2836 Nov. 18 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2004

of story that inspires people from every back- in our future. And Americans continued to ground, all over America. In this great Na- like the man that he so clearly liked. tion, it is always possible for a child to go One man’s journey from Hope, Arkansas, as far as their talent and vision can take them. to the White House, the story told in this Visitors to this place will be reminded of the library, is an American story. It’s a story of great promise of our country, and the dreams talent recognized early and lifelong friend- that came true in the life of our 42d Presi- ships and hard work that was rewarded. The dent. The William J. Clinton Presidential Li- boy who shook the hand of John F. Kennedy brary is a gift to the future by a man who in the Rose Garden has shaken the hands always believed in the future. And today we of many young people and inspired them thank him for loving and serving America. with his idealism. And this library will carry God bless. that message into the future. Americans look to our former Presidents NOTE: The President spoke at 12:20 p.m. In his as elder statesmen. In the case of President remarks, he referred to Gov. Mike Huckabee of Clinton, the elder statesman is about one Arkansas and his wife, Janet. month younger than I am. [Laughter] His public service came early, and his service to America has not ended. So on this special Remarks at a Presidential Luncheon afternoon I ask you to join me in a toast: in Little Rock To the past and to the future of our Nation’s November 18, 2004 42d President. God bless you. Thank you all. Mr. President, thank you very much, sir. Senator Clinton and Chelsea, NOTE: The President spoke at 2:20 p.m. in a pavil- Mother and Dad—it works every time when ion at the William J. Clinton Presidential Center I say ‘‘Mother,’’ you know? [Laughter] Presi- and Park. In his remarks, he referred to former President Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico; and former dent Zedillo and Prime Minister Peres and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres of Israel. A tape distinguished guests: Laura and I are really was not available for verification of the content pleased to be with you this afternoon. Thanks of these remarks. for such gracious hospitality. It is our honor to join in dedicating this magnificent library. The tour was fantastic. The people of Arkan- sas are going to love having the library here. The people of America are going to love Digest of Other coming here. It’s really well done. White House Announcements I know many here today were involved in creating this impressive library. I want to thank you for contributing and helping. And The following list includes the President’s public schedule and other items of general interest an- I know many here who served in the adminis- nounced by the Office of the Press Secretary and tration that is chronicled here. All of you not included elsewhere in this issue. were drawn to the talent and the vision and the energy of President Bill Clinton. Today we recognize the first person from November 13 Arkansas to serve as the Chief Executive of In the morning, the President had an intel- our country, the first in his party to win re- ligence briefing. election since Franklin Roosevelt, and a lead- er who filled the White House with energy November 15 and with joy. In the morning, the President had an intel- During 8 eventful years, Bill Clinton ap- ligence briefing and met with the National plied tremendous gifts to the service of this Security Council. country and for the cause of peace, and we’re In the afternoon, in the State Dining grateful for his service. Americans trusted Room, the President hosted a lunch for their future to a man who deeply believed newly elected Members of the House of

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Representatives. Later, he met with Senate to be members of the Board of Directors of Majority Leader Bill Frist and Speaker of the the Corporation for National and Commu- House of Representatives J. Dennis Hastert nity Service. to discuss legislative priorities. The President announced his intention to The President announced his intention to nominate D. Jeffrey Hirschberg and Ken- nominate Jonathan Steven Adelstein to be a neth Y. Tomlinson (Chairman) to be mem- Commissioner of the Federal Communica- bers of the Broadcasting Board of Governors. tions Commission. The President announced his intention to The President announced his intention to appoint John Salamone as a member of the nominate Harold Jennings Creel, Jr., to be Board of Trustees of the Christopher Colum- a Commissioner of the Federal Maritime bus Fellowship Foundation. Commission. The President announced his intention to nominate Patricia Cushwa to be a member of the U.S. Parole Commission. November 16 The President announced his intention to In the morning, the President had separate nominate Michael V. Dunn to be a Commis- sioner of the Commodity Futures Trading telephone conversations with President Commission. Umar Hasan Ahmad al-Bashir of Sudan and The President announced his intention to Dr. John Garang de Mabior, Chairman of nominate Tony Hammond to be a Commis- the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement, to sioner of the Postal Rate Commission. discuss the peace process in Sudan. He also The President announced his intention to had an intelligence briefing. nominate Albert Henry Konetzni, Jr., to be The White House announced that the a member of the Nuclear Regulatory Com- President will visit Ottawa, Canada, from No- mission. vember 30 to December 1 to meet with The President announced his intention to Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada. nominate Dallas Tonsager to be a member The President declared a major disaster in of the Farm Credit Administration Board. Delaware and ordered Federal aid to supple- The President announced his intention to ment State and local recovery efforts in the nominate Raymond Thomas Wagner, Jr., to area struck by severe storms, tornadoes, and be a member of the Internal Revenue Serv- flooding from the remnants of Hurricane ice Oversight Board. Jeanne on September 28 to October 2. The President announced his intention to The President declared a major disaster in nominate Jay T. Snyder to be a member of Alaska and ordered Federal aid to supple- the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Di- ment State and local recovery efforts in the plomacy. area struck by a severe winter storm, tidal The President announced his intention to surges, and flooding on October 18–20. nominate Ernest J. Wilson III to be a mem- ber of the Board of Directors of the Corpora- tion for Public Broadcasting. The President announced his intention to November 17 nominate Sharon Tucker to be a member of In the morning, the President had an intel- the Board of Trustees of the Harry S. Tru- man Scholarship Foundation. ligence briefing. Later, in the Oval Office, The President announced his intention to he had a breakfast meeting with congres- nominate Laurie Stenberg Nichols, Edward sional leaders to discuss legislative priorities. Alton Parrish, and Charles P. Ruch to be At the meeting, he congratulated Senator members of the Board of Trustees of the Harry Reid of Nevada on his selection as new Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence Senate minority leader. in Education Foundation. Later in the morning, the President par- The President announced his intention to ticipated in a photo opportunity with Shauna nominate Jacob Joseph Lew and Mimi Mager Fleming, founder, A Million Thanks.

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In the afternoon, the President met with November 19 members of the Commission on the Intel- In the morning, the President had an intel- ligence Capabilities of the Re- ligence briefing. Later, he and Mrs. Bush garding Weapons of Mass Destruction, who traveled to Santiago, Chile, arriving in the updated him on the Commission’s progress. evening. Later in the afternoon, in the Oval Office, the President and Mrs. Bush presented the awards and the Na- tional Humanities Medal awards. The President announced the following re- Nominations cipients of the National Medal of Arts for Submitted to the Senate 2004: the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, , , Frederick The following list does not include promotions of ‘‘Rick’’ Hart, , John Ruthven, members of the Uniformed Services, nominations , and . to the Service Academies, or nominations of For- The President announced the following re- eign Service officers. cipients of the National Humanities Medal for 2004: Marva Collins, Gertrude Submitted November 16 Himmelfarb, Hilton Kramer, Madeleine L’Engle, Harvey Mansfield, John Searle, Jonathan Steven Adelstein, Shelby Steele, and the U.S. Capitol Histor- of South Dakota, to be a member of the Fed- ical Society. eral Communications Commission for a term The President announced his intention to expiring June 30, 2008 (reappointment). appoint Harriet Miers as Counsel to the President. Harold Jennings Creel, Jr., of South Carolina, to be a Federal Maritime Commissioner for the term expiring June 30, 2009 (reappointment). November 18 Patricia Cushwa, In the morning, the President had an intel- of Maryland, to be a Commissioner of the ligence briefing. Later, he and Mrs. Bush U.S. Parole Commission for a term of 6 traveled to Little Rock, AR. years, vice Janie L. Jeffers. In the afternoon, the President and Mrs. Bush traveled to the Bush Ranch in Michael V. Dunn, Crawford, TX. of Iowa, to be a Commissioner of the Com- The President announced that the fol- modity Futures Trading Commission for the lowing individuals will serve as the leadership remainder of the term expiring June 19, of the 2005 Presidential Inaugural Com- 2006, vice James E. Newsome, resigned. mittee: Jeanne L. Phillips, Chairman, Greg Carolyn L. Gallagher, Jenkins, Executive Director, and Bill and of Texas, to be a Governor of the U.S. Postal Kathy DeWitt, Brad Freeman, and Mercer Service for the remainder of the term expir- and Gabrielle Reynolds, Cochairs. ing December 8, 2005, vice Erensta Ballard, The President announced that the fol- resigned, to which position she was ap- lowing individuals will serve as members of pointed during the last recess of the Senate. the 2005 Presidential Inaugural Finance Committee: Nancy and Rich Kinder, Dawn Louis J. Giuliano, and Al Hoffman, Dawn and Roland Arnall, of New York, to be a Governor of the U.S. Marcie and Bruce Benson, Sue Ellen and Joe Postal Service for a term expiring December Canizaro, Germaine and Jim Culbertson, 8, 2009, vice Albert Casey, to which position Marilyn and Sam Fox, Martha and Dwight he was appointed during the last recess of Schar, and Patty and Roger Williams. the Senate.

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