MONK BRETTON Ward Profile 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS 03 04 Introduction and Purpose Demographics 06 09 Learning Health and Wellbeing Page 13 15 Households Crime 16 17 Internet Access Other Business Improvement & Intelligence Team: BusinessImprovement&
[email protected] 2 Introduction and Purpose Barnsley Council is continuing to change how we work together for a ‘Better Barnsley’. We have ambitious plans to improve and grow as identified in our Corporate Plan for 2017-2020. This sets out what we aim to achieve over the next three years to improve outcomes for our customers and the community as we strive to become more customer focused, modern, efficient and business minded. We're still focused on achieving our three key priorities: Thriving and vibrant economy People achieving their potential Strong and resilient communities We still feel that these areas warrant greater attention, emphasis, and possibly resources, to influence other areas of activity and make the greatest impact overall. The council will concentrate resources to make the most impact by providing services where they are most needed and we'll help people to do more for each other and their community. To do this, we need a solid evidence base to develop effective interventions which will help to achieve a ‘Better Barnsley’. The data within this report are from the latest available as of May 2018. This information is intended to stimulate discussion, debate and action to support Area Councils and Ward Alliances to identify some of their strategic priorities on an area basis and commission services to meet these challenges. This profile compares the Ward with the overall Barnsley figure and that of England where possible.