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3-2017 Poor transferability of a distribution model for a widespread coastal marsh in the southeastern United States Nicolette S. Roach Clemson University

Elizabeth A. Hunter University of Georgia

Nathan P. Nibbelink University of Georgia

Kyle Barrett Clemson University

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Recommended Citation Roach, N. S., E. A. Hunter, N. P. Nibbelink, and K. Barrett. 2017. oorP transferability of a distribution model for a widespread coastal marsh bird in the southeastern United States. Ecosphere 8(3):e01715. 10.1002/ecs2.1715

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Forestry & Environmental Conservation at TigerPrints. It has been accepted for inclusion in Publications by an authorized administrator of TigerPrints. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Poor transferability of a distribution model for a widespread coastal marsh bird in the southeastern United States 1,3, 2,4 2 1 NICOLETTE S. ROACH, ELIZABETH A. HUNTER, NATHAN P. N IBBELINK, AND KYLE BARRETT

1Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation, Clemson University, 261 Lehotsky Hall, Clemson, South Carolina 29634 USA 2Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, 180 E Green Street, Athens, Georgia 30602 USA

Citation: Roach, N. S., E. A. Hunter, N. P. Nibbelink, and K. Barrett. 2017. Poor transferability of a distribution model for a widespread coastal marsh bird in the southeastern United States. Ecosphere 8(3):e01715. 10.1002/ecs2.1715

Abstract. distribution models have been applied across a wide range of spatial scales to generate information for conservation planning. Understanding how well models transfer through space and time is important to promote effective species–habitat conservation. Here, we assess model transferability in coastal tidal marshes of the southeastern United States using count data of a widespread marsh bird: the Clapper (Rallus crepitans). We developed species–habitat models at a state level in both South Carolina and Georgia, and then assessed how well top models from each state predicted abundance in the other state. Internally (locally) validated models performed well with reasonable fit (SC: R2 = 0.35, GA: R2 = 0.14), and high significance (P = 0.0005); however, both models performed poorly when predicting abundance from the other state (R2 = 0.03 and 0.003). To assess the consequences of this lack of transfer- ability, we applied the South Carolina- and Georgia-derived parameter estimates to habitat features in South Carolina and identified the top 25% of tidal marsh habitat that each model predicted within the state. There was minimal overlap between model habitat quality predictions (<5%). Our results address the predictive power and uncertainties that arise from using habitat associations and climate models to predict species distributions or abundance in locations without training data. We discuss potential reasons model transferability was not successful and address the need for better regional datasets and the importance of intraspecific variability in response to environmental gradients.

Key words: abundance; Clapper Rail; model validation; Rallus crepitans; salt marsh; species distribution models; wetlands.

Received 2 June 2016; revised 1 November 2016; accepted 18 January 2017. Corresponding Editor: Scott Carleton. Copyright: © 2017 Roach et al. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 3 Present address: Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University, 210 Nagle Hall, College Station, Texas 77843 USA. 4 Present address: University of Nevada – Reno, 1664 N Virginia St., Mail Stop 0186, Reno, Nevada 89557 USA. E-mail: [email protected]

INTRODUCTION relationships across large regions and model uncertainty associated with those relationships Knowledge of species–habitat relationships can (Elith and Leathwick 2009). Statistical assessment shape management decisions (Pearce and Linden- of how well species–habitat models derived in mayer 1998, Raxworthy et al. 2003, Engler et al. one region (or time) will transfer to a different 2004, Guisan and Thuiller 2005, Guisan et al. region (or time) is preferable to the assumption 2013) and support conservation planning (Ferrier that transferred models will perform well. Failure 2002, Araujo et al. 2004). As landscapes become to assess transferability of habitat models may altered due to land-use and climate change, there lead to over- or under-predicting habitat and poor is a growing need to understand species–habitat conservation planning (Wenger and Olden 2012).

❖ 1 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01715 ROACH ET AL.

There are a number of explanations for why heterogeneity among ecological relationships models of species–habitat associations may fail (Fielding and Haworth 1995). Mismatches bet- to transfer well across a geographic region. Limi- ween model predictions and actual species distri- tations to modeling approaches and lack of butions may arise from localized adaptations to knowledge about how species respond to envi- habitats in one region that were not modeled in ronmental changes can make projections of spe- another. Obtaining localized data may be neces- cies distributions challenging (Guisan and sary to enact effective conservation measures for a Zimmermann 2000, Dormann 2007, Vallecillo specificarea. et al. 2009). For instance, species distribution Species distribution models that transfer well models assume species are at equilibrium with across space or time would be particularly valu- their environments and that relevant environ- able to conservation planning and coastal man- mental gradients have been adequately sampled agement in marsh ecosystems where there are (Fielding and Haworth 1995, Guisan and Zim- large-scale regional planning efforts in place. mermann 2000, Whittingham et al. 2003, Nor- Coastal marsh ecosystems are relatively homoge- gues-Bravo 2009); however, many issues such as nous in vegetation structure and climate, and face species invasions, disturbance, and climate similar threats (i.e., sea-level rise, coastal develop- change represent cases where species records are ment, salt water intrusion). In the United States, unrepresentative of equilibrium conditions (Elith these systems are distributed across a wide latitu- and Leathwick 2009). Additionally, models may dinal gradient and it remains unevaluated how assume immediate species response to climate well models constructed in one place will predict change (Araujo et al. 2005) but in reality disper- species habitat use in other regions. The south- sal limitations and alterations to networks of bio- eastern United States supports ~15,000 km2 of tic interactions may prevent rapid evolutionary intact tidal marsh habitat, nearly 15 times that of adaptations (Loehle and LeBlanc 1996, Pearson the northeast and the pacific coasts combined and Dawson 2003). Many current species occur- (Greenberg et al. 2006). The impending threat of rence datasets suffer problems from spatial auto- sea-level rise suggests a need to critically evaluate correlation, which may reduce the estimated species distribution model transferability in heterogeneity among the environmental gradi- coastal systems in to help enact effective ents or populations sampled and can generate coastal wildlife management plans. problems in the calibration and validation of Marsh bird populations in North America have species–habitat models (Araujo et al. 2005). Pre- declined from habitat loss and fragmentation; as a vious studies found that when important ecolog- result of sea-level rise, these species are of special ical predictors are not included in the modeling concern in many coastal states (Eddleman et al. process, transferability may be compromised 1988, Conway and Sulzman 2007). We selected (Fielding and Haworth 1995, Graf et al. 2006, the Clapper Rail (Rallus crepitans) as a representa- Randin et al. 2006, Varela et al. 2009). In order to tive species for evaluating model transferability in achieve greater transferability, predictor vari- coastal systems because they are relatively abun- ables should be ecologically relevant to the target dant along the Atlantic Coast, where they spend species and homogenous across predicted areas their entire life cycle in salt marshes, yet selective (Mac Nally 2000, Peterson and Nakazawa 2008, in nesting habitat choice (Rush et al. 2010). Clap- Rodder€ and Lotters€ 2010). per Rails occupy high trophic levels and their life The ecology of species or populations can pro- history and vulnerability to threats from sea-level vide insight into model transfer efficiency. For rise make them an indicator of marsh ecosystem instance, transferability of distribution models for function (Rush et al. 2009). Our main objective widespread plant species was influenced more by was to assess what environmental variables influ- dispersal capability and other ecological factors enced Clapper Rail abundance in a portion of the than it was by model algorithms (Dobrowski southeastern United States (South Carolina and et al. 2011). Difficulties in transferability can arise Georgia) and determine how well models would when there are differences in species demograph- transfer across a region (between these two ics and productivity between regions (Gray et al. states). By collecting data from both South Caro- 2009), or when there are various levels of spatial lina and Georgia, we expected reasonable

❖ 2 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01715 ROACH ET AL.

Fig. 1. Starred locations represent areas where Clapper Rails were surveyed during the 2013 breeding season in South Carolina and Georgia, United States. transferability between the two states because of would disrupt the equilibrium of this species. We their similar landscape features, climates, and spe- surveyed points distributed along seven land- cies. Knowledge of transferability across coastal scape gradients (defined below in Environmental systems could reduce uncertainties associated Variables) that we hypothesized would affect with conservation planning risks, as well as help Clapper Rail abundance and be affected by sea- determine suitable habitat for Clapper Rails in the level rise: patch size (m2), distance to forest and southeast. development (m), elevation (m), proportion of brackish marsh, proportion of marsh landscape MATERIALS AND METHODS (brackish + salt marsh), and edge density (selec- tion of variables described in detail in Hunter Study area and site selection et al. 2017). We surveyed 72 points in South Car- We measured Clapper Rail abundance at 286 olina and 214 points in Georgia. Survey points sites across coastal tidal marsh in South Carolina were located along marsh edge, separated by and Georgia (Fig. 1). We assumed Clapper Rail 400 m. All surveys were conducted as close to populations were at equilibrium throughout the the initial GPS location as possible but always study because patches of surveyed habitat within 30 m from GPS locale. In South Carolina, included established breeding territories, with research sites were located within 10-km2 region little to no prolonged disturbances. There have on the North Santee River and Winyah Bay and been no recent (10 yr) extreme climatic events within 12 km2 of tidal marsh in the Ashepoo– (e.g., hurricanes) in this part of the southeast that Combahee–Edisto (ACE) Basin, one of the largest

❖ 3 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01715 ROACH ET AL. intact estuaries on the Atlantic Coast. Sites in Environmental variables Georgia spanned 150 km2 of salt marsh ranging We collected landscape data from the National from Savannah to St. Mary’s rivers (Fig. 1). Wetlands Inventory (NWI; http://landcover.usgs. gov/), National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD; Field methods, and digital elevation We used call-playback surveys to collect abun- models. Seven landscape variables were mea- dance data. Count surveys were conducted dur- sured for the 200 m radius circle around each site ing the 2013 Clapper Rail breeding season, from and were assessed for the combined coverage of sunrise to three hours afterward, during three sur- salt (E2EM1N) and brackish (E2EM1P) marsh, vey periods: 15 March–15 April, 15 April–15 May, designated by NWI. These variables included and 15 May–15 June, with a minimum of 10 days patch size (total area [m2] of the marsh which between consecutive surveys at the same site. contained the sample point), edge density (inter- Each site was visited three times by two observers face between marsh and any other land cover), who collected data independently, which resulted proportion of the landscape that is marsh, pro- in a sampling design with six sampling occasions portion of brackish marsh within the 200 m per site. We broadcasted marsh bird vocalizations radius, distance to development (m) and forest using MP3 players and speakers (Radio Shack (m), and average elevation above mean sea level Mini Audio Amplifier 90 db). We derived our (m) within the 200 m radius. To calculate edge broadcast vocalization sequence from the 2011 density and proportion of marsh landscape, we Conway Marsh Bird Protocol (Conway 2011). Our applied a FRAGSTATS (McGarigal et al. 2012) playback sequence consisted of five passive min- analysis with an 8-cell neighborhood rule within utes followed by three minutes of alternating a 200-m moving window. We used the Euclidean vocalizations (30 s) and silence (30 s). We broad- distance tool (m) in ArcGIS 10.2 (ESRI; Redlands, casted vocalizations from three species through- California, USA) to obtain the closest distance out the three-minute call sequence: kik-kee-doo and from the buffers (200 m around survey point) to growl for Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis), tut-tut developed or forested areas. We downloaded ele- and gack-gack for Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis), vation datasets for South Carolina from the and clapper, kek, and kek-burr for Clapper Rail. We National Elevation Dataset (NED; http://ned. included other marsh bird vocalizations in our with a 1/3-arc second (~10 m) resolu- playback because Clapper Rails are known to tion. For Georgia, we obtained lidar elevation vocalize in response to heterospecific calls (John- dataset from the Georgia Department of Natural son and Dinsmore 1986, Allen et al. 2004, Conway Resources at a 4-ft resolution that was aggre- and Nadeau 2010). We used a double observer gated to a 28-m cell size. To obtain elevation, we method when conducting surveys (Bart et al. used the resample tool to get a mean elevation 2002); during each survey, two observers indepen- within a 200-m buffer of our survey point. To dently recorded calls and abundance of Clapper standardize across both states, all raster files Rails. We recorded vocalization type and Clapper were set to the same spatial extent and were ana- Rail abundance at varying distances within a lyzed within a 30 9 30 m framework. We 200 m radius from each point. By separating sur- extracted values from the rasters to our survey vey points by 400 m but only recording points to get individual survey site landscape within a 200-m radius, we minimized detection of information. We standardized all covariates and the same bird at adjacent survey points. We tested for collinearity. All variables in the analy- trained surveyors to estimate distances by playing sis had a Pearson’s r correlation of <0.5 with the calls throughout the marsh at various distances exception of two variables (distance to forest and and having each observer estimate the distance to development in South Carolina [r = 0.7]). the playback prior to conducting surveys. During each site visit, we recorded variables believed to Data analysis influence detectability: wind, background noise, We used the unmarked package (Fiske and observer, tidal stage, and date. We did not conduct Chandler 2011) to analyze abundance data using surveys during periods of sustained rain or when Program R 3.1.0 statistical software (R Core Team wind speed was greater than 25 km/h. 2015, We used the

❖ 4 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01715 ROACH ET AL.

Table 1. Mean and standard error values of predictor for detection probabilities by inflating our variables used in South Carolina (SC) and Georgia observed maximum abundance counts at each (GA), United States. site by their respective detection probability deter- mined by the top detection model. Environmental variables SC mean Æ SE GA mean Æ SE In order to test the hypothesis that transferabil- ity across regions is limited by the information Proportion of brackish 11.67 Æ 2.60 43.47 Æ 3.30 marsh contained in local (state-based) datasets, we com- Distance to forest (m) 450.77 Æ 42.09 644.64 Æ 36.89 bined data from South Carolina and Georgia to Elevation (m) 0.32 Æ 0.034 0.29 Æ 0.0048 create a combined dataset. We randomly selected Distance to 2510 Æ 219.09 2011 Æ 106.37 70% of the data to serve as the training dataset. development (m) We followed the same steps for model-ranking Edge density 86.49 Æ 3.41 82.01 Æ 2.11 Patch area (ha) 738.37 Æ 73.80 910.85 Æ 40.08 and transferability assessments as in the inde- Percent of marsh 50.49 Æ 1.97 59.13 Æ 1.057 pendent state model evaluations outlined in landscape paragraph 2 of Data analysis. We used our top- ranked model parameter estimates from our unmarked function “p-count” to fit N-mixture training dataset to predict Clapper Rail abun- models to spatially and temporally replicated dance for our test data (i.e., the remaining 30%). count data, while accounting for imperfect detec- We then assessed overall model quality by com- tion (Royle 2004). We used generalized linear paring the predicted abundance to the observed models to assess the influence of detection and abundance. landscape covariates on abundance. We also tested the hypothesis that variability We began by assessing the role of five covari- between environmental gradients in the different ates hypothesized to influence detection states lowers transferability. We examined any probability: wind (none to minimal wind vs. discrepancies among the mean values of our top moderate/high winds), background noise (none/ covariates from South Carolina and Georgia top minimal noise vs. moderate/high noise), obser- models. In order to standardize our ranges ver, tide type (low vs. high), and date. These ini- across environmental gradients between the two tial models contained no covariates associated regions, we reduced our Georgia dataset by elim- with count data. To identify the most important inating observations where the top covariates detection covariates, we ran all possible itera- were outside the range of two standard devia- tions of detection models, allowing detection to tions from the mean value of the same covariate vary as a function of one or more of the above in South Carolina. We then re-ran our analyses to variables. The detection covariates present in test the effect on transferability. D < models with a AICc 2 were included in sub- Additionally, we predicted suitable habitat for sequent abundance models that focused on habi- Clapper Rails in South Carolina using our top tat factors influencing site abundance (Table 1): model parameter estimates from each state. Our elevation (m), distance to forest and develop- intent with this analysis was to assess on-the- ment (m), patch area (m2), proportion of brackish ground consequences of poor transferability (i.e., marsh, edge density, and proportion of marsh measures of habitat suitability for a species of landscape. We ran all univariate models examin- management interest). We only evaluated trans- ing count covariates, and retained covariates fer of model parameters from Georgia to South D < with high support ( AICc 2). We then exam- Carolina because it provided the most conserva- ined models that allowed for additive or interac- tive evaluation given the more robust dataset col- tive effects to attain a top overall model. lected along the Georgia coast. We used each The top model from each state dataset was state’s top model as an index for habitat quality evaluated for fit both internally (within state) in South Carolina. We then identified high-qual- and externally (SC to GA or GA to SC). We ity habitat as the top 25% of tidal marsh habitat used linear regression to compare the model- predicted by each model within South Carolina. estimated (predicted) abundance to observed Using ArcGIS 10.2, we applied the analysis to the abundance data from the same locations for all salt and brackish marsh designated by the initial four-model-evaluation scenarios. We accounted NWI land cover in our study region.

❖ 5 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01715 ROACH ET AL.

Table 2. Model selection of Clapper Rail abundance models in South Carolina (SC) and Georgia (GA), United States.†

D x Æ State Model name AICc i K Loglikelihood Beta estimates SE SC Distance to forest 9 elevation 0 1 6 À2174 1.51 Æ 0.17; À1.32 Æ 1.75 SC Total landscape variable 20.42 3.7E-05 10 À2167 NA model (additive) GA Distance to forest 9 proportion 016À2146 À0.94 Æ 0.12; À0.30 Æ 0.11 of brackish marsh GA Total landscape variable 50.98 8.5E-12 10 À2167 NA model (additive) † Our total landscape variable model was an additive model including all predictor variables measured in our study D (Table 2). Our top detection covariate for all models was the presence or absence of wind. AICc: AICc for the ith model is com- puted as AICi – min (AIC), xi is the AIC model weight, K is the number of parameters, beta estimates explain the relationship between the parameter and Clapper Rail abundance, and only significant relationships are reported.

RESULTS Model transferability Models did not transfer well from one state to Detection probability and habitat variables another (Fig. 2b, c); predictions using data from influencing Clapper Rail abundance one state had low R2 values (<0.04) and were not Clapper Rails occupied the majority of sites in significant (P = 0.15, 0.42). When data from both both South Carolina and Georgia, and our na€ıve states were combined in a training dataset and then occupancy estimate was 96% and 88%, respec- applied to a randomly selected test data, R2 values tively. Wind (presence or absence during survey) improved to 0.08 (P < 0.05). To evaluate the role of was the only parameter that influenced detection non-analog environments on transferability, we for both South Carolina and Georgia. Detection used a reduced dataset that eliminated 21 sites from probabilities were 0.43 and 0.32 in South Caro- Georgia where distance to forest values fell outside lina and 0.33 and 0.24 in Georgia with no wind two standard deviations from the mean distance to and wind, respectively. In South Carolina, the forest value in South Carolina. After the reduction D < 2 = only competitive model ( AICc 2) was the of sites, transferability was still poor (R 0.004). interaction between distance to forest and eleva- In order to further assess model fit, we evalu- tion (Table 2). Distance to forest had a stronger ated the suitable habitat (to 25% of predicted influence on Clapper Rail abundance at lower tidal marsh habitat) each model predicted in elevations, where Clapper Rail abundance was South Carolina and examined the overlap generally higher at sites further from forested between those two habitats. The South Carolina areas. In Georgia, the only competitive model model identified 73% of the habitat as suitable in was the interaction between distance to forest South Carolina, whereas the Georgia model pre- and proportion of brackish marsh (Table 2). dicted 77% of the focal region as suitable in Clapper Rail abundance weakly increased with South Carolina. The overlap between the two area of brackish marsh at sites that were close model-predicted suitable areas was 2% (Fig. 3). to forests; however, for sites that were further away from forests abundance increased at a stee- DISCUSSION per rate with the proportion of surrounding brackish marsh. Our results indicate that even in a region where We internally validated model performance by the landscape is fairly homogenous, local (state) predicting abundance for each state using state- models of Clapper Rail abundance do not accu- specific top model parameter estimates and rately predict Clapper Rail numbers in an adjacent compared them to the observed abundance in state. Models derived from the same state where their respective state. Each internal evaluation abundance is being predicted (internal) performed was significant (P < 0.0005), although total vari- much better than those models predicting abun- ance explained by predicted values was low dance for another state (external). Our top models (R2 = 0.35 and 0.14 in SC and GA, respectively; for South Carolina and Georgia shared one Fig. 2a, d). variable, but were not identical. One potential

❖ 6 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01715 ROACH ET AL.

(a) (b) R2 = 0.35 R2 = 0.003 P < 0.005 P < 0.005


(c) (d) 2 R = 0.03 R2 = 0.14 P = 0.15 P = 0.50 Estimated Clapper Rail abundance


SC GA Observed Clapper Rail abundance

Fig. 2. Comparison of observed and predicted parameter estimates for the top models for Clapper Rail abun- dance generated in each state. South Carolina estimated abundance (a) significantly predicts observed abun- dance within South Carolina; however, (b) it does not predict observed abundance in Georgia. Georgia estimated abundance (c) did not predict observed abundance in South Carolina; however, (d) it did significantly predict observed abundance within Georgia. explanation for poor transferability is a mismatch states, it is still imperative to consider the local- in the range of values for the top environmental scale (in this case at a state level) environmental predictors from each state. Nevertheless, when we variables when predicting abundance for species eliminated outliers from the Georgia dataset, the in areas with regional differences or varying envi- transferability only increased slightly. Because our ronmental conditions. Lastly, the South Carolina results did not show a strong increase in transfer- and Georgia top models did not identify similar ability, Clapper Rails in South Carolina and Geor- suitable marsh habitat in South Carolina (Fig. 3). gia may be selecting for different habitats. The lack of overlap from the two models demon- Our combined analyses yielded the highest fit strates that non-transferability can have big conse- to an external dataset. The top model from our quences; using the Georgia-derived model to combined analysis maintained the same parame- predict suitable habitat for Clapper Rails in South ter as previous models (distance to forest) and Carolina would result in poor habitat assessment one new parameter (proportion of marsh land- for conservation planning. scape). While every top model for individual anal- There are a number of factors that may have yses was different, distance to forest appeared in led to the poor transferability we observed each model as an important parameter. However, between states. Previous studies have shown because the other top parameters varied between that habitat relationships may exhibit regional

❖ 7 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01715 ROACH ET AL.

Fig. 3. The predicted top 25% suitable Clapper Rail habitat for the top South Carolina and Georgia-derived models and the overlap between the two. variation for similar species in fairly homogenous- a high frequency. This variability in local-scale seeming landscapes (Whittingham et al. 2007). habitats could influence habitat selection of Clap- Varying management strategies and historical per Rails and drive variability between South land uses in each state can create local-scale differ- Carolina and Georgia. Model transferability can ences between the landscapes we examined. For also be impaired for logistical reasons. In the instance, South Carolina has a highly impounded southeastern United States, there are few congru- coastline (managed wetlands) due to a history of ent regional datasets, making it difficult to assess rice harvest until the early 20th century, whereas models across large regions. Additionally, some Georgia does not maintain impoundments at such datasets in one location may be more current than

❖ 8 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01715 ROACH ET AL. others, leading to mismatches in future projec- most effective when the training area is similar to tions of habitat models. the test area; however, such conveniences may not Previous studies of model transferability have be realistic in the context of real-world conserva- had mixed results, and accuracy of model predic- tion efforts spanning large regions or long time tions has varied across taxa (McPherson and Jetz periods. This study demonstrates that there is a 2007, Poyry€ et al. 2008, Dobrowski et al. 2011) need to continue monitoring populations at a local and modeling frameworks (Rapacciuolo et al. scale because both abundance and habitat–abun- 2012, Wenger and Olden 2012). Studies using dance relationships differed in South Carolina and resource-based models, models incorporating Georgia. Ecological systems are complex, so in phenological metrics, and models containing addition to data collected across broad spatial multi- data have demonstrated high trans- scales we will also likely need long-term datasets ferability (Vanreusel et al. 2007, Tuanmu et al. to untangle some of those complexities. 2011). Often, the primary reason transferability Predictive models can be powerful tools for efforts fail is due to high variability in relevance forecasting species occurrences in poorly docu- among the environmental predictors (Fielding mented areas, selecting sites for species reintro- and Haworth 1995, Guay et al. 2003, Zharikov duction and preservation, predicting species et al. 2007, Gray et al. 2009, Sundblad et al. 2009, responses to environmental changes, and reduc- Wenger and Olden 2012). Even when relevant ing uncertainties associated with anthropogenic environmental predictors are used, generalist change (Fielding and Haworth 1995). Few studies species, such as Clapper Rails, pose additional have evaluated relationships of species and envi- challenges. Clapper Rails inhabit a wide range of ronments well beyond the areas where training marsh types across the southeast, which makes data were collected (Fielding and Haworth 1995, transferability models for these species problem- Rodrıguez and Andren 1999, Morris et al. 2001, atic since either the species has broad habitat tol- Whittingham et al. 2003). Independent model erances or habitat selection varies geographically. transferability should be assessed when there is We argue it is important to understand and ade- an interest in making inferences outside the data quately sample environmental variation across a used for fitting (Wenger and Olden 2012). The region of interest and then assess transferability in ability to use general models when making con- order to enact effective conservation measures servation decisions is particularly useful on larger across geographic scales. While our initial models scales. More statewide cooperation, regionally did not transfer well across space, the information standardized protocols, and better regional data- we gathered can still be useful to local conserva- sets could greatly enhance the ability to more tion planners and help reduce uncertainties of spe- effectively assess model transferability. In regions cies response to habitat loss associated with that are particularly susceptible to land-use and current and future anthropogenic disturbances. In climate impacts, predictive models can have the southeastern United States, many federal and important management implications, but the regional wildlife agencies and land managers are impact of such models will be stronger when interested in understanding the potential impacts transferability has been robustly assessed. sea-level rise has on wildlife populations. Sea-level rise is expected to alter habitats significantly in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS South Carolina and Georgia with rapid tidal marsh loss of 20–45% projected for 2100 (Craft et al. 2009, This research was funded by South Carolina Depart- Hunter et al. 2015). Evaluating environmental vari- ment of Natural Resources, Nemours Foundation, Uni- ’ ables that influence abundance of Clapper Rails in ted States Geological Survey s Patuxent Wildlife South Carolina and Georgia provides conservation Research Center through the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative, the Georgia Department of planners information on key habitats for monitor- Natural Resources, United States Department of Agri- ing and protection. Species distribution models are culture National Institute of Food and Agriculture McIn- often used in large-scale conservation planning, tire Stennis Project GEOZ-0146-MS, and the Georgia but they may not be as effective if the habitat rela- OrnithologicalSociety.WethankA.Roddy,M.Miller, tionships or predictor variables are not appropri- K. Gillman, R. Guy, A. Mankofsky, L. Mengak, and ately understood. Transferability will likely be J. Nelson for assistance with fieldwork. Additionally, we

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❖ 12 March 2017 ❖ Volume 8(3) ❖ Article e01715