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Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française

Bibliographie d’histoire de l’Amérique française (publications récentes) Centre de bibliographie historique de l’Amérique française

Volume 44, Number 4, printemps 1991


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Publisher(s) Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française

ISSN 0035-2357 (print) 1492-1383 (digital)

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Cite this document Centre de bibliographie historique de l’Amérique française (1991). Bibliographie d’histoire de l’Amérique française (publications récentes). Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française, 44(4), 621–653.

Tous droits réservés © Institut d'histoire de l'Amérique française, 1991 This document is protected by copyright law. Use of the services of Érudit (including reproduction) is subject to its terms and conditions, which can be viewed online.

This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit. Érudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Université de Montréal, Université Laval, and the Université du Québec à Montréal. Its mission is to promote and disseminate research. BIBLIOGRAPHIE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

(PUBLICATIONS RÉCENTES) préparée depuis 1967 par le Centre de bibliographie historique de l'Amérique française

sous la direction de Paul AUBIN (Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture).

Cette bibliographie est réalisée à partir du dépouillement systé­ matique de plus de 400 périodiques. Tous ces titres, de même que ceux-là que, faute d'espace, nous ne mentionnons pas dans la chronique de la Revue, sont ensuite versés dans la banque informatisée HISCABEQ; le recours à cette banque offre au chercheur la possibilité d'une mise à jour cumulative des données bibliographiques dans le ou les champs de recherche qui l'intéressent.


1 - BLONDIN, George, When the World Was New: Stories of the Sahtu Dene. Yellowknife, Outcrop, The Northern Publishers, 1990. 246 p. 2 - BOILEAU, Georges, «Notes ethnologiques sur les Indiens de Maniwaki», Asticou. Revue d'histoire de l'Outaouais, 21,41 (déc. 1989): 4-11. 3 - BRIGHTMAN, Robert A., «Toward a History of Indian Religion: Religious Changes in Native Societies», Colin G. CALLOWAY, New Directions in American Indian History. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1988, 223-249. 4 - BRUMBACH, Hetty Jo et Robert JARVENPA, Ethnoarchaeological and Cultural Frontiers: Athapaskan, Algonquian, and European Adaptations in the Central Subarctic. New York, Peter Lang, 1989. xi-325 p. 5 - COMTOIS, Robert, Uinipek[exposant uj: les Montagnais de Mingan et Vexploitation des ressources côtières durant la première moitié du XX* siècle. Thèse de M.A., Université Laval, 1988. x-220 p. 6 - CRNKOVICH, Mary, Gossip: a Spoken History of Women in the North. Ottawa, Canadian Arctic Resources Committee, 1990. xxi-289 p. 7 - Dehcho: 'Mom, We've Been Discovered!'. Yellowknife, Dene Cultural Institute [1989]. 48 p.

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8 - DIUBALDO, Richard J., «You Can't Keep the Native Native», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 171-188. 9 - EWERS, John C, «Indian Views of the White Man Prior to 1850: an Interpretation», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 444-457. 10 - JOHNSON, Leo A., «The Mississauga - Lake Ontario Land Surrender of 1805», Ontario History, 82,3 (sept. 1990): 233-253. 11 - LANDO, Peter Louis, The Socio-History of the Units ofKwakiutl Property Tenure. Thèse de M.A. (anthropologie et sociologie), University of British Columbia, 1988. vi- 170 p. 12 - LECLAIR, Laurie, The Huron-Wyandottes of Anderdon Township: a Case Study in Native Adaptation, 1701-1914. Thèse de M.A. (histoire), University of Windsor, 1988. viii- 101 p. 13 - LESLIE, John, «Buried Hatchet: the Origins of Indian Reserves in 19th-century Ontario», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 379-385. 14 - LORTIE, Richard, La guerre des Renards, 1700-1740, ou, Quatre décennies de résistance à lexpansionnisme français. Thèse de M.A., Université Laval, 1988. xv-133 p. 15 - MacGREGOR, Roy, Chief: the Fearless Vision of Billy Diamond. Markham, Penguin Books Canada, 1990. 297 p. 16 - MacKINNON, C. S., «The 1958 Government Policy Reversal in Keewatin», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 159-170. 17 - MCCARTHY, Martha, To Evangelize the Nations: Roman Catholic Missions in Manitoba, 1818-1870. [], Manitoba Culture, Heritage and Recreation, Historic Resources, 1990. viii-245 p. 18 - McCORMACK, Patricia A., «Chipewyans Turn Crée: Governmental and Structural Factors in Ethnic Processes», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 125-138. 19 - MORRISON, William R., «The Comprehensive Claims Process in Canada's North: New Rhetoric, Old Policies», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 261-274. 20 - MORSE, Bradford, «Government Obligations, Aboriginal Peoples and Section 91 (24) of the Constitution Act, 1867», David C. HAWKES, Aboriginal Peoples and Govern­ ment Responsibility: Exploring Federal and Provincial Roles. Ottawa, Carleton University Press, 1989, 59-91. 21 - MOTT, Morris, «Games and Contests of the First Manitoban», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 18-27. 22 - MO WAT, Farley, Westviking: the Ancient Norse in Greenland and North America. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1990. 614 p. 23 - PARÉ, Pierre et al., La toponymie des Naskapis. [Québec], Gouvernement du Québec, Commission de toponymie, 1990. xi-98 p. 24 - PASTORE, Ralph, «The Collapse of the Beothuk World», Acadiensis, 19,1 (aut. 1990): 52-71. 25 - PETTIPAS, Katherine, Severing the Ties that Binds: the Canadian Indian Act and the Repression of Indigenous Religious Systems in the Prairie Region, 1898-1951. Thèse de Ph.D. (histoire et anthropologie), , 1989. xiii-524 p. 26 - PLOURDE, Michel, «Des Iroquois à la Pointe-aux-Alouettes au XVIIIèmc siècle [sic]», Saguenayensia, 31,2 (av.-juin 1989): 11-18. 27 - PRATT, Alan, «Federalism in the Era of Aboriginal Self-Government», David C. Hawkes, Aboriginal Peoples and Government Responsibility: Exploring Federal and Provin­ cial Roles. Ottawa, Carleton University Press, 1989, 19-57. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 623

28 - ROUSSEAU, Jacques et George W. BROWN, «The Indians of Northeastern North America», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 3-16. 29 - ROY, Arthur Joseph, «Fur Trade History as an Aspect of Native History», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 51-63. 30 - STEVENSON, Winona Lu-Ann, The Church Missionary Society: Red River Mission and the Emergence of a Native Ministry, 1820-1860: with a Case Study of Charles Pratt of Touchwood Hills. Thèse de M.A. (histoire), University of British Columbia, 1988. vii-189 p. 31 - The Travellers: Canada to 1900: an Annotated Bibliography of Works Published in English from 1577. , University of Guelph, 1989. viii-321 p. 32 - THOMPSON, Judy, Pride of the Indian Wardrobe: Northern Athapaskan Footwear. Toronto, Bata Shoe Museum, Press, 1990. xvii-198 p. 33 - TOBIAS, John L., «Canada's Subjugation of the Plains Crée, 1879-1885», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post- Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 122-147. 34 - TRIGGER, Bruce Graham, «The French Presence in Huronia: the Structure of Franco- Huron Relations in the First Half of the Seventeenth Century», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 16-48. 35 - TYROLER, Marjorie Jane, La description du sauvage dans les Relations de Paul LeJeune. Thèse de M.A. (littérature française), Université McGill, 1988. iv-134 p. 36 - VAN KIRK, Sylvia Marian, «Women in Between: Indian Women in Fur Trade Society in Western Canada», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 64-79. 37 - WONDERS, William C, «The Dene/Inuit Interface in Canada's Western Arctic, N.W.T.», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 245-260.


38 - BELL, David V. J. et Lome TEPPERMAN, «Founding Fragments and Formative Events», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 67-74. 39 - BLISS, Michael, Northern Enterprise: Five Centuries of Canadian Business. Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1990. 640 p. 40 - COUGLE, R. James, Not by Choice: the True Story of the French-English Struggle. Fredericton, R. J. Cougle [1989]. 141 p. 41 - ECCLES, W. J., «The PreempUve Conquest, 1749-1763», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 175-198. 42 - ODYNAK, Emily, Early Canada. Edmonton, WEIGL Educational Publishers, 1989. 104 p. 43 - WALDEN, Freda Farrell et William F. E. MORLEY, Bibliography of Canadiana Published in Great Britain, 1519-1763/Bibliographie des ouvrages sur le Canada publiés en Grande-Bretagne entre 1519 et 1763. Toronto, ECW Press, 1990. lxv- 535 p.



44 - POPE, Peter, «Historical Archaeology and the Demand for Alcohol in 17th Century Newfoundland», Acadiensis, 19,1 (aut. 1990): 72-90.



45 - Architecture rurale. Montréal, Communauté urbaine de Montréal, Service de la planification du territoire, 1986. xix-421 p. 46 - ARSENEAULT, Danielle, Didier CENCIG et Benoît THÉRIAULT, Guide des sources d'archives sur l'Outaouais québécois. [Hull], Institut d'histoire et de recherche sur l'Outaouais, 1989. vi p. 47 - AUBIN, Henri, L'île d'Orléans de Félix Leclerc. Québec, Éditions La Liberté, 1989. 137 p. 48 - BACON, René, «Louis Demers, récollet (1732-1813)», Les cahiers nicolétains, 12,1 (mars 1990): 3-22. 49 - BEAUDET, Pierre et Céline CLOUTIER, Les témoins archéologiques du fort Chambly. Ottawa, Lieux et parcs historiques nationaux, Service des parcs, 1989. 125 p. 50 - BOHSER, John F. «The Family in New France», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 112-123. 51 - BOUCHARD, Russel, Métabetchouan: du poste de traite à la ville. [Chicoutimi], Société historique du Saguenay, 1986. 79 p. 52 - BRASSARD, Michel, Le site du premier palais de l'intendant à Québec: rapport préliminaire de la sixième campagne de fouilles, 1987. Thèse de M.A., Université Laval, 1989. iv-97 p. 53 - CATALANO, Francis, Le savoir évangélisateur de Paul Lejeune dans la Relation de 1634. Thèse de M.A. (études littéraires), Université du Québec à Montréal, 1988. 125 p. 54 - ECCLES, W. J., «Society and the Frontier», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990,94-112. 55 - GAGNON, Gaston, Un pays neuf: le Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean en évolution. Aima, Éditions du Royaume, 1988. 196 p. 56 - HÉBERT, Hélène, Jean-Noël DION et Albert RÉMILLARD, Le marché de Saint- Hyacinthe: et, Quelques marchés publics du Québec. Saint-Hyacinthe, Éditions JML, Centre muséologique régional de Saint-Hyacinthe, 1989. xiii-171 p. 57 - HUDON, Paul-Henri, «Attaque de Phipps sur Québec - 300 ans», L'estuaire généalo­ gique, 11,34 (av.-mai-juin 1990): 770-779. 58 - JETTE, René et Micheline LÉCUYER, Répertoire des noms de famille du Québec des origines à 1825. Montréal, Institut généalogique J. L., 1988. iii-201 p. 59 - KENNEY, Morgan, Madeleine de Ver chères: heroine canadienne. Toronto, D. C. Heath Canada, 1989. 70 p. 60 - LABERGE, Pierre, Analyse des Avantures du Sr. C. Le Beau, relation de voyage publiée en 1738. Thèse de M.A., Université Uval, 1987. 107 p. 61 - LESSARD, Claude, «L'alphabétisation à Trois-Rivières de 1634 à 1939», Les cahiers nicolétains, 12,3 (sept. 1990): 83-118. 62 - NOËL, Jan, «New France: les femmes favorisées», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 123-146. 63 - NOËL, Johanne, Le peuplement de la seigneurie de Chambly, les alliances matrimoniales et Venracinement, 1665-1740. Thèse de M.A., Université Laval, 1988. viii-147 p. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 625

64 - PERRON, Christiane, La vie dun pionnier de l'île d'Orléans: Robert Gagnon, 1628- 1703. Longueuil, C. Perron, 1989. 268 p. 65 - SABOURIN, Yvon, Inventaire du greffe de Thomas Vuatier, notaire de Vaudreuil- Soulanges, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, l'Ilel-JPerrot, de Châteauguay, 1751 à 1784. Hull, Société de généalogie de l'Outaouais, 1990. viii-149 p. 66 - SAINT-PIERRE, Diane et Yves HÉBERT, Archives paroissiales de la Côte-du-Sud: inventaire sommaire. Québec, Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1990. 55 p. 67 - SIMARD, Jean, Les arts sacrés au Québec. Boucherville, Éditions de Mortagne, 1989. 319 p. 68 - STACEY, C. P., «Generals and Generalship before Quebec, 1759-1760», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 198-212. 69 - STEWART, Alan Maxwell, Settling and 18th-Century Faubourg: Property and Family in the Saint-Laurent Suburb, 1735-1810. Thèse de M.A. (histoire), McGill University, 1988. xiii-230 p. 70 - TÊTU DE LABSADE, Françoise, Le Québec: un pays, une culture. [Montréal], Boréal, 1990. 458 p. 71 - TURCOTTE, Denis et ai, Aperçu historique du Québec: des faits, des dates, des personnages. Sainte-Foy, Québec dans le monde, 1989. 49 p. 72 - VACHON, André, Ramas. 1: Histoire du Canada. Sillery, Septentrion, 1988. 141 p.

VOIR AUSSI: 14; 26; 34; 35.


73 - ABELLA, Irving, A Coat of Many Colours: Two Centuries of Jewish Life in Canada. Toronto, Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1990. 248 p. 74 - AJZENSTAT, Janet, «Canada's First Constitution: Pierre Bédard on Tolerance and Dissent», Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science, 23,1 (mars 1990): 39-57. 75 - BUSS, Helen M., «Canadian Women's Autobiography: Some Critical Directions», Shirley NEUMAN et Smaro KAMBOURELI, A Mazing Space: Writing Canadian Women Writing. Edmonton, Longspoon Newest, 1986, 154-164. 76 - CARTER, Velma et LeVero CARTER, The Black Canadians: their History and Contributions. Edmonton, Reidmore Books, 1989. v-82 p. 77 - CHAMBERLAIN, M. E., The Welsh in Canada. [Wales], Canadian Studies in Wales Group, 1986. hi-102 p. 78 - CRAIG, Gerald M., «Lord Durham's Report», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 312-321. 79 - Guide des archives littérairesILiterary Archives Guide. [Ottawa], Archives nationales du Canada, 1988. 59-66 p. 80 - INNIS, Harold, «The Importance of Staple Products», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 138-140. 81 - LAXER, Gordon, «The Branch Plant Economy», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 153-163. 82 - McINTOSH, Dave, When the Work's All Done this Fall: the Settling of the Land. Toronto, Stoddart, 1989. 301 p. 83 - McMULLIN, Stanley E., «Notes on the Occult and the Arts in Canada», Jorn CARLSEN et Bengt STREIJFFERT, Essays in Canadian Literature. Lund, Nordic Association for Canadian Studies, 1989, 79-95. 626 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

84 - NEW, William Herbert, A History of Canadian Literature. London, Macmillan Education, 1989. 380 p. 85 - OVERLAND, Orm, Johan Schroder's Travels in Canada, 1863. Montréal, McGill- Queen's University Press, 1989. xxii-168 p. 86 - RAMIREZ, Bruno, The Italians in Canada. Ottawa, Canadian Historical Association, 1989. 27 p. 87 - REDMOND, Gerald, «Some Aspects of Organized Sport and Leisure in Nineteenth- Century Canada», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 81-106. 88 - SHELTON, W. G., «The United Empire Loyalists: a Reconsideration», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 234-243. 89 - STEELE, Apollonia et Johanne K. HENNING, Theses on English-Canadian Literature: a Bibliography of Research Produced in Canada and Elsewhere from 1903 Forward. , Press, 1988. xxvi-505 p. 90 - WARD, William Peter, Courtship, Love and Marriage in Nineteenth-Century English Canada. Montréal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1990. x-219 p. 91 - WILSON, David A., The Irish in Canada. Ottawa, Canadian Historical Association, 1989. 23 p.

VOIR AUSSI: 3; 31; 38; 39; 40.


92 - ABBOTT, Kirby, «The Coal Miners and the Law in Nova Scotia: from the 1864 Combination of Workmen Act to 1947 Trade Union Act», Michael EARLE, Workers and the State in Twentieth Century Nova Scotia. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1989, 24-46. 93 - ACHESON, Thomas William, «The Great Merchant and Economic Development in Saint John, 1820-1850», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 409-433. 94 - BRUN, Régis, La pêche au homard en milieu acadien du sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick, 1850-1900; les techniques d'exploitation, les entrepreneurs et la main-d'œuvre. Thèse de M.A. (histoire), Université de Moncton, 1988. x-107 p. 95 - BRUN, Régis, Bernard LEBLANC et Armand ROBICHAUD, Les bâtiments anciens de la Mer Rouge. Moncton, Michael Henry, 1988. 172 p. (Beaubassin, N.-B.) 96 - CANDOW, James E., «The New England Planters in Nova Scotia», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 214-219. 97 - CONDON, Ann Gorman, «The Envoy of the American States», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 282-310. 98 - DAY, Robert D., «The British Garrison at Halifax: its Contribution to the Development of Sport in the Community», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 28-36. 99 - ENNALS, Peter et Deryck HOLDSWORTH, «The Cultural Landscape of the Maritime Provinces», Douglas DAY, Geographical Perspectives on the Maritime Provinces. Halifax, Saint Mary's University, 1988, 1-14. 100 - FELLOWS, Edward S., New Brunswick's Natural Resources: 150 Years of Stewardship! Les ressources naturelles du Nouveau-Brunswick: 150 ans de production exemplaire. [Fredericton], Natural Resources and Energy/Ressources naturelles et énergie [1987?]. iii-194 p. 101 - FINLEY, Grerr, «The Gothic Revival and the Victorian Church in New Brunswick: Toward a Strategy for Material Culture Research», Bulletin d'histoire de la culture matérielle, 32 (aut. 1990): 1-16. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 627

102 - GRANT, B. J., People, Places, Things in New Brunswick: an Index to the Royal Gazette. Vol. 1: 1784-1809. Fredericton, B. J. Grant, 1990. 179 p. 103 - GRIFFITHS, Naomi, «The Golden Age: Acadian Life, 1713-1748», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 158-172. 104 - HEWITT, Martin, The Mechanics' Institute Movement in the Maritimes, 1831-1889. Thèse de M.A. (histoire), Université du Nouveau-Brunswick, 1986. vii-312 p. 105 - HORNSBY, Stephen J., «Migration and Setdement: the Scots of Cape Breton», Douglas DAY, Geographical Perspectives on the Maritime Provinces. Halifax, Saint Mary's University, 1988, 15-24. 106 - LANGHOUT, Rosemarie, «About Face», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 518-523. (Confédération) 107 - MacKINNON, Robert et Graeme WYNN, «Nova Scotian Agriculture in the Golden Age: a New Look», Douglas DAY, Geographical Perspectives on the Maritime Provinces. Halifax, Saint Mary's University, 1988, 47-60. 108 - MATTHEWS, Keith, «The Nature and the Framework of Newfoundland History», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 149-158. 109 - MUISE, Delphin Andrew, «Railroaded into Union», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990,512-517. 110 - OMMER, Rosemary E., «The Truck System in Gaspé, 1822-1877», Acadiensis, 19,1 (aut. 1990): 91-114. 111 - PENNER, Peter, The Chignecto «Connexion»: the History of Sackville Methodist/United Church, 1772-1990. Sackville, Sackville United Church, 1990. iv-192 p. 112 - PULSIFER, Cameron, «Winter Comfort and the Use of Storm Sashes in Nineteenth Century Halifax: the Military Experience», Bulletin d'histoire de la culture maté­ rielle, 32 (aut. 1990): 65-70. 113 - RAWLYK, George A., «The American Revolution and Nova Scotia Reconsidered», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 220-233. 114 - THORNTON, Patricia, «The Transition from the Migratory to the Resident Fishery in the Strait of Belle Isle», Acadiensis, 19,2 (print 1990): 92-120. 115 - TROXLER, Carole W., «A Loyalist Life: John Bond of South Carolina and Nova Scotia», Acadiensis, 19,2 (print 1990): 72-91. 116 - WARNER, Donald F., «The Post-Confederation Annexation Movement in Nova Scotia», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post-Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 3-11. 117 - WEALE, David Emrys et Harry BAGLOLE, «The Island and Confederation: the End of an Era?», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post-Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 22-34. 118 - WEBBER, David A., A Thousand Young Men: the Colonial Volunteer Militia of Prince Edward Island, 1775-1874. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Museum & Heritage Foundation, 1990. xi-161 p.



119 - BOUCHARD, Gérard et Régis THIBEAULT, «Inertie et mutations dans l'agriculture du Saguenay: évolution des productions et des rendements (1852-1971)», Sague- nayensia, 31,4 (oct.-déc. 1989): 4-12. 628 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

120 - BOURQUE, Mario, Danielle GAUVREAU et Marc SAINT-HILAIRE, «La formation de la population du Saguenay avant 1940: étude à partir des registres d'état civil», Saguenayensia, 31,2 (av.-juin 1989): 27-35. 121 - CHAMPAGNE, Lucie, Le financement des pensionnats de jeunes filles au Québec: le modèle de la Congrégation des Sœurs de Sainte-Anne, 1850-1950. Thèse de M.A. (histoire), Université de Sherbrooke, 1988. v-125 p. 122 - CHOKO, Marc H., The Major Squares of Montreal. Montréal, Meridian Press, 1990. 213 p. 123 - CONDEMINE, Odette, Octave Crémazie - Œuvres. Montréal, Éditions du Fleuve, 1989. 2 vol. 613 p., 438 p. 124 - COURVILLE, Serge et Normand SÉGUIN, Rural Life in Nineteenth-Century Quebec. Ottawa, Canadian Historical Association, 1989. 30 p. 125 - De BRAEKELEER, Marc et To-Nga DAO, «L'histoire des maladies héréditaires au Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean: des origines à nos jours», Saguenayensia, 31,3 (juill.-déc. 1989): 4-12. 126 - DÉSORMEAUX, Guy, Recensements de Bowman et Villeneuve, 1861 à 1891. Hull, Société de généalogie de l'Outaouais, 1990. xv-117 p. 127 - FRECHETTE, Denis, «Le boisé du Séminaire», Les cahiers nicolétains, 12,2 (juin 1990): 68-77. 128 - FRENETTE, Yves, La genèse d'une communauté canadienne-française en Nouvelle- Angleterre: Lewiston, Maine, 1800-1880. Thèse de Ph.D., Université Laval, 1988. 392 p. 129 - GAGNON, Robert, «Capital culturel et identité sociale: les fonctions sociales du discours sur l'encombrement des professions libérales au XIXe siècle», Sociologie et sociétés, t 21,2 (oct. 1989): 129-146. 130 - HÉBERT, Pierre-Maurice, «Bernard O'Reilly. L'amour des Canadiens français», Les cahiers nicolétains, 12,2 (juin 1990): 43-67. 131 - IGARTUA, José Eduardo, «A Change in Climate: the Conquest and the Marchands of Montreal», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 255-272. 132 - LAGANIERE, André, «Le missionnaire et son rôle de pasteur: les rites», Les cahiers nicolétains, 12,1 (mars 1990): 29-37. 133 - LAMBERT, Claude, «Localisation du poste de traite de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson au lac des Sables», Asticou. Revue d'histoire de l'Outaouais, 21,39-40 (août 1989): 34-41. 134 - LAWSON, Philip, The Imperial Challenge: Quebec and Britain in the Age of the American Revolution. Montréal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1989. x-192 p. 135 - LEGAULT, Louise A., et al., Montréal, ville internationale. The International City. Burlington, Windsor Publications (Canada), 1990. 351 p. 136 - MARTIN, Jean, «Les activités forestières au Bas-Saguenay, 1838-1945», Saguenayensia, 31,2 (av.-juin 1989): 19-24. 137 - METCALFE, Alan, «The Evolution of Organized Physical Recreation in Montreal, 1840- 1895», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 130-155. 138 - MONET, Jacques, «True Blue, True Grit», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 505-512. 139 - OUELLET, Fernand, «The Insurrections», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 322-336. 140 - PAQUET, Gilles et Jean-Pierre W ALLOT, Lower Canada at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century: Restructuring and Modernization. Ottawa, Canadian Historical Association, coll. «Historical Booklet», n° 45, 1988. 25 p. 141 - PATERSON, Donald G. et Ronald A. SHEARER, «Terminating Building Societies in Quebec City, 1850-1864», Business History Review (été 1989): 384-415. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 629

142 - PERRON-BOULIANNE, Diane, Un village — tout un monde, Baie Sainte-Catherine. [Baie Saint-Paul, Société d'histoire de Charlevoix], 1988. 129 p. 143 - PETIT, Marcelle-Herminie, Bonjour, AnticostU. Montréal, Éditions Vertet [1989?]. 60 p. 144 - ROBERT, Louise, Liberalism in Lower Canada, 1774-1815. Thèse de M.A. (histoire), University of British Columbia, 1988. iii-105 p. 145 - RUDDEL, David-Thiery, «Consumer Trends, Clothing Textiles and Equipment in the Montreal Area, 1792-1835», Bulletin d'histoire de la culture matérielle, 32 (aut. 1990): 145-164. 146 - SENIOR, Elinor Kyte, «Suppressing Rebellion in Lower Canada: British Military Policy and Practice, 1837-1838», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 336-346. 147 - STANDEN, S. Dale, «The Debate on the Social and Economic Consequences of the Conquest: a Summary», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 246-255. 148 - SWEENY, Robert, «Paysan et ouvrier: du féodalisme laurentien au capitalisme québé­ cois», Sociologie et sociétés, 22,1 (avril 1990): 143-161. 149 - TULCHINSKY, Gerald, «Transportation Changes in the St.Lawrence-Great Lakes Region 1828-1860», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 367-376. 150 - WALLOT, Jean-Pierre, «Culture Shock», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 274-282. 151 - WISE, S. F., «Sport and Class Values in Old Ontario and Quebec», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 107-129.

VOIR AUSSI: 2; 45; 46; 47; 48; 49; 51; 55; 56; 58; 61; 65; 66; 67; 69; 70; 71; 72.


152 - BAUSENHART, Werner, German Immigration and Assimilation in Ontario, 1783-1918. New York, Ottawa, Legas, 1989. 124 p. 153 - BLACK, Robert Merrill, «Stablished in the Faith: the Church of England in Upper Canada 1780-1867», Alan L. HAYES, By Grace Co-Workers: Building the Anglican Diocese of Toronto 1780-1989. Toronto, Anglican Book Centre, 1989, 2141. 154 - BLOOMFIELD, Elizabeth et Gerald T. BLOOMFIELD, The Ontario Urban System at the Onset of the Industrial Era. [Guelph], Department of Geography, University of Guelph, 1989. 59 p. 155 - BLOOMFIELD, Gerald T. et Elizabeth BLOOMFIELD, Water Wheels and Steam Engines: Powered Establishments of Ontario. Guelph, Department of Geography, University of Guelph, 1989. 49 p. 156 - FRIESEN, Paul H., «The Saints in the Land: 1780-1867», Alan L. HAYES, By Grace Co­ workers: Building the Anglican Diocese of Toronto 1780-1989. Toronto, Anglican Book Centre, 1989, 163-186. 157 - FRIEWALD, Bina, «Femininely speaking: Anna Jameson's Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada», Shirley NEUMAN et Smaro KAMBOURELI, A Mazing Space: Writing Canadian Women Writing. Edmonton, Longspoon Newest, 1986, 61-73. 158 - GIDNEY, Robert Douglas et W. P. J. MILLAR, Inventing Secondary Education: the Rise of the High School in Nineteenth-Century Ontario. Kingston, McGill-Queen's Uni­ versity Press, 1990. xii-411 p. 159 - GUILLET, Edwin C, «Amusement and Social Life in the Rural Districts», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 37-49. 160 - HERRESHOFF, Jessie Kennedy, Letters of John Gait: the Canadian Years. Thèse de Ph.D., Wayne State University, 1988. x-415 p. Résumé dans: Dissertation Abstracts International, 50,2 (août 1989): 524-A. 630 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

161 - JAMESON, Anna Brownell, Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1990. 549 p. Postface par Clara Thomas. 162 - JONES, Elwood, «Churches and Congregations», Alan L. HAYES, By Grace Co­ workers: Building the Anglican Diocese of Toronto 1780-1989. Toronto, Anglican Book Centre, 1989, 321-332. 163 - JONES, Elwood, «Reaching Out for Two Hundred Years: Church Growth and Church Extension, 1780-1989», Alan L. HAYES, By Grace Co-Workers: Building the Anglican Diocese of Toronto 1780-1989. Toronto, Anglican Book Centre, 1989,141- 162. 164 - KATZ, Michael B., «The People of a Canadian City: 1851-1852», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 385-407. (Hamilton) 165 - KAYS, Alexander Gordon, Upper Canada Gleanings. Ayr, A. G. Keys, 1990. 3 vol. 29 p., 36 p., 23 p. (Hôtellerie) 166 - LOCKWOOD, Glenn J., Eastern Upper Canadian Perceptions of Irish Immigrants, 1824- 1868. Thèse de Ph.D. (histoire), University of Ottawa, 1988. xxviii-445 p. 167 - McCALLUM, John C. P., «Urban and Commercial Development until 1850», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 348-367. 168 - McKENNA, Katherine M. J., «The Role of Women in the Establishment of Social Status», Ontario History, 82,3 (sept. 1990): 179-206. 169 - Militia Roll, 11 May 1826. Brantford, Brant County Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society [1990?]. 4 p. 170 - PHILLIPS, Glen C, Sarnia: a Picture History of the Imperial City. Sarnia, Iron Gate Pub., 1990. 112 p. 171 - READ, Colin Frederick, The Rebellion of 1837 in Upper Canada. Ottawa, Canadian Historical Association, 1988. 29 p. 172 - RHODES, John, L. K. RUTLEDGE et Nancy POPE, A Community on the Thames: a Pictorial History of Chatham s Business and Industry. Chatham, J. Rhodes Specialty Advertising, 1987. 151 p. 173 - RIDGWAY, Isabelle, Sailing Out of Niagara - since 1833: a History of the Basin. [Niagara-on-the-Lake], Niagara-on-the-Lake Sailing Club, 1989. 48 p. 174 - SEIBEL, George Alfred et Olive M. SEIBEL, The Niagara Portage Road: a History of the Portage on the West Bank of the Niagara River. Niagara Falls, City of Niagara Falls, 1990. x-370 p. 175 - SHEPPARD, George, «Deeds Speak: Militiamen, Medals, and the Invented Traditions of 1812», Ontario History, 82,3 (sept. 1990): 207-232. 176 - SPRAGGE, Shirley, «Managing the Household of Faith: Administration and Finance, 1780-1867», Alan L. HAYES, By Grace Co-Workers: Building the Anglican Diocese of Toronto 1780-1989. Toronto, Anglican Book Centre, 1989, 219-257. 177 - Talbot Tour II, Geranium Walk XV, Sunday, June 5, 1988, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, London Region Branch [1988?]. 18 p. 178 - The Warwick Volunteers Pay List, 1838. Sarnia, Lambton Co. Branch, O. G. S. [1989?]. 8 p. 179 - THOMPSON, Frances, Policing the Irish: Conflict and Culture in Bytown, 1835-1837. Thèse de M.A. (criminologie), University of Ottawa, 1987. vii-257 p. 180 - VAN SLYKE, Dorothy, Forest, River, Early Settlers: a Little History of Early Settlement of the Area Now Within the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario, to the Year 1800. Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls Heritage Foundation, 1990. 27 p.

VOIR AUSSI: 10; 12; 13; 138; 149; 151. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 631


181 - BASQUE, Garnet, Lost Bonanzas of Western Canada. Langley, Sunfire Publications, 1988. 160 p. 182 - CARELESS, J. M. S., «The Business Community in the Early Development of Victoria, British Columbia», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 473-492. 183 - EARL, Marjorie, Torch on the Prairies: a Portrait of Journalism in Manitoba, 1859- 1988. [Winnipeg, Nor'Westers, 1988]. 126 p. 184 - GOUGH, Barry M., «The Character of the British Columbia Frontier», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 492-503. 185 - HAMELIN, Louis-Edmond, «Barren Grownds - terres stériles: géographie et termi­ nologie», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989,201- 210. 186 - KAHRER, Anna Gabrielle, Logging and Landscape Change on the North Shore of Burrard Inlet, British Columbia, I860's to 1930's. Thèse de M.A. (géographie), University of British Columbia, 1988. viii-158 p. 187 - MacEWAN, Grant, Grant MacEwan's West: Sketches from the Past. Saskatoon, Western Producer Prairie Books, 1990. ix-190 p. 188 - MISHLER, Craig, «Missionaries in Collision: Anglicans and Oblates Among the Gwich'in, 1861-65», Arctic, 43,2 (juin 1990): 121-126. 189 - MOW AT, Farley, Coppermine Journey: an Account of a Great Adventure: Selected from the Journals of Samuel Hearne. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1990. 162 p. (Samuel Hearne) 190 - PATERSON, Tomas William et Garnet BASQUE, Ghost Towns & Mining Camps of Vancouver Island. Langley, Sunfire Publications, 1989. 104 p. 191 - PAYNE, Michael, «The Sports, Games, Recreations, and Pastimes of the Fur Traders: Leisure at York Factory», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 50-77. 192 - PILON, Jean-Luc, «VIHTR'IITSRHIK: a Stone Quarry Reported by Alexander Mackenzie on the Lower Mackenzie River en 1789», Arctic, 43,3 (sept. 1990): 251- 261. 193 - ROY, Patricia E., A White Man's Province: British Columbia Politicians and Chinese and Japanese Immigrants, 1858-1914. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1989. xvii-327 p. 194 - SEYERS, Linda, Faunal Analysis of Upper Fort Garry: Social and Economic Implications. Thèse de M.A. (anthropologie), University of Manitoba, 1988. 113 p. 195 - SHEPARD, Michael Perry, The Commercial Harvest of Salmon in British Columbia, 1820-1877. Vancouver, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 1989. vi-39 p. 196 - SPRAGUE, D. N., «The Red River Setdement to 1869», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 457-471.

VOIR AUSSI: 4; 7; 9; 11; 17; 21; 29; 30; 32; 36; 37.


197 - AFZA, Talat, The U.S.-Canadian Auto Pact of 1965: a Case Study of Sectoral Trade Liberalization. Thèse de Ph.D. (économique), Wayne State University, 1988. ix-144 p. Résumé dans: Dissertation Abstracts International, 50,2 (août 1989): 500-A. 198 - ALLARD, Jean et Serge BERNIER, The Memoirs of General Jean V. Allard. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press, 1988. 366 p. 632 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

199 - «An Open Letter from Capt. Talbot Papineau to Mr. Henri Bourassa», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 331-340. 200 - ARNTZEN, Sonja, «The Birds Don't Sing the Same: Nature in Pre-Modern Japanese Poetry and Modern Canadian Poetry», Kinya TSURUTA et Theodore W. GOOSSEN, Nature and Identity in Canadian and Japanese Literature. Toronto, University of Toronto, York University, Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1988, 53-67. 201 - ARONSEN, Lawrence et Martin KITCHEN, The Origins of the Cold War in Comparative Perspective: American, British and Canadian Relations with the Soviet Union, 1841- 48. Londres, Macmillan, 1988. 232 p. 202 - BERGER, Carl, «Imperialism and Nationalism, 1884-1914: a Conflict in Canadian Thought», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 168-175. 203 - BORDESSA, Mari, «Hugh Maclennan's Landscapes: Literary Renditions of a Northern Environment», Jorn CARLSEN et Bengt STREIJFFERT, Essays in Canadian Literature. Lund, Nordic Association for Canadian Studies, 1989, 19-30. 204 - BOTHWELL, Robert, Loring Christie: the Failure of Bureaucratic Imperialism. New York, Garland Pub., 1988. 415 p. 205 - BOYANOSKI, Christine, Permeable Border: Art of Canada and the United States 1920- 1940. Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, 1989. ix-70 p. 206 - BRASK, Per K., «The Development of the Canadian Monodrama: a Dramaturgical Perspective», Jorn CARLSEN et Bengt STREIJFFERT, Essays in Canadian Literature. Lund, Nordic Association for Canadian Studies, 1989, 31-42. 207 - BRETON, Raymond, «The Effects of Institutions in Ethnic Communities», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 280-291. 208 - BRIMELOW, Peter, The Patriot Game: Canada and the Canadian Question Revisited. Toronto, Key Porter Books, 1986. 310 p. 209 - BROWN, Robert Craig, «The Nationalism of the National Policy», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 36-43. 210 - BRYM, Robert, «Canada's Regions and Agrarian Radicalism», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 121-131. 211 - CADIEUX, Hélène, Répertoire numérique détaillé du fonds de la Fédération des francophones hors Québec. Ottawa, Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne- française, Université d'Ottawa, 1989. xiii-298 p. 212 - CAHILL, Sean Andrew, Concentration and Costs in Canadian Food Manufacturing Industries, 1961-1982. Thèse de M.Sc. (économique), University of British Columbia, 1986. ix-212 p. 213 - Canadian Government Publications: Catalogue/Publications du gouvernement canadien: catalogue - 1955-1969. [Toronto], Micromedia [1988?]. 107 microfiches. 214 - Canadian Government Publications: Catalogue/Publications du gouvernement canadien: catalogue - 1974-1976. [Toronto], Micromedia [1989?]. 19 microfiches. 215 - CARROLL, William K., «Dependency, Imperialism and the Capitalist Class», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 164-178. 216 - CASSIDY, Frank, «Aboriginal Governments in Canada: an Emerging Field of Study», Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science, 23,1 (mars 1990): 73-99. 217 - CHAMPAGNE, Christian-L., L'industrie québécoise du textile: évolution des facteurs de concurrence et de productivité. [Québec], Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce, 1986. xiii-111 p. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 633

218 - CLEMENT, Wallace, «Public and Private Power», James CURTIS et Lorne TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 233-241. 219 - COATES, Kenneth S., «The Federal Government and the Economie Development of the Yukon Territory: Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Northern Development», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 105-122. 220 - COOK, Terry, «Paper Trails: a Study in Northern Records and Northern Administration, 1898-1958», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 13- 35. 221 - CORAK, Miles Raymond, La durée du chômage et la dynamique de l'adaptation du secteur du travail: résultats paramétriques obtenus à partir de l'Enquête sur l'acti­ vité annuelle au Canada, 1978-1980, 1982-1985. [Ottawa], Conseil économique du Canada, 1990. xiii-13 p. 222 - CRAIGH, Terrance, «The Literature of Immigrants», Jorn CARLSEN et Bengt STREIJFFERT, Essays in Canadian Literature. Lund, Nordic Association for Canadian Studies, 1989, 43-50. 223 - DALES, John H., «Canada's National Policies», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 43-55. 224 - DA VIES, Gordon, An Economic Analysis of Canadian Participation in the North Atlantic Air Transport Market, 1947-1986. Thèse de Ph.D., University of Manitoba, 1989. xv-472 p. Résumé dans: Dissertation Abstracts International, 49,11 (mai 1989): 3457-A. 225 - DAVIS, Arthur K., «Canada as Hinterland Versus Metropolis», James CURTIS et Lorne TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 141-152. 226 - DI NORCIA, Vincent, «Communications, Time and Power: an Innisian View», Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science, 23,2 (juin 1990): 335-357. (Au sujet de Harold Innis et de ses travaux d'économie politique qui ouvrirent la voie à une théorie politique des communications). 227 - DOW, Alexander C, «Metal Mining and Canadian Economy Development to 1939», Business History, 32,3 (juillet 1990): 141-161. 228 - DRUMMOND, Ian, «Writing About Economies», John SCHULTZ, Writing About Canada: a Handbook for Modem Canadian History. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 27-45. 229 - DRYDEN, Ken, «Canadian Hockey», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 109-186. 230 - EAYRS, James, «A Low Dishonest Decade: Aspects of Canadian External Policy, 1931- 1939», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 488-505. 231 - EGGLESTON, Stephen David, Party Cohesion in the Early Post-Confederation Period. Thèse de M.A. (science politique), University of British Columbia, 1988. vii-92 p. 232 - ENGLISH, John, Shadow of Heaven: the Life of Lester Pearson. Vol. 1: 1897-1948. Toronto, Lester & Orpen Dennys, 1989. 414 p. 233 - ENGLISH, John R., «Getting on in the World», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 483-488. (Relations internationales) 234 - EVANS, Allan S. et I. L. MARTINELLO, Us cent ans du Canada. Toronto, McGraw- Hill Ryerson, 1990. xv-415 p. 235 - FENWICK, Rudy, Canadian Society. Washington, Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, 1989. 49 p. 634 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

236 - FISHER, Douglas, «A Hockey Series that Challenged Canadians' View of Themselves», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 281-292. 237 - FLETCHER, Frederick J. et Martha FLETCHER, «Federalism and Communication Policy: Communications and Confederation Revisited», David P. SHUGARMAN et Reg WHITAKER, Federalism and Political Community: Essays in Honour of Donald Smiley. Peterborough, Broadview Press, 1989, 385-405. 238 - FORTIER, Louis, Le Canada et la sécurité du Pacifique: de 1970 à aujourd'hui. Thèse de M.A., Université Uval, 1988. x-129 p. 239 - FREEMAN, Kenneth et al., The Growth and Performance of the Canadian Transcon­ tinental Railways, 1956-1981. Vancouver, Centre for Transportation Studies, University of British Columbia, 1987. xix-345 p. 240 - GOLDIE, Mary Lorraine, Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Nuclear Arms Control: Canadian Approaches to the Nuclear World, 1978-84. Thèse de M.A. (science politique), University of British Columbia, 1988. vi-319 p. 241 - GOOSSEN, Theodore W., «Instinct and Harmony in the Animal Stories of Charles G. D. Roberts and Naoya Shiga», Kinya TSURUTA et Theodore W. GOOSSEN, Nature and Identity in Canadian and Japanese Literature. Toronto, University of Toronto, York University, Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1988, 35-51. 242 - GORHAM, Deborah, «Singing Up the Hill», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 267-286. (Suffragettes) 243 - GOYDER, John C. et James CURTIS, «The Jobs of Fathers, Sons and Grandsons», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 351-358. 244 - GRANATSTEIN, J. L., «Canada and Peacekeeping: Image and Reality», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 505-516. 245 - GRANATSTEIN, J. L., Canada's War: the Politics of the Mackenzie King Government, 1939-1945. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990. xv-436 p. 246 - GRANATSTEIN, J. L. et al., Nation: Canada since Confederation. Toronto, McGraw- Hill Ryerson, 1986, 1990. viii-567 p. 247 - GRANT, Shelagh D., «Northern Nationalists: Visions of a New North, 1940-1950», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 47-70. 248 - GREENE, Ian, «Conflict of Interest and the Canadian Constitution: an Analysis of Conflict of Interest Rules for Canadian Cabinet Ministers», Revue canadienne de science politique)'Canadian Journal of Political Science, 23,2 (juin 1990): 233-256. 249 - Guts, Greed, and Glory: a Visual History of Modern Canadian Business. Toronto, Summerhill Press, 1988. 207 p. 250 - HAMILTON, Albert Charles, Northrop Frye: Anatomy of his Criticism. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990. xv-294 p. 251 - HANN, Robert G. et William G. HARMAN, Full Parole Release: an Historical Descriptive Analysis. [Ottawa], Solicitor General Canada, Ministry Secretariat, 1986. N.p. 252 - HARRIS, Ruth Lynnette, The Transformation of Canadian Policies and Programs to Recruit Foreign Labor: the Case of Caribbean Female Domestic Workers, 1950's- 1980's. Thèse de Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1989. xi-322 p. Résumé dans: Dissertation Abstracts International, 50,3 (sept. 1989): 792-A. 253 - HART-DAVIS, Duff, In Royal Service: the Letters and Journals of Sir Alan Lascelles, 1920-1936, volume II. London, Hamish Hamilton, 1989. xii-212 p. 254 - HELLYER, Paul, Damn the Torpedoes: my Fight to Unify Canada's Armed Forces. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1990. xi-306 p. 255 - HERON, Craig, «Male Image-Earners and the State in Canada», Michael EARLE, Workers and the State in Twentieth Century Nova Scotia. Fredericton, Acadiensis Press, 1989, 241-264. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 635

256 - HERON, Craig, «The Second Industrial Revolution in Canada, 1890-1930», Deian R. HOPKIN et Gregory S. KEALEY, Class, Community and the Labour Movement: Wales and Canada, 1850-1930. S.I., LLAFUR/CCLH, 1989, 48-66. 257 - Historical Statistics on Canada Pension Plant'Statistiques chronologiques sur le Régime de pensions du Canada. [Ottawa], Health and Welfare Canada/Santé et Bien-être social Canada, 1986. xxii-324 p. 258 - Historical Statistics on Old Age SecuritylStatistiques chronologiques sur la sécurité de la vieillesse. [Ottawa], Health and Welfare Canada/Santé et Bien-être social Canada, 1986. xvii-119p. 259 - HOBERG, George Jr., «Risk, Science and Politics: Alachlor Regulation in Canada and the United States», Revue canadienne de science politique/Canadian Journal of Political Science, 23,2 (juin 1990): 257-277. 260 - HOWELL, David et Peter LINDSAY, «Social Gospel and the Young Boy Problem 1895- 1925», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 220-233. 261 - HUTCHINSON, Roger, «Witnessing Against War: Peacemaking in the Changing Canadian Context», Wesley CRAGG, Laurent LAROUCHE et Gertrud JARON LEWIS, Challenging the Conventional: Essays in Honour of Ed Newbery. Burlington, Trinity Press, 1989, 168-182. 262 - ION, A. Hamish, The Cross and the Rising Sun: the Canadian Protestant Missionary Movement in the Japanese Empire, 1872-1931. Waterloo, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1990. xxviii-276 p. 263 - JANSEN, Clifford John, Italians in a Multicultural Canada. Lewiston, E. Mellen Press, 1988. vii-235 p. 264 - KEALEY, Gregory S., «The Parameters of Class Conflict Strikes in Canada, 1891-1930», Deian R. HOPKIN et Gregory S. KEALEY, Class, Community and the Labour Movement: Wales and Canada, 1850-1930. S.I., LLAFUR/CCLH, 1989, 213-248. 265 - KEALEY, Gregory S., «Writing About Labour», John SCHULTZ, Writing About Canada: a Handbook for Modern Canadian History. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 145-174. 266 - KEALEY, Linda, «No Special Protection. No Sympathy: Women's Activism in the Canadian Labour Revolt of 1919», Deian R. HOPKIN et Gregory S. KEALEY, Class, Community and the Labour Movement: Wales and Canada, 1850-1930. S.I., LLAFUR/CCLH, 1989, 134-160. 267 - KIDD, Bruce, «We Must Maintain a Balance Between Propaganda and Serious Athletics: the Workers' Sport Movement in Canada, 1924-36», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 247-264. 268 - LAFORTUNE, Gaétan, Chômage classique, chômage keynésien: discussion théorique et vérification empirique, Canada, 1971-1986. Thèse de M.A. (économique), Université de Sherbrooke, 1988. 123 p. 269 - LAWRENCE, Hal, A Bloody War: one Man's Memories of the Canadian Navy, 1939- 1945. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1990. viii-193 p. 270 - LEBLANC, Gisèle, La mentalité Main Street dans le roman canadien, 1940 à 1980: hypocrisie, matérialisme et appauvrissement culturel. Thèse de M.A., Université de Moncton, 1988. xxii-230 p. 271 - LeGOFF, Jean-Pierre et Thérèse TROTTIER, Aides financières directes et politique industrielle du gouvernement du Canada: 1960-1985. Montréal, École des hautes études commerciales, 1989. 21-2 p. 272 - LEVITT, Joseph, «Henri Bourassa on Imperialism and Biculturalism, 1900-1918», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 175-189. 273 - LIND, Christopher J. L., Ethics and Economics in the Anglican Church of Canada and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1971-1983. Thèse de Ph.D., Univer­ sity of St.Michael's College, 1988. 248 p. 636 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

274 - LINDSTROM-BEST, Varpu, «Canadian Mining Towns: a Photo-Montage», Deian R. HOPKIN et Gregory S. KEALEY, Class, Community and the Labour Movement: Wales and Canada, 1850-1930. S.I., LLAFUR/CCLH, 1989, 199-212. 275 - LUCAS, Rex, «The One-Industry Community», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 111-120. 276 - MARCHAK, M. Patricia, «Regions and Nationalism», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 191-201. 277 - MARSDEN, Lorna, «Social Change and Canada's Regional Federation», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 184-190. 278 - MARSHALL, Katherine, «Women in Male-Dominated Professions», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 406-413. 279 - MARTIN, Fred V., «Federal and Provincial Responsibility in the Metis Settlements of Alberta», David C. HAWKES, Aboriginal Peoples and Government Responsibility: Exploring Federal and Provincial Roles. Ottawa, Carleton University Press, 1989, 243-296. 280 - McFADDEN, Fred, et ai, Canada, the Twentieth Century. Markham, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 1990. 384 p. 281 - McINTOSH, Dave, High Blue Battle. Toronto, Stoddart, 1990. x-178 p. (Guerre 1939- 1945) 282 - McLAREN, Angus, «A Motherhood Issue», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 286-290. (Contraception) 283 - McROBERTS, Kenneth, «Making Canada Bilingual: Illusions and Delusions of Federal Language Policy», David P. SHUGARMAN et Reg WHITAKER, Federalism and Political Community: Essays in Honour of Donald Smiley. Peterborough, Broadview Press, 1989, 141-171. 284 - MICHAUD, Nelson, La carrière politique fédérale d'Esioff-Léon Patenaude, 1915-1926, ou, L'affirmation continue du nationalisme canadien. Thèse de M.A., Université Laval, 1988. 249 p. 285 - MILLER, James R., «Unity/Diversity: the Canadian Experience: from Confederation to the First War», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 156-166. 286 - MORRISS, William E., Chosen Instrument: a History of the Canadian Wheat Board, the Mclvor Years. Edmonton, Reidmore Books, 1987. xi-292 p. 287 - MORROW, Don, «A Case Study in Amateur Conflict: the Athletic War in Canada, 1906- 08», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 201-219. 288 - «Mr. Bourassa's Reply to Capt. Talbot Papineau's Letter», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 340-348. 289 - NAIR, K. R. G., The Pattern of Regional Change in the Canadian Economy. [Ottawa], University of Ottawa, 1988. 31 p. 290 - NIXSON, P. G., «The Politics of Government Research», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 3746. 291 - NORTON, Wayne Reid, The Imperial Colonisation Board: British Administration on the Canadian Prairies, 1888-1909. Thèse de M.A. (histoire), University of British Columbia, 1988. iv-154 p. 292 - NTIEYONG AKPAN, Grace E., The Living Tree: a Study of Constitutional Developments in Canada and Nigeria with Particular Reference to the Development of Executive BIBLIOGRAPHIE 637

Powers Under the Parliamentary System in Canada and the Different Systems that Have Operated in Nigeria. Thèse de L.L.M., University of Ottawa, 1988. viii-141 p. 293 - ORNSTEIN, Michael, «The Political Ideology of Canadian EUtes», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 242-252. 294 - OWRAM, Doug, «Writing About Ideas», John SCHULTZ, Writing About Canada: a Handbook for Modern Canadian History. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 47-70. 295 - PALMER, Howard D., «Reluctant Hosts: Anglo-Canadian Views of Multiculturalism in the Twentieth Century», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 192-210. 296 - PERIN, Roberto, «Writing About Ethnicity», John SCHULTZ, Writing About Canada: a Handbook for Modern Canadian History. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 201-230. 297 - PORTER, John, «A Single Elite or Multiple Elites?», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 228-232. 298 - PORTER, John, «Ethnicity and Social Class», James CURTIS et Lome TEPPERMAN, Images of Canada: the Sociological Tradition. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 271-279. 299 - PRENTICE, Alison Leeds et al.t «The «Bren Gun Girl» and the Housewife Heroine», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 440-462. 300 - RABOY, Marc, Missed Opportunities: the Story of Canada's Broadcasting Policy. Montréal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 1990. xvi-471 p. 301 - REGEHR, T. D., The Beauharnois Scandal: a Story of Canadian Entrepreneurship and Politics. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990. 234 p. 302 - REID, John G., «Writing About Regions», John SCHULTZ, Writing About Canada: a Handbook for Modern Canadian History. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 71-96. 303 - ROGERS, Catherine Mary Ann, Murder by Slander?: a Re-Examination of the E. H. Norman Case. Thèse de M.A. (science politique), University of British Columbia, 1988. v-129 p. 304 - RUTHERFORD, Paul, When Television Was Young: Primetime Canada 1952-1967. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990. xv-637 p. 305 - SARTY, Roger et Brereton GREENHOUS, «The Great War», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 325-331. 306 - SCANTLAND, Anna Cécile, Study of Historical Injustice to Japanese Canadians: Text & Bibliography. Vancouver, Parallel Publishers, 1990. 397 p. 307 - SCHURMAN, Donald, «Writing About War», John SCHULTZ, Writing About Canada: a Handbook for Modern Canadian History. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 231-250. 308 - SCULLY, Angus L., Carl F. SMITH et Daniel J. McDEVITT, Le Canada contemporain. Montréal, Éditions de la Chenelière, 1990. xx-457 p. 309 - SIMEON, Richard, «We Are All Smiley's People: some Observations on Donald Smiley and the Study of Federalism», David P. SHUGARMAN et Reg WHITAKER, Federalism and Political Community: Essays in Honour of Donald Smiley. Peter­ borough, Broadview Press, 1989, 409-421. 310 - SIMEON, Richard et Ian ROBINSON, State, Society, and the Development of Canadian Federalism. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990. xvii-381 p. 311 - SMITH, D. E., «Broadcasting in the Federation: National Power, Divided Purpose», David P. SHUGARMAN et Reg WHITAKER, Federalism and Political Community: Essays in Honour of Donald Smiley. Peterborough, Broadview Press, 1989, 361-383. 638 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

312 - SOCKNAT, Thomas P., «Canada's Liberal Pacifists and the Great War», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 348-363. 313 - SPRAGUE, Douglas Neil, Post-Confederation Canada: the Structure of Canadian History since 1867. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990. xi-484 p. 314 - STEVENSON, Garth, «The Origins of Co-Operative Federalism», David P. SHUGARMAN et Reg WHITAKER, Federalism and Political Community: Essays in Honour of Donald Smiley. Peterborough, Broadview Press, 1989, 7-31. 315 - STRAHLENDORF, Evelyn Robson, Dolls of Canada: Reference Guide. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990. viii-421 p. 316 - STRONG-BOAG, Veronica Jane, «Growing Up Female», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 290-322. 317 - STRONG-BOAG, Veronica, «Writing About Women», John SCHULTZ, Writing About Canada: a Handbook for Modern Canadian History. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 175-200. 318 - STRUTHERS, James Edward, «Canadian Unemployment Policy in the 1930s», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 424-437. 319 - SWAINSON, Donald, «Canada Annexes the West: Colonial Status Confirmed», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 82-101. 320 - TAYLOR, Graham, «Writing About Business», John SCHULTZ, Writing About Canada: a Handbook for Modern Canadian History. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 121-143. 321 - TAYLOR, Malcolm G., «Health Insurance: the Roller-Coaster in Federal Provincial Relations», David P. SHUGARMAN et Reg WHITAKER, Federalism and Political Community: Essays in Honour of Donald Smiley. Peterborough, Broadview Press, 1989, 79-92. 322 - THOMPSON, John, «Writing About Rural Life and Agriculture», John SCHULTZ, Writing About Canada: a Handbook for Modern Canadian History. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990, 97-119. 323 - THOMPSON, John Herd et Allan SEAGER, «The Conumdrum of Culture: Sport», Morris MOTT, Sports in Canada: Historical Readings. Toronto, Copp Clark Pitman, 1989, 265-270. 324 - TSURUTA, Kinya, «Yasunari Kawabata's the Sound of the Mountain and Margaret Laurence's the Stone Angel», Kinya TSURUTA et Theodore W. GOOSSEN, Nature and Identity in Canadian and Japanese Literature. Toronto, University of Toronto, York University, Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1988, 69-85. 325 - TSURUTA, Kinya et Theodore W. GOOSSEN, Nature and Identity in Canadian and Japanese Literature. Toronto, University of Toronto, York University, Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1988. x-176 p. 326 - TURCOTTE, Emile, Part-Time Labour in Canada from 1955 to 1987: Analysis of Con­ ventional and Modified Definitions and Theoretical Considerations. Thèse de M.A. (sociologie), Concordia University, 1989. vii-144 p. 327 - VIBERT, Dermot Wilson, Canada's Chinese Immigration Policy and Immigration Security, 1947-1953. Thèse de M.A. (géographie), McGill University, 1988. x-153 p. 328 - WEARING, Joseph et Peter WEARING, «Mother's Milk Revisited: the Effect of Foreign Ownership on Political Contributions», Revue canadienne de science politique/ Canadian Journal of Political Science, 23,1 (mars 1990): 115-123. 329 - WEDLEY, John, «The B. C.-Ottawa P. G. E. Talks, 1945-53: Final Chapter in the Struggle for the Peace River Outlet», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 139-156. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 639

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VOIR AUSSI: 3; 16; 20; 21; 25; 27; 31; 33; 39; 40; 73; 74; 75; 76; 77; 79; 81; 82; 83; 84; 86; 87; 89; 90; 91.


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497 - PARISH, Charles Carlin, Queen of the Mist: the Story of Annie Edson Taylor, First Person Ever to Go over Niagara Falls and Survive. Interlaken, Empire State Books, 1987. 148 p. 498 - PARR, Joy, The Gender of Breadwinners: Women, Men, and Change in Two Industrial Towns, 1880-1950. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990. xiii-314 p. (Paris et Hanover) 499 - PEAKE, Frank A., «Taught in Christ: Christian Education in the Diocese of Toronto», Alan L. HAYES, By Grace Co-Workers: Building the Anglican Diocese of Toronto 1780-1989. Toronto, Anglican Book Centre, 1989, 261-286. 500 - PHILLIPS, David, Treats of the Depression Days. London, Phelps Pub., 1989. 59 p. 501 - ROOKE, Elizabeth et Dorothea A. SPRUNG, Growth of a Legend: a History ofCFUW- KWs Book Sale. Kitchener, Canadian Federation of University Women, Kitchener and Waterloo, 1989. 23 p. 502 - RUGGLE, Richard E., «The Saints in the Land: 1867-1939», Alan L. HAYES, By Grace Co-Workers: Building the Anglican Diocese of Toronto 1780-1989. Toronto, Anglican Book Centre, 1989, 187-216. 503 - SAFARIK, Allan, Quotations from Chairman Ballard. Vancouver, Pulp Press, 1989. 95 p. 504 - SAINTINK, Joy L., Timothy Eaton and the Rise of his Department Store. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990. xii-319 p. 505 - SAVAGE, Peggy, To Serve with Honour: the Story of StJoseph's Hospital, Hamilton, 1890-1990. Toronto, Dundurn Press, 1990. 157 p. 506 - SIMMONS, Harvey Gerald, Unbalanced: Mental Health Policy in Ontario, 1930-1988. Toronto, Wall & Thompson, 1990. xvi-280 p. 507 - SNELL, George B., «The Anglican Congress of 1963», Alan L. HAYES, By Grace Co­ workers: Building the Anglican Diocese of Toronto 1780-1989. Toronto, Anglican Book Centre, 1989, 287-292. 508 - STARRS, Roy, «The Novelist as Grand Architect: Yukio Mishima's Sea of Fertility and Robertson Davies' Dcptfort Trilogy», Kinya TSURUTA et Theodore W. GOOSSEN, Nature and Identity in Canadian and Japanese Literature. Toronto, University of Toronto, York University, Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1988, 109-125. 509 - StJoseph's Hospital, 1890-1990: Chatham, Ontario: Share the Journey. Chatham, StJoseph's Hospital, 1989. x-148 p. 510 - SWAINSON, Donald, «Ontario and the Rise», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 150-156. 511 - Voters' List of the Township of South Dumfries for the Year 1874. Brantford, Brant County Branch, Ontario Genealogical Societey [1988]. 6 p. 512 - WARSH, Cheryl Lynn KRASNICK, Moments of Unreason: the Practice of Canadian Psychiatry and the Homewood Retreat, 1883-1923. Montréal, McG ill-Queen's University Press, 1989. xiv-279 p. 513 - WEIR, Stephen, The Sinking of the Mayflower: Lost November 12, 1912. Burnstown, General Store Pub. House, 1990. 160 p. 514 - XIANG, Yuanjian, Population Change in Ontario Towns and Villages, 1961-81: an Analysis of Some Influencing Factors. Thèse de M.A. (géographie), University of Windsor, 1988. xi-161 p.

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537 - HUNTER, Robin, «Social Democracy in Alberta: from the CCF to NDP», Larry PRATT, Essays in Honour of Grant Notley: Socialism and Democracy in Alberta. Edmonton, Newest Press, 1986, 57-87. 538 - KEIGHLEY, Sydney Augustus, Renée FOSSETT JONES et David KIRBY RIDDLE, Trader, Tripper, Trapper: the Life of a Bay Man. Winnipeg, Rupert's Land Research Centre in Co-Operation with Watson & Dwyer Pub., 1989. xx-219 p. 539 - KIERNAN, John Edward, Development of the Point Douglas Heritage Park, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Thèse de M.A. (architecture), University of Manitoba, 1988. x-136 p. 540 - LAYCOCK, David Howard, Populism and Democratic Thought in the Canadian Prairies, 1910 to 1945. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990. 369 p. 541 - LEMIEUX, Margaret, Wind in the Sails: the Edmonton Yacht Club, 1923-1981: a History of the Edmonton Yacht Club and Sailing in Alberta from 1923-1981. [Edmonton, s.n., 1989]. 91 p. 542 - MADILL, Dennis, «Riel, Red River, and Beyond: New Developments in Metis History», Colin G. CALLOWAY, New Directions in American Indian History. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 1988, 49-78. 543 - MAKAHONUK, Glen, «Twixt Hammer and Anvil: the 1927 Saskatoon Smithy Workers' Strike», Saskatchewan History, 42,2 (print. 1989): 49-61. 544 - McCULLOUGH, Edward J. et , «Life at Lac La Biche: Letters of W. E. Traill, 1874-1881», Alberta History, 38,4 (aut. 1990): 20-28. 545 - MELNYK, Olenka, «Dreaming a New Jerusalem in the Land of Social Credit: the Struggles of the CCF in Alberta», Larry PRATT, Essays in Honour of Grant Notley: Socialism and Democracy in Alberta. Edmonton, Newest Press, 1986, 40-56. 546 - MORTENSEN, Sandra, The Miriam Mandel Papers: an Inventory of the Archives at the University of Calgary Libraries. Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 1989. xxi- 78 p. 547 - MOWAT, Jeremy, «The Genesis of Western Exceptionalism British Columbia's Hard- Rock Miners, 1895-1903», The Canadian Historical Review, 71,3 (sept. 1990): 317- 345. 548 - ORR, Fay, Harvesting the Flame: the History of Alberta s Natural Gas Cooperatives. Edmonton, Reidmore Books, 1989. xiii-162 p. 549 - OWRAM, Douglas Robb, «The Myth of Louis Riel», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 101-121. 550 - POCKLINGTON, T. C, «Intraparty Democracy and the Alberta NDP», Larry PRATT, Essays in Honour of Grant Notley: Socialism and Democracy in Alberta. Edmonton, Newest Press, 1986, 146-171. 551 - PRATT, Larry, «Grant Notley: Politics as a Calling», Larry PRATT, Essays in Honour of Grant Notley: Socialism and Democracy in Alberta. Edmonton, Newest Press, 1986, 1-39. 552 - RASPORICH, Anthony W., «Early Twentieth-Century Jewish Farm Settlements in Saskatchewan: a Utopian Perspective», Saskatchewan History, 42,1 (hiver 1989): 28- 40. 553 - REMPEL, John D. et William HARMS, Atlas of Original Mennonite Villages and Homesteaders of the East Reserve, Manitoba. Altona, J. Rempel and W. Harms, 1988. vi-25 p. 554 - REMPEL, John D. et William HARMS, Atlas of Original Mennonite Villages, Homesteaders and Some Burial Plots of the Mennonite West Reserve, Manitoba. Altona, J. Rempel and W. Harms, 1990. vi-147-39-5 p. 555 - ROSS, David, «The 1885 North-West Campaign Diary of Lieutenant R. Lyndhurst Wadmore, Infantry School Corps», Saskatchewan History, 42,2 (print. 1989): 62-78. 556 - ROTOFF, Basil, Roman YERENIUK et Stella HRYNIUK, Monuments to Faith: Ukrainian Churches in Manitoba. Winnipeg, University of Manitoba Press, 1990. ix- 197 p. 650 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

557 - SAGE, Walter N., «British Columbia Becomes Canadian (1871-1901)», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 12-22. 558 - SALLOUM, Habeeb, «The Urbanization of an Arab Homesteading Family», Saskat­ chewan History, 42,2 (print. 1989): 79-85. 559 - SCHILLING, Rita, Sudeten in Saskatchewan: a Way to Be Free. St.Walburg, St.Walburg Sudeten German Club; Saskatoon, Saskatchewan German Council, 1989. xviii-194 p. 560 - SEAGER, Allen, «Miners' Struggles in Western Canada: Class, Community, and the Labour Movement, 1890-1930», Deian R. HOPKIN et Gregory S. KEALEY, Class, Community and the Labour Movement: Wales and Canada, 1850-1930. S.I., LLAFUR/CCLH, 1989, 160-198. 561 - SERION, Josefina R., Filipino Pioneers in British Columbia. [Vancouver], Fil-Can Society of Elders, 1990. ii-38 p. 562 - SHAFFER, Ed, «Oil, Class and Development in Alberta», Larry PRATT, Essays in Honour of Grant Notley: Socialism and Democracy in Alberta. Edmonton, Newest Press, 1986, 113-130. 563 - SILVERSIDES, Brock V., «Edgar Rossie: Dean of Saskatchewan Photographers», Saskatchewan History, 42,1 (hiver 1989): 11-27. 564 - Skies Were Filled: a Pictorial Review of Saskatchewan and the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, 1939-1989 [i.e. 1939-19451 Regina, D. Black, 1989. 78 p. 565 - STARK, Stuart, Oak Bay's Heritage Buildings: More than Just Bricks and Boards. Victoria, Hallmark Society, 1988. 122 p. 566 - STEVENSON, Garth, «Class and Class Politics in Alberta», Larry PRATT, Essays in Honour of Grant Notley: Socialism and Democracy in Alberta. Edmonton, Newest Press, 1986, 205-237. 567 - STEWART, Lee Jean, It's Up to You: Women in UBC in the Early Years. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press for the UBC Academic Women's Association, 1990. xii-176 p. 568 - TUPPER, Allan, «Opportunity and Constraint: Grant Notley and the Modern State», Larry PRATT, Essays in Honour of Grant Notley: Socialism and Democracy in Alberta. Edmonton, Newest Press, 1986, 88-112. 569 - WARD, Norman et David SMITH, Jimmy Gardiner: Relentless Liberal. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1990. xi-389 p. 570 - WARD, William Peter, «British Columbia and the Japanese Evacuation», Robert Douglas FRANCIS et Donald Boyd SMITH, Readings in Canadian History: Post Confederation. Toronto, Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada, 1990, 462480.

VOIR AUSSI: 11; 17; 25; 33; 181; 182; 183; 184; 186; 187; 190; 193; 195; 279; 319; 329.


571 - ABEL, Kerry, «Matters Are Growing Worse: Government and the Mackenzie Missions, 1870-1921», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 73- 85. 572 - FLETCHER, Roy J., «Military Radar Defence Lines of Northern North America: an Historical Geography», Polar Record, 26,159 (oct 1990): 265-276. 573 - HARRIS, Burt N., The Short Stakes of Men: the Yukon Legal Profession, 1898-1912. Thèse de M.A. (histoire), University of Calgary, 1988. viii-136 p. 574 - HERBERT, Wally, The Noose of Laurels: Robert E. Peary and the Race to the North Pole. New York, Atheneum, 1989. 395 p. 575 - NICOL, Eric, Dickens of the Mounted: the Astounding Long-Lost Letters of Inspector F. Dickens, NWMP, 1874-1886. Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, 1989. 294 p. 576 - OSCZEVSKI, Randall J., «Frederick Cook's Polar Journey. A Reconstruction», Polar Record, 26,158 (juillet 1990): 225-232. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 651

577 - PAGE, Robert, «The Northern Pipeline Debate of the 1970s: the Observations of an Academic Participant», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 213-223. 578 - PATTIE, Donald L., «A 16 Year Record of Summer Birds on Trelose Lowland, Devon Island, Northwest Territories, Canada», Arctic, 43,3 (sept. 1990): 275-283. 579 - RAY, Delia, Gold!: the Klondike Adventure. New York, Lodestar Books, 1989. 90 p. 580 - STONE, Thomas, «Urbanism, Law and Public Order: a View from the Klondike», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989, 87-104. 581 - WAISER, William A., «Canada Ox, Ovibos, Woolox... Anything but Musk-Ox», Kenneth S. COATES et William R. MORRISON, For Purposes of Dominion: Essays in Honour of Morris Zaslow. North York, Captus Press, 1989,189-199. (V. Stefansson)

VOIR AUSSI: 1; 4; 6; 7; 8; 16; 18; 19; 32; 37; 185; 219; 220; 247; 290.


582 - AUBIN, Paul et Louis-Marie CÔTÉ, Bibliographie de l'histoire du Québec et du Canada 1981 -1985/Bibliography of the History of Quebec and Canada. Québec, Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1990. c-2073 p. 583 - KIRBYSON, Ronald, Peter L. McCREATH et Alan SKEOCH, Discovering Canada, Settling a Land. Teacher's Guide. Scarborough, Prentice-Hall Canada, 1990. vi-104- 197 p.


VOIR AUSSI: 31; 43; 58; 65; 66; 79; 85; 89; 123; 126; 146; 160; 161; 165; 169; 178; 211; 213; 214; 253; 257; 258; 274; 360; 407; 408; 409; 410; 411; 412; 413; 414; 416; 420; 425; 430; 434; 435; 436; 437; 438; 442; 444; 445; 480; 511; 582.


584 - BEAUDOIN, Lynda, France VEILLEUX, Marcelle VEILLEUX et Rénald LESSARD, Répertoire des baptêmes, mariages, sépultures et annotations marginales: paroisse de Saint-Côme de Kennebec, Linière, Beauce, 1871-1986. Sainte-Foy, Société de généalogie de Québec, 1987. vii-443 p. 585 - BÉLANGER, Raymond, Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Saint-Barnabe-Apôtre, Montréal, 1949-1986. Montréal, Centre de généalogie S. C, 1988. 43 p. 586 - BELANGER, Raymond, Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Saint-Mathias-Apôtre, Montréal, 1949-1985. Ottawa, Centre de généalogie S. C, 1987. 69 p. 587 - BÉLANGER, Raymond et Raymond LEBEAU, Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Saint-Pierre-Apôtre, Montréal, 1900-1987. Montréal, Centre de généalogie S. C, 1988. 341 p. 588 - BOILEAU, Pierre, Les anciennes familles Parenteau d'après les mariages de 7 générations depuis 1673: tricentenaire de Pierre-Louis, commun auteur québécois des Parenteau. Montréal, Tapuscrit, 1990. xxxvi-74 p. 589 - BOIVIN, Fernand, Les Boivin. Montréal, Centre de généalogie S. C, 1989. 3 vol. 590 - BOULIANE, Henriette, Répertoire de mariages, paroisse Sainte-Cécile de Montréal, 1911-1986. [Montréal], Société généalogique canadienne-française [1988?]. 431 p. 591 - CHARBONNEAU, Dominique-M., Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Sacré-Cœur, Montréal, 1874-1910. Ottawa, Centre de généalogie S. C, 1987. 309 p. 592 - CLAVEAU, Jean-Charles, L'ancêtre Peter McLeod et sa descendance. Chicoutimi, Éditions Fleur de Lys, 1988. 115 p. 652 REVUE D'HISTOIRE DE L'AMÉRIQUE FRANÇAISE

593 - Cœur-Très-Pur-de-Marie de Plaisance, baptêmes, mariages et sépultures, 1901-1985. Hull, Société de généalogie de FOutaouais, 1988. 163-95-63 p. 594 - COMEAU, Thérèse, Jean-Guy ROY et Michel BEAULIEU, Répertoire des mariages, série région de Matane: Malane et Est de Matane. Matane, Société d'histoire et de généalogie de Matane, 1989, 1990. 2 vol., 370 p., 341 p. 595 - COUTU, Jean-Guy, Claire GÉLINAS-BEAUSOLEIL et François HARNOIS, Répertoire baptêmes, mariages, sépultures et annotations, Saint-Edmond, comté de Berthier, 1889-1988. [Joliette], Société de généalogie de Lanaudière [1989]. xii-49-27-29-32 p. 596 - DÉSORMEAUX, Guy, Recensements de Portland, 1861-1891. Hull, Société de généa­ logie de TOutaouais, 1989. xiii-139 p. 597 - FORGET-BRISSETTE, Berthe, Baptêmes et décès Saint-Sauveur des Monts, 1853-1910. La Fontaine, B. Forget-Brissette [1989?]. 2 vol. 598 - FORGET-BRISSETTE, Berthe, St-Jérôme: baptêmes, 1837-[1876J. [La Fontaine], B. Forget-Brissette [1989?]. 6 vol. 599 - GAGNON, Antonio, «La descendance de Jean Gaignon et de Marguerite Bochard/ Bouchard», L'estuaire généalogique, 11,34 (avril-mai-juin 1990): 780-785. 600 - GRONDIN, Lise et Noëlla DESCÔTEAUX, Répertoire des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures de la paroisse Saint-Michel-des-Forges, Trois-Rivières, comté de Saint- Maurice, 1920-1982. Trois-Rivières, Société de généalogie de la Mauricie et des Bois-Francs, 1987. vi-292 p. 601 - HOULE, Hubert-A., Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Saint-Henri de Montréal, 1868-1910. Ottawa, Centre de généalogie S. C, 1987. 413 p. 602 - LAFRENIÈRE, Yvette, Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Ste-Philomène, ville de Mercier, 1840-1987. [Mercier, Fabrique de la paroisse Ste-Philomène, 1989?]. 199 p. 603 - LÉGER, Jean-Pierre, Essai généalogique a" une famille Léger, 1685-1985. Vol. 1. St- Jérôme, Généalogie et histoire des familles Léger, 1990. 109 p. 604 - LÉGER, Jean-Pierre, Répertoire des baptêmes, mariages et sépultures de St-Pie X du Lac Supérieur, de 1981 à 1988. St-Jérôme, Généalogie et histoire des familles Léger [1989?]. 26 p. 605 - LÉGER, Ronald, Mariages de la paroisse Sainte-Cécile de Montréal, 1911-1987. Saint- Jean-sur-Richelieu, R. Léger, 1988. 389 p. 606 - LEPAGE-THÉRIAULT, Solange, Lucille THÉRIAULT-LAJEUNESSE et Denise BAILLARGEON, Répertoire Saint-Côme, 1867-1988: baptêmes, mariages, sépul­ tures, annotations marginales. Joliette, Société de généalogie de Lanaudière, 1989. xii-197-93-83-81 p. 607 - LEVASSEUR, Joseph-Fernand-Adrien, Pierre Levasseur dit Lespérance et la première génération en Nouvelle-France. Longueuil, J.-F.-A. Levasseur, 1989. 104 p. 608 - MARTIN, Gérald, Ralliement international des Martin: compte rendu du premier Ralliement international des Martin. île Perrot, G. Martin, 1988. 292 p. 609 - MÉLANÇON, Thérèse, Répertoire Sainte-Marie-Salomé, 1888-1988: baptêmes, maria­ ges, sépultures, annotations marginales, recensement 1891. Joliette, Société de généalogie de Lanaudière, 1989. 1 vol. 610 - OUIMET, Denis-R., Ascendance généalogique de mes grands-parents. Gatineau, Éditions J.-O. Lemieux, 1988. 4 vol. 611 - PERODEAU, Gérard, Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix de Verdun, 1917-1987. Montréal, Centre de généalogie S. C, 1988. 396 p. 612 - PERODEAU, Gérard, Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Notre-Dame-Auxïliatrice de Verdun, 1939-1987. Montréal, Centre de généalogie S. C, 1988. 226 p. 613 - PERODEAU, Gérard, Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Saint-Jean-de-Matha de Montréal, 1924-1987. Montréal, Centre de généalogie S. C, 1989. 334 p. 614 - PERODEAU, Gérard et Hubert HOULE, Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Saint- Télesphore, LaSalle, 1951-1987. Montréal, Centre de généalogie S. C, 1989. 90 p. 615 - PERODEAU, Gérard et Ronald LÉGER, Mariages de la paroisse Saint-Jean-Bosco de Montréal, 1940-1987. Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, R. Léger, 1988. 158 p. 616 - PERODEAU, Gérard et Ronald LÉGER, Mariages de la paroisse Sainte-Hélène de Montréal, 1902-1971. Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, R. Léger, 1988. 196 p. BIBLIOGRAPHIE 653

617 - PICKERING-LEBLANC, Jean-Normand et Jacques LAMARCHE, Le mémorial Papineau. Montréal, Éditions du Fleuve, 1989. 184 p. 618 - POULIOT, Lorenzo, Répertoire de professionnels Pouliot: les avocats, les chaloupiers, les cultivateurs, les frères enseignants, les médecins, les notaires, les pilotes. Québec, L. Pouliot, 1988. 39 p. 619 - PRÉGENT, Paul-Émile, Décès et sépultures paroisse Immaculée-Con[c]eption de Notre- Dame deBellerive, Salaberry-de-Valleyfteld, cté Beauharnois, 1900-1986. Salaberry- de-Valleyfield, Éditions PEP [1987?]. [174?] p. 620 - PRÉGENT, Paul-Émile, Répertoire des baptêmes de la paroisse Saint-Augustin, Salaberry-de-Valley field, 1962-1988. Valleyfield [i.e. Salaberry-de-Valley field], P.- É. Prégent [1988?]. 63 p. 621 - PRÉGENT, Paul-Émile, Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Saint-Joseph-Artisan, Salaberry-de-Valleyfîeld, cté Beauharnois, 1956-1987. Valleyfield [i.e. Salaberry-de- Valleyfield], P.-É. Prégent [1987?]. 30 p. 622 - Répertoire des mariages des paroisses Saint-Gabriel-Archange, 1964-1984, Saint- Eugène, 1949-1983, Saint-Odilon, 1938-1984 de Cap-de-la-Madeleine, comté de Champlain. Trois-Rivières, Société de généalogie de la Mauricie et des Bois-Francs, 1987. 25-72-122 p. 623 - Répertoire des mariages de la paroisse Saint-Louis-de-France de Montréal, 1888-1925. Ottawa, Centre de généalogie S. C, 1987. 335 p. 624 - ROY, Léon, Guillaume et Jean Pelletier et leurs descendants. Lévis, L. Roy, 1988. xii- 124 p. 625 - SÉGUIN, André, Séguin: histoire et généalogie avec répertoire de mariages. Ottawa, Éditions J.-O. Lcmieux/J.-O. Lemieux Publisher [1990?]. 463 p. 626 - TROTTIER, Gérald, Trottier: les descendants de Charles Trottier, 1873-1987. Lorette- ville, G. Trottier, 1987. 179 p.

VOIR AUSSI: 126; 146; 434.


VOIR: 147; 226; 228; 265; 294; 296; 302; 307; 309; 317; 320; 322; 330.