THE LOWELL LEDGER. INDEPENDENT NOT NEUTRAL. VOL XII, NO. 6 Largest Clrculotloa. LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THUKSDAY, JULY 28, 1904 Official Newspaper. TEN PAGE PAPER THREE IN ONE DAY BIG TIME SURE YOU CAN POINT KAILK0AI) ACCIDENTS IN AT GOOD ROADS FESTIVAL' to the Savings Bank with LOWELL YESTERDAY. AND FARMERS' AND pride, especially If you have an XACCABEE PICNIC account there.! A man with a Two on the Pore Marquette. No savings account' knows the One Ifljnred. In l.offoll on Wednesday, August great benefits he derives from The Pere .Marquette morulng train having money In the bank. 17, Early and Late. from Oraud Kapids to Saginaw ran The committees having in charge into and hiaashed a box car In the the Third Annual Good Boads Festi- The City Bank, train yards liere yesterday. The box val and Farmers" and Maccabees' car wa« iielng pulled to the west by Hill, Watts A Co,, I'ii nic are bestirring themselves to a freight engine and this prevented provide a day of enjoyment for Low- fatalities. The express flreman and ell's guests on Wednesday, August Is a safe place to keep your engineer jiim|)ed and the passengers money. It allows Interest at and crews escaped with a severe 17. The finance committee secured the rate of .'1 per cent |>er an- shaking up. The people In the cafe pledges of about $I(MI. which with num In Its Savings Department car had their breakfasts unceremon- fhe iponey left, on hand from hist and Is wisely and conservative- iously dumped into their laps and year's picnic makes about $150 ly managed. upon the door. The express engine available for this celobralion. As was badly disabled and after consid usual, everything will be free and THE SAVING HABIT Is n good quality to develop and means erable delay the train was hauled on , who gains distinction in the strenuous the hfli will start in morning and much for you In the future. You should begin now. It will In* easier Its way by the freight engine. world of business, accomplishes that re- as you go along. Better open that account now. You'll IK? Inter- The express crew claimed that < he last all day long. The committees sult becausc of superior energy and vitalitv. are planning for free entertaiments ested In our bank. Call and see us and we'll explain anything you freight was trespassing on their even: similar ih those which proved so may care to know. time, that if anything the express popular last year. 0=P=C suspensories was a little late: but the freighters man claimed that the box was a "wild" The Maccabees will IK? with us In force. Father Boynton's coming in- sustain vitality and save energy. There is no immediate car and they were chasing It to pre- suring the attendance of lodges, drill w difference between the energyyo off thille man who docs wear an vent a worse calamity. teams and bands from neighboring O-I'-C and the man who does not, just as there is not much differ- On the same afternoon another P. towns; and something striking In encc at first between the man who takes a thirty inch step and he M. express ran into a pile of sand the way of a morning parade Is ex- who slops a quarter inca .rore But there is a big difference in a that had been washed onto the track pected from them. ?«ry short lime. Wear an O-P-C suspensory thirty days and know. by the heavy rain and had to be dnjr Watch for program In our next Booklet Free upon request. out. The engineer's watchfulness issue and prepare to be with us Wed- was all that saved the train. This nesday, August 17. w<is the scene of the wreck and the The Lowell Band will give a dance killing of Engineer Smith Inst Aug- at the opera house in the evening. ust. There should be a remedy. Don't Miss It! I'resident Look has appointed the That same evening the (Jrand following Comnilttees: Trunk got a freight car off the track Finance—W. S. Winegar, Chas. D. G. LOOK near the P. M. crossing, but it was McCarty, D. F. Butts. soon "off agin and gone agin." Program—A. W. Weekes, O. C. Mc- Your Druggist. Dannell, F. T. King. Everythlag la Drugs and Books. You Know Where. HEARD ABOUT TOWN. Advertising—Clyde Collar, Weldon The goods we offer are first class in Smith, C. Guy Berry. every particular. The cost is entirely Sports—B. VanDyke, E. I). Mc- ignored. Our object being- to quickly Mrs. Eugene Carr Is visiting in Queen, R. D. Stocking. Bowne this week. Island—Harvey Coons..!. B. Nich- dispose of the limited quantity named. Born—July 25, to Mr. and Mrs. E. olson. H. O. Barnes. "Please bear in mind that we will D. Worthings, a son. Music—S. P. Hicks, E. B. Collar, A. be unable to furnish these goods after Adjustment sale of coats and vests I). Sturgis. cheap at Godfrey's. Amusement—W. A. Watts, Fred the present stock is exhausted or dupli- Money saved is money earned, so Hinyan, R. VanDyke. cate the price on future orders. buy furniture at Hakes'. Arrangements—D. G. Look, W. S. Mr. and Mrs. .his. H. Midr spent Winegar. A. W. Weekes. Clyde Collar. Sunday In Grand Hnplds. R. VanDyke, Harvey Coons, S. P. Take advantage of mld-sunimcr Hicks. W. A. Watts. No. 1 Cup Grease 7c lb. In Sib. lots. prices on furniture at Hakes." 1 Time is Money 600 Test Cylinder Oil 40c gal. In 5 gal. lots. Mrs Baiph Smith of Ionia has been METHODIST. Judd's Harness Oil 2Bc gal. in one gal. lots. 'visiting Mrs. J. M. Meyers this week. Steel Barn Door Track 2 l-2cft. Regular services next Sunday, Men's handkerchiefs 4c. He, 7c. 12c, in the morning the theme of the ser- Teach the boy and girl Its value by pre- Creaju Separators. 19c at Godfrey's adjustment sale. mon will be. "The Foundations of senting them BATCHES selected from When you want first quality and Faith or Why we believe." In the our elegant stock of time keepers. Cases new goods; call on Bangs & .lessup, and works guaranteed. Prices posi- Extra Barsalfls In Second Hand Cook Stoves evening, "The Angels and Devils of grocers. the Suimiier Time." tively the lowest Fine nssortmeut of There will lie a big dance at Mose- The topic for the Epworfh league ley Hall, Moseley, Aug. 12. Every- Devotional meeting Is: "Missions in CHAINS, FOBS AND body come. Latin Countries," i.n:! the meet bit: CHARMS to mutch. Dean McCarty has returned from a will l»e in change of Miss I^ibbie several months' trip through the Lawrence. western stales. The B. B. L. will have a meeting Special Prices on Cut Glass and high grade Silverware. R. B. BOYLAN Come and get our clearing out on Monday evening. They have A BOBS prices on shot's and you will surely arranged a program and for a few buy, at Godfiey's. evenings will study the prominent Mrs. L. II. Hill (nee Minnie Mnin political characters. Their ofllcers and Miss Marion Klsor are visiting: ars: Pres., Glen Loveland; Vice Pres; Grand Uaplds friends. Ernie Terry; Secretary: Bruce Craw- Miss i/ena Fox of Urand ilapids ford. Treasurer, Harold Oliver. D. Stocking. lias l»een spendlnir .i lew days with Junior League will meet on Sun- Miss Marguerite Southard day after noon atP. M. Mrs. John Bandall and son, Frank BAPTIST. Gramer. are visiting her son atWnu- kegan, 111., and Meiiomlnee. Morning worship at I0.:M). Ser- Watches You need not buy $."> worth of mon, "The Trail of the Sword." goods In ordl>r to sei-ure $:t.nophotos B. Y. P. U. at 6.:50. Topic, "The Clocks F YOU want good goods, for $1.75. Ask Mrs. Mo tilt. tf. Final Glory." IxMider, .1. B. Nichol- Mrs. P. J. Becker of Detroit Is son. All interested are urged to at- Jewelry the best that money can Bpendlng several weeks with her tend this meeting. A chorus of girl The Bargains mother, Mrs. Margaret Lewis. voices will lead in the singing. buy, goods that are of No evening service other than the Silver- T FOR SALK—One Gohl Coin coal In our line. Nobody else can Young People's meeting. superior workmanship stove, wood heater and other house- touch us for equal quality and ware hold goods. Miss 0. U Bosworth. CONGREGATION AL. ^ slmllur prices. and quality, goods that are F. W. Hinyon and family made an The pastor Is moving ids house- Fancy up-to-the-times, goods that automobile trip to Freeport, Carl- hold goods to Lowell this week.— Our Name ton Center and Hastings last week. Bcguhir services next Sunday. Morn China are sold under a guarantee Misses Mable and Mary Scott en- IUK; subject: "Character Building;" Is,always a sure guarantee of to be perfect, goods that will tertained fifteen young ladles Thurs- Evening subject: "Good News." exceptionally fine goods. If day afternoon in honor of their you are interested in getting a Kodaks Heard About Tows. please you in every partic- cousin. Miss Elvira Pengelly. lot for your money you should and Mrs. S. B. Hail returned yesterday Mrs. Melvin Chase Is vrye ill. visit yur store this week. ular, come to us—we can to Grand l>edge after a several days Melvln Chase and son are in Bat- supplies please you in every way.
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