Philosophic Hinduism
1h7 PAPER~ ON lNDIAN REFORM. RELIGIOUS REFORM. PART II. PHILOSOPHIC HINDUISM. Yatha deva, tatha bhaktah, •• .a.a Ia the god, ao Ia the worshipper." 11 'fhou thoughtest that J (God) was altogether nch an one as thyself," Tltt Bibk, 11 What Ia nO\ true c&JlJlot be patriotic." Haj.s .Sir JCadlta1111 Ho111, ]{, C, 8, I, MADRAS: THE CHRISTIAN VERNACULAR EDUCATION SOCIETY. S. P. C. K. PRESS, VEP.t;RY. isT. Eo.J 1887. [2,000. 168 PREFATORY NOTE. Part I. of the Pape?'B on Religious Reform treats of POPU~E HINDUisM, the religion of the Hindus in general1 as represented m the Epic Poems, Puranas, Tantras, and aboriginal cults. Part II. discusses PHILOSOPHIC HINDUISM, as unfolded in the Upanishads and Darsanas. In the following compilation the under· mentioned works have -chiefly been used :- Ballantyne, Christianity contrasted with Hindu ·Philosophy. Madden. 1859. Banerjea., Rev. Dr. Krishna Mohun, Dialogues on ·the. Hindu Philosophy. Williams and Norgate, 1861. ·. Barth, Reliuions 4 India, Triibner. l6s. · Bose, A. M. Ram Chandra, Hindu Pkilosoph]/J Punjab Religious Book Society, Lahore, Rs. 2. Do. Hindu Heterodox'(/, Methodist Publishing House, Calcutta, Rs. 3. ' ' . Caldwell, Bishop, Remo/ks on t'M Bhagavr.ul Gita.* C. V.. E. S, Chentsal Ra.o, Hon. P. The Hindu lleligion1 Ohrisli4n, Oall{?ge MagazineJ Vol. III., pp. 915-932. Colebrooke, EasayB on tke Religion and Philosophy pf ~ HiwJ,us,. Williams and Norgate. Day~ Rev. Lal Behari, Tract on Pantheism. Included in Select Tracts, C. V. E. S. Duff, Rev. Dr., India and India Missions.* Flint, Rev. Dr., .Antitheistic Them'ies. W.
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