repeated over and ohlmncy-Bwoeps, wasn't they?" fledglings of West Point, will be great- to me I fainted. has been detained." Used any length of time without with a lire that was almost of a Do Your Feet Ache and Bum? over throughout the year In various acquiring the drug habit. he had been shot. Nicholas sprang This seem'- to be tho plight of the ly Interested In the reproduction of "Well," he went on, "he probably Srecalffh tint. Her features twitched Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot- "When I recovered my senses fully ! forms. The man at the head of af- forward and supported him to a chair. lirian In the picture. At first glance the battle of Bull Run, for which the will speak to you about it, so I oeavnlslvely, and her whole manner Karslcheff gasped painfully for a mo- ' one woul't pick him out for a resident , .. Ease, a powde. r fo—r• thvuec feeticee. Iiti makes a dozen men and officers were shaking fairs Is the one that must make the mon* *' Wear* Large Shoes. , tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures War department now Is making ar thought I ought to tell you." betrayed such a frenzy of anger that hands with me, and we were standing farm work a success. If It is to be a ment, and then with an effort said: ^^ of the subuibs, from his load and gen- J wearThers o Is a New York barber who Swollen, Hot. Sweating Feet, Corns and rangements. Though the plans at "Yes." she answered, looking wist- - fansband stood aghast at the ter- "Is it-Is It true?" -..u ftvu- wears a number 12 shoe. Ho was a Bunions. At all Druggists and Shoe where the enemy's line had been. The success. eral appearance. But this man should cergeant in the German army, noted Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad- Washington are not yet completed. It fully Into his eyes, "I suppose he will.*' — w.-1 "Ij {fear Ijt " tjjg epiy. "Anothe"" r drcss Allcn s whole squadron, encouraged by what •Me appearance she presented. In | iBp eayr f wa BNihilist r s has been at have cause to rejoice, even In the for his stability. He has a brother In - Olmsted. LeRoy, N. Y. Is learned that probably 36,000 troops There was a long silence, broken cm ar 0 the at present the only obstacle In my they thought my daring, had followed, Pain Costs Money. Ikt band, crushed and half torn, she j ^ j ^he Imperial palace, storm, for he is not troubled with his the old country whose foot Is so big j will participate In the mimic fight, and only by two or three soulful sighs '•*** an open letter. wor even n way. I demand of you that she b< with victory as the result. It pays to keep tho animals com- umbrella. It Is difficult to say what that ro ready made shoe can be found ^ on^^or^rown ^are? that ^ that no less distinguished an officer from the tender maiden. 'Vor God's sake. Katherine, what removed from my path." ro than Major-General Corbin personally "I kept trying to deny that I had fortable. If an animal is subject to an(j ^ czar jiag gumnKrtie(j a council he would do with it, were it not for to fit him. When he needs a new pair i • - " ^ "I met him on the train," said fhe %98 happened?" at length said Karsl- of ministers. Nazlmoff was sent for "But how?" asked Karslcheff. the arrangement with whifh *- -.. u.o — provided, having silts for the passage The tide rolls up—the rippling snnny thougnt of course my boys that had

! "%' . '' • iK -* • * -

r A SPECIAL SALE OF Annual Clearance Sale--15 Days Beginning Saturday, July 30 and Ending August f6th. Ladies' and Children's Muslin Underwear We luimfc clone out the Kinnmer stuff to nmkc room for FALL (JOODS.' On uccodlit of the backward HcaHon wo have a lot of tiioBo goods on hand, BUT wc U put the price where they munt move, it 18 Did you ever attend any of our Special Underwear Sales? If not you had better ctme a LOSH to UH but a GAIN to you. aad see how much you can buy at this sale for so little money. It's a grand collection of ( latest styles, all cut in home-made fullness, from choicest materials. Every one perfect and 30 |K!H. LUWIIH, buttcolora 4 c yd. 1 lot Sc India LIUOUH y j- worth regular price, but the price you pay hardly covers the cost of the material. If the 20 pen. 10c, 12^c aud 15c Lawns 6 c yd. 1 lot 10c India LIIIODH 8c yd. 15 pt'H. 25c LUWIIH 12^c yd. 1 lot V2%c India Linonn 10c yd. saving- of money has any charm for you call early and take your choice while you may. Aiuerlcau Shirting Print 4 c yd. 1 lut 15c India LIUOIIH 12^c yd. Choice lot of Dark Printe, fast colors SJ^c yd. 1 lot L'lk- India LIUOIIH ISc yd. 40 JK'H. % Percale 5c yd. 1 lot '2M; India LIUOIIH 10c yd. li 15c Polka dot SuitingH.; 10c yd. 50c Gun Metal .SuitingR 37c yd. Handkerohlefs ol All Kind* Put into This Sale. - LOT 1 LOT 2 A new lot of Muslin Underwear Just reoeived for this Ciearance Sale

HOSE-LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S. 12 Doxen Black and Colored Rettlooats go Yen etnant tffonl to i i funo malBDf'aaeti'carmciita. %Tbtf an worth much mora thu> tha pnoa wa i 1 lot LadieH' Lace How. l.V kind HE pr. Into Thio Sale at Equally Low Prloei. 1 lot LadieH* Lace Hone. _•> kind 19c pr. 1 lot Chlldren'H IIOHI>. 20C kind..18C pr., 2 pr. 28o 8 do*. Children's Fancy HOHO, Sizen 5 to 7)4 (.'oats Machine Thread 4c spool LOT 3 25c kind I Be pr. (Jood Macidue Thread 3 spools 10c 1 lot Children's How, 10c kind...8c pr., 2 prs. 18c Uichardson's spool silk, 50 yds 4c npool

L* DIES' WRAPPERS. LA0IE&' KNIT UNDERWEAR. 1 lot Liglit Wrappern, $1.00 kind BOcench lOdoz. Ladles Vests 8c each 1 lot Dark Wrappern, $1.00 kind 69c each 1 lot Ladies' I2^c and 15c VestH 10c each TnUf woDdaribl tor ao Utlla 1 lot Dark Wrapfiers. fl.25 kind...; 98ceucii 1 lot Ladles' 25c and

T 4 Remember the Sale Begins Next Saturday. !-9 New Idea Putterus 10c. 39 CTS J. B. NICHOLSON, LOWELL. MIOHIOAN. 90 otota i i toatmlflrut tor meh canaanu Thar ara aictoa)ra"en aod roatlf a whila tba low pneaa ua poamhia a&tj at i —•

T5 K Lock Out for the Sign 49>cts of the Red Plug NE DOLLAR will open an ac- count. Thin bank affordn a O safe and convenient place to de- *• j posit your Savings. We pay Inter- Ordlnarlljr lhara would ha no pmftl wUiw. Rood aad you raoaira all tha'beBfAtt est ou Certificates of Deposit and Farmers To-day Savings Books.

Protect your fruit LOT 6 nines and cabbage The 75 cts with the Hazel tine Lowell State Bank, MOTH SMI LOWKLL, MICH. Too will arpradata thaaa aaaaocihla baixatua mora fnUy CATCHER LOT 7 Now is your time as 1 have a few to clow out. AIHO The W. S. Godfrey

Household Goods and Silverware

of different kinds. One pair of Scales and 3 Sale Commences Saturday, July 23 and Ends Saturday, July 30. Gasoline Stoves. These goods are to l»e sold regardless of cost. Come in and nee A. W. WEEKES, Lowell, Mioh. Ha H. REED, Hller Bldg.. Lowell.

Began, Saturday, July IS, *04. HEARD ABOUT TOWN. Butts cuts the price extremely low. Butts cuts the price on every thing. MIHH Emma Clark of Grand Rapids MIHH Louise Burlier of Detroit Is Ask about our cow feed. spent Sunday with Miss Clara visiting Miss Edith Mange and other DuttscntH the price. Meyers & McKee. Hodges.—Melvln Lewis of Ionia was friends. Dr. Hodgen, den tint. tf Butts cuts the price from July 30th in town yesterday.—Mrs. M. E. Cemeht piers are l>eiug placed un- to August 27th. Fresh Graham. .Meyers & McKce. Simpson of St. Johns has been visit- Adjustment Sale of Clothing and der the Nanh and Kopf building "on Godfrey's adjustment sale on men's Butts cuts the pricefor one inonth. ing her mother, Mrs. Chas. Althen. the bridge." work shirts, 20c, 35c, 43c, 46c. Men's work pants 85c at Godfrey's. —Mrs. J. G. Mange and D. G. spent Gent's Furnishings. Mrs. Daniel OliveriuviHitingfriends MIHH Bessie Faulkner Is taking the Flour that will please, New Cen- lost Thursday aud Friday In Coruu- at Belding. Commercial course at the McLachlln tury. Meyers & McKee. na.—Mrs. D. G. Mango and son Harold Weekes left Monday for a Hchool In Grand Rapidn. Closing out s v lo of shoos cheap Richard visited in Chicago over Sun- CLOSING OUT SALE trip to tho World'n Fair. Owen J. Parker will build a Sum- for cash. Shoo store for rent after da v.—MIHH Martine Blue returned to Mrs. M. McMuhon visited over mer cottage at the Byrne's resort on Sept. 1. W. i. Qodfrey. her home at Fenton after a visit OF SHOES. Kuuday in Oraud Rapldn. Plue Island lake in Grattaji. C. W. Joshlin, of Smyrna lost his with MIHH Ethel Thomas.—Mrs. MIHH Minnie Laily npeut part of Wm. H. Parker returned Saturday barn by flre, on Monday afternoon, Theo Lake and children of Denver, last week in (iraiid Rapids. from a visit of several days with his about 5 o'clock. Origin unknown Colo., are visiting Mrn. D. Ranney. Miss liattie Plakeslee spent the daughter, Mrs. Rose, at Saranac. Insured in Farmers' Mutual forf250 —Mrs. Phoebe Tate and Marguerite Everything1 sold cheap for Cash. Everything latter part of Insi week at Ionia. Bergin nnd Thomas will build a on barn, $45 on a hog house attach- Tate Southard are visiting relatives You can save money by buying at frost proof potato storage buidbig ed, and $250 on contents. Itisnrob- in Chicago aud Milwaukee.—iMrs, in these two big stores must be turned into money the adjustment sulc at \V. s. God- at the rear of their pew elevator. able that loss on contents will not Minnie Porter and daughter 6f Chi- as soon as possible. frey's. Adjustment sale of $10 suits for amount to last item. Mr. Joshlin >cag o were guests of Mrs. Ranney Mrs. A. S. Ford und son returned $7.05 at Godfrey's. This sale is not lost the house on his farm, iastj last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Goo. M. Sunday after a week's visit with to make money but to raise money. spring, by flre.—[Ionia Standard. Winegar siient last week with rela- relatives in Detroit. Village tuxes are now due and may "What Mr. Sueli Miymori Saw in tives Tn Walker—The whooUijirary Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deuice und be paid at tlie City Bank which will Grand Rapids," is the title of an will be closed during the mouth of two sons of McCordn visited Mr. and lie open Friday and Saturday even- elegant photographic booklet just August. Ail books must be returned Mrs. W. B. Aldrich Sunday. inus. F. J. McMahou, Treas. issued by tlie Grand Rapids Railway ou or before Tuesday August 2.—Mr. LOWELL, MICH. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McWIIianis of Godfrey'n adjustment sale Is to Company descriptive and illustrative aud Mrs. Geo. W. Rouse siieut last Grand Uaplds H|ient Sunday with raise money. Goods will be sold of the resorts and scenery reached by week at Lansing, Sti Johns and Mr. aud Mrs. F. J. McMahou. cheap to do it. Now is your time to the cars of the company, which is to H illsdale. Miss Bertha Bergin and Kittle huy oiothing aud shoes, at Godfrey's. say everything within and without Lally siient Sunday aud Monday at Miss liene Stone returned Satur- the city. Send a two cent stamp day from Willow City, N. Dak., the home of their uncle at Parneli. and get a copy of the booklet. 1 A. H.Griffith and daughter Pauline where she imH been spending five A young lady who was visiting WWWW WWWWWWWWmWWWWWWWWWWWW* of Centervllle spent Sunday with IIIH months with lier sister, Mrs. D. K. recently, while walking along the Fhyng. parents, Mr. and Mrn. P. S. Griffith. railroad tracks to reach the house Rev. James Butler, the new Con- Mr. and Mrs. J. Kuhns, Mr. and of a frieud was startled by a brake- Are You gregational pastor, lias rented the Mrs. 'ieo. Miller of (jrand Rapids man who was making up freight house recently occupied by the late and Miss Anna Smith of Milwaukee trains in the yard, As sue approach- Thinking James A. Lyon. spent Thursday with Mr. aud Mrs. ed oue of thebrakemanat the switch < has. Worden. Collar's Bazaar Belding has 400 more women than shouted back to another. "Jump Watch men. The Pere Marquette should JamcH Anderson returned last on to her when she comes along, Jim. run n series of excundons to that week from a three months sojourn Run her down to the second switch is the place you are looking- for dace for the benefit of Lowell bache- in Oregon. He says to tell the aud cut her into and run the head if you want anything- in fors. people not to go to Oregon to farm end back." The youug lady was Goodrich Kopf fell from the stair- It If they own farms in Michigan, as horrified. She could only place one the latter Is the lietter stale. way of his farm houw recently eight meaning on what she had heard. Small waists are no longer in stvle e want to wli you a watch. China, Class, Crockery, feet and struck on bis head and She .veiled out "Murder!" at the top We can please you and shoulder, bruiHiug the former aud It's the round pinmp waists that of her voice and started on a run for come by taking lioliister s Rockv Wsave you money. There's Tin, Cranlte or dislocating and cracking the lat ter. her life. Mountain Tea: that'Baii the go 3.Vts a feeling of certainty in buying Drs. McDannell and Eaton fixed him Womer & Kirehiioff, two expert Tea or tablet form. D. G. LOOK a Watch of us. You know you Wooden Ware up ami he gets around as lively an upholsters from Grand Rapids have Mrn. J. K Buechel, and children of have what you havo pnid evej-. opened a store next to the Singer Chicago, 1). B, Johnson of Entrlcan, for—that you have paid for no Sowing Machine Co., Lowell, They Probate .1 udge Jewell was in towii and J. B. l^eHile of Lowell spent Sun- more than you have—that tlie carry a flue line of goods to select Saturday and made THE LKDOKR a day with Mr. aud Mrs. John F. watch will do just as we say It We have a full stock of from and will make your did furni- friendly call. i|p was here on IIUHI- Paulus of South Lowell,—Mrs. J. F will. ture look as good as new. Esti- ness coumi ted with the O'Heron Buechel and children of Chicago are mates given on recovering and up- and Bosworth estate and Ids stay visiting Mrs. J. H. Cramer aud other See our s|>ecial ladies watch wan brief. The Judge hopes to visit holstering parlor furniture, couches, gold filled case guaranteed 20 STONE MILK JARS friends.—Mr. and Mrs. Christopher cushions, mattresses, cane seated the vicinity HOOII in tlie interests of Dunn of South Hoston spent vester- years, handsomely engraveo. his candidacy for re-election. chairs, etc. We can give references pay with Mrs. J. M. Mevers'—Mrs from a number of Lowell's leading Judge Wolcott has refuned the re- Archibald and daughter," Florence! Elgin or Walt ha in movement Nice for milk or can be used for cooking-. quest for a pew trial made by Rollen citizens. This Is an opportunity to at the special price of of (.rand Rapids, are visiting Mr. have your furniture put In good Call and see us. Mack's attorneys.—Mrs. Nancy C. andMra. L.C. Hildreth.—Mtes Grif- shaiie, that should not be neglected Painter of Grand iHiand, Neb., is the Yours for business. fith of \V ashington, D. C., was the as their stay here will be very short. guest of Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Painter. guest of Miss Lizzie Terwliilger last $12a00. —Annual reunion of Ionia county Phursday and Friday.—Benj. Ter- No Pity Shews. Battalion, G. A. R., nt IU'Idiug..Wed- wlllger and daughter, MIHH Lizzie, "For years fate was after me con- Aug. 3. Hon. Wm. Alden Smith will were in Grand Rapidn the fore part tinuously" writes F. A. Gulledge, of Collar's Bazaar. speak.—Miss Carrie Davidsou IH of the week.—Misses Bertha Cary Verbna, Ala. "I had a terrible case of making a two weeks' vinlt with Bat- and Francis Huygeof Grand Rapids plies causing 24 tumors. When all, tle Creek friends.—Misses Alice and are visiting Misses Clara and Isene failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cureld • Angelus Tinkler have returned from Bergin.—The Ladles aid society will me. Equally good for Burns and a month's visit at Battle ('reek, hold n "coffee" at the home of Mrs, all aches and pains. Only 25c. at and other places. A. D. Oliver Wednesday, August 3. I). G. Look's Drug Store.