6Th Biennial International Symposium on the BI-DIGITAL O-RING TEST
6th Biennial International Symposium ON THE BI-DIGITAL O-RING TEST FRIDAY August 6 – SUNDAY August 8, 2004 IBUKA AUDITORIUM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE HALL, WASEDA UNIVERSITY 1-20-14, NISHIWASEDA, SHINJYUKU-KU, TOKYO, JAPAN ORGANIZED BY: THE JAPAN BI-DIGITAL O-RING TEST MEDICAL SOCIETY JOINTLY SPONSORED BY: INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF ACUPUNCTURE & ELECTRO-THERAPEUTICS O-RING TEST LIFE SCIENCE RESEARCH INSTITUTE Inhibitory effect of Chinese parsley (Coriandrum sativum, Cilantro) on Drug-metabolizing Enzyme Induced by Endocrine Disrupters (Environmental Hormone) SHIGEHARU Fukuda Ph.D.1), YOSHINARI Honda2), TATSUYA Ishihara2), SHINPEI Ushio Ph.D. 2 ) ,KANSO Iwaki2 ) , MASAO Ikeda2 ) , MASASHI Kurimoto Ph.D. 2) , YASUHIRO Shimotsuura MD.,F.I.C.A.E., Cert. ORT-MD(5DAN) 3 ) , and YOSHIAKI Omura MD., Sc.D., F.I.C.A.E., FACA,FAAIM, FRSM 4) 1)Amase Institute and 2)Fujisaki Institute, Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratories Inc., Okayama City 3) Shimotsuura Clinic, Kurume City 4) Heart Disease Research Foundation, New York [Purpose] Omura discovered that the accumulation of mercury in tissues, particularly in cell nucleus, may be one of the main causes of cancer and he found that these metal deposits can be removed by using Chinese parsley and Omura’s Selective Drug Uptake Enhancement Method (1-4). In this report, the inhibitory effect of Chinese parsley on drug-metabolizing enzyme induced by endocrine disruptors (environmental hormone) and the identification of active components in Chinese parsley are described. [Materials and Methods] It is known that Dioxins taken in body bind to aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and cause the toxicity, carcinogenicity and teratogenicity by inducing the cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1), a kind of drug-metabolizing enzyme.
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