Months Mind: LEIGHLIN PARISH NEWSLETTER Paddy McDonald, Seskin Road, Mass on Sun 1st March at 11am in Leighlinbridge. 1 S T M A R C H 2 0 2 0 Frances Kane, 19 St Lazerian’s Terrace, Mass on Sat 7th March at 7.30pm F I R S T S U N D A Y O F L E N T Leighlinbridge. David Byrne, Tomard, Bilboa, Mass on Sun 8th March at 9.30am in Contact Details: Ballinabranna. 1st Anniversaries: Fr Pat Hennessy A Family Prayer for Lent 059 9721463 Patrick Dowling, Cloydagh. Mass on Sunday 1st March at 9.30am in Creator God, Ballinabranna. Deacon Patrick Roche 083 1957783 Anniversaries: be with us as we make our Lenten journey Annie Miley Annie Geraghty, Raheendoran Parish Centre Wilhelm Sieber, Banagagole Elizabeth Geraghty, Clonmelsh 059 9722607 together as a family. James & Kathleen Doran, Raheen Philip Sheehy, Banagagole Email: Margaret Farrell, Craanluskey, Bilboa John & Kathleen Moran, Powerstown
[email protected] Elizabeth Nolan, Coolnakisha Jimmy Flynn, Killenane, Bagenalstown Live Webcam Give us the strength Christy Dunne, Clogrennane Willie Brennan, Moanduff Tom Dunne, Raheendoran Jacinta Kirwan, Rathoe James Dermody, Old Town Vincent Pierce, late of Augharue & Sligo to do what we have promised and the love to Joan Ryan, Tomard Pat Day, late of Carlow Rd, Leighlinbridge Mass Times: help one another along the way. Frank Flynn, Killenane Kathleen & Michael McCartney, Raheendoran Leighlinbridge Billy & Hannah McGrath, Rathellen Saturday 7.30pm Michael Bolger, New Road, Leighlinbridge Sunday 11am Raymond & Margaret O’Leary, St Lazerian's Terrace When Easter comes, The Delaney Family, Church St, Leighlinbridge Mon, Tues, & Thurs Edward, Catherine & Edward Earl, Clogrennane 9.30am may our Lenten promises have brought us closer to Acknowledgment Eucharistic Prayers The wife & family of the late Patrick (Pat) McDonald would like to thank Dr Tom Foley, Fri 9.30am You and to Your Son, Jesus.